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IPM Lepton and Hadron Physics School and Conference May 2006 1 An N-tropic Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari Institute for studies in theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM), P.O.Box 19395-5531, Tehran, IRAN (Dated: February 2, 2008) Based on the assertion that the cosmological constant problem is essentially a quantum gravity problem, the framework which addresses the cosmological constant problem should also bear a pictureforthe“quantumspace-time”. Inthistalkinanattempttoaddressthecosmologicalconstant problem I suggest to start with noncommutative fuzzy spheres as the toy model for the quantum space-time. In this setting, we show that the cosmological constant problem may be resolved due to thenoncommutativity and “fuzziness” of thespace and thefact that thesmallest volumewhich couldbemeasuredintheaquantumspace-timeismuchlargerthanthenaivelyexpectedPlanckian size. This talk is based on [1] which has appeared on the arXiv as hep-th/0605110. 7 0 0 I. INTRODUCTION quantum corrections) in a theoretical setting?” 2 The second is regarding the value it has accord- n §§ a The Cosmological Constant (CC) problem, has ing to current observations, “why Λ has the value it J been around since the early days of conception of the has and why it is so small, actually smaller than any 1 theoryofGeneralRelativity: TheCCtermistheonly otherphysicalquantity,inthescalesnaturaltoapure 1 possibility which is generally covariantwith less than gravitational problem, the Planck mass MPl. These twonumberofderivatives(ofmetric),andhencecould twoproblemssometimesarealsocalledthe“technical 1 be added to the gravity action. Explicitly, the action naturalness” and the “naturalness” of the cosmologi- v cal constant problem, respectively. 84 SE.H. =MP2lZ d4x √−g(R+ M22 Λ) (1) noTn-otrjiuvsitalshleotwuws hreycabloltthhaotf tinheaCpChypsricoabllemmosdaerlethsoe 0 Pl action (1) should be added to the action governing 1 where 0 therestofthe model. Fromanyquantumfieldtheory 7 M2 1 , (2) viewpoint the CC term, √−detgΛ, which is propor- 0 Pl ≡ 4πG tionalto identity operator,is obviouslya relevantop- N / eratorwhose coefficient, the cosmologicalconstant Λ, h describes the Einstein gravity plus the cosmological p isreceivingquantumcorrectionsand,regardlessofthe constantΛwhosevalueis not determinedbyanysym- - detailsofthequantumfieldtheoryweareusing,isUV p metry principle in the “standard physics”; its value divergent. IftheUVcut-offofthetheoryisatΛ , e shouldbedeterminedthroughobservation,orthrough cutoff thentheresultingCCisproportionaltothezeropoint h : a more fundamental theory. Inthe aboveconventions energy which is proportional to Λ4 , the propor- v Λ is a given constant of dimension of energy density cutoff tionality constant is positive for bosons and negative i (i.e. energy4). X for fermions. (The supersymmetric theories use this For a long time, based on imprecise cosmological fact to cancel the zero point energies, and hence the r and astrophysical observations, it was believed that a CC,bymatchingthenumberofbosonicandfermionic the value of Λ should be zero. The recent cosmic mi- degrees of freedom.) On the other hand, from the crowavebackgroundobservationsplusthesupernovae gravitytheory point of view the CC is an IR problem data, however, have established that our Universe is and has something to do with the large scale struc- now in an accelerating phase. The simplest, though ture of the Universe. Therefore, there is not even a not the only, possibility is to attribute this late-time consensus whether the CC problem is a UV or an IR cosmic acceleration to a non-vanishing CC which has problem. a positive sign [2]: Here I advocate a different viewpoint that, as we’ll Λ 3.6 10−6GeV cm−3 =10−120M4 . (3) see, reconciles the quantum field theory and cosmol- ≃ × Pl ogy viewpoints. Namely, As we see the above value is not only non-zero, but CosmologicalConstant is essentially a Quantum also very small (basically in any physically relevant • Gravity problem and scale). This constitutes what is known as the cosmo- Quantum Gravity should be formulated on a logical constant problem. • “Quantum Space-time”. To be more precise, there are two essentially differ- One of the features of quantum gravity, which is ent issues which come under the title of cosmological • unlike standard quantum field theories, is presence of constant problem. IR/UV mixing. Thefirstisatheoreticalproblem,“howcanonesta- § bilize the value of the cosmological constant (against The first statement has been previously alluded to in IPM-LHP06-20May 2 IPM Lepton and Hadron Physics School and Conference May 2006 the literature, e.g. see [3] and one may hope that a are dealing with the infinite dimensional representa- theory of quantum gravity,for example string theory, tion of the SO(d+1). This could be seen, e.g. when should bear the solution to the CC problem. Within we expand any given function on the Sd in terms of string theory, however, this has remained a challeng- SO(d+1) spherical harmonics. The latter are gen- ing puzzle. Therefore, here I try to provide an alter- eralization of Y ’s, the SO(3) spherical harmonics. lm native route utilizing the second statement, starting Explicitly, for a given function Φ(x), from baby examples of the quantum space-times and ∞ discuss a gravity theory which has these “quantum space-times” as its solutions. Φ(x)= Φi1i2···ijxi1xi2···xij, (4) Inthistalkwewilladdressthetechnicalnaturalness Xj=0 problem of the cosmological constant in a Euclidean this is reflected in the fact that the sum goes to infin- setting. Our line of logic will be as follows: ity. In (4) i is ranging from one to d+1 and k I) We introduce the “quantum” Euclidean de Sitter d+1 space which is a “quantum” sphere, the fuzzy sphere, x2 =R2, (5) i SF4. Fuzzy spheres are described by N ×N Xi=1 Hermitian matrices and their radii (in units of Planck length) is completely determined in terms of where R is the radius of the sphere. the size of matrices N. The SFd is the quantized or “fuzzified” version of d- II) We present a Euclidean quantum gravity theory sphere in such a way that the SO(d+1) invariance which is a Matrix theory with Matrix-valued remains intact. This can be achieved noting the fact vierbein and spin connection as its degrees freedom. that SO(d+1) is a compact group and has finite di- III) We show that in this setting the vacuum mensionalunitaryrepresentations. Thatis,wereplace solution is a fuzzy four sphere, S4. The radius of the the continuous coordinates xi with N N matrix co- F × vacuum S4 solution determines the (Euclidean) ordinates Xi, such that F cosmologicalconstant. In our setting, therefore, the d+1 CC is ipnetertguerrb-vaatliuveedqaunadntiusmhecnocrerescttaibonles.against Xi2 =R21N×N. (6) Xi=1 As we will argue IR/UV mixing is an inherent fea- Explicitform of the matrices Xi could be workedout ture of the gravity theory we use. Although it has using representation theory of SO(d+1) group, e.g. not been shown explicitly, one expects that if we add see [4, 5], with the generic result that matter fields to ourmatrix gravitytheory, the matrix theory will tame and control the zero point energy Rd−1 N (7) contributions. Note, however,that all the other fields ∼ must be also added in the form of a matrix theory. forlargeN. Anyfunction(field)ontheSd isanN N F × This matrix theory is to be constructed such that in matrix. One may expand any field Φ(X) in terms of the large matrices (continuum) limit it goes over to “truncated” SO(d+1) spherical harmonics: the corresponding standard field theories. Jmax Φ(X)= Φi1i2···ijXi1Xi2···Xij, (8) II. A SHORT INTRODUCTION TO FUZZY Xj=0 SPHERES where i =1,2, ,d+1, 0 k J and J is k max max ··· ≤ ≤ related to the size of matrices N as Theideaweusetoquantizeagivenspace-timepar- allels the steps of moving from classical mechanics to N Jd−1. (9) ∼ max quantum mechanics, where we replace classical phase space by quantum phase space and Poisson brack- Therefore, on the fuzzy spheres there is a natural, ets with commutators. We also note that structure inherent, cut-off on the maximum possible angular of Poisson bracket is related to the isometries of the momentum. phase space, precisely the volume preserving diffeo- One may define a short length scale on the sphere morphisms in the phase space. using the R-N relation: Letus focus onthe caseofour interest,the spheres ld−1 Rd−1/N (10) (or Euclidean de Sitter spaces). First we recall that ≡ geometric Sd, in an algebraic setting, is equivalent to or written in a more suggestive way, the quotient SO(d+1)/SO(d) and everything could be put in the representations of the isometry group 1 SO(d + 1). For the round commutative sphere we R lJmax or Jmax XmaxPmax R ∼ ∼ ∼ × l IPM-LHP06-20May IPM Lepton and Hadron Physics School and Conference May 2006 3 where X and P arerespectively the maximum areingeneralnon-commuting. D arethentakingval- max max i valueX ormomentumP cantakeonthefuzzysphere ues in U(d) U(N). (U(d) is the enveloping algebra ⊗ of radius R. ofG.) Thecurvaturetwo-forminthe non-commuting Finally,wewouldliketopointoutthatthe smallest case can again be defined as F =[D ,D ]. ij i j observable volume on Sd is not ld, but Ld where As the x ’s, and hence the derivatives ∂ , are non- F i i commuting, F has a constant piece. That is this ij Ld =(lR)d/2. (11) part which leads to the cosmological constant term in the gravity action. F has also a piece which is ij More details on derivation and on discussion of the proportional to Iα. This part contains the Riemann above can be found in [1]. curvaturetwoformRij andapartproportionaltoTa which is the torsion [6]. Inourcase,whered=4andG/H =SO(5)/SO(4), III. THE MATRIX QUANTUM GRAVITY we choose Iα = iγ5,γaγ5,γab,i1 , Ta =iγa and for { } THEORY the action we take the Chern-Simons action 1 We now present a model for quantum gravity, S =κ Tr(γ5ǫijklFijFkl) (13) N though a Euclidean one, which has fuzzy spheres among its vacuum solutions. In this theory the grav- wherethe Tr is overboth the 4 4andN N matri- × × itational degrees of freedom, as well as the spacetime ces. After expanding the above actionin terms ofthe coordinates, are N N hermitian matrices. That is, Riemann curvature and the torsion, what we find is × it is a Matrix Euclidean quantum gravity theory. anEinstein-Hilbertgravityactionplus acosmological This gravity theory, which has been discussed in constant and some torsional terms [6]. The torsional some detail in [6] and reviewed in [1], is based on terms are proportional to the fuzziness and hence go the Mansouri-Cheng “gravity as gauge theory”[7]: In awayinthe continuumlimit. Thedemandthatinthe the ordinary (Einstein) gravity theory which has a continuum (large N) limit, and after proper scaling group manifold G/H as its vacuum solutions, the co- ofthe gaugefields andcoordinates,weshouldrecover ordinates xi, i = 1,2, ,d dimG dimH that the usual Einstein gravity, upon assumption ℓ = lP, parameterize G/H spac·e·,·are≡in the (in−finite dimen- fixes κ as κ−1 =R2l2 which is equal to the cosmolog- sionalunitary)representationofthe Lie algebraofG, ical constant. g. In this setting the gravitational degrees are the The vacuum solutions to the above gravity theory, “vierbein” ea(x), a = 1,2, ,d and the connection byconstruction,includethefuzzyfourspherethevol- i ··· Ωα(x), α=1,2, ,dimH.[11] They appear through ume of which and the cosmological constant Λ, are thie covariant der·i·v·ative D related as Λ−1 = R4N−2/3 = L4. Therefore, the i value of the cosmologicalconstantis tied to the num- D =∂ +ea(x)Ta+Ωα(x)Iα (12) berofdegreesoffreedom(orthesizeofthematrices), i i i i andbeingquantizedisprotectedagainstperturbative where Iα h form a complete basis for the funda- quantum corrections. That is, in our model we have mental rep∈resentation of the Lie algebra of H, h, Ta a way to solve the technical naturalness of the CC the basis for g h, and hence (Ta,Iα) form a com- problem. − plete basis for g.[12] As such they are d d unitary × matrices. Thegravityactionisthenconstructedfrom gaugeinvariantpowers(ofcommutators)ofD . Inour IV. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUDING i exampleG=SO(5)andH =SO(4)andsincetheen- REMARKS veloping algebra of G is other than G, it is U(4), a is running from one to four and α from one to 12. In Inthistalkweputforwardtheideathatthesolution our example the most natural from for the action is to the cosmological constant problem lies in finding the Chern-Simons gravity [6]. a setup in which cosmological constant is quantized Using the above setup it is (in a straightforward and is hence stable against perturbative (continuous) way)possibletoconstructthegravitytheoryonanon- quantumcorrections. We didthis, inaEuclideanset- commutative “fuzzified” geometry. In order that we ting, by first noting that the radius of a fuzzy sphere needtohavesomeknowledgeabouttherepresentation isquantized(inPlanckunits),andsecond,introduced theory ofthe groups G andH. In particular,it is im- agravitytheorywhichhasthefuzzysphereasitsvac- portant to note that if G and H are compact groups, uum solution. thereexistfinitedimensionalunitaryN N represen- One should, however,note that quantization of the × tations. This representationis naturally embedded in CC (in Planck units) in itself is not enough to solve u(N). To formulate our gravity theory we pick this the CC problem. For example, within the string the- representationandtake the coordinates x , ea(x) and orysetupofflux compactifications[8]thevalueofthe i i Ωα(x)alltobeinthisrepresentation. Notethatthese four dimensionalCC is proportionalto the fluxes and i IPM-LHP06-20May 4 IPM Lepton and Hadron Physics School and Conference May 2006 hence quantized. In that case, unlike ours, there are verse of the smallest volume L−4, which can also be extremely largenumber ofpossibilities which leadsto viewed as the uncertainty in measurement of the en- the string theory “landscape” [9]. The CC problem ergy density, is related to the vacuum energy density. hence re-appears as how/why one of these possibili- As weshowed,this isindeed the caseinourmodel. If ties is realized in the real world. wetaketheradiusofthefourdimensionalfuzzysphere In our model we do not face the above problem as tobeequaltotheHubbleradiustodayandltobethe we start with a Matrix gravity theory with a given Plancklength,wefindthatL=√lR submilimeter. ≃ size of matrices, N. The value of N is among the Finally, we would like to stress that here we only parameters which is defining our theory. As we dis- discussed the Euclidean case. Our discussions on the cussed N eventually turns out to be determining the cosmological constant does not go through for the value of the cosmological constant. In this sense, in Minkowski signature, i.e. the fuzzy de Sitter space ourmodelthecosmologicalconstant(inPlanckunits) dS4 case, as for this case we should take G/H = is a constant of nature (like ~, c and lP) and is not SOF(4,1)/SO(3,1)andSO(4,1)isnon-compactwhich determined dynamically. has no finite dimensionalunitary representation. The Within our approach, however, it is not explicitly formulation developed in [10] may, however, help to seenhowthe gravitytheorygivenby (13)managesto extend our arguments and results to the more realis- overcometheusualproblemaboutthecontributionof tic Lorentzian signature. the tadpole diagrams and zero point energies to the CC. The answer should definitely lie in the fact that in our gravity theory both UV and IR dynamics of thegravityaremodifiedduetothenoncommutativity Acknowledgements which in part forces us to add some other terms, e.g. torsion, to the Einstein gravity. Exploring this line is I would like to thank the organizersof IPM-LHP06 postponed to future works. for organizing the stimulating school and conference. One of the interesting features of the fuzzy spheres ItisapleasuretothankRobertBrandenberger,Savas and hence our model, on which we did not elaborate Dimopoulos,SimeonHellerman,EsmaeilMosaffaand here,isthatthesmallestphysicallyobservablevolume Parameswaran Nair for helpful comments and espe- on the fuzzy spheres is not Planckian, but is much cially Eva Silverstein for a suggestion for the title. larger (cf. (11)). One would then expect that the in- [1] M.M.Sheikh-Jabbari,“Inherentholographyinfuzzy [7] F. Mansouri and L. N. Chang, “Gravitation As A spaces and an N-tropic approach to the cosmological Gauge Theory,” Phys.Rev. D 13, 3192 (1976). constant problem,” Phys. Lett. B 642, 119 (2006), S.W.MacDowellandF.Mansouri,“UnifiedGeomet- [arXiv:hep-th/0605110]. ricTheoryOfGravityAndSupergravity,”Phys.Rev. [2] D. N. Spergel et al., “Wilkinson Microwave Lett. 38, 739 (1977) [Erratum-ibid. 38, 1376 (1977)]. Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) three year results: Im- F. 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