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AN INTRODUCTION TO ELECTROCHEMISTRY BY SAMUEL GLASSTONE, D.Sc., PH.D. Contultanl, Untied Stales Atomic Energy Commirsion TENTH PRINTING (AN EAST-WEST EDITION) AFFILIATED EAST-WEST PRESS PVT. LTD. NEW DELHI. Copyright 1942 by LITTON EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING, INC. No reproduction in any form ofthis book, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorizationfrom thepublishers. First Published May 1942 AFFILIATED EAST-WEST PRESS PVT. LTD. East-West Student Edition - 1965 Second East-West Reprint - 1968 Third East-West Reprint 1971 Fourth East-West Reprint - 1974 Price in India Rs. 12 00 Sales Territory : India, Ban^la Desh, Burma, Ceylon, Malaysia, Pakistan and Singapore. Reprinted in India with the special permission ofthe original Publishers, Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. New York, U.S.A. and the copyright holders. This book has been published with the assistance of the joint Indian-American Textbook Programme Published by K.S. Padmanabhan for AFFILIATED EAST- WESTPRESS PVT. LTD., 9Nizamuddm East,New Delhi 13, India, and printed by Mohan Makhijani at Rckha Printers, New Delhi. To V PREFACE The object of this book is to provide an introduction to electro- chemistry in its present state of development. An attempt has been made to explain the fundamentals of the subject as it stands today, de- voting little or no space to the consideration of theories and arguments that have been discarded or greatly modified. In this way it is hoped that the reader will acquire the modern point of view in electrochemistry without being burdened by much that is obsolete. In the opinion of the writer, there have been four developments in the past two decades that have had an important influence on electrochemistry. They are the ac- tivityconcept, theinterionicattractiontheory, theproton-transfertheory of acids and bases, and the consideration of electrode reactions as rate processes. These ideas have been incorporated into the structure of the book, with consequent simplification and clarification in the treatment of many aspects of electrochemistry. This book differs from the author's earlier work, "The Electrochem- istry of Solutions/' in being less comprehensive and in giving less detail. While the latter is primarily a work of reference, the present book is more suited to the needs of students of physical chemistry, and to those of chemists, physicists and physiologists whose work brings them in con- tact with a variety of electrochemical problems. As the title implies, the book should also serve as an introductory text for those who in- tend to specialize in either the theoretical or practical applications of electrochemistry. In spite of some lack of detail, the main aspects of the subject have been covered, it is hoped impartially and adequately. There has been some tendency in recent electrochemical texts to pay scant attention to the phenomena at active electrodes, such as ovcrvoltage, passivity, cor- rosion, deposition of metals, and so on. These topics, vihich are of importance in applied electrochemistry, are treated here at Mich length as seems reasonable. In addition, in view of tho growing interest in electrophoresis, and its general acceptance as a branch of electrochem- istry, a chapter on clectrokinetic phenomena has boon included. No claim is madeto anythingapproaching completeness in the matter of references to the scientific literature. Such reformers as arc given arc generally to the more recent publications, to review articles, and to papers that may, for one reason or another, have some special interest. Referencesarealsofrequentlyincludedtoindicatethesourcesfromwhich data have been obtained for many of the diagrams and tables. Since no effort was made to be exhaustive in this connection, it was felt that an author index would be misleading. This has consequently been VI PREFACE omitted, but where certain theories, laws or equations are usually asso- ciated with the names of specific individuals, such names have been in- cluded in the general index. In conclusion, attention may be drawn to the problems which are to be found at the end of each chapter. These have been chosen with the object of illustrating particular points; very few are of the kind which involve mere substitution in a formula, and repetition of problems of the same type has been avoided as far as possible. Many of the problems are based on data taken directly from the literature, and their solution should provide both valuable exercise and instruction. The reference to the publication from which the material was taken has been given in the hopethat when workingtheproblemthestudentmaybecomesufficiently interested to read the original paper and thus learnforhimselfsomething of the methods and procedures of electrochemical research. SAMUEL GLASSTONE NORMAN, OKLAHOMA March 1942 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PREFACE v I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE 29 III. THE THEORY OF ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE 79 VI. THE MIGRATION OF IONS 107 t i.V. FREE ENERGY AND ACTIVITY 131 REVERSIBLE CELLS 183 ELECTRODE POTENTIALS 226 VIII. OXIDATION-REDUCTION SYSTEMS 267 IX. ACIDS AND BASES 306 X. THE DETERMINATION OF HYDROGEN IONS 348 XI. NEUTRALIZATION AND HYDROLYSIS 370 XII. AMPHOTERIC ELECTROLYTES 418 XIII. POLARIZATION AND OVERVOLTAGE 435 XIV. THE DEPOSITION AND CORROSION OF METALS 482 < XV. ELECTROLYTIC OXIDATION AND REDUCTION 504 XVI. ELECTROKINETIC PHENOMENA 521 INDEX 547 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Properties of Electric Current. When plates of two dissimilarmetals are placed in a conducting liquid, such as an aqueous solution of a salt or an acid, the resulting system becomes a source of electricity; this source is generally referred to as a voltaic cell or galvanic cell, in honor of Volta and Galvani, respectively, who made the classical discoveries in this field. If the plates of the cell are connected by a wire and a mag- netic needle placed near it, the needle will be deflected from its normal position it will be noted, at the same time, that the wire becomes warm. ; If the wire is cut and the two ends inserted in a conducting solution, chemical action will be observed where the wires come into contact with the liquid; this action may be in the form of gas evolution, or the libera- tion of a metal whose salt is present in the solution may be observed. These phenomena, viz., magnetic, heating and chemical effects, are said to be caused by the passage, or flow, of a current of electricity through the wire. Observation of the direction of the deflection of the magnetic needle and the nature of the chemical action, shows that it is possible to associate direction with the flow of electric current. The nature of this direction cannot be defined in absolute terms, and so it is desirable to adopt a convention and the one generally employed is the following: ifamanwereswimmingwiththeelectriccurrentand watchingacompass needle, the north-seeking pole of the needle would turn towards his left side. When electricity is passed through a solution, oxygen is generally liberated at the wire at which the positive current enters whereas hydro- gen or a metal is set free at the wire whereby the current leaves the solution. It is unfortunate that this particular convention was chosen, because when the electron was discovered it was observed that a flow ofelectrons produced a magnetic effect opposite in direction to that accompanying the flow of positive current in the same direction. It was necessary, therefore, to associate a negative charge with the electron, in order to be in harmony with the accepted convention concerning the direction of a current of electricity. Since current is carried through metals by means of electrons only, it means that the flow of electrons is opposite in direc- tion to that of the conventional current flow. It should be emphasized that there is nothing fundamental about this difference, for if the direc- tionofcurrentflowhad been defined in theopposite manner, theelectron would have been defined as carrying a positive charge and the flow of electrons and of current would have been in the same direction. Al- 2 INTRODUCTION though a considerable simplification would result from the change in convention, it is too late in the development of the subject for any such change to be made. E.M.F., Current and Resistance: Ohm's Law. If two voltaic cells are connected together so that one metal, e.g., zinc, of one cell is con- nected to the other metal, e.g., copper, of the second cell, in a manner analogous to that employed by Volta in his electric pile, the magnetic and chemical effects of the current are seen to be increased, provided the same external circuit is employed. The two cells have a greater electrical driving force or pressure than a single one, and this force or pressure * which is regarded as driving the electric current through the wireiscalled theelectromotiveforce,orE.M.F. Betweenanytwopoints inthecircuitcarryingthecurrentthereissaidtobeapotentialdifference, the total E.M.F. being the algebraic sum of all the potential differences. By increasing the length of the wire connecting the plates of a given voltaic cell the effect on the magnetic needle and the chemical action are seen to be decreased: the greater length of the wire thus opposes the flow of current. This property of hindering the flow of electricity is called electrical resistance, the longer wire having a greater electrical resistance than the shorter one. It is evident that the current strength in a given circuit, as measured by its magnetic or chemical effect, is dependent on the E.M.F. of the cell producing thecurrent and theresistanceofthe circuit. Therelationship between these quantities is given by Ohm'slaw (1827), which states that the current strength (/) is directly proportional to the applied E.M.F. (E) and inversely proportional to the resistance (R) thus ; is the mathematical expression of Ohm's law. The accuracy of this law has been confirmed by many experiments with conductors of various types: it fails, apparently, for certain solutions when alternating currents of very high frequency are employed, or with very high voltages. The reasonsfor this failureof Ohm'slaw areof importancein connection with tho theoryofsolutions (see Chap. III). Itisseen from equation (1) that the E.M.F. is equal to the product of the current and the resistance: a consequence of this result is that the potential difference between any two points in a circuit is given by the product of the resistance between those points and the currentstrength, the latter being the same through- out the circuit. This rule finds a number of applications in electro- chemical measurements, as will be evident in due course. *Electrical force or pressure does not have the dimensions of mechanical force or pressure;thetermsareused,however,byanalogywiththeforceorpressurerequiredto producetheflowof afluidthroughapipe.

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