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AN INTRODUCTION TO ARRANGEMENTS OF HYPERPLANES DAVID G. WAGNER These notes are intended as a \users' guide" to the book Arrange- ments of Hyperplanes by Orlik and Terao [1]. My aim is to provide a brief introduction to a few of the main ideas involved, highlighting the interplay of combinatorics, algebra, topology, and geometry. I cer- tainly make no attempt to be comprehensive in my treatment. For some details and many further developments one should go directly to [1]. Theorem 3.43 in [1] will be referredto here as OT(3.43), and so on. Many thanks to Tony Geramita for inviting me to present this material at Queen's University, January 11-13, 1999. 1. Combinatorics Let k be a (cid:12)eld, and let V be an n-dimensional k-vectorspace. A hyperplane H in V is an a(cid:14)ne translate of a subspace of codimension one. A (cid:12)nite set A = fH1;::: ;Hmg of hyperplanes in V is an a(cid:14)ne hyperplane arrangement. (Similarly, arrangements of hyperplanes in n n projective space may be considered. Since P rH ' A , there is no k k signi(cid:12)cant novelty in the projective case.) T Ana(cid:14)nearrangement A is central if 0 2 A; i.e. if eachhyperplane in A is a subspace of V. Anoncentral arrangement Amaybe converted 0 to a central one A by the operation of coning: identify V with the (cid:3) 0 (cid:3) 0(cid:3) 0 hyperplane fz = 1g of V := V (cid:8)kz (here z 2 V is dual to z 2 V ) 0 0 0 and for H 2 A let H := spankfv (cid:8)z : v 2 Hg; then de(cid:12)ne A (cid:26) V by 0 0 (cid:3) A := fH : H 2 Ag[fker(z )g: Results on central arrangements can thus be translated into similar statements on noncentral arrangements. For the purposes of these notes we therefore concentrate on central arrangements. A central T arrangement is essential if f0g = A. By considering the natural in- T duced arrangement in the quotient space V= A we may assume that a central arrangement is essential. Research supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under operating grant OGP0105392. 1 2 DAVID G. WAGNER a u (cid:8)H (cid:17) (cid:8) (cid:10)J H (cid:17) (cid:8) H (cid:8) (cid:10) J H (cid:17) (cid:8) H (cid:17) (cid:8)u (cid:10)u Ju Hu Q (cid:17) H H @H (cid:0) H (cid:0)@ (cid:0) Q (cid:17) H H Q(cid:17) b @(cid:0)H (cid:0)H @(cid:0) (cid:17)Q H H (cid:0)@ (cid:0)H H(cid:0)@ (cid:17) Q H H (cid:17) Q (cid:0)u @(cid:0)u H(cid:0)u @Hu Q a HH b J (cid:10) c (cid:8)(cid:8) d Q H (cid:8) Q H J (cid:10) (cid:8) Q c HHJ(cid:10)(cid:8)u (cid:8) d Figure 1. The arrangement with Q(A) = xyz(x (cid:0) y) and its intersection lattice L(A). A central arrangement may be described by choosing for each hy- (cid:3) perplane H 2 A a linear form (cid:11)H in the dual space V such that H = ker((cid:11)H). Then A is the variety (zero-locus) of the polynomial Q (cid:3) Q(A) := H2A(cid:11)H in the symmetric algebra S := Sym(V ) of polyno- mial functions on V. This Q(A) is homogeneous of degree #A and is de(cid:12)ned only up to a nonzero scalar multiple. 2 The picture at the left of Figure 1 is in the projective plane P at k 3 in(cid:12)nity of A and represents the four hyperplanes in the 3-dimensional k (cid:3) central arrangement de(cid:12)ned by Q(A) = xyz(x(cid:0)y). (Here V = kx(cid:8) ky(cid:8)kz.) The intersection lattice of a central arrangement A is the set L(A) T of all subspaces X of V of the form X = B for some subset B (cid:18) A, T partially ordered by reverse inclusion. By convention, ? = V, so this is the unique minimal element of L. Since A is central, L has T a unique maximal element T := A (and T = f0g if and only if A is essential). Figure 1 also illustrates L for the given arrangement. The partially ordered set L has a join operation X _ Y := X \ Y given by intersection of sets; since L is (cid:12)nite and also has a unique minimal element it follows that L is a lattice. The atoms of L are the hyperlanes H 2 A, and every X 2 L is a join of atoms: that is, L is atomic. The lattice L has a rank function rk : L ! Z given by rk(X) := codim(X) := dimk(V) (cid:0) dimk(X): The modular law for dimensions of subspaces in V yields the lower semimodular inequality rk(X _Y)+rk(X ^Y) (cid:20) rk(X)+rk(Y) for all X;Y 2 L. A (cid:12)nite lattice which is atomic, ranked, and lower semimodular is called a geometric lattice. HYPERPLANE ARRANGEMENTS 3 For any X 2 L, the interval [X;T] in L is the intersection lattice of the arrangement X A := fX \H : X 6(cid:18) H 2 Ag in X, called the restriction of A to X. Also, the interval [V;X] in L is the intersection lattice of the subarrangement AX := fH : X (cid:18) H 2 Ag in V. Together with restriction this shows that everyinterval [X;Y]for X (cid:20) Y in L is itself a geometric lattice. (The same is true in general for any geometric lattice.) Many properties of hyperplane arrangements are established induc- tivelyby themethod of deletion and restriction. For H0 2 A the induc- 0 00 0 tive triple of A with respect to H0 is (A;A;A )inwhichA := ArfH0g 00 H0 is obtained by deletion of H0 and A := A is obtained by restriction to H0. (For example, we will construct several short exact sequences associated with an inductive triple of arrangements.) The M(cid:127)obius function of L is (cid:22) : L ! Z de(cid:12)ned for X 2 L by induction on rk(X) as follows: (cid:22)(V) := 1; and for X > V in L, X (cid:22)(X) := (cid:0) (cid:22)(Y): V(cid:20)Y<X Figure 2 illustrates the values of the M(cid:127)obius function for the lattice from Figure 1. More generally, for X (cid:20) Y in L, denote by (cid:22)(X;Y) the value of the M(cid:127)obius function of the lattice [X;Y] calculated at Y. Notice that (cid:26) X 0 if X 6= Y; (1.1) (cid:22)(X;Z) = 1 if X = Y; Z2[X;Y] by construction. The Poincar(cid:19)e polynomial of A is X rk(X) (cid:25)(A;t) := (cid:22)(X)((cid:0)t) : X2L(A) 2 3 So for the example in Figure 1, (cid:25)(A;t) = 1 + 4t + 5t + 2t . In this example all the coe(cid:14)cients are nonnegative; this is true in general, which we prove next. In fact this is the Poincar(cid:19)e polynomial of a skew-commutative graded algebra A(A), the \Orlik-Solomon algebra," associated with A (and a commutative ring of coe(cid:14)cients). In the next section we de(cid:12)ne this algebra and develop some of its properties. In 4 DAVID G. WAGNER (cid:0)2 u (cid:8)H (cid:8) (cid:10)J H (cid:8) H (cid:8) (cid:10) J H 2 (cid:8)u (cid:8) 1 (cid:10)u Ju1 HHu1 H H @H (cid:0) H (cid:0)@ (cid:0) H H @(cid:0)H (cid:0)H @(cid:0) H H (cid:0)@ H(cid:0) H(cid:0)@ H H u(cid:0) @u(cid:0) Hu(cid:0) @Hu H (cid:8) (cid:0)1 H(cid:0)1J (cid:10)(cid:0)1(cid:8) (cid:0)1 H (cid:8) H J (cid:10) (cid:8) H (cid:8) HJ(cid:10)(cid:8)u 1 Figure 2. The M(cid:127)obius function of L Section 3 we show that for a complex arrangement A in V the integral S singular cohomology ring of the manifold V r A is isomorphic to the Orlik-Solomon algebra of A with coe(cid:14)cients in Z. Lemma 1.1 (OT(2.40)). Let A be an arrangement, and let V < Y (cid:20) Z in L(A). Then X (cid:22)(X) = 0: X: X_Y=Z Proof. We proceed with Y (cid:12)xed, by induction on rk(Z). For the basis, Z = Y and the condition X _ Y = Y reduces to X (cid:20) Y. Now, since V 6= Y we have X (cid:22)(X) = 0 X2[V;Y] by equation (1:1). For the induction step X X X (cid:22)(X) = (cid:22)(X)(cid:0) (cid:22)(X) X: X_Y=Z X: X_Y(cid:20)Z X: X_Y<Z ! X X X = (cid:22)(X)(cid:0) (cid:22)(X) : X(cid:20)Z U<Z X: X_Y=U The (cid:12)rst summation is zero by (1:1) again, and each inner summation in the second part is zero by the inductive hypothesis. Theorem 1.2 (OT(2.47)). Let A be an arrangement. Then for any Z 2 L(A), rk(Z) ((cid:0)1) (cid:22)(Z) > 0: HYPERPLANE ARRANGEMENTS 5 Proof. We proceed by induction on rk(Z); the basis Z = V being trivial. For the induction step, choose any H 2 A with H (cid:20) Z in L, and apply Lemma 1.1 with Y = H: X X (cid:22)(X) = 0 = (cid:22)(Z)+ (cid:22)(Z): X: X_H=Z X<Z: X_H=Z Since L is atomic, Z is a join of atoms, so the last summation is not empty. By lower semimodularity, if X _H = Z then rk(Z) = rk(X _H) (cid:20) rk(X _H)+rk(X ^H) (cid:20) rk(X)+rk(H) = rk(X)+1: So if X < Z as well, then rk(X) = rk(Z)(cid:0)1. By induction we have rk(Z) ((cid:0)1) (cid:22)(X) < 0 for all such X, and the result follows. Corollary 1.3. Let A be an arrangement. Then the coe(cid:14)cients of the Poincar(cid:19)e polynomial (cid:25)(A;t) are nonnegative integers. We close this section with a deletion-restriction recurrence relation 0 00 for the Poincar(cid:19)e polynomials of an inductive triple (A;A ;A ) of ar- rangements. Lemma 1.4 (OT(2.35)). Let A be an arrangement. For X (cid:20) Y in L, let U(X;Y) be the set of central subarrangements B (cid:18) A such that AX (cid:18) B and T(B) = Y. Then X #(BrAX) (cid:22)(X;Y) = ((cid:0)1) : B2U(X;Y) Proof. Let (cid:23)(X;Y) denote the value on the right-hand side. Since we have a disjoint union [ U(X;Z) = fB (cid:18) A : AX (cid:18) B (cid:18) AYg; Z2[X;Y] This yields X X X #(BrAX) #C (cid:23)(X;Z) = ((cid:0)1) = ((cid:0)1) : Z2[X;Y] AX(cid:18)B(cid:18)AY C(cid:18)AYrAX For X = Y we obtain (cid:23)(X;X) = 1, and for X < Y the sum is zero since AX is properly contained in AY. Comparison with the recursion (1.1) (cid:12)nishes the proof. Lemma 1.5 (OT(2.55)). Let A be an arrangement. Then X #B rk(B) (cid:25)(A;t) = ((cid:0)1) ((cid:0)t) ; B(cid:18)A with the sum over all central subarrangements of A. 6 DAVID G. WAGNER Proof. From Lemma 1.4 we obtain X X #B rk(X) (cid:25)(A;t) = ((cid:0)1) ((cid:0)t) : X2LB2U(V;X) Every central subarrangement B of A is in U(V;X) for exactly one X 2 L, namely for X = T(B), and for this one, rk(X) = rk(B). 0 00 Theorem 1.6 (OT(2.56)). Let (A;A ;A ) be an inductive triple of ar- rangements, relative to the hyperplane H0 2 A. Then 0 00 (cid:25)(A;t) = (cid:25)(A;t)+t(cid:25)(A ;t): 0 Proof. Let U be the set of central subarrangements of A which do not 00 contain H0, and let U be the set of central subarrangements of A which do contain H0. From Lemma 1.5, X X #B rk(B) #B rk(B) (cid:25)(A;t) = ((cid:0)1) ((cid:0)t) + ((cid:0)1) ((cid:0)t) : B2U0 B2U00 0 The (cid:12)rst of these summations is clearly (cid:25)(A;t), again by Lemma 1.5. 00 For the second summation recall that L is isomorphic to the interval 00 [H0;T] in L, and has rank function rk := rk(cid:0)1. Now X X X #B rk(B) #B rk(Y) ((cid:0)1) ((cid:0)t) = ((cid:0)1) ((cid:0)t) B2U00 Y2L00B2U(H0;Y) X X = (cid:0) ((cid:0)1)#(BrAH0)((cid:0)t)rk(Y) Y2L00B2U(H0;Y) X 00 1+rk (Y) = (cid:0) (cid:22)(H0;Y)((cid:0)t) Y2L00 00 = t(cid:25)(A ;t): (The penultimate equation follows from Lemma 1.4.) These proofs remain valid for any ((cid:12)nite) geometric lattice L by interpreting A as theset of atoms of L and for X 2 L, AX := fH 2 A : H (cid:20) Xg. (Infact,theresultsofSection2canalso begeneralizedtoany geometric lattice, but the interpretation as in Section 3 is unknown.) 2. Algebra We denote by K a commutative ring, over which we will construct severalalgebras. Consider acentralarrangementAinann-dimensional k-vectorspace V, and (cid:12)x an arbitrary total order (cid:30) on the hyperplanes in A. Let feH : H 2 Ag be a set of \symbols" in bijection with L A and let E1 := H2AKeH be the free K-module of all K-linear V L V m j combinations of these symbols. Let E := E1 = j=0 E1 be HYPERPLANE ARRANGEMENTS 7 the exterior algebra of E1. For S = fH1 (cid:30) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:30) Hjg (cid:18) A, let eS := eH1^:::^eHj; in particular e? = 1. There is a unique symmetric K-bilinear form h(cid:1);(cid:1)i on E making feS : S (cid:18) Ag an orthonormal basis of E. Let @ : E ! E be the endomorphism of E which is adjoint to the (cid:0)P (cid:1) endomorphism H2AeH ^ (cid:1) : E ! E with respect to this bilinear form. More explicitly, @ is given by j X i(cid:0)1 @(eH1 ^:::^eHj) = ((cid:0)1) (eH1 ^:::^ecHi ^:::^eHj); i=1 where the notation ecHi indicates that the factor eHi is omitted from 2 the product. It is a well-known and easily-checked fact that @ = 0 and that if E1 6= f0g then (E;@) is an acyclic chain complex. Also, if V j j ! 2 Ej := E1 and (cid:17) 2 E then @(!^(cid:17)) = (@!)^(cid:17)+((cid:0)1) !^(@(cid:17)): T A subset S (cid:18) A is called independent if rk( S) = #S, otherwise S is dependent. (This corresponds to linear independence/dependence of linear forms de(cid:12)ning the hyperplanes in S.) Let I(A) be the ideal of E generated by the set f@eS : S is a dependent subset of Ag. The quo- tient K-algebra A(A) := E=I(A) is called the Orlik-Solomon algebra of A over K. L For each X 2 L(A), let EX := S(cid:18)A: TS=X KeS. This gives an L-grading M E = EX X2L of E which re(cid:12)nes the usual grading of E by degree: M Ej = EX: X: rk(X)=j Notice that the ideal I(A) is homogeneous with respect to the L- T T grading of E, since if S (cid:18) A is dependent then (S rfHg) = S for every H 2 S. Therefore the quotient A(A) inherits an L-grading from E: M A(A) = AX(A) X2L in which AX := EX=(EX \I(A)). Lemma 2.1 (OT(3.11)). LetA be acentral arrangement. Then @I(A) (cid:18) I(A). Proof. By K-linearity, the following veri(cid:12)cation su(cid:14)ces. Let S;T (cid:18) A be disjoint, with S dependent. Then @(eT ^ @eS) = (@eT) ^ (@eS) + #T 2 ((cid:0)1) eT ^(@ eS) = (@eT)^(@eS) 2 I(A). 8 DAVID G. WAGNER By this lemma, we may de(cid:12)ne an endomorphism @ : A(A) ! A(A) by @(! + I) := @(!) + I for all ! 2 E. Then (A(A);@) is a chain complex. Lemma 2.2 (OT(3.13)). Let A be a nonempty central arrangement. Then the chain complex (A(A);@) is acyclic. Proof. It su(cid:14)ces to show that ker(@) (cid:18) im(@) in A(A). Fix any H 2 A and let b = eH + I in A(A). For any a 2 A(A) we have @(b^ a) = a(cid:0)b^(@a), so if @a = 0 then a = @(b^a). A subset Q (cid:18) A is a circuit if it is a minimally dependent subset of A. For S (cid:18) A, let maxS denote the last hyperplane in S, relative to the (cid:12)xed total order (cid:30) on A. A broken circuit is a subset P (cid:18) A such that there is an H 2 A r P with maxP (cid:30) H and such that P [ fHg is a circuit. Let C(A) be the set of all subsets S (cid:18) A such that S does not contain any broken circuits of A, and let C(A) be the free K-submodule of E with feS : S 2 C(A)g as a basis. We have an L-grading on C(A) by putting CX := EX \C(A) for all X 2 L. The (cid:12)rst main result of this section is that the obvious homomor- phism : C(A) ! A(A) given by (eS) := eS + I for S 2 C(A) is a K-module isomorphism. Since preserves the L-grading, to show that it is an isomorphism it su(cid:14)ces to prove that for each X 2 L, the restriction X : CX(A) ! AX(A) is an isomorphism. Lemma 2.3 (OT(3.42)). Let A be a nonempty central arrangement, and consider @ : E ! E. Then @C(A) (cid:18) C(A) and the chain complex (C(A);@) is acyclic. Proof. If S contains no broken circuits of A then every subset of S also shares this property. From (2.1) it follows that @C(A) (cid:18) C(A). To completethe proof, it su(cid:14)cesto show that ker(@) (cid:18) im(@)in C(A). To dothiswerepeattheproof ofLemma2.2,choosing H 2 Atobethelast hyperplane relative to the total order (cid:30) on A. Since a broken circuit is obtained by deleting the last element of a circuit, there are no broken circuits which contain H. Thus, if S contains no broken circuits, then S[fHg contains no broken circuits. Therefore eH^(cid:1) : C(A) ! C(A). Finally, for any c 2 C(A) we calculate that @(eH ^c) = c(cid:0)eH ^(@c) and therefore ker(@) (cid:18) im(@) in C(A). Lemma 2.4 (OT(3.31), OT(3.40)). Let A be a central arrangement, and let Y (cid:20) X in L. Then AY(AX) ' AY(A) and CY(AX) = CY(A). Theorem 2.5 (OT(3.43)). Let A be a central arrangement. The K- linear homomorphism : C(A) ! A(A) given by (eS) := eS +I for S 2 C(A) is a K-module isomorphism. HYPERPLANE ARRANGEMENTS 9 L Proof. For each 0 (cid:20) j (cid:20) rk(T), let Cj := X: rk(X)=jCX and Aj := L X: rk(X)=jAX, and let j : Cj ! Aj be the restriction of to Cj. T We proceed by induction on r := rk(T), where T := A is the unique maximal element of L(A). For the basis, if rk(T) = 0 then T = V and A = ?, so C(A) = K = A(A) and is the identity. For the induction step, for every X 2 L the diagram X CX(AX) (cid:0)! AX(AX) # # X CX(A) (cid:0)! AX(A) commutes, and from Lemma 2:4 the vertical maps are isomorphisms. By induction on rk(T), it follows that for all X < T in L that X : CX ! AX is an isomorphism. Thus, for all 0 (cid:20) j < r, it follows that j : Cj ! Aj is an isomorphism. Finally, we have a commutative diagram 0 (cid:0)! Cr (cid:0)! Cr(cid:0)1 (cid:0)! (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:0)! C1 (cid:0)! C0 (cid:0)! 0 # r # r(cid:0)1 # 1 # 0 0 (cid:0)! Ar (cid:0)! Ar(cid:0)1 (cid:0)! (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:0)! A1 (cid:0)! A0 (cid:0)! 0 in which the rows are the acyclic chain complexes of Lemmas 2:2 and 2:3. Since j is an isomorphism for 0 (cid:20) j < r, the Five Lemma implies that r is an isomorphism as well. Thebroken-circuitbasis C(A)andtheideal I(A)providea\standard monomial theory" for the Orlik-Solomon algebra A(A), which makes calculation in this ring very convenient. For the example from Figure 1 with the order a (cid:30) b (cid:30) c (cid:30) d on the hyperplanes, the dependent sets are fa;b;cg and fa;b;c;dg, so fa;b;cg is the only circuit and fa;bg is the only broken circuit. With E1 := Ka (cid:8) Kb (cid:8) Kc (cid:8) Kd and V E := E1, the Orlik-Solomon algebra is thus A(A) = E=(b^c(cid:0)a^c+a^b; b^c^d(cid:0)a^c^d+a^b^d(cid:0)a^b^c): The broken-circuit basis of C(A) provides a basis of \standard mono- mials" for A(A); in this case f1; a;b;c;d; a^c;a^d;b^c;b^d;c^d; a^c^d;b^c^dg: The nonstandard monomials are reduced to combinations of the stan- dard ones using \straightening laws" obtained from the ideal I(A) : a^b 7! (a(cid:0)b)^c; a^b^c 7! (a(cid:0)b)^c^c = 0; a^b^d 7! (a(cid:0)b)^c^d; a^b^c^d 7! 0^d = 0: 10 DAVID G. WAGNER Multiplication in A(A) is thus described by multiplying two standard monomials as in E and reducing the resulting (possibly nonstandard) monomial using the straightening laws. Next, we use the broken-circuit bases of Orlik-Solomon algebras to construct a short exact sequence associated with an inductive triple 0 00 0 (A;A;A ) of arrangements. (Recall that H0 2 A is (cid:12)xed, and A := 00 H0 0 00 0 00 0 00 ArfH0gandA := A .) Thenotations L;L;L ; A;A;A ; C;C ;C and so on denote the above constructions applied to the corresponding 0 00 0 00 arrangements A;A;A . In order that the broken circuit bases C;C;C 0 00 be \compatible" choose total orders on A;A;A such that (cid:15) H0 is the (cid:12)rst hyperplane of A, 0 (cid:15) the order on A (cid:26) A is induced by the order on A, and 0 00 0 (cid:15) for H;K 2 A, if H0 \H (cid:30) H0 \K in A , then H (cid:30) K in A. 0 00 Lemma 2.6 (OT(3.61)). Let (A;A;A ) be an inductive triple of ar- 0 rangements. Then, with the notation above, C (cid:18) C. 0 Proof. Consider anyS (cid:18) A. IfeS 62 C then S contains a brokencircuit P of A. Thus there is a hyperplane H 2 A such that P [fHg contains a circuit of A and maxP (cid:30) H. Since H0 is the (cid:12)rst hyperplane of A 0 it follows that H0 (cid:30) H, and so H 2 A, and so S contains the broken 0 0 0 circuit P of A. Therefore,if S 2 C then S 2 C, and henceC (cid:18) C. 0 i We will identify the cokernel of the inclusion map 0 ! C (cid:0)! C 00 00 as C . To do this, de(cid:12)ne a K-linear map (cid:18) : E ! E as follows. For 0 S = fH1 (cid:30) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:30) Hjg (cid:18) A, let (cid:18)(eS) := 0 and (cid:18)(eH0 ^eS) := eH0\H1 ^(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)^eH0\Hj: 0 0 Since H0 62 A, it is clear that (cid:18)(C ) = 0. 0 00 Lemma 2.7 (OT(3.62)). Let (A;A;A ) be an inductive triple of ar- 00 rangements. Then, with the notation above, (cid:18)(C) = C . 00 Proof. First we show that (cid:18)(C) (cid:18) C , arguing by contradiction. Sup- 00 pose that there is an S 2 C with (cid:18)(eS) 62 C . Then H0 2 S, from the de(cid:12)nition of (cid:18), and S contains no broken circuits of A, while 00 00 S := fH0 \ H : H0 6= H 2 Sg does contain a broken circuit P 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 of A . Thus there is an H 2 A with maxP (cid:30) H and P [ fH g 00 a circuit of A . Choose a set P = fH1 (cid:30) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:30) Hjg (cid:26) S such that 00 P = fH0 \H1 (cid:30) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:30) H0 \Hjg, and also chooses H 2 A such that 00 H0 \H = H . Then P [fH0g is a broken circuit of A; since H0 2 S we have P (cid:18) S, a contradiction.

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