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WNDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY LECI'URE NOTE SERIES Managing Editor: Professor J.W.S. Cassels, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 lSB, England The books in the series listed below are available from booksellers, or, in case of difficulty, from Cambridge University Press. 4 Algebraic topology, J.F. ADAMS 17 Differential germs and catastrophes, Th. BROCKER & L. LANDER 27 Skew field constructions, P.M. COHN 34 Representation theory of Lie groups, M.F. ATIYA H et al 36 Homological group theory, C.T.C. WALL (ed) 39 Affme sets and afime groups, D.O. NORTHCOTT 40 Introduction to Hp spaces, P J. KOOSIS 42 Topics in the theory of group presentations, DL. JOHNSON 43 Graphs, codes and designs, P J. CAMERON & J.H. VAN LINT 45 Recursion theory: its generalisations and applications, F.R. DRAKE & S.S. WAINER (eds) 46 p-adic analysis: a short course on recent work, N. KOBLITZ 49 Fmite geometries and designs, P. CAMERON, J.W .P.IDRSCHFEID & D.R. HUGHES (eds) 50 Commutator calculus and groupS of homotopy classes, HJ. BAUES 51 Synthetic differential geometry, A. KOCK 54 Markov processes and related problems of analysis, E.B. DYNKIN 51 Techniques of geometric topology, R.A. PENN 58 Singularities of smooth functions and maps, J.A. MARTINET 59 Applicable differential geometry, M. CRAMPlN & F.A.E. P1RAN1 60 Integrable systems, S.P. NOVIKOV et al 62 Economics for mathematicians, J.W.S. CASSELS 65 Several complex variables and complex manifolds I, MJ. FIELD 66 Several complex variables and complex manifolds ll, MJ. FIELD 68 Complex algebraic surfaces, A. BEAUVILLE 69 Representation theory, l.M. GELFAND et al 74 Symmetric designs: an algebraic approach, E.S. LANDER 76 Spectral theory of linear differential operators and comparison algebras, H.O. CORDES 77 Isolated singular points on C!)mplete intersections, EJ.N. LOODENGA 78 A primer on Riemann surfaces, A.F. 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LOUVEAU 129 The subgroup structure of the fmite classical groups, P.B. KLEIDMAN & M.W .LIEBECK 130 Model theory and modules, M. PREST 131 Algebraic, extremal & mettic combinatorics, M-M. DFZA, P. FRANKL & I.G. ROSENBERG (eds) 132 Whitehead groups of fmite groups, ROBERT OLIVER 133 Linear algebraic monoids, MOHAN S. PUTCHA 134 Number thoery and dynamical systems, M. DODSON & J. VICKERS (eds) 135 Operator algebras and applications, 1, D. EVANS & M. TAKESAKI (eds) 136 Operator algebras and applications, 2, D. EVANS & M. TAKESAKI (eds) 137 Analysis at Urbana, I, E. BERKSON, T. PECK, & J. UHL (eds) 138 Analysis at Urbana, II, E. BERKSON, T. PECK, & J. UHL (eds) 139 Advances in homotopy theory, B. STEER & W. SUTHERLAND (eds) 140 Geomettic aspects of Banach spaces E.M.PEINADOR and A.R Usan (eds) 141 Surveys in combinatorics 1989, J. SIEMONS (ed) 142 The geometry of jet bundles, DJ. SAUNDERS London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. 137 Analysis at Urbana Volume 1: Analysis in Function Spaces Edited by E. Berkson, T. Peck & J. Uh1 Department of Mathematics University of illinois The right of the Uniw:rsily of Cambridg~ to (Hint and sell o/1 monnrr of books was gronlt•d by Ht•llr)' VIII in 1534. Tlrt! University lros prinlc>d ond publislrrd t·ontittuoruly since 1584. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge New York New Rochelle Melbourne Sydney CCAAMMBBRRIIDDGGEE UUNNIIVVEERRSSIITTYY PPRREESSSS CCaammbbrriiddggee,, NNeeww YYoorrkk,, MMeellbboouurrnnee,, MMaaddrriidd,, CCaappee TToowwnn,, SSiinnggaappoorree,, SSiilloo PPaauulloo CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss TThhee EEddiinnbbuurrgghh BBuuiillddiinngg,, CCaammbbrriiddggee CCBB22 88RRUU,, UUKK PPuubblliisshheedd iinn tthhee UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess ooff AAmmeerriiccaa bbyy CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, NNeeww YYoorrkk www.cambridge.org IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn tthhiiss ttiittllee:: www.cambridge.org/9780521364362 ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss 11998899 TThhiiss ppuubblliiccaattiioonn iiss iinn ccooppyyrriigghhtt.. SSuubbjjeecctt ttoo ssttaattuuttoorryy eexxcceeppttiioonn aanndd ttoo tthhee pprroovviissiioonnss ooff rreelleevvaanntt ccoolllleeccttiivvee lliicceennssiinngg aaggrreeeemmeennttss,, nnoo rreepprroodduuccttiioonn ooff aannyy ppaarrtt mmaayy ttaakkee ppllaaccee wwiitthhoouutt tthhee wwrriitttteenn ppeerrmmiissssiioonn ooff CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss.. FFiirrsstt ppuubblliisshheedd 11998899 RRee--iissssuueedd iinn tthhiiss ddiiggiittaallllyy pprriinntteedd vveerrssiioonn 22000088 AA ccaattaalloogguuee rreeccoorrdd ffoorr tthhiiss ppuubblliiccaattiioonn iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee ffrroomm tthhee BBrriittiisshh LLiibbrraarryy IISSBBNN 997788--00--552211--3366443366--22 ppaappeerrbbaacckk ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The organisers and participants gratefully acknowledge the support of the Special Year in Modem Analysis at the University of Dlinois provided by the following agencies; The Department of Mathematics, University of Dlinois at Urbana-Champaign The National Science Foundation The Argonne Universities Association Trust Fund The George A. Miller Endowment Fund (University of Dlinois) The Campus Research Board (University of Dlinois at Urbana-Champaign) CONTENTS Membership of Hankel operators on planar domains in unitary ideals J.Arazy A generalised Marcel Riesz theorem on conjugate functions 41 N.Asmar and E.Hewitt Some results in analysis related to the law of the iterated logarithm 47 R.Banuelos and C.Moore Fourier series, mean Lipschitz spaces and bounded mean oscillation 81 P.Bourdon, J.Shapiro and W.Sledd A remark on the maximal function associated to an analytic vector field 111 J.Bourgain Hankel operators on HP 133 J.Cima and D.Stegenga Contractive projections on Lp spaces 151 W.Davis and P.Enflo Contractive projections onto subsets ofL1(0,1) 162 P.Enflo Some Banach space properties of translation invariant subspaces ofLP 185 K.Hare and N.Tomczak-Jaegermann Random multiplications, random coverings, and multiplicative chaos 196 J.-P.Kahane Wavelets and operators 256 Y.Meyer On the structure of the graph of the Frarildin analysing wavelet 366 E. Berkson Boundededness of the canonical projection for Sobolev spaces generated by finite 395 families of linear differential operators A.Pelczynski Remarks on L2 restriction theorems for Riemann manifolds 416 C.Sogge

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