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An Introduction to the Theory of Wave Maps and Related Geometric Problems PDF

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An Introduction to the Theory of Wave Maps and Related Geometric Problems 9752hc_ 9789814713900_tp.indd 1 20/6/16 9:53 AM May2,2013 14:6 BC:8831-ProbabilityandStatisticalTheory PST˙ws TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk An Introduction to the Theory of Wave Maps and Related Geometric Problems Dan-Andrei Geba University of Rochester, USA Manoussos G Grillakis University of Maryland, College Park, USA World Scientifc NEW JERSEY • LONDON • SINGAPORE • BEIJING • SHANGHAI • HONG KONG • TAIPEI • CHENNAI • TOKYO 9752hc_ 9789814713900_tp.indd 2 20/6/16 9:53 AM Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Geba, Dan-Andrei, 1973– | Grillakis, Manoussos G. Title: An introduction to the theory of wave maps and related geometric problems / by Dan-Andrei Geba (University of Rochester, USA), Manoussos G. Grillakis (University of Maryland, College Park, USA). Description: New Jersey : World Scientific, 2016. | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016026890 | ISBN 9789814713900 (hardcover : alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Nonlinear wave equations. | Differential equations, Hyperbolic. | Solitons. | Geometry, Differential. Classification: LCC QA927 .G37 2016 | DDC 516.9--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016026890 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Copyright © 2017 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the publisher. For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher. Printed in Singapore EH - An Introduction to the Theory of Wave Maps.indd 1 13-07-16 9:23:29 AM July27,2016 15:57 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in Book-final pagev Dan-Andrei Geba dedicates this work to his family, mentors, and friends, to whom he owes everything. Manoussos Grillakis dedicates this book to his parents, Marika and Georgios. v May2,2013 14:6 BC:8831-ProbabilityandStatisticalTheory PST˙ws TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk July27,2016 15:57 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in Book-final pagevii Preface Thewavemapproblemisoneofthemostbeautifulandchallengingnonlin- ear hyperbolic problems, which has kept the attention of mathematicians for more than thirty years now. The study of the problem involves diverse issues, e.g., well-posedness, regularity, formation of singularities, and sta- bilityofsolitons, andcombinesintricatetoolsfromanalysis, geometry, and topology. Moreover, thewavemapsystemhasanaturalformulationasthe Euler-Lagrange system for a map between manifolds, a special case being thenonlinearsigmamodel,whichisoneofthefundamentalobjectsinclas- sical field theory. One of the goals of this book is to offer an up-to-date and self-contained overview of the main regularity theory for wave maps. Another goal is to introduce, to a wide mathematical audience, physically motivatedgeneralizationsofthewavemapsystem(e.g.,theSkyrmemodel), whichareextremelyinterestingandposechallengingnewquestionsintheir own right. The topic of wave maps has experienced an incredible advancement in thepasttenyears. Thisispreciselythetimepassedfromthemomentwhen the last monograph (i.e., Tao [171]) which tried to give a state-of-the-art for this topic appeared. Our book tries to fill this gap by presenting the most recent developments in the field, e.g., the resolution of the large data global regularity theory for wave maps. These results are very technical, being accessible only to experts in their current format. Our goal is to try to explain them to a wider group, which includes advanced graduate students, in the hope of stimulating new research ideas. Moreover, this book is the first one which discusses, from a mathematical point of view, the time evolution for the models which are extensions of the nonlinear sigma model: the Skyrme, Faddeev, and Adkins-Nappi theories. Our book starts by introducing the reader to the physical motivation vii July27,2016 15:57 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in Book-final pageviii viii Wave Maps and Related Geometric Problems and the mathematical formulation of the wave map problem and its gener- alizations. This is followed by developing the analytic background needed in the investigation of these problems, which include Strichartz estimates and hyperbolic Sobolev spaces. The third chapter is devoted to the study ofthelocalandsmalldataglobalwell-posednesstheoriesforthewavemap equation, where one can see the motivation for the emergence of more and more powerful analytic techniques needed in handling the challenging na- tureofthese topics. Thischapteralso includesdetailedexpositionsfortwo results,duetoTao[169]andShatah-Struwe[146],respectively,whichmake the case for the important role played by the intrinsic geometric aspect of the wave map problem. Next, we discuss the resolution of the large data regularity theory for wave maps in the energy-critical case by Sterbenz- Tataru’s program [160,161]. We focus on the second part (i.e., [161]) of this work, which provides a complete description of the regimes when a large data, finite energy wave map blows up and when it is global-in-time. OurpresentationofthistopicreworksSterbenz-Tataru’sargument,includ- ingasignificantnumberofrefinementsandextradetails. Thefifthchapter addresses well-posedness questions for the classical Skyrme model and its extensions. There, we present Wong’s result [191] on the Skyrme model using Christodoulou’s regular hyperbolicity framework and Lei-Lin-Zhou’s global regularity theorem [103] for the 2+1-dimensional Faddeev problem, which relies on an adaptation of Klainerman’s vector field method. Fol- lowing this, we discuss equivariant results for all the equations considered in this book, which include non-concentration of energy, small data global well-posednessincriticalBesovspaces,andglobalregularityforsufficiently smooth large data. Finally, we turn our attention to the phenomenon of collapse for wave maps and examine Rapha¨el-Rodnianski’s result [136] on the topic. We put forth a novel approach relying on the associated Hodge system, which makes the structure of the problem more transparent. The book also includes an appendix detailing the basic differential geometry concepts needed for following the presentation of the material. Dan-Andrei Geba and Manoussos Georgios Grillakis July27,2016 15:57 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in Book-final pageix Acknowledgments Dan-Andrei Geba expresses his gratitude to Viorel Barbu, Sergiu Klain- erman, Igor Rodnianski, and especially Daniel Tataru, his mentors in the area of partial differential equations, for introducing him to the subject, for supervising his doctoral dissertation, and for inspiration, support, and friendship throughout his academic career. He also thanks his colleagues atUniversityofRochester,particularlySaradaRajeev,forintroducinghim to the Skyrme model and related problems and for countless hours spent on explaining ideas from theoretical physics, and Allan Greenleaf and Alex Iosevich,formanyvaluablediscussions,comments,andprofessionaladvice. He owes a great deal of appreciation to the students and participants to his lectures, especially to his doctoral students, Matthew Creek, Daniel da Silva, and Xiang Zhang. Extra thanks go to Matthew for typing a version of some course notes that were partly included in this book. Dan-Andrei Geba acknowledges support from the College of Arts and Sciences at University of Rochester for allowing him to take a sabbatical leave in the spring of 2015, which significantly helped in the completion of thisproject. HeisalsogratefulforsupporttotheNationalScienceFounda- tion, through Career grant DMS-0747656, and to the Simons Foundation, through grant # 359727. Finally, he expresses infinite appreciation toward his family for everything, especially his wife, Dana, for her immense love, patience, and strong belief in him, his older daughter, Maria, for providing first-class in-house editorship, and his younger one, Ioana, for motivating him throughout the writing process by frequently asking “How much do you have left?” Manoussos Grillakis would like to thank Constantine Gryllakis, Walter A. Strauss, Constantine Dafermos and Louis Nirenberg for inspiring him and his wife Kristi Dobrovolski for her love and support. ix

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