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Preview An Outline of Swift's "Gulliver's Travels"

GIANTASN DD wARFs: AN OuTLINE oFG uLLIVETRRA'VsE LS GuLLIVETRR'AsV EiLsSa na mazirnhge toraicchaile vemIetin st . thec lascshiicl drsetno'arsny d i ti sa rathoebrs cetnael Sew.i fwta s ablteoc harimn noceanncdea musceo rruptainodtn h,ii ssa m easure ofh itsa leInc ta.nt hinokfn op aralHlaenlsC: h ristAinadne rsfeonr childrBeonc,c acfcoiraod ultBsu.tm ,o sto fa lli,ti sa philosophic boopkr esenitnie mda goefso verwhelmingS wpiofhwtae dnr o.to nly thej udgmewnittw hh ictho a rriavtae r easovniedeo wf t hew orld, but tfhaen cbyym eanosf w hichhe c oulrde cretahtaewt o rlidna forwmh icthe achwehse raer gumefnatia lnsdw hicsha tisafilwelhs i le milseadinnogn e. Gulvleirt'rs avel memoiarbsu nmdaakncetl leyat rha hte i sa Yahoion t hed ecissievnes Hee.s ay"st hteh inwgh icihsn ot,o"rt ,o puti ti ntYoa holoa nguahgeei ,sa liaTrh.i dso enso tm eant haIt do nboetl iehveue n derwetnhtea dventuhrere esl atbeusth; e d oes havseo methtionh gi deA. s mablilot f e videcnacneb eg leaned from hiosw nd efenosfhe i cso nduwcitt ahg reLaitll iputliaadnwy h,o h ad conceiav peads sifoonhr i pse rsoGnu.l ligvreoru nhdisas p oloogny thea llefgaecdt ntoho ante ecvaemret os ehe ims ecreBtultyi .m � mediataefltye rwhaetr de lolfts h es ecrveits oifat m inistWeer c.a n onlsyu ppotsheew orsitnt hea ffaibre twetehne l adayn dG ulliver. Andw em ayf urtshueprp otsheaG tu lvleihra cse rthaiidnd tehno ughts andi ntentwihoincsah r eo nltyo b er eveablyec dl osely cross-exam­ ininhgi m1. H ei ndicattheihssi msealttf h ed osoef h itsr avwehlesn hes weatrosh isv eraciHteyu .s efso trh is soolcecmans Siionno n's treacheoraotuthso t heT rojanbsym, e anosf w hicthh awto rthy 'GulliTvrearv'(eslN se Ywo rRka:n doHmo use, p1p9.75 10,7 3)., 35 36 GIANTS AND DWARFS managetdog aiand mittafnoctreh eh orsaen di tcso nceabluerdd en ofG ree2k s. Is houllidk teos uggetshtat th ibso okis a lso sau ccohn tainer, fillewdi tGhr eekwsh oa reo,n cein trodudceesdt,i tnoec do nquae r newT royo,rt ,r ansliantt"eotd h lei tltalneg u"ad gees,titnoce odn quer LilliIpnuo tt.h ewro rdIsw ,i stho c ontetnhda Gtu llivTerra'vsei lss oneo ft hel asetx plisctiatt emiennt thsef amoQuus arrbeelt wetehne AncienatnsdM odemasn dp erhatphseg reatienstte rveinntt ihoant notoriaorugsu meBnytm .e anosft hea ppeoafil t msy thi,tk eepasl ive thec lassviicsailio nna gewsh ene vetnh ei mportaonftc heeq uarrel isd eniendo,tt os peaokft hei mportaonftc hea ctl assviiceawlp oint, whicahp peatrohs a vbee esnw ampebdyh istoTrhyel. a ughetveork ed byG ullivTerra'vsei lsas u thorbiyza e sdt anddarradw fnr oHmo mer andP lato. Pritoore nterdiinrge citnlttyoh ec onteonftt sh eb ookI,s hould trtyo m aket hiass serstoimoenw hmaotr eex trinspilcaaulsliTybh lee . quarrietls ieslt fo darye garadsea d p etttyh inrga,t hreird icuolno us botshi deas c,o nventidoenbaalbt eet weoelnda nd nerwe,a ctionary andp rogreswshiivcelh,a taegre hsa vree solbvyew da yo fs ynthesis. Boths idlesa ckepde rspecitnitveel;l ehcitsutaoilrs by u to nel ong continudoeuvse lopmMeonrte.o vtehre,q uarriesll o okoendl argely asa purelliyt erdairsyp uotrei,g inaitnti hnecg o mpariosfGo rne ek andR omanp oetwriyt Fhr encNho.w thiusn derstaindsqi unigt e differfernottm h aotf t hep articipwahnot,is fn, o ta lwatyhse b est judgemsu,s bte t hefi rswti tnesisnae nsy h eariTnhge.yu nderstood thed ispuotvee pro ettroyb ea meres ubdiviosfai noo np position betwetewnoc omprehenssyisvteeo mfrs a dicoaplploys tehdo ugohnte, findiitnsgso uricnea nciepnhti losotphheoy t,h eirnm odemp hilos­ ophyT.h em odembse lietvheadtt h ehya df ountdh et ruper inciples ofn atuarned t habty,m eanosf t hemiert hodnse,ws ourcoefps o wer coulbdef ounidnp hysincaatlu rpeo,l itaincdts h,e a rtTsh.e snee w princirpelperse seanf tuendd amebnrteaalwk i tchl asstihcoaulga hntd werien compatwiibtilhte T. h ep oetdiecb awtaesm eanto,nt hep art oft hea dvocaotfme osd ernitoyn,lt yo s hotwh esu perioofrm iotdye m thougbhats eodnm odemt aleanntdsm odemf reediontm h ed omain wherteh ec lasswiecrsme o sti ndispumtaasbtleyar nsdm odelTsh.e quarrienlv olvtehdeh ighepsrti nciapbloeustt h efi rscta usoefsa ll thinagnsdt heb eswta yo fl ifIetm. a rkeadc rossroonaeod f,t hev ery fewa tw hicmha nkinhda sb eeans ketdom akea deciscihvaen gien directTihoecn h.o ice moandceew, e h avfeo rgotttheatnth iwsa sn ot theo nlryo adt,h atth erwea sa nothoenrc bee foursee, i thbeerc ause lfbpid..3 ,3 2c;fV. i rgAieln,e iIdI,7, 9 -80. GIANTS AND DWARFS: AN OUTLINE OF GULLIV'sE RTRAVELS 37 wea rei gnoroafna t p ossicbhloei ocreb ecauwseea res os urteh at thiisst heo nlryo atdo L arisIstia s.o nlbyy r etutrono u rs targt in pointth atth ger avoiftt yh ceh oiccaenb er ealiaznedad tt; h cer ossroad onef intdhse q uarreilsn. o tII,tr epeaat q,u arraemoln agu thoarss suc,hb uta monpgr inciples. Inh iosw nw ayS,w ifptr eseanntdcs o ntrastpsr itnhcosis.Hpe e l e charactaenrciizeepsnh ti losoapsah b ye ew hoswei ngpsr odumcuesi c andfl ighatn dw hot hu"sv isailttlsh eb lsoosmosf t hefi eladn dg ar­ den. .a nd.i nc ollectifnrgo tm heme nriches whiitmhsoetulhtfe leaisntj utroyt heir betahuetisyrm, e lolr,t hetiars "t Teh.eb eei s opposteoda h ouse-buislpdiidwnehgro ,t hinhkesp roduhcieossw n worlfrdo mh imsealnfdi sh encien dependbeuntwt h,oa ctuafleleyd s onfi ltahn dp roduces excArste hmebe netes. a y"sS,o i,n s hortth,e questcioomne asl tlo t hiwsh;e thiesrt hen oblbeeri nogft het wo, thawth icbhy a l azcyo ntemploaftf ioouinrn chreosu nbdy,a no ver­ weenipnrgi dfee,e dianngde ngendeornii ntgs etlufrn,sa liln teox ­ cremeanntd v enomp,r oducniontgh iantga llb,u tf lybaanneda cobweobr;t hawth icbhy a univrearnsgaweli, t lho nsge arcmhu,c h studtyr,u jedu gmenatn,d d istincotfti hoinn gbsr,i nhgosn eayn d wax."3 Thidse scripitsdi roanw fnr oomn eo fS wift's werairtliinegsst, TheB attolfte hB eo okGsu.l livTerra'vwsea lsos n eo fh ilsa test. Through­ outh isl ifSew ifsta wt heQ uarrbeelt wetehne A ncienatnsdt he Modernass t hei ssiunep hysipcose,t rayn,dp olitaincdis t,i si nt he ligohfti tt hahte d irechtiesld i tercaarryea enrd h ipsr actliicfael. Theq uarirset lh ek eyt ot hed ivesrtsrea nofdt sh ivsa riomuasn ;h is standaorfjd dusg menatr ael cll asshiicpsar la;ia snedb lamaer ael ways ina ccowridt thh aotfP latHoe.l earnehdo wt ol ivwei thhiinos w n timien t hep erspecotfai nve ea rloineerS. w iftth,eT orya ndt he HigChh urchmawna,sa r epublaincdaa nn onbeliever. GullivTerra'vsei lsas wl ayssa itdo b ea satainrdte ,h eriesn o reastoonq uarrweiltt hh idse signaBtuitoi nti. sn ots ufficfioern t, satiirsce o nstruwcitteahd v ietwo w hati ss erioaunsdr idiculous, gooadn db adI.t i sn ote nougthos ayt hahtu manf olilsry i dicule, whawta sf oltloAy r istophwaonuelnsdo th avsee emseodt oTe rtullian, andc onversetlhyes. p eIcfiif nitce ntoifto hnes atiirsne o tu ncover:ed, thew orki st rvii aliSzweidfi.tn tendheidbs o okt oi nstrauncdtt ,h e characotfte hra itn strucitsli oosintf w ed on ott aksee riotuhsel y issuheets a kesse riouBsultwy e.d on ote verne cogntihzere e ails sues int heQ uarrleela,tl onter tyo d eciwdhei cshi dhea dt heg reatest sharoeft rutIhno. u rt imeo,n lLye oS trahuasssp roviudsew di tthh e 3GulliveTrr'asv eolpsc., i tp.p,.5 29-30. 38 GIANTS AND DWARFS scholarasnhdti hpe p hilosoipnhsiicgn hetc esstaora y p ropceorn ­ frontaotfia onnc ieanntdsm odemsa,n dh enchei sw orkasr et he prolegomteoan ar ecoveorfS yw iftt'esa chiSnwgi.f tre'jse ctoifo n modemp hysiacnadpl o litsicciaelns ceee mmse reillyl -temipfne orte d vieweidnr elattioao p no ssiablltee rnaatnidiv tie s,L eoS trauwshso hase laboratepdl authsei bnialyit,th yev, i tiamlp ortaonfct eh,a t alternaNtoiwvw eea. r aeb lteot urtnoS wifnto,to nlfyo arm usement, bufto pro ssible gausti ohd oawnw cese h oullidv Feu.r thermSowrief,t 's arotfw riteixnpgl icfiotlllyo wrsh etthoer riuclfaeolspr u bleixcp ression develobpyet dh ea ncienotfws h,i cwhe h avbee erne mindbeyPd r o­ fessSotrr auTshsa.rt h etowraisac r esuolfat c omprehenrseiflveec tion aboutth er elatbieotnw epehni losoapnhdpy o litaincdis t,p ointtos considernaetgiloencsbt yet dh em eno fl ettoeftr hse E nlightenment. GullivTerra'visesi l nsb oth subasntdaf nocraemm odeolft hper oblems whicwhe h avbee enta ugthotr ecognaisoz uero wnb yL eoS trauss. Iti sf itttihnagtt h iess sabyed esigtneodd o h imh onoirt;cs o ntent isb eyonadc knowledgimnednetb tteohd i lse arning. GullivTerra'vsie lsas d iscusosfih ounm anna turpea,r ticuolfa rly politimcaanl,i nt hel igohftt heg reat Isnpg leinte.r tahlep, l aonf theb ooki sa sf olloBwoso:kI ,m odemp olitpircaaclt iecsep,e cially thep olitoifBc rsi taainndF rance; IBIao,no cki epnotl itpircaaclt ice ons omethoifna g R omano rS partmaond elB;o okI IIm,o demp hi­ losopihniy tesff ecotn p olitpircaaclt Biocoek;I V,a ncieuntto pian polituisceasds a s tandfaorjrddu ginmga nu nderstaosto hdem odems wishetdou ndersthainmd.B y" ancieSnwti"fm te anbse longtion g Greecaen dR ome-Greefcoerp hilosoapnhdpy o etrrye,p ublican Romef opro litics. For Swift,i sa Tm hoodmeam4 s. Aquinas Theraer em anyi ndicatoifbo ontsah s ubstanatnidaa lf ormal kindw,h icihn dictahteoe r deorft hep artFso.re xamplGeu,l liver taktehse s amseh itph,Ae d venttuorb eo,t Bhr obdinagnndat gh el and oft heH ouyhnhnmBso.o kIsa ndI IaIr et heo nloyn ewsh icahr e direcstulsyc epotfia bnal nea lyaspipsr oprtioaa r toema na c leLf:i lliput isf uollfc haracctleerasir dleyn tifiaaspb elres oniangB ersi tpioslhi tics, andL aputiasp eoplleadr gbeylm yo derpnh ilosoapnhdem resm bers oft heR oyaAlc ademTyh.e o nlcyl eairdleyn tifimaobdleerne lements inB robdinogrnt ahgel anodf t heH ouyhnhnmasr teh osienE ngland refertroeb dy t het ravelGluilnlgi vWehre.n h ei si nL illiapnudt Laput(an otitchees imilaorfti hteyn amesh)e,t elnlost hionfgh is worlodrn aticvoeu ntryn.e eHndeo tf,o trh er eadsehro urledc ognize •Ibpi.d5 .3,3 . ' GIANTS AND DWARFS: AN OUTLINE OF GULLIVsE RTRAVELS 39 itG;u lliivsae lri eann,dt he intetrheisnitgsti hnwego rlsde etnh rough hiesy eHsi.s perspiestc htaoitfva me a nt otaolultys iEdneg lawnidt;h theB robdingnaangdit ahneHs o uyhnhnhmesi ,sa lEln gliasnhdt, h ey arues uafloliyul sse tdo b rinogu tt hew eaknesisnhe isns a turIent. h e formcears eh,ei su seads t hes tandfaorsrdt rictaugraeisnm sotd ern Englanidnt; h el atter,H outyhhen hnamnsd B robdingnaagriea ns useads a s tandianrc dr itichiizmii nnt gh er oloefa m odernE nglish­ man.I no nes ensteh eb ooiks a lalb ouEtn glainnda ;n othietri ,sa ll abouatn tiquTihteyf .o rmuilssa i mptlhyi wsh:e nh ei sg oodt,h e othearrseb adw;h en ihseb adt,h eayr eg oodT.h eb ado thearrse founidn B ookIsa ndI IIw,h icthr eoaftt her ecognimzoadbelrny. Theg oodo thearrsei nB ookIsI a ndI V,w hicahr ea,t t hel east, removferdo mmo dernitPya.r altlote hlim so vemeinsGt u llivseern'sse ofs hamei;nB ookI h ei ss hamelessd-ehfee caitnae tse mplaen d urinaotnet sh ep alacaen;di nL illitphuept e,o pclaer Ie.nB robding­ nagw,h erteh ecyo ulndo tc arlee shse,i sf ulolfs hamew,i lnlo ta llow himsetlobf e s eepne rformtihnegsf eu nctiaonndhs i,d beesh isnodr rel leasv5.eW e cans ayt haGtu lliivses ro mehoiwnb etween-superior tot hei nferainodir n fertioto hres uperbiuotrn ,e veerq uaHle.l acks somethoifpn egr fectbiuoftnr ,oa mc ertpaoiinn otfv iehwe i ss uperior toh icso ntemporaries. Gulliivnefro rumsos n h irse tufrnr oBmr obdingtnhaaigttw as nont ecessfaohrriy m t ov isLiitl liipnou rtd feorhr i mt os eEen glishmen asL illipuittwi aasnos n;l nye cessfaorhryi mt oh avbee etno B rob­ dingnfaogwr,h enh el andehde,t houghhitm setlobf e t hes izoefa BrobdingnaTghiiwasan s.n ott hec asbeu;t h avisnhga rtehde pierr ­ spectihvece o,u lfdo rgheitrs e asle lafn ds ehei lsi kaessh ew ass een byt heg ian6t Tsh.eE ngliasrhte r uplyyg miTehse.l essiostn h aotn e musstt udByr obdingGnualgl.i ivsea rsa gianitn Lilbleicpauuotsf e whahte h asl earneidnB robdingwnhaegnh; e i sw itthh eB robding­ nagiahnosw,e vehre, rettuornh si sa warenoefsh si msealsaf real Lilliputiraenc.o gnHheii zwsee sa knesbsueths e,i sg reabtec auosfe hisse lf-conscoiros ueslnfe-sksn owHlee dlgeea."rn hso wv aiann a t­ tempitti sf oar m ant oe ndeavtoodr o h imsehlofn oarm ontgh ose whoa roeu to fa ll deogfer qeuea loirtc yo mpariwsiotnhh i m".7 Swifdte'vsi icneL illiapnudBt r obdinginsta otg a kmeo raaln d intelledcitffuearle anncdep sr ojtehcetmi np hysical dimensions. From thissi mpclhea ngeev erytheilnsfgeo lloIwnsw .o rkitnhgi tsr ansfor- 'Ibipdp..2 ,9 -3600,- 6110,3 . "Ibid.p,p .1 68-169. 7Jbid.p'. 1 38. 40 GIANTS AND DWARFS mati,oh nep ursuAersi stostulgeg'ess tthiaotn naitnutreent dhsed if­ ferenicnem se n'sso ultsob er efleicntt ehde biord iaensd t hamte n whosbeo diaersge r eatly superiotrh,se t raetosufeeg msobd lwsio,n ugl d readbiela yc cepatsem da ste8 rAssa. l iterdaervyi cSew,i fttr'asn sfor­ matiowno rkwso nders;lt iefroartl uiervseo ni magaensd s ensations, appealtiofn agn cayn di maginatbiuottn h,e riesn ow ayt hapth ilos­ ophcya nm akea direacptp ebaylm eanosf t hea rtWsh.e nt hei m­ perceptdiibflfee resnosc uedsd enbleyco me powseernfsuuilam la ges, howevearl,l beccolmeeaGsru .l vleira'tst emtpott sa kteh ep hysical beauotfyt heL ilpluitiasnesr iouosrtl hyek,i nogfB robdinghnoalgd'­s ingG ulilveirnh ish anda nda skihnigm i fh ei sa Whigo ra Tory, resuhmuen dreodfps a geosfa rgumeinnat n i nstaAnntd.,m oreover, theg remaat joroiftm ye nc annofto,lr a cokfe xperieunncdee,r stand theg resautp erioofrs iotuwylh icihsh umanly poBsustwi hbelnte h.a t poweirss eeinn t ermosfs izael,ml e n,i fo nly momenktnaorwi ly, whats uperioirsai ntdyr ecogntihzede i fficuilttp ireosd ucfeosir t s posseasnsdot rh osieni tism medivaitcei nTiott ye.ml eln o ft hvea nity ofh umapnr etensmiaoybn ese difybiuntwg h,a ste rmohna st hef orce oft hea bsucrlda itmh aLti lplutii s" thtee rrooftr h eu niverse"? Gullri'vased ventuirnLe isl liapruelt a rgaenle yx posiotfit ohne problefmasc ebdy h ima ndt heL illipubteicaanuossf eh isb igness. Witht heb esotf w ilnle,i therc asnui nddee rsttahnecd o nceronfs theo ther. dTohn eoytb elotnogg ethbeurt, tahrefeyo rcteodg ether, ifo nlbyy t heciorm mohnu manityh-uam anisttyr etcthoie tldsi mits. Hei si mprisobnyte hde ma ndn eedtsh emf ohri msa intenatnhceey; don otk nowh owt og etr iodf h im( itfh ewye rteo k ilhli m,t he stenocfhh isd ecaying mibgohdstyi cken attmhoes phearndea )r e tornb etwefeena arn dd istrounst th,eo neh anda,n dd azzlhionpge s four sinhgi m,o nt he other. Theiisar ggprraovbabltyete mhd e ir visioTnh:eL illiputi"asnewsei tghr eaetx actnbeustas t n o great distea."nT cheys uffefrr oam l ososfp erspectiisvn eo.tt heIfitar u lt; thaitst hew ayt heayr eb uilt. Whatt hiesn taiislb se srte veawlheedn w es eeg iantthsr ough thee yeosf o urC icerone: cnoouthlbidemn ogr er evolttihnatgnh e descripotfti hoen woman's bsreeeatssh ti.n wghsHi ec ahr er eally therbeu,th en ol ongseere tsh e obajsae w chto laet ;h intgh aftr om theh umanp oinotfv ieswh oubledb eautainfdua lt tracbteicvoem es inh ivsi siuognla yn dr epulsOidvoera.sn dt astaerdsei storGtueldl;i ver inB robdingenxapegr ietnhcele ista elrldyi rutnyd ersoifld ief Aen.d thuwse l earnt hatth eL illiputieaxnpse riehnicmea ds h ed idt he 8AristPotollei,1t 2i5c42sb7,,- 39. ' GIANTS AND DWARFS: AN OUTLINE OF GULLIVEsR TRAVELS 41 BrobdingnaOgnieaL nisl.l ipeuvteihnaa nd t hea udactiotc yo mplain ofh issm eloln a hotd aya,l thouhgewh a sr enownfeodhr i scl ean­ line9 sTsh.e yc ann evegrr ashpi ma sh er ealilsty;h ed ifferpeanrtt s seeumg ltyh;e u glinoefns ast ure, dwihsiacphp ienat rhsel igohfti ts unitiyst, h eoivre rwhelimmipnrge ssIinto hne.mo nec anu nderstand them axim" Nom ani sa hertoo h isva lento;tb ecauhseei sn ota herbou tbe cautsheev aliesta valetth.i"nt khI e rcea nb el itdtolueb t thaStw ifbte lietvheegs i anpte'rss pecitsui lvtei maptreolpyo rtionate tot het rupeu rpoosfte h intghse; riesn ota s imprleel ativity. Now,m anyc rithiacvseo bservtehdat th er eceinntv entoifo n them icroscaonpdte h et elescionpfel ueSnwciefdit nh issa tiorne pygmiaensdg ianItfts h.i isst ruoen,e c ana ssertS wtihfmatet a ntto showt hatth ei ncreiansk en owledmgaed ep ossibbylt eh esien stru­ mentisso ffsebtya c orrespolnodsoisfna gw arenoefts hsew holTeh.e Brobdingnhaagviaeaf nasr -reascehnisonefgo rder, totalilny lacking theLi llipuItniB arnosb.d ingenvaegr,y tihsic nogn sidienrr eedl ation tot hek inodf m anw hoi st ob ep roducaenddl, e arnianngd a ctions araec cepotrer de jecitnet de rmosft hisst andard. AlthouGguhl litvreirte oas c itn g oofda iwtiht thh eL illiputians, hefi ndist d ifficutloto bserwvhea tt heoyb seravnedt og ivteh eir opinitohness a mceo smsiicg nifictahnatcthe e gyi vteh emL.i lliipsu t a monarchayn,da llli fcee nteorngs e tticnegr taviani n hoannodr s officetsh;e speu recloyn ventidoinsatli ncftoirotmnh sew holheo rizon oft hei mportpaenrts oinnts h ec ouratn,dG ulliivsea rsk etdot ake thema ss erioausst lhyec ourtdioe,ra sst hougthh inso nsenhsaeda natursatla tGuusl.l ievaernre stly undteolr itviaenkt ehse stee rms: althouhgeih s a Nardaacn dh encoef h ighrearn tkh atnh eL ord­ TreasuGruelrl,i dvoeercs o ncehdiemp recedeinnvc ier toufhe i osf fice. Flattaenrdiy n teraersett h eo nlpyo litmioctailv aensd,t hesvei ces platyh eriorl oen a s tasgeebt y c onfliocfrt e ligbieoluisCe ufr.r ently, thec ountirsdy i vidbeytd h es trugbgeltew etehnes lamecaknsdta hne tramecksanh-tihghehe elasn dt hel owh eelSsw.i fwth,o d evoted hipsu blliicft eot heH igChh urcrhe,p restehnedt isff erebnectew een Torayn dW higa sc onstitbuytt heedd i fferebnectew eHeing Chh urch andL owC hurcahn,d t hes ubstaonftc hea dti fferehnecc eo mpares toa ni nfinitedsiiffmearle innct eh eh eighotfhs e elFsu.r threerc,e nt Lilliphuitsitaonhr aysb eend ominatbeytd h es tribfeet wetehno se whob reatkh eeigrg astt heb iegn da ndt hosweh ob reatkh ema tt he smalaln,d m,o rei mportantly, foirsse tiidglonlm ipnoalbtiyeci dyt . Thidsi spurteeso tnst hei nterpreotfas taicortnee dx atnsd t he king's •Gulliver'osp c.T irtpa.pv,.6e l2s1,,0 11,3 2-33. 42 GIANTS AND DWARFS rigthotd etermtihnece a noniinct erpretFaotrsiu ocinhs. s uweasra sr e fougahntdn atiotnusr nuepds iddoew nG.u lvleiirs w illtionh ge lhpi s countbruyto, n lfyo irt ssef l-defehnesh ea;sn oc rusadfienrgv or.10 Then oblemwahno p resetnhtesp oiltico-resliitguiaottuioso n Gullivceorn clubdyec si titnhgew ordosf t heB lundecr"aAllt:lr ue beliebvreerastk h eeigrg astt hec onvenieennd"t." And",h ec ontin­ ues",w hicihst hec onvenieenndts, e emisnm yh umbloep initoon , bel eftote vermya n'cso nscieonrac tel ,e aisntt hep oweorft hec hief magisttroad teet erem."i Gnullivefrr'ise pnrdo poas reisd icusloo­us lutitoona ridicuplrooubsl aenmd r esumetsh,e retbhye,r angoef solutpiroonpso isentd h es eventeaenndet ihg hteceenntthu rtiote hse quetsiopno sebdy t hed emandosft her evealed roenlc iigvsiiool­n s ciety. Therwea sf irtshtes ptlb ietweCeant holaincdP rotestant and thetnh abte tweHeing ahn dL ow Churecahc,ph r etentdiopn ogs sess thea uthoritvaiteoiwfv d ei vitnhei nwghsi ch must guildief ep.o litical Duet ot hei rrneccoilaboiftl hiett wyo o pponeanntdts h ew arwsh ich werteh eciorn sequetnhceert,eh eanr oasse c howohli csha itdh atth e kinsgh oudledc itdhee isses uoeras,l ternatiavnedml oyr,ie m portantly, thatth ermeu stb ef reedionmt hesmea ttetrhsa,tt h ec onscience cannobte f orceTdh.i ss chowoals s tronsgulpyp ortiefod n,l y on prudengtrioauln bdyst ,h em inorsiettcys w,h os awt heb asfiostr h eir preserviantt ihoedn o ctroifnt eh ef reedoofmt hec onscieTnhcies. wayo ft hinkwianstg h seo urocfte h pe eculimaordleyrnl ibertarianism, whichho ldtsh aat d eterminoaftt ihoesn u preemned csa nnobtea parotft hep otliicfauln ctainodtn h atth esaer em aat tfeorir n dividual decisiTohinds.o ctriwnhei,cw ha si ni tbse ginnianm gesr ceo mpro­ misien o rdteroa voicdi vwialr sl,a tbeerc amaeb solauntdie sc ertainly familtioua srI. n t hem outohf t hidsw arifts ounrdisd iculsoeuns­ly tentioHuissf. o rmluatimouns bte c omparweidt thh aotft hek inogf Brobdingcnoamgm,e ntoinnt gh es amper obleHmel. a ughaetGd u l­ live"ro'dsdk inodf a rithm"e taish ce,w asp leasteocd a lilt ",i n reckontihneg numobfeo rusrp eopblyea computationf rdorma wn thes evesreaclat mso nugs i,n r eligainodpn o litHiecs sa.ih de k new nor easwohny t hosweh o entertainp roeupjdiincitiooatn lhs ep ublic shoubledo bligtoec dh angoers hounlodtb eo bligteoc do ncetahle m. And,a si tw ast yraninnya nyg overnmetnotr equitrheefi rssto,i t wasw eaknensostt oe nfortchees econfdo;ar m anm ayb ea llowed tok eeppo isoinnhs i csl osbeutnt,o tt ov entdh eamb ouftoc ro rdi"IaIl s. 10[bpipd.5. 1,- 535,7 -58. "ibipd..1 ,4 7c;f .e,. gS.w,i fOnt ,t hTee stiomfCo onnys ci("eTnhcPere o sWeo rkosf ' GIANTS AND DWARFS: AN OUTLINE OF GULLIVsE RTRAVELS 43 Thiiss S wifotw'nsv ieowf t hem attaenrd a ccorwdist chl astsriac­ ditioTnhsi.s vpireews upptohsateths e riesa sensiubnldee rstga ndin oft hep olitibceanlelfyit chiaaat l r umlaeyra cquiarnedt hatth eries nor eastoonc ompromtihseue n derstanding tcoto hnegd eunceirvael welfawriett hh ef reedooffm a natmiicnaolr si.At lihteougthh iisst he resaonabploes itiiotdn o,en so ti mpltyh atg,i vepna rticcuilracru m­ stancoetsh,ed ro ctrimniegshn to tb em omentanreicleys soarhr eyl p­ fult;h eo nltyh inign sisotnie sdt hapta rtaynd s ecatr ie nt hemselves noxioaunsdt haat g oodr egimmues tb er iodf t hemT.h ek inogf Brobdincgonualgsd p eawki th reelaastieint v hee smeat tefrostr,h ere wasn oh istoofrr ye ligdiffioeurse nocrwe a rfairnhe i rse alTmh.eo nly politpircoabll weams t hec lasasnidcn aturoanlea monkgi ngn,o ­ bitlyia,n dp eoplaen,dt hahta db eesno lvleodn bge fobryet hee s­ tablishomfae b natl ancreedg i1m2e . Swifhti msellifva etda tiwmhee nh is nahtaidlo onn bge esnp lit byd ffierencoefbs e liwehfi cihs suiendp olitpiacratliH eest .o oak stropnagr sttya nfdo,hr e b elvieedt haotn ltyh routghhep artcioeusl d anyp olitgiocaabllesa cheiveidn h iasg eH.e t riteodc hootsheem ost reasbolnaael ternattihveoe n,ew hicwho ulbde sptr ovitdheem oral­ basfiosar d ecernetg iamned t hep roductoifgo ono mde na ndg ood citizBeuntts h.e riesn od oubtth ahte r egarhdiessdi tuaatsid oen­ fectiFvaerb. e ttweoru lbde a reginmoet v exebdy s ucdhi spuatneds habiotfsb elioenfe,i nw hicthh er ulecrosu lbde g uidbeydr eason andf acticoonu lbdel egmiattiesluyp prewsistehdo tuhtes uppression havitnhge c haracotfoe nre f anathiaclaoflft hen atiiomnp osiintgs conivcotniso nt heo theerq uaflalnya thiaclaBflu. tm oroef t hilsa ter. Fotrh meo menitit ss u ffitcois eantyth arte ligiitsoh cnee ntprraolb lem ofm odernfiotSryw ifatn;di nh is uttohppeir aosb lieesm ih tehr andled ina pagawna yo ri st otaslulpyp resAs leda.r gpaer otf G ulvleir's difficiunlL tiipleulstia redu e atf oa iltuoru en dersttahnids problem ort ot akaes tanicner elattioio tn. Thek indofsc ompromtihsaemtsu sbte m adeb yt hper udemnatn inp olitairceis n dicaitnCe hda ptVeIro fB ookI .T his chaipst er usuarlelgya radesad l ateirn,h armonaidoduist iionwn h,i cShw ift exposheisos w nv ieawb outth ep olitgiocoadTl.h ec haptiesir n tro­ duceodn t hep reteoxfpt r esentthiean ngc ieinnts tituotfL iioplnulsti , whichha vbee comceo rrupIttei dso. f teanr gutehda tth esaer en ot consonantw hwaitht ahsp recedaendda reo nlay v ehicfloSerw ift's JonathSawni ftV,o"lI .V [ London: GBeeolrl1g,8e 9 8p]p)1.,2 0-2T2h;eS entiments ofa C hurocfEh n glaMnadni ,b iIdI.I5,,5 . 11GulslT irvaevreo'lp cs.i, t p..1, 5 6. 44 GIANTS AND DWARFS expresosfio opni nioHnow.e vere,v ena superfriecaidailon ftg his sectiwoonu lsdh owt hatth ei nstituatrieno ontts h es amea st hose usebdy t heB robdingnoargt ihaeHn osu yhnhnwmhso,a rcel eaarnldy explicsittalttyeo bd e t hem odelTsh.e sien stituatriueon ndso ubtedly ani mprovemoefLn it llipauctt'usa l govearnsmG eunltl,is vteart es. Butt heayr ej usatsu ndoubtae dcloym promwiisteth h eb esitn sti­ tutiobnass,eo dnt her eaplr actaincdep sr inciopfel iegsh teenth-cen­ turEyn glaSnwdi.f ptr opoasr eesf orbmu,tn ott haotfa ni dealHies t. knowtsh arto oatn db rancchh angaersei mpossiobnleme u;s bte gin frotmh ec haracotfte hro sweh oa rteo b er eformed. Theriesm ucho fJ ohLno ckien w haGtu llirveelra tFersa.ui ds oneo ft heg reatoefcs rti mienst hek ingdofmo,wr i thoturtu csrte dit isd estroRyeewda.r fdosvr i rtausew elals p unishmefnovtris c aer e establitshhere edw;a rcdosn siosfst u mso fm oneyC.o mmercaen d mone-yessentisaelllfiiysn ht erestu-saerades t heb asfiosrr e form, andt hem otivatfiodoren c ecnotn duicsgt a in. Mortehoesv yesrt,e m ofe ducatsieopna rates frpoacmrhe inltdsra elnl,o wtihnecg h ildtroe n ber aisbeydt hes tabteec au"steh ewyi lnle vearl lotwh aat c hilids undearn yo bligattoih oifnsa thfeorbr e getthiinmgo, r t oh imso ther fobrr inghiinmgi nttoh ew orlwdh,i ccho nsidetrhiemn igs eroife s humanl ifwea,s n eithae bre nefiinit t senlorfi ,n tendseobd y h is parenwthso,s teh oughitnst ,h eir elnocvoeu ntweerrseo, t herwise employ"e Tdh.ep arents cbaetn rnuosttt eoed d ucatthee cihri ldren becautshee ayr en aturaclolmyp letseellyf iTshhu.st hec hildarreen tob et rainteodc itizenbsyht hieps tatteh;ef ormurleap eatthse teachoifnL go ckoen fi lial oblTihgeastteih ornec.er uchieaald osf three forremso tna p rincoifpe lgeo tiAs fmo.u ritsth h aatlL li lliputians musbte lieivnae d iviPnreo videncoen,p ubrueptlo yl itgircoauln ds. Theikri ngcsl aitmob ed eputoifeP sr ovidehnecnec;te h eaiurt hority woulbde u ndermibnyed di sbelTiheefra.er eo thepro ssibbalseef so r respfecoatru thorbiuttgy i,v etnh eE nglish sitthuiiasstt hieoo nnl,y viabolnee T.h es pecicfiocn teonftt h eb eliiesnf o tm adep reciIste . isc onsiswtietnahtp luraolfis teyc tGsu.l liovuetrl ians eesot f i nsti­ tutiwohnisc who ulbdeg oofdo Lri llipugtiivaetnnhs e,si pre cicfhiacr ­ actear w;i smea nc oulsdu ppotrhte mw itah g oocdo nsciebnucte , witfhu lalw arentehsasot t heirn stitumtiigohbntes m orea dmirable, givean b ettpeero plTeh.i msi ghmta keh ims eemt ob ei nc ontra­ dictiwointh hi mseblufth, e w oulodn lsye esmo . Gullivdeirs'assi tnLe irl liopcuctub resc auhseei st oob ifgo trh e Lilliputthiesa pnesc;i cfihca rgaegsa inhsitma reo nlcyo rolloafr ies thafta cTth.e o utcowmaes i nevitaCbilveis.lo ciectayn noetn dure sucdhi sproportionatietm ugsretei atthsneuerbs msii;tt s teolt fh eo ne

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