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Contents — Volume X-rays to diagnose pneumothoraces Number 1, January 199 fter uma J. A. Collins and G. S. Samra : ; Forum Editorials : , yn of propofol. A comparison of with propofol premixed with lignocaine 1C. K. Koay tomy P McConaghy, MM. Reid, V. Loughlin n anaesthetics. How good 1s it? |. Bahrami and R. Macdonald Correspondence mortality in the United Kingdom ICU mortality prediction models id PS. Withington vest anaesthetists. A statistical howler ration of pre-operative analgesic D. Jollift troducer for reinforced laryngeal mask VM. Pilkington and M. Popat r tracheal tube J. Francis, M. O. Abdelatti | tube and capnograph for insertion of a Isai wnaesthesia before Caesarean section ire in chaos R. G. Vanner ©, gap to monitor splanchnic G. P. Findlay f outcome by pH,, pH, and CO > gap ‘\ md G. M. Joynt Macintosh blade WW. H. Maleck and pollution devic N reable plugs A. Hindle yn pulse oximetry S. Pickaarndd S. Fayek Review article npty bottle revisited A. Ferguson Trai sophageal liography e criticall t tion of pain on injection of propofol | benefit of co-induction with midazolam ¢ eparin in arterial lines M. Blackmore, \ N. G. Lavies inaesthetics and anaesthesiology Book reviews Deaths of members reported to Council Volume Contents Cerebral infarct foll Number 2, February 1998 N. A. Zaidi, M. Ki Forum Editorials How would patient Anaesthesia for Caesarean section in patients with before their operatio1 1ortic stenosis: the case for regional anaesthesia 1. J. Ashun D. Brighouse The ettect of mi Anaesthesia for Caesarean section in patients with performance (¢ 1ortic stenosis: the case for general anaesthesia 1. J. Ashu A. Whitfield and A. Hold 7 Anew gas jet method t after spinal anaesth Main articles Intensive care services; a crisis of increasing expressed Correspondence demand A. Parker, R. Wyatt and S. Ridley Paediatric anaesth Quantifying meaningful changes in pain C. Heneghan We I. Campbell and C. C. Patt n R. McNi Timing of removal of the laryngeal mask airway The Mcé Jj. Nunez, J. Hughes, K. Wareham and T: Asai Effect o Reporting of ‘hypotension’ after epidural analgesia K. Mura during labour. Effect of choice of arm and timing of Use ot baseline readings S. M. Kins nd A. M. S. Black laryngeal m A portable self-learning fuzzy logic control system for Retrograde blind 1 muscle relaxation N. D. Edwards, D. G. Mason and laryngeal mask | J.J . Ross Supervision: what Neuromuscular interactions between mivacurium and quality? | esmololi n rabbits K. S. Kim, K. H. Kim, W. J. Shin and Caesarean s H. K. Yoo 1. Baxter D. Bos Apparatus Contirmatior he influence of neck position on ventilation using the jl Combitude airway M. H. Mercer and D. A. Gabboit D Effect of orifice-area reduction on flow characteristics during injection through spinal needles M. R. Myer md R. A. Malinauska Infusion Age and opio Review article P Beaulie The aetiology and prevention of peri-operative corneal Maintaining pat abrasions E. White and M. M. Crosse D. L. Robin He Special communication VJ Dutch case-control study of anaesthesia-related morbidity and mortality. Rationale and methods V. S. Arbous, D. E. Grobl HW! van Kleef and 1. E. E. Meursine Case reports Regional anaesthesia with a subarachnoid Erratum microcatheter for Caesarean section in a parturient Hazard Notice with aortic stenosis A. Pittard and M. Viscevii Rescue from neutropenic fever and a bamboo pole C. ¥. Yi and I. K. S. Tan Requirements for muscle relaxation in Friedreich’s Number 3, March ataxia H. Mouloudi, C. Katsanoulas and G. Frantzeskos Blood transfusion facilitating difficult weaning from the ventilator B. Schénhofer, H. Bohrer and D. Kohler Editorial Bilateral lingual nerve injury following the use of the Nitrous oxide: tim laryngeal mask airway S. Majumder and P M Hopkin 1. D. S. Shaw and Volume Contents Main articles Correspondence Aware! luring total intravenous anaesthesia with mifentanil A. J. Ogilvy pioid analgesia J. Jones and N. G. Lavies ‘f drug application to the nasal passage vakers L. A. Gomez-Bordas, 1. S. Kurbaan during cardiac arrest in late J. L. McCartney and A. Dark rie for difficult double-lumen Vi. Weller ial of spinal needles for Caesarean Jenkins, J. M. Hopkinson, A. K. Samaan, S. Birks and M. R. Patrick ) the laryngeal mask cutt I. Brimacombe ynin reuptake inhibitors vemorrhage following rapid tion in pregnancy J. Putland and l f Cx t way mainten reth itheter to remove an upper airway Porter hazard M. Ma, P P Chen, S. Chan H. 1 * f patients with juvenile chronic arthritis L. Smith Special communication Ost tis following epidural analgesia in an t How sequence at t promised patient M. Kruger, S. Dumont Review article A fs p April 1998 Case reports Editorial iaison psychiatry S. |. Dolin and Main articles f EEG parameters to predict loss of nd response to skin incision during total thesia S. Schraag, U. Moh, VI. Georgieff sting for paediatric anaesthesia. A t practice B. M. Emerson, VI. Newton during simulated tracheal intubation C. |. H. Johnson and N. We Goodman inalysis of the electroencephalogram sing end expiratory conc entrations of sfurane and sevoflurane D. Schwender, S. Klasing,U. Finsterer and K. Peter Volume Contents Apparatus 7 A leak from a three The intubating laryngeal mask. Use in failed and O. Dearlove difficultintubation M. J. A. Parr, M. Gregory and A. S. Costello P J. E Baskett Beware unexplained flu Evaluation of the HemoCue? for measuring intra- A. E. Scase operative haemoglobin concentrations: a comparison Remifentanil C. P: with the Coulter Max-M? A. M. Lardi, C. Hirst, J. Viby-Mogensen A. J. Mortimer andC. N. McCollum Defective arterial mo P Dolu 1T) Special article Postdural puncture h Anaesthesia and evidence-based medicine Are pencil point n N. VW Goodma C. B. Collier and M Position of antireflu Case reports A. D. MacLeod Lung fluid and impedance cardiography J. Dumaresq-Luca L. A. H. Critchley andJ . A. J. H. Critchley 3. The anti-emetic Sequential changes in gas exchange following traumatic ondansetron and di fatembolism R. M. Burnstein, J. P- Newell and 3 Asurvey of postop J. G. Jones M. Koivuranta and I Recurrent respiratory depression after total intravenous Reshaping the Ma anaesthesia with propofol and alfentanil J. E. G. Sternlo C. J. Snijders and R. H. Sandin Cuffed oropharyt Nitrous oxide Forum J. W Broadway a Dorsal column function after epidural and spinal Management of h blockade: implications for the safety of walking anaesthesia — a sugg following low-doseregional analgesia for labour Vi. O. Abdelatti M. G. Parry, R. Fernando, G. PS. Bawa and : The Portex introdt B. B. Poulton edentulous patient Pre-oxygenation using face mask or mouthpiece with 5 Stylohyoid ligament and without nose clip: patient preferences and efficacy intubation? HH! A J. Everatt and W. S. Ng Opening propofo Comparison of the effect of EMLA and semicir 417 The Teletubbies cularsubcutaneous anaesthesia in the prevention of N. G. Smart! tourniquet painduring plexus block anaesthesia of the arm K. T. Tschaikowsky and T: Hemmerling Postoperative respiratory function in children after ibdominalsurgery. A comparison of epidural and ; _ sate intramuscular morphineanalgesia E. Chiabas, Number 5, May 1998 C. Gomar, A. Villalonga, X. Sala and P Taura The acute pain service: effective or expensive care? Editorials S.Q. M. Tighe, J. A. Bie, R. A. Nelson and M. A. Sku Evidence-based Deaths of members reported to Council and i G. ]. Ba> ldIdo ck Call for expert witnesses Ethics and reseat Correspondence Main articles Drug designers in anaesthesia |. Norman The eftect of edu D. W Rutter prescription of postop Double cannulation of central veins: multilumen value of clinical audit andpulmonary artery catheter introducers J. Onslow services M. Harm B. L. Taylorand PJ. McQuillan The effect of increasit Are two sides better than one? A simple modification of cerebrospinal fluid p a stethoscope G. J. Smurthwaite and P Butler md T: E. Hollway Cancellation of major surgery due to lack of ITU beds Anaesthesia and th Y. Tzabar ind halothane in 1 The use of filters in anaesthetic breathing systems D. Michaloudis, O J. Heaton, A. P. Hull and D. Fell FE. Parthenakis Volume Contents iduct tracheal intubation ral analgesia and coronary artery bypass oflurane o1 thane in children S. Jnomat craft surge 1 Mallick and N. C. Bhaskaran Vi. Tagi ind R.PA Sinclair and D. H. T. Scott ). J. Turfrey, D. A. A. Ray and h to dosing in children G. Meakin for commonsense R. Goodison » block for orchidopexy A. Lipp tion of pre-operative analgesic Apparatus Coe Pert ance wract of a ‘t ind fro’ disposab Ser | adult acute epiglottitis 7! Donnelly, d niste ; ) Scott Y M.A. W 1B. VS. Murthy ibove beds S. Hughes and Special article ultant and e system and short procedures ) continuing n 1]. G. Jone Jev laesthesia M. Heath Book reviews Erratum 1998 Editorial \ ing the ‘analgesic gap’ G. Smith and Main articles Forum | hdrawing: treatment in patients I Pe 1 afin nsi ire A. R. ManaraJ,. A. L. Pittman doy emergencies requiring an intensive ntion. The role of ASA physical status surgery A. Lee, M. E. Lum, K. M. Hillman laryngoscopy using the McCoy ind without cricoid pressure ittanen and J. Kytta ications associated with tracheal iz of tracheal extubation and use of sk during emergence from anaesthesia a ee K. K [’ Asai, R. S. Vaughan and I. P. Latto - \ ychomotor evaluation; design, ind practice effects in volunteers Woolman, W M. Gray, A. J. Asbury and strl lesia using a mixture of local curonium G. Reah, A. R. Bodenham, Esmond and M. J. Menage Correspondence Apparatus Ephedrine/Epinep! | confusion 555 Respiratory feedback effects on vaporisers in circle rite and B. Royston Volume Contents Isoflurane concentrations using uncompensated A. D S. Shaw and vaporisers within circle systems S. Brosnan, B. Royston 611 Corneal abrasions md D. White 611 A ge as 1 factor An evaluation of the factors influencing selection of the demand R. ¢ optimal size of laryngeal mask airway in normal adults 612 Increasing demand f 1. M. Berry, J.R . Brimacombe, K. FE McManus and N. Nandwani and M. Goldblatt 612 Value of high-depet K. M. Rowan Review article 612 Failure of chest X Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in children ifter blunt traun |. P Wanvick and D. G. Maso 613 Pain after vas Dermatomal dispa Case reports Music and inaestl Pneumopericardium: an unusual cause for cardiac Erratum arrest G Djaiani and E. Major Post-thoracotomy paraplegia coincident with epidural anaesthesia M. S. Bhuiyan, A Viallick and \V/ Parsloe An resthesia tor ¢ -aes irean section ina Pp tient with Number 7, July 1998 Charcot Marie-Tooth disease G. Real, G. R L) "I md R. C. Wilson Editorial Forum Anaesthesia and Occupancy of a teaching hospital adult intensive care K. H. Simp unit by high dependency patients H Thomp|s on and P. Spiers Main articles Acupuncture in the management of chronic pain Continuous m C. H. M. Woollam and A. O. Jackson perspecti\ The recognition of critical incidents: quantification of svndrome monitor effectiveness G. P Findlay, M. J. Spittal and R. Weinstab J. J. Radcliffe Surgical face ma Pouch of Douglas block for laparoscopic sterilisation H. A. McLure, ¢ G. Haldane, S. Stott and I VieMenemin B. S. Azad Anatomical Correspondence theoretical Paediatric anaesthesia who should do it? S. Ingram and S. C. Beard K. Sherr) Ambient ox Magnesium sulphate for the control of spasms in severe cardiopulmona tetanus Ve EM. Jam C3. McAnult A new, improved tracheal tube connector J. B. Liban The effect of potat Caesarean section in the presence of 1OTTIC STENOSIS derived hy {roxy S. M. Yentis and D. P- Dob coagulation M. |] Caesarean section during irdiac arrest A. MeIndoe and D. Popovic, T. P. E. Hammond Pre-operative analgesics s wrong with the oral Apparatus route? C J L. Me arti md W. A Chamber Awake intubatio A tibreoptic hazard E. G. Hadawayj intubating lary Pain on injection of propofol VI. H. Nathanson and M. S. Avidan N. M C,ayjray Controlled ventil Electrical safety 1 reminder VicLaughlin and .™ Iporis N. T. A. Campkin An even better bougie G. D. Stanley and I. R 1ppadurai Modification of a simple algometert M. O.. hdelatti and Review articles B. S. K. Kamath 654 Intermediate cat Low-flow anaesthesia and the cuffed oropharyngeal solutions S. A. R airway T Asai and M. R. WU Stace) 665 The peri-operati Nitrous oxide R Hen lore Vl H Nathanson Volume Contents Special communications myasthenia gravis S. M. Mostafa, md E, O. Hughes idministration of salbutamol I. Avery ugs to the nasal passages probang? J. M. Manners tunity M. S. Pegg Book reviews Deaths of members reported to Council Safety notice August 1998 Editorial ia before or after general Main articles x in acute pain management Correspondence Ma, S. Chan and T; E. Oh D pth at induction. An evaluation using ind EEG polysomnography P Higgins and D. C. Moriarty the neuromuscular blocking effects cisatracurium and atracurium R. K. Mirakhur, D. Lowry, P- Glover and yntrolled administration of propofol nalysis E. Mortier, M. Stnuys, ichelen and G. Rolly ind colloid osmotic pressure in onsurvivors of prolonged critical illness P Nicholson and G. R. Park itcome in high-risk infants undergoing omparison between spinal and general Somri, L. Gaitini, S. Vaida, G. Collins, Vogilner of transoesophageal echocardiography decision making. A European dy N. Kolev, R. Brase,J . Swanevelder, VI. J. Riesgo, J. M. A. A. van der Maaten, FE. Guarracino, M. Zimpfer and the European ME Research Group rine for anaesthesia, but Special articles La re strategy for management M. J. Dakin nd anaesthesia WW. L. Rowe 1114 duction of anaesthe md H FE: Whitel Review article nm { forget ibout Bier Serut UMN: touchstone or totem? VU. PM wn and N. Soni Volume Contents Case reports Main articles Systemic mastocytosis presenting as profound $33 Classification trees cardiovascular collapse during anaesthesia grouping in inten S. T. A. Vaughan and G. N. Jones A. Shahani, W Bi rhe use of lamotrigine in neuropathic pain PP. di Vadi and Wi Hamann workload of an intens S. Ridley and M. Pali Forum Induced | hypoth| ermi An analysis of training activities in the use of critical ¥ ‘, * management of retra care equipment within hospitals in the United paediatric cardiac sur Kingdom F Fouladinejad andJ . R. Roberts J.C. Edwards, J.1 The cuffed oropharyngeal airway. Its clinical use in 100 and A. P. Salmon patients T? Asai, K. Koga, R. M. Jones, M. Stacey, Lung aeration and p I. P. Latto and R. S. Vaughan lumbar epidural ana Correspondence position in elderly } Bacterial meningitis following combined M. Hogman, Z. Pk spinalepidural analgesia for labour S. Thursfield and G. Hedenstien R. Fernando 2 The uptake of sevofl Remifentanila s an analgesic in the critically ill A. Main D. A. Vagts a Intra-operative bradycardia in gynaecological surgery Comparison of r D. Bugg) use during rapid E Khan andH . Hameedullah K. C. McCourt Pericardial placement of a pulmonary arterial catheter M. Carrol D. A. Browne andJ . E Cockburn G. J. Roest and Anaesthesia for chronic spinal cord lesions and multiple ; Neuromuscular sclerosis J. Wi H. Watt mivacurium, Anaesthesia and evidence-based medicine C. Brown administered in Monitoring of hypoxaemic episodes in the late K. S. Kim, ¥. S postoperative period B. M. FE Lewer, P D. Larsen, The effect of intrat J. M. Torrance and D. C. Galletl sulphate in rats S. K A dangerous fault with a PCA pump L. Christie and K. Ishizaki and F G K. A. We Cranfield Recurrent Horner's syndrome and epidural analgesia in Apparatus } labour N. Morgan-Hughes and P- Shannon a Revised ch Tourniquet pain during brachial plexus block ind C. Barthram M. Jéhr and S. Balogh Fibreoptic intub Informed consent for suppositories M. Stocker urway and Aint Xenon as a replacement for nitrous oxide E. O'Sull S. K. Chamberlain and G. K. Ciccone The ‘whoosh’ test and caudal anaesthesia Review article O. Dearlove, R. W. M. Walker and J.-Y. Bigeon Hypophosphatac C. M. Price and A. Pr er management Oo he aetiology and prevention of peri-operative corneal abrasion J. G. Brock-Utn Humphrey ADE disposable carbon dioxide absorber Case reports P V Scott Use of the Mc The direct flick method for opening ampoules [. Smith fibrescope-aide An unexpected benefit of anaesthesia S. Matsumoto G.M Cooper Gallstones and 1 R. Griffith Forum Number 9, September 1998 Postoperative day-case surgery and isoflurane Editorial Anaesthesia for 831 ARDS: are we winning at last? M. Sair and ductus arteriosus | I? We Evans J. B. Mitchell Vulume Contents of acupun the incidence of ilgesia in early active labour: combined postextubation lary1 ) children | vs. epidural C. Price, L. Lafreniere, ( K. Le I. Findley J. M. Hsaio ty before elective surgery in children 921 Castro oesophage li re rit \. Thompson, M. Kenward and G. Johnston rynaecological laparoscopy under positive pressut effects of tramadol in children under ventilation laa ryn ’ ,t rach—ea l intub|a tion aesthesia A. I) Bosenberg and S. Ratcliffe B. Y. M. Ho, H. J. Si md R. P- Mahajan low-dose ketamine on fentanyl-induced lepression L Mildh, M. Taittonen, K. Leino Correspondence Q)o2r5 . Dorsal cola.u mn fui n aftBesr il/epiduj ral ] hla Apparatus R ( ndo and .\ C;. Fa 4 iI ‘Combitube’ airway with the cervical lised in a rigid cervical collar id D. A. Gabbott tracheal intubation in anaesthetised hing via a modified laryngeal mask airway R. J. H. Baylis and R. Marjot il mask airway Review article En ubarachnoid block in children ILMA) in tail nd I Doyle Hau Case reports ind malignant vasovagal syndrome WW. Yanny isoning by ingestion of clothes washing ic conditioner J. C. Vincent and yes is not asthma. Paradoxical vocal cord senting as severe acute asthma requiring pport D. M. Murray and PG. Lawler Forum T iddition of adrenaline to pethidine for led epidural analgesia after Caesarean D. Nean Kee, K. S. Shaw and M. L. Ma practice of thoracic epidural analgesia in Kingdom H. C. Romer and G. N. Russell » intrathecal patient-controlled analgesia e, sufentanil or a mixture of both , K. Geernaert, Vv. L. H. Hoffmann, H. A. Adriaensen Correspondence Number 10, October 1998 ing PCA the importance of information Vf. R. Gabrielczyk G. M. Chumbley, G. M. Hall and Editorial cosal fentanyl D. Prosser, M. Allman and Main articles rauge, pencil point spinal needles A PAC HE II, data a ra ind outcome prediction ud EF Plaat ( on LMA stability H. J. Skinner and criteria as a basis for eral intensive care unit pharyngeal airway (COPA) and pharyngeal 1. Patel and A. Pearce Volume Contents 1032 External or internal jugular cannulation? M. Duncan Review article 1032 Spinal flexion and CSF pressure J. L. Shah Peri-operative steroid ]. Dinsmore J. M. Burrin a iG 1033 My “Y-can’ can’t S. Shervill Special communication 1033 Unanticipated admission following day surgery Multiple-choi S. Deshpande andJ . Watts b ised ippro Te h to 1034 Respiratory insuffiency in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1. K. MclInd disease N. P Hirsch 1034 The bearded airway C. Vincent and VU mes Case reports 1035 Critical incidents A. Lack Suxamethonium 1035 Use of suxamethonium in ‘cord’ patients — whether pregnancy-indu ind when’ G. A. Gronert P Davies and M. I 1036 An abnormal epiglottis but an easy intubation Suxamethonium R. G. Craig and A. Patwardhan hyperthermia ]. A. R 1037 Music and anaesthetists [. Hin A. S. Laure uv Forum A comparison o propofol predosit Number 11, November 1998 L. Ande Pressure and oesoph geal Editorial R. A. Hyde, P Can we assess professional behaviour in anaesthetists? Low-dose intra K. R. Myerson following arthro K. R. Mi Main articles Evaluation of an improved scoring system for the Correspon dence grading of direct laryngoscopy S. M. Yentis and Pre-operati uM D. J. H. Lee The effect of lead time bias on severity of illness Route of morphi scoring, mortality prediction and standardised Unilateral lung mortality ratio in intensive care a pilot study change D. A R. D. Tunnell, B. Wo Millar and G. B. Smith Monitoring Position and shape of the diaphragm: implications for Pencil-point itelactasis formation A. Reber, UL Nylund and block. Why G. Hedenstierna VI. Kinse 1062 Recovery characteristics using single-breath 8 Are pencil pou sevoflurane or propofol for induction of anaesthesia S. M. Al in day case arthroscopy t} patients A. K. Dashifield, Ventilation throug! D. J. Birt,J . Thurlow, I. ( G. Kestin andJ ]. A. Langton poor seal I? Don Mucosal host defence response to hysterectomy Magnesium and at issessed by saliva analyses: a comparison of propofol Vf. C. Bellan and isoflurane anaesthesia VV. Lalteenmaki, M. Salo Charcot-Mari andJ . Tenovuo malignant hyp Oral intake be Apparatus ind S. J. Math The cuffed oropharyngeal airway for spontaneous Pre-operative ventilation anaesthesia. Clinical appraisal in 100 Unequal blood pr patientsJ . Brimacombe and A. Berry K. |. Gilmore and 1080 The laryngeal mask airway as an aid to training in A potent il hazar fibreoptic nasotrac he il endos« Opy N A Oshorn, trachestomy tub 1. P FE Jackson andJ . E. Smith HaemoCue for The intubating laryngeal mask FE Agro, |. Brimacombe, and I. H. Loren Ml. Carassiti, L. Marchionni, A. Morelli and Opening high-d R. Cataldo 1. Richardson

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