An solvable three-body model in finite volume Peng Guo1, and Vladimir Gasparian1 ∗ 1Department of Physics and Engineering, California State University, Bakersfield, CA 93311, USA. (Dated: January 3, 2017) In this work, based on consideration of periodicity and asymptotic forms of wave function, we propose a novel approach to the solution of finitevolume three-body problem by mapping a three- bodyproblemintoahigherdimensionaltwo-bodyproblem. Theideaisdemonstratedbyanexample of two light spinless particles and one heavy particle scattering in one spatial dimension. This 1D three-body problem resembles a two-body problem in two spatial dimensions mathematically, and quantization condition of 1D three-body problem is thusderived accordingly. PACSnumbers: 7 Keywords: 1 0 2 Introduction.—Three-bodyinteractionplaysanimpor- ture of finite volume dynamics is also true in multiple- tant role in many aspects of nuclear, hadron and con- bodydynamics,thoughbecauseextradegreesoffreedom n densed matter physics. In nuclear and astrophysics for andnewtypesofinteractionsareintroduced,theasymp- a J example, the precise knowledge of nucleon interaction is totic form of multiple-body wave function appears more 2 the key to understand nucleon structure and dynamics complex than two-body wave function. However, from of nuclei, and it is also the fundamental information to mathematical perspective, the extra degrees of freedom ] explore the origin of universe. In hadron physics, three- in particle numbers is equivalent to the two-body scat- t a body dynamics could be crucial in many physical pro- tering in higher spatial dimensions with extra types of -l cesses, such as extraction of light quark mass difference interaction. Therefore, the finite volume multiple-body p fromisospinviolatingdecayofη 3π[1–9]. Three-body problemcanbesolvedinhigherspatialdimensions. Fora e → effect also have attracted a lot of interest in condense cleardemonstrationofthisidea,weconsideraonespatial h matter physics, for examples, the fractional quantum dimensional three-body scattering of two spinless light [ Hall states [10, 11] and cold polar molecules [12]. Tradi- particles and one infinite heavyparticle, the interactions 1 tionally,three-bodydynamics hasbeenstudiedbasedon among three particles are given by two types: (1) the v many different approaches,suchas Bethe-Salpeter equa- pair-wise interaction between one light and one heavy 8 tions [13–15], Faddeev’s equation [16–19], and dispersive particle,denotedasV-potential; (2)a“true”three-body 3 approch [20–27]. interaction that all particles are involved in scattering, 4 0 Unlike the traditional three-body dynamics in free referred as U-potential. This 1D three-body problem 0 is then mapped into a 2D two-body scattering prob- space, the finite volume three-body problem is still in . lem,pair-wisepotentialisassociatedtodisconnectedand 1 a developing phase, though some progresses from differ- 0 ent approaches have been made in recent years, such as rescattering contributions and yields plane waves type 7 quantum field theory based diagrammatic approach and asymptotic behavior of wave function, and “true” three- 1 body potential results in a diffractive spherical 2D scat- Faddeev equation based methods [28–35], and the ap- : tered wave. The quantization of three-body problem in v proach by considering asymptotic form of wave function i in configuration space [36]. In contrast, the finite vol- finite volume is thus derived by taking into account of X both asymptotic form and periodicity of wave function ume two-body problem has been well-developed [37–49] r in a 2D space. In order to keep a clean and simple form a based on a pioneer work by Lu¨scher [50], which is usu- in presentation, we have assumed that the pair-wise in- ally referred to Lu¨scher’s formula. In fact, no matter teraction between two light particles is absent, thus the whatkindofboundaryconditionsareconsideredaccord- ingly due to relativistic effect, moving frame, etc., two- disconnected contribution with heavy particle as a spec- tator and rescattering contributions between light-light body Lu¨scher’s formula is the result of periodicity prop- pair and heavy-light pair vanish. The consideration of erties of asymptotic forms of wave function: (1) asymp- thesecontributionswillonlyaddsomeextraplanewaves totic form of wave function defines the physical transi- in asymptotic form of wave function, so neglect of these tion amplitude and its general properties, such as uni- contributions won’t affect the method that we tend to tarity relation, without consideration of specific form of present, the discussion with pair-wise interaction in all interaction; (2) the periodicity of wave function yields pairs will be given elsewhere. In addition, we will also the secular equation that relates the scattering ampli- ignore relativistic effects and work only in the center of tudes to periodic lattice structure and produces discrete massframeofthree-particle. Asmentionedearlier,these energy spectra. As will be made clear later on, this fea- effectswillonlyyieldalatticewithadistortedshapeand makea twistonperiodic boundarycondition, so that ig- norance of these effects won’t have much impact on our ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] presentation as well. 2 Three-body scatteringin freespace.—Consideringscat- involved in scattering and another acting as a specta- tering of two light and one infinite heavy spinless parti- tor,and(3)on-shellthree-bodyrescatteringcontribution cles in a 1D space, the heavy particle is labeled as third whenU-potentialiscompletelyturnedoff,thusthethree- particle,twodistinguishablelightparticlesarelabeledas bodyinteractionisrealizedbyrescatteringeffectwithal- particle-1and-2withequalmassm. Therelativecoordi- ternate scattering of one of two light particles off third natesandmomentabetweenlightandheavyparticlesare particle. Rescattering effects are generated purely by denotedbyr andq respectively. Thecenter ofmass pair-wiseinteractions and persist even when U-potential 1,2 1,2 frame three-particle wave function satisfies Schr¨odinger iszero. ThesecondtermontherighthandsideofEq.(2) equation, representsa“true”three-bodyinteraction. Let’sdefinea scattering T-amplitude that is associated to U-potential σ2+ 2 + 2 2 by ∇r1 ∇r2 V(r ) U(r) ψ(r;q)=0, (1) i " 2m −Xi=1 − # T(12)(k;q) whereσ2 =2mE =q12+q22 isassociatedtothetotalcen- − σ2−k2 ter of mass energy, and short hand notation r=(r1,r2) = drdr′e−ik·rG(12)(r,r′;σ2)2mU(r′)ψ(r′;q), (4) and q=(q ,q ) are adopted throughout the presenta- 1 2 Z tion. Potential V(r ) represents a pair-wise interaction 1,2 where k2 =k2+k2. Hence, we can rewrite Eq.(1) to between one light and the heavy particle, and potential 1 2 U(r) stands for a “true” three-body interaction with all dk T (k;q) three particles involved in scattering. Mathematically, ψ(r;q)=φq1(r1)φq2(r2)− (2π)2eik·r (σ122) k2 . (5) the 1D three-body scattering problem given by Eq.(1) Z − is equivalent to a two-body scattering problem in a 2D It can be easily show that [51, 52] space. The three-body wave function is given by sum of multiple components, each component displays a dis- T (k;q)= drφ (r )φ (r )2mU(r)ψ(r;q). tinctasymptoticformofscatteredwave. As anexample, (12) − ′ −k1 1′ −k2 2′ ′ ′ for repulsive interactions, two distinct types of scattered Z (6) wavesare(i) linear superpositionofplane waveswith no For repulsive interactions, because of the absence of new momenta created and describe scattering contribu- two-body bound states, T displays no primary singu- (12) tionduetopair-wiseinteractions;(ii)thediffractivewave larities [16, 17], and describes the “true” three-to-three that resembles a spherical wave in 2D two-body scatter- particlesscatteringprocess,whichwillbedenotedbyT 0,0 ing. Hence,the technique in2Dtwo-bodyscatteringcan fromnowon. Theasymptoticformofwavefunctionthus be applied in 1D three-body scattering. is given by, Foranincomingwave,eiqr,thesolutionofthree-body · wavefunctionisgivenbyLippmann-Schwingerequation, ψ(r;q) φ (r )φ (r )+ iei(σr−π4)T (σr;q), (7) → q1 1 q2 2 2√2πσr 0,0 r ψ(r;q)=φ (r )φ (r ) q1 1 q2 2 where r = r2+r2. The T -amplitude is constrained + drG (r,r;σ2)2mU(r)ψ(r;q), (2) 1 2 0,0 ′ (12) ′ ′ ′ by unitarity relation, Z p wtwhoe-rbeodyφqi(srcia)ttesrtianngds beftowreetnhei-twhave(i=fun1,c2ti)onanodf s†V(k;q)T0,0(k;q′)−T0†,0(k;q)sV(k;q′) third particle, and it satisfies Schr¨odinger equation k1,2=X±|q1,2|h i i 2π dθ Gq(i212+) s∇a2rtiis−fie2smeqVu(artii)onφqi(ri)=0, and Green’s function = 2Z0 2πkT0†,0(k;q)T0,0(k;q′), (8) (cid:0) (cid:1) where the reduced two-body S-matrix, s , is σ2+ 2 + 2 2mV(r ) 2mV(r ) G (r,r;σ2) V ∇r1 ∇r2 − 1 − 2 (12) ′ (cid:2) =(2π)δ(r1−r1′)(2π)δ(r2−(cid:3) r2′). (3) sV(q′;q)=δq1′,q1δq2′,q2 +δq1′,q1it(q2′,q2)+δq2′,q2it(q1′,q1) +it(q ,q )it(q ,q ), (9) Asymptotically, the solution for two-body wave func- 1′ 1 2′ 2 twiohnereisth[3e6,on4-9s]h,elφlqtiw(roi-)bo→dyesicqairtite+rinigt(|aq|rmi|ir|pi,liqtiu)deei|qicrai|n, tthheeKsarmoneescikgenr,daenldtazδeqri′o,qiotisheerqwuiasle,toanodneifqi′ andqi have be expanded in terms of parity eigenstates [36, 49], at(nqdi′,Yqi)(=x)P=Pi=±xY.Pi(ri)tPi(|qi|)YPi(qi), where Y+(x)=1 k1,2=X±|q1,2|s†V(k;q)sV(k;q′)=δq1′,q1δq2′,q2. (10) x − | | The firstterm onthe righthandside ofEq.(2) is com- In this letter, the three-body problem with only repul- posed of (1) an incoming wave, (2) the disconnected sive interactions will be considered. The treatment and scattering contribution with only one of light particles formalism for attractive potentials will be presented in 3 [53]. The first term in, φ (r )φ (r ), appears as the The quantizationcondition ofthree-body scatteringis q1 1 q2 2 production of two two-body wave functions, hence in fi- obtainedbymatchingψ(L) tofreespacethree-bodywave nite volume, it can be handled rather easily with tech- functiongiveninEq.(12), ψ(L)(r;q)=ψ(r;q). Afterthe nique that have been developed for two-body scatter- “partial wave” projection, the matching condition has ing, see [36, 48, 49]. However, the diffractive wave, the non-trivial solutions for an arbitrary r only when “true” three-body scattering contribution, behaves as a 2D sphericalwaveand thus has to be treateddifferently. ∞ Taking advantage of resemblance of diffractive wave of det(δL,L′ e−iLθq +iTL(q)+ iJgJ−L(σ)iTJ(q)! J= 1D three-body scattering and spherical wave of 2D two- X−∞ bscoadtytersicnagttwerililngb,etthreeadteiffdrjaucsttivaestaer2mDotwfo1-Dbotdhyresec-abtotedry- + ML(P,L1,′P2)(σ,θq))=0, (16) ingproblemmathematically. Therefore,similartopartial P1,XP2=± waveexpansionin2Dtwo-bodyscattering,seeAppendix, where T ’s are associated to the diffractive wave con- L a “partial wave expansion” of on-shell T0,0 amplitude is tribution and describes the “true” three-body scatter- introduced by, ing, and ML(P,L1,′P2) is associated to the disconnected and rescattering contributions that are determined solely by T0,0(σrr;q)=4 ∞ eiL′θrTL′(q), tanθr = rr2, pair-wise two-body interactions, L′= 1 X−∞ 2it (q ) 2it (q ) TL′(q)= ∞ TL′,L(σ)e−iLθq, tanθq = qq2. (11) ML(P,L1,′P2)(σ,θq)=−δL,L′e−i|Pq11|L| −1|1e−i|Pq22|L| −2|1 L=X−∞ 1 1+(−1)P21+P2+Le−iLθq + (−1)P2+2(−1)P1+LeiLθq The three-body wave function for repulsive interactions × 2 is thus given by 2it (q ) ψ(r;q)=φq1(r1)φq2(r2)+L=X∞−∞iLeiLθrHL(1)(σr)iTL((1q2)). ++iittPP12((||qq12||))(cid:18)(cid:18)11−− ee2−−itii||PPqq2121||(LL||q−−21||)11(cid:19)(cid:19)ABL(L(PP,,LL11,,′′PP22))((θθqq)), (17) paTrthicrleee-biondtyerasccatitotenrinign ina fipneirtieodvicolumboex.—wFoitrhthsriezee-, and “partial wave expansion” coefficients, AL(P,L1,′P2) and L, the three-particle wave function in finite vol- BL(P,L1,′P2), are defined by relations, ume, ψ(L), must satisfy periodic boundary condi- ctioonns,truψc(tLe)d(rb+ynfLre;eq)s=paψce(L)t(hrr;eqe)-,bodanydwψav(Le)fucnacntiobne, YP1(r1)YP1(q1)ei|q1r1|eiq2r2 +(−21)P2e−iq2r2 ψ(L)(r;q)=n Zψ(r+nL;q), thus = ∞ eiLθrAL(P,L1,′P2)(θq)JL′(σr), (18) ∈ ψ(L)(r;q)=Pφ(L)(r )φ(L)(r ) L,LX′=−∞ q1 1 q2 2 + 4i Z d(2rπ′d)k2 n ZH0(1)(σ|r+nL−r′|)eik·r′T0,0(k;q), YP2(r2)YP2(q2)ei|q2r2|eiq1r1 +(−21)P1e−iq1r1 X∈ (13) = ∞ eiLθrBL(P,L1,′P2)(θq)JL′(σr). (19) where the finite volume two-body wave function is given L,L′= analytically [36, 48, 49] by X−∞ Discussion and conclusion—Asalreadybeendiscussed φ(qLi)(ri)= φqi(ri+niL)=it(qi′,qi)ei|qiri| in [36, 48, 49], Lu¨scher’s formula in two-body scattering nXi∈Z is the consequence of general feature of periodicity and +PXi=±itPi(|qi|)eiqirie+−i(|q−i|1L)P−ie1−iqiri. (14) aostsniyllmavpsaptloeidtciicfifocfrofrofimrnmiotefowfvaoinvluteemfruaencttchitoironene.-,bTwohhdiisychfsecdaatotuetrseenri’intsgdi,enphfeoanwcdt- The infinite sum in second term is carried out by using ever, due to extra degrees of freedom, the asymptotic Eq.(24), also with the help of “partial wave expansion” form of three-body wave function display more complex of T in Eq.(11), we obtain structures. Fortunately,frommathematicspointofview, 0,0 these extra degrees of freedom in particle numbers can ψ(L)(r;q)=φ(qL1)(r1)φ(qL2)(r2) be dealt equivalently as two-body scattering in higher dimensions. Although, from physical perspective, inter- + ∞ eiLθr[δL,L′iNL(σr)+gL′ L(σ)JL(σr)]iL′iTL′(q). action among three particles are usually more sophisti- − L,L′= cated than the interaction considered in two-body scat- X−∞ (15) tering, the difference in the form of interactions results 4 in the distinct asymptotic form of wave functions that State University, Bakersfield, CA. correspond to different physical processes. Pair-wise in- Appendix: Finite volume two-body scattering in two teraction yields disconnected scattering and rescattering spatial dimensions.—Let’s considertwospinlessparticles contributions that are associated to plane waves type of scattering in a 2D space, the interaction between two three-body wave function, and “true” three-body inter- particles is described by spherical U-potential. The two- action results in a diffractive spherical wave. body wave function in center of mass frame satisfies For a more explicit demonstration, let’s consider two dk eikr extreme limits of our three-body model: ψ(r;q)=eiqr · T(k;q), (21) · − (2π)2σ2 k2 (1) U =0: The solution of wave function is given Z − by φq1(r1)φq2(r2). In addition to a free incoming where r and q refer to the relative coordinate and mo- wave, the three-body wave function consists of two menta oftwo particlesrespectively,andσ2 =2mE =q2. types of contribution, one is disconnected contributions The two-body scattering amplitude is defined by with one of two light particles acting as a spectator, T(k;q)= dre ikr2mU(r)ψ(r;q). The partial wave − · it(q1′,q1)ei|q1r1|eiq2r2 and it(q2′,q2)ei|q2r2|eiq1r1. The sec- expansion−of two-body wave function in 2D reads R ond type is three-body rescattering contribution with alternate scattering of one light particle off third one, ψ(r;q)= ∞ iLeiLθr JL(σr)+iTL(σ)HL(1)(σr) e−iLθq, so all three particles are involved in scattering by it- erations, it(q1′,q1)it(q2′,q2)ei|q1r1|ei|q2r2|. As the conse- L=X−∞ h i (22) quence of no direct interaction between two light par- where T -amplitude can be parameterized by phase ticles, no new momenta are created after collision, re- L arrangementof momenta between two light particles are shifts, TL = e2iδ2Li−1, and is related to T-amplitude by notallowed,anddiffractioneffectsvanishinthisparticu- T(q′;q)=4 ∞ eiLθq′TL(σ)e−iLθq. larcase. ThedeterminantconditioninEq.(16)reduceto L= 1DLu¨scher’sformulalikequantizationcondition[36,49], When the pPa−r∞ticles are placed in a 2D periodic box e−i|q1,2|L = 1+2it (q1,2 ), and the momentum of each of size, L, the finite volume two-particle wave function, lightparticleappea±rs|disc|rete,soistotalenergyofthree- ψ(L)(r;q), thus satisfies periodic boundary condition, particle. ψ(L)(r+nL;q)=ψ(L)(r;q) (n Z). The finite volume ∈ (2)V =0:Asthe resultofno pair-wiseinteractionsat two-body wave function can be constructed from free all,allthetwo-bodyscatteringt(q ,q )-amplitudevanish, space wave function, ψ(L)(r;q)= ψ(r+nL;q), thus i′ i so that both disconnected and rescattering contribution n Z ∈ are gone, and φq1(r1)φq2(r2)=eiq·r. In this case, the ψ(L)(r;q)=i dr H(1)(Pσ r+nL r ) 1D three-body wave function in Eq.(12) indeed resem- 4 ′ 0 | − ′| bles two-body wave function in 2D space presented in Z nX∈Z Appendix. Mathematically, the problem of three-body dk eikr′T(k;q). (23) · scattering in finite volume thus can be solved as a prob- × (2π)2 Z lem oftwo-body scatteringin a 2D space. The matching Theinfinitesumiscarriedoutbypartialwaveexpansion condition in Eq.(16) thus reduces to a form that resem- as in 3D [48, 50], bles to matching condition in 2D scattering, 4i n∈Z eik·(r−r′) = H(1)(σ r+nL r ) det δL,L′+iTL,L′(σ)− ∞ iJgJ−L(σ)iTJ,L′(σ)!=0. L2 k=X2Lπn σ2−k2 nX∈Z 0 | − ′| J= X−∞ (20) = ∞ eiLθr[δL,L′iNL(σr)+gL′ L(σ)JL(σr)] − L,L′= δIfL,UL′-TpLo′t,enatniadlaisbosvpehe1rDicatlh,rUee(-rb)o=dyUq(ru)a,nhtieznacteio,nTLc,oLn′d=i- ×XJ−L∞′(σr′)e−iL′θr′, (24) tion is thus equivalent to Eq.(27), and the unitarity re- where the expansion coefficient, g , is given by L lation for partial wavescattering T -matrix is given also L inIanssiummpmleafroyr,mw,iItmhTcoLn=sidTeL∗raTtLioannodfTthLe=pecroitoδ1dLi−ciit.y and gL(σ)= L4i2 n∈Z iL(√σσk22)Lek−2iLθk −δL,0iN0(σr)|r→0. asymptotic form of wave function, a three-body prob- k=X2Lπn − lem may be mapped into a higher dimensionaltwo-body (25) problem. Using a simple 1D three-body problem with Therefore,we obtainthe partialwaveexpansionof finite interaction of two light spinless particles and one heavy volume two-body wave function in 2D, particle as a example, we show how this 1D finite vol- ume three-body problem is mapped into a 2D two-body ∞ problem mathematically and solved accordingly. ψ(L)(r;q)= eiLθr[δL,L′iNL(σr)+gL′ L(σ)JL(σr)] − ACKNOWLEDGMENTS—We acknowledges support L,LX′=−∞ from Department of Physics and Engineering,California iL′iTL′(σ)e−iL′θq. (26) × 5 The secular equation is obtained by matching Eq.(27) is a 2D version of Lu¨scher’s formula like quanti- ψ(L)(r;q) to ψ(r;q) at an arbitrary r, thus we get zation condition for two spinless particles scattering. det[δL,L′cotδL(σ) igL′ L(σ)]=0. (27) − − [1] J. Kambor,C. Wiesendanger, and D.Wyler,Nucl.Phys. 094029 (2015). B465, 215 (1996). [27] P. Guo, Mod. Phys. Lett.A 31, 1650058 (2016). [2] A.V.AnisovichandH.Leutwyler,Phys.Lett.B375,335 [28] S. Kreuzer and H.-W. 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