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Preview Anaerobic Digestion Analysis Model

NREL!TP-425-63U3C1 C atego1r4y1:4• DE94011858 Anaerobic stioAnn alysis ModelU:s er' annal M. Ruth, R. Landucci NationRaeln ewabElnee rgLya boratory 1617C olBeo ulevard GoldeCno,l ora8d0o4 01-3393 A natiolnaablo ratooftr hyeU .SD.e partmoefnE tn ergy Managebdy M idwesRte searIcnhs titute fotrh eU .SD.e partmoefnE tn ergy Under ConNtroa.cD tE- AC36-83CH10093 Augus1t9 94 TO PURCHASSEO FTWARE Contact: Bob Landreth US Environmental Protection Agency Center Hill Rd 5995 i Cincinnati, OH 45224 •. (51536)9 -7871 NOTICE Thriewspap osrrt ea apsana c rocwefoosd urp nkobt nay asn go oetrfnUhe cnedSyi t gtaoetvdee sr nment. NietthUheneSri t tgaeotdven esaor anrngy mte ehnnnectaory onre tfy oh fe,i mra akenemysp loyees, warerxoapinrrmt eopaysrls,s is eludeml,gei oasarr lbe a isnlfptyiooah trncey sc c iuobrmiaplcliyet,ty e ness, ours eofafiun nlyfn aoeaprsrpmspaa rttooupirdsro ud,onci c,tseo ,rcsr els po trsiheuetawssdstoee, un ltds niontpf rrioivwnrangiteeRged ehl fthyese tr.raoe esn niypccn eeo c mipmfreiporcrdc ouoiccraet ls, s , sebrvtyjrn caaetdm reea ,d emaorkt,hd eonmrwenoaisetnsc uceefo sanoscisratmti rupitirltsleyu yr t ,e or endorresceomomferman ebvtntyo,Udh r naeSiit tngtiagoeot vdneoe ,asrr an ngytme henTnechtrye e of. viaenowdps io anfui etoxhnpohsrre edsrnso enos ietenc ds e tosrarset atferhol iotfelUsh cyneet i ted Stgaotveoeasrran ngymte ehnnectry e of. AvatDioOal EnaD dbOc lEoe nf trroamct:o rs OfofSfic ciaeeTn nedtc Iihnfnf(iioTOccrIS am)la tion P.BO6o.2x OaRkiT dN3g 71e8 ,3 Praivcabeciysal (la65lb17i4l56n0e)-g1 8 Avattiophl ueafb brlloiemc : NtaiToennciIahcnlaf Sloe r(rvTmNiIacSte)i on U.DSe.po aCfmrto mmeerncte 582P5oR rtoR yoaald SprViA2n 2g1f6i1e ld, (74708-34)6 50 ::Pr inted on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper and 10% postconsumer waste .- Table of Contents Introduction 1. 1 Model Overview 2. 1 2.1.P reprocesSseicntgi on 2 2.2.D igestion 5 2.3.B iogaPsr ocessing 6 2.4.S oliRde sidPureo cessing 6 Model Use 8 3. 3.1.T heI nput/OuWtpourtk sheet 8 3.2.M ateriaanld E nergBya lanceW orksheet 12 3.3.E quipmeWnotr ksheet 13 3.4.C ashFl ow Worksheet 14 Appendices 4. A. ProceF1sosw Diagrams A-1 B. ParametUesresdi nA DAM'sM aterBiaalla nCcael culations B-1 Example C-1 c. D. References D-1 E. Bibliography E-1 iii List of Tables C-1 FeeSde ctoifI/o 0nW orksheet C-1 C-2 MSW PreopcressSiencgto ifI/o 0nW orksheet C-2 C-3 DigesSteecrto ifI/o 0nW orksheet C-2 C-4 BiogParso cessinogf I/ S0We ocrtkisohne et C-3 C-5 SolRieds idPruoesc seianngPd l asPtroiccess sSiencgt ioofI/n 0sW orksheet C-3 C-6 SolbvlaCeo satnsCd r edSietcst il/o0n W oorfksheet C-4 C-7 FinnacianngOd t her FSaeccttoiorofstn hsI/e 0 W orksheet C-5 C-8 SolavblCeo satnsCd r edSietcst oifto hne WI/o0r kshaetfeeMtro dehla bse eSno lved C-6 C-9 ResuSletcst oifo nI/t 0hW eo rkshaefetMteo rd ehla s bSeoelnv ed C-6 C-10 CasSet uDdayt Ean teirnetdFo ed esS ectoifI/o n0W orksheet C-8 C-11 CasSet uDdayt Ean teirnetdS oo lvaCbolseat nsCd r edSietcst oifI/o n0W orksheet C-9 C-12 SolavblCeo satnsCd r edSietcst oifI/o n0W orksheet C-11 iv 1. Introduction TheA naeroDbiigce sAtnilaoyns Miosd e(lAD AM)h abse edne velopaesds iitnsovt eg sattioirns peorrfmipnrge limeicnoanroyam nilacy soefas n aerdoibgiecs ptrioocne sTshees .m odel, which runs undMeirc roEsxocfte li™cs,a pable of tehesect oinmoapmteiiorcnrf gm anocfse e vedriaeflrf ent wasdtieg esptroicoencs osn gfuiroanttsih aatrd ee finbeydt hues etrh roaus gehr soi feo ption selencstT.ih oem odecla bne u setdop redriecqtu ifreeedds ttoicpkp fieensgp, r odsuecltl pirnigc es, · utilriastta,eyn rda wm ateruinaiclto sts. Them odeilsi ntentdoe udbs eea dsa t ootlop erfoprrme limeicnoanroym ic estciomuabltede s that usetdoc aroruyt sismcprleeea nnianlgy semso.d eTclhu'ers r peanrta meatrebera ss ed on enginejeurdignegm aenndt sna orrtee flecotfai nvye expirsotcietnshges or;re ef, sthhoeubyle d carefuelvlayl uaantmdeo dd ifiienfde cseasryr eltfeoc tp rtohceue nsdsce orn dseiriaotnT.h e accuraancldye veuln coefr toafti hneets yt imcaatpeidit navle stamneodnp te ractoisntgs are dependoentn htae c curaancdy loefuv necle rtoafti hnmetyo deli'nsp puatr aemrestT.h eu nedrlying mehtodolioscga yp laeob fp rodurceisnugal ctcsu rtaot ew i±t3h0i%on fa ctucaols ts. Thimso deblu ilodftfsh e MSWm oAdDe l devbeyRl .Lo epgerda anndd T.M.d eTsocdrdii,nb etdh e technriecpao"lrS styt eAmnsa lyosfMi usn icSipoalWlia ds tBei ogfaisciiaotn("1 )AD.A M was develowpitefhdun dpsr ovibdyte hdUe n itSetda tEensv ironmPernottaelcA tgieonnc y. 2. Model Overview ADAM wasde veloopnMe idc roEsxocfte Vle™r sioann td4h .ur0se, q uiErxecse rle™l easoers 4.0 latteobr eu seTdh.e m odeclo nsoifsfi tvsew orkesthsea:ni nput/ou(t11p0wu)ot r ksh(e/eOt. XaL S), materainaedln erbgayl awnocrek sh(eMeAtT BAL.aXnLe Sq)u,i pmweonrtk sh(eEeQtU IP.XaL S), cashfalnoaswli wyso rksh(Ce AeStH FLOW.XaLnSdw) o,ar kshceoentt aitnhmiean cgr o programmmoidnugl( eMsC ROS.XALlAfl)i .vw eo rkshmeuesttso pbeetn or utnh meo deblu,ot n ly th11e0 w orksh(eIeOt. XiLsS )n ercye estnsota aelrtl h e repqauriarmeedat netdro rs e atdh rese ults 1 calculbayt etmdho ed eTlh.eM CROS.:XLAw orkshiesaeu ttm oaticoaplelnye di,hs i adndde n from vieawsa na dd-in smhae.ce rto Descripotfi otpnhrseo cessesb est ihmautl actagenid v beaenrl eoT wh.e dsees cridpotn iootn s inclaud dies cusosfti huoenn d erltyeicnhgn oalso igisayt s, s umtehudes epro ssetshsiess knowleRdagteh.te hre,as rege e nedreaslc riopftt ihmoeon desl o'rsg anoinzT.ah tepi rocfelsosw diagrwahmisca,hr u es feulf ofrol lowtihndigis s cuscsaibnoe fn o,u nidnA ppendiPxa rameters A. useidnt hmea terainaedln erbgayl awnocrek shceabenet f onud Aipnp enBdi.x PreprocesSseicntgi on 2.1. AD AM allotwhuses etros eluepct tot hrfeeeed osf d igesmtaitbielareFl o.r fitrhsfete esdt ream, municispoallwi ads (tMeS W)th,ue s er hasd iseferfveoenprtta ilo nsse pftaoirroaT nh.es ecofnede d streiasaml iqauintddh teh iirsads olid; absostuhm teoarbd eer eatdoye nttehrde i gewsittehro ut furthperre ptairoaTnh.ep rimdairefyrf enbceet wetehsnee coanndd tfheeidsr trde aimstsh atth e secoinstdr sapnorttherdo puigphwe i�s pumpwsh itlhete h iirstdr anspoonbr etelcdto nvoerys. Threoep tiaornaesv ailfaobsrle ep araotfti hoMenS W:m echansiocratlmi anngu,sa olir ntga,nd greleona d(iin.gme i.n,i msarotli n.g ) OptionM e1c.h aniScoarlt ing Fomre chansiocratolif MnSgW ,m atiearilsc olleicnatr ecede ivlion(tSg t ream a1n0bd0u 0l)l dozed onttoh fier scto nveaytto hrse p eciffliorewad t( Set re1a0m1 0O)n.t hciosn vetyhooern ,lm ya nual soritnet hrpe r ocsre esmovgelsa pslsa,c iiotnn gt CoNV -10(1S3tr e1a0m1 f3)ot rr sapnotrott h Gel ass StorBaig(neB IN-10S1t3o)r.g eldai spsse riodriecmaolvlfeorydm t hgel asstso rbaigbney a g lass reccyleTrh.er emaiMnSiWni gss h redbdyae damh em rc rus(hMeLrH -101M0o)s.ot f ftrehrei c maetriianl MtShWe tihse rne movbeyad convmeaygon(reM tG N-102T0h)es. i zofet hree mnaiing MSW (Stre1a0m4 i0)sfu r threerd ubcyed h aa mmemri l(MlL H-1040). Ther edumcaetde r(iStarle1 a0m5 i0)ts r ansptooar c toeudrd siess kc re(eSCnR -10T5h0e)s. c reen removelsa rtmghaeetr e r(Sitarle1 a0m6 0w)h,i cihsm ixewdi tehx cefislst rfarmto teh dei gessetcetri on (Stre3a1m1 a0)n d/aodrd itpirooncawelas ts(e Srt re1a0m7 0T)h.i wse mta tereinatleat r rso mlm( eTR0- 1090M)o.s otft hpel aswtiilclsf alntl ohto utghhte r ommtheelya; r ree movaendcd o nve(ySetdr eam 2 110t0)o p laa shtoilcdsi nTgh bem iante.r tihaafllat l tsh rotuhgtehr omm(eStlr e1a1m2 i0)ps u mpetdo thfeee db lendin(gT NK-2200). tank There movpelda sctaibnce rs e cycllaendd,fi olrl eidn,c iwniettrhhas eto eldri sedi d.u ethpel astics If are rectyhcel eadma,or ucenytc lweirpl alfy o trh ecma bne e nteirnte hdme o delt.h pel asatriec s If landfitlhlleea dn,d fifleeli isin ngc luadsae ned x penFsien.a, tl hlpeyl asctainc isbn ec ineirtfah tee d solid residduieg eifrssot me rbiet nihcneig en der.a t Thema tertihapalta sstehsr otuhgceho urdsiess kc re(eStnr e1a1m3 i0)sc o nvetyoae c da n dsicsreke n (SCR-11T3h0ef). r taicotnh atr eimso vbeytd h cea dni sskc re(eStnr e1a1m4 p0)a ssuensd aec ro nveyor magn(eMtG N-11w4h0)e,rm eo sotft hree maifneirnmrgai tce riirsae lm ovTheids.f rermiact eriisa l then co(nSvterye1ea1md5 t0 )oth es ame hiorlodnti anntgkh acto ntains ther epmroevveido uisrloyn (TNK-11F5r0)o.tm h etrhee, iistrur cokne tdoa r ecycTlheemr a.t ertihaailtsn orte movbeytd h e magnet opvaesarsne e dsd y-cusrreepnatr hautib(ECn Sg- 11w70h)i slwei tcchoinnvge y-oTrhse.r e, alumiinrsue mm ov(eSdtr e1a1m8 a0)n cdo nvetyoae h do ldbiin(ngB IN-1b1e80f)ob reei tnitkge nt oa recycTlheeMr S.W thapta ssoevset rhe ed dy-cusrerpeanr(taS ttorre1a 1m9 i0)cs o nvetyote hde mixitnagn( kT NK-22b0e0f)oe rneti enrtgh dei gester. Them atreialp atshstaeths r otuhgceha dni sskc re(eSCnR -1i13fis0l )t ebrye fidan ed isskc re(eSCnR - 1300M)a.t errieamlo vbeytd h e fisncer ed(eSitnsr ke1 a3m1 e0)n tearnas i srt on(AeSrT -1t31or0 e)m ove lignhotn digemsatetarbislae;el . gt.i,n y socfpr laaipscsTt. h e MSW thraetm oivsbe ytdn h oaeti r ston(Setrr e1a3m5 i0)sc o nvetyoe dmt ihxei ng( TtNaKn-k22 T0h0)em. a tertihaaplta sstehsr otuhgeh fined isk s(cStrree1ea4nm0 e0)n tearnas ik rn ei( fAKN-14w0h0i),c hac yicsl doensei gnreedm otvoe heanvoyn digemsattaebreli.ea,g sl .t;o naensgd l asshsda srTh.e heavnyo ndigemsattiebr(lSieta rle am 143i0)ss t oreadb i(inBn I N-1w4i30t)h l tighnheot n digemsatetirbiblaeelf oirtetru cikse tdoa l afinldl. Thedi gesmtaitbelrpeia aslst ehsr otuhgeh kanii(rfSe t re1a4m5 a0)n idcs o nvetyote hdme i xitnagn k (TNK-22b0e0f)oe rnet erthiedn igg ester. 3 Opti2o.Mn a nual Sorting Undetrhs ee coonpdt ifoosnre paraMtSiWn,mg a nusaolr tlianbgo,rr eemrostv here e cyclable materfiraotlmh MeS W strebaemf oirites c rushTheed M.S W irse ceiivnae dld oets ignattheadt for pupros(eS tre1am0 00a)n di sb ulldoonzteaod convteoey notre rs otrhtaeir ne(gaS t re6am0 00T)h. e firsmta tertioa slbo er tbeyhd a nidsg lawshsi,ci hrs e mov(eSdtr e6am0 2a0)n d st(BoIrNe-d6f 0or20 ) reyccliSnigm.i liarroalnny sd,t e(eSltr e6am0 4a0)n adl umi(nSutmr e6am0 6a0)rr ee movaendsd t ored forre yccliFnign.a plllays,it srie cm ov(eSdtr e6am0 8a0)n sde nttot hpel ashtoilcd in(gB IbN-i6n0 80). Int hpel asptriocc esospitni,tgo h nues emra yc hootsore ce ycllaefin,ld olr, incitnhpeelr aasttei c. Aftetrh mea tearlhisa vbee esno rttehdse,i zoeft hMeS Wi sre dubcyea dh ammecrr us(hMeLrH - 609a0)n adh ammemri l(MlL H-60i9ns1 )ei resT.he m ateriitsah lec no nve(ySetdr e6am1 0t0)oa mixitnagn( kT NK-61w0h0e)ri eit smi xewdi tehx cefislrsta te tfhrdeoi mg essteicotn(iS otnre 3am1 10) and/porro cweasts(e Srt re6am1 1t0)oi ncreiatmssoe i stcuornet eTnhtem. o imsatt ertihaeelnn tear s wet tro(mTRm0e-l6 1M20o)s.ot ft hmea terpiaasls es tthhtrero oumgmahen lid ps u mpe(Sdt ream 614t0)o fteheebd l endtiann(gkT NK-22b0e0f)oe rnet ertihdneig g esThteer re.j eacrtteso l oa rtgoe pastsh rougthr otmhmseec lr sea ennadr ceo nve(ySetdr eam 6b0a3c0tk)ot hfeor notf t hper octeos s bem ixewdi tthh een tienrgu,n stoerMdS W. OptionG reen Loading 3. Thet hiMrSdW sortailntge rnaitsgir veele ona diTnhgio.sp tiiocsnh osfeomnra tertihaailtss o rted befoirite st r sapnorttote hdfe a icliotrfy o hro mogenmeaotrueista hlad to enso rte qusiorret siuncgh, aso rgawnaiscpt iec k-ups. Them ateriisra elc ei(vSterde1 am0 00a)n id sbu lldoonzteaocd o nvetyobo ert r sapnorttose odr ting (Stre7am0 00O)n. es oritsper re sernetm otavole ol f rtehjee (cSttrse7 am0 10w)h,i cahrse t orbeedfo re beitnrga nsptooar l taendid lfTlh.es izoeft hree maiinnMgS W irse dubcyea dh ammecrr usher (MLH-70a2n0ad)h ammemri l(lML H-70i2ns1 )e riTehser. e duMceSdW streiascm o nve(ySetdr eam 703t0)o fteheebd l endtiann(gkT N K-22b0e0f)o ernet ertihdneig g eers.t 4 Digestion 2.2. Thes hredMdSeWdi nt hfeee db lendtiann(gkT NK-22i0sm0i )x ewdi tthh oet hwears t,e psirfe sent, three cyfcrloetm h dei ge(sStterre3 am0 90i)fa,n ya,n dd iluwtaito(enSr t re2am2 00i)nf, e cersy.s a Aftbelre nd(iTNnKg- 22t0h0fe)ee, d i she ataendpd u mpeidn ttohde i ge(sStterre3 am0 30T)w. o digeosptteirao rnaesv ail:aR belfeCo(MR eufsCeo nverttoMe edt halnoew)- sdoilgiedssat nido n NRELH(SN atiRoennaelw aEbnleer Lgayb oraHtiogrShyo lihdisg)h -sdoilgieds.stT ihoe nCRoeMf digeissatce orn tinuouslyr esatci(trCorSreT d.RT )hteaN nRkE LHdSi geistsse lrai ghtly-mixed, horiz-oflnotrwae lacfteowdri tah3 0%s olsildusr Trhyer. e sidenocfet hfteeei dmi esn orma1l4l-y 20d ayasn tdh ceo nverosfvi oolna stoilltieodb si ogias7s 0 -75%. Thefe eidps r ehetaott ehddei getsetmepre rbaetfuorerene t ertihdneig g esTtheeRr e.f oCM system useasc onednsisntge haema etx changtoeh re atf eetdh( eHX- 3000T)h.eN RELHsSy stuesmea s agittaatnewkdi tah condensijnagc k(sTeNttKe -a3m0t 0oh0 e)a tf etehTdeh. ed igetsetmepre rature shourledm aaibno vaem biebnetc atuhsreee actiiseo xno thearnmtdih cde i gesatredere ss igtnoe db e weliln-sul.a ted Thed igesptrioodnua crtems e ad iuBmt u bi(oStgrae3sam0 5a0)n ads olrieds i(dSuter e3am0 60T)h.e mediuBmt bui ogiasasp p roxim5a5t%e lym et4h3a%nc ear,b doino xaind2de% ,h ydrosguelnfi de ona d rmyo lbaar sainsid ss aturwaittwehad t eTrh.es olrieds icdounes oifst thusen digessotleidd s, cells-a,mn awdsa ter. Theu sehrat sh oep tioofdn e watetrhiseno glr ieds iadfuteiel tre avtehdsei gewsitteahrb elfiltt er presst.hr ee siidsnu oedt ew aterieitds c, o nvetyote hdse o lrieds idoucee spssriencgt( iSotnre am If 3070I)ft. he reissdie dwuaet esroemdoe,ft hfiel triarste ec yc(Slterde3 am0 9t0)od iltuhtfeee etdo the digesTtheefir l.t riasat lesp ou mpetdot hwee ttr ommetlh MeiS nW p rerpocessseicntgii tfoh ne mechaniocrma aln usaolr toipntgii oscn h os(eSntr e3am1 00T)h. ed ewatesroeldai rdceso nvetyoe d thseo lrisedisd pureo cessseicnt(giS otnre 3am0 70). 5 BiogaPsr ocessing 2.3. Fouorp tiaornaesv ailfaobprlr eo cestshbiein ogg aatfsei rlt e avtehdsei gesstaeloreft: h mee dium Btgua sp,r oducotfsi yonnt hneattiugcra a(slS NGf)r otmh bei ogas, porfom deutchtafinoroomnlt he biogaanspd,r oducotfei loenc tfrorimct ihtbeyi ogIansa .lf lo ur optthieo nhsy,ds ruolgfaeinndd e wataerre remforomvt ehdbe i og(aStsr e4a0m2 0A) fl. ariesp r esteobn etu seidnf e ed(eFdL R-4030). thferi sotp tiroenm,o voafhl y drosguelnf aindwdea tperro duacc elseb aino gtahsai tss toraendd In soladsm ediuBmt gua s. Int hsee coonpdt itohnce,l ean ibiscoi rgcaustl hartoeaudm g ehm brea-nsreapitaopnr octeos s porduce mao l9em5%e thagnae(sS tre4a2m2 0A) f.a rctioonf dtihlemu etteh agnaers e movbeytd h e membrainsree circtuorl eactoesvdoe mroe f rtehmea imneitngh aannetd h e rfleasrte Tdih.se9 5% mehtangea isss oladss ynthneattiugcra asl. Int hteh iorpdt itohne, cleanc ibricougtlahasrt oeiaudsm g ehm brane-seppraorcatethsiasot n concentrmaettehsat not7e h5m e o le.% 7A5 %/25% CHr/aitCoi0 st2h ied efaedles tofcokr mehtanporlo cdtuioTnhe.f e edstgoac(skS tre4a3m2 0i)ss teaemf-orrmteopd r oduscyen thgeassi s thaits m3o3l eC%O a n6d7 m oleH%. C atalyrteciatci coonnsv tehrsety nthgeastsio ms e thanol. thfeo urotpht itohnce,l ean ibision cgianse tropa rtoeddue clee ctrTihceui steyr. a ch haosi ocfe In geneorrasit:n tecrnoamlb usctoigoennt eirooanr, gtausr bcionmeb icnyecdl Teh.ei nternal combusctogieonne iroagnte nerhaataso3 r3 %e fficie.nT chyeg atsu rbcionmeb icnyecdgl een erator haas5 0%e fifcienbcuiyts,s i gnifimcoarneetx lpye nsive. SoliRde siduPer ocessing 2.4. Theu secra cnh ooosneoe f t hroepeit onfsop rr ocestshsieon lgri eds ifdruoetm h dei gester: lanidlfliinncgi,in eornaa,ntc do mpostTihnelg a.n dfilolpiitonengn tadiulmsp itnhgre e siidnutaeo truacnksd endiittno agl and(fSitlrle5a 1m0 0T)h. isst reiasnm o dte wateatrfeerd dtihgee stion sectsioot nhm,eo isture cobneht iegnht. may 6

The Anaerobic Digestion Analysis Model (ADAM) has been developed to municipal solid waste (MSW), the user has several different options for
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