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NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS ANALYSIS OF BANK CREDIT CARD CONTRACTING AT NAVY FIELD CONTRACTING ACTIVITIES by David W. Brumfield December, 1991 Thesis Advisor: Stephen Zirschky Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited T257735 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITYCLASSIFICATIONOFTHIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1a REPORTSECURITYCLASSIFICATION 1b RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS UNCLASSIFIED 2a SECURITYCLASSIFICATIONAUTHORITY 3 DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITYOF REPORT Approvedtor publicrelease;distributionisunlimited 2b DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADINGSCHEDULE 4 PERFORMINGORGANIZATIONREPORTNUMBER(S) 5 MONITORINGORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 6a NAMEOFPERFORMINGORGANIZATION 6b OFFICESYMBOL 7a NAMEOFMONITORINGORGANIZATION NavalPostgraduateSchool (Ifapplicable) NavalPostgraduateSchool 54 6c ADDRESS{City,State,andZIPCode) 7b ADDRESS(C/ty,State,andZIPCode) Monterey,CA 93943-5000 Monterey,CA 93943 5000 8a NAMEOFFUNDING/SPONSORING 8b OFFICE SYMBOL 9 PROCUREMENTINSTRUMENTIDENTIFICATIONNUMBER ORGANIZATION (Ifapplicable) 8c ADDRESS(City,State,andZIPCode) 10 SOURCEOFFUNDING NUMBERS ProgramtlemenlNo ProjectNo TdihNo WorkUnitAcceiiion Number 11 TITLE (IncludeSecurityClarification) ANALYSISOFBANKCREDITCAKI)CONTRACTINGATNAVY FIELDCONTRACTINGACTIVITIES(UNCLASSIFIED) 12 PERSONALAUTHOR(S) 13a TYPEOFREPORT 13b TIMECOVERED 114 DATEOF REPORT(year,month,day) 15 PAGE COUNT Master'sThesis From To December1991 104 16 SUPPLEMENTARYNOTATION TheviewsexpressedinthisthesisarethoseoftheauthoranddonotreflecttheofficialpolicyorpositionoftheDepartmentofDefenseortheU.S. Government. 17 COSATICODES 18 SUBJECTTERMS(continueonreverseifnecessaryandidentifybyblocknumber) FIELD GROUP SUBGROUP SmallPurchase,CreditCard,BankCard,VISACard 19 ABSTRACT(continueonreverseifnecessaryandidentifybyblocknumber) ThisresearchreviewstheuseofbankcreditcardsasasmallpurchasemethodintheNavyfieldcontractingsystem. Thepaperreviewstheuseof thebankcreditcardatNavalWeaponsCenter,ChinaLake.CA,NavalOrdnanceStation,IndianPlead,MD,Naval PostgraduateSchool, Monterey,CA,and MarineCorpsBase,CampLejeune,NC. Thefocusoftheevaluationisanassessmentofhowsuccessfultheexistingbankcredit cardprogramsareatthefoursites,andtheadvisabilityofexpandingtheprogramtootherfieldcontractingactivities. TheStudyalsoidentifies possiblebarriersanddifficultiesthatwouldbeencounteredifthecreditcardprogramweretobeexpandedtootherfieldcontractingactivities. Thepaperexaminestheexistingmanagementcontrolsinplacefortheprogram,andmakesrecommendationstotheNavalSupplySystems commandregardingexpansion(furtherimplementation)ofthecreditcard programtootherfieldcontractingactivities. 20 DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITYOFABSTRACT 21 ABSTRACTSECURITYCLASSIFICATION Q UNCIASSIHEDUNIIMITtD [J SAM! ASKtHOKI ] DTICUStRS UNCLASSIFIED 22a NAMEOFRESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b TELEPHONE (IncludeAreacode) 22c OFFICE SYMBOL StephenZirschky (408)646 2048 AS/ZI DD FORM 1473,84 MAR 83APReditionmaybeuseduntilexhausted SECURITYCLASSIFICATIONOFTHIS PAGE Allothereditionsareobsolete UNCLASSIFIED 1 Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited Analysis of Bank Credit Card Contracting at Navy Field Contracting Activities by David W. Brumfield Lieutenant/r U S. Navy . B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (1980) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 1991 David R. Whipple~^Chairman Department of Administrative Sciences 1 ABSTRACT This research reviews the use of bank credit cards as a small purchase method in the Navy field contracting system. The paper reviews the use of the bank credit card at Naval Weapons Center China Lake, CA, Naval Ordnance Station, Indian Head, MD Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, , and Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC The focus of the . evaluation is an assessment of how successful the existing bank credit card programs are at the four sites, and the advisability of expanding the program to other field contracting activities. The study also identifies barriers and possible difficulties that would be encountered if the credit card proram were to be expanded to other field contracting activities. The paper examines the existing management controls in place for the program, and makes recommendations to the Naval Supply Systems Command regarding expansion (further implementation) of the credit card program to other field contracting activities. 111 . (,.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I 1 A. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 2 1. Primary Research Question: 2 2. Subsidiary Research Questions: 2 B. DISCUSSION 3 C. SCOPE OF THE THESIS 3 D. METHODOLOGY 4 E. ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS 4 II. BACKGROUND 6 A. HISTORY 6 B. MECHANICS OF THE BANKCARD PROGRAM 8 ... C. AUTHORIZATION PROCESS AND SPENDING LIMITS 10 D. BENEFITS/DRAWBACKS 12 E. MANAGEMENT CONTROLS 17 F. FUTURE OF THE BANKCARD PROGRAM IN THE NAVY 18 . . III. PRESENTATION OF DATA COLLECTED 20 .... A. BANKCARD PROCUREMENT AT NWC CHINA LAKE 20 .... B. BANKCARD PROCUREMENT AT NOS INDIAN HEAD 33 IV

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