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AMPHIPACIHCA VOL.3 NO.l MAY 16, 2001. 49 An updated commentary on phyletic classification ofthe amphipod Crustacea and its applicability to the North American fauna. Edward L.Bousfield,PhD,FRSC,Research Associate RoyalOntarioMuseum, 100 Queen'sPark, Toronto, ON K2B8E3. ABSTRACT Bousfield & Shih (1994, Amphipacifica 1(3):76-134) provided a phyletic classification of the Amphipoda consistentwithsuperfamity-levelstandardsofclassificationinusefortheHyperiidea,Caprellidea,Ingolfiellidea,and Gammaridea. Forgammarideanamphipods,thebasisforphyleticclassificationisreproductiveformandbehaviour. Detailedcharacter-stateanalysessupporttheviewthattheancestralamphipodwasa“swimmer-clinger”, ratherthan abenthic“crawler-burrower”. This studycommentsondifficultiesposedtomoiphological classification bynear- universal occurrenceofhomoplasywithinmajorcharacterstates. Thepresentphyleticclassificationishereapplied toalistof~1650scientificnames ofamphipodcrustaceans frommarine,freshwaterandterrestrialhabitatsofNorth America(northofMexico),updatedtotheendofthe20thcentury. Characterstatevariationofantennalcallynophore, brushsetae,calceoli,uropods,andtelson,andsexualdimorphismofgnathopodsarefurtheranalysed.Subordersand gammarideansuperfamiliesarephyleticallyclassifiedandannotatedintabularform. Althoughphyleticclassifica- tion is presently controversial, alternative ormore suitable phyletic groupings proposed by cladistic and/orrDNA analysesareyetlackingorunproven. Broadacceptanceand/orusageofgammarideansuperfamilies(orequivalents) outlinedhereprovidedemonstrablygreatermeaningandfunctionalitytotaxonomicinterrelationships,andtherefore greaterresearchcredibilitythan simple alphabetical listingsoffamiliesandgenera. INTRODUCTION Classification is the naming ofessentially discreet relationshipsareprovidedmainlybyanalysisofexter- groups of living organisms in a manner that reflects nal and internal morphology, behaviour, physiology, theirprobablycorrectphylogenetichistory. Develop- anddistributional ecologyofextant species. mentofaclassificationrequiresinputbyscientistswho Methods of phyletic analysis, whether intrinsic, are knowledgeable in animal systematics, andexperi- phenetic,cladistic, genetic, orincombination,require encedinrecognitionofthesignificanceofmorphologi- careful research input. Particlarly in treatment of cal charactersandtheprobablycorrectorderingofthe speciosehigher-leveltaxa,methodologiestodatehave characterstates withinthe groupconcerned. Ideally, provenneither"infallible",nor"guaranteed"toprovide classificationdiscriminates truephyleticrelationships arealistic,credibleresult. Thus,incladisticanalysis, fromhomoplasious(artifical,convergent)similarities. prior choice of ingroup/outgroup taxa, selection of Phyletic classification is thus distinct from, and far numbers and kinds of morphological characters, and moreuseful than,analphabetical listingofpreviously ordering of character states, all constitute subjective described taxa. (andfallible)decisionsthatdirectlyeffectthequalityof If the Darwinian theory of evolution is essentially the results. Thus, sheer numbers of characters and correct for multi-cellular organisms, it follows that character states, if inappropriately selected and/or amphipodcrustaceansevolvedinonlyonemanner,and wronglyordered,mayproduceresultsthatareactually leftonlyonebiohistorical "trackrecord". Asacoroll- misleading, internallyconflicting, orotherwiseoflow arytothatthesis,allspecieswereatonetimeoranother credibility, particularly when compared with results linked by so-called "intermediate"formswhich,espe- employing other methodologies. Nor can a correct ciallyifextant, tend tomaskthe "clean" separation of result be assumed because of the “sophistication” of lineages into pragmatically distinct clades or higher methodologyorcomputerizedformat. taxonomic groupings. For several reasons, however, Themaintextofthispaperwasfirstpresentedatthe phylogenists are unlikely to discover that record pre- 10th International Colloquiumon Amphipoda held at cisely. Thesefactors include: (1) lackofasignificant Heraklion, Crete, April 16-21, 2000. The purpose of (long-term) amphipod fossil record (not earlier than the workis toreview the status ofphyletic classifica- Cenozoic); (2) incomplete description ofextant taxa, tionoftheAmphipoda,anddemonstrateitsapplicabil- especially of species from hypogean waters and the ity to a recently compiled list of amphipod families, deep sea; and (3) a relatively undeveloped state of genera, and species recorded to date from the North broadlyapplicablephyleticanalysis. Clues tonatural American continentnorthofMexico. AMPHIPACIHCA VOL. 3 NO.l MAY 16, 2001. 50 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS multivariate pigmentation of "thick nosed" pleustids Theauthoris grateful tomanycolleaguesfortheir and minute commensal stenothoids? What natural stimulating taxonomic and phyletic input, especially ordering,ifany,mightexistbetweensuchdiversefeed- Dr. MichaelJ.Thurston(deep-watertaxa), Dr.Jorgen ing types as free-swimming predaceous eusiroideans Berge (stegocephalid reclassification), Dr. J. Emmett andpardaliscodeans,longicomiculatetrypton-feeding Duffy(genetic methodologies). Dr. C.-t. Shih (hyper- podocerids, and vertically tube-buildingampeliscids? iid classification), and Dr. J. K. Lowry (lysianassoid Phyletic classification seeks to provide answers to and podocerid phyogeny). thesequestionsandbringasemblanceofnaturalorder Compilation ofthe list ofNorth American amphi- outofalmostchaoticdiversityofformand behaviour. pods (AppendixI) involved the servicesofmanycol- The history of development of amphipod class- leagues, co-ordinatedthrougha Committee on Scien- ificatory systems has been outlined by Bousfield and tific and Common Names of Invertebrate Animals Shih (1994) and is briefly summarized here. In es- (CNIA), chaired by Dr. Donna D. Turgeon, NOAA, sence, duringaperiodoftaxonomic discoverylasting Washington, DC. A full list ofcontributors is to be approximately twocenturiessincethetimeofLinneus includedinafinalCNIAreportandpublication. Espe- (1758), phyletic(superfamily-level) classificationsfi- cially helpful to the author, who served as amphipod nallycameintostandardusefortheHyperiideathrough subcommittee chairperson and project co-ordinator, theworkofBowman&Gruner(1973),forIngolfiellidea have the been the following amphipod systematists: byStock(1977),andforCaprellideanotablybyVassil- Dr. Pierre Brunei, Universite de Montreal, (Atlantic enko (1974) andD. R. Laubitz (1993). gammarideans); Dr. Donald B. Cadien, Marine Biol- Withinthediverseandtaxonomicallymoredifficult ogyLab,Carson,CA(SWPacificgammarideans);Dr. suborder Gammaridea, however, the story is more Kathleen E. Conlan and E. A. Hendrycks, Canadian complex. Fornearlytwocenturies(tothemid-1950’s) Museum of Nature, Ottawa, ON (Arctic and Pacific gammaridean classification had been essentially gammarideans); Dr. John Foster, Panama City, FL phyletic, stabilized by the semi-phyletic, non-alpha- (Hyperiidea, Gulf of Mexico); Stephen Grabe, Envi- betical arrangements of families proposed by Sars ronmentalProtectionCommission,Tampa,FL (Gam- (1895)and Stebbing(1906). Thissystemwasbroadly maridea, Ingolfiellidea: GulfofMexico); Dr. John R. acceptedandutilizedbyamphipodsystematistsatleast Hoisinger. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA untiltheearlyfifties(e.g..Shoemaker1930;Gurjanova (freshwater amphipods); Diana R. Laubitz, Canadian 1951 Dunbar 1954).However,twomajorweaknesses ; MuseumofNature,Ottawa,ON(Caprellidea);SaraE. in these classifications remained: (1) several large LeCroy, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean families such as "Gammaridae" and "Lysianassidae" Springs,MI(Gammaridea:GulfofMexico);Dr.Chiang- were weaklydefined,effectivelypolyphyletic,oroth- tai Shih, Fisheries Research Institue, Taiwan erwise "unwieldy",and(2)other,mostlysmallerfami- (Hyperiidea); and Dr. Craig P. Staude, Friday Harbor lies "begged" for inclusion within higher "umbrella" WA Laboratories, (Pacific Gammaridea). categories that would recognize their close phyletic similarities. Inthesecondinstance,Bulycheva(1957) CLASSIFICATORY SYSTEMATICS. proposedthesuper-familynameTalitroideatoencom- The malacostracanorderAmphipodahas long been passthenaturaIlyrelatedfamiliesHya!idae,HyalelIidae, considered an especiallydifficult problem ofphyletic andTalitridae. J. L. Barnard(1973) combinedanum- classification (Riley 1983; Schram 1986). The prob- ber of domicolous families within superfamily lemofinternalclassificationofthisordinalcrustacean Corophioidea. In thefirst instance, theformal task if group is complicated by extreme diversity of body unravellingfamily-levelunitswithinpolyphyleticfam- formrangingfromthick-bodiedspiny-leggedburrow- ily "Gammaridae" was initiated mainly by Bousfield ing haustoriids; big-eyed fast-swimming oceanic hy- (1973, 1977). Recombination within superfamily periids; slender-bodied skeleton shrimps, to eyeless, categories, of several older family names and those vermiforminfaunal ingolfiellids. How mightwefind newly proposed, soon culminated in a fully phyletic commonality of relationships among widely diverse classification of suborder Gammaridea (Bousfield external pigmentation,fromthepurewhiteofburrow- 1979, 1982a, 1983). Thisclassificationwasadoptedto ing phoxocephaloideans, through beautifully cryptic various degrees byRiley (1983), Schram (1986), and maculation of "swash-zone" pontogeneiids and Ishimaru (1994). Some superfamily concepts were calliopiids, to the vertical striping of odiids and also revised and expanded by others [e.g., Crang- AMPHIPACIFICA VOL. 3 NO.1 MAY 16, 2001. 51 onyctoidea by Holsinger 1992a; Lysianassoidea by Character StateAnalyses Lowry and Stoddart 1997). As updated by Bousfield As noted above, the present analysis of phyletic and Shih (1994), the "new" phyletic classification classification within the order Amphipoda is based proved basically not unlike the semi-phyletic family mainly on reproductive morphology and behaviour, & "arrangement" of Sars (1895) and Stebbing (1906), updatedfrom earlier work (Bousfield Shih, 1994). since bothrecentand older systems were presumably To some degree, modified repetition ofmaterial here basedonsimilarconceptualorderingofcharacterstates compensatesforthelimitedoriginalcirculationofthat ofreproductive morphologyand behaviour. source paper, now outofprint. The presentanalysis, In the interim, however, J. L. Barnard had become however, utilizes only seven mostly reproductively dissatisfiedwithperceivedanomaliesoftheSars-Steb- significant, characters and character states. These bing classification and the apparent intractability of include sensory organelles of the antennae (callyn- theirreadysolution. Althoughheinformallydiagram- ophore, brush setae, and calceoli);form ofthe telson, med suggested relationships between known amphi- anddegreeofsexualdimorphismanduseofthegnath- podfamilies, basedona "Gammarus-like" prototype, opods during amplexus. To these has been newly hecommencedlistinggammarideanfamiliesandgen- added the form of the rami of uropods 1 & 2. The erainalphabetical sequence(1958, 1969). Theprag- characterstatesvarywidelyandhomoplasiouslyfrom matics of a simple alphabetical treatment of higher group to group, as do those of the mouthparts, coxal gammarideantaxa,thenapproachinglOOfamilynames, plates, peraeopods, and uropod 3 ofthe earlier study. was soon widely adopted. In further updatings and Nonetheless,collectivelyandjudiciously theyprovide , expansions of these original compendia (Barnard & a consistent and verifiable morphological basis for Barnard 1983;Barnard&Karaman 1991), anumberof phyletic groupingofhigheramphipod taxa. anglicized concepts of some higher groups were pro- Ingeneral,theorderingofcharacterstatesisbased posed. These included the names "gammaridans", onanassumedplesiomorphicconditioninmoreprimi- "hadzioids",etc.,andlater(Williams&Barnard 1988) tive "outgroup"membersofthesuperorderPeracarida, "crangonyctoids", as well as a broadening of some suchastheMysidaceaandCumacea, andmoreprimi- original formalfamily-level concepts (e.g.,Eusiridae, tive members (shrimp-like groups) within the Deca- Corophiidae). Notably perhaps, these names corre- poda. Thus, in members of phyletically primitive sponded, with about 75% similarity, to superfamily amphipodgroups("swimmers"),thesensoryorganelles concepts formally proposed earlier in the phyletic ofthe antennae are well developed, the telson is typi- literature. However,withGordanKaraman(1991,p. cally bilobate, and sexual dimorphism of the gnatho- 7),Barnardsteeredawayfromformal phyletic classi- pods is rare or lacking. Since the mating process fication and concluded this final major work with an usually takes placein the openwatercolumn, precop- alphabeticallistingofallfamiliesandcomponentgen- ulatory"holding"ofthefemalebythemalegnathopods era. isapparentlynotdeveloped. Conversely,inmembers During the past two decades, some major regional of phyletically more advanced gammaridean faunisticstudieshaveutilizedmainlyalphabeticallist- superfamilies ("crawlers”), the antennal sensory fea- ings and retainedoldertreatments ofhighertaxa such turesaremuchreducedorlackingandthetelson lobes as "Gammaridae" (e.g., Ruffo el &L 1982,1988, 1993, areoftenfusedapically.Sincematingusuallyoccurson 1998;Camp(1998). However,withincreasingsophis- (or in) the bottom substrata, often in strongly lotic tication of cladistic analytical methodology (e.g., waters, the male gnathopods are typically strongly Lowry&Myers,inprep.),earliersupeifamilyconcepts modifiedforpre-amplecticgraspingandholdingofthe are now being re-analysed [e.g., Serejo 2000 in press female and/oragonistic behaviourwith othermales. (Talitroidea); Berge and Vader 2000, in press (Stegocephaloidea)], and new superfamily taxa pro- The Antennal Callynophore posed(e.g.,IphimedioideaLowry&Myers,2000). In The callynophore consists ofa bundle ofclose-set thelightofrecentlyproposedphyleticstudiesutilizing aesthetasesonthe postero-medial marginofthefused genetic methodology (e.g.. Shram, 2000; Macdonald (or conjoint) basal segments of the flagellum. This 1999),aresumptionofdevelopmentofphyleticclassi- organelleoccurstypicallywithinpelagicordinalgroups fication of the gammaridean Amphipoda now seems ofthehigherMalacostracaand,withintheAmphipoda, promising. characterizes superfamily groups of the “Natantia”, especiallythe Hyperiidea(Fig. Id). Itsprimaryfunc- AMPHIPACIFICA VOL. Ill NO.1. MAY 16, 2001. 52 A. LYSIANASSOIDEA (Hyperiopsidae) STEGOCEPHALOIDEA B. PARDALISCOIDEA C. D. HYPERIIDEA OEDICEROTOIDEA E. AMPELISCOIDEA Brushsetae F. Pacifoculodes bruneli AmpeUsca sp. Fig. L Types ofantennal callynophores [afterBarnard (1969), Bowman & Gruner(1973), & Bousfield Chevrier (1996), and unattributed sources]. don is almost certainly chemosensory. Its presence Archaeoscinidae), perhaps convergently. In all other mainly inthefinal adultmale instarwould seem tobe taxathe arrangment is two-field. ofdirect reproductive significance in the detection of The possible significance of the callynophore in females within the watercolumn. However, in some phyleticclassificationwasfirstintroducedbyLincoln lysianassoidean and synopioidean subgroups, callyn- and Lowry (1984) and amplified formally by Lowry ophore-like structures may also be present in mature (1986). Althoughstronglydevelopedinpelagiccarni- femalesandsubadultstages,perhapsindicatingapos- vores and necrophages, especially where calceoli are sible secondary role indetectionoffood resources. weak or lacking (e.g., Synopioidea, Pardaliscoidea, Representative forms of callynophores within the Stegocephaloidea, and Hyperiidea), the organelle is AmphipodaareillustratedinFig. 1. Lowry(1986)has generallyweakorlackinginreproductivelypelagicbut describedaone-fieldarrangementofthecallynophore vegetatively benthicgroups such as the nestling Dex- within families Platyischnopidae, Urothoidae and aminoidea and tube-building Ampeliscoidea, and in Phoxocephalidae (Phoxocephaloidea), a condition he the fossorial Phoxocephaloidea and Pontoporeioidea. considers primitive, and in some hyperiids (e.g.. It is virtually lacking in several “natant” subgroups AMPHIPACIHCA VOL. Ill NO.1. MAY 16, 2001. 53 where theentirelifecycleisessentiallyinfaunal (e.g., the male is brieflyinclose contact with the female. Haustoriidae), or commensal or parasitic (e.g., some The potential usefulness of brush setae in phyletic Lysianassoidea)and/orwherepreamplexingreproduc- classification was previously suggested by Bousfield tivebehaviourhassecondarilyandconvergentlydevel- (1979);Bousfield&Shih(1994). Theseorganellesare oped(e.g.JParacalliopiidaeandExoedicerotidaewithin most strongly developed in non-calceolate primitive Oedicerotoidea). Curiously, the callynophore is sur- superfamilies of Natantia (e.g., Pardaliscoidea, prisingly weakly developed in the mainly marine but Synopioidea), and moderately developed in some mainly acalceolate family Oedicerotidae and even calceolate "natant" taxa (e.g., Lysianassoidea, within the Eusiroidea (e.g., in the pelagic, primitive Phoxocephaloidea, Eusiroidea, Oedicerotoidea), and familyEusiridae,butnotfoundinPontogeneiidae,nor acalceolate "transitional"super-families(e.g.,Dexam- Calliopiidae). inoidea,Ampeliscoidea,andMel-phidippoidea). They Thecallynophoreisessentiallylackinginreproduct- are less well developed or rare within the ivelybenthic Reptantia,includingthe Caprellideaand Stegocephaloidea and Hyperiidea (Fig. 1). Ingolfiellidea,andnotfoundinfreshwatertaxa,evenin Thepresenceofbrush setaein males onlyindicates thosethathaveapparentlybecomesecondarilypelagic thattheirfunctionisreproductively significant. Their such as Macrohectopus within the Gammaroidea. limited distribution within the Natantia and total ab- However, callynophore-like structures have been re- sence from the Reptantia indicates a potentially pri- ported from a few Amphilochidae (e.g. Austro- mary value in phyletic classification. pheonoides, Peltocoxa) and Cressidae (Cressa crist- ata) within primitive subgroups of superfamily The Antennal Calceolus Leucothoidea (Lowry 1986). The calceolus is a slipper-shaped membranous The presence or absence of a callynophore may microstructure attached variously tothe anteromedial therefore offer a useful criterion of reproductive life segmental margins of the flagella and peduncles of style. Although its occurrence appears subject to both antenna 1 (antennule) and antenna 2 of some homoplasious tendencies, such aberrancies may be gammarideanAmphipoda. Principal featuresofthese correlated with non-reproductivefeatures oflife style micro-structures have been described, across a broad and are thus predictable. In broaderperspective, the rangeofhighertaxa,byLincolnandHurley(1981)and, presenceofacallynophoreisaplesiomorphic,orbasic with special reference to genera within the primitive feature of malacostracan reproductive morphology. “replant” superfamilies Crangonyctoidea and Gam- Asconcludedpreviously(Bousfield& Shih 1994),the maroidea,byGodfreyetal(1988). Thecalceolusisnot callynophoreprovidesaprimarybasisfordevelopment to be confused with the aesthetasc, a sublinear ofa phyletic classification within the Amphipoda. thin-walled microstructure of mainly chemosensory function,foundonlyonflagellar segments ofantenna AntennalBrushsetae I in most species ofAmphipoda. The aesthetasc also The term "brush setae" applies to dense tufts or occurswidelyacrossmalacostracanordinalsubgroups, clustersofshortbrush-likesetaethatvariouslylinethe includingtheDecapoda.Thecalceolusisalsostructur- anteriormarginsofpeduncularsegments3,4,and5of allyreadilydistinguishablefrombrushsetaeandother antenna2. Brushsetaemayoccuralsoontheposterior seta-like structures co-occurring on antennal pedunc- (lower)marginsofpeduncularsegments 1-3ofantenna ularandflagellar segments. 1(e.g.,inDexaminoidea). Similartypesofsetae occur Representativetypesofamphipodcalceoliareillus- in otherperacaridan taxa, including the Cumaceaand trated in figs. 2 & 3. Calceolus-like structures are Mysidacea. foundontheproximalflagellarsegmentsofantenna 1 Within the Amphipoda these organelles have been (male) ofafew other malacostracans, notably within found only in the terminal male stage of pelagicaliy the Syncarida (e.g., Koonunga cursor and the reproductiveamphipod superfamilies, and notin sub- Mysidacea(e.g.,Xenacanthomysispseudoma)cropsis). adult males, females, and/or immature stages. Their Suchstructuresarenotconsideredcalceoli byLincoln function is yet unknown and conjectural. Although (pers.commun.)sincetheymaybeconvergentinform brushsetaemaynothavebeenstudiedinultrastructural and/orofdifferentfunction. However,theseorganelles detail, their gross morphology is similar to modified are included here as ofpossible phyletic significance mseatyaebreattahcetriltehwahnent,hidnu-rwianllgetdheaepsrtohceetsasscosf.cTophueliartiroonl,e cwoitmhpianrattheivMealmaiccorsot-raancaatoamnidc,ailnamnydbveiheawv,imoeurriatlfsutrutdhye.r AMPHIPACIHCA VOL. Ill NO.1. MAY 16, 2001. 54 Fig. 2. Types ofantennal calceoli in gammarideanAmphipoda, and positionally similarorganelles in & other malacostracan Crustacea (modified from Bousfield Shih 1994). AMPHIPACIFICA VOL III NO.1. MAY 16, 2001. 55 The presumed "advanced"formofthecalceolusis The external morphology of the calceolus within grosslysimilartothatofaparabolicradar "dish"(Fig. theprimitivereptantsuperfamilyCrangonyctoidea(cat- 2C,D). Combinedwithitsanteriorantennal location, egory 9, Lincoln and Hurley 1981) appears to be the this morphology suggests that theorganellefunctions most simplified, and thus probably the most plesio- primarilyas amechanoreceptorforaquaticacoustical morphicextantform (Figs. 2A&3). Itconsistsonly vibrations. However,itsinnervationandconnectionto ofabasal stalkandelongatebodythatbearsnumerous thebrainhasnotyetbeenascertained,norhavemicro- (20+)elementsofsimilarsimplestructure. Holsinger acous&tical studiesyetconfirmeditstruefunction(Lin- (1992a)hasdistinguishedtwosubcategoriesofcalceoli coln Hurley 1981). withinthe Crangonyctoidea. Inmembersofholarctic The distributionofcalceoli between the sexes sug- fami1yCrangonyctidae(Crangonyx,Synurella,pp.101- gests that calceoli developed initially in males only, 104) the form is slender and elongate, with a simple presumablyasadevicefordetectionofvibrationsfrom branched internal “tree trunk” configuration. Some swimmingfemales ofitsown species. Infree-swim- separation of basal elements in Crangonyx rich- ming raptors (e.g., Gammarellidae within the Eusir- mondensis, illustrated by Godfrey el aL (1988), are oidea),specialtypesofcalceolihaveapparentlydevel- suggestive of "protoreceptacles". By contrast, the oped in females and immatures, and occur alongside calceolus within austral families Sternophysingidae the reproductively functional form of calceolus in and Paramelitidae is typically broad, paddle-shaped, terminal stagemales. AsdescribedbySteele&Steele and its internal tree-trunk configuration has more nu- (1993), these organelles appear to have became more merous indistinct branches, a seemingly more complex structurally, presumably, and possibly sec- plesiomorphic condition. In slightly more advanced ondarilyadapted,fordetectionofescape vibrationsof typesofcalceoli(Fig.3,upper:Phoxocephaloidea),the free-swimmingprey. However,theprimaryreproduc- elements arefewer(10-15inPlatyischnopidae;4-6 in tivefunctionofcalceoli apparentlydiminishedordis- Phoxocephalidae) and the body may be short and appeared in concert with changes in life style from spatulate, or barrel-shaped. pelagic to benthic, neritic to abyssal, lotic to lentic, With respect to the sexes, the more plesiomorphic marine tofreshwater, epigeantohypogean,andcorre- types ofcalceoli occur (with very few exceptions) in sponding development of pre-amplexing gnathopods the 'males only' category ofpresumed most primitive (see p. 61). As indicated in Fig. 3, reduction and superfamily taxa such as the Crangonyctoidea, disappearanceofcalceoli occurredinitiallyinantenna Phoxocephaloidea, Pontoporeioidea, and most of the 1 andsubsequentlyinantenna2. Withinthelatter,the Lysianassoidea(Fig. 2, i, ii; Fig. 3, uppertwo rows). sequence of loss was initially from the peduncle and Inmoreadvanced typesofcalceoli (Fig. 2, iii), the distalflagellarsegments,andfinallyfromtheproximal basalelementisbroadenedandformsareceptaclethat flagellarsegments. However,asnotedabove,calceoli isweaklydevelopedinPontoporeioideaandGammar- persisted in both males and females of some epigean oidea but strongly so in Eusiroidea (Fig. 2, iv). The Afrneisshowgaatmemrarigdraoeu)psand/(oer.gc.a,vepsooomleamphGiapmomdasrwihdearee, wbaesaakllsytaalnkdismdoirsetalsltyroenxgplaynidnetdhoinsteosaabmuellgaroorupressroensapteocr-, life styles presumably remained free-swimming and tively. In some Pontoporeioidea (Bathyporeiidae), raptorial (e.g.,CrangonyxpackardiandSternophysinx finger-like processes protrude over the proximal ele- calceola (Crangonyctoidea); Sensonator valentiensis ments. Inthemostadvancedtypesofcalceoli (viz.,in (Melphidippoidea?),andseveraleusiroideansofsouth- some Eusiroidea: Gammarellidae, Eusiridae), and in ern continental land masses (Bousfield 1980). some pelagic Lysianassoidea (e.g., Ichnopus spp., The possible significance of antennal calceoli in LowryandStoddart 1992),thedistal elementsarefew phyletic classification of the Amphipoda has been andwidelyseparatedfromoneormorelarge,cup-shaped alluded to variously by Bousfield (1979, 1983), Lin- receptacles, and the bulla maybe prominent. colnandHurley(1981),Lincoln&Lowry(1984),and The evolutionary morphological sequence within morerecently byGodfreygjtaL(1988), Stapletonelal calceoli portrayed here is believed to match more (1988),Hoisinger(1992a),andSteele&Steele(1993). closely the phylogeny of corresponding superfamily These vie&ws were analysed and expanded upon by groups, based on other character states (see below), Bousfield Shih(1994)andareheresummarizedand thandoesthesomewhatpragmaticsequenceoriginally cuapdnaatemdp,hiwpitohdsfpaeucniaal(aAppppleincadtiixon tothe NorthAmeri- proAvided by Lincolnand Hurley(1981). I). graphical plot of the types ofcalceoli and their ' AMPHIPACIFICA VOL. Ill NO.1. MAY 16, 2001. 56 MYSIDA — DISTRIBUTION OF CALCEOU A1 only OUT-GR\OUP • LACKING A1 +A2 I- - ingolfiellidea - PROTO-AMPHIPOD 'N \ Extinctepigeanancestors PARAMELITIDAE d • Austrogammarus^ _ PROTO-CRAMGONYCTID STERNOPHYSiNGIDAE CRANGONYCTOIDEA Extixnctmar,ineance.stors\ "V *— EOCRANGONYCTIDAE NEONIPHARplDAE , CRANGONYCTIDAE TALITROIDEA «*« Otherextinctmarineamphipods CHEIDAE PLAT—Y1SCHNOPIDAE CONDUKIIDAE c PHOXOCEPHALOIDEA ^ > ZOBRACHOIDAE t* PHnyOCEPHVIDAETt-u"OTHOiDAE Z s UROHAUSTORilDAE o phoxocephalopsidaeI o o i PONTOPOREIIDAE -PriscUlina? 1°"^ HYPERIOPSIOAE n PONTOPOREIOIDEA <= VALETTIIDAE HAUSTORIIDAE »» lysianassoidea BATHYPOREIIDAE n I * ACANTHOGAMMARIDAE o URIST1DAE MESOGAMMARID^AE I TYPHLOGAMMARIDAE w ». [CYPHOCARIDIDAEy gamI maIroivdea MACROHECTOPIDAE « GAMMAROPOREIIDAE o d 'Qy, I l GAMMARIDAE h« Psammonyxj EUSIROIDEA• ANISOGAMMARIDAE - « NIPHARGIDAE o PHREATOGAMMARIDAE EUSiRIDAE/OED|CEROTO DEA | | MELPHID1PPOIDEA J i ..N bogidielloidea Cf fpARALEPTAMPHOPIDAE/Exoecttcerolcjes HADZIOIDEA |{Q loss PONTOGEN/E\IIDAE PARACALLII\OPIIDAE' COROPHIOIDEA neponnf>n 1 secondary) EXOEDiCEROTIDAE Bathyporeiapus CAPRELLIDEA Paramoera Metoediceros \ LEUCOTHOIDEA X BATEiDAE OEDiCEROTIDAE Notoediceros\ STENOTHOIDEA(?) Patuki IPHIMEDIOIDEA Lysianassa I "" DEXAMINOIDEA -SYNOPIOIDEA# \ \ AMPELISCOIDEA # HYPERIIDEA N ^ • PARDALISCOIDEA ____JEB_OR_G O_.D_EA_ • STEGOCEPHALOIDEA 1 CALLYNOPHORE • Strongly developed / present in most species « Moderately well developed / present frequently • Weakly developed / present in few species Fig8. 3c.alScueoglgiesotnetdhephaynltoegnennaetaincdrbeelattwieoensnhtihpes wsietxheisn(tmhoediAfmipehdifproodmaBobuassfeideoldn&disSthriibhut1i9o9n4)o.fthe . AMPHIPACIFICA VOL III NO.1. MAY 16, 2001. 57 distributionbyantennalsite,sex,andhighertaxon,can significance. However, their restricted distribution be linked by means of a branching arrangement with among extant gammaridean superfamilies limits their relationships that, in part, are remarkably similar to use to cases of phyletic classification where other phyletic arrangements derived elsewhere from analy- parametersofbroaderclassificatoryapplicability(e.g, sis of other character states (Fig. 3). In the first two formofuropods,coxalplates,gnathopods)areknown. categories, this arrangement goes somewhat beyond therelationshipsproposedbyLincoln&Lowry(1984) Uropods 1 & 2. onthebasisofthetaxonomic (classificatory)distribu- The uropods ofamphipods are biramous append- tionofcalceoli. Inthepresentchart,thepositionsofthe agesofthe threeposteriorabdominal segments. They majortaxainthevarious“boxes”arecorrelatedprima- function mainly in forward propulsion during swim- rilywiththedistribution(orlack)ofcalceoliononeor ming or crawling activities. The uropods are well other(orboth)antennae,alongthehorizontal axisand developed and conspicuous in most gammarideans, withthemorphologicaltypeanditssexualoccurrences hyperiideans,andingolfiellideans,butminuteorlack- thevertical axis. Thevertical and horizontal axesalso ingincaprellideans. Theramiare seldonequalinsize, simulate, fanwise, an approximate evolutionary time the outer usually being noticeably the shorter. Only scaleforthe probablefrstappearance ofthe ancestral within the Ingolfiellidea is uropod 2 typically larger type ofeach major taxonomic group. than uropod 1. The arrangement of calceoli is here rooted in a Morphologicalvariationintheramiofuropod3and presumedmysid-likeout-groupinwhichcalceolus-like its utilization in phyletic classification have been structuresareknown,atleastonantenna 1 ofthemale. analyzedpreviously(BousfieldandShih 1994). Inthis Suchstructuresmayhaveoccurredinpresumedformer study, theformandarmature ofthe rami ofuropods 1 epigean and pelagic marine ancestors of the now &2aresimilarlyinvestigated. Innektonicforms,the hypogeanrelictsuborderIngolfiellidea,andofthecon- rami are often lamellate or lanceolate, whereas in tinental freshwater-endemic Crangonyctoidea. Such benthonic crawling or burrowing forms the rami are epigeanand marine ancestral types have not yet been typicallystyliform(Schram 1986). Theramimayalso found extant, or in thefossil record, but are predicted be modified for specialized functions in domicolous from this study and from earlier considerations (e.g., and/orcommensal species, and forpresumedcopula- Bousfield 1982b). Inthistwo-dimensional scheme,all tion (in males) widelyacross the taxonomic spectrum membersofthesevencalceolatesuperfamilies,andthe (e. g., insome Lysianassoidea, Crangonyctoidea,Tal- enigmatic hypogeancalceolate Sensonatorvalentien- itroidea, and Gammaroidea). At higher taxonomic sis Notenboom, 1986 (Melphidippoidea?), cannot be levels, armatureofthepedunclemayalsoprove phyl- confinedcleanlywithinanygivengraphical box. Such etically significant, particularly the development of varianceisattributabletoparallel development,diver- baso-facial spine(s) in gammaroidean superfamilies, sification,andsubsequentlossofcalceolifromthean- and distolateral spines in gammarioideans and some tennaofboth sexes,presumablyinresponsetochang- fossorial superfamilies (e.g., Phoxocephaloidea and inglife styleswithinthe varioustaxonomicsubgroups Pontoporeioidea) (above). Notably, the more stronglycalceolate super- Figure 4 illustrates three main types of rami of family groups (calceoli on both A1 and A2, left col- uropods 1 & 2 and their occurrence in representative umn)arethoseinwhichmembersareprimarilypelagic gammarideansuperfamilies. Lanceolaterami (A)are and/or reproduce freely in the water column. These generallyslenderandtaperdistallytoanacuteapexthat include most Phoxocephaloidea, Pontoporeioidea, lacksdistinctapicalspine(s)orspineclusters;marginal Lysianassoidea, Eusiroidea, and Oedicerotoidea. The spines(whenpresent)aretypicallyarrangedinoppos- lessstronglycalceolatesuperfamilies(withrareexcep- ing, evenly spaced series. Lanceolate rami typify the tions, calceoli onA2 only, rightcolumn) are found in most primitive superfamilies of reproductive "swim- themostprimitivemembersofbenthicsuperfamiliesof mers" (Natantia), including the Lysianassoidea, the Reptantia(Crangonyctoidea, Gammaroidea). The Phoxocephaloidea, Pardaliscoidea and most Eusir- positionofacalceolatesuperfamiliesistentative,butis oidea. Linearrami (C)aregenerallythickandrobust suggested partly by the presence or absence of other (styliform),withsubparallelmarginsthattaperingonly presumably plesiomorphic, often vestigial characters slightly distally; the apex is rounded or blunt, and suchasantennalcallynophoreand brushsetae(above). usually bears a distinct cluster of spines of unequal The presence or absence and type of antennal length. Theserami typifymostly benthoniccrawling calceolus are character states of undoubted phyletic orburrowing superfamilies, with reproductive!y pre- . AMPHIPACIFICA VOL. Ill N0.1. MAY 16, 2001. 58 Fig. 4. Form oframi ofuropods 1 & 2. A. Lanceolate; B. Transitional; C. Linear. (After Bousfield (1973) and unattributed sources) amplexing gnathopods (Reptantia), such the Crang- 2 apparently transcends these categories within afew onyctoidea, Talitroidea, Gammaroidea, and Coroph- gammaridean superfamilies (e.g., Pontoporeioidea). ioidea. Transitional rami (B) tapervariouslytoasub- Also, within family Podoceridae, the dulichiid sub- acute apex that may beara single spine orafew very grouppossesseslanceolateuropodrami thatareatypi- short spines; marginal spines are usually present and calofsuperfamilyCorophioidea,totheothercharacter seriallyarranged(e.g.,DexaminoideaandMelphidip* statesofwhichthedulichiidsconformreasonablywell P°idea). The vestigial uropod rami of cercopid caprellidean Theformandarmatureoftherami ofuropods 1 & amphipodsarealsolanceolate. Suchacharacterstate

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