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AN INTRODUCTION TO HOMOLOGICAL ALGEBRA AN INTRODUCTION TO HOMOLOGICAL ALGEBRA BY D.G.NORTHCOTT PROFESSOR OF PURE MATHEMATICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD fisfi an;fluid .. g .5 CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1960 PUBLISHED BY THE SYNDICS OF THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS BentleyHouse,200EustonRoad,London,N.W.I AmericanBranch:32East57thStreet,NewYork22,N.Y. © CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1960 Printed7?»GreatBritainatthe UniversityPress,Cambridge (BrookeGrutchley, UniversityPrinter) CONTENTS Preface page 1x 1. Generalities concerning modules 1.1 Leftmodulesandrightmodules w 1.2 Submodules w 1.3 Factormodules w 1.4 A-homomorphisms w 1.5 SomedifferenttypesofA-homomorphisms w 1.6 Inducedmappings m 1.7 Imagesandkernels a q 1.8 Modulesgeneratedbysubsets w 1.9 Directproductsanddirectsums 1.10 Abbreviatednotations —lM 1.11 SequencesofA-homomorphisms —‘DW I 2. Tensor products and groups ofhomomorphisms 2.1 Thedefinition oftensorproducts 16 2.2 Tensorproducts overcommutativerings 17 2.3 Continuationofthegeneraldiscussion 18 2.4 Tensorproductsofhomomorphisms 19 2.5 TheprincipalpropertiesofHornA(B,0) 24 3. Categories and functors 3.1 Abstractmappings 30 3.2 Categories 31 3.3 Additive andA-categories 32 vi C0NTENTS 3.4 Equivalences page 32 3.5 Thecategories 911;and gfi 33 3.6 Functorsofasinglevariable 33 3.7 Functorsofseveralvariables 34 3.8 Naturaltransformationsoffunctors 35 3.9 Functorsofmodules 36 3.10 Exactfunctors 38 3.11 Leftexactandrightexactfunctors 40 3.12 Properties ofrightexactfunctors 41 3.13 A ®A0andHomA(B,0) asfunctors 44 4. Homology functors 4.1 Diagramsoveraring 46 4.2 Translations ofdiagrams 47 4.3 Images andkernels asfunctors 48 4.4 Homologyfunctors 52 4.5 Theconnectinghomomorphism 54 4.6 Complexes 59 4.7 Homotopictranslations 62 5. Projective and injective modules 5.1 Projectivemodules 63 5.2 Injective modules 67 5.3 Anexistencetheoremforinjectivemodules 71 5.4 Complexesoveramodule 75 5.5 Properties ofresolutionsofmodules 77 5.6 Propertiesofresolutionsofsequences 80 5.7 Furtherresults onresolutionsofsequences 84 CONTENTS vii 6. Derived functors 6.1 Functorsofcomplexes page 90 6.2 Functorsoftwocomplexes 94 6.3 Right~derivedfunctors 99 6.4 Left~derivedfunctors 109 6.5 Connectedsequencesoffunctors 113 7. Torsion and extension functors 7.1 Torsionfunctors 121 7.2 Basicpropertiesoftorsionfunctors 123 7.3 Extensionfunctors 128 7.4 Basicpropertiesofextensionfunctors 130 7.5 Thehomologicaldimensionofamodule 134 7.6 Globaldimension 138 7.7 Noetherianrings 144 7.8 CommutativeNoetherianrings 148 7.9 GlobaldimensionofNoetherianrings 149 8. Some useful identities 8.1 Bimodules 155 8.2 Generalprinciples 156 8.3 Theassociativelawfortensorproducts 160 8.4 Tensorproductsovercommutativerings 161 8.5 Mixedidentities 164 8.6 Ringsandmodulesoffractions 167 9. Commutative Noetherian rings offinite global dimension 9.1 Somespecialcases - 174 9.2 Reductionofthegeneralproblem 184 9.3 Modulesoverlocalrings 189 viii CONTENTS 9.4 Someauxiliaryresults page 202 9.5 Homological codimension 204 9.6 Modules offinitehomological dimension 205 10. Homology and eohomology theories ofgroups and monoids 10.1 Generalremarks concerningmonoids andgroups 211 10.2 Moduleswithrespectto monoidsandgroups 214 10.3 Monoid—ringsandgroup-rings 215 10.4 ThefunctorsAGandAG 217 10.5 Axiomsforthehomologytheoryofmonoids 219 10.6 Axiomsforthe cohomologytheoryofmonoids 221 10.7 StandardresolutionsofZ 223 10.8 Thefirsthomologygroup 229 10.9 Thefirst eohomologygroup 230 10.10 Thesecond eohomologygroup 238 10.11 Homologyandeohomologyinspecialcases 244 10.12 Finitegroups 249 10.13 Thenorm ofahomomorphism 252 10.14 Propertiesofthe complete derivedsequence 256 10.15 CompletefreeresolutionsofZ 259 Notes 266 References 278 Index 281 PREFACE The past ten years or so have seen the emergence ofa new mathe- matical subject which now bears the name Homological Algebra. To begin with, it was the concern of a few enthusiasts in certain specializedfieldsbut, sincethepublicationofCartanandEilenberg’s now famous bookj‘ its importance for several ofthe main branches ofpuremathematicshasbeengenerallyrecognized. The young mathematician, about to start on research, will be anxious to learn about homological ideas and methods, and one of theaimsofthisbookistohelphimtogetstarted. Intryingtocater forhisneeds, Ihaveimaginedsuchareaderasbeingfamiliarwiththe notions ofgroup, ring and field but still relatively inexperienced in modern algebra. For him, the account given here is self—contained saveinasmallnumberofparticularswhicharementionedbelow,and whichneednotdiscouragehim. An introduction to homological algebra must, ofnecessity, be an introductiontothebookofCartanandEilenberg,forthestudentwho wishes to go furtherwill need to read theirwork; but muchofgreat interestandvaluehasbeenachievedevenmorerecently, andsomeof thislaterworkhasbeengivenaplaceinthefollowingpages. Thelist ofcontents gives afairly detailedpicture ofthe maintopics treated, but afewadditionalcommentsmaybeahelp. Chapters 1—6 develop, in a leisurely manner, the results that are neededtoestablishandillustratethetheoryofderivedfunctors,after whichfollowsanaccountoftorsionandextensionfunctors. Theseare the most important ones which are obtainable by the process of derivationand,inasense,theremainderofthebookisconcernedwith theirapplications. Suchanapplicationisthetheoryofglobaldimen— sion given at the end ofChapter 7, and here are included some im— portant results of M. Auslander on Noetherian rings that have previously beenavailableonlyintheoriginalresearchpaper. Chapter9dealswiththestructureofcommutativeNoetherianrings 1' H. Cartan and S. Eilenberg, Homological Algebra (PrincetonUniversity Press, 1956} x PREFACE offinite global dimension and represents one ofthe most satisfying achievements ofhomologieal methods. This, too, appears in a text- bookforthefirsttime. Here, itmustbeadmitted, theaccountisnot completely self-contained, but considerable care has been taken in explainingtheresultsofIdealTheorywhichareneededtosupplement thepurelyhomologicalarguments.Thisisthemostambitiouschapter, and the author hopes that it will help to stimulate interest in com- mutativealgebra. Thetreatmentgivenherewasfoundsuccessfulina courseoflecturesinwhichtheaudiencehadnospecializedknowledge ofclassical Ideal Theory. Chapter 10 is an introduction to the homology and cohomology theories of monoids and groups. This, by itself, has a considerable literature and was one ofthe earliest branches of our subject to be developed. The chaptercan beread, ifdesired, before Chapter 9 and does not require any specialized knowledge of Group Theory.'[' In decidinghowfartogowiththistopic, Ihadinmindthestudentwho mightwishto acquiresomegeneralbackgroundbeforeproceedingto theapplications in somespecializedfieldsuchasClass Field Theory. Nearly all the topics coveredin the following pages wereincluded in a course oflectures given at Sheffield University. Whenlecturing, itispossibleto digressat somelengthin ordertoexplainthegeneral plan of development and the connexions with other branches of mathematics. Also onelikes to mention important results connected withwhatoneisdiscussingevenifthereisnotimeforafulltreatment. Some ofthis supplementary material, which I hope will add to the enjoyment and interest ofthe main text, will be found in the Notes which follow Chapter 10. Thefinal chapterhas been muchimproved as theresult ofsugges- tions ofJ. Tatewith whom I hadanopportunityofdiscussingit. At Sheffield, I have been aided, at all stages, by my colleague H. K. Farahat. Ofparticularvaluehasbeenhiswillingnesstodiscusspoints ofdetail and to makehelpfulcriticisms. Thisworkowesa great deal to his continued interest. Iam also indebted to Sir William Hodge, who, when I first had the idea ofwriting an introduction to homo- logicalmethods, encouragedmetogo ahead. 1‘ Thereisactually onereferencetoaresultprovedin Chapter 9, butthere isno difficultyintakingthisoutofcontext.

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