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An ion trap built with photonic crystal fibre technology F. Lindenfelser,∗ B. Keitch,† D. Kienzler, and J. P. Home‡ Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zu¨rich, Otto-Stern Weg 1, 8093 Zu¨rich, Switzerland D. Bykov, P. Uebel, and P. St.J. Russell Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Guenther-Scharowsky-Str. 1/Bldg. 24, 91058 Erlangen, Germany M. A. Schmidt Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology e.V., Albert-Einstein-Straße 9, 07745 Jena, Germany and Otto-Schott-Institute for Material Research, Fraunhoferstraße 6, 07743 Jena, Germany 5 (Dated: September 29, 2015) 1 We demonstrate a surface-electrode ion trap fabricated using techniques transferred from the 0 2 manufactureofphotonic-crystalfibres. Thisprovidesarelativelystraightforwardrouteforrealizing trapswithanelectrodestructureonthe100micronscalewithhighopticalaccess. Wedemonstrate p the basic functionality of the trap by cooling a single ion to the quantum ground state, allowing us e to measure a heating rate from the ground state of 787±24quanta/s. Variation of the fabrication S procedure used here may provide access to traps in this geometry with trap scales between 100µm 8 and 10µm. 2 ] I. INTRODUCTION which run along the entire length of the fibre. An image h ofthecrosssectionofanexemplaryPCFisshowninthe p lower left corner of figure1. The channels lower the ef- - Trapped atomic ions are among the best experimental m fective index of the cladding with the effect that light is systems for quantum computation, quantum simulation guided in a core mode by modified total internal reflec- o and atomic frequency standards [1]. Ion traps in use to- t day span from those fabricated using precision machin- tion [15]. Other applications of solid-core PCFs include a supercontinuum generation, nonlinear optics and mode . ing to microfabricated structures formed using photo- s filtering [16]. c lithographictechniques. Thelatterofferpotentialadvan- i tagesinthecontextofminituarizationduetohighpreci- One prominent technique to fabricate PCFs is stack- s y sionofmanufacture,andcanpotentiallybeusedformore and-drawasillustratedinfigure1. Apreformisobtained h complex, largerscalesystemsfollowingtechniquestrans- by stacking silica capillaries in the desired geometry. A p ferredfromthemicroelectronicsindustry [2,3]. Creating standard drawing tower is used to make a fibre. There [ an interface between trapped ions and optical fields is a thepreformisfixedatoneend,withtheotherendheated 3 keycomponentofproposalsforscalablequantumcompu- toaround1950◦Cinafurnacewhichfusesthecapillaries v tationandcommunication[4–6]. Oneapproachhasbeen together. At the same time the structure is allowed to 7 to integrate optical fibres into a dedicated trap struc- fall under its own weight along the axis of the capillaries 2 ture [7–12]. We take the opposite route and present an andthepartthatcomesoutofthefurnaceispulledusing 7 ion trap which takes advantages of the early steps in the atractorsystem. Astheglassisdrawn,thecross-section 3 production of photonic-crystal-fibres (PCFs) to realize is reduced. This drawing results in a cane of ∼1mm 0 a surface electrode trap. This provides a simple fabri- outerdiameterwithanarrayofholesparalleltotheaxis. . 1 cation process for traps at the 100 micron scale. Exten- Further drawing brings the structure down to the size of 0 sionsofourtechniquemayallowfortrapswithintegrated a fibre of ∼100µm diameter. By changing the speed at 5 PCFs or trap arrays suitable for quantum simulation of whichthestructureisfedintothefurnaceandpulledout 1 2-dimensional lattices [13, 14]. ofthefurnacethescalingofthediametercanbeadjusted. : v The fabrication technique in use allows unprecedented i controlofthearrangementandsizeofthehollowchannels X in a glass matrix. Inter-hole spacing of 0.5µm to 1mm r II. GOLD FILLED PCF TECHNOLOGY a and hole diameters down to several 10s of nm can be achieved. Asolid-corePCFisamicrostructuredopticalfibercon- In the past years several techniques for infiltrating sistingofaregulararrayofhollowchannels(formingthe the hollow channels of PCFs with gold were devel- cladding)surroundingasilicacore(i.e. adefectchannel) oped[17, 18]. At the cane stage holes of ∼ 100µm size can be manually filled with gold wires. Further drawing then leads to micro- or nano-meter size gold wires in- side the fibre. More complex arrays of nanowires can be ∗[email protected] produced by pressure-assisted melt filling[17]. These are †Present address: Department of Physics, University of Oxford, usedtoinvestigatesurfaceplasmonpolaritonsoncoupled ClarendonLaboratory,ParksRoad,OxfordOX13PU,U.K. ‡[email protected] waveguide systems [18–20]. 2 ameter is 145µm. The overall diameter of the cane is 1.) Glass capillaries 3.) Draw in furnace 5.) Unfilled 1.5mm. Inonerunofthedrawingprocess∼10metersof cane was produced. For the final device a 10mm piece few mm was cleaved off and 30mm long 127µm thick gold wires (MaTecK Au Wire 0.127 mm diameter) were manually 2.) Preform stacking 6.) Gold filled inserted in the 19 inner holes from one side, the bottom side of the future device, such that they protruded from thetopbyupto2mm. Thisprocesswasmonitoredusing 4.) Cut an optical microscope. Toobtainallelectrodesatthesameheightandtohave Unfilled cane Gold wire filled cane a smooth surface the wires protruding from the top were 1 mm polished down to roughly 50µm above the glass surface (using Thorlabs Fiber Polishing/Lapping Film down to 0.3µm grit). For the polishing step the wires at the top were temporarily covered in a resin to keep the soft gold 100 μm wires in place and prevent gold dust from getting in the gaps between protruding wires. At the other end of the 150 μm glass structure we encountered the problem that during 10 μm Unfilled PCF Gold filled PCF insertion chips of gold got ripped off by the sharp edges oftheglasscane. Toavoidelectricalshortsthesilicacane was re-cleaved 3mm away from the bottom. Removing 3mm of glass left clean wires at the point where they 1 μm leave thecane. These wireswerefixed tothe glassstruc- tureatthispositionusinganinsulatingEpoxy(Epo-Tek 353ND-T).Theindividualwireswerethenseparatedand Inter-hole distance 6 μm attachedtotracksonavacuumcompatiblecircuitboard (Rogers coper-coated 0.03” RO3003 substrate) that car- FIG. 1: Production process for gold filled PCF (steps 1. to ries low pass RC filters (R = 100kΩ, C = 840pF). All 6.) a range of possible sizes (bottom left), and two realiza- electricalconnectionsweremadeusingconductingepoxy tions, both empty and gold filled. The gold filled version on (Epo-Tek H20E). The final trap assembly is sketched in the larger scale shows the trap used in this paper, as seen figure2. through the ion imaging optics. A limitation to the desirable length of the device is the capacitance between the wires that run down the fi- III. PCF TECHNOLOGY BASED ION TRAP bre cane. To measure the reactance of the trap assembly FABRICATION it was connected to a tunable test circuit containing an inductive element and brought to resonate at different Theabilitytoconnectgoldwiresthroughaninsulating frequencies. For each setting of the test circuit the trap structuretoformanarrayofelectrodesinasurfaceplane assembly was replaced by capacitors until the same res- hasbeenasignificantgoalofiontrapfabricationresearch onance frequency was obtained. The capacitive part of in recent years, due to the desire to realize isolated elec- thereactanceofthetrapandcircuitboardcombinedwas trodes which offer advantages for multi-zone trap arrays extracted as 31±1pF. Simulations show that the wires and 2-dimensional lattices[21, 22]. With the advent of inthePCFcaneshouldhaveacapacitanceof13pF.This metalfilledPCF,onerouteistofillafibrestructurewith numberisproportionaltothecane’slengthbutindepen- gold, and use the gold wires protruding from one end as denttoscalingintheradialdirection. Byapproximating electrodes to trap an ion at the tip of the structure. the circuit board with a parallel plate capacitor we esti- In order to test this idea, we have built a trap using a mate it to have a capacitance of 15pF and attribute the gold wire filled PCF cane. 19 wires protrude 50µm from rest to the wires going to the PCF cane. the end of the glass, forming a regular pattern of elec- trodes. To trap ions we approximate a ring trap by ap- The trap was placed in an ultra high vacuum (UHV) plying radio frequency (RF) voltages to those electrodes chamber and RF is applied to the trap electrodes by as sketched in figure3. forming a resonance circuit between the capacitance of We used the stack-and-draw technique as described in the board and trap and an inductive secondary coil the previous section to produce a fibre cane consisting wound on a toroidal core (MICROMETALS, INC. T80- of three concentric rings of capillaries around a centre 10) which was placed outside the vacuum chamber[23]. capillary. In total this results in a structure of 37 holes The loaded Q-value of the resonator was measured to be ordered in a honeycomb lattice. The distance between 64.4 and a voltage step up of 9.5 is achieved for induc- the centres of any two holes is 150µm and the hole di- tively in-coupled RF. 3 Ion position ing pockets of the approximate volume of our unfilled capillaries initially filled with Nitrogen at atmospheric PCF cane pressure, which are connected by the capillaries to vac- Holder uumat10−11mbar, wecanusetheidealgasandHagan- Gold wires Poiseville equations[26] to estimate the number of parti- clesinthepocketsandthustheresultingleakrate. After GND one week at room temperature we calculate a residual DC connections leak rate of ∼ 10−17mbarl/s. This is negligible com- RC filters pared to the overall rate in our system which we esti- 1 mm GND mate from the ∼ 10−11mbar pressures and our nominal 100l/spumpingspeedtobe∼10−9mbarl/s. Thedepth RF connection of our trapping pseudo-potential well was simulated to be 100meV. FIG. 2: Sketch of the PCF cane trap, its holder and its connection to two circuit boards, one for DC connections, TheDCelectrodescanbeusedtomanipulatethetrap- one for RF. ping potential. The trapping potential V can be ex- panded to second order about the null position of the (cid:80) (cid:80) pseudopotential as V = ∂ Vq + H q q where a) b) z y c) q ,q and q are co-ordinaiteqsi inithreejkorthjkogjonkal spa- x i j k 3 4 5 tial directions and the subscript indices run over the co- 2 6 + 1 13 7 ordinate axes x,y,z denoted in figure 3. The eigenvalues 12 8 of the Hessian H are proportional to the square of the GND RF GND RF GND 11 10 9 jk trap frequencies. The chosen co-ordinate system is close 150 μm totheprincipalaxes, thussmallanglesofrotationabout the principal axes θ can be approximated by changes to FIG. 3: Point trap created with honeycomb electrode pat- i off-diagonal terms in H , and a change in the curvature tern. a)Sketchofquadrupolepotentialgeneratedbyalternat- jk along one co-ordinate axis approximates a change in the ing grounded and RF electrodes. The position in which ions can be trapped is indicated by the cross. b) planar structure curvaturealongthealignedprincipalaxis(thisispropor- ofelectrodesthatformsaquadrupolepotentialassketchedin tional to the trap frequency ωi along that axis squared). a). NonRFelectrodesarenumberedandacoordinatesystem Thegradient∂qiV resultsindisplacementDi ofthetrap- is introduced. c) Photo of a gold wire filled PCF cane that pingcenteralongq . Apotentialappliedtoanyelectrode i exhibits this structure. affects all of these parameters. For ease of operation lin- ear combinations of electrode potentials which uniquely affect one of these parameters were found using simula- IV. TRAP OPERATION AND tions based on the boundary element method[27, 28]. CHARACTERIZATION Three example sets for generating an electric field or changingthetrapfrequencyalongxandforapproximat- The electrode structure of the trap is shown in fig- ing a tilt around the x axis are given in tableIV. ure3. The trap was wired up such that we approximate In order to Doppler cool an ion, all three principal a surface-electrode ring trap by having the central elec- axes of the ion’s motion must have a finite projection trode surrounded by a first ring of 6 electrodes and a onto the k-vector of the cooling laser. In our setup, the second ring of 12 electrodes. We apply RF voltages to laserbeamsaredirectedparalleltothetrapsurface. This thefirstringwhilemaintainingallotherelectrodesatRF couldcauseproblemsiftheappliedstaticpotentialswere ground. This forms a 3-dimensional confining pseudopo- symmetricaboutthez-axis,sincethiswouldresultinone tential88µmabovetheelectrodesurface[24]. Byapply- oftheprincipalaxesbeingvertical. Inordertoavoidthis, ing static potentials (DC) to the individual RF ground we tilt the axes of the static potential in the direction of electrodes, we can compensate electrical stray fields and the cooling laser by an angle which we estimate from manipulate the potential. simulations to be around 2.4degrees. We observe that We trap singly charged Calcium ions by applying RF trapping is also possible when all DC electrodes are set at 40.3MHz with a 70V zero-peak amplitude. Calcium to ground, which could be due to imperfections in the atoms are evaporated from a resistive oven and photo- position of electrodes or patch potentials on electrodes ionized at the trapping site [25]. With constant Doppler which result in a residual tilt of the principal axes of the cooling applied ions stayed trapped for more than five ion’s motion. hours. Potential candidates for ion loss are collisions Electric stray fields can displace the ion from the zero with background gas atoms or molecules. One possi- positionofthepotentialgeneratedbytheRFelectrodes. ble concern of our trap design was that gases trapped It then experiences a driven micromotion at the RF fre- in the unfilled capillaries of the PCF cane or in gaps quency[29]. This motion can be seen as sidebands if a due to the size mismatch of gold wires and capillaries laser frequency is scanned across a resonance of the ion. might lead to a virtual leak close to the ion. Assum- The micromotion-sidebands were simultaneously mini- 4 electrode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 set for ∆D = 1µm [V] 0.00 -1.16 1.84 1.26 -2.73 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.39 -0.60 0.00 1.06 0.02 x set for ∆ω = 0.1MHz [V] 0.00 -3.50 2.86 2.72 -7.99 0.00 6.01 0.00 -3.01 -1.43 0.00 1.72 -0.11 x set for ∆θ = 0.1◦ [V] -1.68 0.00 2.79 -1.78 0.00 1.69 -1.90 0.00 0.45 0.12 0.00 0.58 0.01 x final voltages [V] 0.53 4.14 -5.55 -2.08 6.84 -0.36 -1.13 0.00 -0.81 1.49 0.00 -1.96 0.01 TABLE I: Sets of simulated voltages that produce a displacement in x-direction by 1µm, a change of the trap frequency by 0.1MHz in this direction and a tilt of 0.1degrees in the plane perpendicular to this direction when applied to electrodes as specified in figure3. Similar sets were produced for y and z directions. The last row shows the working voltages after micromotion compensation. Electrode 11 was shorted to ground due to an error in the fabrication process, but this does not significantly restrict our control. mized on two perpendicular lasers pointing along x−y 3 and x + y. An example set of optimized potentials is shown in the last row of tableIV. 2 Over the period of 3months drifts in the electric stray n fields of ∼100V/m were observed with the fields apear- 1 ing stable over the course of days. A possible source of stray fields are charges that get induced on dielectrics exposedtolaserlight[30]. Wethinkthatour50µmhigh 0 electrodes should help shielding the glass surface from 0 500 1000 1500 2000 incident light and shield the ion from charge build up on 1 the insulator. Using a narrow linewidth laser at 729nm on the S )1/2.5 ( S − D quadrupole transition of Ca+ we are able P 1/2 5/2 to resolve the sidebands which result from secular mo- 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 tion of the ion along the principal axes of its confining Wait Time [μs] potential[31]. Wemeasuresecularoscillationfrequencies of 3.8MHz, 2.0MHz and 1.8MHz. These numbers agree withsimulationsandweconcludethatthefirstisrelated FIG.4: Heatingratemeasurement. Thelowerplotshowsthe probabilityoftheiontobeleftintheelectronicgroundstate to motion perpendicular to the electrode surface, while of the ion (S ) after driving on a motion adding (lower) or the latter are close to being parallel with the x and y 1/2 motion subtracting (upper trace) sideband. Every datapoint directions respectively. consists of 300 measurements. Intheupperplottheaveragenumberofquantaofmotion(as- sumingathermalstate)ascalculatedfromthetwosidebands Following Doppler cooling, we sideband cool the is shown together with a weighted linear fit to the data. The 1.8 MHz mode close to the ground state of motion us- slope of this fit gives a heating rate of 787±24quanta/s. ing the S −D transition and dipole-allowed D−P 1/2 5/2 transitions at 854nm and 866nm. We probe the tem- perature of the mode after sideband cooling using side- V. CONCLUSION band thermometry [32, 33], and deduce a final mean oc- cupation of n = 0.08±0.03quanta. We also probe the mean excitation as a function of a delay introduced be- Wehavepresentedtheoperationofa100micronscale tween the sideband cooling and the probe pulse, result- ion trap built from a photonic crystal fibre cane. Once ing in the data shown in figure4. The deduced heating the cane had been produced, no specialist techniques rate is 787±24quanta/s. This allows us to estimate a suchasphoto-lithographywereused. Incontrarytomost spectral noise density at the ion of S = 9.7 ± 0.3 × otherion trapsin use today the electricalconnections go E 10−12(V/m)2/Hz. This is at the lower range of reported straight to the back of the device, leaving an open ge- heating rates for room temperature traps operated un- ometry which may be of use for laser beam access, in- der similar conditions [34]. We note that no particu- tegration with optical cavities [11, 12], or for precision lar care was taken in order to make sure that the sur- measurements of surfaces [35]. Optical cavities could be face was clean, however no photo-lithography has been useful for generating high light intensities at the ion for performed. Baking of the vacuum system for a week at optical trapping [36]. 160◦Cwasperformedontwoseparateoccasionswiththe In future, we anticipate the possibility to integrate trap present. PCF light guiding technologies (or other optical fibres) 5 into traps similar to that described here. This could be cess and initial work on the gold wire filling. We would realized by replacing one of the gold wires with a PCF, further express gratitude to H.-Y. Lo, F. Leupold, L. althoughthiswouldrequireachangeintheelectrodege- de Clercq, V. Negnevitsky, M. Marinelli and U. Sol`er for ometryortheappliedpotentials. Furtherminitiurization theirworkonelectronics,experimentalcontrolandlaser- of the current trap, using the full toolkit of gold-filled system used. We thank the NIST group of D. Wineland PCF production, might allow ion trapping at the tip of for sharing their Boundary Element Method simulation an optically guiding PCF, and provide a route towards code. We acknowledge support from the Swiss National small two dimensional arrays of ion traps connected by Science Foundation under grant number 200021 134776, optical fibre links with inherent fibre optic access to sin- through the National Centre of Competence in Research gle trapping sites. forQuantumScienceandTechnology(QSIT)andErlan- gen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT). Acknowledgments TheauthorsthankRobertDavisforinitialsimulations and Fabian Fuchs for assisting in the fibre drawing pro- [1] D. Leibfried, R. Blatt, C. Monroe, and D. Wineland. 2013. Quantum dynamics of single trapped ions. Rev. Mod. 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