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Analysis of Bell inequality violation in superconducting phase qubits Abraham G. Kofman and Alexander N. Korotkov Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Riverside, California 92521 (Dated: February 1, 2008) We analyze conditions for violation of the Bell inequality in the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt form,focusingontheJosephsonphasequbits. Westarttheanalysiswithmaximumviolationinthe ideal case, and then takeinto account theeffects of thelocal measurement errors and decoherence. Aspecial attention is paid toconfigurationsof thequbitmeasurement directionsin thepseudospin 8 space lying within either horizontal or vertical planes; these configurations are optimal in certain 0 cases. Besideslocalmeasurementerrorsanddecoherence,wealsodiscusstheeffectofmeasurement 0 crosstalk, which affects both the classical inequality and the quantum result. In particular, we 2 propose a version of the Bell inequality which is insensitive to thecrosstalk. n a PACSnumbers: 03.65.Ud,85.25.Cp,03.67.Lx J 9 I. INTRODUCTION underway.16,17 Theoreticalstudy relatedto the BI viola- tion in solid-state systems has also attracted significant ] n attention in recent years.18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 In 1935 Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) have o shown in the classical paper1 that quantum mechanics In this paper we discuss the Bell inequality (in the c CHSH form) for solid-state systems, focusing on experi- - contradicts the natural assumption (the “local realism”) r ments with superconducting phase qubits. We study ef- p thatameasurementofoneoftwospatiallyseparatedob- fects ofvariousfactorsdetrimentalfor observationofthe u jects does not affect the other one. This “spooky action BI violation, including local measurement errors, deco- s at a distance” – knownas an entanglement – is now rec- . herence, and interaction between qubits (crosstalk), and t ognizedasamajorresourceinthefieldofquantuminfor- a mation and quantum computing.2 The paradox has led analyzeoptimalconditionsinpresenceofthesenonideal- m ities. EPR to conclude that quantum mechanics is an incom- - Thepaper isorganizedasfollows. InSec.II wereview plete description of physical reality, thus implying that d the CHSH type of the BI, and also discuss tomography- n some local hidden variables are needed. type measurements using qubit rotations. In Sec. III o The EPR paradox remained at the level of semi- c philosophicaldiscussionsuntil1964,whenJohnBellcon- we consider the ideal case and describe all situations for [ which the BI is violated maximally. Sections IV-VI are tributed an inequality for results of a spin-correlation 2 experiment,3 which should hold for any theory involving devoted to the effects of various nonidealities on the ob- servation of the BI violation. In Sec. IV we discuss the v local hidden variables, but is violated by quantum me- 6 chanics. InspiredbyBell’s idea,in1969,Clauser,Horne, effect of local measurement errors, using a more general 3 Shimony, and Holt4 (CHSH) proposed a version of the error model than in the previous approaches.26,27,28,29,30 0 Analyticalresultsformaximallyentangledstatesandnu- Bell inequality (BI, the generic name for a family of in- 0 mericalresultsforgeneraltwo-qubitstatesarepresented. equalities), whichmade the experimentaltesting of local . 7 In Sec. V we consider the effect of local decoherence of hidden-variable theories possible. The main advantage 0 thequbits. InSec.VIwediscussmeasurementcrosstalk, of the CHSH inequality in comparison with the original 7 which affects both the BI (since crosstalk is a classical BI is that it does not rely on an experimentally unre- 0 mechanism of communication between qubits) and the : alistic assumption of a perfect anticorrelation between v quantum result. We also propose a version of the BI, the measurement results when two spin-1/2 particles (in i which is not affected by the crosstalk. Section VII pro- X the spin-0 state) are measured along the same direction. Many interesting experiments5,6,7,8,9,10 have been done vides concluding remarks. r a sincethen. Theresultsoftheseexperimentsclearlyshow a violation of the Bell inequalities, in accordance with II. PRELIMINARIES quantum mechanical predictions. The BI violation has been mostly demonstrated in the experiments with photons;5,6,7 it has been also A. CHSH inequality shown in the experiments with ions in traps8 and with an atom-photon system;9 a Bell-like inequality viola- We begin with a brief review of the CHSH tion has been also demonstrated in an experiment with inequality,4,31,32 a type of the Bell inequality usually single neutrons.10 Experimental violation of the BI in used in experiments. Let us consider a pair of two- solid-state qubits would be an important step towards level systems (qubits) a and b. Assuming that a real- practical quantum information processing by solid-state istic (classical) theory based on local observables3 holds devices.11,12,13,14,15 Experiments on observation of the and there is no communication between the qubits (i.e., BI violation in Josephson phase qubits are currently no crosstalk), the two-qubit measurement results should 2 satisfy the CHSH inequality4,33 to the class of one-channelmeasurements) the whole en- semble of qubit pairs is being measured, and therefore 2 S 2, (1) there is no detector loophole (if one avoids17 corrections − ≤ ≤ for measurementerrors),as well as there is no difference where between CHSH and CH interpretations. S =E(~a,~b) E(~a,~b′)+E(~a′,~b)+E(~a′,~b′). (2) − B. Tomographic measurements Here~aand~a′(~band~b′)aretheunitradius-vectorsonthe Blochspherealongthe measurementaxes forqubit a (b) Insomecases,asforJosephsonphasequbits,themea- and E(~a,~b) is the correlatorof the measurement results: surement (detector) axis cannot be physically rotated. However,insteadofthe detectorrotation,onecanrotate E(~a,~b)=p++(~a,~b)+p−−(~a,~b)−p+−(~a,~b)−p−+(~a,~b), the qubit state.37,38 Let us show the equivalence of the (3) two methods explicitly, using the example of the phase where pij(~a,~b) (i,j = ) is the joint probability of mea- qubit and assuming ideal (orthodox) measurement. ± surement results i and j for qubits a and b, respectively. The Hamiltonian of the phase qubit in a microwave ThesumoftheprobabilitiesinEq.(3)equalsone. This fieldinthe subspaceofthe twoloweststatesinthe qubit can be used to recast Eq. (2) in the form potential well ψ and ψ is 0 1 | i | i S =4T +2, (4) Hq = (h¯ωq/2)(ψ1 ψ1 ψ0 ψ0 ) | ih |−| ih | +h¯Ω(t)sin(ωt+φ)(ψ ψ + ψ ψ ), (7) 0 1 1 0 where | ih | | ih | where ¯h is the Planck constant, ω is the qubit reso- q T =p(~a,~b) p(~a,~b′)+p(~a′,~b)+p(~a′,~b′) p (~a′) p (~b). nance frequency, ω is the microwave frequency, Ω(t) = a b − − − (5) d10E(t)/¯h is the time-dependent Rabi frequency, d10 Here p(~a,~b) = p (~a,~b), whereas p (~a′) = p (~a′,~b)+ is the dipole-moment matrix element, and E(t) is ++ a ++ p (~a′,~b) [or p (~b) = p (~a,~b)+p (~a,~b)] is the prob- the electric-strength amplitude of the microwave field. +− b ++ −+ Transforming to the qubit basis (the rotating frame) ability of the measurement result “+” for qubit a (or 0 = ψ , 1 = eiωt ψ , neglecting fast oscillating b) irrespective of the measurement result for the other | i | 0i | i | 1i terms inthe Hamiltonian(the rotating-waveapproxima- qubit [in the classical theory in absence of communica- tion between qubits, p (~a′) is obviously independent of tion) and assuming the resonance condition ω = ωq, we a arrive at the Hamiltonian the direction~b and even independent of the very fact of the qubit b measurement; similarly for pb(~b)]. Thus, in- H(t)= ¯hΩ(t)~n ~σ, (8) stead of the probabilities p , one can equivalently use 2 · ij theprobabilitiesp,p ,andp ,andtheinequality(1)can wheretheunitvector~n=(sinφ, cosφ,0)lies inthe xy a b − be recast in an equivalent form4 plane makingthe angleφ π/2 with the xaxis,whereas ~σ =(σ ,σ ,σ )isthevect−orofthePaulimatrices.39Here x y z 1 T 0. (6) and below we associate state 1 (0 ) with the measure- − ≤ ≤ | i | i mentresult“+”(“ ”)andwiththe eigenvalue1( 1)of Notice that both inequalities (1) and (6) can have − − σ , so that σ = 1 1 0 0. z z somewhat different meanings in different physical sit- | ih |−| ih | As follows from Eq. (8), the microwave pulse rotates uations. In particular, the results “+” and “ ” may the qubit state such that the initial density matrix ρ − q correspond to the presence or absence of the detector becomes ρ˜ =U ρ U†, where “click”(socalled“one-channelmeasurement”4,34);inthis q R q R case a low-efficiency detector significantly increases the U =e−iθ~n·~σ/2 =cos(θ/2) i~n ~σsin(θ/2) R − · chance of the result “−”. Another possibility is the so- cos(θ/2) e−iφsin(θ/2) called “two-channel measurement”, in which the qubit = . (9) (cid:18) eiφsin(θ/2) cos(θ/2) (cid:19) states“+”and“ ”aresupposedtoproduceclicksindif- − ferent detectors;−33 in this case inefficient detection leads Here θ = t2dtΩ(t), where t and t are the pulse start- tothreepossibleresults: “+”,“ ”,and“noresult”. Sig- ing and enRdt1ing time moment1s. 2 − nificant inefficiency of the optical detectors leads to the The probability of the qubit to be found in state i is so-called “detector loophole,”35,36 which arises because | i p =Tr(i iρ˜ )=Tr(P ρ ) (i=0,1). (10) effectively not the whole ensemble of the qubit pairs is i q i q | ih | beingmeasured. Thisproblemisoftendiscussedinterms Here P is the projection operator P =U† i iU , i.e., of contrasting the Clauser-Horne34 (CH) and CHSH in- i i R| ih | R terpretations of the inequalities, which differ by consid- 1 1+cosθ e−iφsinθ 1 P (~a)= = (I +~a ~σ), ering either the whole ensemble or a subensemble of the 1 2(cid:18) eiφsinθ 1 cosθ (cid:19) 2 · − qubit pairs. It is important to mention that in the case 1 of the Josephson phase qubits (which formally belongs P0(~a)=I P1(~a)= (I ~a ~σ), (11) − 2 − · 3 where I is the identity matrix and~a is the unit vector (here A′ =~a′ ~σ and B′ =~b′ ~σ ). a b · · The maximum and minimum values of S (so-called ~a=(cosφsinθ,sinφsinθ,cosθ) (12) Cirel’son’s bounds41) defining the measurement axis. S = 2√2 (18) ± Equations (10) and (11) show explicitly the equiva- ± lence between the qubit and detector rotations. Namely, can be obtained, for example, in the following way.42 one can interpret p1 (p0) as the probability of the qubit Since the Bell operator is Hermitian, S± are equal tobefoundinthestatewiththepseudospinparallel(an- to the maximum and minBimum eigenvalues of . These tiparallel) to the measurement axis~a. eigenvaluescanbefoundanalyzingtheeigenvaluBesof 2: Noticethatthemicrowavephaseφisnaturallydefined B modulo2π,whiletheRabirotationangleθcanbealways 2 =4+[A,A′][B,B′]=4 4(~a ~a′ ~σ )(~b ~b′ ~σ ) (19) a b B − × · × · reduced to a 2π range (we will assume π < θ π). − ≤ (here the vector product is taken before the scalar prod- Nevertheless,with this restrictionthere are still two sets uct). SincetheeigenvaluesofthePaulimatricesareequal of angles (θ,φ) corresponding to the same measurement to 1, the largest eigenvalue of 2 is 8, achieved when direction~a, because~a is invariant under the change ~a ±~a′ and~b ~b′. In this case thBe maximum and mini- ⊥ ⊥ (θ,φ) ( θ,φ+π). (13) mumeigenvaluesof are √8,thusleadingtoEq.(18). ↔ − B ± (Both values √8 are realized because in this case the It is easy to make a one-to-one correspondence between othereigenval±ueof 2 is0,andthesumofallfoureigen- themeasurementdirection~aandangles(θ,φ)bylimiting B values of should be equal to 0 since Tr =0.) either θ or φ to a π-range (instead of 2π). However, we B B Consider some useful properties of S. As follows from prefernottodothatbecauseitisconvenientandnatural Eqs. (16) and (17), the value of S is invariant under ar- physicallytohavea2πrangeforoneanglewhentheother bitrary local unitary transformations U and U , angleisfixed. So,asfollowsfromEqs.(12)and(13),the a b polar(zenith)andazimuthsphericalcoordinatesof~aare ρ (U U )ρ(U† U†), (20a) equal to, respectively, θ and φ when θ 0, and θ and → a⊗ b a ⊗ b ≥ − φ+π when θ <0. if simultaneously A U AU†, A′ U A′U†, B → a a → a a → The joint probability of the two-qubit measurement U BU†, B′ U B′U† or, equivalently, can be written as b b → b b ~a R ~a, ~a′ R ~a′, ~b R~b, ~b′ R~b′, (20b) pij(~a,~b)=Tr[Pia(~a)Pjb(~b)ρ], (14) → a → a → b → b where R (R ) is the rotation matrix corresponding to where ρ is the two-qubit density matrix, Pa = P I, a b and Pib =I ⊗Pi. i i ⊗ Uinava(rUiabn),cesoistahnato,bev.igo.u,sUcao(n~ase·q~σu)eUna†ce=of(Rthae~a)eq·u~σiv.alTenhcies between the qubit and detector rotations, discussed in theprevioussection. Asaresultoftheinvariance,ifsome III. MAXIMUM BI VIOLATION: IDEAL CASE state isknowntoviolate the BI fora givenconfiguration of the detectors, one can obtain many other states and The purpose of this paper is to analyze conditions the corresponding detector configurations providing the needed to observe the BI violation in experiment. Since same BI violation, by using Eqs. (20) with all possible itisusuallyeasiertoobserveaneffectwhenitismaximal, local rotations. we start the analysis with the situations where violation Note also that inverts the sign if the pair of vectors of the BI is maximal. ~a,~a′ (or ~b,~b′) invBerts the sign. Correspondingly, for a given state A. Bell operator and Cirel’son’s bounds S S if ~a ~a,~a′ ~a′ (or~b ~b,~b′ ~b′). →− →− →− →− →− (21) Equations(3)and(14)yieldE(~a,~b)=Tr(ABρ),where As follows from Eq. (21), there is a one-to-one corre- spondence between the classes of detector configurations A=Pa(~a) Pa(~a)=~a ~σ (15) 1 − 0 · a maximizing and minimizing S for a given state. andsimilarlyB =~b ~σ . Here~σ =~σ I and~σ =I ~σ, b a b · ⊗ ⊗ the eigenvalues of A and B being 1. Correspondingly, ± B. Optimal detector configurations for maximally as follows from Eq. (2), entangled states S =Tr( ρ), (16) B Foranygivendetectorconfigurationsatisfyingthecon- where the Bell operator40 is dition B =AB AB′+A′B+A′B′ (17) ~a ~a′ and ~b ~b′, (22) B − ⊥ ⊥ 4 each of the Cirel’son’s bounds (18) is achieved for a of the plane containing the detector axes. As the ini- unique maximally entangled state.43,44 In contrast, for tial maximizing case we can choose the most standard a given maximally entangled state there can be many configuration4,32 when all detector axes are within xz optimal detector configurations giving the maximal BI plane, violation. To the best of our knowledge,only the config- urations with the detector axes lying in one plane have φ =φ′ =φ =φ′ =0, (29) a a b b been usually considered in the literature, though gener- ally the detector axes for different qubits may lie in two and the polar (zenith) angles of the detector directions different planes. Moreover, the BI violation has been ~a,~a′,~b,~b′ are studied mainly for one of the Bell states,2 θ =0, θ′ =π/2, θ = 3π/4, θ′ = π/4. (30) Ψ =(10 01 )/√2, (23) a a b − b − ± | i | i±| i Φ± =(00 11 )/√2, (24) Then all detector configurations with S = 2√2 can be | i | i±| i parametrizedbythreeEulerangles46 κ ,κ ,andκ (0 1 2 3 whileanarbitrarymaximallyentangledstatecanbewrit- ≤ κ 2π, 0 κ π), which describe an arbitrary 1,3 2 ten as ≤ ≤ ≤ rotation of the configuration (29)–(30). |Ψmei=(|χa1χb1i+|χa2χb2i)/√2, (25) canSimbeilaorblyt,aianleldmfirnoimmiztihnegsctoannfidgaurdratxiozncsa(sSe [=Eq−. 2(√292))] where χk , χk is an orthonormal basis for qubit k. with {| 1i | 2i} Our purpose here is to determine all optimal detector configurations for any maximally entangled state. θa =0, θa′ =π/2, θb =π/4, θb′ =3π/4 (31) byarbitraryrotationsofthisconfiguration,characterized 1. Singlet state by three Euler angles κ1,2,3. Letusstart,assumingthatthequbitsareinthesinglet state Ψ− . For this state E(~a,~b) = Ψ− (~a ~σ) (~b 2. General maximally entangled state | i h | · ⊗ · ~σ)Ψ = ~a ~b, so that [see Eq. (2)] − | i − · Any maximally entangled two-qubit state can be ob- S =~a (~b′ ~b) ~a′ (~b+~b′). (26) tainedfromthesingletstatebyaunitarytransformation · − − · of the basis of one of the qubits47 (i.e. a one-qubit rota- Maximizingthis formulaover~a and~a′,weshouldchoose tion). Therefore, an arbitrary case corresponding to the ~a to be parallel to~b′ ~b, while~a′ should be antiparallel bounds S = 2√2 can be reduced to the singlet state − ± to ~b′ +~b. Therefore45 ~a ~a′, since ~b′ ~b and ~b +~b′ considered abo±ve by a unitary transformation U of the ⊥ − b are mutually orthogonal. Similarly, rewriting S as S = qubitbbasisandsimultaneouscorrespondingrotationof ~b′ (~a+~a′) ~b (~a ~a′), we can show that maximization the detector axes ~b and ~b′ for the second qubit. Since · − · − of S requires~b ~b′. In this way we easily show that the the transformationU canalsobe characterizedbythree b ⊥ necessary and sufficient condition for reachingthe upper Euler angles κb, κb, and κb, an arbitrary situation with 1 2 3 bound S+ =2√2 for the singlet state is S = 2√2 can be characterized by six independent pa- rameters (κ ,κ ,κ ,κb,κb,κb), using the standard con- 1 2 3 1 2 3 ~a ~a′, ~b= (~a+~a′)/√2, ~b′ =(~a′ ~a)/√2. (27) figuration (29)–(30) as a starting point. Similarly, any ⊥ − − situation with S = 2√2 is characterized by the same Becauseofthesymmetry(21),thenecessaryandsuffi- − six parameters, starting with the xz configuration (31). cientconditionforreachingthelowerboundS = 2√2 − Sincethesesixparameterscandescribearbitrarydirec- − can be obtained by the inversion of the detector direc- tionsoffourmeasurementaxes(~a,~a′,~b,~b′)stillsatisfying tions for one of the qubits: the conditions ~a ~a′ and~b ~b′, it is obvious that any ⊥ ⊥ ~a ~a′, ~b=(~a+~a′)/√2, ~b′ =(~a ~a′)/√2. (28) such four-axes configuration produces S = 2√2 for ex- ⊥ − actly one entangled state and also produces S = 2√2 − for another entangled state. Notice that the sign of S Equations(27)and(28)showthatforthesingletstate canobviouslybe flipped byaπ-rotationofqubit a(orb) themaximumBIviolationrequiresthatthedetectoraxes forbothqubitslieinthesameplane. However,theorien- around the axis~a ~a′ (~b ~b′) instead of the π-rotation × × tation of this plane is arbitrary, since Eqs. (27) and (28) (21) of its detector axes. Also notice that six indepen- determine only the angles between the detector axes. dent parameters for an optimal configuration can be al- All configurations maximizing (or minimizing) S for ternatively chosen as any parameters characterizing the the singlet state can be obtained from one maximiz- four measurement axes, which are pair-wise orthogonal: ing (minimizing) configuration by all possible rotations ~a ~a′ and~b ~b′. ⊥ ⊥ 5 3. Odd states Recall that we define both θ and φ modulo 2π, and thereforeeachmeasurementdirectioncorrespondstotwo An important special case is the class of “odd” maxi- sets of (θ,φ) [see Eq. (13)]. Consequently, the optimal mally entangled states configurations described by Eqs. (34)–(36) can be also described in several equivalent forms by applying the Ψ =(10 +eiα 01 )/√2 (0 α<2π), (32) transformation(13) tosome ofthe fourmeasurementdi- | i | i | i ≤ rections. which is of relevance for experiments with Josephson AsfollowsfromEq.(34),theonlyoddstatesforwhich phase qubits.12 Such states can be obtained (with an the optimal vertical configurations lie in the same plane accuracy up to an overall phase factor) from the sin- are the Bell states Ψ (corresponding to α = π) and agrleotunstdattehe|Ψz−aixbisy. uInnedqeuedal, rsointcaetioUnzs(ϕo)f t=hee−twiϕoσzq/u2briots- |cΨon+fiigu(croartrioesnpsofnodritnhg|et−soiinαgle=t st0a)t.e TΨhe oaprteimgiavlenvebrytical tates a spin 1/2 aroundthe z axis by angle ϕ, we obtain | −i [U (α ) U (α + π α)]Ψ = ie−iα/2 Ψ , where z 0 ⊗ z 0 − | −i − | i φ =φ′ =φ =φ′ =φ (37) α0 is arbitrary. Thus, in view of Eq. (20), the optimal a a b b 0 detector configurations for the odd state (32) can be ob- tained from those for Ψ by rotating the detectors for andEqs.(35)–(36). Todescribetheoptimalverticalcon- − | i the qubit b around the z axis by the angle π α [notice figurations for the state Ψ+ , it is natural to apply the − | i that the state (32) reduces to the singlet for α = π]. In equivalence (13) to the qubit b measurement directions, termsoftheparametersθ andφ,thisisequivalenttothe sothattheanglesφarestillallequalasinEq.(37),while change theanglesθaregivenbyEqs.(35)–(36)withflippedsigns for the qubit b, i.e. θ θ and θ′ θ′. φ φ +π α, φ′ φ′ +π α. (33) b →− b b →− b b → b − b → b − Nowletusconsidertheoptimaldetectorconfigurations in the horizontal (xy) plane: Thus, for the odd states the class of optimal configura- tionsmaximizingS (aswellasthe classminimizing S)is characterized by four parameters: κ , κ , κ , and α. θ =θ′ =θ =θ′ =π/2. (38) 1 2 3 a a b b Nowletusfocusontheoptimalconfigurationswiththe detector axes lying either in a “vertical” plane for each Allconfigurationsfor S =2√2canbe obtainedfromthe qubit(i.e.,aplanecontainingthez axis)orthe“horizon- standard configuration (29)–(30) by rotating it into the tal” (xy) plane; such configurations will be important in xy plane (so that the angles θ are essentially replaced the study of effects of errors (Sec. IV) and decoherence by the angles φ), then applying an arbitrary rotation (Sec. V). within xy plane and possibly the mirror reflection, and To obtain all “vertical” cases with the maximum BI finally applying the transformation (33) with the state- violationS =2√2,westartwiththestandardconfigura- dependent parameter α, so that tion(29)–(30)forthesinglet,thenapplyarotationinthe xz plane by an arbitrary angle C (we can also apply the (φ ,φ′,φ +α,φ′ +α)= (0,π/2,π/4,3π/4)+C (39) mirrorreflection),thenrotatetheresultingconfiguration a a b b ± aroundthe z axis by an arbitraryangleφ ,48 and finally 0 with arbitrary C (the signs correspond again to the applytheα-rotation(33)determinedbythephaseofthe ± possibility of the mirror reflection). odd state (32). As a result, the optimal measurement directions for the qubits a and b generally lie in different Similarly, all horizontal configurations corresponding vertical planes, to S = 2√2 for the odd states are described by the − angles φ =φ′ =φ , φ =φ′ =φ +π α, (34) a a 0 b b 0 − while the polar angles corresponding to S =2√2 are (φa,φ′a,φb+α,φ′b+α)=±(0,π/2,−3π/4,−π/4)+C. (40) (θa,θa′,θb,θb′)=±(0,π/2,−3π/4,−π/4)+C, (35) Notice that the application of the equivalence (13) to all four measurement directions changes π/2 into π/2 where φ0 and C are arbitrary angles, while α is deter- inEq.(38),whileEqs.(39)and(40)donotchange,−since mined by the state (32). Notice that the signs corre- ± the correspondingπ-shift ofanglesφcanbe absorbedby spond to the possibility of the mirror reflection, which the arbitrary parameter C. we did not have to consider in the previous subsections because it can be reproduced using 3D rotations, while it is a necessary extra transformation in the 2D case. Similarly, the minimum S = 2√2 for the odd state IV. LOCAL MEASUREMENT ERRORS − (32)isachievedforthe verticalconfigurationswithinthe planes given by Eq. (34) for the polar angles In this section we consider the effects of local (inde- (θ ,θ′,θ ,θ′)= (0,π/2,π/4,3π/4)+C. (36) pendent) measurement errors on the BI violation. a a b b ± 6 A. Error model oftenconsidered;thenFk iscalledthedetectorefficiency; 1 boththe casesFa =Fb (Refs. 26,29)andFb =Fa (Ref. 1 1 1 6 1 The probabilitiesofthe measurementresults fora sin- 30) have been considered. Let us also mention the effect gle qubit can be written in the form ofnonidealitiesontheBIviolationconsideredfortheex- perimentsontwo-photoninterference.27,28Thesituations 1 of Refs. 27,28 formally correspond to the special case of pMi = Fimpm =Tr(Qiρq), (41) our model with mX=0 Fa =Fa =F , Fb =Fb =F . (45) where pm are the probabilities which would be obtained 0 1 a 0 1 b byidealmeasurements,F istheprobabilitytofindthe im Then the product (2F 1)(2F 1) equals either the qubit in the state|iiwhen it is actually in the state|mi, visibility27 ortheproduac−tofthebvi−sibilityandthesquare and operator Q =F P +F P contains the projector i i0 0 i1 1 of the signal acceptance probability.28 operatorsP [seeEq.(10)]. TheoperatorsQ satisfythe 0,1 i same condition as the POVM measurement operators,2 namely, Q are positive and Q +Q =1. The condition i 0 1 pM +pM = 1 implies that F +F = 1. Hence, the B. General relations for S 0 1 0m 1m matrix F has two independent parameters, which can be chosen as the measurement fidelities F F and The Bell operator (17) can be generalized to the case 0 00 ≡ F F for the states 0 and 1 , so that of measurement errors. Inserting Eq. (43) into Eq. (3) 1 11 ≡ | i | i yields E(~a,~b)=Tr(A˜B˜ρ), where pM =F ρ˜ +(1 F )ρ˜ , pM =(1 F )ρ˜ +F ρ˜ 0 0 00 − 1 11 1 − 0 00 1 11 (42) A˜ =Qa Qa =Fa Fa+(Fa+Fa 1)~a ~σ ,(46a) (here ρ˜ij are the components of the one-qubit density 1− 0 1 − 0 0 1 − · a matrixafterthetomographicrotationand0≤F0,1 ≤1). B˜ =F1b−F0b+(F0b+F1b−1)~b·~σb. (46b) It can be always assumed that F + F 1, since in 0 1 the opposite casethe measurementresults≥canbe simply Therefore S can be expressed as renamed: 0 1; as a consequence, max(F ,F ) 1/2. Usingthe↔assumptionthatmeasurement0erro1rs≥foreach S =Tr(˜ρ) (47) B qubit can be considered independently of the errors for via the modified Bell operator the other qubit, the measured probabilities for a qubit pair can be written in the form31 ˜=A˜B˜ A˜B˜′+A˜′B˜+A˜′B˜′, (48) B − 1 pMij = FiamFjbnpmn =Tr(QaiQbjρ), (43) where A˜′ and B˜′ are obtained from A˜ and B˜ by replac- mX,n=0 ing ~a and~b with ~a′ and~b′, respectively. Notice that ˜ B is a Hermitian operator and therefore in some cases it is where Fk is the matrix F for qubit k and Qk = im im i usefultothinkaboutthemeasurementofSasameasure- FkPk+FkPk [see Eq. (14)]. i0 0 i1 1 mentofaphysicalquantitycorrespondingtotheoperator In this section we will discuss the condition for the BI ˜(even though this analogy works only for averages). violation as a function of measurement fidelities F0k and B It is rather trivial to show50 that in the presence Fk. Sometimes we will limit the analysis to the case of 1 of local measurement errors the Cirel’son’s inequality equal measurement fidelities for both qubits, S 2√2 remains valid (this fact can be proven51 for | | ≤ Fa =Fb =F , (44) any POVM-type measurement). Moreover, a stricter in- i i i equality for S [see Eq. (50) below] can be obtained, us- however, the case of different measurement fidelities for ing the meth|od| similar to that of Ref. 51. We will prove the two qubits is also of interest. (Different fidelities this inequality for all pure two-qubit states, ρ = ψ ψ , are especially of interest when the qubits have different which automatically means that it is also valid f|orihan|y physicalimplementations. Forinstance,inthecaseofan mixed state ρ. Using notation O = Tr(Oρ) = ψ Oψ atom-photon qubit pair9 the detection efficiency for the for any operator O, we start whithi the obvioushrel|at|ioni atom is nearly 100%, whereas the photon-detector effi- S = A˜(B˜ B˜′) + A˜′(B˜ +B˜′) A˜(B˜ B˜′) + ciencyissignificantlylessthan100%.) Noticethatforthe | A˜|′(B˜|h+ B˜′)−. Tihe nhext step is it|o≤ap|hply th−e genie|ral Josephson phase qubits the trade-off between the fideli- i|nhequality Oi|O 2 O O† O†O to both terms in ties Fk and Fk can be controlled in the experiment12,49 |h 1 2i| ≤ h 1 1ih 2 2i 0 1 the sum (this inequality is the direct consequence of the foreachqubitindividuallybychangingthemeasurement Cauchy-Schwartz inequality ψ ψ 2 ψ ψ ψ ψ 1 2 1 1 2 2 pulse strength. |h | i| ≤h | ih | i for the vectors ψ = O† ψ and ψ = O ψ ). In this Several special cases of our error model have been | 1i 1| i | 2i 2| i way we obtain previously discussed in the literature, starting with the CHSH paper.4 For example,inthe problemofthe detec- tor loophole35,36 the CH inequality with Fa =Fb =1 is S A˜2 (B˜ B˜′)2 + A˜′2 (B˜+B˜′)2 (49) 0 0 | |≤qh ih − i qh ih i 7 (notice that operators A˜, A˜′, B˜, and B˜′ are Hermi- states and over measurement directions) are invariant tian). As the next step, we notice that the eigenval- withrespecttosimultaneousinterchangeofmeasurement ues of A˜ (as well as eigenvalues of A˜′) are 2Fa 1 fidelities and 1 2Fa, which follows from Eq. (46) an1d −the − 0 Fa Fa, Fb Fb, (53) fact that the eigenvalues of ~a ~σa are 1. Therefore, 0 ↔ 1 0 ↔ 1 A˜2 (2Fa 1)2 and A˜′2· (2Fa± 1)2, where tFhamkinaix|S≤=|≤m(2maFxamx(aFa−0xk,−F11k))(cid:20);qahnh(dB˜s−oiB˜≤fr′o)2mi+Emqqax.h−((B4˜9+) Bw˜e′)2oib(cid:21)-. w−oFb0hSbvi+li↔eouitfsFhloey1bn)eldyxiostornmenometa-udqcmeuh.bavin(tagTlfieuh.de)eeslcictohyrarinensgtpeeoracnshdaSinn+gge→o(pF−ti0amS−↔al, SFst−1aat→oers Next, since √x1 +√x2 2(x1+x2) for any positive Inthe presence ofmeasurementerrorsthe magnitudes ≤ numbersx andx ,andusipng the relation (B˜ B˜′)2 + of the maximum and minimum of S generally differ, 1 2 h − i (B˜ + B˜′)2 = 2 B˜2 + B˜′2 , we obtain the inequality S+ = S− . However, as follows from the latter sym- h i h i metr6y,|S |= S (as in the ideal case) if the two mea- S 2(2Fa 1) B˜2+B˜′2 . Finally, using the re- + | −| | | ≤ max − qh i surementfidelities are symmetric (equal)at leastfor one lations B˜2 (2Fb 1)2 and B˜′2 (2Fb 1)2, qubit: h i ≤ max− h i ≤ max− derived in a similar way as above, we obtain the upper Fa =Fa or Fb =Fb. (54) bound 0 1 0 1 If the fidelities are symmetric for both qubits [the sit- S 2√2(2Fa 1)(2Fb 1). (50) | |≤ max− max− uation described by Eq. (45)], then the expression for S given by Eq. (51) becomes simple: S =(2F 1)(2F This upper bound is generally not exact and can be a− b− 1)S and directly related to the value S without mea- reachedonlyinthecasewhentheerrorsaresymmetricin 0 0 surement errors. Then the extremum values both qubits [Eq. (45)], leading to Eq. (55) below. While thebound(50)dependsonlyonthelargestmeasurement S = 2√2(2F 1)(2F 1) (55) ± a b fidelity for each qubit, our numerical results show that ± − − the exact bounds S± shrink monotonously with the de- areobviouslyachievedforanymaximallyentangledstate crease of all fidelities, if the errors are small enough to under the same conditions as in Sec. III. Correspond- allow the BI violation (see below). ingly, the requirement for the fidelities for a violation of A useful expression for S can be obtained from Eqs. the BI is27,28 (46)–(47) by separating the terms for the ideal case: (2F 1)(2F 1)>2−1/2 0.707. (56) a b − − ≈ S =2ξaξb +2ξaξb~a′ ~s +2ξaξb~b ~s +ξaξbS , (51) − − + − · a − + · b + + 0 Noticethatwhenthemeasurementfidelitiesfortheboth qubits are the same, F = F = F, Eq. (56) reduces to whereξk =Fk+Fk 1, ξk =Fk Fk,S isthevalueof a b + 0 1− − 1 − 0 0 the threshold fidelity S in the absence of errors[Eq. (16)], and~s is the Bloch k vector characterizing the reduced density matrix for the F >0.5+2−5/4 0.920, (57) qubit k, i.e. ρk = Trk′6=kρ = (I +~sk ~σ)/2. Notice that ≈ ~s = ~s = 0 for a maximally entangle·d state and there- while if the measurement for one of the qubits is ideal a b fore the secondandthird terms inEq.(51) may increase (for example, Fa =1), then the BI violation requires S for nonmaximally entangled optimal states. That is | | F >0.5+2−3/2 0.854. (58) why in the presence of errors the states maximizing and b ≈ minimizing S areusuallynonmaximallyentangled26 (see below). C. Analytical results for maximally entangled Notice that in the presence of errors, S still preserves states theinvariancewithrespecttothelocaltransformationsof qubits and simultaneous rotation of measurement direc- Let us first analyze the extremum values of S for the tionsdescribedbyEqs.(20). Thesymmetrydescribedby class of maximally entangled states (25). Since in this Eq.(21) (signflip ofS for the reversalofone-qubitmea- case~s =~s =0, we obtain from Eq.(51) that for maxi- surement directions) is no longer valid; however, it can a b mally entangled states be easily modified by adding simultaneous interchange F0 ↔F1 of one-qubit fidelities: S =2(F1a−F0a)(F1b−F0b)+(F1a+F0a−1)(F1b+F0b−1)S0 (59) S S if ~a ~a,~a′ ~a′, Fa Fa; (52a) →− →− →− 0 ↔ 1 isdirectlyrelatedtothecorrespondingquantityS0inthe S S if ~b ~b,~b′ ~b′, Fb Fb. (52b) absence of errors. Therefore the extremum values of S →− →− →− 0 ↔ 1 for maximally entangles states are Obviously, S does not change if both transformations (52) are made simultaneously. As a consequence, the S =2(Fa Fa)(Fb Fb) 2√2(Fa+Fa 1)(Fb+Fb 1), ± 1− 0 1− 0 ± 1 0− 1 0− maximumS andminimumS (optimizedoverthequbit (60) + − 8 and they are achieved under the same conditions as dis- S+=2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 cussed in Sec. III. 1 Whenthe asymmetryofmeasurementfidelities is sim- ilar for both qubits (Fa > Fa and Fb > Fb or both 0.95 1 0 1 0 inequalities with “<” sign), the first term in Eq. (60) is 0.9 positive, and therefore the BI S 2 can be stronger | | ≤ violated for positive S than for negative S. Similarly, if 0.85 theasymmetriesareopposite(forexample,F1a >F0a and F1 Fb <Fb), then it is easier to violate the BI for negative 1 0 0.8 S. If fidelities are symmetric at least for one qubit [Eq. (54)], thenthe firstterminEq.(60)vanishes,andthere- 0.75 fore S = S , as discussed in the previous subsection. − + − If the fidelities are the same for both qubits, F0a = 0.7 Fb = F and Fa = Fb = F , then the positive S is 0 0 1 1 1 preferable and 0.65 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 S+ =2(F1 F0)2+2√2(F1+F0 1)2 (61) F0 − − (see the dashedlines inFig.1). This value ofS reaches + the maximum 2√2 when both errors vanish (F = F = FIG. 1: Solid lines: contour plot of S+ (the maximum quan- 0 1 tum value of S) versus the measurement fidelities F0 and F1 1) and decreaseswith the decrease of each fidelity in the (assumedequalforbothqubits),optimizedoveralltwo-qubit interesting region S+ > 2 (more accurately, as long as states. The dashed lines show theresult of S+ maximization S+ >4 2√2 1.17). TheconditionfortheBIviolation overthemaximally-entangledstatesonly[Eq.(61)]. TheBell − ≈ in this case is (CHSH)inequality can be violated when S+ >2. (F F )2+√2(F +F 1)2 >1. (62) 1 0 1 0 − − while we apply this method to our more general error This threshold of the BI violation on the F -F plane is 0 1 model. shown by the lowestdashed line in Fig. 1. It is an arc of The numerical maximization (minimization) of the theellipse(correspondingtoS+ =2),whichissymmetric largest (smallest) eigenvalue of the Bell operator ˜ has with respect to the line F0 =F1 and is centered at F0 = been performed using the software package MathBemat- F = 0.5. However, as seen from Fig. 1, this threshold 1 ica. The full optimization should be over all four mea- looks quite close to a straight line on the F -F plane. 0 1 surementdirections(~a,~a′,~b,~b′),describedby8anglesto- NoticethatinthecaseF =1thethreshold(62)reduces 0 tal. However, because of the invariance of S under local to the most well-known condition4,36 transformations, it is sufficient to optimize ˜ over only F >2√2 2 0.828, (63) two angles: the angle between ~a and ~a′ anBd the angle 1 − ≈ between~b and~b′, while the other angles are kept fixed. while in the case of symmetric error, F0 = F1 = F, we Ournumericalresultsshowthatingeneraltheoptimal recover Eq. (57). values of these two angles are different from each other; however,forequalfidelitymatrices[Eq.(44)]theseangles are equal, so that ~a ~a′ = ~b ~b′. This result has been D. Numerical results obtained previously26· for the·special case F = 1. Our 0 numerical results also show that S > S for positive + − | | TooptimizetheCHSHinequalityviolationinpresence valuesoftheproduct(Fa Fa)(Fb Fb)andS < S 1 − 0 1− 0 + | −| of the measurement errors over all two-qubit states, in- when this product is negative, similar to the result for cluding non-maximally entangled states, we have used the maximally entangled states [see discussion after Eq. numericalcalculations. Theanalysishasbeenperformed (60)]. in two different ways (with coinciding results). First, we WehavecheckedthatthenumericalresultsforS and + have searched for the maximum violation by finding ex- S obtained via optimization of the eigenvalues of the − trema of the eigenvalues of the modified Bell operator ˜ B| ell|operator ˜coincide with the results (see Fig. 1) ob- definedbyEq.(48). Since ˜isaHermitianoperatoranBd tained by ourBsecondnumerical method based on the di- B S =Tr(˜ρ),forfixedmeasurementdirections(~a,~a′,~b,~b′) rect optimization of S. The second method happened B the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of ˜ are equal to be more efficient numerically; as another advantage, B to the maximum and minimum values of S, optimized it provides the optimal measurement directions together overthe two-qubitstates. Therefore,optimizationofthe with optimal values S+ and S−, while the Bell-operator eigenvaluesoverthemeasurementdirectionsgivestheex- method gives only S+ and S−. trema of S. Similar method has been previously used26 In principle, direct optimization of S (for fixed mea- for the case of identical local errors (44) with F = 1, surement fidelities) implies optimization over the two- 0 9 qubitdensitymatrixandover8measurementdirections. S = 2 ends at the points26 F = 1, F = 2/3 and + 0 1 However, there is a simplification. It is obviously suf- F =2/3, F =1(strictlyspeaking,thislinecorresponds 0 1 ficient to consider only pure states, since probabilistic to S = 2+0 since S = 2 can be easily realized with- + mixtures of pure states cannot extend the range of S. out entanglement). The dashed lines, which correspond Moreover, it is sufficient to consider only the states of to the optimization over the maximally entangled states the form only[Eq.(61)],coincidewiththe solidlinesatthepoints F = F , because in this case the optimum is achieved 0 1 Ψ =cos(β/2)10 +sin(β/2)01 , (64) at the maximally entangled states, as follows from the | i | i | i discussion after Eq. (54). When F = F , the use of 0 1 since any pure two-qubit states can be reduced to this non-maximally entangled states gives6a wider range of form by local rotations of the qubits (which are equiv- measurement fidelities allowing the BI violation. How- alent to rotations of the measurement directions); this ever,asseenfromFig.1,thedifferencebetweenthesolid factisadirectconsequenceoftheSchmidtdecomposition anddashedlinessignificantlyshrinkswiththeincreaseof theorem.2 The angle β can be limited within the range S , so that there is practically no benefit of using non- + 0 β π because the coefficients of the Schmidt de- maximally entangled states for the BI violation stronger ≤ ≤ compositionarenon-negative. This rangecanbe further than S >2.4. Notice that the solid and dashed lines in + reduced to 0 β π/2 since π-rotation of both qubits Fig.1aresymmetricaboutthelineF =F sincethein- ≤ ≤ 0 1 about x-axis (or any horizontal axis) exchanges states terchangeF F doesnotchangeS ,aswasdiscussed 0 1 + 10 01 andthereforecorrespondstothetransforma- ↔ after Eq. (52). | i↔| i tion β π β. Numerical calculations show that in the case of equal → − Our numerical optimization of S within the class of fidelity matrices, Eq. (44), the optimal detector configu- two-qubit states (64) has shown that for non-zero mea- rations for a nonmaximally entangled state (64) have a surement errors (we considered 2/3≤ Fik ≤ 1) the opti- “tilted-X” shape: ~a = ~b′ and~a′ = ~b. In this case the mal measurement directions (~a,~a′,~b,~b′) always lie in the − − number of parameters to be optimized in (65) reduced same vertical plane [such configuration is described by from 5 to 3, significantly speeding up the numericalpro- Eq. (37)]. This vertical plane can be rotated by an ar- cedure. bitrary angle about z-axis [such rotation is equivalent Noticethateachoptimalconfigurationwithintheclass to an overall phase factor in Eq. (64)]; therefore we can of states (64) corresponds to a 6-dimensional manifold assume φ = 0 in Eq. (37). Notice that for the state 0 of optimal configurations, obtained by simultaneous lo- (64) the vectors ~s and ~s in Eq. (51) are along the z- a b calrotationsofthe measurementaxes andthe two-qubit axis, ~s = ~s = ~zcosβ. These vectors are zero for the a b state (see discussion in Sec. IIIB2). − maximally entangled state (β = π/2), then the vertical configurationisnolongerpreferential;however,themax- imally entangledstate is optimal only when there are no V. DECOHERENCE measurement errors. Forthestate(64)andverticalconfiguration(37)ofthe The detailed analysis of the effects of decoherence will detector axes the expression for S has the form bepresentedelsewhere.52 Inthissectionswediscussonly S =2ξaξb ξaξb(g hsinβ) some results of this analysis, and also discuss the com- − −− + + − binedeffectoflocalmeasurementerrorsanddecoherence. +2cosβ(ξaξb cosθ′ ξaξb cosθ ), (65) + − a− − + b To study effects ofdecoherence we assumefor simplic- ity that the qubit rotations are infinitely fast. Thus, we where assumethatafterafastpreparationofatwo-qubitstateρ g = cosθ cosθ cosθ cosθ′ +cosθ′ cosθ thereisadecoherenceduringtimetresultinginthestate a b− a b a b ρ′,whichisfollowedbyfastmeasurementofρ′ (including +cosθ′ cosθ′, a b tomographic rotations). Now S is given by Eq. (16) (in h= sinθasinθb−sinθasinθb′ +sinθa′ sinθb the absence of errors) or (47) and (51) (in the presence +sinθ′ sinθ′. (66) oferrors)whereρshouldbesubstitutedbyρ′. Toobtain a b ρ′ we assume independent (local) decoherence of each The numerical maximization and minimization of S in qubitduetozero-temperatureenvironment,describedby this case involves optimization over 5 parameters: β, θ , the parameters γ = exp( t/Tk) and λ = exp( t/Tk) θ′, θ , and θ′. Nevertheless,in our calculations this proa- (here k =a,b)whkere Tk a−ndTk1 arethekusualrel−axatio2n a b b 1 2 cedurehappenedtobefasterthanoptimizationoveronly times for the qubit k (Tk 2Tk). 2 ≤ 1 twoparametersinthemethodbasedontheBelloperator As the initial state we still assume the state of the eigenvalues (we used Mathematica in both methods). form (64) (even though in presence of decoherence this The solidlinesin Fig.1showthe contourplotofmax- state actually does not always provide52 the extrema of imum value S on the plane F -F for the case when S). It can be shown analytically52 that in the absence + 0 1 the measurement fidelities for two qubits are equal [Eq. of measurement errors the maximum violation of the BI (44); in this case S S ]. Notice that the line for for the state (64) can be achieved when the detector + − ≥ | | 10 axes lie in either a horizontal [Eq. (38)] or vertical [Eq. extrema of Eq. (68) are reached at β = π/2 (maximally (37)]plane(anyotherdetectorconfigurationcannotgive entangled state), thus yielding a rather simple formula strongerviolation). In the case ofonly population relax- wathioilne (inT2kth=e c2aTs1ke)otfhoenhlyorTiz-oenffteacltc(oTnfikg=urat)iotnheisvbeerttticear,l S± =2ξ−aξ−b ±2√2ξ+aξ+bλaλb, (69) 2 1 ∞ configuration is better. which depends only on the T -relaxation and measure- 2 When local measurement errors are considered to- ment fidelities. gether with decoherence, the optimal detector configu- rations may be neither vertical nor horizontal. To eluci- 1 datethisfact,notethatinEq.(51)withρreplacedbyρ′ the vectors ~s and ~s remain vertical in the presence of S+=2 2.2 2.4 a b decoherence. As a result, when in the absence of errors the optimal configurationis horizontal,measurementer- 0.95 rorsmaymaketheoptimaldetectoraxestogooutofthe horizontal plane. Note, however, that for some parame- ter ranges the vertical and horizontal configurations are 1 0.9 F still optimal. In numerical calculations we should optimize S over 8 parameters: β and7detector angles(one ofthe anglesφ can be fixed because of the invariance of S under identi- 0.85 cal rotations of the qubits around the z axis). We have performed such optimization for a few hundred param- eter points, choosing the measurement fidelities Fik and 0.8 decoherence parameters γ and λ randomly from the 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 k k range (0.7, 1). For many (more than half of) parame- F 0 terpoints the optimalconfigurationwasstillfoundtobe eitherverticalor(inmuchsmallernumberofcases)hori- FIG. 2: Contour plot of the maximum value S+ versus the zontal. Evenwhentheoptimalconfigurationwasneither measurement fidelities F0 and F1 for the initial state (64) in vertical nor horizontal, we found that restricting opti- presence of decoherence with γa = γb =0.96 and λa =λb = mization to only the vertical and horizontal configura- 0.94, inabsence(solid lines)orpresence(dashedlines) ofthe tionsgivesaverygoodapproximationoftheextremaS± symmetric crosstalk with pc = 0.1. Solid and dashed lines (within 0.01 for all calculated parameter points). Such coincide for S+ =2. restriction significantly speeds up the calculations, since we need to optimize over only 5 parameters instead of 8 Forthe numericalexampleshownbysolidlines inFig. parameters. 2 we assume that decoherence is identical for the two Assuminginitialstate(64)andreplacingρbyρ′ inEq. qubits and choose γ = γ = 0.96 and λ = λ = 0.94, (47) we obtain a b a b that corresponds to realistically good values for phase S = 2ξaξb +ξaξb [1 γ γ (γ γ )cosβ]g qubits: T1 450ns,T2 300ns,andt 20ns. Wealso − − + +{ − a− b− a− b assume ide≃ntical errors≃for both qubits,≃Eq. (44), which +λaλbhsinβ}+2ξ+aξ−b(γa+γacosβ−1)cosθa′ implies S+ ≥|S−| (as in the absence of decoherence), so +2ξ−aξ+b(γb−γbcosβ−1)cosθb, (67) ifnouFnidg.t2hawtefosrhothwestehedeccoonhtoeruernpceloptaornalmyefoterrSs+th.eWveerhtiacvael when the detector axes are in a vertical plane [g and h detector configuration is better than any other configu- are defined in Eq. (66)], and ration [assuming initial state (64)] for any measurement fidelities in the analyzed range (0.8 F 1). Notice 0,1 S =2ξ−aξ−b +ξ+aξ+bλaλbsinβ[cos(φa−φb) that for the assumed decoherence pa≤ramete≤rs S+ =2.50 cos(φ φ′)+cos(φ′ φ )+cos(φ′ φ′)] (68) in the absence of measurement errors, and the BI viola- − a− b a− b a− b tion requires F > 0.947 (for F = F = F), that should 0 1 for a horizontal detector configuration. be compared to the threshold F > 0.920 in absence of To find the extrema of S within the class of vertical decoherence. configurations,Eq.(67)shouldbenumericallyoptimized Let us mention that the error model previously dis- over the parameter β and four angles θ. The optimiza- cussed in relation to the BI violation in the two-photon tion of S within the class of horizontal configurations is interference53 can be shown to be formally equivalent much simpler, because the term in the square brackets to the special case of our model with pure dephasing in Eq. (68) can be optimized independently of β. This (Tk = ) and identical errors with F = 1. Then our 1 ∞ 0 optimization is exactly the same as in the ideal case [see quantities F and λ λ correspond, respectively, to the 1 a b Eqs.(39)and(40) withα=0],thereforethe terminthe detector efficiency and visibility in Ref. 53. The case of square brackets has extrema 2√2, and therefore the puredephasingintheabsenceoferrorshasbeenalsocon- ±

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