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Analysis and Design of Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization PDF

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INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES C 0 U R S E S AND L E C T U RES - No. 266 e . M ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ALGORITHMS IN COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION EDITED BY G. AUSIELLO AND M. LUCERTINI IASI - CNR ISTITUTO Dl AUTOMATICA UNIVERSIT A' Dl ROMA SPRINGER-VERLAG WI EN GMBH This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concemed specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. © 1981 by Springer-Verlag Wien Originally publisbed by Springer Verlag Wien-New York in 1981 ISBN 978-3-211-81626-4 ISBN 978-3-7091-2748-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-2748-3 PREFACE The School in Analysis and Desi/{11 of Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization was held in Udine in September 1979. It was financially supported by the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), by the International Center ofM echanical Sciences (CISM) and by the European Economic Community (CEE) and sponsored by GNASII-CNR, CSSCCA-CNR and lstituto di Automazione of the University of Rome. The organizers are pleased to express their thanks to the lecturers and participants who made the School stimulating and fruitful. Special thanks are addressed to the organizing committee and in particular to Angelo Marzollo, Alberto Marcbetti-Spaccamela and Paolo Serafini who provided their friendly and valuable help making the school successful. G. Ausiello M. Lucertini HTRODUCTION The practical and theoretical relevance of problems to the NP-complete degree vf complexity are widely known. From the practical point of view it is sufficient to remember that in this class we find most of the combinatorial and optimization problems which b,,.·e the widest range of applications, for example scheduling problems, optimization problems on graphs, integer programming etc. As far as the theoretical relevance is concerned ;;.•e should remember that one of the most outstanding problems in Computer Science, the problem of deciding whether any NP-complete set can be recognized in polynomial time, coincides with the problem of knowing whether the computation power of a nondeterministic Turing machine which accepts a set in polynomial time is strictly stronger than the power of ordinary polynomially bounded Turing machines or not. Until recen#y the design of algorithms for finding exact approximate solutions to practical instances of hard combinatorial and optimization problems was the main concern of experts in Operations Research while the study of the complexity of these problems with respect to various computation models and the analysis of general solution techniques was the main interest of computer scientists. In 1978 at the Mathematisch Centrum in Amsterdam a conference was held on "Interfaces between Computer Science and Operations Research". In that occasion the experience and scientific interest of experts in mathematical programming and of Computer Scientists, interested in the design of algorithms and in the analysis of the complexity of problems, met a'!d fruitfully interacted. The School which was held in Udine in 1979 and which was followed by a School on "Combinatorics and Complexity of Algorithms" held in Barcellona, Spain, in 1980) is in the same framework. The program itself of the School was organized by alternating methodological results with analysis of particular classes of problems. All lectures were divided in two parts. In the first the lectures reviewed the current state of the subject and in the second they dealed with advanced topics. More in detail Ausiello introduced the basic concepts of machine models and computation measures with special reference to non deterministic models. Afterwards he presented a classification of many NP-complete optimization problems according to the concepts of combiatorial structure and structure preserving reductions. Karp, after recalling the main notions about NP-completeness tbeory, concentrated bis attention on the probabilistical and statistical analysis of algorithms. Considering numerous examples be pointed out what are the advantages ,md dis,zdvantages of his approach. johnson, after r.':·icwing the subject of approximation algorithms for NP-complete problems, lectured :•i,out strong NP-completeness and pseudopolynomiality. Then he presented the state of art n.r tu:o problems: Bin packing and Graph colouring. Paz presented the study of NP-complete optimi:ation problems according to a formalism introduced by himself and Moran. Following this set-up he defined rigid, simple and p-simple problems. Exploiting this cl.mification he gave necessary and sufficient conditions for the approximability and fully .1.:•proximability of NP-complete problems. Finally he defined special types of polynomial rt'.iuctions showing their properties. Sehnon gave lectures on different subjects. Firstly he p1u~·ed lower bounds in the field of algebraic complexity using algebraic geometry. Then he considered the so-called selftransformable combinatorial problems as a way to study the relationship between the search problem and the decision problem, always in the field of NP-completeness. Finally he presented some complexity properties of Boolean functions. Luccio, after introducing basic data structures for combinatorial problems, illustrated particular data structures and algorithms solving problems that occur in the field of multidimensional memories. Lucertini showed the most important algorithmic techniques to solve problems of mathematical programming. Then, he presented the group-theoretic approach to the integer programming problem. Maffioli introduced matroid theory and its applications to combinatorial optimization. Moreover he dealed with network design problems and, in particular, classified the complexity of various kinds of the spanning tree problem. Lawler presented the state of art and a generalization of network flow problems. Finally he showed Lovasz 's recent algorithm for solving the linear 2-polymatroid problem. Rinnooy Kan lectured about advanced techniques in mathematical programming with Khachian 's algorithm for solving linear programming and gave some complexity results of relevant problems of production planning. Finally Lenstra presented a detailed analysis of the most important results in scheduling theory and surveyed some topics in the field of routing problems. This volume contains papers presenting developments of some of the topics discussed by the lecturers during the School. These contributions were collected after the School with the twofold aim of giving an outlook of this important research area and of providing more detailed treatments of some specific subjects. Giorgio Ausie//o Mario Lucertini LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS G. AUSIELLO IASI-CNR, Istituto di Automatica, Universit:l di Roma. A. D'ATRI Istituto di Automatica, Universidt di Roma. V. FERRARI IASI-CNR, Istituto di Automatica, Universita di Roma. M.R. GAREY Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. S. GIULIANELLI IASI-CNR, Istituto di Automatica, Universita di Roma. D.S. JOHNSON Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. E.L. LAWLER Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley. J .K. LENSTRA Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. F. LUCCIO Universit:l di Pisa. M. LUCERTINI IASI-(NR, Istituto di Automatica, Universita di Roma. F. MAFFIOLI Istituto di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano. S. MORAN Dept. of Mathematics, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. A. PAZ Dept. of Computer Science, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. M. PROTASI Istituto di Matematica, Universita deli'Aquila. A.H.G. RONNOOY KAN Erasmus University, Rotterdam. CONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . I Introduction . . . . Ill List of Contributors . V Non-Deterministic Polynomial Optimization Problems and Their Approximation by A. Paz, and S. Moran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A Characterization of Reductions Among Combinatorial Problems by G. Ausiello, A. D'Atri, M. Protasi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 A Recursive Approach to the Implementation of Enumerative Methods by j.K. Lenstra and A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan ........................ 65 Data Structures for Combinatorial Problems by F. Luccio ....................................... 85 Data Structures for Bidimensional Memory by F. Luccio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 97 Complexity of Optimum Undirected Tree Problems: A Survey of Recent Results by F. Maffioli ......................................1 07 An Introduction to Polymatroidal Network Flows by E.L. Lawler ................. . . ...........1 29 Approximation Algorithms for Bin Packing Problems: A Survey by M.R. Garey and D.S. johnson ............... . . .147 Additional Constraints in the Group Theoretical Approach to Integer Programming by V. Ferrari, S. Giulianelli, M. Lucertini ........................1 73 NON-DETERMINISTIC POLYNOMIAL OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS AND THEIR APPROXIMATION * ** A. PAZ and S. MORAN * Dept. of Computer Science TECHNION-Israel Institute of Technology ** Dept. of Mathematics, TECHNION Israel Institute of Technology 1. INTRODUCTION NP-problems are considered in this paper as recognition * problems over some alphabet L, i.e. A C L is an NP problem if there exists a NDTM (non-deterministic Turing machine) recognizing A in polynomial time. It is easy to show that the following theorem holds true. THEOREM 1. Let A be a set in NP. Then there exists a NDTM MA which recognizes A such that MA = M oM o MA , where \JA TIA 1 1) The operation hoh is defined as follows: M1 oM2 (x) is M1 (M2 (x)); M1,M2 are Turing machines and xis an input tape. 2) MA is a polynomial time deterministic encoding machine. 1 Its task is to encode an input a E A in some proper way to be denoted by a•. 2 A. Paz and S. Moran 3) M is a NDTM which choses some permutation n(a1) out of nA a possible subgroup of the group of all permutations of the encoded input tape a• in polynomial time. 4) M is a polynomial time DTM which computes a number llA ll(n(a')). 11 ( n (a i) ) < ka (min problem) 5) a E A iff { ll(n(ai)) > k (max problem) - a where ka is a number compu·ted in polynomial time by the machine MA (ka is part of the encoding of a). 1 Thus every NP problem can be represented as an optimiz~ tion problem and the recognition process can be split into three stages where the non-deterministic stage (the machine M ) is separated from the other stages. nA 2. NP OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS The cqnjecture that P ~ NP is widely believed to be true. This conjecture prompted many researchers to develop and study polynomial approximations for problems in NP. when considered as optimization problems. See e.g. [Jo 73] or [Sa 76] . The previous section points toward the possibility of a new approach to the study of NP problems and NP optimiza tion problems. In what follows, an attempt is made to develop that new approach. The results achieved so far are promising. These results provide some new insight into recently proved approximation results and it is hoped that they will serve as a basis for a more extensive theory of combinatorial ap-

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