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Preview Analysis of Distributed ADMM Algorithm for Consensus Optimization in Presence of Error

1 Analysis of Distributed ADMM Algorithm for Consensus Optimization in Presence of Error Layla Majzoobi+, Farshad Lahouti ∗ +School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran *Electrical Engineering Department, California Institute of Technology Abstract 7 ADMM is a popular algorithm for solving convex optimization problems. Applying this algorithm to distributed consensus 1 optimization problem results in a fully distributed iterative solution which relies on processing at the nodes and communication 0 between neighbors. Local computations usually suffer from different types of errors, due to e.g., observation or quantization 2 noise, which can degrade the performance of the algorithm. In this work, we focus on analyzing the convergence behavior of distributed ADMM for consensus optimization in presence of additive node error. We specifically show that (a noisy) ADMM n converges linearly under certain conditions and also examine the associated convergence point. Numerical results are provided a which demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented analysis. J 4 Index Terms 1 ADMM algorithm, Consensus optimization, Convergence ] C I. INTRODUCTION D The advent of big data, the Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems often calls for optimization algorithms that . s run on distributed data for learning, inference, action and control. Many interesting problems in this domain are cast as c convex optimization problems; examples include network flow control, feature extraction and (power system) state estimation. [ Considerable research has been devoted to distributed optimization methods [1]- [7]. These algorithms may be characterized 1 by their range of applicability, convergence behavior and performance, and computational complexity. Alternating Direction v Method of Multipliers (ADMM) is an iterative optimization algorithm which can be implemented in a distributed manner [8]. 3 Applicability to a wide range of problems and convergence to a modest accuracy within a few tens of iterations make ADMM 9 very useful in practice. As a critical characteristic of an iterative algorithm, the convergence behavior of ADMM is analyzed 8 3 in [9]- [11]. 0 Consensus optimization is a popular distributed optimization problem which arises in various domains [3], [12], [13] and is . formulated by 1 N 0 7 min fi(˜x) (1) ˜x 1 i=1 X v: in which ˜x Rn and fi(˜x):Rn R. The goal is to optimize the sum of local objective functions, fi(˜x),i 1,...,N , over ∈ → ∈{ } i a global variable ˜x at N agents. ADMM-based algorithms for consensus optimization problems are proposed in [14]- [16]. X TheconvergencerateofADMMinthissettingandthecorrespondingeffectsofdifferentparameterssuchasnetworktopology r are studied in [16]. a The local objective functions in a consensus are usually computed based on some observations and measurements, which are noisy in general. The computed results at a given node are always quantized prior to communication to another node in an iteration. In addition, certain local computations are too complex to carry out exactly and are usually replaced by approximations. Some inexact variants of ADMM algorithm are proposed in [14], [17]. These errors, which we refer to as computationerrorsornoise,areverycommoninpracticalsettings,andcouldsubstantiallyaffecttheperformanceofdistributed optimization methods. Inthis work,we focuson analyzingtheconvergence behaviorof distributedADMM forconsensusoptimization inpresence ofcomputationerror.Wespecificallyshowthat(anoisy)ADMMconvergeslinearlyundercertainconditionsandalsoexamine theassociatedconvergencepoint.Numericalresultsareprovidedwhichdemonstratetheeffectivenessofthepresentedanalysis and the effects of certain parameters on performance. II. PRELIMINARIES Consider a network of N nodes that intend to solve the optimization problem (1) in a distributed manner and over a given networkwithE undirectedlinks.Thenetworkcanberepresentedbythegraph =( , )where, issetofnodes, =N, G V A V |V| and is set of arcs, =2E. Communications of nodes are synchronous and restricted to the neighbors. A |A| 2 Algorithm 1 Input functions fi; Initialization: for all i∈V, set x0i =αi0 =0n×1 ∈Rn ; Set algorithm parameter c>0; k=0: 1: for all k=0,1,..., every node i do 23:: UUppddaattee xαkiik++11b=yαsoikl+vincg(|N∇if|ix(kix+ki1+−1)+jα∈ikN+ix2kjc+|N1)i;|xki+1−c(|Ni|xki +Pj∈Nixkj)=0 ; P In order to apply ADMM algorithm to problem (1), it is reformulated as [16] N min fi(xi) xi,zij (2) i=1 X s.t. xi =zij, xj =zij (i,j) ∀ ∈A where xi is the copy of the global optimization variable ˜x at node i and zij is the variable which enforces equality of xi and xj at the optimized point. Concatenating xi’s and zij’s respectively into x RnN and z R2En, (2) can be rewritten in a ∈ ∈ matrix form as follows min f(x)+g(z); s.t. Ax+Bz=0 (3) x,z where f(x) = Ni=1fi(xi), g(z) = 0, A = [A1;A2];A1,A2 ∈ R2En×Nn are both composed of 2E ×N blocks of n×n matrices. If (i,j) and zij is the q’th block of z, then the (q,i) block of A1 and the (q,j) block of A2 are n n identity P∈A × matrices In; otherwise the corresponding blocks are n n zero matrices 0n. Also, we have B = [ I2En; I2En]. Forming × − − augmented Lagrangian and applying ADMM algorithm we have f(xk+1)+ATλk+cAT(Axk+1+Bzk)=0 (4a) ∇ BTλk+cBT(Axk+1+Bzk+1)=0 (4b) λk+1 λk c(Axk+1+Bzk+1)=0 (4c) − − where λ and c are Lagrange multiplier and ADMM parameter, respectively; f(xk+1) is gradient or subgradient of f(x) at xk+1 dependingonthedifferentiabilityoff.Consideringλ=[β;γ]withβ,γ∇∈R2En,M+ =AT1 +AT2 andM− =AT1 −AT2, it cab be shown that β = γ and with some algebraic manipulations [16] we have − f(xk+1)+M βk+1 cM+(zk zk+1)=0 (5a) ∇ − − − c βk+1 βk MTxk+1 =0 (5b) − − 2 − 1 MTxk zk =0 (5c) 2 + − Defining α = [α1;α2;...;αN] = M β RNn, a relatively simple fully decentralized algorithm is obtained in [16] and − ∈ presented in Algorithm 1. In this Algorithm, is the set of neighbors of node i. i N Asstated,weassumethattheneighboringnodesonlyexchangeanoisyversionoftheirmessagesinstep2oftheAlgorithm 1. We assume this so-called computation error ek , that is for example due to quantization of xk at node i in iteration k, is x,i i additive and independent, identically distributed. We have ˆxk =xk+ek ˆx=x+ek (6) i i x,i x wthheecreonˆxckiatiesntahteedmveesrssaiognesthoaftˆxnkodaendi∈ekN, cio.mInmuthneicfaotellsowtoinigtsSneecigtihobno,uwrseaatniatleyrzaetiotnhekc;oannvderˆxge∈ncRenbNehaanvdioerkxo∈f ARlngNoridtehnmot1e i x,i ∀ while taking into account the computation error. III. CONVERGENCEANALYSISOFNOISYADMM Our convergence analysis is based on (5). Replacing xk in (5c), with ˆxk from (6), we have 1 1 ˆzk = MTxk+ MTek =zk+ek (7) 2 + 2 + x z It means that because of computation error at iteration k, zk is now zk+ek. Hence (5) can be rewritten as follows z ∇f(xk+1)+M−βk+1−cM+(zk+ekz −zk+1)=0 (8a) c βk+1 βk MTxk+1 =0 (8b) − − 2 − 3 1 MTxk zk =0 (8c) 2 + − Let uk , βzkk!, u∗ , βz∗∗!, G , c0I22EEnn 1c0I22EEnn!. We next analyze the convergence behavior of ku−u∗kG and show that its Q-linear convergence results in R-linear convergence of xk x∗ 2. k − k Theorem 1. Consider optimization problem (3) and iterative solution (8) for optimal points x∗ and z∗. Assume that fi’s (f) are strongly convex functions with moduli m (m ) and have Lipschitz continuous gradients f ( f) with constant M t(hMenf).µSu>pp1ose that initial value β0 lies in theficolufmn space of MT−. If kekzk2 ≤kxk+1−x∗k2∇andi m∇f − 2cσm2ax(M+)≥f0i, ∀ 1 kuk+1−u∗k2G ≤ 1+δkuk−u∗k2G (9) and 1 kxk+1−x∗k22 ≤ mf − 2cσm2ax(M+)kuk−u∗k2G (10) where m cσmax(M+) 1 δ =min f − 2 , a b ( ) a= 4cσm2ax(M+)+cσ˜22µM(Mf2 ) + 4cσm2axσ˜(4M+()Mσm2a)x(M−) min min − − b= 2σm2ax(M+) (1 1)σ˜2 (M ) − µ min − and σmax(D) and σ˜min(D) are maximum singular value and minimum non-zero singular value of D. Proof. The optimal value calculated using (5) satisfies KKT conditions, we have 1 ∇f(x∗)+M−β∗ =0; MT−x∗ =0; 2MT+x∗−z∗ =0 (11) Combining (8) and (11), we have ∇f(xk+1)−∇f(x∗)=cM+(zk+ekz −zk+1)−M−(βk+1−β∗) (12a) c MT(xk+1 x∗)=βk+1 βk (12b) 2 − − − 1 2MT+(xk+1−x∗)=zk+1−z∗ (12c) Based on strong convexity assumption, we have mfkxk+1−x∗k22 ≤hxk+1−x∗,∇f(xk+1)−∇f(x∗)i (13) where v,x is the inner product of v and w. Substituting (12a) in RHS of (13) and using (12b) and (12c), we obtain h i xk+1 x∗, f(xk+1) f(x∗) h − ∇ −∇ i =2chzk+1−z∗,zk−zk+1i+2chzk+1−z∗,ekzi 2 + βk+1 β∗,βk βk+1 ch − − i Using definitions of u and G, and doing some algebraic manipulations, we can rewrite inequality (13) as follows mfkxk+1−x∗k22 ≤kuk−u∗k2G−kuk+1−u∗k2G (14) −kuk−uk+1k2G+2chzk+1−z∗,ekzi In order to prove inequality (9), we need to show 2chzk+1−z∗,ekzi+δkuk+1−u∗k2G (15) ≤mfkxk+1−x∗k22+kuk−uk+1k2G or equivalently δ 2chzk+1−z∗,ekzi+δckzk+1−z∗k22+ ckβk+1−β∗k22 (16) 1 ≤mfkxk+1−x∗k22+ckzk−zk+1k22+ ckβk−βk+1k22 4 We provide proper upper bounds on hzk+1−z∗,ekzi, kzk+1−z∗k22 and kβk+1−β∗k22 below. First, we examine the first term in the LHS of (16). We have 2chzk+1−z∗,ekzi≤2ckzk+1−z∗k2kekzk2 c (17) ≤ 2σmax(M+)kxk+1−x∗k2kekzk2 Next, we bound the second term in (16). From (12c) we have 1 kzk+1−z∗k22 ≤ 4σm2ax(M+)kxk+1−x∗k22 (18) Aboutboundingthethirdtermin(16),sincef(x)hasLipschitzcontinuousgradientwithaconstantMf,wehaveMf2kxk+1− x∗k22 ≥k∇f(xk+1)−∇f(x∗)k22.In additionσm2ax(M+)kzk+1−zkk22 ≥kM+(zk−zk+1)k22.Using thesetwoinequalities, and for any µ>1 cσm2ax(M+)kzk+1−zkk22+(µ−1)Mf2kxk+1−x∗k22 (19) ≥ckM+(zk−zk+1)k22+(µ−1)k∇f(xk+1)−∇f(x)k22 Accoring to (12a) and applying inequality a+b 2+(µ 1) a 2 (1 1) b 2 to the RHS of (19) we obtain k k2 − k k2 ≥ − µ k k2 cσm2ax(M+)kzk+1−zkk22+(µ−1)Mf2kxk+1−x∗k22 1 ≥(1− µ)kM−(βk+1−β∗)−cM+ekzk22 Doing algebraic manipulations and taking into account that β0 lies in the column space of MT, we obtain − cσm2ax(M+)kzk+1−zkk22+(µ−1)Mf2kxk+1−x∗k22 1 ≥(1− µ){σ˜m2in(M−)kβk+1−β∗k22 −2cσmax(M+)σmax(M−)kβk+1−β∗k2kekzk2} which gives 1ckβk+1−β∗k22 ≤2(µc−(11)M1)f2σ˜k2xk+(1M−x)∗k22 − µ min − + 2cσm2ax(M+)kzk+1−zkk22 (20) (1 1)σ˜2 (M ) − µ min − + 4cσm2ax(M+)σm2ax(M−)kekzk22. σ˜4 (M ) min − Combining (17), (18) and (20) we obtain 2c 1 δ hzk+1−z∗,ekzi+ckzk+1−z∗k22+ ckβk+1−β∗k22 ≤ c c 2δσmax(M+)kxk+1−x∗k2kekzk2+ 4σm2ax(M+)kxk+1−x∗k22 + 2(µ−1)Mf2kxk+1−x∗k22 + 2cσm2ax(M+)kzk+1−zkk22 (21) c(1 1)σ˜2 (M ) (1 1)σ˜2 (M ) − µ min − − µ min − + 4cσm2ax(M+)σm2ax(M−)kekzk22 σ˜4 (M ) min − Assume that kekzk2 ≤kxk+1−x∗k2, hence we have 2c 1 δ hzk+1−z∗,ekzi+ckzk+1−z∗k22+ ckβk+1−β∗k22 c c 2(µ 1)M2 ≤{2δσmax(M+)+ 4σm2ax(M+)+ c(1 1−)σ˜2 (fM ) − µ min − + 4cσm2axσ˜(4M+()Mσm2a)x(M−)}kxk+1−x∗k22 min − + 2cσm2ax(M+)kzk+1−zkk22 (1 1)σ˜2 (M ) − µ min − 5 Considering definition of a and b in Theorem 1, and according to inequality (16), we have m 1 δ =min f , (22) (cid:26)2cδσmax(M+)+a b(cid:27) δ =0 is a trivial solution of (22). If the first term is the minimizer of the RHS, then we have m m cσmax(M+) δ = f δ = f − 2 (23) 2cδσmax(M+)+a ⇒ a which implies that mf ≥ cσmax2(M+) and subsequently δ = min mf−cσmaa2x(M+),1b . Combining (14) and (18) and noting (cid:26) (cid:27) kekzk2 ≤kxk+1−x∗k2, (10) can be proved. Suppose that condition kekzk2 ≤kxk+1−x∗k2 is satisfied up to iteration j. Increase in kxk−x∗k2 for k>j will eventually result in hold of kekzk2 ≤kxk+1−x∗k2 condition which guarantees decrease in kuk−u∗k2G. Corollary1. If ex 2 =σeandconstantoveralliterations,anupperboundontheerror xk x∗ 2 for k ismaxi( i )σe. k k k − k →∞ |N | Proof. AccordingtodefinitionofM+, 21M+MT+ isequivalenttonetworksignlessLaplacianmatrixL.Considerthemaximum eigenvalue of L as lmax. It can be shown that [18] l 2max( ) (24) max i ≤ i |N | Hence σmax(M+) 2 maxi( i ). Using definition of ez and Theorem 1, we have ≤ |N | p xk x∗ 2 max( i )σe k (25) k − k ≤ i |N | →∞ q Remark 1. According to (25), a smaller maxi( i ) may improve the estimation accuracy, however, based on Theorem 1 it |N | may in turn degrade the convergence rate. Remark 2. One can examine that in the scenario without computing error, the convergence rate bound in [16] is tighter than thatinTheorem1.However,theboundinTheorem1isapplicabletobothscenarioswithandwithoutcomputingerror,whereas the one in [16] only suites the setting without error. IV. NUMERICALRESULTS InthisSection,weconsiderAlgorithm1tosolvetheoptimizationproblemmin˜x Ni=1 12kyi−Mi˜xk22.Inthissetup,N =200 bagetewntesenesntiemigahtebovrasriaarbelesu˜xbujescintgtonaodisdyitlivineeaerrroobrsaesrvianti(o6n);styhie=erMrori˜xis+ansisucmooepdeGraatiuvPsesliya.nTNhe(0v,aσrie2a)b.leIsnwouhricehxpareericmoemnmts,u˜xni∈catRed3 and Mi R3×3 and their elements are i.i.d from (0,1). The observation noise is ni (0,σ2I3) and σ2 =10−3. Define network∈connectivity ratio as ρ= EEc, where Ec isNthe number of edges in a correspondi∼ngNcomplete graph. Consider ˜xDi,k and ˜xC as respectively the distributed and centralized estimates of ˜x (at node i and iteration k). Our performance metrics is error EiD,FkCig=urek˜x1Dik,k˜xs−Cho˜kxC2wks2thoer Eavie[EraiD,gkCe]e.rror of nodes at iteration k, E [ DC], as a function of iteration number k for different values i Ei,k of σ and ADMM parameter c computed over 100 random realizations of connected network with a given connectivity e G ratio. In this experiment, the connectivity ratio is fixed and set to 0.04. As evident, the convergence rate is linear and the final value of estimation error is less than σ (see Corollary 1). ADMM parameter c play an important role in convergence rate of e the algorithm. From this figure it is clear that change in c parameter affects the convergence rate significantly and it seems important to set this value properly. V. CONCLUSIONS WeanalyzedtheconvergencebehaviorofdistributedADMMforconsensusoptimizationinpresenceofadditivecomputation error,whichisforexampleduetoobservationorquantizationnoiseatthenodes.Specifically,weshowedthat(anoisy)ADMM converges linearly under certain conditions and also examined the associated convergence point. Numerical results in the case ofcollaborativemeansquarederrorestimationwaspresented.Nextstepsofresearchincludeanalyticalassessmentofoptimized ADMM parameters in this setting and with different system and network parameters. 6 10−1 c = 0.1, σ = 1e−3 e 10−2 c = 1, σe = 1e−3 c = 0.5, σe = 1e−3 c = 0.1, σ = 1e−6 10−3 c = 0.1, σe = 1e−1 e 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Fig.1. PerformanceofnoisydistributedADMM,errorreductionvs.iterationasafunctionofσe andc.ρ=0.04. REFERENCES [1] S.H.LowandD.E.Lapsley,“Optimizationflowcontrol-I:basicalgorithmandconvergence,”IEEE/ACMTransactionsonNetworking,vol.7,no.6, pp.861–874,1999. [2] M. Rabbat and R. 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