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An Invitaiton To The Algebra Of Canonical Commutation Relations PDF

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Leuven Notes in Mathematical and ‘Theoretical Physics Volume 2 Series A: Mathematical Physics An Invitation to the Algebra of Canonical Commutation Relations Dénes Petz Leuven University Press Contents Preface Vv 1 Representations of canonical commutation relations 1 The C*-algebra of the canonical commutation relation 9 States and fields 17 Fock states 29 Fluctuations and central limit 39 The KMS condition 49 The duality theorem 59 8 Completely positive maps 71 9 Equivalence of states 81 10 The selfdual approach 95 Bibliography 101 ill lv Preface This volume contains the written notes of a series of lectures delivered at the University of Leuven in the academic year 1988/89. The aim of the lectures was to give an introduction to the rigorous treatment of the canonical commutation relation and to demonstrate that the method of operator algebras in a suitable tool for this purpose. These notes cover quasifree states, the K MS-condition, central limit theorems and the equivalence of Fock states. Fundamentals of operator algebras and functional analysis are required to follow the presentation. Physical motivation and relevance are slightly commented. The author is grateful to Mark Fannes and André Verbeure for their hospitality at the Institute for Theoretical Physics. Without their ex- pertise on the subject the notes would not have been completed. It is a pleasure to thank Anita Raets for her skilful wordprocessing. Leuven 1989. Dénes Petz Mathematical Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Chapter 1 Representations of canonical commutation relations In the Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics one considers the abstract selfadjoint operators q1, G2,---,Qn; P1,P2;---;Pn acting on a Hilbert space H and satisfying the Heisenberg commutation relations for n degrees of freedom : laa] = [pis pj] = 0 lai,Pj)] = id(2,9)1 (i,j =1,2,...,n) (1.1) where for any pair of operators A and B on H the symbol [A, B] stands for the commutator AB — BA; I is the identity operator. There is no essential difference between the case n = 1 and the general n, therefore we restrict ourself for one degree of freedom. Then gq is associated to the position and p to the momentum of a single particle. Since the early days of quantum mechanics it has been a basic problem to find concrete operators satisfying the Heisenberg commutation relations. If one takes the complex Hilbert space L?(R), g as the multiplication operator by the variable, i.e. (qs f)(t) =t F(é) (1.2) and p the differentiation, i.e. (psf)(t) = 4 f'(t) (1.3) 2 CHAPTER 1 then these operators form a representation of the Heisenberg commu- tation relation on L?(R). (Formally gs and ps may be defined on some dense set of functions, for example the C™ ones with compact support.) This representation is called the Schrodinger representation. A problem to solve in the matrix mechanics of Heisenberg is to find selfadjoint matrices q and p satisfying the relation lq,p] =i. (1.4) If the Schrodinger representation is unique in a suitable sense, then all results of the matrix theory must be equivalent to those of the Schrodinger theory. If p and q were finite matrices satisfying (1.4) then the trace of the left hand side would be zero in contradiction with the nonzero trace of the right hand side. Hence Heisenberg did not find a solution within the set of finite matrices but found a solution in the form of infinite matrices : (1.6) This representation (qz, pz) is called the Heisenberg representation. The Schrodinger and Heisenberg solutions of the representation problem coincide. One can find an orthonormal basis of the Hilbert space L7(R) such that the matrix of qs (ps) in the given basis is qy (py). For any real number ¢ one deduces from equation (1.4) that CO ps Peal +. e' P q e UP = qt+tl (1.7) For U(a) = exp(iap) and V(b) = exp(tbg) Oy b € R) we have U(a) V(b) U(-a @y @- = n—0 REPRESENTATIONS OF THE C.C.R. 3 » wy (q+al)” = exp(ib(q+al)) =eV(b). Therefore, U(a) V(b) = eV (b) U(a) (a,b € R) (1.8) which is called the Weyl form of the canonical commutation relation. (1.8) contains only unitary operators and hence it will be suitable for a C*-algebraic approach. It was von Neumann’s idea to compress the two families of opera- tors, U and V, in a single one. If one takes S(a, 6) = exp (— sia) U(a) V(b) (a,b € R) then U and V may be obviously recovered from S and (1.8) is equivalent to the following relation S(a, b) S(c, d) = exp (Fila — be) S(a+c,b+d) (1.9) Let H be a Hilbert space and assume that S(a,b) € B(H). We say that S is a representation of the canonical commutation relation if the following conditions hold. (i) S(a, 6) is a unitary (a,b € R). (ii) S(a, b)* = S(—a, —b) (a,b € R). (iii) S(0,0) is the identity. (iv) The relation (1.9) is satisfied for all a, b,c,d € R. (v) The mapping (a,b) ++ S(a,b) is continuous in the weak operator topology. Remember that on the group of unitaries the weak and strong operator topologies coincide. So (v) may be formulated also another way. From the Schrodinger representation one gets a representation of the canonical commutation relation (CCR) in the above sense on L?(R). 4 CHAPTER 1 Since U and V are given by exponentiation of selfadjoint operators, they are strongly continuous. So is their product. A representation of the CCR on a Hilbert space H is called irre- ducible if only the trivial closed subspaces of H are invariant under all S(a, 6). Proposition 1.1 The Schrodinger representation of the CCR 1s trre- ducible. ps and gg are related by the Fourier transform. If 7 f denotes the Fourier transform of f € L?(IR) defined as Ff(t)= 7a / e 5 F(s)ds then Fqs F* = ps. We show that if f € L?(R) is a nonzero vector and (g, S(a,6)f) = 0 for every (a,b) € R? then necessarily g = 0. This gives that the smallest invariant closed subspace containing f is L?(R) itself. Since the first factor in (g, S(a,b) f) = e219 (ePg, ef) is nonzero, we concentrate on the second one. By direct computation we have In(e *?g, e°4 f) _ fe [em [eeta(s) Faas du dt Assuming that this is 0 we may refer to the uniqueness of the Fourier transform and conclude that e ™ F(u) / e 5 9(s)ds = 0 for almost all t,u € R. As f 40 we arrive at [e*a(s)as = 0 for almost all ¢ € R. So g must be 0. The uniqueness theorem of von Neumann asserts that up to a uni- tary equivalence the Schrodinger representation is the only irreducible (continuous) representation of the CCR. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE C.C.R. 5 Theorem 1.2 Jf R’ 3 (a,b) + S(a,b) € B(H) and R’ 3 (a,b) Bb S'(a,b) € B(K) are irreducible (continuous) representations of the CCR on the Hilbert spaces H and K, respectively, then there exists a unitary U:H—->K such that S(a,b) = U* S"(a,b)U (a,b € R). For h € L'(R’) the formula s(f,9) = / h(a,b)(S(a,b)f,g)dadb— (f,g EH) sets a bounded sesquilinear form and there is an operator S(h) € B(H) such that (Sth) f.9)=sf9) (fg € H) and ||S(h)|| < ||A|;. We write simply S(h) = / h(a, b) Sa, b) dadb. It is clear that for a real valued h the operator S(h) is selfadjoint. We show that the linear correspondence ht+> S(h) is an injection. Assume that S(h) = 0 and compute (S(—a, —b)S(h)S(a, b)g,f) = [| e MeMh(u, v)(S(u,v)g, fydu dv. By our hypothesis this vanishes for every f, g € H and every (a, b) € R’. Hence h(u,v)(S(u, v)g, f) = 0 (1.10) for almost all u,v € R and for every f,g € H. (If you are really pedantic you should argue by the separability of H at this point.) (1.10) readily gives h = 0. Now set a bounded selfadjoint operator A on H as 1 A= | [ex (—F (lal? + P)) S(a, b) da db (1.11) and one checks that A S(a,b)A = 2m e alla? +10?) 4 | (1.12) 6 CHAPTER 1 In particular, P = 5- A is a projection and it can not be 0. It isa projection of rank one. Let f and g 4 O be orthogonal vectors such that Pf = f and Pg = g. Due to the relation (1.12) we have (S(a, b)g,f ) = (P S(a,b) Pg, f) = constant (4g, f) and the irreducibility of the representation (a,b) +> S(a,b) yields that f = 0. P is a rank one projection indeed and we may assume that IIgl| = 1. We construct similarly a vector 7 € K starting from the irreducible representation (a, b) +> S’(a, 6). Set U S(a, b)g = S"(a, b)n (a,b € R) (1.13) and extend U by linearity to the linear span of {S(a,b)g : a,b € R}. So U will be an inner product preserving densely defined operator with dense range. It follows immediately from (1.13) that U intertwines between the representations S and S”. Von Neumann’s uniqueness theorem is true in any finite dimension and the above proof with small alteration will go through. (The inter- ested reader may consult with the nicely written original paper [vN].) Let C(R) stand for the C*-algebra of bounded continuous func- tion on R (endowed with the sup norm) It contains the characters Xa(x) = e* (\ € R). Set A(R) as the closure of the linear span of the characters. A(R) is called the algebra of almost periodic functions. It possesses a natural inner product (F,9) = Jim 5p | Fle) ale) ae and its completion is a Hilbert space. {x, : 4 € R} forms an orthonor- mal basis in H and in particular, H is not separable. Define the unitary operators Vo(@)xa = Xata (aeR) Up(0)xa = exp(ibaA)x, (b€ R). Then Up(a) and Vo(b) satisfy the Weyl commutation relation Up(a)Vo(b) = exp(i a b)Vo(b)Up(a) (a,b € R).

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