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ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC TIME SERIES A Synthesis Marc Nerlove Department of Economics Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois David M. Grether Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California José L. Carvalho Fundaçâo Getulio Vargas-EPGE Rio de Janeiro-R.J., Brazil ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London 1979 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT © 1979, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Nerlove, Marc, Date Analysis of economic time series. (Economic theory and mathematical economics) Bibliography: p. 1. Economics—Statistical methods. 2. Time- series analysis. I. Grether, David M.Joint author. II. Carvalho, Jose^L. Joint author. III. Title. HB137.N47 330\01'51 78-26059 ISBN 0-12-515750-9 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 80 81 82 83 84 98765432 For Mary Ellen, Susan, and Gelda PREFACE In this book my coauthors and I attempt to integrate several topics in time-series analysis: (1) the formulation and estimation of distributed-lag models of dynamic economic behavior; (2) the application of the tech- niques of spectral analysis in the study of the behavior of economic time series; and (3) unobserved-components models for economic time series and the closely related problem of seasonal adjustment. The research underlying the book began a long time ago, and I would like to take the opportunity afforded by this preface to set down some of the intellectual antecedents of the book, as well as to acknowledge many debts and much assistance. My interest in the formulation and estimation of distributed-lag models began with my work on agricultural supply analysis in 1954-1956; in 1970, however, I began to realize the possibilities inherent in combining time- series models with models of dynamic optimization. Many ideas in this connection were developed in the course of a Workshop on Lags in Economic Behavior held under the auspices of the Mathematical Social Science Board at the University of Chicago in the summer of 1970. I am grateful to the workshop members and to the coleaders of the workshop, G. S. Maddala and David Grether, for their important contributions in this connection. I must also acknowledge with gratitude the many discussions I had with Dale W. Jorgenson in the course of preparing some of this material for presentation as the Henry Schultz Memorial Lecture at the Second World Congress of the Econometric Society. Spectral analysis of economic time series is now a fashionable topic, xiii xiv Preface but in the early 1960s spectral analysis was little known among econ- omists. In the late 1950s Milton Friedman was a fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford in the same year as John Tukey, a key figure in the development of modern time- series techniques. Tukey introduced Friedman to spectral-analytic tech- niques, with which the latter experimented in his studies of the demand for money. In discussions in 1959, Friedman told me of this work and convincingly argued that spectral analysis was a sensitive tool for uncov- ering data anomalies, such as cycles due to the number of trading days in a month. Some time later, Robert Aaron Gordon became chairman of the President's Commission to Appraise Employment and Unemployment Statistics and asked whether I would consult with the staff with respect to the problem of seasonal adjustment. Particularly troublesome were the issues of defining seasonality and of assessing the effects of seasonal adjustment procedures in terms of that definition. Recalling my dis- cussions with Friedman, it occurred to me that spectral techniques might be a way of resolving both the issue of definition and the issue of effect. Thus, much of the concern of this book with both seasonality and spectral analysis may be traced to the influence of Friedman and Gordon. I should also like to acknowledge many helpful discussions with, and much assis- tance in data acquisition from, Margaret E. Martin, who was at that time the Staff Director of the Commission. I must, as well, express my great debt to Emanuel Parzen, who taught me the elements of spectral analysis and patiently explained its somewhat arcane terminology, and to the spectral-analysis study group that I organized at Stanford, which included David Grether, Joseph B. Kadane, and G. S. Maddala. Seasonal adjustment rests in part on the idea that a time series can be decomposed into two or more separate but not directly observable com- ponents. Moving-average or autoregressive time-series models originated in the work of Slutsky and Yule in the early part of this century. The current popularity of the work of G. E. P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins on time series rests principally on their discovery of practical methods of formulating and estimating mixed moving-average autoregressive models for time series and the use of such results in forecasting. The idea of combining two or more such mixed moving-average autoregressive mod- els to obtain a new kind of "unobserved-components" model I owe to interchanges in 1962-1963 with Henri Theil, who was then Director of the Econometric Institute at the Netherlands School of Economics. Working with his assistant S. Wage, I extended a simple forecasting model that Theil had developed and derived an explicit form for the forecasts as a weighted average of past errors. Theil's influence has been profound, and the ideas formed during the year at the Institute recur again and again throughout this book. Preface xv Many of my students and colleagues have greatly assisted in the re- search which underlies this volume, but none more so than my coauthors, David M. Grether and José Luiz Carvalho. Grether's Stanford University Ph.D. dissertation (1968) forms the basis for Chapters I, VI, parts of XIII, and Appendices A, D, and G. His paper on distributed lags and signal extraction (1977) reports on related research also discussed in Chapter XIII. Carvalho's University of Chicago Ph.D. dissertation (1972) forms the basis for Chapter XIV and parts of Chapter XIII. His work also led us into the research on multiple time-series analysis, described in Chapters VII (Section 7) and XI, in which he actively participated during two visits to Evanston in 1974 and 1975. I have benefited greatly from the aid of, and interchange with, a number of extraordinarily able research assistants. At Stanford University, George Fishman, Bridger Mitchell, Karl Shell, David Couts, and Kenneth F. Wallis contributed to early work on this book, and at Yale University, I had the assistance of Elizabeth Boekelman. At the University of Chicago, Uri Ben-Zion and Michael P. Ward assisted and helped to shape many of my ideas about the analysis of economic time series. In the final stages of the book, my coauthors and I were fortunate to have the able assistance of Seiichi Kawasaki, George Sweeney, and Bruce Vavrichek at Northwest- ern University. Our greatest debt has been the continuing support of the National Science Foundation through a series of grants to Stanford University (G-16114 and GS-142), to Yale University (GS-1721), to the University of Chicago (GS-2670 and GS-39872), and to Northwestern University (SOC 74-21194). In addition, a senior postdoctoral fellowship from the Founda- tion in 1971-1972 enabled me to begin work on the book itself. I also wish to acknowledge gratefully the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Found- ation and the Program for the International Exchange of Persons of the U.S. Department of State, whose fellowships enabled me to spend the academic year 1962-1963 at the Netherlands School of Economics, and the Federal Reserve Board, which supported some of the work underlying Chapters VI and IX. Needless to say, neither the National Science Foun- dation, the U.S. Department of State, the Guggenheim Foundation, nor the Federal Reserve Board are responsible for the ideas expressed in this book. Andrew Melczer and Quang Vuong have proofread the entire manu- script and the galley and page proofs and have ably assisted in the preparation of the index. Gloria Feigenbaum and Stina L. Hirsch have typed our manuscript. Mrs. Hirsch has also assisted in the several revi- sions that have been undertaken since 1975. Many friends and colleagues have been good enough to read our work, or parts of it, and to give us the benefits of their comments and criticism. xvi Preface An inevitable dimness of memory prevents me from thanking all those who deserve our thanks, but I gratefully acknowledge the more recent comments of C. W. J. Granger and Christopher Sims. Three patient colleagues, T. Amemiya, E. J. Hannan, and K. F. Wallis, have com- mented extensively on the entire manuscript. Time constraints and the desire to have a published, if not perfect, book have prevented us from taking account of their strenuous efforts to save us from error as fully or as completely as they—and we—would have liked. We, not they, bear the responsibility for the final text. Marc Nerlove Chapter I A HISTORY OF THE IDEA OF UNOBSERVED COMPONENTS IN THE ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC TIME SERIES 1. Introduction In the statistical literature dealing with the analysis of economic time series it is common practice to classify the types of movements that characterize a time series as trend, cyclical, seasonal, and irregular. The idea that a time series may best be viewed as being composed of several unobserved components is by no means universal, but it plays a fundamental role in certain areas of application, e.g., the choice of methods for seasonal adjustment. In contem- porary discussions of the unobserved-components model, the components typically are taken as given, and relatively little attention is paid to their exact interpretation. Indeed, it is sometimes said that such components cannot be precisely defined. In this chapter we review the literature on the trend, cyclical, seasonal, irregular model to gain some understanding of the current uses of the model ; in particular, we explore the origins of the model and how it came into use in economics. The survey that follows is not intended to be a complete historical review of the uses of the unobserved-components model; much of the literature on the subject consists of discussions of operational techniques for estimating the various components, and no attempt is made to cover that part of the literature. The literature dealing with the existence of long cycles is also not treated in any detail.1 The survey that follows is somewhat episodic, emphasiz- ing the earliest literature and that of the past thirty years. 1 For a summary of the writings on long cycles, see Fellner (1956). See also Kondratieff (1935) and Schumpeter (1939). 1 2 I. A History of the Idea of Unobserved Components 2. Background The idea of unobserved components is basically a way of looking at data. Throughout history man has observed various phenomena, noted regularities, and formulated "laws" based upon observed regularities; hence, the exact beginning of any particular attitude toward empirical observation is difficult to date. A society subject to changes of seasons or in which a calendar is in general use must recognize more or less formally the approximately periodic occurrence of certain events. Deviations from regular periodic occurrence must somehow be explained, although the explanation may be different in different cultures; for example, when a solar eclipse predicted by a Babylonian astrono- mer failed to occur, the failure might be explained as the result of the interven- tion of some supernatural power. Later, small unexpected deviations in the orbits of planets might be attributed to random shocks. Here, we concentrate on only those developments that appear to have influenced economics and the analysis of economic data. The notion of unobserved components appears to have become common in economics during the period 1825-1875. In tracing the history of this idea, it is important to keep in mind the nature of scientific inquiry during this period, in particular the role of statistics. In this connection, the remarks of Stanley (1856) are relevant. The axiom on which ... [statistics] is based may be stated thus: that the laws by which nature is governed, and more especially those laws which operate on the moral and physical condi- tion of the human race, are constant, and are, in all cases best discoverable—in some cases only discoverable—by the investigation and comparison of phenomena extending over a very large number of individual instances. In dealing with the individual human being every- thing is uncertainty; in dealing with MAN in the aggregate, results may be calculated with the precision and accuracy of a mathematical problem .... This, then, is the first characteristic of statistics as a science: that it proceeds wholly by the accumulation and comparison of registered facts;—that from these facts alone, properly classified, it seeks to deduce general principles, and that it rejects all a priori reasoning, em- ploying hypothesis, if at all, only in a tentative manner, and subject to future verification. 2 3. Origins The notion that a series of observations is composed of separate unobserved components was important in the calculation of planetary orbits by seventeenth century astronomers. In the course of the eighteenth century more accurate instruments for observing the movements of the planets became available; it 2 The quotation is from Lord Stanley's presidential address to Section F of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. The speech was given the day after a resolution was passed "which has enlarged the scope of our duties so as to include, in addition to statistics, properly so called, Economic Science, in general" (1856, p. 305); the remarks quoted in the text were prepared before the resolution was passed. 3. Origins 3 was discovered that Kepler's laws did not hold exactly. The discrepancies between observations and predictions based on Kepler's laws were minor so that the laws were approximately correct. Thus the notion that Kepler's laws gave the mean position of a planet and not its exact position, i.e., that the position actually observed was the mean plus some irregular fluctuations, became common.3 Comparison of the contemporary observations with previous records later revealed that slow persistent changes in planetary orbits were taking place. Thus, a distinction was made between secular and periodic movements. Slow changes were especially apparent in the orbits of the moon, Jupiter, and Saturn. Explanation of these changes occupied some of the great mathematicians of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, including Laplace, Euler, and Lagrange. In discussions of these problems "secular change" was frequently mentioned. In 1787 Laplace showed that the secular change in the behavior of Jupiter and Saturn was in fact periodic with a period in excess of 900 years. Similarly, the secular movement in the behavior of the moon was also shown to be of a very long-term periodicity. 4 Explanations of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn and of the moon were major triumphs of celestial mechanics and gave further strength to Newton's theory of gravitation. 5 The use of distinctions among different types of changes was not confined to discussion of planetary orbits. For example, Cannon and Jensen (1975) state that "The secular decrease of the earth's rotation rate due to tidal inter- action with the sun and moon was known to nineteenth century physicists, who theorized about the existence of short-term fluctuations in the rotation rate of the solid earth due to daily, seasonal, decadal, and irregular changes in its moment of inertia as well as exchanges of angular momentum between the solid earth and the oceans, atmosphere, and liquid core." Early writers on economic subjects, when dealing with periodicities, occa- sionally made explicit references to astronomy as the source of their ideas. For example, in 1838 Cournot said, "as in astronomy, it is necessary to recognize the secular variations which are independent of the periodic variations." 6 Jevons (1884, p. 4) remarks that his studies of short-term fluctuations use the methods of astronomy and meteorology. One of the earliest writers in economics to mention cycles and to suggest a statistical correction for them was Sir William Petty (1899). 3 See Pannekoek (1961, p. 280). 4 See Whewell (1847, Vol. II, pp. 232-235). 5 Newton's laws are relatively easy to solve for orbits if only two bodies are involved. If three bodies are involved, one obtains a set of second order differential equations that cannot be inte- grated. The solution can only be obtained as an approximation, and the calculations are enormous. To obtain the accuracy needed often required years of computation. See Pannekoek (1961, pp. 299-307) and Whewell (1847, pp. 101-107, 213-252). 6 Cournot (1927, p. 25); also cited by Mitchell (1928).

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