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Anabolic Cooking - Muscle Building Cookbook PDF

20 Pages·2019·0.8 MB·English
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ATTENTION: MEN WHO HAVE NOT GAINED A SINGLE POUND OF MUSCLE IN THE LAST 21 DAYS OR MORE… SSEECCRREETT AANNAABBOOLLIICC RREECCIIPPEESS DDIISSCCOOVVEERREEDD BBYY FFRREENNCCHH BBOODDYYBBUUIILLDDEERR MMAAKKEE IITT EEAASSYY FFOORR AANNYY MMAANN TTOO GGAAIINN MMUUSSCCLLEE FFAASSTT AANNDD GGEETT SSHHRREEDDDDEEDD WWHHIILLEE SSTTUUFFFFIINNGG YYOOUURR FFAACCEE WWIITTHH MMOOUUTTHH--WWAATTEERRIINNGG BBRROOWWNNIIEESS AANNDD BBLLUUEEBBEERRRRYY MMUUFFFFIINNSS EEVVEERRYY SSIINNGGLLEE DDAAYY!! Sunday, 19th, May 2019 Dear friend, If you want the muscular body and chiseled abs women can’t resist WITHOUT giving up tasty "binge" foods... Then read every word on this page... Because the quick and easy recipes you’re about to discover will supercharge your #1 master male hormone PROVEN to melt ugly belly fat and help you pack on muscle FASTER than you imagined possible… These meals are so potent you’ll look and feel like you’re “cheating”... and practically snatching new muscle gains out of thin air. However... There’s one deadly eating mistake 9 out of 10 men make when trying to build mass and get lean… that’s killing your muscle, manhood, and making fat loss an endless cycle of frustration. I used to be one of those guys... Hi my name is Alain Gonzalez and dieting for a bodybuilding show almost ruined my marriage... And not only killed my sex-drive but zapped years of hard- earned muscle off my body in weeks. To make matters worse... I became so weak and frail my mom accused me of taking drugs... And my wife nearly packed her bags, took our four children and left… However, one lucky day I met a French bodybuilder with a funny accent who was woofing down chocolate, peanut-butter brownies after his workout... The craziest part? He was the most ripped guy in the room. And all-natural too... He told me how the gooey chocolate-chunk brownies he was flaunting at the gym were sending his anabolic hormones off the charts... like a shot of testosterone straight into his veins... And in a minute explain why this recipe is so powerful. Yet first, you need to hear this… Because I would hate for you to be one of the millions of men that fall into the same diet trap I did... That’s killing your testosterone. Slowing your metabolism. And devouring your muscle like a mass-eating tapeworm. You see... ACCORDING TO RECENT STUDIES PUBLISHED IN THE U.S. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE POPULAR “DIET MEALS” LIKE SALADS, CHICKEN, SPINACH, AND BROWN RICE SHRINK YOUR TESTOSTERONE LEVELS… The single most important hormone you need to build muscle and burn fat. Now... You may be wondering… “How then can bodybuilders and fitness models on the covers of magazines eat salads, chicken, rice, and other “clean”foods and still look jacked?” Well, the answer is simple... They’re on steroids. The cats been out of the bag for a long time now… And unless you’re “on the juice” or have more testosterone than a teenager during puberty, your body won’t survive these bland foods for long… Now... you may not notice the effects right away. Yet in the snap of a finger your body will turn on you. And you’ll wake up one morning with less energy and feeling weaker in the gym... Most guys think these “side-effects” are normal. And the “price you pay” for getting ripped. However, it’s not. In fact, it’s dangerous to your body. Because... The foods you’re eating are waging war on your male hormones… Causing your progress to stall. Until one day… You’ll feel like you hit the “reverse” button on your body… and years of hard-earned strength and muscle evaporate like a single drop of water on a boiling hot blacktop… The feeling is still fresh in my mind. Because... AT AGE 26 I LOST 11 POUNDS OF PURE MUSCLE AND FLUSHED MY SEX LIFE DOWN THE TOILET FROM EATING POPULAR “DIET FOODS”... You see, a few years back my ‘bucket list’ goal was to get lean enough to do a bodybuilding competition. I followed all the advice from so called “fitness gurus” published in the most well-known muscle magazines… I ate 6 high protein meals per day. Avoided all carbs at night. And hadn’t eaten a single “cheat meal”... heck, I didn’t take one bite out of my son’s very first birthday cake… In fact, I spent the entire day lounging around the house… feeling like my body was “on empty” and I was running on fumes... I remember my mom approached me at the party… eyes wide open, feeling my head, touching my face, asking why I had looked so skinny and weak… especially when weeks before I was in the best health of my life… Before I could answer, she blurted out a question that pierced my heart like a dagger… “Alain, You Haven’t Been This Skinny Since You Were A Teenager… Are You Strung Out On Drugs?” To be honest, I was more upset with my mom telling me looked like a scrawny teenager than her accusation of me taking narcotics… Regardless, I wish I had listened to her. Because just a few weeks later, things had gotten worse… Not only was I as weak as I was when I first started lifting weights, I’d also lost 3 inches of muscle off my arms… and weighed a measly 126 lbs. And I wasn’t getting any leaner… In fact, I was just losing muscle. And looking more “skinny fat” than anything else… My body went from a man to a boy. Like I stepped foot into some voodoo time machine… Yet I was so blinded by bodybuilding forums and fitness magazines brainwashing me into believing bland diet foods were the answer to getting ripped, that I kept pushing forward. Until one day, this whole “eat like a bodybuilder” thing almost ruined my marriage... Because after months of eating these foods, my sex drive shriveled up like a balloon low on air. Which is horrifying for any man. Yet it happened at the worst time for my wife and I. You see… Just a year earlier she’d given birth to our son. And with the new baby, our love life was dwindling down. Not for any reason other than we both had our hands full with the new addition to our family. However... The lack of intimacy between us was making my wife insecure about our relationship… And any “special moments” she initiated ended up in disaster. Because I had nothing to give. My sex drive was zapped like an ant under a magnifying glass. And all she felt was rejection… No matter how many times I tried to “will” myself to perform. I just couldn’t… and I didn’t know if I’d ever get my mojo back... It got so bad, one night she packed her bags, took our kids, and was ready to move into her mom’s house... We were living a nightmare… And the only one I could blame was myself... Here I was... skinny, weak, and a young guy in my mid 20’s with the sex drive of a man on his deathbed… worst of all, I was on the verge of losing my family. Despite the suffering these foods were putting on my body… like killing my testosterone, eating away my muscle, and sapping me of my energy and strength... I stepped on stage a week later… And asked my wife to film the contest... After all, I’d put months of effort into “getting ripped” and wanted to see how I looked compared to the other guys. And that’s when I realized all of this painstaking effort I put myself and my family through was for nothing. As I watched the video... I cringed at how thin and sickly I looked… And when I stepped on stage under those bright lights, a woman in the crowd, who must have been sitting right behind my wife chuckled as she whispered… “Oh my gosh! Look how small he is!” I wanted to crawl under a rock. I felt like a fool. This stranger, chopped down my pride with one small sentence… and she was right. I’d lost everything I spent years to gain. Despite doing everything I was told to do…

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