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Chapter Five ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL ADEQUACY A. Ipireduetlaa AU registered S-oker-feslers, cther than scit apeciatiats and aele starkct makers fon snoptinas floor, are sujec: ta the Commission’: net sapstal rule, Rule 15:31 -nder the Secursties Exchange Act 1 194 (Exchange Act") (17 CFR Ses, 240,15c%-1, ovcn ney an_nct entry customer accounle L/ The cule gsercaibes iainimum lige Gisy standards for braker-degiers, Iie purpose 1s to cozurs nat Zokerdealew dation so Ficient liquid ascers (o satisfy promptly the claims 2 customers and braker-dealees, and to previde a cushion af Tigu.d assets un etoess of market and cr liabilities 30 cover patzatial it sks. The sule helps promote the Cinansiel viaLlity of, a! public the securities industry by protecting both zustumers anv other brske risks and ¢xpotuecs in the Brake There ats twa methods Tor determining requirce net capil, the basic jor aggregate indehtcdnesei method and the alternative methed. A brokersdealer thet cle: tg basic method for comustomg ils gt <ap:tal must have yet capital ¢quEl vo at lexst€ 2/59 of ils agree inde!edues or stated conversely, rhe aggregate MdetteIne3s may fnot excesd 1500% of the brukerdealer's wet capitel. The rule Uetiney agureeate indebesdncss a6 the total moucy Tabil tor dealer arising in connection with spy Cansaction. 3) In aldition 16 rhis percentage recuiremen; rested (2 liable, the broker ur dealer must maiatasn a minimum net eapical seeardless of sagreeste indebredcess. depending on the mature 2! its busines. Under the tasic Imsthed, cach fim must maintain 2 minvtaum net 0 unless Carrieg tu euslomer accounts and he“ds belonging to ezstemers and ciheewive Tinits its bssiness as described in particular sections of the Fale ‘The rule prescribes add tional capival tcqnirememts (0 4 market maker securities A market maks~ ie reqited ts have 949 mpiniaim get capital at least equal fo $2,500 far cach securizy in which it maker a marke! if the scenrity has a market value of $5.00 or more end $500 for each security whose market value is lem Ihar SECM. The rule provites, haweser, that a market maker shall have mini hen et capi of at tener $25,000, but des not require a market maker fe have rinimum net eapit jan SIOU,¥0U under these a¢sst anal marketsmaker czpital requisements. nr brokers or ge exchange alta see exemps fro the tes capital rule onder certain cireumsiances Sec Mule 1363-10012) L/Allregiscered biokes-ecalers oust also eoouply with the Commission's Cratuziet Protection Rule, Role 15:33, adopted under the Exchange Act, ( requizen & precise accountability for cusioner funds and ecuritset ber by the Brokerdeslet and preclades the brokee-cealer From using custome: funds or secuuil.ss 40 Finance its awn Gading avlivities 61 eapemses Yo Rule 15e3-Hoii1), The rute specifically exzlsdescertain babilisies fromageresare indebceviness uswolly because the Hinbility ig adeqeacely cclgtera'ized bx an-astet of the broker deaier, 4 Sex Rule 2563-1664) a'¢7 tha: cleets the altermative method ef comput ng nc! evaital met Ft equal teat least 74608 wt customer telacre rece bles, Anan at teres, campated -m aceordane. with qresctihed Vormala. Sy Ts? Draker-desler alge must maintain minin.:m net capital of at ees! SIAN In addition to the mumimim requicemcats, Cie mel capita’ “vleand Ve ruleset th varvoussell regslatory crgamizations contain carly warming levels helow wheels is net capital canace lal) wthes? adverse comsequences. Vor example, 3 far maz Ne swithdase equiry capital i= ary Form tapay shareholders or partnces its nct enpital is lege than Sk 0° aggregate debit tems I H computes net capital u- der che alternative rmcthed) sr ils aggregate indebicdress exceeds 1000'S of us net capscal (1 -t computes net capical under she basic method! 6 Urokersdevicn that de not carry custocier accounts or hold custome” Tusds 31 secures and -imit their sreuritics act.sitics as prescribed by the cule axe a.lowce to imainta:n minir-ce n¢t capital of 35.000 (rather shan 325,° UD; provided they ant thet ropeietary tarsacticns. to ten 31 (emer pee year. Most off these Licins are introducing” brokers, wich intraduse «sstowers io aula a-uker Bealer (elear am broker-dealer) or soll socusitice on a best efforis busin, The teem tage capital” os defined i3 he vyle, 2) Gces-ally. net cagwal cmpsted by adding to nzt worth, a5 computed ender jcitctally ascepied avcoumting brinviples,certa.n liabilities subordinated tothe slaims of ews:omersand deducting [rom net worth certain agzets rot readi-y vonveruiz-t ince cash und et-ta-n perecntagesof the tunrket ealuesof all proprietary positions. These perzen-aze deductions, referred (3 38 Shabicuts bre jacened wo provide 2 the marke: atid credit risk inkereme fn Uve finns secures positions Linder rhe nate method. a brabereeznler must deeuc: 30% from the market value ef ita fong or short equity pew Hams, whichever s greacer A) rz fewer of the Tong oF short positions receives « deducti¢n Af UyS an thaP ameaict im exces af 2M ofthe greater position’s marks: value. Convervely, under the slicenative methaa, the Aeazstion 52 15% of the equity positions held ang bat 20%, of (rz rrarket vate of the short positions in exccat of 254 of {72 market value of the lang p2sttions The brakeodealer must also 4eéuct Hour net worth ungeoussd receivables fexeest ose specified) anc certain operational chaiges velated to its icabil-y ty yrocent securities Wansgctions «ficiently, Lr exampie,a brakeredealee mist charge i 62a See Rute 153-39 Gf Je-addition, NYSE Rule 326 authorice the NYSE. under sereain cireumsrances 10 eslricl a member surrving sestumer atcoun:s from expanding ite busines. eompel a reduction of business if is rcs eapital falls below the ently weening levels. See alag NASD Section 38, Rules <" Fair Pr Ue See Rute 152300, 2 Bf The amount of the haissuc Tor a debi security denends om the issuer af the security, i maturity date and, 94 to certain debe, therating al tee debLinstroment eo ive days after veltlsinen! date (ayed fails lms in the broker-dealer's revords, 8 ta deliver) and serlain waregonci-ed Upstate Flea Cousequeaces of thy Marat Braak for Net Capltal uf Uoctaler Firms 10/ a. Large Hovestment Banting Firms Wire Houses Tn the course of the market break stedy, the Division examined the financ!a! nts fer the month uf Octuls: 19BT of Fifteen of the Tan banking Snteyrated retail Firms ‘the :atier ave often referred to as “wire hausey"i. Durie, the month of Ovtober. thitezr. of these (:f:een Cieme reported a cusaulacive pre-iox loss fof atmatt S700 milion. JL) Tur firma rsporied gaine--nne af almost $4 millinn: Sther of less than $1 million, ‘The ‘sarez were act spread evenly amng the thirteen Flam. ‘The lowest reporied loss was appeceimotely $$ million, while 1¥0 af the Cems renorted losses of approximately $:20 milion each. QF A Cail to deliver arizes when a selling becker or desler 31 not detivered 1c the pucchating roker or dealee stearities 20 the setilemést dere, SuszaTagea gh (ch2Mia vor Roce 1Se3-: Impnezs certain eharges-n a broker-dealer for aged (0il2 ta delves LY The Commassian’s rectors tec? Eeonomic and Policy Analy: = COL PA") prepare?! astedy entitled "Fitaacial Confitina af trocer-Ienlect, October UAT in which it Qvalnatsd the effect af the marke! break on the securities industry, TERA ‘compared $8 NYSE member t rms’ Tinoncial zeaditions on October 5, 1987 with Ubeie Fiaancial condi:ngon September 30, °982. A copy of she stsdy is attached erste ae Appeadia G Ly The losses fou the reocth af October af ehese magnitude wer: a5 “ollows farms in 6: cing order of Lowes For Ossples 1987 269,119 05,145 409-741 69,982.850 $8203.00 Malay2 bbe 1.322.860 17,795,000 tess1a73 4820/00 “+876.000 (GAIN) 34 A substantial portion of the cases legs from equity positions Metween Cetoher 14 and 1 reported combined instes of approx! mately $n 5 mitlin ia their souly paait-ane Ie of tne firms leat over SIGD million Tahle 5-1 shows the Insves im descending aris” of magnitude far fourteen af thess Fiews Cie2 fiem aid mal rence Ines reaulting from ‘ts sqvity positions atlrinutante te reatired or wnsestived 30, 19RY, the Fires TABLES. Luuss in Buwiny Peitins Bawere, ‘Qewulve 14 and Osvuber 3 2.883.000 {as lass repre TOTAL $796,567.00 Ir the ease of Zour large isesstment banking Tarms,i2sses iz Fart props etase positions in equ.ty secuuities 4c seme degree were ceucesbaied by. camcactyal Eematitmenta those [1m had figsc in camnecticn sh the wnder iting af the Zomate= Mack of Biitish Pettaletim (1K) Phe Frets wee par? of 2 group of undere risers that had agreed to puschate sceuritits of BP from tex British Govz-ament, 35 par: of sts orvatisuton poogearn, at 3 Fined prive several weeks before the sezzrisies could be resulé to investors x the United States, The Octcver mara break, however, oeclr ed afus the posing aid Beigr “u the prupgsed cublse offering © the securities | A2 2 Fecult, (he sezerities duelined substentigily iz clue; the brocer-deaters, however, were ‘umnitted (6 pre-Lreak cives, Morcover, the firme were ‘aced with che sebstancal risk of being unable zo place ihe offering at an aceepratle arice and cheretors being Torzed to absore extremely large portions a WP into their inventories ar sell 1h securities snte the market a the risk of Furttor deprosting the price Meenute tne lank af England ultimately determined tnat it would offer In ceparchase the scearitics at price above vhe post-braad market vaiue, hz losses to the four nraker-detlers wes subctomially contained 20 pre-tax Inasea af approximately 37% milion Many of the firms also reported less:s Icom ecior aceumuis and Yad debts, totalling approsimarciy 52346 million. Presumably, ast of these Tones aruve from rasses im cath and margin accounts, Cable 52 Gszih the losses cn dewoeadina order uf agnitude 2.538 132.360 21B2 06S an.z72-an9 Issen2is rena 237.000 5,365,000 5.103.900 PEGI. leo TanT8s Towal $23515.303 Desplie wrsse :cscet, each sf vrste firms, as well as all other s.2eable Firms semoined aave the eér:y orting levels dizcaseas earlier in this chapter. AC montt end, after the ites, the Fifteen flames showed! 2 Iniat aenerezip seuity of eppreximately 4189 billicn, a total re: eapits! of approximately 824 billion an exces et cap: tal apeve sequired minsmoum level: of appronsmatety $8.3 bi-ion. In large 237 ine foesez ‘ere contained because c® the diversified naire of the ime’ ais:3. The market value Af the equity positions nf thexs Fiens at the 2nc of September wcs only a relacively fwnall fraction of thei- tata a3sel3, Frat the financial r2ports the marker value of the equity poxiteany in almost every eaze sony les than 70Fh of the Iolal market value of 5 evurilies positians sid ia most panes leet Thanh af the fala” asacts af Fee Clem, Tap Lins Lacity Mosiione rg 22 Seploner W IS87 Shai Rue! artery Cie nsts Vois.9e1 181 18402 "00 IAB K0N yaaa Vi 374.900 kez 208.332 SL 513009 36 Daring the month af Osvaber, soveral inrge Firms responded to thete ecuity losses snd the volatile mazket condisione hy eufstast ally Ineransing their nev ccpita throUgh infusions af equity enpita! f20m rarent ar al fiigted entitles ir theaue’ beberd neced borrowings. Ona firm added $100 milion ia ecvivs capicel and $60 cttica in subordinated borrowings. Anether firm edded S1CC milan -n culty cap.tal. A eu firm added equity capita; nf apneaximately S606 m.llian, Tver without the wh us 23, nawevee, AI OF the Fines wom d have terames shove the early warring !262% a1 the ene af Getaher 12) whitetarge firma generally demonstrated substaetialresiisncy during ihe hreck hecanse they had schaantinl cepital and diversivied in-encory posit: problems encsuneercd by ecersin Inege firme thaotd be noted, ‘As publicly repoered, Charine Serwat & fa, Ini subsidiary of the Charles Schaam Cospoeatinn and a inesher of the Now Yak S:nee Exchange, incurred a $22 mil.ion Fourth quarter Ins hecauce Customers failed 1> mact connection with the Metober market break. The $22 ani.ion charge wat feainly attributable on a siegis cuelcmer's is yauity te mect maeg-n calle in eapncetian sith Bis ie vestments in cheraceea Standard and Hears LO Idee 01 X°) ga aphons, ab reportedly racked 3 court-appmoved weHtinment of “le enim of S84 il om angela, red obligations cor 867 silica in tase 3nd te semenl, Schwab received $28 million i cash and a i reeourse, non interest hearing $47 million Hote r8yae M equal annua: fasaliments iver 8 perini nf S years. Schwab nlen extahlicher rexceves rirdlieg S14 IVn foe all ether unsecured oustemer receive USonwaneh 9 beskerage LF. Rothscrild & Co,, Incorporated MRamhsch ld"), 2 Now York Stock Exchenge member firm, carted approximole:§ 9,000 customer a¢-susts fir iselt and as. cleaving, heaker-dea ler for istr-cucing firms, Axa tenlPof the shacpdeciine in equity markets daring the manth of Oetaber Iea(=yehilt ney rree aless af approximately SSLA million, which eliminates almost ail af i°3 r7: eaputal m execss of carly warn.ng levels, The losses resulted (rom Rothschilas athitrage and averane-couner acy tet ANG EC/aBite ia the necounls af eustomess introduced i> it rn 4 fully auclosed bee's ty en intredusing Firm. Aluhough Rothtcrild mas mriniaines ect copia i Cxtess of the early warning levels, it has “aken measures lu tedzce ws risk partiolio 19 proprietar’ patifinns to protect atscIf 1m the even: of Further se:seme marc! sulutiite, Me-euen, Ac a feault Al an ongmag review a} its bauiness enderiatsy.Selase tre events OF ‘Getoher 19, Rottachitd hee inplemested eutehacks im ils public [nance and wmanigiz bond trading activ ities, therehy arnatanrisityxeeiez-ng te pervonnel. Rothschild alo as emerrd into an agezoment wth ilcoadeer! Cap tal Carp. to clear his custemet $62 41 i:iek transactions through Broadcoit on # futl-declosed basis. bo Mediom-Sived Firms “The fivision alsoreviewsd the Sitars.a eportsot eight medivisiged firms, eas arrying a substaztval ancuntol custome: aczoutts, ‘These Gnins hud ined sults Beteders Fowe Theme aa wet jucuare Tor the -nuiih as Follows: J Some af che anceeasrs in met capstal vesy.ted from reductions im seeurities Dostions and thus Ira roots ae ua 70 2 af, 6o0 seat 61987364 nas On the ott: hand, Four Cinms Lad Yorses for the moat aa Net Monte 557.985 570 Si see ‘95,808.28 28503 758 pg 807 Somes ine netes wees causea hy customer defaults in cash andr azgin accounts howevtr, most were attributable $9 zealized or unreal.geé losees in proprictary equity positions. Ja addition tg *hese Fie ws, athes Ficayy sul ered losses that wese ialesial 4 the fins’ net capital positions Feu exames one Tirm*bich led tentative sel capi:sl ly fa shart $1 million los $453,000» Getoter because of unsecu ved debite(*recsnebles) nd unsealized losses in the Gem's tetfing inventory, A tccond [orm fost almost $1 sil ion 'n Detober 1967, prmtcity teeawee ef mvestten: and tracing account lortcs Inis represented some 10M cats Ostaber excest nel capita: at the eed of Oztober. A th.rd tiem lost $573,300 bu etober, or 23. of its Octobee 31 excess net cazual, The Jess was caused primary oy =nrealited declines in as inventory pesitious. Desbits these relarively hte loaies for Dober, anly Ehrce Terme carrying customer azcoun's bad 1 eeane nutirtss Reesuse tty were in viglaving oF the net etpila! rele for reasere erumring from the Cetcter market orcsk Firs ebacavterized ax wading or urbitaae Fira, with alist ay other lines of sceuritics business, suffered extremely Hanus lessee doz tc the wacket Ureak. The Division ieviewsd the Tiagacial statements of Cove fajoe aubiteae Cinuns, Thuse Feiss ly 5462 million in Quicicr, This Figuse represents a lass of 41% of worth. Each Firm, huwever, bad, al evsth end, 92, vayit! substantially above the required love! & Upstaine Fiems That Ceased Operasions upstairs fieum that du not solely orauset vusizens gn tne Uloor af an exchange art regisvered as bruker-dealers with the Cummission. Suighily Neos chan I% of chat number (Tey eight [iems) were in v.oloGan of tke net capital rule far reasons relaced to the Oztober market Dreck and ceased cperotizas at least femporari'y. About one-half oy thisty 2¢ 1nase broker-deulers did act recover Poa: the reveals of the week of Ociober “9. The greai mascricy of these firms fe:l below dhe required levels of net capital beezuce of losses im proprietary accounts ar expected losses in zusicmers’ cash cr margin accounts (See Teble $$ at the enc of this chapter) 22) Tentanve net capitol is she nat caoital of & broker dealer before kairewss, sb ‘Of ihese, only one i-m that eor-ied euslomer accuunts, H.B. Shane & Cv. hue is being llquidazec pursuant to provisions of the Secur-ties Iaversor Pronect-on Ass of 1970 CSIPA) and under tupercision of @ court anoainted wuste, ‘The nature of chest Fifcy-eight Firms’ business may be broadly <csseiCies img & satepoties: (i! firms that carty eustsmer accouncs: (ii) Tem whose primary business s ttading for their own accounts aad which do not curry eusiomer accounts: and fillt Firms that iatroduce eusiomer accounts #2 caraying Io clearing) broker dealers. 1 Sett Clearing roker Dealers ‘Three broker-dealers that cerry eustomcrs’ secoun:s censed cpzrati¢™s ise ‘zast temporariig) teeause they were in viclztion nf the net casital ru'e a3 a result of the Geloher 13 marnat break. 14/ HB Shnine & Co, tne {‘Shaine”), cated in Grand Rapits. Michigan, wos NYSE andNAED member broker-dealer and market maver in thirty seven NASIAC)s022ritics ‘The firm nad two off'zes, anproximacely Fifly eng'sterea raprrsentaliwes, and eatrisd shout Faur thaistnd ewiomer secouats, Id ceatce onenatiarion Fletaber 19 beer use of am inability 40 mect an intraday varaation wargin call fram che Options Coa Cerparation (OCC stzmming from pasitions wm oncovernd (EX fut optinas std hy shout twenty customers. Altiatgh Shaine rep-cted net capital of $810,000 %n Septam=cr 30, 1587, th: ewstomers’areannts nn which the ¢ainmers def at: lhed lis. idntod te 4 (2:81 Aeticit of aboot $5 miithan During (2 wcee of October 14, T3E) 9 trottce wae Sppainted For Seqine under SIPA Twa other brover-deaters closed temporarily Roeawsn of capilal Actioicneic, Lowell, Listrom & Ca, Ine. was foceed to ase [2~ twin business Aays because of Aesling in the market valve of progiricts fies ¥2 aie0 toIhe Letoatr 14 market break. Am increase sn the macket valut of <1 gopsietary secus ities ond resolution of aged Lauled to deliver contiacss sesulted in i, zeen:sblishing capical complias, One other =-saring fire ceased doing bueincss dating th: Ootwer [987 Gm period, howeees, that Fie failed beva.se of financial df Cicullies generally uarelaied to the Ovivver cachet break. KA. Kauce & Cy., Ing. “Kraze @ KASD member Srober-dealer with hewlyuartars 1 Grand Rapivs Michiaa=, £34 experienced fmancia: problems priar to the 1-aiket Ueeak. Rarapp aval a an fora lien comaiitmsat of ev ing of shares in Centrac Atsucialee, [ne act) in Sepiembs: 1987, The stsck, issued at $500, share, was e:-king for approximately $3.00ehare in early November and afver Contras Filed a petition Tou bawerupizy on November 13, she stock had Witte or ne value, KAQpD 223 appioaincarely [30,000 sharzs sf Cenmeac long in inventory. Apparsaay, Kaan had Govole sel-ing its entire otligatics in part because 1 was nou able ts #agister (blue sky"] ihe istue in several states. The decline in value af Knage's inventory stock and other debts Krarp had ( Cemrac i3 eonmestion wth che ‘esulied ia an inadequate coniiol situation far Knapr Knapp ceased doing business on November 13 And commenced te acIf-Hiquidnte am Naveesbe" 15 aader the general supsrvision of (7s NASD. Raapp haz negotiated a vvanal2+ of its anprox mately 1,400 customer a2c0unts te other brexer-dealers, There is nn indication tha any'restomers wll suffer any losses +8 fn with uke Oriober mathe? breuk ard zemved coing by marily trades fur ice own ascouml, bad only une custo eithd:ew seeusities From its propissiary account to satisfy a 1avitits wits evs ome ‘id was able "0 obtain sulTicieat capital (2 reestablish net capical compliance aad se Suened on November 8, 1982 UL Tradiog Firms Five amy (iat bad no customers and whose primary business was trading “01 nein own accounts ceased theis secu ites operations at least temporarily because ot uses Trew the Octover uasbet break, The Cems were: (4) AIG, ine, (bi Comdisze Equities, av; ¢si Willian D. bayer & Co, fd} Metropolitan Sez.riiies, and I: Domestic acbisrage Group, AGG, tne. was un vations mural maker that cleared 11s tramsasinons shrsouh Beas. Sreaems & Co. ng. and shu took pusilions ia cish arbitcaue securities. Ar a cesult of the market treck, i: lost aperosircasely $40 milion in iis arbitrage sevarities As ul Rentember 30, i: repcrted 2et capita: of $¢ million, After the Joss, ie net eapival wae im deficit S'4 million Comdizco Equities. ins, CComdisea Eavities"), which ctevred its securities ransactiont through Bar, Stearss & Co Isz, suffered an unecalized oss of argroxinately $100 mill-an in equities trading and loved st October 20, 1987. Its parent, Comdizec, infused $45 million +0 bring it tack :nte net capi:cl eomplizece and Fe-apened cx. Getobet 22, 1987. Subsequent 12 the market Break, Comdiseo qusties Feperted tha: it will withacaw Tram. the fics arttrage business. Comisco Equiigs Fradual.y liquidating its marke: positions, ‘William 11 Mayer & Ca (Meyes"] wa: primarily an options marker make> in listed ‘ations tha: cleveed Hts srananetiraa I*rough Weise, Petk & Czeer. During the wees of Slesenee 19, Mays~ [oat $14 mil ian in aptices market making and $7. million .o thc value nf securives held Por investment. Is nek capital fell 2 a defieic of $1346 millon; ie had reported net capitol at 828 millica on September 0. Metropolitan Sezucitics wes an options market maker i Fisted options, and ie sefition taded equity wcur.ties [or rs own account lot? shat BL a ifian ie ‘ations marect making nClcinbee, Ity ret casital was in dofiei! a: the end cl Citolee by appresimnstely S41 million: as °l September Mf, it reported net capital of $7 million. jonas a Pally wy aed Sea vices Corporation CFCSC™ acd was also.2 market scaker Su apyioniwrats-y 210 NASDAQ socks and 100 “p.nk sheet" stacks Bostectig expericuoed fanancinl i iculties because of $42 mahon 13 “secorcs seats resellicg som i(s customers! habililies te CSC and a $1 m than dectice in the vatne af DL tnrrogucing Broker-Dealers As raise abuse, an sutcoducing Vrvker uarrangement sith anuloat fr The eae sion oe sures ty perfurm certain sereives for tz intavaucing Fien, Generally, she nteoduc euler i ene Wat has & comtractuay jeacitg iva im wich the careying fem 6 Crm submits its customer agcauats and customer urders tw the carsying Firm, wick executes the orders and carries the accounts, The cacrying firms duties inciude the Drcper disposition of ahe cortomer icneye and secur ries after wrade date, the wransfor (othe custener uf the siuneys and securcties after settlement date, the holdiz 5 U2 custauter secucities vind Tuinds, aad the haviling af the payer och asceiated with carrying customer azcoun's Approximately fifey-Five Firms chat initsdeced customer transazcions ¢2 a ZUlly divclused basis to clearing broker-dealers ceased operatione becuse of violuticrs of che Del capital cele caused by lostes directs valased to che Ovtuber suarket Lreak, Most of the lostes resulted Irom defaults by vistoinery iu failisn 12 Zane garment io the cleaving broker-deaicre 2x wavecared monies wise wo (ie clearing fitm Cz which the roducing Leoker-dJea:e-s were con:ractuaily liable, Tse net capital rue reau'ces the roducing Eroker-deese: (9 sarera éedection From iis ne seirth equa’ te the amos the ensevered colt, At least cleven uf the [iliysfive introducing [iro male rarhets iz over wounier seeuritiey The losses sustained by these firms were a result of usseeuree customer debits for which they were can:ractually Fable and dachnes in arg matket value of proprieicry inventory. Three cf ths Vifty five Meme a:s04: (ered substantial leading Tosses related to cheit options market making 2USINe9%, Avprosimateiy 40% of ine introducing firs that cessed crertians re-opened, usually within a weak after titir close. A number af firms Forced ro clote becuse af Unsecured customer debits were able ta increase their net exvital and cherefore re-npen by onrering ima subordinatior agreements w:th their cloariag brokers LY’ The remaining ems were able w ssauire adJitional copha’curCicieny to bring them ino compliance with the Commission's rules Jo, Over the Counter Matket Makers As discussed above, he net capital rule includes certais additinnel expital raycizemonts for market wakers in over-the counter securities 1g’ During the period Following vie market break, twelve broker dealers that ‘madz markets in avér-ihe ssounter secctities ceased crerstions. In some cases, the vices af the seserities in which they made markets fell dramatically The customer obl gations, in some ea secured by the steurities, became enctlestible. rrecusatly, the necrethe-coenler Ly) The net caps mute allows brover dealers. for purpaaca nf comparing net capital, Wadd eecrsin aatiefnctae ly subordinates inbilsties back tonct worth, Rule 15c? td. When a Viability it svborcinated, she lender has cont-aclwal.y ageeed every alhe+ unsubarsinated ercditer 3 the broker-dealer has 2 pricr latin ¥ che ‘taete of the braker-deales. For vukardinatinn agreements to be satisfactory [es [purposes of the net capita: rule, they must {i} meel (he criteria for acceptably {umd in Rute VSe%-44. which, arranp cther things. zequates that Chey may 60 be tepaid within a pariad of leis than one year, (i) be apuroved by the broker- Sealcr's dangnated exashinmng authority, aod (ii) remain inthe Form COune eceptanic by the sell regulatory organization which aclsas tie Cinm'sdensgnated examining suthe-iiy Ais See discuseson supra at p.

The amount of the haircut for a debt security depends on the issuer of the security , its .. futures; Regulation T of the Fit]! applies only to securities transactions.
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