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S E L E C T E D B Y G R E N O B L E S C I E N C E S AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo DDiiffffeerreennttiiaall MMaanniiffoollddss Jacques Lafontaine An Introduction to Differential Manifolds Grenoble Sciences The aim of Grenoble Sciences is twofold: to produce works corresponding to a clearly defined project, without the constraints of trends nor curriculum, toensuretheutmostscientificandpedagogicqualityoftheselectedworks: each project is selected by Grenoble Sciences with the help of anonymous referees. In order to optimize the work, the authors interact for a year (onaverage)withthemembersofareadingcommittee,whosenamesfigure in the front pages of the work, which is then co-published with the most suitable publishing partner. Contact Tel.: (33) 4 76 51 46 95 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://grenoble-sciences.ujf-grenoble.fr Scientific Director of Grenoble Sciences Jean Bornarel, Emeritus Professor at the Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France Grenoble Sciences is a department of the Joseph Fourier University supported by the ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche and the région Rhône-Alpes. An Introduction to Differential Manifolds is a translation of the original book Introduction aux variétés différentielles (2nd ed.) by Jacques Lafontaine, EDP Sciences, Grenoble Sciences Series, 2010, ISBN 978 2 7598 0572 3. ThereadingcommitteeoftheFrenchversionincludedthefollowingmembers: Pierre Averbuch, Emeritus CNRS Senior Researcher, Grenoble Pierre Bérard, Professor, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble I Gaël Meigniez, Professor, Bretagne-Sud University Jean-Yves Mérindol, Professor, President of Sorbonne Paris Cité Translation from original French version performed by Éric Bahuaud; excerpt from le Livre de mon ami by Anatole France translated by Jonathan Upjohn; typesetting: ARCHITEX; figures: Sylvie Bordage; cover illustration: Alice Giraud, after Klein bottle by Thomas Banchoff and Jeff Beall (Brown University), The “figure 8” immersion of the Klein bottle byFropuffandInductiveload(KleinBottle-Figure8-01.png,2007, Wikimedia Commons) and elements provided by the author. Jacques Lafontaine An Introduction to Differential Manifolds JacquesLafontaine Département de Mathématiques Université Montpellier 2 Montpellier, France Based on a translation from the French language edition: ‘Introduction aux variétés différentielles’ (2ème édition) by Jacques Lafontaine Copyright © EDP Sciences, 2010 All Rights Reserved ISBN 978-3-319-20734-6 ISBN978 -3-319-20735-3 (eB ook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20735-3 Library of Congress Control Number: 2015946989 Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. Printed on acid-free paper Springer International Publishing AG Switzerland is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) Preface Itwasatthatmoment,thatFontanetcameupwithathirdbrain- wave. “Andwhat”,heexclaimed,“ifwedidahistoryofFrance,in 50volumes,puttingineverysingledetail?” Ifoundthesuggestion fabulous,clappingmyhandsandshoutingforjoyinapprobation. We were sent off to bed. But, this sublime idea of a 50-volume history of France, containing every single detail, kindled such excitement that, for a full quarter of an hour, I lay there, unable to sleep. Andsowelaunchedoutintothishistory. Totellthetruth,Iamno longerquitesurejustwhywebeganwithKingTeutobochus. But, we had to; it was what the project demanded. Our first chapter, then, broughtus face to face with King Teutobochus who, as the measurementofhisbones(which,incidentally,werediscoveredby accident) can testify, was 30 feet tall.1 To be confronted by such a giant, right from the start! Even Fontanet was taken aback. “We’llhavetoskipTeutobochus”,hesaidtome. But,Ijustdidn’t have the courage. And so it was that the 50-volume history of France came to an end at Teutobochus. Anatole France, My Friend’s Book This charming little lesson of methodology applies admirably to the subject of this book. It is for the reader to judge what I have made of it. The first steps inthetheoryofmanifoldscan,ifonefollowsFontanet’sfootsteps,have dire consequences; there is the danger of demotivation, of being discouraged by the subject before realizing that the real difficulties lie elsewhere. 1. Anatole France (1844–1924, Nobel Prize 1921) is a French writer who has, unfortu- nately,somewhatfallenintooblivion. Hewasapacifistandadefenderofhumanrights. Inthisstoryheisreferringtotheperiodbeforethedevelopmentofpalaeontology,when the bones of prehistoric animals were taken to be the remains of monsters or giants. The interested reader is referred to the articles “Anatole France” and “Teutobochus” inWikipedia. V VI An Introduction to Differential Manifolds Smooth manifolds arethe naturalgeneralizationof curvesandsurfaces. The idea of a manifold appeared for the first time (and without discussion!) in 1851, in Riemann’s inaugural lecture, and allowed him to construct a satisfactory solution of the problem of analytic continuation of holomorphic functions. It took some 50 years for a precise definition to emerge. It is a question of conceptualising,notthepartsofaspaceRnwithlargen,definedbyacertain number of equations, but, in a more abstract way, objects which, “a priori”, are not within the “ordinary” space of dimension n, for which the notion of smooth function still makes sense. Therearenumerousreasonstobeinterestedin“higher” dimensions. Perhaps oneofthemoreevidentcomesfromclassicalmechanics. Describingthespace ofconfigurationsofamechanicalsystemrapidlydependsonmorethanthree parameters: one already needs six for a solid. The fact that it is not always desirable to consider objects as subsets of Rn is more subtle. For example, the set of directions in three-dimensional space dependsontworealparameters,andnaturallyformsamanifoldofdimension two,calledtheprojectiveplane. Thismanifoldadmits numerousrealizations as a subspace of Euclidean space, but these realizationsare not immediately obvious and it is not clear how to select a “natural” one amongst them. These“abstract” manifoldsfurnishthenaturalmathematicalsettingforclas- sical mechanics (both configuration and phase space), but also for general relativity and particle physics. I wanted to write a text which introduced manifolds in the most direct way possibleandprincipallyexplorestheirtopologicalproperties,whileremaining elementary. Inthis wayaspherestretchedanddentedremainsa sphere,and in the same setting as curves and surfaces. We will mostly be interested in topological and differential properties over metric properties (length, curva- ture, etc.). The reader is expected to have a good knowledge of the basics of differential calculus and a little point-set topology. Certain remarks, always enclosed with (cid:2)(cid:2) will require a more elaborate foundation. The first chapter is dedi- cated to classical differential calculus discussed in a way that will extend easily to the manifold setting. Ourproperstudyofmanifoldsstartsinthesecondandthirdchapters. Itried to give significant examples and results as rapidly as possible. One class ofexamples – Lie groupstheir homogeneousspaces – struckme as deserving its own chapter. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 are devoted to differential forms and their relationship to the topology of manifolds. Each chapter depends on its predecessors with one exception: if Lie groups (Chapter 4) Preface VII arise in subsequent chapters, it’s only through examples and occasionally in exercises. Finally the last chapter treats the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for surfaces. One attractive feature of this result is the variety of techniques it brings into play. Above allit illuminates a phenomena thathas neverceased to fascinate me through the years: the appearance of integers (perhaps we could say a quantization?) in geometry. Each chapter starts with a relatively detailed introduction in which I give motivations and an informal description of the contents appealing to the reader’s geometric intuition. A section entitled “Comments” gives possible extensions on the subjects introduced. As I explained above, I decided mostly to limit myself to discussing differ- ential structures. Except in the last chapter, metric structure is discussed infrequently, and symplectic structure is omitted. I make up a little for this in the “Comments” section and the annotated bibliography. The numerous exercises (more than 150) are for the most part easy. Those labelled with a star are a little more delicate for beginners. Those labelled with two stars are not necessarily technical but of the “sit and think” style. Many exercises can be thought of as complementary material to the book. For this reason I have included the solutions to many of them. Throughout the years that I taught the course in differential geometry at Montpellier,Ibenefitedfromanagreeable,attentiveanddemandingaudience that would leave no question behind. Their attitude deeply encouraged me as I was preparing the notes which became the first version of this book. After this book was submitted to Grenoble Sciences, I benefited from numerous remarks and stimulating suggestions from the reading committee. I benefited greatly from the broad scientific perspective and temperaments of these colleagues,anditwas they who encouragedme to write the detailed introductions I described above. IwishalsotothankThomasBanchoffandJeffBeallforallowingthepublisher toreproducetheirbeautifulrealizationoftheKleinbottleonthefrontcover. Last, but not least, I have been profoundly influenced by my mentor Marcel Berger. ThetranslationintoEnglishwasperformedbyEricBahuaud. Iwishtothank him for an excellent coordination. Moreover, he pointed out and helped me to correct several bugs in the French version. I am of course responsible for the remaining ones! OurjobwassupervisedbyStéphanieTrinewithefficiencyandbonnehumeur. VIII An Introduction to Differential Manifolds How to use this book The first chapter and a good part of Chapters 5 and 6 give a relatively complete discussion of classical differential calculus, from the beginning to Stokes’s theorem. The ambitionofChapter2 isto explainwhatsmoothmanifolds areandhow tousethemtothosethatmightfindthisnotiontooabstractortootechnical. Chapter3ismoretechnical,preciselybecauseitexplainstechniquesthattoo often pass without mention. Thefinaltwochapterscanbe directlyreadassoonasonemastersalittle bit of the notions of manifolds and differential forms. We also note that a reader who, starting with the word “holomorphic” in the index, completes all of the exercises referred to, will get a sense of the different world of complex manifolds. The book is self-contained as far as differential calculus goes. However it would be in vain to discuss manifolds without a little topology. We very briefly discuss simple connectedness and covering maps, and I have given precise and usable statements of results, but at the expense of the book being self-contained (as far as topology is concerned). The French version is provided with electronic complements: https://grenoble-sciences.ujf-grenoble.fr/pap-ebooks/lafontaine/home. You will find in particular: some perquisites: connexity, proper maps; more exercises, more solutions; Poincaré-Hopf theorem in any dimension; sporadic isomorphisms between small-dimensional Lie groups. Jacques Lafontaine October 2014 Contents Chapter 1 – Differential Calculus 1 1.1. Introduction................................................................. 1 1.1.1.What Is Differential Calculus?.................................... 1 1.1.2.In This Chapter ..................................................... 3 1.2. Differentials.................................................................. 4 1.2.1.Definition and Basic Properties................................... 4 1.2.2.Three Fundamental Examples..................................... 7 1.2.3.Functions of Class Cp............................................... 10 1.3. The Chain Rule............................................................. 11 1.4. Local Invertibility .......................................................... 14 1.4.1.Diffeomorphisms..................................................... 14 1.4.2.Local Diffeomorphisms............................................. 16 1.4.3.Immersions, Submersions .......................................... 18 1.5. Submanifolds................................................................ 21 1.5.1.Basic Properties..................................................... 21 1.5.2.Examples: Spheres, Tori, and the OrthogonalGroup......... 23 1.5.3.Parametrizations .................................................... 25 1.5.4.Tangent Vectors, Tangent Space.................................. 26 1.6. One-Parameter Subgroups of the Linear Group....................... 29 1.7. Critical Points............................................................... 33 1.8. Critical Values .............................................................. 36 1.9. Differential Calculus in Infinite Dimensions............................ 38 1.10.Comments ................................................................... 40 1.11.Exercises..................................................................... 42 IX

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