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AN OPTIMAL SUBGRADIENT ALGORITHM FOR LARGE-SCALE BOUND-CONSTRAINED CONVEX OPTIMIZATION MASOUD AHOOKHOSH∗ AND ARNOLD NEUMAIER† Abstract. This paper shows that the OSGA algorithm – which uses first-order information to solve convex optimization problems with optimal complexity – can be used to efficiently solve arbitrarybound-constrainedconvexoptimizationproblems. Thisisdonebyconstructinganexplicit methodaswellasaninexactschemeforsolvingthebound-constrainedrationalsubproblemrequired byOSGA.ThisleadstoanefficientimplementationofOSGAonlarge-scaleproblemsinapplications 5 arisingsignalandimageprocessing,machinelearningandstatistics. Numericalexperimentsdemon- 1 strate the promising performance of OSGA on such problems. ions to show the efficiency of the 0 proposedscheme. AsoftwarepackageimplementingOSGAforbound-constrainedconvexproblems 2 isavailable. n Keywords. bound-constrainedconvexoptimization,nonsmoothoptimization,first-orderblack- a J boxoracle,subgradientmethods,optimalcomplexity,high-dimensionaldata 7 AMS subject classifications. 90C2590C6090C0665K05 ] C 1. Introduction. LetV beafinite-dimensionalrealvectorspaceandV∗ itsdual O space. Inthispaperweconsiderthebound-constrainedconvexminimizationproblem . h min f(Ax) (1.1) at s.t. x∈x, m where f : x → R is a – smooth or nonsmooth – convex function, A : Rn → Rm [ is a linear operator, and x = [x,x] is an axiparallel box in V in which x and x are 1 the vectors of lower and upper bounds on the components of x, respectively. (Lower v bounds are allowed to take the value −∞, and upper bounds the value +∞.) 7 Throughoutthepaper,(cid:104)g,x(cid:105)denotesthevalueofg ∈V∗ atx∈V. Asubgradient 9 of the objective function f at x is a vector g(x)∈V∗ satisfying 4 1 f(z)≥f(x)+(cid:104)g(x),z−x(cid:105), 0 . 1 for all z ∈ V. It is assumed that the set of optimal solutions of (1.1) is nonempty 0 and the first-order information about the objective function (i.e., for any x ∈ x, the 5 function value f(x) and some subgradient g(x) at x) are available by a first-order 1 : black-box oracle. v Motivation & history. Bound-constrained optimization in general is an important i X problem appearing in many fields of science and engineering, where the parameters r describing physical quantities are constrained to be in a given range. Furthermore, it a plays a prominent role in the development of general constrained optimization meth- ods since many methods reduce the solution of the general problem to the solution of a sequence of bound-constrained problems. There are lots of bound-constrained algorithms and solvers for smooth and nons- mooth optimization; here, we mention only those related to our study. Lin & More´ in [28] and Kim et al. in [24] proposed Newton and quasi-Newton methods for solv- ing bound-constrained optimization. In 1995, Byrd et al. [14] proposed a limited ∗FacultyofMathematics,UniversityofVienna,Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz1,1090Vienna,Austria. ([email protected]) †FacultyofMathematics,UniversityofVienna,Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz1,1090Vienna,Austria. ([email protected]) 1 2 M. Ahookhosh and A. Neumaier memory algorithm called LBFGS-B for general smooth nonlinear bound-constrained optimization. Branchetal. in[13]proposedatrust-regionmethodtosolvethisprob- lem. Neumaier & Azmi [36] solved this problem by a limited memory algorithm. The smooth bound-constrained optimization problem was also solved by Birgin et al. in [9] and Hager & Zhang in [25, 26] using nonmonotone spectral projected gradient methods, active set strategy and affine scaling scheme, respectively. Some limited memory bundle methods for solving bound-constrained nonsmooth problems were proposed by Karmitsa & Ma¨kela¨ [20, 21]. Inrecentyearsconvexoptimizationhasreceivedmuchattentionbecauseitarises in many applications and is suitable for solving problems involving high-dimensional data. The particular case of bound-constrained convex optimization involving a smooth or nonsmooth objective function also appears in a variety of applications, of which we mention the following: Bound-constrained linear inverse problems. Given A,W ∈ Rm×n, b ∈ Rm and λ∈R, for m≥n, the bound-constrained least-squares problem is given by 1 min f(x):= (cid:107)Ax−b(cid:107)2+λϕ(x) 2 2 (1.2) s.t. x∈x, and the bound-constrained l problem is given by 1 min f(x):=(cid:107)Ax−b(cid:107) +λϕ(x) 1 (1.3) s.t. x∈x, wherex=[x,x]isaboxandϕisasmoothornonsmoothregularizer,oftenaweighted power of a norm; see Section 4 for examples. The problems (1.2) and (1.3) are commonly arising in the context of control and inverseproblems,especiallyforsomeimagingproblemslikedenoising,deblurringand inpainting. Morini et al. [29] formulated the bound-constrained least-squares prob- lem (1.2) as a nonlinear system of equations and proposed an iterative method based on a reduced Newton’s method. Recently, Zhang & Morini [39] used alternating direction methods to solve these problems. More recently, Chan et al. in [16], Bo? et al. in [11], and Bo? & Hendrich in [10] proposed alternating direction methods, primal-dual splitting methods, and a Douglas-Rachford primal-dual method, respec- tively, to solve both (1.2) and (1.3) for some applications. Content. In this paper we show that the optimal subgradient algorithm OSGA pro- posedbyNeumaierin[33]canbeusedforsolvingbound-constrainedproblemsofthe form(1.1). InordertorunOSGA,oneneedstosolvearationalauxiliarysubproblem. We here investigate efficient schemes for solving this subproblem in the presence of boundsonitsvariables. Tothisend,weshowthatthesolutionofthesubproblemhas a one-dimensional piecewise linear representation and that it may be computed by solving a sequence of one-dimensional piecewise rational optimization problems. We also give an iterative scheme that can solve OSGA’s subproblem approximately by solving a one-dimensional nonlinear equation. We give numerical results demonstrat- ingtheperformanceofOSGAonsomeproblemsfromapplications. Morespecifically, in the next section, we investigate properties of the solution of the subproblem (2.1) thatleadtotwoalgorithmsforsolvingitefficiently. InSection3,wereportnumerical results with artificial and real data, where to solve large-scale imaging problems we use the inexact scheme to find the solution of OSGA’s subproblem. Finally, Section 4 gives some conclusions. OSGA for bound-constrained convex optimization 3 2. Overview of OSGA. OSGA (see Algorithm 1) is an optimal subgradient algorithm proposed by Neumaier in [33] that constructs – for a problem (1.1) with arbitrary nonempty, closed and convex domain, not necessarily a box – a sequence of iterates whose function values converge with the optimal complexity to the minimum of (1.1). Furthermore, OSGA requires no information regarding global parameters like Lipschitz constants of function values and gradients. Apart from first-order information at the iterates, OSGA requires an efficient routine for finding a maximizer x = U(γ,h) and the optimal objective value E(γ,h) (cid:98) of an auxiliary problem of the form sup E (x) γ,h (2.1) s.t. x∈x, whereitisknownthatthesupremumispositive. ThefunctionE :x→Risdefined γ,h by γ+(cid:104)h,x(cid:105) E (x):=− (2.2) γ,h Q(x) withγ ∈R,h∈V∗,andQ:x→Risaprox-function,i.e.,astronglyconvexfunction satisfying inf Q(x)>0 and x∈x σ Q(z)≥Q(x)+(cid:104)g (x),z−x(cid:105)+ (cid:107)z−x(cid:107)2, (2.3) Q 2 where the convexity parameter is σ = 1. In particular, with Q > 0, if x ∈ Rn, we 0 may take 1 Q(x):=Q + (cid:107)x−x0(cid:107)2 if x∈Rn, (2.4) 0 2 2 where (cid:107)x(cid:107) =(cid:112)(cid:80) x2 is the Euclidean norm, and 2 i i 1 Q(x):=Q + (cid:107)x−x0(cid:107)2 if x∈Rm×n, (2.5) 0 2 F (cid:113) where (cid:107)x(cid:107) = (cid:80) x2 is the Frobenius norm. F i,k ik In [1, 33], the unconstrained version (2.1) with the prox-function (2.4) or (2.5) is solved in a closed form. Numerical experiments and comparisons with some state-of- the-art solvers [1, 5, 6] show the promising behaviour of OSGA for solving practical unconstrained problems. A version of OSGA that can solves structured nonsmooth problems with the complexity O(ε−1/2) discussed in [4]. In [3], it is shown that the OSGA subproblem can be solved for many simple domains. In this paper we show that for the above choices of Q(x) and an arbitrary box x, the subproblem (2.1) can be solved efficiently. It follows that OSGA is applicable to solve bound-constrained convex problems as well. ItisshowninNeumaier[33]thatOSGAsatisfiestheoptimalcomplexitybounds O(cid:0)ε−2(cid:1)forLipschitzcontinuousnonsmoothconvexfunctionsandO(cid:0)ε−1/2(cid:1)forsmooth convexfunctionswithLipschitzcontinuousgradients;cf. Nemirovsky & Yudin[30] and Nesterov [31, 32]. Since the underlying problem (1.1) is a special case of the problem considered in [33], the complexity of OSGA remains valid for (1.1). As discussed in [33], OSGA uses the following scheme for updating the given pa- rameters α, h, γ, η, and u: 4 M. Ahookhosh and A. Neumaier Algorithm 1: PUS (parameters updating scheme) Input: δ, α ∈]0,1[, 0<κ(cid:48) ≤κ, α, η, h¯, γ¯, η¯, u¯; max Output: α, h, γ, η, u; begin R←(η−η)/(δαη); if R<1 then h←h; else α←min(αeκ(cid:48)(R−1),α ); max end α←α; if η <η then h←h; γ ←γ; η ←η; u←u; end end Algorithm 2: OSGA (optimal subgradient algorithm) Input: global parameters: δ,α ∈]0,1[, 0<κ(cid:48) ≤κ; local parameters: max x , µ≥0, f ; 0 target Output: x , f ; b xb begin choose an initial best point x ; b compute f and g ; xb xb if f ≤f then xb target stop; else h=g −µg (x ); γ =f −µQ(x )−(cid:104)h,x (cid:105); xb Q b xb b b γ =γ−f ; u=U(γ ,h); η =E(γ ,h)−µ; b xb b b end α←α ; max while stopping criteria do not hold do x=x +α(u−x ); compute f and g ; b b x x g =g −µg (x); h=h+α(g−h); x Q γ =γ+α(f −µQ(x)−(cid:104)g,x(cid:105)−γ); x x(cid:48) =argmin f(z,v ); f =min{f ,f }; b z∈{xb,x} z x(cid:48)b xb x γ(cid:48) =γ−f ; u(cid:48) =U(γ(cid:48),h); b x(cid:48)b b x(cid:48) =x +α(u(cid:48)−x ); compute f ; b b x(cid:48) choose x in such a way that f ≤min{f ,f }; b xb x(cid:48)b x(cid:48) γ =γ−f ; u=U(γ ,h); η =E(γ ,h)−µ; x =x ; f =f ; b xb b b b b xb xb if f ≤f then xb target stop; else update the parameters α, h, γ, η and u; end end end OSGA for bound-constrained convex optimization 5 3. Solving OSGA’s rational subproblem (2.1). In this section we investi- gate the solution of the bound-constrained subproblem (2.1) and give two iterative schemes, where the first one solves (2.1) exactly and the second one solves it approx- imately. 3.1. Explicit solution of OSGA’s rational subproblem (2.1). In this sub- section we describe an explicit solution of the bound-constrained subproblem (2.1). Without loss of generality, we here consider V = Rn. It is not hard to adapt the results to V = Rn×n and other spaces. The method is related to one used in several earlier papers. In 1980, Helgason et al. [27] characterized the solution of singly constrained quadratic problem with bound constraints. Later, Paradolas & Kovoor [37] developed an O(n) algorithm for this problem using binary search to solve the associated Kuhn-Tucker system. This problem was also solved by Dai & Fletcher [17] using a projected gradient method. Zhang et al. [40] solved the linearsupportvectormachineproblembyacuttingplanemethodemployingasimilar technique. In the papers mentioned, the key is showing that the problem can be reduced to a piecewise linear problem in a single dimension. To apply this idea to the present problem,weprovethat(2.1)isequivalenttoanone-dimensionalminimizationproblem and then develop a procedure to calculate its minimizer. We write x(λ):=sup{x,inf{x0−λh,x}} (3.1) for the projection of x0−λh to the box x. Proposition 3.1. For h (cid:54)= 0, the maximum of the subproblem (2.1) is attained at x:=x(λ), where λ>0 or λ=+∞ is the inverse of the value of the maximum. (cid:98) Proof. The function E : V → R defined by (2.2) is continuously differentiable γ,h and from Proposition 2.1 in [33] we have e:=E >0. By differentiating both side γ,h of the equation E (x)Q(x)=−γ−(cid:104)h,x(cid:105), we obtain γ,h ∂E γ,hQ(x)=−e(x−x0)−h. ∂x At the maximizer x, we have eQ(x) = −γ −(cid:104)h,x(cid:105). Now the first-order optimality (cid:98) (cid:98) (cid:98) conditions imply that for i=1,2,...,n,  ≤0 if x =x ,  (cid:98)i i −e(x −x0)−h ≥0 if x =x , (3.2) (cid:98)i i i (cid:98)i i  =0 if x <x <x . i (cid:98)i i Since e>0, we may define λ:=e−1 and find that, for i=1,2,...,n,  x if x ≥x0−λh ,  i i i i x = x if x ≤x0−λh , (3.3) (cid:98)i i i i i  x0−λh if x ≤x0−λh ≤x . i i i i i i This implies that x=x(λ). (cid:98) Proposition 3.1 gives the key feature of the solution of the subproblem (2.1) implying that it can be considered in the form of (3.1) with only one variable λ. In the remainder of this section, we focus on deriving the optimal λ. Example.3.1. Letfirstconsideraveryspecialcasethatxisnonnegativeorthant, i.e., x = 0 and x = +∞, for i = 1,··· ,n. Nonnegativity constraint is important i i 6 M. Ahookhosh and A. Neumaier in many applications, see [7, 18, 19, 22, 23]. In this case we consider the quadratic function 1 Q(z):= (cid:107)z(cid:107)2+Q , (3.4) 2 2 0 where Q > 0. In [1], it is proved that (3.4) is a prox-function. By using this prox- 0 function and (3.1), we obtain x(λ)=sup{x,inf{−λh,x}=−λ(h) , − where (z) =min{0,z}. By Proposition 2.2 of [33], we have − (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 1 (cid:107)x(λ)(cid:107)2+Q +γ+(cid:104)h,x(λ)(cid:105)= (cid:107)(h) (cid:107)2+(cid:104)h,x(λ)(cid:105) λ2+γλ+Q =0. λ 2 2 0 2 − 2 0 By substituting λ=1/e into this equation, we get β e2+β λ+β =0, 1 2 3 where β = Q , β = γ, and β = 1(cid:107)(h) (cid:107)2 −(cid:104)h,(h) . Since we search for the 1 0 2 3 2 − 2 − maximum e, the solution is the bigger root of this equation, i.e., (cid:112) −β + β2−4β β e= 2 2 1 3. 2β 1 This shows that for the nonnegativity constraint the subproblem (2.1) can be solved in a closed form, however, for a general bound-constrained problem, we need a much more sophisticated scheme to solve (2.1). To derive the optimal λ≥0 in Proposition 3.1, we first determine its permissible range provided by the three conditions considered in (3.3) leading to the interval λ∈[λ ,λ ], (3.5) i i for each component of x. In particular, if h = 0, since x0 is a feasible point, x = i (cid:98)i x0−λh =x0 satisfies the third condition in (3.3). Thus there is no upper bound for i i i λ, leading to λ =0, λ =+∞ if x =x0, h =0. (3.6) i i (cid:98)i i i If h (cid:54)= 0, we consider the three cases (i) x ≥ x0 −λh , (ii) x ≤ x0 −λh , and i i i i i i i (iii) x ≤ x0 −λh ≤ x of (3.3). In Case (i), if h < 0, division by h implies that i i i i i i λ ≤ −(x −x0)/h ≤ 0, which is not in the acceptable range for λ. In this case, if i i i h >0 then λ≥−(x −x0)/h leading to i i i i x −x0 λ =− i i, λ =+∞ if x =x , h >0. (3.7) i h i (cid:98)i i i i In Case (ii), if h <0 then λ≥−(x −x0)/h implying i i i i x −x0 λ =− i i, λ =+∞ if x =x , h <0. (3.8) i h i (cid:98)i i i i OSGA for bound-constrained convex optimization 7 In Case (ii), if h > 0 then λ ≤ −(x −x0)/h ≤ 0, which is not in the acceptable i i i i range of λ. In Case (iii), if h <0, division by h implies i i x −x0 x −x0 − i i ≤λ≤− i i. h h i i The lower bound satisfies −(x −x0)/h ≤0, so it is not acceptable, leading to i i i x −x0 λ =0, λ =− i i if x =x0−λh ∈[x x ], h <0. (3.9) i i h (cid:98)i i i i i i i In Case (iii), if h >0, then i x −x0 x −x0 − i i ≤λ≤− i i. h h i i However, the lower bound −(x −x0)/h ≤0 is not acceptable, i.e., i i i x −x0 λ =0, λ =− i i if x =x0−λh ∈[x x ], h >0. (3.10) i i h (cid:98)i i i i i i i As a result, the following proposition is valid. Proposition 3.2. If x(λ) is solution of the problem (2.1), then λ∈[λ ,λ ] i=1,··· ,n, i i where λ and λ are computed by i i  x −x0  +∞ if x =x , h >0,  −−xiih−ixi0i iiff xx(cid:98)i ==xxi,, hhi <>00,,  +−∞xi−x0i iiff xx(cid:98)(cid:98)ii ∈=[xxii,xh],ii <h 0<, 0, λj = hi (cid:98)i i i λj = hi (cid:101)i i i i  00 iiff xx(cid:101)(cid:101)ii ∈∈[[xxiixxii]],, hhii <>00,,  −xih−ix0i if x(cid:101)i ∈[xixi], hi >0, 0 if h =0, +∞ if h =0, i i (3.11) in which x =x0−λh for i=1,··· ,n. (cid:101)i i i Proposition3.2impliesthateachelementofxsatisfiesinonlyoneoftheconditions (3.6)–(3.10). Thus, for each i=1,...,n with h (cid:54)=0, we have a single breakpoint i  x −x0  − ihi i if hi <0, λ(cid:101)i := −xi−x0i if h >0, (3.12)  hi i +∞ if h =0. i Sorting the n bounds λ(cid:101)i, i = 1,...,n, in increasing order, augmenting the re- sulting list by 0 and +∞, and deleting possible duplicate points, we obtain a list of m+1≤n+2 different breakpoints, denoted by 0=λ <λ <...<λ <λ =+∞. (3.13) 1 2 m m+1 8 M. Ahookhosh and A. Neumaier By construction, x(λ) is linear in each interval [λ ,λ ], for k =1,··· ,m. The next k k+1 proposition gives an explicit representation for x(λ). Proposition 3.3. The solution x(λ) of the auxiliary problem (2.1) defined by (3.1) has the form x(λ)=pk+λqk for λ∈[λ ,λ ] (k =1,2,...,m), (3.14) k k+1 where  x0 if h =0,  0 if h =0, pk = xi0i if λik+1 ≤λ(cid:101)i, qk = −hi if λik+1 ≤λ(cid:101)i, (3.15) i  xi if λk ≥λ(cid:101)i, hi >0, i  0 if λk ≥λ(cid:101)i, hi >0, xi if λk ≥λ(cid:101)i, hi <0, 0 if λk ≥λ(cid:101)i, hi <0. Proof. Since λ > 0, there exists k ∈ {1,··· ,m} such that λ ∈ [λ ,λ ]. Let k k+1 i ∈ {1,··· ,n}. If h = 0, (3.6) implies x = x0. If h (cid:54)= 0, the way of construction i (cid:98)i i i of λi for i = 1,··· ,m implies that λ(cid:101)i (cid:54)∈ (λk,λk+1), so two cases are distinguished: (i) λk+1 ≤ λ(cid:101)i; (ii) λk ≥ λ(cid:101)i. In Case (i), Proposition 3.2 implies that λ(cid:101)i = λi, while it is not possible λ(cid:101)i (cid:54)= λi. Therefore, either (3.9) or (3.10) holds dependent on the sign of h , implying x0−λh ∈ [x ,x ], so that pk = x0 and qk = −h . In Case (ii), i i i i i i i i i Proposition3.2impliesthatλ(cid:101)i =λi,whileitisnotpossibleλ(cid:101)i (cid:54)=λi. Therefore,either (3.7) or (3.8) holds. If h < 0, then (3.8) holds, i.e., pk = x and qk = 0. Otherwise, i i i i (3.7) holds, implying pk =x and qk =0. This proves the claim. i i i Proposition 3.3 exhibits the solution x(λ) of the auxiliary problem (2.1) as a piecewise linear function of λ. In the next result, we show that solving the problem (2.1) is equivalent to maximizing a one-dimensional piecewise rational function. Proposition 3.4. The maximal value of the subproblem (2.1) is the maximum of the piecewise rational function e(λ) defined by a +b λ e(λ):= k k if λ∈[λ ,λ ] (k =1,2,...,m), (3.16) c +d λ+s λ2 k k+1 k k k where a :=−γ−(cid:104)h,pk(cid:105), b :=−(cid:104)h,qk(cid:105), k k 1 1 c :=Q + (cid:107)pk−x0(cid:107)2, d :=(cid:104)pk−x0,qk(cid:105), s := (cid:107)qk(cid:107)2. k 0 2 k k 2 Moreover, c >0, c >0 and 4s c >d2. k k k k k Proof. By Proposition 3.1 and 3.3, the global minimizer of (2.1) has the form (3.14). For k = 1,2,...,m and λ ∈ [λ ,λ ], we substitute (3.14) into the function k k+1 (2.2), and obtain γ+(cid:104)h,xk(λ)(cid:105) γ+(cid:104)h,pk+qkλ(cid:105) E (x(λ))=− =− γ,h Q(xk(λ)) Q(pk+qkλ) (3.17) γ+(cid:104)h,pk(cid:105)+(cid:104)h,qk(cid:105)λ =− =e(λ), Q + 1(cid:107)pk−x0(cid:107)2+(cid:104)pk−x0,qk(cid:105)λ+ 1(cid:107)qk(cid:107)2λ2 0 2 2 as defined in the proposition. OSGA for bound-constrained convex optimization 9 Since Q > 0, we have c > 0 and the denominator of (3.16) is bounded away 0 k from zero, implying 4s c >d2. It is enough to verify s >0. The definition of q in k k k k k (3.15) implies that hi (cid:54)= 0 for i ∈ I = {i : λk+1 ≤ λ(cid:101)i} leading to qk (cid:54)= 0 implying s >0. k The next result leads to a systematic way to maximize the one-dimensional ra- tional problem (3.16). Proposition 3.5. Let a, b, c, d, and s be real constants with c>0, s>0, and 4sc>d2. Then a+bλ φ(λ):= (3.18) c+dλ+sλ2 defines a function φ : R → R that has at least one stationary point. Moreover, the global maximizer of φ is determined by the following cases: (i) If b(cid:54)=0, then a2−b(ad−bc)/s>0 and the global maximum b φ(λ(cid:98))= (3.19) 2sλ(cid:98)+d is attained at (cid:112) −a+ a2−b(ad−bc)/s λ(cid:98)= . (3.20) b (ii) If b=0 and a>0, the global maximum is 4as φ(λ(cid:98))= , (3.21) 4cs−d2 attained at d λ(cid:98)=− . (3.22) 2s (iii) If b = 0 and a ≤ 0, the maximum is φ(λ(cid:98)) = 0, attained at λ(cid:98) = +∞ for a < 0 and at all λ∈R for a=0. Proof. Thedenominatorof(3.18)ispositiveforallλ∈Rn iffthestatedcondition onthecoefficientshold. Bythedifferentiationofφandusingthefirst-orderoptimality condition, we obtain b(c+dλ+sλ2)−(a+bλ)(d+2sλ) bsλ2+2asλ+ad−bc φ(cid:48)(λ)= =− . (c+dλ+sλ2)2 (c+dλ+sλ2)2 Forsolvingφ(cid:48)(λ)=0, weconsiderpossiblesolutionsofthequadraticequationbsλ2+ 2asλ+ad−bc=0. Using the assumption 4sc>d2, we obtain (2as)2−4bs(ad−bc)=(2as)2−(4abds−4b2cs) =(2as)2−4abds−b2(d2−4cs−d2) =(2as)2−4abds+(bd)2−b2(d2−4cs) ≥(2as−bd)2−b2(d2−4cs)≥0, leading to b(ad−bc) a2− ≥0, s 10 M. Ahookhosh and A. Neumaier implying that φ(cid:48)(λ)=0 has at least one solution. (i) If b(cid:54)=0, then b(ad−bc) bd b2c (cid:18) bd(cid:19)2 b2 a2− =a2− a− = a− + (4sc−d2)>0, s s s 2s 4s2 implying there exist two solutions. Solving φ(cid:48)(λ) = 0, the stationary points of the function are found to be (cid:112) −a± a2−b(ad−bc)/s λ= . (3.23) b Therefore, a+bλ=±w with (cid:112) w := a2−b(ad−bc)/s>0, and we have ±w φ(λ)= . (3.24) c+dλ+sλ2 Sincethedenominatorofthisfractionispositiveandw ≥0,thepositivesigninequa- tion(3.23)givesthemaximizer,implyingthat(3.20)issatisfied. Finally,substituting this maximizer into (3.24) gives w b2w φ(λ(cid:98))= = c+dλ(cid:98)+sλ(cid:98)2 b2c+bd(w−a)+s(w−a)2 b2w b2w = = a2s−b(ad−bc)+sw2+(bd−2as)w 2sw2+(bd−2as)w b2w b = = , w(2s(w−a)+bd) 2sλ(cid:98)+d so that (3.19) holds. (ii) If b=0, we obtain −a(d+2sλ) φ(cid:48)(λ)= . (c+dλ+sλ2)2 Hence the condition φ(cid:48)(λ) = 0 implies that a = 0 or d+2sλ = 0. The latter case implies d 4as λ(cid:98)=− , φ(λ(cid:98))= , 2s 4cs−d2 whence λ(cid:98) is a stationary point of φ. If a>0, its maximizer is λ(cid:98) =−d and (3.21) is 2s satisfied. (iii) If b=0 and a<0, then lim φ(λ)= lim φ(λ)=0 λ→−∞ λ→+∞ implies φ(λ(cid:98))=0 at λ(cid:98)=±∞. In case a=0, φ(λ)=0 for all λ∈R. WesummarizetheresultsofPropositions3.1–3.5intothefollowingalgorithmfor computing the global optimizer x and the optimum e of (2.1). b b

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