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Preview An Interview With Israel Regardie: His Final Thoughts and Views

‘An Interview. aves mAnens, Ibe Egypt ous Somat THE RECARO TAPES Sree aaah was eee chk forty enh Se Abs 2 ben ad abe om the ‘MAPEAe ingle inate settee bois rewecomedby ison 705 An Interview With ISRAEL REGARDIE His Final Thoughts and Views Edited by Christopher S. Hyatt Introduction by J. Marvin Spiegelman 1985 FALCON PRESS. PHOENIX, ARIZONA U.S.A. Coppin by Rao Pree AM pathy reserved Mo part of th Book. in gator in whole, ay be sprue tonomtted eration. nanyfore oy ky meat eee Seimechancl inating photocopying, feeding. cr by 20) foraseen Storge and retiert sytem, whet pernieda in ‘log um he ‘able cept for bil quotation neta ares and reve. lngernaons Standard Book Number 243406.215 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number S€-80365 Fire Falton 1985 Enon Pree 660 Ned Sicet ‘gn aossses Manufctared in the Usted States of Ameticn TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 The Interview 3 ‘SELECTED INTRODUCTIONS Robert Anton Wilson’s Prometheus Rising 0 Richard Satriano’s Vitvun, Ax American Master. 72 Aleister Crowley’s The Law is For All 75 Christopher S. Hyatt’s Undoing Yourself 95 Israel Regardie’s The Eye in the Triangle 7 SELECTED ARTICLES What is Psychotherapy 108 Cry Havoc 122 On Reich 131 Alchemy in the World Today 139 INTRODUCTION ‘The publisher of Falcon Prat hat asked mee wrtean ineodvetion to this welcome litle bone, coneaining en fnterew with Regare,t ‘lection of his ow itrdesonst other Books and sorte fev us)y ‘pubis artiles, o longeravallable- wondered why an introduction Tw perfidy saignforward book was ecedee, and why soe? T ‘onli that what as ated wae able! overview of ate] Rego nl his work, from enoagh "oulsiie” to be objective abd ebouah sie" Yo be arecatve of this undsual- mans pewsonality and tetievunnts, Andhatace my qualf.caons for such an ttceducton, the reedor might reasonably sak? My anrwer i that Cam enough ‘Sslde" by wrtue of the ‘act tha yas 08 is Reishian terapeutle ‘couch formary Years and subseqceally was bohaind aed neighbor. Thhave due site Releian therapy mel enjoyed some seal contact ‘vith Regardie,endhave sad moet of his wings asa"ousie™ nat Tam Jungion,Anwyet by tening and profesion - 3 dteaded fppelalion for Regatdle at this period of bye ble and embrace a fps attiadetovard the Grest Work arherthana "magic!" one. More about thee wa lle while sn oversaw of what herein comuined. Hal of de book, contsiss Chops Hyatt’ lively interiew, and this i the chsh feature of ln book izadltion, herearesevcaiet‘oduesions showing Regards steighferwaedsvieand nppeseaton of her auto aod " Incoduetion some sleted aries on pschotherapy. on Rech. on alchemy, and = Uevastating Hide paper in deeuse of ihe chiropracic and fs asa Icoonthe nedeslesablishment Wovldhat™"Cey Havoc" could berete bythowe medicalbigots wuoarcabenamared ef their own prestige th they have fost whutever scene object sty Chey had Ia chet ang tod sre to lta to believe hat no ete healing attade a ax) ‘al. tis waitaly, owes, that tis ll happon, end 0 usual ‘ch imttre, the feprting Of thie Mile arie el my emer the beves The present ccadee might ike know, however, tht sucha strong statement id not come (Fart 'man who had cals eaeaies In the ‘edit profession On the conta. tere were not afew physicians ‘who did ‘aparece him, a hed thew Usa call out fst socal Crenirg with Roguedic as aa example of the "cukolcky” of bis ‘ounestions, My wife, my soleagse and wer invited to cane wih Reguntwe "ady” (an astrologer, and iso ion, a payICAD, Dpeyehoanalat, and n European Buddhist priest 'So uch for atrowmindctnes ‘Of special interest, {think i the article on Reich, which is 2 rastorpiose of appreition and objectvily about a genus in the ‘ferapeuti Gel. Those who know nothing of Ree sil einai nou im at ew other brie imroduetions ir ale woo, and they wil Sls be eat tox cones.on by somecne who sates thae hei not abletoasee: Rese’ Ite controversial work, Whata celle from ‘he eeual condemnations or sessions of rath He plenmt read RegardieS reques: fora simple hearing of a great maa’ ater duleih eas and oa plea! tet scenic eoofimition ether an Tojsation or noceptance ar dogma. But that (ko ere of man that (Rtgurde wat and 2 He at abeaye born ahs to indeperdenlly apprecace geniuses (rom very diverse slewpoins withon! having 0 trcome'sUncipe ane ur ofall ose Mas and wars, “Take Regudies attode toverde Crowe, whics i epesoated in this hook by both heinrodsettousto Phe Law for Allan token hook of Crowley, The Ze in the Tone. Reqadle peretves Crowley sgrtuss whereas lave set only his ontrageouraese and Tallage! The fines and falingr of peronaliyy do nol ccape hi, hnwever. Hes a inuch both in he itreductions andthe inter {ee pariclarl impressive co me eat Regie wb 0 sect guilt fame forth ules ie thir olatonehip oti his vouth aod lnck of {arenes a ensOnn But he pretnt eater ihe also hus achance to end ean sue Regadie-inthat same Ee the Tangle pill ke te appreciate Regarde's capacity 10 wo heyoad sul ‘Wolo and painsn'fcting bitcbinca by a oustanding man, Rega river acan appresition whic snscends the prejudice and darkness whichis isl of us Would tat we coud ato transcend! "Te retarn a moment othe paper]on Reich the preven eadee might ‘be ntecetad in knowing that copies of that paper vere avaiable in Repuric> waiting room for many yeas and I 3oted thatthe supply ttnreys ran out sft ime, J wondered, then, wether people ead this Ipfat ile work for el or Se telismaa eer he Healer ss0g ‘them in he pursuit of healing. Temember those valting room times, tow, sithappresatioa, fot Isto, wasjut sucha seekeryeveo hough | ttesanascomphtegSurgian Analyst on my own. Its falls good for Unset to become patents now andegai, to presto ou inflaton ‘nd ou deniieation wth cz arcetyp:o he Healer whichresidesin ‘lf us and in none of xan fet of ewesship. {inv ale bea good thing forthe prsent reader to know whan tiled and sensitive ear Repardle was From that Very Gstsion, {rom whieh Yemerged with anew ene of ie, vitality and appreciation ‘tthe universe {new that {war nthe presence of am expel gifted fale. Reich would have boon ver gia, I tain to Eaow that is {retzon ond dicavery were bing caried by most able hands. Taese ‘Same tands,theneader who's particulary treed maga nightie to kaow, were alo skilled apd illereauated in the at for which eis famous Here how Lfoand ovt coneety: One day. mud that trondered swt she energy concep of Reick; were ne as atu and hieral ae ne sad They were, or wis sho subjective upresion? Regaide' answer war toturr my pal upwardandhol his handsome rin inches away wit gers poling towards He then tansuited ‘nergy ins dret and poaertl was ta: could aot be denied! My alm ‘brad wi is wansmted ener "Ts eads ane to share with the reader how it was chat V happened ‘upon Rega al A soeagse and had been euding some of fis Work with pea nest whom me dcovsted tant be was Hvng Is OUT fev bucksard, in Studio City, ratbe: char in England as ne bad Itnsined, Atslephone sll an interview in whish we expresedan interest nstudsing magio with him Hisresponve was at bethonght it teste to underge ReschantRerapy Hest since te eneries Which got Feleased in mage could wreak havocin person who wus bo prepared todeal with them. Wengreed und spent tbe next ight ors yearsin suck Mhendeavor, Tha took 0 ong eno fal "he Real ~ or of te pints her Imig ado ast do wit thet ofall that we ec tactding thera magi, or situa icine. ‘Regards trys a ersindleappotstnest With back magical work and peop, and wich therapy ach. hath vera ane Doe ais. be tot far from Reich isl! Tose who have read eich Spools Proud ae fllyswace tat the master vas deeply pesimiaticnbout Wis w irdusion ‘oe sherapy, belies that only some Kelp is posi md thatthe ‘arlest eyes of bith and etildsooe, and eves the hatry of mankind ‘Produce Fundatsental law which may be iemediabe Infact, we ae fevally too Reperuter eptomiste, or te reverse, and fall find the ‘alles and limits of any aosirun or procecure, whether medial, Pajchologcah, spiritual or sek, This, amy option, ha ers to do bith te flawed “germ parm orang of the aman beg although ‘hisooent ine, burwih he seehlem ofevlisel and ourunderstaniing fefths meh economy of, re universe, und the divine. Jung buena ‘ore boss such hinga (in dnrwer Jo, fx example then most, but iearshereleoking tthe work of Regarde Onrathor, ton has deep sppredation of Jungs work, Dut Ne hes acim view of unglan therapy, pculasly tn this present interview. Unie in eeer places, he sven {js tat for him ara waste! Wether thie view is negative about $Ningan work particularly or all verbal therapy, | don™s now. As a practioner and appreciator of bath verbal and body work, nowever. Fovstu uote every therapy i igh forseme people atsome trae and ‘wrong for others, We comet yet havea panacea (even for curelses), nde wine ce reac onr Limit et wr become overt eynieal and tf. [pmsl gave up doing Relchlan therapy after few years teceusel yas aotatisfied witb ty ovmcompetenc in irespecveot Temute, My own sie wera ave uitable (ory Jusgi view but Twas then able to bing moce "body not thanks tomy Rewchian work, Regardie’ hanes Repu decs everge withthe opinion thar any ind ef therapy i good forthe begimerin the Great Work, is ordorto mae tbe opie tleaats Us conscious o*hissbedow side, as we Jungian wonder it alide mote avareofhimsell. Bevond that, he aes, onc leaves. Faron Nova bad ssc luion, [thinks and Vexpeet hat thereader woe "ACihis oin, T would ike corecommens thatthe render nowembak upon ste olssure of perusing Chritopber Hyatt ieriew wi Repeal tty ales iced ne whch shim ecepneybeery,“outrogows”charing of enolase youLfal Stiri toward Ele. would thea ope tat he we etre th is daotesand compare them withthe owing comers hat! ave made ieough sealers weveao ckned sto wire thse ato Fala Fess, ‘we might shen have a commentary om the commentary andadd to our nective sppresaton ofthc mee: snordary diay maa ‘Notes om the Hyatt Interview p.3-4: Here he expeets disaster wants to save the Golden Dawn. his cack pessiminsabout western chilznion has been come oe ‘long time, eerste the geraralawarenetsin eGO ofthe new Aeon Introdetion ¥ which i emerging. bat even back 19 World War { (e, Oswald Spengler Decline of the Westy How snaay cataclysms have been Drediied over the last seven year! Yet somebow ve go en. at Eiybody se ike me, that tivend has shesdy occurred We have ‘pernliving nsocietal disintegration ast sine Hider and,exzeptfor ‘etiods of ecovey, hee has tees comsual army breakdown ofthe Trail ose f Fit, increase in eligius intolerance Toes of val for the ndividul an for competent work, loss of ere for one’ fellows {Yerwe go or, and alltnewn vesalo go oa, abet geil. Jung. 00, (et thiseoodof pending dseter,aveary as before World War and his fentany of bloodaned turned aut 1 he prophetic. He aad orher such fanvanerattheend of he ein 1981 nope Mowever, ike ik thacwith mous eeoeal consclournes of cur collective bicakdowa, we can ‘reas this tansition snd somehow held on tothe values of be past ‘Wnout going into another Dark Age. Tit ba long way aconne 3f Zhying ttt [hope Regards wreng in his gloomy expecation, But | ko want to sua doapprecate is eajernes to preserve that part ‘tihe pncoich be fees of rest valu: tse Gosden Dan materia and ‘hate is cong ns boot to preare ie What mare cna one mk pp. 74: No ie in most occult peopl, Inioing Wale. ’Nrslevant observation and ope that ts possible fo make about lots of people onthe tpietual ques. incudiag» [reget to sty -sore Sangiaes Keepngintouch we the body without fig vito grass gunn seers to ely as Regus shows, vt that et enoughe ther. ‘Xion Jungise meetings, often lta ceva. ceadnes, ack of body “ily. When en: tone Reclan convertion, eweve, experienced ‘lack of spi tual if,a and of P-E approach to existence, Pethape we tee woask people who ae "alie" wat rita hepo them chat way. FRegnrdie rught amver, ae he doetIaceously sewral Timex wine (tomen ard rong. Tranalsts te spt he femnine, and feling relationship co etsence? Il; "The problem with acople who rend ods, andthe people ho ead Cromey.or Joyo Raja ot Jou aranvane elt tht they {do aee the various sides ofthe authors personalities” "Head Heast This in one a the excellent thing: ab0Ul Regard, “at eam ee the ytd those be admire. More abou his belo. pp. 14-16:feturned off by both psschology and the oceul people the tier ful of inane wei wn! ene the former (e. Freud and ich] rooted inthe sas ground But wnable to adit fo any ther ‘hear but their ov ‘Xcepperertion{his, and onesba hunts usin bot elds, Why an answer te ineris and aulboutaclanism, panes of our existence? ut fneroduetion Maybe tsp of our huts coaiton, “orginal xin nota sex not ‘yea as diobobienee, bar ae part of ur nature ae being angel and Stimalssimalaneously ‘pA7"Tim relly a sey ordinary kind of character who had the good Fectune the bck, the eeiy, whaletet, to hoox is wagoatotwostars, almost by neident and got whibld ay wii” Tha de bothtrucang fae, le ikea of uss largely "ordinary, "but be ee the inion aad spit to bath flles and Word a wat the hate” provided. Whit moreean one us ofusarinary people! Hedi ia lox beter ase se, ough 1.22: when confronted by temptation, ved” Trac but one of those outrageous statements hich jo likely <0 provoke entagenam and snisundestanding, ures one relzett the Sisldtgisa orasions and chewelact,subjectto penalty rom wh End vetaoun,sbeet tae spt, and aot mere indulgent. pp.22-24 Tehes pt Ger below). Mere is well expresed wsomgly connected with the sex deve problem ofert more fly deat withon page 31 ‘24 Jungian therapy ay andss and sttve Imagination as “plain Menta masturbation.” Here Reged, unfortunately, is very wide ofthe mark. ‘The sear sung terapy may not have Been valuable fr {Inter places e xpress diferent vee) but ais fac fou: eg objective statement Frthamor, he b quite uninformed about sive imagintien I 6 ould read Jare®“"Trameadeat Fupctien” in Volume & of tne ‘Clete Workesor my two ess onthe topiin The Rrughe Falcon Pres, 1982)andin The Meoapomeaue(Faloo Press, (983), e would becdbamuicd ofthe ae thet th wore i jut “mating an image of Figncssm dream and talking them.” Rather, te percon to engeed ‘ows fantasy aa ieage te appear bul Ne hava serious encounter Nib tehatemerges-austinandesetcurg ia Geta dalogue ens (hich bringa fo barks wholeconscous, po cent o, leadinge Ir imegraton between coatcous sn tineorzsiogs "Tai umion 1 ‘ict: tinal, an ethical act of change ana behavior nthe world [Al tis ie farSrom mental wastursalon. Toe er ig more akin te psive imokintion, fantasy spining, or the Kad of deugncuced [Eugencr which xara ur and even enlightening. But does Dt tea to Integrtlow of conscious 4nd unconscious, TRegade mentions magical srsing bere, a opie taken ap ia. mote detilin The Complete Gotan Dar Stem of Mee (Ean Pres {gu The citerence hel menstingendactivemagzation that > Inrodection wt former, wing schsigacs ofstructue and testing, aim at particular ‘ec Tris form imposed on the prcha and i pas of the mages) {ittede, Thisat tude is xsntally that of Power Active imagiration, ‘nthe eter band, i simed at achieving a relatonship with he psce, {ind s mre akin io Love: Neier beter than the other, bat cas be touas pat ate Inrgerpaitof opposite studs: magic vs the mystical fact fas ite valus and Lacon, butt 8 eat make to anderestimateetaer of them, (For further dseussion ofthe fase vf Mage ve Mystluy, ser my paper, "Psychology and the Occult” Spring: dn Aroual of Avoheypal Pychology and Jungian Though, 196, pp. se) righ adé tat in The Compt Giden Dawn book, Regardie nso rmenions fay “peychornythology"(@ Kind of Pungian Fition wei) At eave magination, I not, ba, lke the work of Steinhrecher, tho he mentions favorably, ie the oMtgroWt Of SUER ubors Seelabrecter® metnod ‘a w mesial one as Reeavdle sugges, Ms Pychomythology i fictional sory-writing ith a mythological base {Tieaimir iterator, the crestomefstoris whereas ativeimaginaion inaimed atthe eesion of one's own personal ‘The fields of magic and depth peveholoyy at too important tobe scorfol opposition. I particulary rogtt ths atitude of Regard he finze he bogina very worthwhile atemptat unc tetwo fields his Mute Puig Mook. The reader may remember the subtle of tat book ae"A Co-Relation ofthe Principle of Analytical Paschology and ‘he Elementar Techaigus of Magis.” That vasa bilan bepinning of {work that ough to be continued p.27-28: Purpose of Golden Dawn ito makea person whole to unite Init dst Here Regarcie truly joins forces wth the vows of Jung Is where the mystical un sgl perspelives Love and power) can units as wel 24: Once more, he expresses Ms ds ind tke dita aituce "Thesis eri (ot these who ate onthe path of eoncicusess or ‘lghteranem. Withoct @lignee and detoion. nothing's accomplished Even with theater, hor so guarantee of succes, at eas ne fom the pu of diasovering just oho and whst one. I sympath.ze realy with Regadie hie since he. aun fhmms nd suehaliet {Gaoher, must have ba a bei flo Olean Tae potent with occa people p.30:"Thny haven in of voluntary forms of evolution slFindueed End el-devied Thi ety hoportant and ioauficenty discussed in most places. Schrodinger wre of sonciousnst se the one of evlution” att ‘ime Jung he a sane view Thi merits meredscusion. Where, for namie, would. Regerde place hie “ehtnen” i thi? A seek ‘rolution feo, now ascent forte any fltes"in just sue list hoice! - 3: Reguidie ype of ell more informatialy bere and as Hate Ponts oot, his vee ave slr to Jongvand Reich The Save sce fvbe the need to face and integrate one darkness, : M: Golden Dana organization went dows because of slack of piychotheraps ad consis, hora eternal organotins fave aot “A tue disiustion, Buc at o2¢ who has teen a rember of several ‘nai asocatons {cor snore Regarda (eet terest a8 muh ‘usbbtingsnd poner ating seisew ere. Tam asi hat wha: Role ‘her: logether te protest. onal nee fo eoramunsy athe han te ‘hiraal seed of ate” A pap of mie, fer examnpl mdcining why Tipe dfical for hangin to work well ngsoupe or onpaniaatons, ‘sid ris lage for people wa con natn tberilnge "She wa feeby night But for Ucider Davi ot oocil people. Was lak of “ouacasnest he aie? Ajay there iesuely am evesincressing need fern based sormunty. nave quote from Marin Buber{( doa" now feam where which sprit th ee p29:rjects "love" and sets belng"master*“Love and Gad willtake fare of thermeleer. Firat be yours, dam and stop tlk about Iugs sou nave no understanding of.” “Apuod siemens yates, oo. Balthe-eeion ofoveaoed nol be 4 distegerd of the importance of the feminine values of Felsdocship, a favs (nt love'c and connection, witheut which a3) {pintual works mere second-r'e tehlony i Insets again on therapy forthe work: “geting rdf neurotic eachments (sex, to monet 0 the parents, (0 te ef Oe whateses, Nothing realy happens un si doa” “Abigerder Something happens lctly.even with attachment ele vse vwelld ale lost! Weall mae big an lite steps bee. 4045; Speaks of the western religlons- Judaism, Chritanty, and Pam-asrelgonsofthesword.Tritixconneced wid hs experience of {he howls of oen-agein Chita 10 mage Teegurie speaks powerfully here, but there a distinction netween a cel of the two in 10H) RICE. Quam, Crusaces and 15 ctury (Chttanty) and Rth century (Ivan. Those Is sll much Telicoity af spr oper alin nam, ut here be eersome ange, Surely Ate, te reectonagainrthe hate ofthe Bra-agans ake irk Ieee than syprecntiv, ashe Soul be, of te peat merits of western ‘eligi: Muy Tread aim of hie ehosen narae aaa heae after the [Ecet S Franie of Ans? And ofthe poople of hi ogi? But hats ‘shat happens ous ween were nnjty attacked, weattack back With uivalen injustice, we ean! $2: Regards four lovee Mlavatety, Crontey the Golden Dawn. and each cho mbich we might a, Mar? Baker Eddy and C.G. Jungs as ‘ee inves) ‘Reeurdie expres bie appreciation hereof Blavatsky an Crowley quits tovehingiy. I think that tv love of them, and of Reh ule eaniy reveal the variety and compli uf tis attr All other Sree outrageons creative, inventive, and deeply challenging io whatever Shlecive view pevaled And 10 t Regarie Hiseomaltment, mts, Ie the Golden Dawn, rather than to some system he would invent imvel and for that. the World cam be appreciative 63 Myat cles witha quotation fom statement of ine that was {ed on dastacket of one of is books. | wll ako guye wih hat stateiet, once more, 4 Ubu to this remarkable, “etdinas” man: Tevet Regard the otetanding ving oeult magician, and the nly ove of Fs Kind to some swith he ish: ofthe sole, the Caring ollie pyehotherapist ard ths c.ious aire othe ito) J. Marvin Spiegelman Stato Cay, Calforaia Maren 6, 1988 Four day afte he sboveineraduction was compleed, Francis sae) ‘egardie died suddenly a fend’ house Sedona, Avion. Weall Tite! the passing of ‘is otrtanding personal. of course, But T ‘ertonaly om sory that he didnot Nave n chance Lo ead these Uppresntie eau of aiee and that anal atalsoburioahol re x Introduetion tnd argue with me ub cota sings ned therein too, Lad i {he buck of my ming thal ae and [tnd further werk e 0 together, i the weit ol peyshology anc the oul eld Not ont did Tekin thst “ne of my arisles on payetoloy nod te oceult ceuld be combined ‘wih nis but Tako hoped fore ferther eollaboraion on hie Middle Pillawork,s1 mentioned above, Suchefforta wil mw belle hos. Tike the publisher sat mse, who vad the achevements of Lis tuuttandlng investigator pretisonés Lsall certainly try to 6 20, Since I ream the night Be ded, that come work of Regardie were itera by dep-tudvers Most ofl rege asl am suredoall rise who care for ian hat Ide not have chance to te im ferunaly bow much Lappresiated hin and to reine him of what he {oscomtniuied tock buena condition as weiter, ales magus WE sal al mse him ss suatio ily Mase I, 1988 PONTIFICATES AN INTERVIEW IRISIOPHER 8. HYATT Regard Pontitietes a Hyate egerdie, Hayat, Regard Hiya Regardie, a Regard “This interview is going woe ough. Yes — I find myself resisting it. Every time 1 open my mouth [ appear (ge! into sante sort of touble. Yes, You're an iconoclast, Le’ start with something easy All ight; Lea game ‘When did you stare writing The Complete Golden Down Stern of Magic? Sorsewhere around 1979 or va, Mo ameurs is not ai ‘lear as 10 the esac; da. But it was ebeut then that [rote ny first synopsis of what should be included. ‘What made you take on sich a monumen:s prajet? (Laughing) tes rather aivicelt te says (ve ba a couple ‘of Bloacy Marys) Well — my reasons for wring i ‘were manifold, I will describe & vouple oF the more simaple motives tha I don’ vind making public. thers fre ore pervenal, 20 I kep them piste foe the ime bein The first exposition written ove forsy sears. ago was hastily Uuown together. Ie was incomplete in all Sons oF ways. In “hose days 1 was more inpulsve a: more impatient than Fam a0w Tere were whole areas ‘which shone haveheen eueraed, but which were not clarified at all Some sery important Galden Deva documents were also mite! — ever hough my original mention Was 10 make the hook as complete ae eae, ‘A ery dear Trend of mine, Carr P. Collins, J oF Dallas, was goed enotgh (© cba, in 197

Israel Regardie (born Francis Israel Regudy on November 17th, 1907 in London, England) was one of the most influential Adepts of the Golden Dawn. He was also a dedicated writer, chiropractor and therapist. It was his main ambition to preserve and perpetuate the teachings and work of the Golden Dawn
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