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An Outline of Philosophy PDF

312 Pages·1951·11.849 MB·English
by  RussellB.
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AN OUTLINEO F PHILOSOPHY BY BERTRANRDU SSELL LONDON GEORGEA LLEN& U:t\"WINL TD MUSEUMS TREET Fi,..jJ$:JJC HsluidnC re.Bani' fai1n9 .o17 Suvndm prIu u·o1.,.9 32 TMrd lmpreuio1n9 -.1 Foi.rllhm prnsio1n9 -.8 F:Jt/hm prtJJi1t9-.J911 Sixt/hm prew'<1m9 51 ·p,,,!J/itlrt"aIj yar,1tfi .tililN1 dU .Sun.tkA,..1 11l1i l"/P1H ILOSOPHV11 Thisb ook£ sc opyriu'gnhdte trJ uB erneC onventiNoon . portimoany b er eprodubcyea dn yp rocewsist hout wn·tten permissiionnq.u ir1iheosu /dabded ressetdhp eut bolz' shers. CONTENTS CHAP. I.P HILOSOPHDIOCU BTS • PART I MAN FROM WITHOUT Il.M AN ANDH ISE NVIROMNENT 19 III.T HE PROCF.SS OF LEARNINGI N ANIMALS AND INFANTS 32 IV.L ANGUAGE 46 V. PERCEPl'IOOBNJ ECTIVREELGYA RDED 61 VI.M EMORYO BJECTIVREELGYA RDED 73 VII.I NFERENCAES A HABIT Ba VIII.KN OWLEDGEB EHAVIOURISTICCOANLSLIYD ERED 91 PART II THE PHYSICAL WORLD IX. THB STRUCTUREO FT HEA TOM 103 X. RELATIVITY II3 XI. CAUSAL LAIWNSP HYSICS 120 XII.P HYSICASN DP ERCEPTION 129 XIII.P HYSICAALN DP ERCEPTUSAPLA CE 143 XIV. PERCEPTIAONND P HYSICACLA USAL LAWS 150 XV. THE NATUREO FO URK NOWLEDGOEF PHYSICS 157 PART III MAN FROM WITHIN XVI. SELF-OBSERVIAOTN XVII.I MAGF.S . v vi AN OUTLINE OF PHILOSOPHY CHAP. PAGE XVIII.I MAGINATIOANN D MEMORY • 195 XIX. THE INTROSPECTIAVEN ALYSIOSF PERCEPTION 209 XX. CONSCIOUSNESS? 218 XXL EMOTION,D ESIREA,N D WILL 226 XXII.E THICS • 233 PART IV THE UNIVERSE XXIll.S OME GHEATP HILOSOPHIOEFS THE PAST 247 XXIV. TRUTH AND FALSEHOOD 265 XXV. THE VALIDITOYF INFERECNE 277 XXVI. EVENTSM,A TTER,A ND i\1IND 287 XXVII. MAN'SP LACEI N THE UNIVERSE 303 INDEX 313 CHAPTER I PHILOSOPHDIOCUB TS PERHAPiSt m ightb e expecttehda It shoulbde giwni tha definitoifo' n' philosobpuhtyr,"i ,g htolrwy r onglIy d,o n ot propotsoed os o.T hed efinitoifo" np hilpohsoy"w ilvla ry accordtiont gh ep hilosowpeha yd opt; alwle c tahnsa atyt o begiwni tihs t hatth eraer ec ertapirno blemwsh,i cche rtain peoplfien di nteregs,at nidnw hicdho n ota,t l eaasttp resent, belontgoa nyo ft hes pecisacli enceTsh.e se probalreeam lsl sucahs t or aidsoeu btcso ncernwihnagtc ommonlpya ssfeosr knowledgaen;di ft hed oubtasr et ob ea nsweriedtc, a no nly beb ym eanso fa specisatlu dtyo,w hicwhe g ivteh en ame "philosophy". Tthheefir resfstot reeip n d efinin"gp hi­lo sophyi"st hei ndicaotfit ohne sper obleamnsd d oubtwsh,i ch isa lstoh efi rsstt eipn t hea ctusatlu doyfp hilosopThhye.r e ares omea mongt het raditipornoabll eomfsp hilosotphhayt don ots eemt om et ol entdh emseltvoie nst elletcrteuaatlm ent, becautshee tyr anscoeunrd cognpiotwievress ;u cph roblems I shalnlo td eawl ith.T herea reo therhso,w eveasr ,t o whiche,v enif a finals olutiiosnn o tp ossiabtlpe r eseynett, muchc anb ed onet os how tdhier ectiinwo hni cah s olution ist ob es oughatn,d t hek inodfs olutitohnamt a yi nt ime prove possible. Philosoaprhiys ferso ma nu nusuaolblsyt inate attot empt arrivaetr eakln owledgWeh.a tp assefso rk nowledigne ordinalirfey s ufferfsr omt hredee fectisti: sc ocksuvraeg,u e, ands elf-contradTihcetfi orrsyst.t etpo wardpsh ilosophy consiisntb se cominagw aroef t hesdee fecntost,i no rdetro rescto ntewnitt ah l azsyc epticbiustim n,o rdetro s ubstitute 2 AN OUTLINEO F PHILOSOPHY ana mendekdi ndo fkn owledgweh ichs halble tentative, precisaen,d s elf-consiTshteerneti .s o fc oursaen other qualiwthyi chw e wisho urk nowledtgoep ossensasm,e ly, comprehensivewnee wsiss:ht hea reoaf o urk nowledtgoe bea s> vidaesp ossiblBeu.tt hiiss t heb usineosfss c ience rathetrh ano fp hilosopAh ym.a n doesn otn ecessarily becomaeb ettpehri losotphhreoru kgnho winmgo res cientific factsi;t i sp rincipalndem se thodasn dg enercaoln ceptions thath e shoullde arfnr oms cienicfep hilosoipshwy h at interehsitms. T he philosophweorr'kis s s,o t os peaka,t thes econrde movfer omc rudfea ctS.c ientcrei teosc ollect facts ibnutnod lebsy m eanso fs cientliafiwcs ; tlhaewsse, rathetrh ant heo riginfaalc tasr,e t her awm aterioafl philosopPhhyi.l osopihnyv olvae csr iticoifss mc inetific knowledgneo,tf roma poinotf v iewu ltimatdeilffye rent fromt haotf s cienbcuet,fr om ap oinotfv iewl escso ncerned withd etaialnsdm orec oncernewdi tht heh armonoyf t he wholbeo dyo fs pecisacli ences. The special sciheanvceae lsgl r own up by theu seo f notiodnesr ivfreodm commons ensseu,c ahs t hinagnsd t heir qualitsipeasc,e t, imea,n dc ausatioSnc.i enciet sehlafs shownt hanto neo ft hesceo mmon-sennsoet iownisl qlu ite servef ort hee xplanatoifto hne w orldb;u ti ti sh ardltyh e provinocfea nys pecisacli entcoeu ndertatkheen ecessary reconstruocftfu inodna mentalTsh.i sm ustb et heb usiness ofp hilosophIy w.a ntt os ayt,o b egiwni tht,h aIt b elieve itt ob ea busineosfvs e rgyr eaitm portancIe b.e lietvhea t thep hilosopheircraolri snc ommon-senbseel ienfosto nly producceo nfusini osnc ienbcuet,a lsdoo h armi ne thiacnsd politiicnss o,c iialn stitutainodin nst ,h ec onducotfe very­ dayl ife.I tw ilble n op arotf m y busineisnst ,h ivso lume, top oinotu tt hesper actiecffaelc tosf baa dp hilosopmhyy : businewsislb le p ureliyn tleelctuaBlu.ti fI am rightth,e intelleacdtvueanlt uwrheisc hl ibee forues h avee ffectisn manyd irectiwohnisc hs eema,t fi rssti ghqtu,i tree mote from ourt heme.T hee ffecotfo urp assiuonpso no ur beliefs forms a favouristueb jeocftm odemp sychologbiusttts h;e converesffee ctth,a otf o urb elieufsp ono urp assioanlss,o PHILOSOPHICD OUBTS 3 existtsh,o ugihti sn ots ucha sa no lda-sfhioniendt ellec­ tualpissytc holwooguyl hda vseu pposeAdl.t houIgs hh all notd iscuistsw, e s hadllow eltlo b eairt i nm indin, order tor ealitshea to urd iscussmiaoyn sh aveb earinugpso n mattelrysi nogu tsitdhees pheroefp urien tellect. I mentionae mdo menta got hredee fecitnsc ommon belienfasm,e lyt,h at tahreecy ocksuvraeg,u ea,n ds elf­ contradictIotir syth .e busineosfps h ilosotpohc yo rrect thesdee fectssof ara si tc an, witthhoruotw ionvge krn ow­ ledgael togethTeor b.e a goodp hilosopah mearn,m ust havae strondge sitroek nowc,o mbinweidt ghr eacta ution inb elievtihnaght e knows;h e musta lshoa vel ogical acumena ndt heh abiotf e xactth inkinAgl.lt hesoef, coursaer,ea matteorfd egreeV.a gueneisnsp ,a rticular, belongisn,s omed egreteo,a lhlu mant hinkinwge; c an diminiistih n definitbeultwy e,c ann evearb oliistwh h olly. Philosoaphcyc,o rdinigsal cyo,n tinuaicntgi vniottys ,o me­ thinign w hicwhe can achfiineavplee rfectioonnc feo ra ll. Int hirse spepchti,l osohpahssy u fferfreodm itass sociation witht heologTyh.e ologidcoaglm asa refi xeda,n da re regardbeyd t heo rthodaosxi ncapaobfli em provement. Philosophhaevretso oo ftetnr ietdop rodusciem ilafirnlayl systemtsh:e yh aven otb eenc ontewnitt ht heg radual approximattihoasntas t ismfieendo fs ciencIen.t hitsh ey seemt om e toh aveb een mistaPkheinl.o sosphhoyu lbde piecemaenadlp rovisiloinkaselc iencfien;a tlr utbhe longs toh eavenno,tt ot hiwso rld. Thet hredee fecwthsi chI havem entionaerdei nter­ connectaenddb, yb ecomianwga roef a nyo new e mayb e ledt or ecogntihseoe t her tIww oi.l ill lustarltalht ree bey a fewe xamples. Letu st akfier stth eb elefiin commono bjecstusc,ha s tablaensd c haiarnsd t reesW.e alfle eqlu itseu raeb out thesieno rdinalriyfa en,dy eto urr easofnosrc onfidenacree realvleyr iyn adequaNtaei.v ceo mmons ensseu pposes that theayr ew hatth eayp petarob eb,u tt haitsi mpossible, since theydo nota ppeaerx actallyi kteoa nyt wos imultaneous observeartsl ;e asitti, si mpossiifb tlheeo bjeisc ta single 4 AN OUTLINE OF PHILOSOPHY thintgh,es amef oral olb serverIsf.w ea reg ointgo a dmit thatth eo bjeicsnt o tw hatw es eew,e c ann ol onrgf eeetlh e same assutrhaanttch ee ries a n objectth;i iss t hefi rst intrusoifod no ubt. Howwevee srh,a ll spreeedciolvye r from thisse -tbacka,n ds ay tohfac to ursteh eo bjecis t "reallwyh"a tp hysiscasy ist i s.N1o w physiscasy tsh at a tabloer a chaiirs" reallayn"i ncredivbalsyt system of electraonndps r otoinnsr apimdo tiowni,t ehm ptsyp acien betweenT.h isi sa lvle rwye llB.u tt hep hysicliisktteh, e ordinamrya n,i sd ependeunpto nh isse nsfeostr h e existence oft hep hysiwcoarll dI.f y oug ou p toh ims olemnalnyd say",W oulydo ub es ok inads t ot elmle ,a sa p hysicwihsatt, ac hair riesa?ly"lo yuw ilgle atl earnaends werB.u ti fy ou sayw,i thopurte ambl'e'I,ts h erae c haitrh ereh?e"wi ll say",O fc ourtshe eries ;c an'yto us eei t?"T o this you oughtto r epliynt hen egativYeo.uo ughtto s ay, "IN o, seec ertapiant choefsc oloubru,tI don'ste ea nye lectrons orp rotonasn,dy out elmle thatth eya rew hata chair consiosft"s. H e mayr eply":Y esb,u ta largneu mbeorf electraonndsp rotocnlso steo gethleoro k lai pkaet cohf colour'"'.W hadtoy oum eanb y' loolki ke'y?o"uw iltlh en ask.H e isr eadwyi than answerH.e meanst halti ght­ wavess tarfrto m thee lectroannsd p roton(so rm,o re probabalrye,r eflectbeyd t hemf roma sourcoef l ight), reacthh ee yeh,a vea serioefse ffectusp ont her odasn d conetsh,e o ptince rve, tahnebd r aiann,d fi nalplryo duac e sensatiBount.h eh asn evesre eann eyeo ra no ptince rve ora braiann,y m oret hahne h ass eean c haihre:h aso nly seepna tchoefsc olowuhri chh,e s aysa,r ew hate ye"sl ook like"T.h ati st os ayh,e t hintkhsa tth es ensatyioouhn a ve when( asy out hinyko)u s eea c haihra,sa serioefsc auses, physicaanldp sychooglicablu,ta llo ft hemo,n hiso wn showinlgi,ee ssentiaanldlf yo revoeurt siedxep erience. Nevertehseshl,e p retentdobs a shei ss cienucpeo no bserva- 1 I am nott hinknigh ereo ft he elemenpthayrsyi tcobs e fo und in a schootle xt-bookI; a m thinkionfgm odern theorepthiycsailcm so,r e particulaarsrl ye gartdhses tructuorefa tomsa,s t ow hichI s halhla v< moreto say lina tecrha pters. PHILOSOPHICD OUBTS 5 tionO.b vioustlhye rise h erea problefmo rt hel ogician, a problebme longinnogtt op hysics,t oqb uuitt aen other kind sotfu dyT.h isi sa firsetx ampoleft hew ayi n which thep ursuoifpt r ecisdieosnt rcoeyrst ainty. Thep hysicbieslti etvheasht e infehrisse lectraonnds protofrnosm whath ep erceivBeust.t hei nfereinsnc eev er clearsleyfot rthi na logical acnhdai,if in t,w erei,tm ight notl oosku fficienptllayu sitbolw ea rramnutc hc onfidence. Ina ctuafla ctth,e w holdee velopmfernotmc ommon-sense objecttose lectraonndsp rotonhass b eeng overnebdy certabienl iesfesl,d ocmo nsciobuust,e xistining every naturmaaln . Theseb elieafrsen otu nalterabbultte h,e y growa ndd evleopl ikae t reeW.e starbytt hinkitnhgaa t chairi sa si ta ppeatrobs e,a ndi ss titlhle rweh enw ea ren ot lookinBgu.t w e find,b ya little retflheacttth ieostnew, o belieafsr ei ncompatiIbflt eh.ec haiirst op ersiisntd e­ pendenotflb ye ings eebny u s,i tm ustb es omething other thant hep atcohf c olowuer seeb,e cautshei iss fountdo depend ucpoonndi iotnesx tranetootu hsec haisru,c ahs h ow thel igfahltl wsh,e thweer a rew earibnlgu sep ectacalneds , soo n. Thisf orctehsem ano fs cientcore e gatrhde " real" chaiarst hec aus(eo ra ni ndispenpsaarbotlf et hec ausoef) ours ensatiwohnesnw e seet hec hairT.h usw e arec om­ mittetdoc ausataisoa nn a priboerliiw eift howuhti cwhe shoulhda ven or easofonr suppostihnagtt h erise a "real" chair ata llAl.s o,f ort hes akoef p ermanenwceeb rinign then otioofns ubstantchee": r ealc"h aiisr a s ubstanocre , collecotfis ounb stanpcoesss,e sosfep de rmanenacnedt he powert oc aussee nsatioTnhsi.sm etaphysbieclailhe afs operatmeodr,eo rl esusn conscioiunst lhyei, n ferefrnocme senastiotnose lectraonndps r otonTsh.e p hilosompuhsetr drag sbueclhi ienftsto h el igohftd aya,n ds eew hethtehre y stislulr vivOef.t eint wbiel lf oundt hatt heyd ieo n exposure. Letu sn ow taukpea nothpeori ntT.h ee videnfcoera physilcaawlo, r f or anys cientliafiwac,l wayisn volbvoetsh memorya ndt estimonWye. h avet or elbyo thu ponw hat wer emembetorh avoeb servoendf o rmeorc casiaonndso ,n 6 AN OUTLINE OF PHILOSOPHY what otshaeytr hse y hoabvsee rveIdn.t hev erbye ginnings ofs cienictme a,y h avbee enp ossisbolmee timteods i spense witthe stimobnuytv; e rsyo oenv ersyc ientiinfivce stigation begatno b eb uilutp onp reviouasslcye rtariesnueldt asn,d thutso d epenudp onw hato thehrasd r ecordeIdn.f act, withotuhte c orroboraotfti eosnt imowne ys hould hardly haveh ad much confiind etnhceee x isteonfcp eh ysical objectSso.m etimpese oplseu ffefrro m hallucinatthiaotn s, ist os ayt,h etyh intkh ey perceiveo bpjheycbstuistc, a la re notc onfirmeidnt hibse libeyft het estimoofno yt hersI.n suchc asewse, d ecidteh atth eya rem istakeInt.i st he similabreitwteye nt hep erceptioofdn isff erepneto ple in similsairt uattihoanmtsa keuss f eeclo ndfienotf t hee xternal causatoifoo nu rp erceptibountsfo ;r this, whantaeivveer beliewfes m ighhta veh ad inp hysicoablj ecwtosu lhda ve beend issipaltoendga go.T husm emorya nd testimony are essenttois acli encNee.v ertheelaecsohsf ,t hesieso pen toc riticbiyst mh es ceptiEcv.e nif we succeemdo,r eo r lessin, meetihnig sc riticwies smh,a lilfw, e arer ational, bel efwti tahl escso mplectoen fideninc oeu ro rigibnealli efs thawne h adb eforeO.n cem orew,e s hablelc omlee scso ck­ suraes w eb ecommeo rea ccurate. Bothm emory andt estimolneya uds i nttoh es phere of psycholoIgs yh.a nlolt a tt hisst agdei scuss beeiytohnedr thep oinattw hiciht i sc leatrh atth eraer eg enuipnhei lo­ sophipcraolb letmobs e s olvedIs. h ablelg iwni tmhe mory. Memoryi sa w ordw hich ahv aasr ieotfmy e aningTsh.e kindt hata mI c oncernweidt aht t hem omenti st her ecol­ lectioonfp asotc currencTehsi.si ss on otoriofuaslllyi ble thaetv ereyx perimemnatkeers r eac oorfdt her esuolfth is experimaetnt th ee arlipeossts imbolmee nt:he c onsiders thei nferefrnocme wr ittewno rdtso p asetv ents llieksesl y tob em istaktehna nt hed irect bwehliicehcf osn stitute memory.B uts omet imet,h uoghp erhaposn lya ewf secondmsu,s te lapsbee tweent heo bservatiaonnd the makinogf t her ecorudn,l estsh er ecoridss ofr agmentary thamte moryi sn eedetdo i nterpirte.Tt h usw e do not escapfreo m then eedo ft rustmienmgo ryt os omed egree,

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