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An Introduction to Quiver Representations PDF

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GRADUATE STUDIES 184 IN MATHEMATICS An Introduction to Quiver Representations Harm Derksen Jerzy Weyman American Mathematical Society An Introduction to Quiver Representations GRADUATE STUDIES 184 IN MATHEMATICS An Introduction to Quiver Representations Harm Derksen Jerzy Weyman American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Dan Abramovich Daniel S. Freed (Chair) Gigliola Staffilani Jeff A. Viaclovsky 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 16G20, 16G10,16G70, 14L24, 13A50. For additional informationand updates on this book, visit www.ams.org/bookpages/gsm-184 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Derksen,Harm,1970-|Weyman,Jerzy,1955- Title: Anintroductiontoquiverrepresentations/HarmDerksen,JerzyWeyman. Description: Providence,RhodeIsland: AmericanMathematicalSociety,[2017]|Series: Gradu- atestudiesinmathematics;volume184|Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. Identifiers: LCCN2017016426|ISBN9781470425562(alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Directed graphs. | Representations of graphs. | Vector spaces. | AMS: As- sociative rings and algebras – Representation theory of rings and algebras – Representations of Artinian rings. msc | Associative rings and algebras – Representation theory of rings and algebras–Auslander-Reitensequences(almostsplitsequences)andAuslander-Reitenquivers. msc | Algebraic geometry – Algebraic groups – Geometric invariant theory. msc | Commu- tative algebra–Generalcommutativering theory– Actionsofgroupsoncommutativerings; invarianttheory. msc Classification: LCCQA166.15.D472017|DDC512/.46–dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2017016426 Copying and reprinting. Individual readersofthispublication,andnonprofit librariesacting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy select pages for use in teaching or research. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this publication in reviews,providedthecustomaryacknowledgmentofthesourceisgiven. Republication,systematiccopying,ormultiplereproductionofanymaterialinthispublication is permitted only under license from the American Mathematical Society. Permissions to reuse portions of AMS publication content are handled by Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink(cid:2) service. Formoreinformation,pleasevisit: http://www.ams.org/rightslink. Sendrequestsfortranslationrightsandlicensedreprintstoreprint-permission@ams.org. Excludedfromtheseprovisionsismaterialforwhichtheauthorholdscopyright. Insuchcases, requestsforpermissiontoreuseorreprintmaterialshouldbeaddresseddirectlytotheauthor(s). Copyrightownershipisindicatedonthecopyrightpage,oronthelowerright-handcornerofthe firstpageofeacharticlewithinproceedingsvolumes. (cid:2)c 2017bytheauthors. Allrightsreserved. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. (cid:2)∞ Thepaperusedinthisbookisacid-freeandfallswithintheguidelines establishedtoensurepermanenceanddurability. VisittheAMShomepageathttp://www.ams.org/ 10987654321 222120191817 Contents Preface ix Chapter 1. Introduction 1 §1.1. Basic Definitions and Examples 1 §1.2. The Category of Quiver Representations 3 §1.3. Representation Spaces 6 §1.4. Indecomposable Representations 8 §1.5. The Path Algebra 11 §1.6. Duality 14 §1.7. The Krull-Remak-Schmidt Theorem 15 §1.8. Bibliographical Remarks 17 Chapter 2. Homological Algebra of Quiver Representations 19 §2.1. Projective and Injective Modules 19 §2.2. Projective and Injective Quiver Representations 22 §2.3. The Hereditary Property of Path Algebras 24 §2.4. The Extensions Group 27 §2.5. The Euler Form 32 §2.6. Bibliographical Remarks 34 Chapter 3. Finite Dimensional Algebras 35 §3.1. Quivers with Relations 35 §3.2. The Jacobson Radical 38 §3.3. Basic Algebras 41 v vi Contents §3.4. Morita Equivalence 43 §3.5. Bibliographical Remarks 47 Chapter 4. Gabriel’s Theorem 49 §4.1. Quivers of Finite Representation Type 50 §4.2. Dynkin Graphs 52 §4.3. The Reflection Functors 57 §4.4. The Coxeter Functor 64 §4.5. Examples 69 §4.6. Bibliographical Remarks 71 Chapter 5. Almost Split Sequences 73 §5.1. Ideals of Morphisms in the Module Categories 73 §5.2. Irreducible Morphisms 77 §5.3. The Auslander-Reiten Quiver 83 §5.4. The Notion of an Almost Split Sequence 86 §5.5. Bibliographical Remarks 94 Chapter 6. Auslander-Reiten Theory 97 §6.1. Injective Envelopes and Projective Covers 97 §6.2. The Transpose Functor 100 §6.3. The Translation Functor for Quivers 102 §6.4. Auslander-Reiten Duality 103 §6.5. Coxeter Functors Revisited 107 §6.6. The Auslander-Reiten Quiver for Hereditary Algebras 111 §6.7. The Preprojective Algebra 114 §6.8. Bibliographical Remarks 116 Chapter 7. Extended Dynkin Quivers 117 §7.1. Representations of the Kronecker Quiver 118 §7.2. The Auslander-Reiten Quiver of the Kronecker Quiver 121 §7.3. AR Quivers for other Extended Dynkin Types 122 §7.4. Bibliographical Remarks 129 Chapter 8. Kac’s Theorem 131 §8.1. Deformed Preprojective Algebras 131 §8.2. Reflections 136 §8.3. Root Systems 138 Contents vii §8.4. Quiver Representations over Finite Fields 142 §8.5. Bibliographical Remarks 147 Chapter 9. Geometric Invariant Theory 149 §9.1. Algebraic Group Actions 150 §9.2. Linearly Reductive Groups 155 §9.3. The Geometry of Quotients 162 §9.4. Semi-Invariants and the Sato-Kimura Lemma 164 §9.5. Geometric Invariant Theory 167 §9.6. The Hilbert-Mumford Criterion 169 §9.7. GIT for Quiver Representations 172 §9.8. GIT Quotients with Respect to Weights 176 §9.9. Bibliographical Remarks 182 Chapter 10. Semi-invariants of Quiver Representations 183 §10.1. Background from Classical Invariant Theory 184 §10.2. The Le Bruyn-Procesi Theorem 187 §10.3. Background from the Representation Theory of GL 191 n §10.4. Semi-invariants and Representation Theory 197 §10.5. Examples for Dynkin Quivers 199 §10.6. Schofield Semi-invariants 204 §10.7. The Main Theorem and Saturation Theorem 206 §10.8. Proof of the Main Theorem 211 §10.9. Semi-invariants for Dynkin Quivers 216 §10.10. Semi-invariants for Extended Dynkin Types 218 §10.11. More Examples of Rings of Semi-invariants 225 §10.12. Schofield Incidence Varieties 231 §10.13. Bibliographical Remarks 240 Chapter 11. Orthogonal Categories and Exceptional Sequences 243 §11.1. Schur Representations 244 §11.2. The Canonical Decomposition 246 §11.3. Tilting Modules 254 §11.4. Orthogonal Categories 259 §11.5. Quivers with Two Vertices 266 §11.6. Two Sincerity Results 269 §11.7. The Braid Group Action on Exceptional Sequences 270 viii Contents §11.8. Examples 273 §11.9. An Algorithm for the Canonical Decomposition 275 §11.10. Bibliographical Remarks 285 Chapter 12. Cluster Categories 287 §12.1. A Combinatorial Model for Type A 288 n §12.2. Cluster Combinatorics and Decorated Representations 294 §12.3. Triangulated Categories and Derived Categories 303 §12.4. The Derived Category of Quiver Representations 310 §12.5. Cluster Categories 316 §12.6. Cluster Tilted Algebras 318 §12.7. Bibliographical Remarks 322 Notation 325 Index 327 Bibliography 331 Preface Theideaofwritingthisbookcamefromthecollaborationoftheauthors. We startedworkingonquiverrepresentationwhenthefirstauthorvisitedNorth- eastern University as a Research Scholar in the academic year 1997/1998. We both came from other fields of algebra so we had to learn the subject from scratch. At the same time we were interested in connections of quiver representations with invariant theory, representations of algebraic groups, and algebraic geometry. Thisexperiencemadeusrealizethat(exceptforCrawley-Boevey’snotes [18] available online), there is no introductory text which would allow a personwithoutanyknowledgeofArtinalgebrastolearnthesubjectquickly. Later both authors taught courses on quiver representations at Uni- versity of Michigan and Northeastern University, respectively. The second author also taught a two month course on quiver representations at Tor Vergata University in Rome in the spring of 2007. We are grateful to Calin Chindris, Jiarui Fei, Ryan Kinser, Andrea Ap- pel, Andrew Carroll, Sachin Gautam, Daniel Labardini, Kavita Sutar, Sal- vatore Stella, Riccardo Aragona, Ada Boralevi, Cristina DiTrapano, Luca Moci, and other students who took part in these courses. The book is addressed to non-specialists, who want to learn the subject without going through the extended preparation in algebra, just starting from basic linear algebra. It turned out to be impossible to be completely elementary, so in some places we use some basic algebraic geometry (mainly the dimension counts). ix

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