Analyse YCohuers s Leading cahuetshsoC ro lín Crboeulcihe vtehsa t tkheeyt os ustained chess improvement líes ainna ltyhaseni ds carsisteiscsaom!fe y notu ro wn games. Eache vaenrdyg amey oup layp rovidess igan ificant learning opportunaintdy ,t hoippso rtunsihtoyu ld nevseqru abned ered. In tsheiqsu etlo hhiisg hlayc claimWehdy WLeo saet C hesCsr,o uch examinewsh at wseh oulddo to maximize oruers uclahtnesds r sa tings, how to tluorsns eisn tdor awsa,n dd rawsi ntwoi nsH.e re he focuses on majori ssuessu ch as improvingm adkeicnighs,oi wo nt pol ana fter the openingh,o w tmoa intaionb jectiviimtpyr,o vienngd games killtsh,e psychological aspecgtasm e,ao nfd tmhuec h more. Rebaodo k,t his analyysoeu rc hesasn,d greeta dtyo impryoovuerr esults! • Ane ssential tgocu hiedses improvement • Valuable advpilcaen noinsn tgr,a teagnydt actics • Coverosp eninmgi,d dlegame eannddg ampel ay. DrC oliCnr oucihsa nl nternatMiaosntaealr t ,r emendoeuxspleyr ienced tournament playehri gahnlrdye gaa rdecdhe ss writer. His books have received great acclaim for their thoroughness and originality. Publisher lnformation AnalyYsoeur C hess byC olín Crouch First publi2s0h1eb1dy G ilno ucesPtuebrl ishpelres. NorthburHgohu se1,0 N orthburSgthr eeLto,n don EClV OAT. Copyri©g h2t0 1C1o lCirno uch The righCto loíCfnr ouch to be identified atsh ist hewh oarasku thor of been asserted in accordCaonpcyer iwgihDttehss ,it ghanens d P atenAtcst 1988. 2 Allr ightrse serveNdo. part of this worrke prmoadyu ceboder, transmitted in any fomrema noswr,i tbhyo uatn yp rior pertmhies sion of publisher. BritiLsihb raCrayt aloguing-in-PuDbaltiacAca attiaolno grueec orfdo rt his book aivsa ilafbrloemt he British Library. Allo thers alese nquiries should be dEivreercytmeadCn h etsos , NorthburHgohu se1,0 NorthbSutrrgehe Lto,n don EClVt eOl0A:2T 0 7 253 7887; fax: 032700 87 490 emaiiln:f [email protected] websitwew:w Everyman irse gtihset etrreadd e mark of Random House lnc. and is used in this worlki cuenndfcerero m Random House lnc. EVERYMANC HESSS ERIES ChieAfd visoBry:r on JaCcoombmsi ssioning Editor: John Emms AssistEadnitt or: Richard Palliser Typeset eadnidt ebdyF irst PRuabnlki shBirnigg,h ton. Cover desiHgonr abcyMi oon teverde. 3 Preface 1k new1 w anted wtroi tteh ibso okb,u t1 w asn otq uite shuorwe 1w as going to han1dh laed ijtu.s t wrHiotwtte onL oseC hiensb ass,ed on seriomuiss tak1em sa de while pla2y0i0n6ag n di2 n0 07T.h is was in part a psychologeixcearlc i1sh ea.d suffered from a setnrdoo kf2e 0 0a4t, the and1 l ost most of my eyesight. Manyc opnldaiyteiwroosnu ldi n such a want gtiov uep thgea meb,u t my instintcotp sl awye rcehs eesrsi outsol y, recover my thporuogchets sSeosm.e timetsh e blund1e mrasd e were painfulc.o uOrfs ien, mbyo ok1 t ried to makoeft hliibsgu,ht tt heyw ere painful. A fewy earlsa te1rw ,a ntetdo go through my mograem caedn t (ModCehrenMs osv bey analysed ind egprtethao tpg randmastgearm es Movea)nd, wanted to see 1ch oouwl pdwl ealyl overb otahredl .tw as soon clear that my pelnacyo uwraasg i1nmn gao.dt e far foeuwterri ght blunders ionp etnhien bgu,t fou1nm da dem any smatlelc hniecrarlo rs, which can eaadsdu ipl y to several hlaolsftl-.fp oicnhtwesas sse asy1, would have abbeleteno iron otuhte sbaell eim ishes tswoernnet yye ars agoU.n fortunaltietley , is not so simple. For tbhoiosk 1 w ent through fifty 2g0a0m9ea sn de farrolm2y 0 10, aiming to imsaonlyaw teea knesses in m1yh apvleia nyc.l udaeldl my losseisn thpaetr iopdl,u s gamewsh iicnh1 d id nloots eb,u t in w1h ich have made idenmtiisftiaakbSellsei. g hotvleyrt wenty of the gnaomte s are includeeidt,h ebre causteh ey wesriem plaen ds traightfowriwnasro,dr becausteh ey ended sutpe aaddsyr awsT.h eo therasr eo fm orec oncern, and1 h avea nnotataendd analysed thecsleo sgea1lmg yeo.s on the basis that 1h iafd nuontd erstosoodm ethionvge rt heb oardm,o str eadewrisl l have had sdiimfifliacru lties. Colin Crouch HarroWwe ald Februa2r0y1 1 4 AnalysYeo urC hess by Colin Crouch Contents lntroduction 6 ChapteOrn e:S prin2g0 09 18 ChapteTrw o:A Tritpo t heC hesVsa lley 34 ChapteTrh reeN:o tQ uite a BarSbuemcmueer 56 ChapteFro urT:h e New League Season 64 ChapteFri veD:a rkW inteDra ys 79 ChapteSri xT:o PlAanyo theTro urnament? 131 Chapter SeCvoennc:l usions 184 lndeoxf Games 210 5 lntroduction Thesed ays, it is much 1e9a8s0iswe,hr e n 1 playendu merous to leahronw to improvyeo ur weekencdo ngressbeustw, i thout game thanw aist w hen 1 was having time to study the game. young, back in the veTrhye rel aartee however better sixtiTehse.r eason is the cehxeasmsp les, ath imguhcehlr e vels computer. lt niosw toe asfyl icko fp layI.n a rebcoeonkot f m ine, through a large numbeCrh esosf SecGrreetasAt:t tacke1r s, published gqaumiecsk loyr, to examined gameTsa lS,bt ye iann d check your own games ttoh es eyeo,u Knags paropvl,a yed in with electroniacs sistance,e ncounters fro1m9 70tsha en d whetheyro u havef oundg ood early1 980sT.h isw as magical moves, bad moovredsi,n ary chess, brpillalyieatrnastk ing their moves, or mayyobue have opponentwse llb eyond their missed soirnnet erestiidnega s, comfort zonaen,d with suggested otnhleyc obmyp uter. spectacular rBeustu lwtesr.e 1r emembe1rt ried to analtyhsees e games stooutnadlM?lo ys t my gamesd eipnt ha,n d1 l earnt a of the time,W henno 1t w.a s lot, buwta si tti me-consumingp,l aying thrgoaumgehs b y the and1 w asn ever certai1wn a st haty oungK asparo1v k,e ptf inding able tfoi nde verythiTnhgi.s critipcoas!i tiownhse reh e has affected not ajnuaslty sbmiuyst , claimed thatw ialfdst aecrr ificial also my geantetriatlu tdoe the play hwea s winninga,n d 1 game.C hesiss c omplicat1ae md; doubted his assessm1e nts, but not able to analyse evwearsyn tohti nsgt rong enough, and the during the game, my opvpaosnte nmta jorityo f other cannot analyse everythincgh eesistphlearwy,oe urlsd n ot be strong someone giosi ngt o make a enough eithpeurn,c ttuomr aen y mistake, an1d w anatleldt o do of Kasparovm'osr e optimistic wast o ensure that my oppsotnaetnetm entKsa.s paroavs, time was gointgo make the mistakwee nto n, becamew,e lalas s the first. supremWeo rldC hampioonf his ltw ouldb e easy enough ttiom e, the pgiroenaetei rn the resurrect osfmo yrn eo wn games,a nalytirceasle arcuhs e of the maybe frome atrhle1y 9 90s when computer. 1 wantedt o tryt o take chess In a previousM odbeoronk , seriousolry ,m aybe from the Chess: Mobvye M ove,1 have 6 attempted to throw sorne 1l hiagvhet omna de erarno hre reo,r what has been happening maaytb et opca o mplete bluonrd er, level poisnt -Kaspayreoavr sO.f missed a tdaecetpi pcoailn t1a .m course, the greatest saying that twhhiast1 d wiads1, grandmastweirlspl r obabwlryi te got wirto ngc,a n you do better in something mbuectht etrh an1 thipso sitioFno?rt his book, my could manage, but they aiwmi llw abse ttroy a,s befare, to much too btursyyi ntgo think isolamties takeasn d to analyse about their own games,t hema,n d b1ua tm takinag different trying to win the nexatn dc moamjpalre mentaaprpyr oacIhn. tournament. a game of cbheetswse ent wo For this 1b aomo k,t aking ag oodp layer9s0,% of the game lower-leavpeplr oacahs,k ing how may well be angdoa ocdc urate, ordinaprlya yeirnsc,l uding mysebluft, it is t1h0e% w hfiicnhaw li ll can improve thei1r amc hesdsr.o p pointhsa lafn-dp oints. taking on btohaeri dd ea that everyone shtoruylt do think How cany oua ssesasn di mprove systematically about theyioru rcg haemsess?, and to anatlhyesierg ames, First, a broine tfh en oEtCeF making sensible use o(fE ngtlhies hC hess Federation) computer. elats yei nso ugh to gradisnygs tem1h .a veb een using highlight the mistakes ytohui s miignh tm y statistics here, rather have made in your gamest,h auns itnhge cmoomrpe licaFtIeDdE thec omputearn,d to say thats ytshtiesm , prebceicsaeulsyoe f i ts was unfortunate1, d o anndo t simpliciItmya.g inyeo u win a want to thdioas g ainl.t is muchg ame. You gasicno reoa f 50 more difficult tdoe ptthhi nkp oiinn ts (plus opypoounre nt's about exactly why you gmraaddei nag ), wyhoeurreo apsp onent mistake, technicallayn d lose5s0 point(sp lus yoowunr psychologicaanldl y, how to grading). lf there is a draw, develop patterns to indinceaitteh ehro wp layerl ogsaetishn ess eo r you have madmei stakeasn,d 50p oints. then to try to avoid ltfh esae player has achieved a mistakes fiunt urea,n d so winninpgo sitibount,t henm akes improve your game. a mistake, adnrda woshn,el w yi ll My previobuoso k,W hy We have thrown 5a0w agyr ading Losaet C hesiss,b asevde ry much points for that game, and also on this line of thinkingh,a lbfu t at oopko ianh ti s roens ults. different a1 nwgalse .t aking Sai milairfl y,h is position is equal, 'bang, bang' approach, sbauytit nhge nh teh amta kesm isat akaen d 7 50 (2009/10}, loses, he gihvaesna way For my soelads on 1 50 grading poinhtasla,f poori nt inh a ve gone through his results. consecutive gaanmde 1s h,a ve We arel ookiinngt hibso okf or identified more than ten half points haanldf -poitnhtast have point sloirp tsh,ee quivaloefn t been throawwna y,a nd in effefcitv e doublmei-sdtiapk e(sf rom the ECF grading system ghievreos zteor oi n ongea me)T.e n 50 percentage points in thearlmfs- poosifln itop ust o f wouldb e pointlso st. the equivalent of ten average Now foar season's resulgtrsa.d ilntg polionsttNs.e xtt ime, is easays steos ast, a very simppelreh aps wyiolul wtaon t recover levehlo,w much bettewro rosre these grading points. you have platyheedl asitn year. Obviously wpillanlye ver be You can simply look at qutihtee neaws simple and frictionless grading list, and comptahraen wtihatinhsd ,m ostp layewrisl l lasyte ar'gsr adinlgi satn,d see still experifernucset rtahotefi on how much you are going pluapy iotnrhg e satmyep eo f mistake down.A couploef g radipnogi nts that you thyionuk have (in tEhCeF s cale) is hardleyl imoifn ln, improvement greats ignifictahnocueg h. In oaf figvrea dipnogi nts in a season seasoonf fiftgya mesa,n extra would be a reaosbojneacbtliev e. half point glaoisnte ld(e)oa rd s to The critica! point is that you only ognrea dinpgo inlto st( or need tiod entiwfhya t mistakes gained). you have mYaoduen .e eds orne Can we go beyondt itnhye objectainvael ytwiocraklw ,h ich is point towro increasMeo?s t great if youc ohaacvtheo ah elp players would find it yodui,f fibcuutl utsi,ut a limlsoy r ec ost except when jsutniiloglra ,ia n ing effective tyoo uruc soem puter ten to figfrtaedeinpn ogi nts in ian telligentlyo,n e uosfi ntgh e seasonH.o weveri,f you can womrakn y chess enwghiinceahsr e by conscientiouesxlaym iinnia nngy now quite cheap. lf the engine is mistakes you mahdaev,te h e reasonabrleyl iabtlhee,ni na ny statiswtiilcslsu ggest tmhuacth a critica! move that you have largeirm provemenits at leasstt ruggled with, the computer theoretipcoaslsliyb llfe1w .e re to might suggeshta ndaf ulo f sharpen up my game, an eixnttrear etsetni ng possibilities, and grading pointthse f oilnl owing possibly moovnee thiastc learly season would be achiebveasbtl.e .l f you have missed the best Whethe1rc an finally managem otvhea,t then wiyloluh ave the remains of course to be csheaennc.e of anadleyezpienrag,n d 8 so learnN.e verc ompletetlryu st the analyst can go deeper to the computerb,u t still tryu ndteor stand whabte enhg aosi ng make good use booxfi nt hfer ont on. of you. Mostly though it would be Maybe thoughq utehset iiosn unwise to concentratoen not just soifn gomlniees take, buetx tremely delicate switches in the perhaps a wshtorlieno gf littlsew ing of the game. lf there are mistakes, by both playemrosr.e Ebvamesinis ct akiens your play, among stronpgl ayerst,h e and tchoem putewri ll be able to position might fluctuated,e mmoanysbter aat e calneyam ri stake slight edgeW hiftoer, t hen you have matdhee,nt he best equality, tshleing ehdtag ef or approach toi cso ncentrfaitres t Black (or maybe a slighotn etdhgee m bifisogtr a kOesn.c et his has Whitea gain), and eventualbleye np lsaoyr ted woiultgl,e neirta lly settldeosw n,f oro ne siodret he be easfioerrt he playearv oitdo other, or mdaryabweF. o ar most many of the smliinpasr. playerwsi,t houtth e help of the computer it bweo duilfdf icult toT he twboa siqcu estiotnobs e catch up with the amsakneyid n t hibso oka re: adventures in such a game. lt is helpful if the computer li.D si d1al bolsee g taaom e? indicate the minar and2 . moDr1i ead l low ompyp onentto subtle changes ofb ewehna t ehsasc apfer om losing? going on. Maybe you have a slight advantage, but somehow lti t is hetlhpaftu lt hese doesn't turny oouue tx paesc ted. questions may be converted into Whatw ould tchoem putesra y? statistics. This oifst enq uite a common When you haavded edu p all basic situation, but actchoer ditnigc kstc or aonsds eyso,u will differeexnatc pto sitiorness,u lts soon find an eixncdeilclaetnito n may turn out differaebnotulty .h ow ywoeula lr ed oing in SometimeWsh item ay have yourc hessa,n dw here precisely overpressaendd, thaed vantage you should tirmyp rotvoye o ur he thought he had was igna mfea.c t an inferioritya,f ter eols e lt is quite a simple examinationm.a ybOert hat partm ethodology,y obuuw ti lnle ed of the gamei nwf aasc t equalt he help ocfh eysocsuo rm puter. throughout.m ayObre. .. and slof in a opfe5 r0i goadm esy,o u on. The point is thahta vew ilt2oh0sg ta mesy,o uh avel ost intelligenotf t hues e computer,t herefo2r0e h alf-points (a loss, 9 when the game started asm ereeqluya la)ab,ns tracttioo ns ay that or1 0p oints ou5t0 .l off thoughi f neiptlhaeyrem ra kesa mistake, you havweo n 20 games, thent he position dwrialwl. be a well donHeo.w everb adly you An 'averapglea'y ewri ll have have played your game, hhaolwfe vheirs goarm ehsee nrd inugp as many inanbel undersy our wins, and half as losses. Quite opponent has madaer,es tyiolul clearly, half the games which end credited for a win. up in losses will necessarily mean The concentration is tthhearte fotrhee loser has made a on poinltoss t,r ather thanm istakWee. cannonte cessarily mistakes having been maasdseu.m e ltt hatw intnheehr a s also would be highly dispirimtaidneg mfiosrt aakn eosr, c an it be lower-raptleady er that he awsassu med that witnhnee rh as losing8 0i%no f his games, mwaidteh no misteaiktehseQ ru.i te the oth2e0r% beinge asy wins often tlhoes ehra s made no againwseta keorp ponentlsf. the impact ono phpiosn enatn,d t he player rheacso verferdo mm ost winner has not chhaandc oetf h e of hisp obsaidt iohnes ,w isltlib lel making any mistakes. on a pslcuosr eA.t a ny level of We ignore gtahmee st hat a play, theq ufeisrtsitio sn what player has Wew ocno.n sidaelrl proportoifo n games goairnetg o the games he has lost. In all the be lost. games being ptlhaeyp elda,y ers Now imaginfeo rs tatisticawli ll lo5s0e% of the time. purposes, a primary schHooowle vcehhrey spso thettihcea l games club, with gmaamneys b eing might be (thenroetb ew ialnly played. The children asd raywest) ,a reps ltaayr tosf f with unsophisticatiend playing equaliWtiyt.h a ccuraptlea y, the accurate c(htehsosu gnho doubt end resuldtr aiwsl. f a apnlya yer many wiilmlp rovqeu ickly), alnods es, itshs itsa tistically a half there ared rfaewwbs e ing playedp.o int loslso,s si nas teaodf a lt pioss sibtlhea t thweirlbele the draw. occasioancacli densttaall emate, The moosbtv iourse actiiofn , or thewriel lb e few enougho ne of ptlhaey ehrass l osits,t hat pieces to give checkmatae , ploaryl eotrsh eaes fuploli ntI.n fact, player with more pieciets isw iolnll y half a point lost, and only prove unabflien adt ow iSnu.c h half the plloasyheea rlasf p oint, games will be a minoritys.o Tthhee vpaesrtc entias2g 5e% .l oss number of gwaimleelsv entuallyA nd at ttohple e vel? find their cwhaeyc kmtaot Teh.e Whiteh as a slight advantage better plwaiynesr,a nd it isi n cheasnsd,h isa veragsec ore is 10