Anaerobic Degradation of Linoleic (Clsa),O leic (C18:i)a nd Stearic (Clsa) Acids and their Inhibitory Effects on Acidogens, Acetogens and Methanogens Jerald David Anthony Lalman A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Civil Engineering University of Toronto OCopyright 2000 by Jerald Anthony David Lalrnan 1*1 National Library Bibliothèque nationale of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. rue Wdlingtm OttawaON K 1 A W OttawaON K I A W Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sel1 reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microfom, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/fiim, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be p ~ t e odr othewise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. Anaerobic Degradation of Linoleic (Cl82), Oleie (Ci8,i)a nd Stearic (Cis:o) Acids and their Inhibitory Effects on Acidogens, Acetogens and Methanogens Jerald David Anthony Lalman Doctor of Philosophy Department of Civil Engineering University of Toronto 2000 Abstract Effiuents fiom many food processing industries contain fats and oils in addition to carbohydrates and proteins. Long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), a hydrolysis byproduct of fats and oils, are difticult to degrade and are inhibitory to anaerobic organisms. These acids are degraded via f3-oxidation but the compound initiating the mechanism has not been clearly identified. Although LCFAs inhibit aceticlastic methanogenesis their effects on acidogenesis, acetogenesis and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis have not been well studied. This study assessed the degradability of linoieic (C oleic (Ci and steark (C 8:?), 1) acids and determined their inhibitory effects on anaerobic organisms in 160 mL s e m bottles. Degradation and inhibition studies were conducted using 10, 30, 50 and 100 rng~-L'C FA. Inhibition studies using glucose, butyrate and acetate (each at 100 rng-~-') and hydrogen (10.1 kPa) investigated the effects of the three LCFAs on acidogens, acetogens, acet iclastic methanogens and hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Unsaturated C 18 LCFAs were degraded to shorter chah LCFAs however, no LCFA byproducts were detected as intermediates during the degradation of stearic (C18:o)a cid. Palmitic and myristic (CI~:oa)c ids were produced fiom linoleic CI^:^) acid at al1 concentrations examined and in cultures receiving more than 10 rng-~-oll eic (Ci8:la) cid. In cultures receiving 100 rng-~''L inoleic (C 1 a2) acid both oleic (C 1 !) and palrnitoleic (C 16:1)a cids were detected. Acidogenesis was af5ected by the presence of LCFAs and synergistic inhibitory effects of al1 three acids on acetogenesis were observed. Hydrogenotrophic methanogenic inhibition was observed and aceticlastic methanogens were inhibited at al1 LCFA concentrations examined. in cultures fed with linoleic (C 1 g:2) and oleic (C 18: I) acids, inhibition of acetate methanogenesis was concentration dependent but for cultures receiving stearic (C ls:o)a cid, the effect was independent of concentration. In comparison to stearic CI^:^) acid, iinoleic (Ci8:2)a nd oieic (Cla:~a)c ids were degraded faster. Therefore, the design of a full-scaie system will depend on the SRT for the more slowly degrading LCFA. LCFAs affected glucose and butyrate degradation. Hence, in effluents containing carbohydrate and LCFAs mixtures, the degradation of carbohydrate monomers wil be afTected. In comparison to oieic (Cls:~a)c id, greater aceticlastic inhibition was observed for cultures receiving linoleic (Clg:2) acid. Thus, it is recornmended a two-stage process, acetogenic followed by rnethanogenic, be used to minimize the inhibition. ... III Acknowledgement s This w-ork is dedicated to my mother. Rosaline Lalman, who passed away while n~itingth is thesis. My father. Samuel Lalman. has been a great inspiration throughout my life and 1 n-ish to thank him for instilling into me the meaning of accomplishrnent. 1 would also like to give my special appreciation to Nin for her precious suggestions. her stronp encouragement at times of difficulty. love and understanding throughout this u-hole process. Also. thanks to my brother. Edmund Lalman and my sister. Maria Crutchley for sharing these troubled times in our lives. I wish to espress my sincere appreciation to my advisor. Dr. David Bagley for his intelligent supervision. constructive criticisms. inspiration and friendship. My sincere appreciation estrnds to m). other cornmittee members Dr. Grant Allen. Dr. Don Kirk and Dr. Brrnr Slecp. n-hose guidance. assistance and friendship are also invaluable. 1 am also ~ratrsfulto Dr. Mary Jans Philips and Durga Prasad for their encouragement and ad~vicr. C 1 n.ould like to th& Rajesh Seth. Russell D'Souza and Yale Zheng for sharing their kno\vledgs and helpful comments. Financial assistance was providsd by the University of Toronto and the Ontario Ministr).. of Energy Science and Technology: Singapore-Ontario joint research programme. Finall>-.1 would like to t h d t he Department of Civil Engineering for their support during the four and one-half years of this study. Table of Contents Page No. .. Abstract 11 Acknowledgements List of Tables 5 List of Fi,w res sii 1.1 Context 1.2 Research Objectives 1.4 Publications 2.2 Fundamentals of Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment 2.2.1 Hydrolysis 2 -2.2 Acidogenesis 2.3.3 Acetogenesis 2.2.3 Methanogenesis 2.3 Anaerobic Reactor Technologies Used to Treat Emuents Containing Long Chain Fatty Acids 2.3.1 Introduction 2.3 -2 LOWR ate Treatment 2.3.3 High Rate Treatment 2.4 Long Chain Fatty Acids 2.4.1 Sources and Treatment 2.4.2 Composition and Structure 2.4.3 Biodegradation of LCFAs 2.4.4 Effects of Hydrogen and Volatile Fatty Acid A. Hydroger~ B. 1,klafileF atp Acidr 2.4.5 Inhibitory Effects A. Effecrso n Membrane Fmcîion B. Effecrso n Anaerobic Orgmrisms 2.4.6 Factors AfFecting LCFA Degradation and Inhibitory Eftècts A. Szi bstra~eM olemlar Sb-uctlrre and Conceritratiorr B. Tentperarure Eflects C. Soltrbilzty Efects D. pH EfJecrs E. Coslibsirare ami fiermocjtraniic Ef/ecrs Summary MATEMALS AND METEODS Experimental Plan Reagents Batch Reactors 3.3.1 Inoculum Source 3.3.2 Operation of Inoculum Reactors Hydrogen and Methane Measurements Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) Measurement Development of a LCFA Delivery Strategy Long Chain Fatty Acid (LCFA)M easurement 3.7.1 LCFA Extraction- Method Development 3.7.2 LCFA Extraction- Phase Partitioning Studies 3.7.3 LCFA .4naiysis Serum Bottle Preparation Glucose Measurement Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS), Alkalinity and pH hleasurements BATCH REACTORS Ex~erimentalR esults 4.2 Discussion of Results 84 DEGRADATION OF LINOLEIC CI^:^) ACID AND ITS INHIBITORY EFFECTS ON METHANOGENESIS Experimental Results 5.1 -1 Linoleic Acid Degradation 5.1.2 Inhibitory Effects of Linoleic (C Acid on Methanogenesis A. Acetate Degradatiorz B. Hwogen Cor~sumptisrt i. Hydrogen uptake 1 day after linoleic (C18:2)a cid addition ii. Hydrogen uptake 18 days and 35 days after linoleic (C acid addition 18.~) Discussion of Results 5.2.1 Linoleic Acid Degradation 5 -2.2 Linoleic Acid-Methanogenic Inhibition Studies Summary 104 DEGRADATION OF OLEIC (Cl~t:A~C) ID AND ITS INHIBITORY EFFECTS ON METEIANOGENESIS 105 Experimental Results 10s 6.1 .1 Oleic (Cls:l)A cid Degradation 105 6.1.2 Inhibitory Effects of Oleic (Cls:l)A cid on Methanogenesis 1 08 A. A ce tare Degrndatiort 1 08 B. Hydrogen Corrs~rmptior~ 110 Discussion of Results 6.2.1 Oleic (C18:lA) cid Degradation 6.2.2 Oleic (C Acid-Methanogenic Inhibition Studies 18:1) Summary 115 DEGRADATION OF STEARIC (Cls:o) ACCD AND ITS iNHIBI TORY EFFECTS ON METHANOGENESIS Experimental Results 7.1.1 Stearic (Cls:o)A cid Degradation 7.1.2 Inhibitory Effects of Stearic (Cis:,) Acid on Methanogenesis A. Acetate Degradation B. Hydrogen Consrrmptio?l 7.2 Discussion of Results 7.2.1 Stearic (C18:0) Acid Degradation 7.2.2 Stearic (C ls:o) Acid-Methanogenic Inhibition Studies 7.3 Summary 8.0 COMPARISON OF LCFA DEGRADATION STUDIES 8.1. Products of Linoleic CI^:^), Oleic and Stearic (C18:o) Acids Degradation 8.2 Possible Pathways for Linoleic (Cls:i) Acid Degradation 9.0 INBIBITORY EFFECTS OF LINOLEIC (Cls:r),O LEIC (Cis:,) AND STEARIC (Cls:o)A CIDS ON ACIDOGEKIC, ACETOGENIC AND METHANOGENIC ACTWITI' 9.1 Experimental Results 9.1.1 Acidogenic Inhibitory Effects-Glucose Degradation 9.1 .2 -4cetogenic Inhib itory Effects-Butyrate Degradation 9. 1.3 Methanogenic Lnhib itory Effects-Hydrogen Consumption 9.2 Discussion of Results 9.2.1 Glucose Degradation 9.2.2 Butyrate Fermentation 9.2.3 Hydrogen Consumption 9.3 Summary 10.0 SUIM31ARY OF METHANOGENIC STUDIES AND LCFA INHLBITION MECBANISM 10.1 Methanogenic Studies 10.1. 1 Aceticlastic Methanogens 10.1 .1 Hydrogenotrophic Methanogens 10.2 LCFA Inhibition Mechanism 11.0 SUMlMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 11.1 Summary 1 1.1.1 LCFA Degradation 1 1 -12 LCFA Inhibition A. A cidogem B. Acefogens C. Methmiogerzs i. Aceticlastic methanogens ii. Hydrogenotrophic methanogens 1 1.2 Conclusions 12.0 ENGINEERING SIGNIFKANCE AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 13.0 REFERENCES Appendix A: LCFA Free Energy Cakulations Appendix B: Example of LCFA Mass Balance Calculations