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Authors: Bland, Martin Title: Introduction to Medical Statistics, An, 3rd Edition Copyright ©2000 Oxford University Press > Front of Book > Authors Author Martin Bland Professor of Medical Statistics St George's Hospital Medical School, London Authors: Bland, Martin Title: Introduction to Medical Statistics, An, 3rd Edition Copyright ©2000 Oxford University Press > Front of Book > Dedication Dedication To the memory of Ernest and Phyllis Bland, my parents Authors: Bland, Martin Title: Introduction to Medical Statistics, An, 3rd Edition Copyright ©2000 Oxford University Press > Front of Book > Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Third Edition In preparing this third edition of An Introduction to Medical Statistics, I have taken the opportunity to correct a number of mistakes and typographical errors, and to change some of the examples and add a few more. I have extended the treatment of several topics and introduced some new ones, previously omitted through lack of space or energy, or because they were then rarely seen in the medical literature. In one case, number needed to treat, the concept had not even been invented when the second edition was written. Other new topics include consent in clinical trials, design and analysis of cluster- randomized trials, ecological studies, conditional probability, repeated testing, random effects models, intraclass correlation, and conditional odds ratios. Thanks to the wonders of computerized typesetting, I have managed to extend the contents of the book with a very small increase in the number of pages. This book is for medical students, doctors, medical researchers, nurses, members of professions allied to medicine, and all others concerned with medical data. The range of statistical methods used in the medical and health care literature, and hence described in this book, continues to grow, but the time available in the undergraduate curriculum does not. Some of the topics covered here are beyond the needs of many students, so I have indicated by an asterisk sections which would not usually be included in first courses. These are intended for postgraduate students and medical researchers. This third edition is being published with a companion volume, Statistical Questions in Evidence-based Medicine (Bland and Peacock 2000). This book of questions and answers includes no calculations and is complementary to the exercises given here. In the solutions given we make many references to An Introduction to Medical Statistics. Because we wanted Statistical Questions in Evidence-based Medicine to be usable with the second edition of An Introduction to Medical Statistics (Bland 1995), I have kept the same order and numbering of the sections in the third edition. New material has all been added at the ends of the chapters. If the structure sometimes seems a little unwieldy, that is why. This is a book about data, not statistical theory. The fundamental concepts of study design, data collection and data analysis are explained by illustration and example. Only enough mathematics and formulae are given to make clear what is going on. For those who wish to go a little further in their understanding, some of the more mathematical background to the techniques described is given as appendices to the chapters rather than in the main text. The material covered includes all the statistical work that would be required for a course in medicine and for the examinations of most of the royal colleges. It includes the design of clinical trials and epidemiological studies, data collection. summarizing and presenting data, probability, the Binomial, Normal, Poisson. t and Chi-squared distributions, standard errors, confidence intervals, tests of significance, large sample and small sample comparisons of means, the use of transformations, regression and correlation, methods based on ranks, contingency tables, odds ratios, measurement error, reference ranges, mortality data, vital statistics, analysis of variance, multiple and logistic regression, survival analysis, sample size estimation, and the choice of the statistical method. The book is firmly grounded in medical data, particularly in medical research, and the interpretation of the results of calculations in their medical context is emphasized. Except for a few obviously invented numbers used to illustrate the mechanics of calculations, all the data in the examples and exercises are real, from my own research and statistical consultation or from the medical literature. There are two kinds of exercise in this book. Each chapter has a set of multiple choice questions of the ‘true or false’ type, 100 in all. Multiple choice questions can cover a large amount of material in a short time, so are a useful tool for revision. As MCQs are widely used in postgraduate examinations, these exercises should also be useful to those preparing for memberships. All the MCQs have solutions, with reference to an appropriate part of the text or a detailed explanation for most of the answers. Each chapter also has one long exercise. Although these usually involve calculation, I have tried to avoid merely slotting figures into formulae. These exercises include not only the application of statistical techniques, but also the interpretation of the results in the light of the source of the data. I wish to thank many people who have contributed to the writing of this book. First, there are the many medical students, doctors, research workers, nurses, physiotherapists, and radiographers whom it has been my pleasure to teach, and from whom I have learned so much. Second, the book contains many examples drawn from research carried out with other statisticians, epidemiologists, and social scientists, particularly Douglas Altman, Ross Anderson, Mike Banks, Barbara Butland, Beulah Bewley, and Walter Holland. These studies could not have been done without the assistance of Patsy Bailey, Bob Harris. Rebecca McNair. Janet Peacock, Swatee Patel, and Virginia Pollard. Third, the clinicians and scientists with whom I have collaborated or who have come to me for statistical advice not only taught me about medical data but many of them have left me with data which are used here, including Naib Al- Saady, Thomas Bewley, Frances Boa, Nigel Brown, Jan Davies, Peter Fish, Caroline Flint, Nick Hall, Tessi Hanid. Michael Hutt, Riahd Jasrawi, Ian Johnston, Moses Kipembwa, Pam Luthra, Hugh Mather, Daram Maugdal, Douglas Maxwell, Charles Mutoka, Tim Northfield, Andreas Papadopoulos, Mohammed Raja, Paul Richardson, and Alberto Smith. I am particularly indebted to John Morgan, as Chapter 16 is partly based on his work. The original manuscript was typed by Sue Nash, Sue Fisher, Susan Harding, Sheilah Skipp, and myself. This edition has been set by me using LATEX, so any errors which remain are definitely my own. All the graphs have been drawn using Stata except for the pie charts, done using Harvard Graphics. I thank Douglas Altman, David Jones, Robin Prescott, Klim McPherson. Janet Peacock, and Stuart Pocock for their helpful comments on earlier drafts. I have corrected a number of errors from the first and second editions, and I am grateful to colleagues who have pointed them out to me, in particular to Daniel Heitjan. I am very grateful to Janet Peacock, who proof-read this edition. Special thanks are due to my head of department, Ross Anderson, for all his support, and to the staff of Oxford University Press. Most of all I thank my wife, Pauline Bland, for her unfailing confidence and encouragement, and my children, Emily and Nicholas Bland, for keeping my feet firmly on the ground. M. B. London, March 2000 Authors: Bland, Martin Title: Introduction to Medical Statistics, An, 3rd Edition Copyright ©2000 Oxford University Press > Table of Contents > Sections marked * contain material usually found only in postgraduate courses Sections marked * contain material usually found only in postgraduate courses Authors: Bland, Martin Title: Introduction to Medical Statistics, An, 3rd Edition Copyright ©2000 Oxford University Press > Table of Contents > 1 - Introduction 1 Introduction 1.1 Statistics and medicine Evidence-based practice is the new watchword in every profession concerned with the treatment and prevention of disease and promotion of health and well-being. This requires both the gathering of evidence and its critical interpretation. The former is bringing more people into the practice of research, and the latter is requiring of all health professionals the ability to evaluate the research carried out. Much of this evidence is in the form of numerical data. The essential skill required for the collection, analysis, and evaluation of numerical data is statistics. Thus Statistics, the science of assembling and interpreting numerical data, is the core science of evidence-based practice. In the past forty years medical research has become deeply involved with the techniques of statistical inference. The work published in medical journals is full of statistical jargon and the results of statistical calculations. This acceptance of statistics, though gratifying to the medical statistician, may even have gone too far. More than once I have told a colleague that he did not need me to prove that his difference existed, as anyone could see it, only to be told in turn that without the magic of the P value he could not have his paper published. Statistics has not always been so popular with the medical profession. Statistical methods were first used in medical research in the 19th century by workers such as Pierre-Charles-Alexandre Louis, William Farr, Florence Nightingale and John Snow. Snow's studies of the modes of communication of cholera, for example, made use of epidemiological techniques upon which we have still made little improvement. Despite the work of these pioneers, however, statistical methods did not become widely used in clinical medicine until the middle of the twentieth century. It was then that the methods of randomized experimentation and statistical analysis based on sampling theory, which had been developed by Fisher and others, were introduced into medical research, notably by Bradford Hill. It rapidly became apparent that research in medicine raised many new problems in both design and analysis, and much work has been done since towards solving these by clinicians, statisticians and epidemiologists. Although considerable progress has been made in such fields as the design of clinical trials, there remains much to be done in developing research methodology in medicine. It seems likely that this will always be so, for every research project is something new, something which has never been done before. Under these circumstances we make mistakes. No piece of research can be perfect and there will always be something which, with hindsight, we would have changed. Furthermore, it is often from the flaws in a study that we can learn most about research methods. For this reason, the work of several researchers is described in this book to illustrate the problems into which their designs or analyses led them. I do not wish to imply that these people were any more prone to error than the rest of the human race, or that their work was not a valuable and serious undertaking. Rather I want to learn from their experience of attempting something extremely difficult, trying to extend our knowledge, so that researchers and consumers of research may avoid these particular pitfalls in the future. 1.2 Statistics and mathematics Many people are discouraged from the study of statistics by a fear of being overwhelmed by mathematics. It is true that many professional statisticians are also mathematicians, but not all are, and there are many very able appliers of statistics to their own fields. It is possible, though perhaps not very useful, to study statistics simply as a part of mathematics, with no concern for its application at all. Statistics may also be discussed without appearing to use any mathematics at all (e.g. Huff 1954). The aspects of statistics described in this book can be understood and applied with the use of simple algebra. Only the algebra which is essential for explaining the most important concepts is given in the main text. This means that several of the theoretical results used are stated without a discussion of their mathematical basis. This is done when the derivation of the result would not aid much in understanding the application. For many readers the reasoning behind these results is not of great interest. For the reader who does not wish to take these results on trust, several chapters have appendices in which simple mathematical proofs are given. These appendices are designed to help increase the understanding of the more mathematically inclined reader and to be omitted by those who find that the mathematics serves only to confuse. 1.3 Statistics and computing Practical statistics has always involved large amounts of calculation. When the methods of statistical inference were being developed in the first half of the twentieth century, calculations were done using pencil, paper, tables, slide rules and, with luck, a very expensive mechanical adding machine. Older books on statistics spend much time on the details of carrying out calculations and any reference to a ‘computer’ means a person who computes, not an electronic device. The development of the digital computer has brought changes to statistics as to many other fields. Calculations can be done quickly, easily and, we hope, accurately with a range of machines from pocket calculators with built-in statistical functions to powerful computers analysing data on many thousands of subjects. Many statistical methods would not be contemplated without computers, and the development of new methods goes hand in hand with the development of software to carry them out. The theory of multilevel modelling (Goldstein 1995) and the programs MLn and MLWin are a good example. Most of the calculations in this book were done using a computer and the graphs were produced with one. As an added bonus, my little MSDOS program Clinstat (not to be confused with any commercial package of the same name) can be downloaded free from my website at http://www.sghms.ac.uk/depts/phs/staff/jmb/. It does most of the calculations in this book, including sample size calculations and random sampling and allocation. It does not do any multifactorial analyses, sorry. There is also a little program to find some exact confidence intervals. There is therefore no need to consider the problems of manual calculation in detail. The important thing is to know why particular calculations should be done and what the results of these calculations actually mean. Indeed, the danger in the computer age is not so much that people carry out complex calculations wrongly, but that they apply very complicated statistical methods without knowing why or what the computer output means. More than once I have been approached by a researcher bearing a two inch thick computer printout, and asking what it all means. Sadly, too often, it means that another tree has died in vain. The widespread availability of computers means that more calculations are being done, and being published, than ever before, and the chance of inappropriate statistical methods being applied may actually have increased. This misuse arises partly because people regard their data analysis problems as computing problems, not statistical ones, and seek advice from computer experts rather than statisticians. They often get good advice on how to do it, but rather poor advice about what to do, why to do it and how to interpret the results afterwards. It is therefore more important than ever that the consumers of research understand something about the uses and limitations of statistical techniques. 1.4 The scope of this book This book is intended as an introduction to some of the statistical ideas important to medicine. It does not tell you all you need to know to do medical research. Once you have understood the concepts discussed here, it is much easier to learn about the techniques of study design and statistical analysis required to answer any particular question. There are several excellent standard works which describe the solutions to problems in the analysis of data (Armitage and Berry 1994, Snedecor and Cochran 1980, Altman 1991) and also more specialized books to which reference will be made where required. What I hope the book will do is to give enough understanding of the statistical ideas commonly used in medicine to enable the health professional to read the medical literature competently and critically. It covers enough material (and more) for an undergraduate course in statistics for students of medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, etc. At the time of writing, as far as can be established, it covers the material required to answer statistical questions set in the examinations of most of the Royal Colleges, except for the MRCPsych. I have indicated by an asterisk in the subheading those sections which I think will be required only by the postgraduate or the researcher. When working through a textbook, it is useful to be able to check your understanding of the material covered. Like most such books, this one has exercises at the end of each chapter, but to ease the tedium most of these are of the multiple choice type. There is also one long exercise, usually involving calculations, for each chapter. In keeping with the computer age, where laborious calculation would be necessary intermediate results are given to avoid this. Thus the exercises can be completed quite quickly and the reader is advised to try them. You can also download some of the data sets from my website (http://www.sghms.ac.uk/depts/phs/staff/jmb). Solutions are given at the end of the book, in full for the long exercises and as brief notes with references to the relevant sections in the text for MCQs. Readers who would like more numerical exercises are recommended to Osborn (1979). For a wealth of exercises in the understanding and interpretation of statistics in medical research, drawn from the published literature and popular media, you should try the companion volume to this one, Statistical Questions in Evidence-based Medicine (Bland and Peacock 2000). Finally, a question many students of medicine ask as they struggle with statistics: is it worth it? As Altman (1982) has argued, bad statistics leads to bad research and bad research is unethical. Not only may it give misleading results, which can result in good therapies being abandoned and bad ones adopted, but it means that patients may have been exposed to potentially harmful new treatments for no good reason. Medicine is a rapidly changing field. In ten years' time, many of the therapies currently prescribed and many of our ideas about the causes and prevention of disease will be obsolete. They will be replaced by new therapies and new theories, supported by research studies and data of the kind described in this book, and probably presenting many of the same problems in interpretation. The practitioner will be expected to decide for her- or himself what to prescribe or advise based on these studies. So a knowledge of medical statistics is one of the most useful things any doctor could acquire during her or his training. Authors: Bland, Martin Title: Introduction to Medical Statistics, An, 3rd Edition Copyright ©2000 Oxford University Press > Table of Contents > 2 - The design of experiments 2 The design of experiments 2.1 Comparing treatments There are two broad types of study in medical research: observational and experimental. In observational studies, aspects of an existing situation are observed, as in a survey or a clinical case report. We then try to interpret our data to give an explanation of how the observed state of affairs has come about. In experimental studies, we do something, such as giving a drug, so that we can observe the result of our action. This chapter is concerned with the way statistical thinking is involved in the design of experiments. In particular, it deals with comparative experiments where we wish to study the difference between the effects of two or more treatments. These experiments may be carried out in the laboratory in vitro or on animals or human volunteers, in the hospital or community on human patients, or, for trials of preventive interventions, on currently healthy people. We call trials of treatments on human subjects clinical trials. The general principles of experimental design are the same, although there are special precautions which must be taken when experimenting with human subjects. The experiments whose results most concern clinicians are clinical trials, so the discussion will deal mainly with them. Suppose we want to know whether a new treatment is more effective than the present standard treatment. We could approach this in a number of ways. First, we could compare the results of the new treatment on new patients with records of previous results using the old treatment. This is seldom convincing, because there may be many differences between the patients who received the old treatment and the patients who will receive the new. As time passes, the general population from which patients come may become healthier, standards of ancillary treatment and nursing care may improve, or the social mix in the catchment area of the hospital may change. The nature of the disease itself may change. All these factors may produce changes in the patients' apparent response to treatment. For example, Christie (1979) showed this by studying the survival of stroke patients in 1978, after the introduction of a C-T head scanner, with that of patients treated in 1974, before the introduction of the scanner. He took the records of a group of patients treated in 1978, who received a C-T scan, and matched each of them with a patient treated in 1974 of the same age, diagnosis and level of consciousness on admission. As the first column of Table 2.1 shows, patients in 1978 clearly tended to have better survival than similar patients in 1974. The scanned 1978 patient did better than the unscanned 1974 patient in 31% of pairs. whereas the unscanned 1974 patient did better that the scanned 1978 patient in only 7% of pairs. However, he also compared the survival of patients in 1978 who did not receive a C-T scan with matched patients in 1974. These patients too showed a marked improvement in survival from 1974 to 1978 (Table 2.1). The 1978 patients did better in 38% of pairs and the 1974 patients in only 19% of pairs. There was a general improvement in outcome over a fairly short period of time. If we did not have the data on the unscanned patients from 1978 we might be tempted to interpret these data as evidence for the effectiveness of the C-T scanner. Historical controls like this are seldom very convincing, and usually favour the new treatment. We need to compare the old and new treatments concurrently. Table 2.1. Analysis of the difference in survival for matched pairs of stroke patients (Christie 1979) C-T scan in No C-T scan in

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