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An interesting new species of Baccharis (Asteraceae: Astereae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil PDF

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Preview An interesting new species of Baccharis (Asteraceae: Astereae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil

BALDUINIA. n.40, p.23-25, 15-VI-2013 AN INTERESTING NEW SPECIES OF BACCHARlS (ASTERACEAE: ASTEREAE) FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIV LEONARDO PAZ DEBLE2 ANABELA SILVEIRA DE OLIVEIRA DEBLE3 RESUMO [Uma curiosa nova espécie de Baccharis (Asteraceae: Astereae) de Minas Gerais, Brasil]. Uma nova espécie, nomeada Baccharis variabiliflora édescrita eilustrada, etem suasafinidades taxonômicas discutidas. A nova espécie é facilmente separada das demais espécies que compõem o gênero pelos seus capítulos com flores centrais estarninadas, flores marginais pistiladas eentre essas um grupo de flores não funcionais. Baccharis variabiliflora ocorre noBrasil central, aparentemente endêmica de campos úmidos e cerrados do estado de Minas Gerais. Palavras Chave: Baccharidinae, Cerrado, Cylindricae, Taxonomia. ABSTRACT Anew species, named Baccharis variabiliflora isdescribed and illustrated and hastheir taxonomic affinities discussed. The new species iseasy segregate ofalispecies ofthegenus byits capitula with central staminate flowers, marginal pistillate flowers and between one and other agroup of non functional flowers. Baccharis variabiliflora occurs in Central Brazil, seemingly endemic to the wet grasslands and cerrados of Minas Gerais state. Key words: Baccharidinae, Cerrado, Cylindricae, Taxonomy. INTRODUCTION RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS During therevision ofHerbarium, avoucher Baccharis variabiliflora Deble &A.S.Oli- specimen deposited at HB herbarium was veira, sp. novo(Figure 1) studied by usoThis material was collected by Species nova ad sectioni Cylindricae per- Edmundo Pereira, Guido Pabst and Gert tinens, a ceteris species capitulis cum 3-6flo- Hatschbach intheyear 1964, inthe road toOuro res marginales pistillatis, 1-3flores centrales Negro, Minas Gerais state, and additional staminatis et8-11flores neutrae inter centrales collection ofthis taxon did not are known. This et marginales dispositis conjunctim praes- exsiccate wasrecognized by usasanew species entibus differt. in 2006, but in view of the single material Typus: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Ouro Preto known, wewere expecting new collections until "Estr. p/Ouro Preto krn. 48, esperança, arb. this work to describe it. Unfortunately, new unicaule, fi. creme" 13September 1964, E. Pe- collections are unknown and based in the single reira 9231, G Pabst 8232 & G Hatschbach collection above mentioned is described and 11562 (holotypus HB!, isotypus MBM). illustrated belowBaccharis variabiliflora, anew Subshrubs 0.8-1.2 m high (with xylo- species belonging to section Cylindricae podium?). Stem solitary, erect, branching only Heering. in the capitulescence or unbranched. Leaves appressed at the stem, oblong or oblong- spatulate, 15-35mm x2-6mm, altemate, sessile, concolorous, 3-veined, margin entire, or Recebido em 10-04-2013 e aceito para publicação em I minutely serrate, apex obtuse or rounded, 27-05-2013. Dr. Professor do Curso de Ciências da Natureza, mucronate, base attenuate; leaf blades I UNIPAMPA (Dom Pedrito-RS). [email protected] chartaceous, reddish brown, punctuate glandu- 2 Dra. Professora do Curso de Tecnologia em Gestão lar, seemingly glabrous with tufted trichomes Ambiental, URCAMP (Dom Pedrito-RS). anabe- [email protected] of fIagellate and biseriate trichomes scattered. 23 lmm FIGURE 1- Baccharis variabiliflora. A.Plant. B.Basa11eaf. C.Distalleaf. D.Capitulum. E-F.Phyllaries. E.Outermost phyllaries. F.Innermost phyllaries. G Pistillate flower. H. Non functiona1 flower. r.Staminate flower. J. Cypsela. K. Style of pistillate flower. L. Style ofnon functional flower. M. Style ofstaminate flower (A-M, fram the holotype). 24 Capitula solitary, in leafy axils, 6-7 mm x 4-5 Distribution and Habitat: Baccharis varia- mm; involucre narrowly campanulate, 5-6 mm biliflora occurs in Central Brazil, seemingly x 3-4 mm; flowers 16-20; marginal flowers 3- endemic to the wet grasslands and cerrados of 6, pistillate; central flowers 1-3, seemingly Minas Gerais state. perfect, but functionally staminate flowers; Etymology: FromtheLatinvariabilismeaning between one and other 8-11 non functional variable andjlorus thatmean flower andrefers to flowers. Phyllaries in 3-4 series, apex acute capitulum containing pistillate flowers, non acuminate, often orange-darker in the distaI functional flowers and staminate flowers. third, margins membranous, hyalines, fimbriate, Comments: Baccharis variabiliflora by its dorsum with glandular trichomes. Outermost capitula with 1-3 central staminate flowers, phyllaries lanceolate, 1.7-3 mm x 0.9-1.2 mm; surrounded by 8-11 non functional flowers and innermost phyllaries lanceolate or elliptic- 3-6 marginal pistillate flowers is unique within lanceolate, 3-3.5 mm x 0.8-1 mm. Receptacle genus. Despite this morphological peculiarity, conical, alveolate andwithreceptacular f1Illbrils. the new species belongs to section Cylindricae Pistillate corolla tubular-filiform, 3-3.8 mm based in the following attributes: cylindrical long, with few glandular trichomes scattered, shape of capitula, cypselae 8-10 ribbed, with apically 5-dentate, teeth upto0.7mm longoStyle folded epidermis, 2-seriate and deciduous exceeding the corolla, 4-4.4 mm long; branches pappus, and pistillate corolla at the apex 5- linear-Ianceolate, 0.7-0.8 mm longoPappus of dentate (Cuatrecasas, 1967; Giuliano, 2001; 34-46 bristles, 2.4-4.6 mmlong, uniseriate, rigid, Giuliano, 2005). Unfortunately did not were partially fused in abasal ring, deciduous, not or observed staminate capitula, but the presence slightly elongated atcypsela maturity, yellowish. of 1-3staminate central flowers makes doubt if Cypsela brown, oblong, 1.2-1.5 mm long, the species is really a dioecious species. epidermis folded, laterally slightly compressed, Conservation Status: Insufficient data with 8-10 longitudinal ribs. Non functional availed. flowers corolla 3.4-4 mm long, apically 5- dentate, teeth up to 1mm longoStyle similar to REFERENCES the pistillate flowers, but with few sweeping CUATRECASAS,1. Revisión de las especies Co- trichomes inthe mediaI portion ofthe branches. lombianas deI género Baccharis. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Staminate flowers corolla 4-4.2 mm long, Físicas y Naturales, Bogotá, v. 13,n. 49, p. 5- apically 5-dentate, teeth up to 1.2 mm longo 102. Anthers 0.9-1.1 mm longoStyle not or slightly GIULIANO, D.A.Clasificación infragenérica delas exceeding the corolla, 4-4.5 mm long; style espécies argentinas de Baccharis (Asteraceae, branches with ca. 0.2 mm long, attached orfree Astereae). Darwiniana, San Isidro, v.39, n. 1- apically. Pappus of 31-49 bristles, 2.5-4.6 mm 2, p. 131-154.2001. long, rigid, deciduous, ends in two acute GIULIANO, D. A. New infragenera in Baccharis papillae, yellowish. Cypsela abortive, obconical, (Asteraceae, Astereae). Novon, Missouri, v. 15, ca. 1mm longo n. 4, p. 534-541. 2005. 25

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