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An overview on the Palynostratigraphy of the Upper Paleozoic strata of the Brazilian Paraná Basin PDF

2014·1.2 MB·English
by  SouzaPaulo A
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Preview An overview on the Palynostratigraphy of the Upper Paleozoic strata of the Brazilian Paraná Basin

lear tata Read te, ites, Arpontines Chane. Nd 9 Seyi. 2 2608 ‘An cverview on the Palynostratigraphy of the Upper Puleozvie strais of the Brazilian Parana Basin" Pele A SOUS! & Masten MARALIES FOG edt ior, ron ye en A Bi randy ED, CBD MBL Pate ee, * tecn's ey at] re daly aoe ceandeet re seqeonate sisal Tae Bou aeteags, po el “Stetbpienvtn erties Cass Stee etna coat ie coak ar Sanne we wales eng de lr cde asonos depres jive de lon sam 2rem te, a on, potas + bab Lica Palbine slaw paladin, Caren Pend, urge, Preven Sein, et The issetigraphy ef the Upper Priarant sumta'sf the Mrevitee Patan Seri “an corn Extn br several sicher tn pepcess ir Snt vt ioe aged ue pave, trate Fnlfaenorphe. 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