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Preview Analysis of Rockfall and Blasting Backbreak Problems, US 550, Molas Pass, CO

ARMA/USRMS 05-671 Analysis of Rockfall and Blasting Backbreak Problems, US 550, Molas Pass, CO William C. B. Gates Kleinfelder, Bellevue, Washington, USA L. Ty Ortiz Colorado Department of Transportation, Denver, Colorado, USA Robert M. Florez Colorado Department of Transportation, Denver, Colorado, USA Copyright 2005, ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association This paper was prepared for presentation at Alaska Rocks 2005, The 40th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS): Rock Mechanics for Energy, Mineral and Infrastructure Development in the Northern Regions, held in Anchorage, Alaska, June 25-29, 2005. This paper was selected for presentation by a USRMS Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted earlier by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by ARMA/USRMS and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of USRMS, ARMA, their officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of ARMA is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was presented. ABSTRACT: Molas Pass is located in Southwestern Colorado on US 550. In August 2003, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) began a rockfall mitigation project to alleviate potential dangers caused by rockfall and/or rockslides and to improve the sight distance and reduce the blind corner caused from the rockslope. The work involved rock excavation by production blasting, rock reinforcement with dowels and rock bolts and rockfall mitigation using wire mesh drape. A contractor’s access road was constructed across the upper rock face about 85 feet above the shoulder of the highway to facilitate excavation of the rockslope. The excavation created an unstable highwall specifically a large rock block above the access road. Blasting of the access road exacerbated the rockslope instability of the high wall by day lighting the failure plane and unweighting the toe of the slope of the highwall. The stability of the highwall was aggravated by the excessive backbreak created from blasting. A combination of factors in the blasting such as over-stemming of the shot holes and short timing delays in the firing sequence between the second and back shot hole rows may have led to the severe backbreak. Moreover, the adverse geologic structure appears to have exacerbated the excessive backbreak. investigation of the rock slope after the Colorado 1. INTRODUCTION Department of Transportation (CDOT) observed a 1.1. Background large kinematically unstable block on the highwall Excavation and stabilization of unstable rockslopes and severe backbreak problems created from can present many challenges to the engineer. To blasting. reduce some of the uncertainty it is critical that the 1.2. Location engineer have a clear understanding of the problem Molas Pass is located in Southwestern Colorado on prior to developing a design for the rock excavation, US 550 between Durango and Silverton. In August blasting, stabilization and costs. 2003, CDOT, Region 5 began a rockfall mitigation The following paper describes a case history project at mile marker 68.5 about 1.5 miles south of attendant to analysis of an unstable rockslope Silverton to mitigate potential dangers caused by resulting from rock excavation and blasting rockfall and/or rockslides and to improve the sight backbreak problems. In this case the contractor distance and reduce the blind corner caused from developed a construction, excavation and blasting the rockslope. At this location, the highway formed plan without a clear understanding of the rock- a sharp blind corner and pinch point. The engineering problem. As the project progressed, overhanging rock not only provided a ramp to pitch excavation and blasting led to a critically unstable rockfall onto the highway; the overhang had a slope. The authors conducted this geotechnical history of catching large trucks (Refer to Figure 1). installed to reinforce portions of the upper and lower slopes. However, the large unstable block on the highwall had largely been ignored and further had not been reinforced. Moreover, the contractor was preparing to drape the entire slope with steel wire mesh to mitigate rockfall before stabilizing the unstable block. 2. GENERAL GEOLOGY Between Durango and Silverton, US-550 runs north south through the San Juan Mountains. Glaciation has formed the alpine morphology of the area. Just south of Silverton at the site location, the highway cuts through Tertiary intrusive rock consisting mostly of a fine-grained granodiorite with talus deposits mapped at the southern end of the site [1, Fig. 1: Trucks at pinch point below rock overhang on 2]. Gold and silver mining was prevalent in the US-550 at MP 68.5. area in the late 1800’s and was still occasionally The project was scheduled through the CDOT active into the mid 1980’s. The site itself is located Rockfall Mitigation Project Plan. The site is above the Champion mine. classified as a Category A Rockfall Hazard according the CDOT’s Rockfall Hazard Rating System. To complete the work, CDOT retained a contractor to provide rock excavation by production blasting, rock reinforcement with dowels and rock bolts and Fault rockfall mitigation using mesh posts and wire mesh drape. Highwall & 1.3. Site Description Unstable Block At the request of CDOT, the authors visited the rockslope in June 2004. At the time of the visit, the rockslope was under construction. The rockslope is approximately 40 meters (130 feet) high (at the highest point) and 122 meters (400 feet) long. Access Lower Based on a vertical scan line from approximately Road Slope the highest point of the rockslope, we observed two discrete sections in the rockslope (Figure 2). The upper near vertical section, referred to, as the high wall, was about 14 meters (45 feet) high with a slope angle of about 83 degrees. According to CDOT the high wall was created as a result of an initial pioneer access road. The lower 25 meters (86 feet) of the rockslope formed a slope angle of about 63 degrees dipping directly (southeast) towards the road. A distinct undulating ledge dipped out of slope at approximately 37 to 42 degrees and formed the boundary between the upper and lower sections of the rockslope. The contractor had previously scaled the rockslope. Fig. 2: Profile of rock cut showing the highwall, As well, spot rock bolts and dowels had been unstable block, the lower slope and pioneer access road. 3. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY the horizontal and vertical scanlines. RQD is a directionally dependent parameter and its value may Our first objective when we arrived onsite was to change systematically depending upon borehole develop an accurate picture of the engineering orientation. Therefore, using the volumetric joint geology and its relationship to the rockslope. count by Planström [6] is useful in reducing this Because many of the geological features on the directional dependence. To evaluate J in the field rockslope were inaccessible for standard horizontal v one must select an open cleft in the rock which scan line mapping; the authors employed a displays x, y and z dimensions. One then sums the combination of horizontal and vertical scan line fractures along a 1-meter length in 3-dimensions to mapping techniques. Mountaineering rappelling obtain a volumetric joint count. techniques were used to evaluate the steep face of the rockslope. Critical geomechanical information 3.2. Vital Geomechanical Statistics on the rock mass is collected from the vertical and The rockslope consists of slightly to moderately horizontal scanlines. weathered to fresh, fine-grained gray granite. The granite outcrop is part of a larger Tertiary intrusive 3.1. Geomechanical Rock Mass Classification body [1, 2]. The raw RMR (RMR without Two of the more widely accepted classifications consideration of orientation of discontinuities) systems for evaluating the rockmass are the Rock estimated during our vertical scan line ranged from Mass Rating System (RMR) by Bieniawski [3], and fair rock on top to good rock at the base of the the Geological Strength Index (GSI) by Hoek and rockslope. However, the orientations of the Brown [4]. The GSI system is more applicable than discontinuities dip unfavorably out of the rockslope, the RMR system when rating very weak rock which decreases the overall RMR classification to masses where the stability of the rock mass is poor and fair rock. controlled rockmass strength. It was apparent from the massive nature of the rock that structure The geologic hammer is an excellent tool to controlled the slope stability and not the overall estimate rock strength [7]. The hammer responded rockmass strength so the authors used RMR system with a distinct bounce and loud ring after striking during our field evaluation. the granitic rock suggesting the rock is very strong with an average compressive strength for the intact The RMR classification system considers the rock of about 150 MPa (21,750 psi). The RQDs following geomechanical characteristics of the ranged from 50 to 90 (fair to good rock quality). rockmass: Spacing of the discontinuities average about 140mm • Strength of the intact rock material (5.5 inches). 90 percent of the discontinuities • Rock quality designation (RQD)* exhibit apertures ranging from 1mm to 5mm (0.04 – • Spacing of discontinuities 0.2 inches). The surface of the fractures appeared • Condition of discontinuities rough and undulating (Joint Roughness Coefficient • Groundwater conditions (JRC) ~20). In some of the sub-vertical fractures we observed dry clay. We did not observe clay on • Orientation of the discontinuities relative to the major discontinuity that separates the upper and the rockslope lower portions of the rockslope. Moreover, we did not observe seeps or springs on the slope; the slope *Note: Deere [5] developed the rock quality was dry. designation (RQD) technique, which is simply 3.3. Critical Geologic Structures estimated from percent of rock core recovery ≥ 10 Simple examination of the rockslope from the cm (4 inches) compared to the total run. However, shoulder of the roadway indicated major in the field one may not have access to drill core. discontinuities dipping out of slope that could be Therefore, Planström [6] developed a technique to kinematically unstable. Both historical planar and estimate RQD while evaluating the rock face, wedge block failures had obviously occurred where: previous to construction of the highway. Moreover, RQD % = 115 – 3.3J . (1) v during production blasting the rock separated from In this case, J is the total number of discontinuities the slope face and slid downslope naturally as v per cubic meter or volume of rock selected along planar and wedge failures. One of the structures of additional concern was a angle (φ), the factor of safety is less than 1 and fault clearly separating the upper unstable block kinematicly unstable. from the main rock face (Figure 2). The basic concept of kinematic analysis for plane Figure 3 is an equal-area stereonet with a Markland failure is straightforward. Two conditions must be test plot for the rockslope developed using the met for sliding to occur. First, the discontinuity computer code Rockpack®. Watts [8] has developed must dip more steeply than its friction angle. a computer code Rockpack® which applies the Secondly, for sliding to occur, the discontinuity must daylight the slope face in a down-dip direction. These two conditions may be represented on a stereonet in the form of a crescent-shaped critical zone (Refer to Figure 3). Dip vectors that plot in this critical zone are considered kinematically unstable. The most vulnerable area within the critical zone occurs with in ± 20° of the slope face dip direction. Figure 3 displays at strong population of dip vectors for discontinuities which daylight the critical zone suggesting that the possibility for planar failures are very likely. Figure 4 is a stereonet displaying pole concentrations for major joint sets observed in the rockslope. Figures 3 and 4 display three prominent joint sets (Joint sets 1,2 and 7) that plot in the critical zone and control the kinematic stability of the rockslope. Fig. 3: Dip vector plot equal – area stereonet with Markland analysis of rockslope. Markland analysis and dip vectors to facilitate evaluation of the kinematic stability of a rockslope. The Markland analysis indicates that the rockslope is kinematicly unstable. Markland uses dip vectors of the individual discontinuities to analyze the kinematic stability of the slope. This plot may be used to analyze potential translational failures including planar and wedge failures. A Markland analysis is also useful for identifying potential Fig. 4: Pole plot equal – area stereonet displaying major joint sets. Arrow points in general direction (110º) of toppling failures. potential planar failure and plunge of potential wedge According to Watts [8], the kinematic analysis is a failures. “cohesion-equals-zero” analysis in which the effects Stereonet analysis for potential wedge failures is of cohesion are ignored. With cohesion equal to similar to that for plane failures. For a wedge zero, the fundamental limiting equilibrium equation failure to occur, the line made by the intersection of for computing the safety factor of a block with the the planes creating the wedge must plunge more potential to slide out of the slope face on one steeply than the friction angle and less steeply than discontinuity (joint) reduces to the following: the dip of the slope face and in a direction that Tanφ daylights the slope face. To analyze for potential FS = (2) wedge failure, two great circles are constructed Tanθ which bound the ranges of dip vector clusters. If As a result, whenever the dip value of the potential the wedge formed by the intersection of the great failure plane (discontinuity) (θ) exceeds the friction circles plots within the critical zone, potential wedge failures may occur. Figures 3 and 4 show large steeply bound wedge intersections within the critical zone suggesting the potential for wedge failure. Joint set 5 intersects Joint sets 1, 2 and 7 forming steeply bounded unstable wedges. Stereonet analysis for potential toppling failure using Markland analysis is relatively straightforward. The presence of discontinuities that dip approximately 180 degrees from the dip Fault direction of the slope face (± 30°) and dip into the slope at a steep angle suggest the potential for toppling failure. On the Markland test plot, these discontinuities plot within the shaded triangle. Figures 3 and 4 display the kinematic potential for toppling. Joints with orientations that plot within the shaded triangle (Figure 3) strike nearly parallel to the slope and therefore could also form tension fractures bounding potentially unstable blocks (including planar and wedge shaped blocks). After evaluation of the upper unstable block, it was 37º clearly apparent that Joint sets 1,2 and 7 were critical to the stability of the upper slope. Moreover, planar failure appeared to be the primary mode of failure of the large block on the highwall. 3.4. Stability Analysis Figure 5 displays the critical block on the south Fig. 5: Unstable block displaying potential planar failure aspect of the highwall of the upper slope. The plane. Construction of access road day lighted the failure block rests on a potential failure plane that dips out plane. Fault is on the left inside of the block. of slope (daylights) at approximately 37 to 41 To evaluate the stability of the block, we assumed degrees. The dip of this discontinuity falls with the the following: range of friction angles expected along an unfilled joint in granitic rock [4, 6, 8]. The toe of the block • The block is marginally stable (i.e. factor of and failure plane was exposed during construction safety (FS) = 1). of the access road to the face. The critical block is • Cohesion (C) is near zero along the failure about 14 meters (45 feet) high, and the face of the plane. block dips to the southeast to the highway at approximately 83 degrees. The top of the block • The peak friction angle (φ) for the slopes back at about 35 degrees. The back of the discontinuity is about 37º (same as the dip block is bounded by a fault that strikes to the plane). southeast (Refer to Figures 2 and 5). • Currently, the block is free draining. Because the rock block on the high wall was The authors estimated 37º for peak friction by kinematicly unstable, our next step was to conducting a series of tilt tests using rock blocks investigate the global stability. We assumed the with joint faces similar to that of the rock mass. Of block had moved because the toe of the block had interest 37º is the same value as the dip of the been un-weighted and the potential failure plane failure plane. This suggests the factor of safety for daylighted by excavation of the access road. During the rock block is near 1 (Refer to equation 2). our investigation we observed no open tension Because of the roughness of the fractures, we fractures behind the block suggesting that it has not assumed 37º to be peak friction. Residual friction, moved recently. after smoothing out the rough asperities would be closer to 34º. To verify the strength characteristics of friction and cohesion, we conducted a back analysis of the stability of the block using the limit of equilibrium method facilitated by computer code ROCPLANE® by Rocscience®[9]. Figure 6 displays the results of the back analysis on the unstable block. Based on Fig. 6: Back analysis of unstable block using computer code Rockplane® by Rocscience®: φ = 37º, C = 0, FS ~ 1. Fig 7: General patterned layout for rock dowels on the face of the unstable rock block. the field evaluation and back analysis the block was pressures behind the block and along the basal marginally stable. However, any critical outside discontinuity. forces such, as hydrostatic pressure from water 4. EVALUATION OF OVERBREAK along the failure plane or seismic activity will induce failure. 4.1. General Wyllie and Mah [10] have shown that slope 3.5. Stabilization of Upper Unstable Block instability is often related to blast damage of the Based on the results of the kinematic and stability rockslope behind the face. The damage is often analysis we concluded that the unstable block must related to overbreak. Backbreak can originate from be reinforced to increase the factor of safety to at a poor blasting design exacerbated by unfavorable least 1.3. We recommended to the contractor to structural geology. install post-tensioned rock bolts or passive dowels on a patterned basis on the high wall face. Overbreak is excessive rock breakage beyond the excavation limits [11, 12]. Overbreak includes Figure 7 is a photo of the face of the hanging block backbreak, which is breakage behind the last row of with a general patterned layout of the rock dowels. shot holes and endbreak that occurs at the end of the The rock face measures about 12m (40 ft) high by shot line. One of the problems that lead to 11m (35 ft) wide. The contractor elected to install destabilization of the upper rockslope was at least 6 25 rock dowels on a patterned layout and spaced at meters (20 feet) backbreak beyond the planned approximately 2x2m (7x7 ft). Locations for the excavation line for the present rock cut (Figure 8). dowels were adjusted depending on the asperities of This pushed the access road into the toe of the upper the rock face and previous. Each dowel was seated slope day lighting the failure plane of the upper to about 111 kn (25 kips) using a torque wrench. block. For our stability analysis, we assumed that the slope 4.2. Structural Geology is free draining. However, since the rockslope is in Geology plays a very important role on the outcome an area that experiences extreme weather changes, of a blasting job on any type of rock excavation we recommended the contractor install PVC drains [13]. Typically poor blasting results occur in rock to intersect the fault trace behind the block. This where the strike of the structures (faults and joints) would help mitigate potential buildup of water • Burden dimension (distance to free face from the shot hole). • Stiffness ratio (ratio of burden to bench height). • Stemming depth of shot hole. • Subdrilling depth of shot hole. • Loading density of shot hole. • Powder column length of shot hole. • Total weight of explosive per shot hole. • Powder factor per cubic volume of rock. Fig. 8: Severe backbreak caused from poor blasting • Vibration and scale distance formula. design exacerbated by adverse structural geologic • Timing sequence between shot holes. conditions. • Spacing between shot holes. are parallel or perpendicular to the free face of the • Potential for violence to establish if mats are rock slope. Blasting results are typically good if the strike of the structures is oblique to the free rock needed. face. Strike parallel to the free face of the rockslope The authors carefully evaluated the design for each may cause severe backbreak and endbreak [13]. blast performance using these steps. As we went On this rockslope, several joint sets dip out of slope through each step, we would establish if the design forming potential planar and wedge blocks (See was within design limits. We asked the following Figures 2 through 5). Where the blast occurred with question. Did the design make sense and was it the dip of the slope, CDOT observed severe reasonable? backbreak. Blasting with the dip of the rock There are several design factors that may lead to structure apparently forced the explosive energy up backbreak. Konya and Walter [11, 12] describe and along the preexisting joint sets. This loosened some of the causes for backbreak: and displaced the rock along the dip planes backbreaking beyond the design excavation line • Excessive burden resulting in planar and wedge rock failures. This is • Excessively stiff benches very evident on Figure 2, where the dip of the structure runs uphill into the access road and • Long stemming depths on stiff benches highwall. • Improper timing delay 4.3. Blasting Design Evaluation Burden (B) is the shortest distance of rock between Backbreak may result from several problems in the the shot line and the nearest free face or open face blasting design performance. Konya and Walter at the time of detonation. Backbreak can result from [11, 12] have developed a logical set of steps to excessive burden on the shot holes, thereby causing follow when evaluating blasting designs. The the explosive to break and crack radially further following steps for evaluation of the blasting design behind the last row of shot holes. were modified after Konya and Walter [11, 12]: The stiffness ratio (L/B) is the ratio of bench height • Type of blasting (production or controlled) (L) to burden (B). Excessively stiff benches (L/B < • Drilling equipment capability and proposed 2) cause more uplift and backbreak near the collar borehole diameter. of the shot hole. According to Konya and Walter [11, 12] for better blast results, stiffness ratios • Explosive selection for specific site should be in the range of 3 to 4. conditions. • Specific gravity of rock and explosives. Stemming (T) is inert material such as drill cuttings According to Wyllie and Mah [10] control of packed around the collar of the blast hole to confine overbreak damage to the final walls can be limited the gasses during detonation. Long stemming by implementing a combination of the following depths on stiff benches promotes backbreak. measures. Production blasting should be designed to limit backbreak behind the final wall. Controlled Improper timing delay from row-to-row may cause blasting techniques such as line drilling, pre- backbreak if the timing is too short, thereby shearing, and cushion blasting will limit the fracture resulting in excessive confinement of the gases in creep up the dip planes during detonation by the last row of the shot. defining a final rock face. 4.4. Results of blasting design evaluation 5.2. Test Shots Typically for rockslopes, a knowledgeable Before blasting, a series of test shots evaluating the contractor will employ controlled blasting performance of the controlled and production techniques such as line drilling, pre-shearing or blasting should be conducted to evaluate how the cushion blasting for backbreak control of the back rock and geologic structure responds to the blast wall coupled with production blasting to break up design. This is critical to a good design and the rest of the rock. On this project, the contractor blasting performance. used production blasting to bring the rock down. It was apparent that the structural geology was not 6. CONCLUSIONS considered in the design. Moreover, test blasting to From the investigation, the authors concluded the evaluate the design was not done. following: After review of design issues that lead to backbreak • The upper rockslope was kinematicly such as excessive burden, stiff benches, excessive unstable with major blocks dipping out of stemming and short timing delays, the burden and slope that required reinforcement with post- stiffness ratio appeared within recommended design tensioned rock bolts or dowels. limits. However, two design issues appear to have worsened the backbreak along the wall; over • Construction of the contractor’s access road stemming of the shot holes and short timing delay. exacerbated the rockslope instability of the high wall by day lighting the failure plane Konya and Walter [11, 12] recommend stemming of and unweighting the toe of the slope of the the shot holes to be about 0.7 of the burden. In this high wall rendering the slope kinematicly case the stemming material was twice as long as unstable. recommended. This led to backbreak of the last row of shot holes near the excavation limit. • Back analysis of the stability of the high wall using the limit of equilibrium method In addition, the firing timing delay appeared to short indicated a factor of safety of 1 or the slope between the last row and the second row of shot is marginally stable. holes. Timing delay was about 2 milliseconds. Konya and Walter [11, 12] recommend a time delay • To achieve a factor of safety of 1.3 or between the back holes of 4 to 6 milliseconds. This greater the high wall required reinforcement will result in a scattered muck pile with minimum with post-tensioned rock bolts or dowels. backbreak. An increase by 2 or 3 milliseconds • A combination of factors in the blasting between the second and last row of shot holes design such as over-stemming of the shot would have allowed the earlier shots to move the holes and short timing delays in the firing burden out of the way. This would have reduced the sequence between the second and back shot resistance on the last row of shot holes and reduced hole rows led to the severe backbreak. the pressure on the back wall. The end result would have been cleaner rock breaks with fewer overbreak • The adverse geologic structure dipping out problems. of slope exacerbated the excessive backbreak. 5. SOLUTIONS TO MITIGATE POOR BLAST PERFORMANCE • Controlled blasting techniques such as line drilling, cushion or pre-shearing blasting 5.1. Controlled Blasting may have reduced or prevented the excessive backbreak. • Blasting test shots should have been conducted to finalize the blast design to establish optimum shot hole layout and shot hole charge compatible with the structural geology. • The contractor should have become familiar with the geologic problems to establish construction, blasting methods and costs prior to excavation of the rock. REFERENCES 1. Ludke, R.G. and W. S. Burbank, 2000, Geologic Map of the Silverton and Howardsville Quadrangles, Southwestern Colorado, United States Geological Survey. 2. Chronic H. and Williams F. 2002. Roadside Geology of Colorado. Mountain Press Publishing Company, 269. 3. Bieniawski, Z.T. 1989. Engineering Rock Mass Classifications, John Wiley & Son, 251. 4. Hoek, E. and E. T. Brown. 1997. Practical Estimates of Rock Mass Strength, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mineral Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 1165-1186. 5. Deere, D. U.1963. Technical description of rock cores for engineering purposes, Felsmechanik und Ingenieugeologie, 1(1). 16-22. 6. Planstrom, A. 1975. “Karakterisering av Oppsprekningsgrad og Fjellmassers Kvalild” Internal Report, Ing. A. B. Berdal A/S, Oslo, Norway. 1-26. 7. International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM). 1981. Suggested Methods for the Quantitative Descriptions of Discontinuities in Rock Masses. ed. E.T. Brown, Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK. 211. 8. Watts, C.F. 2001. Rockpack III, Slope Stability Computerized Analysis Package Reference Manual, Radford University, 48pp. and Appendices. 9. ROCPLANE Version 2.0. 2003. Stability Analysis Software for Translational Failures. RocSceince Inc. Toronto, Canada. 10. Wyllie, D.C. and C. W. Mah. 2004. Rock Slope Engineering, Civil and Mining, 4th ed., Spoon Press, 431. 11. Konya, C.J. and E. J. Walter. 1991. Rock Blasting and Overbreak Control, 1st Edition, FHWA-HI-92-001, National Highway Institute, 430. 12. Konya, C.J. 2003. Rock Blasting and Overbreak Control, 2nd Edition, FHWA-HI-92-001, National Highway Institute, 399. 13. International Society of Explosive Engineers (ISEE). 1998. Blasters Handbook, 17th ed., ed R.B. Hopler, International Society of Explosive Engineers, 742.

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