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An RXTE Archival Search for Coherent X-ray Pulsations in LMXB 4U 1820-30 PDF

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Preview An RXTE Archival Search for Coherent X-ray Pulsations in LMXB 4U 1820-30

An RXTE Archival Search for Coherent X-ray Pulsations in LMXB 4U 1820−30 Rim Dib∗, Scott Ransom∗, Paul Ray† and Victoria Kaspi∗ ∗McGillUniversity 4 †NavalResearchLaboratory 0 0 2 Abstract. Aspartofalarge-scalesearchforcoherentpulsationsfromLMXBsintheRXTEarchive,wehavecompleteda n detailedseriesofsearchesforcoherentpulsationsof4U1820−30—anultracompactLMXBwithabinaryperiodof11.4 a minuteslocatedintheglobularclusterNGC6624.Thesmallbinaryperiodleadstoaveryhighacceleration,soweusedphase J modulationsearchesaswellasaccelerationsearchestogivesignificantsensitivitytomillisecondpulsations.Wesearcheda totalof34archivalRXTEobservations,32ofwhichhadanon-sourceintegrationtimelongerthan10ks,andsomeofwhich 8 were made consecutively which allowed us to combine them. While we found no pulsations, we have been able to place 1 thefirststringent(95%confidence)pulsedfractionlimitsof∼<0.8%forallrealisticspinfrequencies(i.e.∼<1kHz)andlikely v companionmasses(0.02M⊙≤Mc≤0.3M⊙).BycontrastallfiveLMXBsknowntoemitcoherentpulsationshaveintrinsic pulsedfractionsintherange3%to7%whenpulsationsareobserved. 4 3 1 1 INTRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICSOF 4U1820−30 0 4 One of the great scientific expectationswhen the Rossi The source 4U 1820−30 is an atoll LMXB in globu- 0 X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) was launched in 1995 lar cluster NGC6624.Ithasan orbitalbinaryperiodof / h wasthediscoveryofcoherentpulsationsfromlow-mass 685 s (11.4 min) [1], the shortest known binary orbital p X-raybinaries(LMXBs).Atpresent,onlyfiveaccreting period in an LMXB. 4U 1820−30 undergoes a regular - o millisecond pulsars are known. All five are faint tran- ∼176 day accretion cycle [2] switching between high r sient sources where the pulsations at the spin period of andlowluminositystates.Inthelowstate,regularTypeI t s the pulsar were discovered during an outburst (see the burstsareseen±23daysaroundtheminimumluminos- a contributionsofD.ChakrabartyandC.Markwardttothe ity[3].Inthelowstate,4U1820−30hasalsoshownan : v proceedingsofthisconference). extremely energetic superburst, likely due to deep igni- i Therearemanythingsthatwecanlearnfromsearch- tion of a carbonlayer [4]. Severallow frequencyQPOs X ingformoreexamplesofdirectpulsationsfromLMXBs. [5] as well as two peaks of kHz QPOs [6] have been r a For example, coherent pulsations give the precise rota- observed from this source. Faint UV and optical coun- tion rate of the neutron star and test the connectionbe- terpartsof4U1820−30havealsobeenobserved[7,8]. tweenrecycledMSPsandLMXBs.Theyhelpconstrain If the secondarystar in the system is a white dwarf, its the modelsof kHzQPOs andburstoscillations.Timing mass is estimated to be 0.058 to 0.078 M⊙ [9]. If the of the coherent pulses would also allow measurements secondaryisamainsequencestar,theupperlimitonits of the accretion torques,the orbitalparameters,and the massis0.3M⊙ [10]. companionmasses.Inaddition,alongwithX-rayandop- OfallknownLMXBs,wesearched4U1820−30first ticalspectra,pulsetimingcangiveinformationaboutthe because a lot of high time resolution long data sets of compactnessandtheequationofstateoftheneutronstar. thissourceareavailableinthearchives,becausethepres- Finally, setting stringent upper limits to coherent pul- enceofkHzQPOsinthissourcemayindicatefavorable sations in several sources in a variety of spectral states conditions for detecting pulsations, and because of its will impose constraints on the possible mechanism for small orbital period: the phase modulation search tech- supressing coherent pulsations in these sources. For all nique that we are using is most sensitive (and provides these reasons, we have started a large-scale search for thebiggestincreaseinsensitivityoverpreviousmethods) coherentpulsationsfromLMXBs. whentheobservationsarelongerthantwocompletebi- naryorbits[17]. THERXTE OBSERVATIONS cludedinthestandardsearchpipelinethatwearegoing tousetosearchtheothersources. We searched 34 archival RXTE observations collected between1996and2002.Theobservationswereavailable in event modes, and had a time resolution of 125 m s PhaseModulationSearches or better. 32 of the observations had a total time on sourcebiggerthan10ks.Thelongestofthesewas25ks Inordertoanalyzelongerobservationsweusedanew long with a total time on source of 16 ks. Some of ‘phase-modulation’or‘sideband’searchtechnique[17]. the observations were segments of longer observations This technique relies on the fact that if the observation whichallowedustoconcatenatethemandanalysethem time is longer than the orbital period, the orbit phase- together. The longest of the concatenated observations modulatesthepulsar’sspinfrequency:phasemodulation was77.5kslongwithatotaltimeonsourceof46.5ks. results in a family of evenly spaced sidebands in the frequencydomain,aroundtheintrinsicpulsarsignal.The constantspacingbetweenthesidebandsisrelatedtothe THEDATAANALYSIS binaryorbitalperiod. A phase modulation search is conducted by taking Each observation was downloaded, filtered, barycen- shortFFTs ofthepowerspectrumof a fullobservation. tered, and then split into four energy bands: Soft (2-5 The short FFTs cover overlapping portions of various keV),Medium(5-10keV),Hard(10-20keV),andWide lengths(toaccountforthe unknownsemi-majoraxisof (2-20keV), in order to attempt to maximizethe signal- the LMXB) over all the Fourier frequencyrange of the to-noise ratio of the unknown pulsations. This process- original power spectrum (to account for the unknown ing used custom Python scripts that call the standard pulsation period). They are then searched for peaks in- FTOOLs. The processed events were then binned into dicatingregularlyspaced sideband(to detectthe orbital hightimeresolution(either0.122msor0.244ms)time period of the LMXB). A detection providesinitial esti- series. Fast Fourier Transforms of the four time series matesofthepulsarperiod,theorbitalperiod,andthepro- were then computed. Acceleration searches of FFTs of jectedradiusoftheorbit,whicharerefinedbygenerating various durations were performed. ‘Phase-Modulation’ a seriesof complex-valuedtemplateresponsesto corre- searches were conducted on each of the full duration late with the original Fourier amplitudes (i.e. matched FFTs. Finally, candidates above our threshold were ex- filteringintheFourierdomain)[17]. amined using brute-force folding techniques to deter- mineiftheyweretruepulsations. RESULTS ANDUPPER LIMITS THESEARCH TECHNIQUES Oursearchesdidnotdetectpulsations. To set an upper limit on the pulsed fraction of de- Afterwepreparedandbinnedthedatasets,wesearched tectable pulsations from 4U 1820−30 we used the fol- them for pulsations in the Fourier domain using two lowing procedure: we ran our searches on several data typesofsearcheswhichwesummarizebelow. sets containing simulated pulsations of various pulsed fractions for a range of companion masses (see Figure 1) and for several spin frequencies. For the purpose of Acceleration Searches the simulations, we assumed an orbital period of 685 seconds,thetypicallengthofa longRXTE observation This is the method traditionally used to compensate (20.5ks),aninclinationangleof60degrees,andacircu- for the effects of orbital motion [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]: larorbit.Ofthe searchesthatwe ran,phasemodulation A time series is stretched or compressed appropriately searchesrunonthefulldurationdatasetswerethemost to account for a trial constant frequencyderivative (i.e. sensitive. Figure 1 shows the results of the simulations constant acceleration), Fourier transformed, and then for this type of search run on data sets containing fake searchedforpulsations.WeusedaFourier-domainvari- 3mspulsations.Everypointinthefigurecorrespondsto ant of this technique [16]. Unfortunately acceleration 100 searcheddata sets. The shadingof everypointcor- searches can detect only the strongest pulsations from responds to a sigma detection level. The line of sigma systems like 4U 1820−30 where the orbital period is = 5 indicatesthe valueof our upperlimit on the pulsed short. So while we did notexpectaccelerationsearches fractionforasignalperiodof3ms.Thisvaluevariedbe- tofindpulsations,westillusedthembecausetheyarein- tween0.55%and1.0%(backgroundsubtracted)overthe rangeofcompanionmassesthatweused.Thevaluede- > 15 sigma 10 sigma 5 sigma No Detection FIGURE 1. Monte-Carlo derived sensitivity calculations for the pulsation searches of archival RXTE observations of 4U 1820−30. The plotted sensitivities are 95% confidence limitsusing phase modulation search technique for a typical RXTE observation assuming a pulsar spin period of 3ms. We would easily have detected any coherent pulsations with a pulsed frac- tion>0.8%forallrealisticcompanionmassesandspinperiods. creasedslightlywhentheperiodofthesignalwaslarger POTENTIAL REASONS FORTHELACK by a few milliseconds. This means that if there were a OFOBSERVED PULSATIONS 3mscoherentpulsationcomingfrom4U1820−30with a pulsed fraction equal or higher than the upper limit Several theories exist to explain why pulsations with a statedabove,oursearcheswouldhaveeasily(witha95% higherpulsedfractionthanourupperlimitarenotseen. confidence)detectedit. Tobeginwith,anunfavorablerotationalgeometry,anun- Our upper limit on the pulsed fraction of possible favorableviewinggeometry,orbothcanmakepulsations signalsfrom4U1820−30wasabout0.8%(background undetectable.Thepulsedfractionmaybereduceddueto subtracted) for spin periods under 10 ms. The pulsed scatteringinthesurroundingmedium[22].Gravitational fractionsofthesignalsdetectedfromthe5LMXBswith lenseffectsontheemissionfromthehotpolarcapscan known signal period ranged between 3% and 7%, for also greatlyreducethe pulsedfraction[23, 24].Finally, signal frequenciesbetween 2 ms and 6 ms [18, 19, 20, screening of the stellar magnetic field by the accreting 21]. This means that our searches would have detected matter can lead to a less preferentialheatingof the sur- the pulsationsfrom4U 1820−30if theywere asstrong face (i.e. no polar caps) and thereforeto the absence of asthepulsationsdetectedfromtheother5sourcesandin observablepulsations[25]. thesameperiodrange. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Julie Payette researchscholarship.Itwouldalsohavebeenimpossible 24. Meszaros,P.,Riffert,H.,andBerthiaume,G.,ApJ,325, todothisworkwithoutthecomputingpoweroftheBe- 204–206(1988). owulf computercluster operatedby the McGill Univer- 25. Cumming,A.,Zweibel,E.,andBildsten,L.,ApJ,557, 958–966(2001). sityPulsarGroupandfundedbytheCanadaFoundation forInnovation. REFERENCES 1. Stella,L.,Priedhorsky,W.,andWhite,N.E.,ApJ,312, L17–L21(1987). 2. Priedhorsky, W., and Terrell,J., ApJ, 284, L17–L20 (1984). 3. Chou,Y.,andGrindlay,J.E.,ApJ,563,934–940(2001). 4. Strohmayer,T.E.,andBrown,E.F.,ApJ,566,1045–1059 (2002). 5. Wijnands,R.,vanderKlis,M.,andRijkhorst,E.,ApJ, 512,L39–L42(1999). 6. Smale,A.P.,Zhang,W.,andWhite,N.E.,ApJ,483, L119+(1997). 7. King,I.R.,Stanford,S.A.,Albrecht,R.,Barbieri,C., Blades,J.C.,Boksenberg,A.,Crane,P.,Disney,M.J., Deharveng, J. M., Jakobsen, P.,Kamperman, T. 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