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ELECTRICAL SCIENCE A Series of Monographs and Texts Edited by Henry G. Booker Nicholas DeClaris t:NIVERSITY OF CM,IFORNIA AT SA:,/ U!F.GO UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND JOSEPH E. RowE. Nonlinear Electron-Wave Interaction Phenomena. 1965 MAX J. 0. STRUTT. Semiconductor Devices: Volume l. Semiconductors and Semiconductor Diodes. 1966 AUSTIN BLAQUIERE. Nonlinear System Analysis. 1966 VICTOR RUMSEY. Frequency Independent Antennas. 1966 CHARLES K. BIRDSALL AND WILLIAM B. BRIDGES. Electron Dynamics of Diode Regions. 1966 A. D. Kuz'MIN AND A. E. SALOMONOVICH. Radioastronomical Methods of Antenna Measurements. 1966 CHARLES COOK AND MA:A.VIN BERNFELD. Radar Signals: An Introduction to Theory and Application. 1967 }. W. CRISPIN, JR., AND K. M. SIEGEL (eds.). Methods of Radar Cross Section Analysis. 1968 GIUSEPPE BIORCI (ed.). Network and Switching Theory. 1968 ERNEST C. OKRESS (ed.). Microwave Power :Engineering: Volume 1. Generation, Transmission, Rectification. 1968 Volume 2. Applicarions. 1968 T. R. BASHKOW (ed.). Engineering Applications of Digital Computers. 1968 Juuus T. Tou (ed). Applied Automata Theory. 1968 ROBERT LYON-CAEN. Diodes, Transistors, and lntegrated Circuits for Switching Systems. 1969 M. RONALD WOHLERS- Lumped and Distributed Passive Networks. 1969 MICHEL CUENOD AND ALLEN E. DURLING. A Discrete-Time Approach for System Analysis. 1969 K. KUROKAWA. An Introduction to the Theory of Microwave Circuits. 1969 In Preparation GEORGE TYRAS. Radiation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves. GEORGE METZGER AND JEAN PA.UL VABRE. Transmission Lines with Pulse Excitation. C. L. SHENG. Threshold Logic. Huoo MESSERLE. Energy Conversion Statics. ANI NTRODUCTION TOT UET HEOROYF MICROAWV EC IRCUITS K.KUROKAWA BELTLE LEPHONE TLOARBIOIERNS/\.C, . MUllllAY HlLL, NEW JEJtSEY GHW6 9YFD116O <17+>0599T14656694100 @ ACADEMPIRCE SNSe wY orakn Ldo ndo1n96 9 YI Preface large cross-sectional dimensions required. At infrared or optical frequencies, they again become impractical since the cross-sectional dimensions become too small. As a result, the microwave portion of the spectrum is the only region in which ordinary waveguides can be used in practice. In ordinary waveguides, there are no separate conductors between which the voltage can be defined and the concept of power expressed by the product of voltage and current is no longer directly applicable. Consequently, the electromagnetic field itself has to be investigated first rather than the voltage and current which, in a sense, represent the field. In general, it is hopelessly difficult to solve Maxwell's equations under appropriate boundary conditions and to analyze the electromagnetic field of complex waveguide systems en countered in practice or in laboratories. Even if a formal solution is easily obtainable, the interpretation of the result may become so complicated that no usefull information can be extracted from it. In conventional circuit theory, the resistance, capacitance, and inductance are defined without specifying their physical structures or materials used. The relations between the voltage and current at the terminals of such elements are first clarified. Then, the properties of a complex network are studied as a combination of the effects of each element making up the network. There is no need to solve Maxwell's equations explicitly and yet much useful information is obtainable. In a similar fashion, it is possible to study each discontinuity or junction of waveguides separately and to clarify its effect on the propagating modes of the electromagnetic fields either by experiments or by solving Maxwell's equations. The behavior of a complex waveguide system can then be discussed as a combination of the effects of such elements. By this ap proach, a better understanding can be obtained with less difficulty than trying to solve Maxwell's equations directly for the whole system. The theory of microwave circuits is the study of this approach. The word circuit comes from the similarity existing between this approach and that of con ventional circuit theory. The concept of voltage and current can be esta blished by observing the fact that the transverse electric and magnetic fields in a waveguide vary with distance in the same manner as the voltage and current do along a conventional transmission line. Using this concept, impedance can be defined and power appears as the product of voltage and current. Many other useful theorems in conventional ac circuits also become applicable to waveguide systems. In our category of microwave circuits, we shall include any electromagnetic phenomena in the inside of a hollow region enclosed by conducting walls. We are especially interested in the study of their effect on the propagating Preface vii modes of electromagnetic fields in waveguides connected to the hollow region. The actual wavelength is not important; it can be longer or shorter than the centimeter or millimeter ranges as long as the electromagnetic field is confined in a finite region. On the other hand, we shall not discuss waves in free space as in radio and in optics nor those along a dielectric rod or coated wires in open space. In Chapter l, some of the topics in the conventional circuit theory are reviewed, which have particular importance in the theory of microwave circuits. These include the theory of transmission lines, bilinear transforma tions, and power waves. Chapter 2 gives a review of vector analysis and the fundamental properties of electromagnetic fields to facilitate our later study. In Chapter 3, waveguides are discussed for the first time. Here, the eigenvalue problem is studied in detail including the completeness of eigenfunctions. Without the discussion of the completeness, the theory is only partially correct since no answer is given to certain fundamental questions such as why an exponential variation with distance is assumed for each mode and no other possible functional form is considered. Chapter 4 discusses resonant cavities using a similar eigenfunction approach. In Chapter 5, various properties of waveguide junctions are discussed using matrices. Matrices are introduced since the multitude of symbols and lengthy expressions, which would otherwise be necessary, could interfere with our concentration on the heart of a problem. Just as vectors do, matrices help in studying relatively complex problems, systematically. Chapter 6 discusses two phenomena: One is the coupling between traveling waves and the other is that between electromagnetic fields in cavities. Each illustrates an in teresting application of eigenvalue problems. Chapter 7 is a study of linear amplifiers. The central topic is their noise performance. In Chapter 8, we discuss a circuit-theoretical analysis of electron beams which clarifies a number of properties of practical interest. Finally, Chapter 9 contains a discussion of oscillators. Although oscillators are inherently nonlinear, some of their important properties are studied here without specifying the details of the nonlinearity. Each chapter is followed by a set containing two types of problems: one helps to give deeper understanding of the discussion in the text while the other covers topics which could not be included in the text. The reader is advised to at least read each problem even when he has no time to solve it. Obviously, this book is not intended to supply microwave circuit design data. Those who want such information should refer to a large collection of books already available on the market (for example, MIT Radiation viii Preface Laborsaeter)os.Tir hyoe b jeocftt hibivoseo ikst oc onvteoty hr ee ader, throtuhdgeih s ocnuo sfts htieh eoofmr iyc rocwiarvcseuo imbteas si,id ce as anadfe wm athemtaetcihcnawilhq iuacerhfose u, n tdob eu seifunml a ny branocfeh negsi naenesdrc iinegn ce. Inac lasssrionoocnmela,fe y w p ercoeftn hstet udweinblteils n volved witwha veguirdeelssa utabjenedidc nt t hfuset ure,i nsto rh aeesrowenh y detoafip lrse saevnatildlyea sbtilege<:n h nsihqouubelepsd r e enstseidn ce thewsiesl olob neo bsoOlnet thoeet. h bearnb dse,i i cd ewaiusll lt imately porvteob em orues efofurls olvpirnogb ilneom tshfi eerli dnws h itchhe studmeanybet c oimnev oAlsva et de.x tbhooowkei,vit ens ro ,nt e cessary tofo lleoawcc hh apctleorsF eoelrxy a.m opnlceeo ,us ltdafr romt h Capter 3d epenondt ihnbega ckgorfotu hanevd e rsatguedF eunrtrt.mh oetrhee, teacdhoenerosn t e etdoc ovteherei genfucnocmtpiloednti esnceuissnss ion thcel asshreho aoosmn t;lo sy t imtuhlseat tuedi enntteTsr'he emsyatr y.e ad thaep propparrbityas t et heomrrs eefetlrotv heewsmh easn i mpirloabrl em intetrheeSsmit.m imlaanroylt yhp,ea rrc tabsne b ypaisnts hecedl assroom orp resiennas t iemdp lfoirfmbi yre eds trtihcet idnigts oacs upsesciioanl casfoere; x amtphlreee ,fe riemnepcned acnacbneem s a deeq utaoI!i tnh e scattmeartironifCgc h easp 5t.e r Thceu rvroelnutibm sa es oenadfi rysetga-rra dtueawxtrlei itnJt aepna n­ esaenp du beldbf yta hhMea ruCzoemnp ia1nn9 y6A n3 u.m borefer v iasnido ns addiwteirmoean dsbe e fotrhebe o owka tsr ansilnta hfitinesfoad rl m T.h e authcoorr'dtsih aalna krdesu teo t hpeu blicsohmipnfagona ryll owing hitmou smea tefrreiefoalripy u blication. ThEen ghlt ieshxatbs e erne abdym ancyo lleaatBg euTleeisl ephone Laboratoritehset.mh ,ae Au mtohinospgr a rtiicnudleeadtbr otl y Dr. M.R.B arwbheaorc cetphtbeeu dr doefcn o rretchEteni gnlgWi isthh.o ut hihse ltphb,io so wko unlodbi a vceo mien etxoi stence. CONTENTS Preface . V 1. Elements of Conventional Circuit Theory 1.1 Transmission Line Theory. I 1. 2 Smith Chart. 12 1.3 Bilinear Transformations 23 1.4 Power Waves 33 Problems 38 2. Electromagnetic Field Vectors 2.1 Vectors . 40 2.2 Maxwell's Equations 63 2.3 Plane Waves 73 Problems 83 3. Waveguides 3.1 Perfect Conductors. 85 3.2 TEio Mode in Rectangular Waveguides . 87 3.3 Introductory Eigenvalue Problem 99 3.4 Eigenfunctions for Waveguides 113 3.5 General Theory of Waveguides 130 3.6 Examples of Waveguides . 138 ix Contents X 3.7 Waveguide Discontinuities 149 3.8 Effect of Wall Losses . 1S6 3.9 Waveguides with Inhomogeneous Media 164 Problems 167 4. Resonant Cavities 4.1 Introduction. 170 4.2 Expansions of Electrornagnetic Fields 173 4.3 Equivalent Circuits. 18S 4.4 Perturbation of Boundaries . 193 4.5 Cavities with Imhomogeneous Media 196 Problems 198 5. Matrices and Waveguide Junctions 5.1 Matrices. 200 5.2 Reciprocal Conditions . 217 5.3 Lossless Conditions 224 5.4 Frequency Characteristic of Lossless Reciprocal ]unctions 226 5.5 Lossless Reciprocal Three-port Networks 232 5.6 Symmetrical Y Junctions . 234 5.7 Tensor Permeability of Ferrites 240 5.8 Three-port Circulators . 247 Problems 253 6. Coupled Modes and Periodic Structures 6.1 Distributed Couplings . 2S7 6.2 Perturbation Method for the Eigenvalue Problem . 264 6.3 Interactions between Two Waves. 269 6.4 Periodic Structures . 274 6.5 wMP Diagram 282 Problems 288 7. Linear Amplifiers 7.1 Canonical Forms 290 7.2 Noise Measure . 299 7.3 Unconditional Stability 308 7.4 Unilateral Gain. 31S 7.5 Tunnel Diode Amplifiers 318 Contents xi 7.6 Manley-Rowe Relations . 333 7.7 Negative Resistance Parametric Amplifiers . 337 Problems 343 8. Electron Beams 8.1 An Electron Beam Model. 346 8.2 Space Charge Waves . 351 8.3 Gap Interactions 359 8.4 Continuous Interaction with a Slow Wave Structure 367 8.5 Electron Beam Noise 372 Problems 378 9. Oscillators 9.1 A Simplified Oscillator Model 380 9.2 Synchronization by Injection Locking 386 9.3 Noise in Oscillators 389 Problems 397 Appendix I Proof of limk; = oo a➔oo 1. One-Dimensional Case. 399 2. Two-Dimensional Case 404 3. Three-Dimensional Case 409 4. Resonant Cavities with Inhomogeneous Media. 410 Appendix II Generalized Functions and Fourier Analysis References Subject Index . 431

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