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Analgesics - From Chemistry and Pharmacology to Clinical Appln. - H. Buschmann, et al., (Wiley-VCH, 2002) WW PDF

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Preview Analgesics - From Chemistry and Pharmacology to Clinical Appln. - H. Buschmann, et al., (Wiley-VCH, 2002) WW

Analgesics From Chemistry and Pharmacology to Clinical Application Edited by Helmut Buschmann, Thomas Christoph, Elmar Friderichs, Corinna Maul, Bernd Sundermann with contributions by Gregor Bahrenberg, Johannes Bartholomaus, Petra Bloms-Funke, Helmut Buschmann, Thomas Christoph, Werner Englberger, Robert Frank, Elmar Friderichs, Clemens Gillen, Hagen-Heinrich Kennies, Ulrich Jahnel, Corinna Maul, Michael Przewosny, Claudia Putz, Klaus Schiene, Wolfgang Schroder, Bernd Sundermann, Thomas Tzschentke WILEY-VCH Analgesics. Edited by H. Buschmann, T. Christoph, E. Friderichs, C. Maul, B. Sundermann Copyright © 2002 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ISBN: 3-527-30403-7 Dr. Gregor Bahrenberg Dr. Klaus Schiene Dr. Johannes Bartholomaus Dr. Wolfgang Schroder Dr. Petra Bloms-Funke Dr. Bernd Sundermann Dr. Helmut Buschmann Dr. Thomas Tzschentke Dr. Thomas Christoph Dr. Werner Englberger Dr. Robert Frank Dr. Elmar Friderichs Dr. Clemens Gillen Dr. Hagen-Heinrich Hennies Griinenthal GmbH Dr. Ulrich Jahnel Center of Research Dr. Corinna Maul P.O. Box 50 04 44 Dr. Michael Przewosny 52088 Aachen Dr. Claudia Plitz Germany This book was carefully produced. Nevertheless, authors and publisher do not warrant the information contained therein to be free of errors. Readers are advised to keep in mind that statements, data, illustrations, procedural details or other items may inadvertently be inaccurate. 1., korrigierter Nachdruck 2003 Cover picture after an original illustration by Rene Descartes (17th century) Library of Congress Card No. applied for. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data: A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP Cataloguing-in-Publication-Data A catalogue record for this publication is available from Die Deutsche Bibliothek © 2002 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Printed on acid-free and chlorine-free paper. All rights reserved (including those of translation in other languages). No part of this book may be reproduced in any form - by photoprinting, microfilm, or any other means - nor transmitted or translated into machine language without written permission from the publishers. Registered names, trademarks, etc. used in this book, even when not specifically marked as such, are not to be considered unprotected by law. Printing: betz-druck gmbH, Darmstadt. Bookbinding: Litges & Dopf Buchbinderei GmbH, Heppenheim. Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany. Preface Pain has been a human problem since the beginning of time but the last decade has seen an explosion of information about the transmitters, receptors and channels involved in the transmission and modulation of noxious messages generated in peripheral tissues. This has lead to the identification of a number of potential new targets for analgesic therapy. We now have more experimental drugs available, which allows us to study the roles of transmitters and receptors in physiological events. There are now numerous animal models for clinical pain states such as inflammation and neuropathies, and these models have shown that several transmitter systems which have minor actions in acute pains can play important roles in more persistent pains. This ability to test drugs in contexts other than acute pain models has arisen from good communication between bench scientists, clinicians and Industry. Until recently investigations into the mechanisms of clinical pain syndromes all relied on animal studies using acute stimuli. The symptoms of pain arising from nerve injury, neuropathic pain, such as allodynia, spontaneous pain, hyperalgesia, sensory deficits and in some cases a sympathetic component are simply not seen in the older acute models. There are now several animal models which mimic peripheral and central neuropathic states. The same is true for inflammation. A number of major discoveries over the last thirty years, such as the opioid receptors and the endogenous opioids, the spinal, supraspinal and peripheral sites of action of opioids, the key role of glutamate in signalling in the nervous system, the important actions of peptides such as substance P, the ability of descending controls, both noradrenergic and serotoninergic, to influence pain transmission may not yet have yielded many new drugs but has enormously aided the conceptual basis for understanding pain and analgesia. The Gate Theory of Pain, published in 1965, was the first study to make us think about the ways in which transmission of pain could alter yet the pharmacological details have only recently been eluidated. Plasticity, the capacity of the pain signalling and modulating systems to alter in different circumstances, has changed our ways of thinking about pain control. Signalling events are not fixed, not the same in all pain conditions, but subject to alteration. Types of pain, symptoms of pain, the intensity and area are all factors that alter the pharmacology. High throughput screening should expedite the identification of useful agents, which, combined with improved combinatorial chemistry, should lead to fast and efficient production of novel agents with good affinity for particular targets. Genomics can be used to identify targets related to specific disease, and, in the field of pain and analgesia, to identify targets associated with particular pathological processes within this area. Here again, the validity of the models will be critical in screening molecules. Realistically many discoveries are still serendipitous, but with a better understanding of the neurobiology of pain their effects can be better verified. Molecular and genetic approaches have recently allowed the identification of channels or receptors that has lead to a far better understanding of the peripheral processes that lead to pain from thermal, chemical and other stimuli. At the level of the peripheral nerve, the roles of particular sodium channels In the generation of activity after tissue damage may provide local-anaesthetic-like drugs that target only pain-related activity. Agents acting on calcium channels that control both neuronal activity and transmitter release also have potential. VI Within the last 10, years several new compounds were launched in the field of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with a clear focus on cyclooxygenase type 2 selective compounds. In the field of opioids on the other hand no new drugs have passed phase III clinical trials. In this field Innovation has been achieved through new pharmaceutical formulations of known drugs such as transdermal systems, e.g. buprenorphine patch, transmucosal systems, e.g. fentanyl lollipop, or rectal delivery systems containing e.g. morphine. These were developed in order to reduce opioid side effects, but also to overcome pharmacokinetical limitations, in particular to prolong compliance and duration of action. This book deals with established analgesics as well as with new chemical entities for established and new targets. Compounds are classified with respect to their physiological target. In every case the structural formula is given as well as further information e.g. on the pharmacological profile, synthetic routes or major metabolites if important. In addition, structure-activity relationships are discussed if available. Consequently following this scheme, a huge number of compounds is evaluated and a clear picture especially of pain research in the Industrial setting Is constructed. Based on the snapshot-like collection of information in this book the cyclooxygenase and the opioid systems are still the most attractive targets and ligands acting on this system are still not surpassed by ligands of other targets. It Is also clear, however, that we are at the beginning of an era of promising new approaches to pain therapy. The future will show which targets will survive the race for the best therapy. The book presented here will be highly valuable for advanced students in pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry as well as for scientists in the field of chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacology in industrial and academic research. August 2002 Anthony Dickenson, London Ulnke Holzgrabe, Wurzburg A View from Grunenthal Pain research is a traditional and well established field within the pharmaceutical industry. Beginning with the isolation of morphine In a small pharmacy by Adam Sertiirner (1806), the next major breakthrough in pain treatment was achieved by the synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid by Felix Hoffmann In the Bayer Laboratories in Wuppertal (1897). Further outstanding contributions by the pharmaceutical industry were the first fully synthetic opioids pethidine (1939) and methadone (1946). Continued efforts up to now have resulted in many potent and clinically accepted analgesics with reasonable side effects and covering nearly all facets of pain treatment. However, pain treatment is far from being satisfactory in respect to more complex pain states, e.g. neuropathy, visceral pain or migraine. Grunenthal's Interest in pain research started in 1962, when Kurt Flick designed a simple molecule containing the essential structural elements of morphine to be a potent analgesic. This prediction was clinically confirmed and today this compound - tramadol - is one of the leading centrally acting analgesics. Forty years after the discovery of tramadol, research at Grunenthal is still focused on the search for even better analgesics. Due to the intense accumulation of knowledge about pain the Idea was born to collect this In a comprehensive overview with the intention to stimulate further scientific efforts In this area. It is our hope that this book will be a useful reference meeting the challenge to improve pain therapy. Klaus-Dieter Langner and Eric-Paul Paques Aachen, August 2002 Contents Preface V A View from Grunenthal VII I Introduction 1 What is pain? 1 H. Buschmann II Pain Therapy Today 2 Cyclooxygenase Inhibition: From NSAIDS to Selective COX-2 Inhibitors 13 T. Christoph and H. Buschmann 3 Opioids 3.1 Introduction 127 E. Friderichs 3.2 Opioid Peptldes 151 B. Sundermann and C. Maul 3.3 Synthetic Opioids 159 C. Maul, H. Buschmann and B. Sundermann 3.4 Opioids with Clinical Relevance 171 E. Friderichs and H. Buschmann 3.5 Drug Delivery Systems for Opioids 247 J. Bartholomaus 4 NA and 5-HT Reuptake Inhibitors and 0,2 Agonists 265 T. Tzschentke III New Approaches in Pain Therapy 5 Gabapentin and Gabapentinoids 287 C. Maul, H. Buschmann and B. Sundermann 6 Voltage-gated Ion Channels 6.1 Sodium Channels 297 P. Bloms-Funke 6.2 Potassium Channels 333 W. Schroder 6.3 Calcium Channels 353 H.-H. Hennies and B. Sundermann IX 7 Glutamate Receptors 7.1 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors 379 K. Schiene and C. Maul 7.2 NMDA Receptors 389 W. Englberger, M. Przewosny and C. Maul 7.3 AMPA and Kainate Receptors 429 C. Maul and B. Sundermann 8 Acetylcholine Receptors 8.1 Nicotlnic Acetylcholine Receptors 435 8. Sundermann and C. Maul 8.2 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors 445 C. Maul and B. Sundermann 9 Further Opioid Receptors 9.1 The 5-Opiod Receptor 455 C. Putz 9.2 Opioid-receptor-like 1 (ORL1) 467 B. Sundermann and C. Maul 10 Adenosine 477 C. Maul, H. Buschmann and B. Sundermann 11 P2 Receptors 487 H.-H. Hennies, C. Maul, and B. Sundermann 12 Natural and Synthetic Cannabinoids 497 C. Maul and B. Sundermann 13 Vanilloids and the VR1 Receptor 507 R. Frank 14 Substance P/NKi Receptors 519 G, Bahrenberg and C. Maul 15 CGRPrReceptor Antagonists 543 C. Gillen 16 Nitric Oxide 555 C. Maul, H.-H. Hennies and B. Sundermann IV Outlook 17 Outlook - The Future of Pain Management 569 U. Jahnel and C. Gillen 18 Glossary 577 Parti Introduction What is Pain? Helmut Buschmann Introduction Pain is the most common symptomatic reason for seeking a medical consultation. Everyone is affected by pain at some point in their lives, whether it is from headaches, cuts and bruises or more severe pain resulting from surgery, which would be pre-controlled in anticipation of the event. Although chronic types of pain may generally appear to have no purpose, acute pain acts as an important warning mechanism to the person by instructing the brain to remove the individual from that particular pain stimulus. If for example a person lifts a hot object, pain signals to the brain to put the object down to avoid severe burns. The treatment of pain, a major problem in medicine, is complicated by many factors. Pain is not a uniform sensation, as illustrated by its many common descriptions, e.g. sharp, dull, aching, burning, shooting, cramping, stabbing and throbbing. There are several ways to classify pain, but the first distinction usually made is that between acute and chronic pain. Pain is a subjective sensation which cannot be measured objectively, and its intensity is not always a direct reflection of the nociceptive inputs provoking it. Nociceptive inputs which are easily ignored by an individual in one situation may be unbearable in another. Pain - a common phenomenon Acute pain as a warning mechanism The treatment of pain, a major problem in medicine Definition of Pain Various definitions of pain have been proposed but the most widely accepted is that of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP): Analgesics. Edited by H. Buschmann, T. Christoph, E. Friderichs, C. Maul, B. Sundermann Copyright © 2002 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ISBN: 3-527-30403-7 Buschmann A definition of pain (IASP) ...pain remains grossly undertreated and is frequently mistreated... Side-effects of analgesics Side-effects of NSAIDs Side-effects of central acting analgesics Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. Pain is always subjective. Each individual learns the application of the word through experiences related to injury in early life. It is unquestionably a sensation in part of the body, but it is also unpleasant and therefore also an emotional experience. Many people report pain in the absence of tissue damage or any likely pathophysiological state; usually this happens for psychological reasons. There is no way to distinguish their experience from that due to tissue damage, if we take this subjective report. If they regard their experience as pain and if they report it in the same way as pain caused by tissue damage, it should be accepted as pain (Merksey, 1979). Before the 1960s, pain was considered an inevitable sensory response to tissue damage, but since that time the definition has broadened to encompass the affective dimension of pain with greater consideration of the effects of genetic differences, past experience, anxiety and expectation. Research in understanding the underlying mechanisms behind people's pain has progressed rapidly, but despite these critical advances pain remains grossly undertreated and is frequently mistreated. In the words of Jean-Marie Besson, President of the IASP at the 9th IASP Congress in Vienna, Austria, in August 1999: 'Some pain states can now be controlled, yet there are still others which are far from being treatable.' Pain, as a whole, is currently a very active area for pharmaceutical R&D, largely because of its undertreatment and frequent mistreatment, but also because the older and still widely-used compounds can cause unacceptable side-effects. This is especially true for the traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which are associated with serious gastrointestinal complications such as bleeding, lesions and ulcers. Conversely, the perceived dangerous side-effects and fears of addiction and tolerance associated with potent opioid analgesics (e.g. morphine) has led to restrictions and controversy regarding their use. Clinical studies, however, have demonstrated that these risks are low and potent opioid analgesics today are more widely accepted for treating severe cancer pain, but experts are still calling for broader use of opioids in non-malignant chronic pain. 1 What is Pain? Class Anti-ulcer Cholesterol & triglyceride reducers Antidepressants Calcium antagonists (plain) NSAIDs ACE inhibitors Cephalosporins & combinations Antipsychotics Non-narcotic analgesics Oral antidiabetics 2000 sales ($ billion) 17.4 15.9 13.4 9.8 9.5 7.3 6.9 6.0 6.0 5.9 % of global sales 5.5 5.0 4.2 3.1 3.0 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.9 % growth (vs. 1999) + 13 + 21 + 18 + 2 + 26 + 3 -5 + 22 + 3 + 26 Table 1: Global pharma sales - the leading therapeutic classes. Source: IMS Health Word Reviews 2001, SCRIP No. 2630, March 30th 2001, p. 18. Physiology and Pathophysiology of Pain The physiological aspects of lasting pain become apparent when a mechanical, thermal, chemical or electrical stimulus strong enough to damage tissue or affect cellular metabolism stimulates the nociceptive free nerve endings of C-fibers, which are found all over the surface of the body and its organs. Several subtypes of A-fibers also carry afferent nociceptive impulses. The damaged tissue sends out nerve impulses through nerve tracts in the spinal cord to the brain (cerebral cortex) where the stimulus translates to a conscious pain sensation. In addition to nervous pain impulses, injured tissues produce inflammatory pain-producing substances, including bradykinin and other kinins, serotonin, histamine, acetylcholine, excesses of potassium ions, proteolytic enzymes and prostaglandins, which can act in synergy to increase pain levels. Many of these substances, especially the proteolytic enzymes, can cause direct damage to the pain nerve endings, but others, such as bradykinin and prostaglandins, can cause extreme direct stimulation of pain nerve fibers without actually damaging them. Local changes accompanying the injury, such as muscular spasm, ischeamia and inflammation, can also contribute to the intensity and character of the pain. Severe and sustained pain can cause long-lasting reflexes in the spinal cord and sympathetic nervous system that can lead to changes in the secretion of hormones and other substances and to a chronic state of increased pain Pain transmission Contribution of endogenous inflammatory and/or pain- producing substances

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