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An introduction to finite element, boundary element, and meshless methods with applications to heat transfer and fluid flow PDF

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INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT, BOUNDARY ELEMENT, AND Pepper INTRODUCTION TO FINITE Kassab MESHLESS METHODS Divo ELEMENT, BOUNDARY With Applications to Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow ELEMENT, AND MESHLESS Darel W. Pepper, Alain J. Kassab, and Eduardo A. Divo METHODS When students once master the concepts of the fnite element method (and meshing), it’s not long before they begin to look at other numerical techniques and applications, especially the boundary Darrell W. Pepper Alain J. Kassab element and meshless methods (since a mesh is not required). The expert authors of this book provide a simple explanation of these three powerful numerical schemes and show how they all fall under the umbrella of the more universal method of weighted residuals. The book is structured in four sections. The frst introductory section provides the method of weighted residuals development of fnite differences, fnite volume, fnite element, boundary element, and meshless methods along with 1D examples of each method. The following three sections of the book present a more detailed development of the fnite element method, then progress through the boundary element method, and end with meshless methods. Each section serves as a stand-alone description, but it is apparent how each conveniently leads to the other techniques. It is recommended Eduardo A. Divo that the reader begin with the fnite element method, as this serves as the primary basis for defning the method of weighted residuals. Computer fles in MathCad, MATLAB, MAPLE and FORTRAN are available from the fbm.centecorp.com website, along with example data fles. With Applications to Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Two Park Avenue New York, NY 10016, USA www.asme.org INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT, BOUNDARY ELEMENT, AND MESHLESS METHODS AN INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT, BOUNDARY ELEMENT, AND MESHLESS METHODS With Applications to Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Darrell W. Pepper University of Nevada Las Vegas Alain J. Kassab University of Central Florida Eduardo A. Divo Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University © 2014, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA (www.asme.org) All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS WORK HAS BEEN OBTAINED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS FROM SOURCES BELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE. HOWEVER, NEI- THER ASME NOR ITS AUTHORS OR EDITORS GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETE- NESS OF ANY INFORMATION PUBLISHED IN THIS WORK. NEITHER ASME NOR ITS AUTHORS AND EDITORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR DAMAGES ARIS- ING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION. THE WORK IS PUBLISHED WITH THE UNDER- STANDING THAT ASME AND ITS AUTHORS AND EDITORS ARE SUPPLYING INFORMATION BUT ARE NOT ATTEMPTING TO RENDER ENGINEERING OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. IF SUCH ENGINEERING OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARE REQUIRED, THE ASSISTANCE OF AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL SHOULD BE SOUGHT. ASME shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or . . . printed in its publications (B7.1.3). Statement from the Bylaws. For authorization to photocopy material for internal or personal use under those circumstances not falling within the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act, contact the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rose- wood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, tel: 978-750-8400, www.copyright.com. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction should be addressed to the ASME Publishing Depart- ment, or submitted online at: http://www.asme.org/shop/books/book-proposals/permissions ASME Press books are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, contact Special Sales at DeDication To the students and masters of these elegant numerical methods, as well as future numerical methods yet to come. Table of ConTenTs Preface ix Overview xi the Method of Weighted Residuals (MWR) xi MWR example Problem: FDM, FVM, FeM, BeM and MM xiv Finite Difference Method (FDM) – collocation MWR with Local P olynomial trial Functions xv Finite Volume Method – Subdomain MWR with Local Polynomial trial Functions xviii Finite element Method – Galerkin MWR with Local Polynomial trial Functions xxi Boundary element Method – collocation MWR of Boundary integral equation xxv Meshless Method – collocation MWR with Global Radial-Basis F unction (RBF) trial Functions xxviii References xxxiii appendix a Derivation of the 1D Fundamental Solution for T˝ + T = –δ(x – xi) xxxii appendix B-MatLaB xxxv appendix c-MaPLe xlix PART I THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 3 Chapter 2 Governing Equations 5 2.1 Mass conservation 5 2.2 navier-Stokes 5 2.3 energy conservation 5 2.4 Mass transport 6 2.5 Boundary conditions 6 Chapter 3 The Finite Element Method 7 3.1 error in Finite element approximation 8 3.2 one-Dimensional elements 8 3.2.1 Linear element 8 3.2.2 Quadratic and Higher order elements 9 vi ■ table of contents 3.3 two-Dimensional elements 10 3.3.1 triangular elements 10 3.3.2 Quadrilateral elements 12 3.3.3 isoparametric elements 13 3.4 three-Dimensional elements 17 3.5 Quadrature 18 3.6 Reduced integration 20 3.7 time Dependence 21 3.7.1 the q Method 21 3.7.2 Mass Lumping 22 3.8 Petrov-Galerkin Method 23 3.9 taylor-Galerkin Method 25 Chapter 4 Mesh Generation 27 4.1 Mesh Generation Guidelines 27 4.2 Bandwidth 29 4.3 adaptation 30 4.3.1 Mesh Regeneration 31 4.3.2 element Subdivision 32 4.3.3 adaptation Rules 33 4.3.4 Mesh adaptation example 34 Chapter 5 Fluid Flow Applications 37 5.1 constant-Density Flows 38 5.1.1 Mixed Formulation 38 5.1.2 Fractional Step Method 42 5.1.3 Penalty Function Formulation 43 5.1.4 calculation of Pressure 44 5.1.5 open Boundaries 44 5.2 Free Surface Flows 45 5.3 Flows in Rotating Systems 46 5.4 isothermal Flow Past a circular cylinder 47 5.5 turbulent Flow 48 5.5.1 Large eddy Simulation (LeS) 51 5.5.2 Subgrid-Scale (SGS) Modeling 54 5.6 compressible Flow 55 5.6.1 Supersonic Flow impinging on a cylinder 57 5.6.2 transonic Flow through a Rectangular nozzle 58 Chapter 6 List of Commercial Codes 61 Chapter 7 Conclusion 65 References 66 aPPenDiX a 71 Symbols 71 Subscripts 73 Superscripts 73 aPPenDiX B 75 B.1 Matrix equations and Solution Method 76 B.2 temporal evolution of the Semi-implicit Scheme 76 B.2.1 Momentum 76 B.2.2 continuity 77 B.2.3 energy 78 table of contents ■ vii B.2.4 t urbulent Kinetic energy and Specific Dissipation Rate (k-w) 78 B.2.5 Matrix Formulation 79 References 80 PART II THE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD 81 Chapter 1 Introduction 83 Chapter 2 BEM Fundamentals 85 2.1 a Familiar example: Green’s third identity for Potential Problems 85 2.2 the 2D Heat conduction Problem 87 2.3 G enerating the integral equation: Weighting Function and Green’s Second identity 88 2.4 a nalytical Solution: Green’s Function Method and the auxiliary Problem 90 2.5 n umerical Solution: the BeM and the Boundary integral equation 93 appendix a Derivation of the Green’s Function for the 2D Problem in a Square 106 appendix B D erivation of the Green’s Free Space (Fundamental) Solution to the Laplace equation 107 Chapter 3 Numerical Implementation of the BEM 109 3.1 two-Dimensional Boundary elements 109 3.2 three-Dimensional Boundary elements 115 3.3 adaptive Quadrature in 3D 119 3.4 numerical Solution of the BeM equations 121 a ppendix a conjugate Gradient and GMReS MatHcaD Pseudo-codes 123 Chapter 4 Steady Heat Conduction with Variable Heat Conductivity 129 4.1 nonlinear thermal conductivity 129 4.2 anisotropic Heat conductivity 131 4.3 non-Homogenous thermal conductivity 133 Chapter 5 Heat Conduction in Media with Energy Generation 139 5.1 Special Form of Generation Leading to contour integrals 139 5.2 Use of Particular Solutions 141 5.3 the Dual Reciprocity Boundary element Method 142 Chapter 6 A pplications of the BEM to Heat Transfer and Inverse Problems 149 6.1 axi-Symmetric Problems 149 6.2 Heat conduction in thin Plates and extended Surfaces 151 6.3 conjugate Heat transfer 154 6.4 Large-Scale Heat transfer 157 6.5 non-Homogeneous Heat conduction: Generalized Bie 162 6.6 inverse Problems applications of the BeM 166 Chapter 7 Conclusion 173 References 173 viii ■ table of contents PART III THE MESHLESS METHOD 179 Chapter 1 Introduction and Background 181 Chapter 2 Radial-Basis Function (RBF) Interpolation 183 Chapter 3 The Localized Collocation Meshless Method (LCMM) Framework 187 Chapter 4 The Moving Least-Squares (MLS) Smoothing Scheme 193 Chapter 5 The Finite-Differencing Enhanced LCMM 195 Chapter 6 Upwinding Schemes 199 6.1 one-Dimensional LcMM Upwinding test 200 6.2 t wo-Dimensional LcMM Upwinding test for an inclined Wave 203 6.3 t wo-Dimensional LcMM Upwinding test for a turning Wave 205 Chapter 7 Automatic Point Distribution 207 Chapter 8 Parallelization 209 Chapter 9 Applications 211 9.1 incompressible Fluid Flow and conjugate Heat transfer 211 9.1.1 Decaying Vortex Flow 215 9.1.2 Lid-Driven Flow in a Square cavity 218 9.1.3 air Jet into a Square cavity 220 9.1.4 conjugate Heat transfer between Parallel Plates 221 9.1.5 c onjugate Heat transfer Flow over a Rectangular obstruction 223 9.1.6 conjugate Film-cooling Heat transfer 225 9.1.7 Flow over a cylinder 227 9.1.8 Steady Blood Flow through a Femoral Bypass 229 9.1.9 Pulsatile Blood Flow through a Femoral Bypass 233 9.2 natural convection 235 9.2.1 Buoyancy-Driven Flow in a Square cavity 236 9.2.2 B uoyancy-Driven Flow of Liquid aluminum in a Rectangular cavity 238 9.3 turbulent Fluid Flows 239 9.3.1 turbulent Flow over a Flat Plate 241 9.3.2 turbulent Flow over a Backward-Facing Step 242 9.4 compressible Fluid Flows 243 9.4.1 Subsonic and Supersonic Smooth expanding Diffuser 245 9.4.2 characteristic nozzle Flow 247 9.4.3 Subsonic and Supersonic Flow Past an airfoil 248 9.4.4 turbulent Wake Flow 251 9.5 two-Phase Flow 252 9.5.1 Dam-Breaking test of two-Phase Flow Formulation 253 9.6 Solid Mechanics and thermo-elasticity 254 9.6.1 cantilever Beam under constant Distributed Load 256 9.6.2 c ortical Bone with Fixation element under Bending Moment 256 9.7 Porous Media Flow and Poro-elasticity 258 9.7.1 Rectangular Poro-elastic Medium 260 9.7.2 air Flow coupled with Poro-elastic Balloon 260 9.7.3 coupled tracheo-Bronchial Poro-elastic Lung 262 9.7.4 Groundwater Flow through a Poro-elastic Levee 263 Chapter 10 Conclusions 265 References 266 PReFace This book stems from our experiences in teaching numerical methods to both engineering students and experienced, practicing engineers in industry. The emphasis in this book deals with finite element, boundary element, and meshless methods. Much of the material comes from courses we have conducted over many years at our institutions, including AIAA home study and ASME short courses presented over several decades, as well as from the sug- gestions and recommendations of our colleagues and students. There are numerous books on applied numerical methods, many of them being finite element and boundary element textbooks available in the literature today. However, there are very few books dealing with meshless methods, especially those showing how nearly all of these numerical schemes originate from the fundamental principles of the method of weighted residuals. We find that when students once master the concepts of the finite element method (and meshing), it’s not long before they begin to look at more advanced numerical techniques and applications, especially the boundary element and meshless methods (since a mesh is not required). Our intent in this book is to provide a simple explanation of these three powerful numerical schemes, and to show how they all fall under the umbrella of the more universal method of weighted residuals approach. The book is divided into three sections, beginning with the finite element method, then progressing through the boundary element method, and finally ending with the mesh- less method. Each section serves as a stand-alone description, but it is apparent to see how each conveniently leads to the other techniques. We recommend that the reader begin with the finite element method, as this serves as the primary basis for defining the method of weighted residuals. We begin by introducing the basic fundamentals of the finite element method using simple examples. Particular attention is given to the development of the discrete set of al- gebraic equations, beginning with simple one-dimensional problems that can be solved by inspection, and continuing to two- and three-dimensional elements. Once these principles are grasped, we then introduce the concept of boundary elements, and the relative ease with which one reduces the dimensionality of a problem (a great relief when solving large prob- lems, or problems with infinite domain boundaries). The boundary element technique is a natural extension of the finite element method, and becomes greatly appreciated by users. While the method has some limitations regarding the wide range of applications afforded by the finite element technique, it is still a very popular and useful method. It is finding use in crack growth and related applications dealing with structural mechanics, and couples nicely with finite element meshes. The more recent introduction of meshless methods is rapidly becoming a method now being used by practitioners of both finite element and boundary element methods. The method is simple to grasp, and simple to implement. The power of the method is becom- ing more appreciated with time. The meshless method has been shown to yield solutions with accuracies comparable to finite element methods employing an extensive number of ix

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