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An Interacting Two-Fluid Scenario for Dark Energy in FRW Universe PDF

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An Interacting Two-Fluid Scenario for Dark Energy in FRW Universe Hassan Amirhashchi1, Anirudh Pradhan2 and Bijan Saha3 1 1Department of Physics, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr Branch, 1 Mahshahr, Iran 0 E-mail: [email protected];[email protected] 2 n 2Department of Mathematics, Hindu Post-graduateCollege, Zamania-232 331, a J Ghazipur, India 4 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 1 2,3Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear ] c Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia q 3E-mail: [email protected] - r g [ 2 v Abstract 0 Westudytheevolutionofthedarkenergyparameterwithinthescope 4 ofaspatiallyflatandisotropicFriedmann-Robertson-Walker(FRW)model 9 3 filled with barotropic fluid and dark energy. To obtain the deterministic . solution we choose the scale factor a(t) = √tet which yields a time de- 1 pendent deceleration parameter (DP). In doing so we consider the case 1 minimally coupled with dark energy to the perfect fluid as well as direct 0 interaction with it. 1 : v Keywords : FRW universe, Dark energy, Variable deceleration parameter i PACS number: 98.80.Es,98.80-k,95.36.+x X r a 1 Introduction Observations of distant Supernovae (SNe Ia) [1] [6], fluctuation of cosmic mi- − crowavebackgroundradiation(CMBR)[7,8],largescalestructure(LSS)[9,10], sloandigitalskysurvey(SDSS) [11,12],Wilkinsonmicrowaveanisotropyprobe (WMAP) [13] and Chandra x-ray observatory [14] by means of ground and altitudinal experiments have shown that our Universe is spatially flat and ex- panding with acceleration. This fact can be put in agreement with the theory if one assumes that the Universe is basically filled with so-called dark energy. ThemeasurementofphotometricdistancestothecosmologicalSupernova,sup- portedbyanumberofindependentarguments,inparticularbytheobservational data on the angular temporal fluctuations of CMBR, shows that the lion share 1 of the energy density of matter belongs to non-baryonic matter. This form of mattercannotbedetectedinlaboratoryanddoesnotinteractwithelectromag- neticradiation. Giventhefactthatalmostthreefourthofenergydensity ofthe Universe originated from dark energy and plays crucial role in the accelerated mode of expansion of the Universe, there appear a large number of models ca- pable of describing this dark energy. DarkenergymodelswithhigherderivativetermswereconstructedbyZhang and Liu [15]. The cosmological evolution of a two-field dilaton model of dark energy was investigated by Liang et al. [16]. Viscous dark energy models with variableGandΛwerestudiedbyArbab[17]. ThemodifiedChaplygingaswith interaction between holographic dark energy and dark matter was investigated in Ref. [18]. The tachyoncosmologyin interacting and non-interactingcases in non-flat FRW Universe was studied in Ref. [19]. In this Letter we study the evolutionofthe darkenergyparameterwithin the frameworkofa FRWcosmo- logical model filled with two fluids. In doing so we consider both interacting and non-interacting cases. 2 The Metric and Field Equations WeconsiderthespatialhomogeneousandisotropicFriedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric as dr2 ds2 = dt2+a2(t) +r2dΩ2 , (1) − (cid:20)1 kr2 (cid:21) − where a(t) is the scale factor and the curvature constants k are 1,0,+1 for − open, flat and close models of the universe respectively. The Einstein’s field equations (with 8πG=1 and c=1) read as 1 Rj Rδj = Tj, (2) i − 2 i − i where the symbols have their usual meaning and Tj is the two fluid energy- i momentum tensor consisting of dark field and barotropic fluid. In a co-moving coordinate system, Einstein’s field equations (2) for the line element (1) lead to a¨ a˙2 k p = 2 + + , (3) tot −(cid:18) a a2 a2(cid:19) and a˙2 k ρ =3 + , (4) tot (cid:18)a2 a2(cid:19) where p = p +p and ρ = ρ +ρ . Here p and ρ are pressure and tot m D tot m D m m energydensity ofbarotropicfluidandp &ρ arepressureandenergydensity D D 2 of dark fluid respectively. The Bianchi identity G;j =0 leads to T;j =0 which yields ij ij a˙ ρ˙ +3 (ρ +p )=0. (5) tot tot tot a The EoS of the barotropic fluid and dark field are given by p m ω = , (6) m ρ m and p D ω = , (7) D ρ D respectively. Inthefollowingsectionswedealwithtwocases,(i)non-interactingtwo-fluid model and (ii) interacting two-fluid model. 3 Non-interacting two-fluid model First,weconsiderthattwo-fluidsdonotinteractwitheachother. Therefore,the general form of conservation equation (5) leads us to writing the conservation equation for the dark and barotropic fluid separately as, a˙ ρ˙ +3 (ρ +p )=0, (8) m m m a and a˙ ρ˙ +3 (ρ +p )=0. (9) D D D a Integration of Eq. (5) leads to ρ =ρ a−3(1+ωm), (10) m 0 where ρ is an integrating constant. By using Eq. (10) in Eqs. (3) and (4), we 0 first obtain the ρ and p in term of scale factor a(t) D D a˙2 k ρ =3 + ρ a−3(1+ωm). (11) D (cid:18)a2 a2(cid:19)− 0 and a¨ a˙2 k p = 2 + + ρ ω a−3(1+ωm). (12) D −(cid:18) a a2 a2(cid:19)− 0 m Now we take following ansatz for the scale factor, where increase in term of time evolution a(t)=√tet. (13) 3 Figure 1: The plot of EoS parameter vs t for ρ =10 and ω =0.5 0 m The motivation to choose such scale factor is behind the fact that the universe isacceleratedexpansionatpresentanddeceleratedexpansioninthepast. Also, the transition redshift from deceleration expansion to accelerated expansion is about0.5. Thus,ingeneral,the DP isnota constantbut time variable. By the above choice of scale factor yields a time dependent DP. By using this scale factor in Eqs. (11) and (12), the ρ andp are obtained as D D ρD =3(cid:20)(14+t2t)2 + tket(cid:21)−ρ0(tet)−23(1+ωm), (14) and pD =−(cid:20)3(1+4tt2)2−4 + tket +ρ0ωm(tet)−23(1+ωm)(cid:21), (15) respectively. By using Eqs. (14) and (15) in Eq. (7), we find the equation of state of dark field in term of time as ωD =−3(31+h4tt()2124+−t2t4)2++tketkett+i−ρ0ρω0m(t(ette)t−)−23(321(+1+ωmωm)). (16) The behavior of EoS for DE in term of cosmic time t is shown in Fig.1. It is observed that although for open, close and flat universes the EoS parameter is an increasing function of time, the rapidity of its growth at the early stage 4 depends on the type the universe. Later on it tends to the same constantvalue independent of the types of the universe. The expressions for the matter-energydensity Ω and dark-energydensity Ω m D are given by Ωm = 3ρHm2 = 3(14+t2t)2ρ0(tet)−32(1+ωm), (17) and ΩD = 3ρHD2 =1+ 3(14+ktt)2et − 3(14+t2t)2ρ0(tet)−32(1+ωm), (18) respectively. Equations (17) and (18) reduce to 4kt Ω=Ω +Ω =1+ . (19) m D 3(1+t)2et From the right hand side of Eq. (19) it is clear that in flat universe (k = 0), Ω = 1 and in open universe (k = 1), Ω < 1 and in close universe (k = +1), − Ω>1. Butatlatetimeweseeforallflat,openandcloseuniversesΩ 1. This → result is compatible with the observational results. Since our model predicts a flatuniverseforlargetimesandthepresent-dayuniverseisveryclosetoflat,the derived model is also compatible with the observational results. The variation of density parameter with cosmic time has been shown in Fig.2. We define the deceleration parameter q as usual, i.e. a¨a a¨ q = = . (20) −a˙2 −aH2 Using Eqs. (3) and (4), we may rewrite Eq. (20) as 1 q = [ρ (1+3ω )+ρ (1+3ω )]. (21) 6H2 m m D D On the other hand, using Eq. (13) into Eq. (20), we find 2 q = 1. (22) (1+t)2 − From Eq. (22), we observe that q > 0 for t < 0.41 and q < 0 for t > 0.41. This behavior of q is clearly depicted in Fig.3 A convenient method to describe models close to Λ CDM is based on the cosmic jerk parameter j, a dimensionless third derivative of the scale factor with respect to the cosmic time [20] [23]. A deceleration-to-accelerationtran- − sition occurs for models with a positive value of j and negative q . Flat Λ 0 0 CDM models have a constant jerk j = 1. The jerk parameter in cosmology is defined as the dimensionless third derivative of the scale factor with respect to cosmic time 1 a¨˙ j(t)= . (23) H3a 5 Figure 2: The plot of density parameter (Ω) vs t for n=3 Figure 3: The plot of deceleration parameter (Ω) vs t 6 and in terms of the scale factor to cosmic time (a2H2)′′ j(t)= , (24) 2H2 wherethe‘dots’and‘primes’denotederivativeswithrespecttocosmictimeand scale factor, respectively. The jerk parameter appears in the fourth term of a Taylor expansion of the scale factor around a , 0 a(t) 1 1 =1+H (t t ) q H2(t t )2+ j H3(t t )3+O (t t )4 , (25) a 0 − 0 − 2 0 0 − 0 6 0 0 − 0 − 0 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) where the subscript 0 shows the present value. One can rewrite Eq. (23) as q˙ j(t)=q+2q2 . (26) − H Equations (22) and (26) reduce to t3+3(t2 t+1) j(t)= − . (27) (1+t)3 This value overlaps with the value j 2.16 obtained from the combination of ≃ three kinematical data sets: the gold sample of type Ia supernovae [24], the SNIa data from the SNLS project [25], and the x-ray galaxy cluster distance measurements [26] at t 0.05. ≃ 4 Interacting two fluids model Secondly, we consider the interaction between dark and barotropic fluids. For thispurposewecanwritethecontinuityequationsfordarkfluidandbarotropic fluids as a˙ ρ˙ +3 (ρ +p )=Q, (28) m m m a and a˙ ρ˙ +3 (ρ +p )= Q. (29) D D D a − The quantity Q expresses the interaction between the dark components. Since weareinterestedinanenergytransferfromthe darkenergytodarkmatter,we consider Q > 0. Q > 0 ensures that the second law of thermodynamics stands fulfilled [27]. Here we emphasize that the continuity Eqs. (28) and (29) imply that the interaction term (Q) should be proportional to a quantity with units of inverse of time. i.e Q 1. Therefore, a first and natural candidate can be ∝ t the Hubble factor H multiplied with the energy density. Following Amendola et al. [28] and Gou et al. [29], we consider Q=3Hσρ , (30) m 7 whereσ isacouplingconstant. UsingEq. (30)inEq. (28)andafterintegrating the resulting equation, we obtain ρ =ρ a−3(1+ωm−σ). (31) m 0 By using Eq. (31) in Eqs. (3) and (4), we againobtain the ρ andp in terms D D of scale factor a(t). a˙2 k ρ =3 + ρ a−3(1+ωm−σ), (32) D (cid:18)a2 a2(cid:19)− 0 and a¨ a˙2 k p = 2 + + ρ (ω σ)a−3(1+ωm−σ), (33) D −(cid:18) a a2 a2(cid:19)− 0 m− respectively. Putting the value of a(t) from Eq. (13) in Eqs. (32) and (33), we obtain ρD =3(cid:20)(14+t2t)2 + tket(cid:21)−ρ0(tet)−23(1+ωm−σ), (34) and pD =−(cid:20)3(1+4tt)22−4 + tket +ρ0ωm(tet)−23(1+ωm−σ)(cid:21), (35) respectively. UsingEqs. (34)and(35)inEq. (7),wecanfindtheEoSparameter of dark field as ωD =−3(31+h4t(t)2124+−tt24)2++tketkett+i−ρ0ρω0m(t(ette)t−)−23(321(+1+ωmωm−−σ)σ). (36) The behavior of EoS in term of cosmic time t is shown in Fig.4. It is observed thatliketheminimalcouplingcase,theEoSparameterisanincreasingfunction of time for all close, open and flat universes, the rapidity of its increase at the early stage depends on the type of universe. At the later stage of evolution it tendsto thesameconstantvalueindependentofthe typesofthe Universe. The EoS parameter of DE begins in phantom region and tends to 1 (cosmological − constant. The expressions for the matter-energy density Ω and dark-energy density m Ω are given by D ρ 4t2 Ω = m = ρ (tet)−3n(1+ωm−σ), (37) m 3H2 3(1+t)2 0 and ρ 4kt 4t2 Ω = D =1+ ρ (tet)−3n(1+ωm−σ), (38) D 3H2 3(1+t)2et − 3(1+t)2 0 respectively. From Eqs. (37) and (38), we obtain 4kt Ω=Ω +Ω =1+ , (39) m D 3(1+t)2et 8 Figure 4: The plot of EoS parameter vs t for ρ =10,ω =0.5 and σ =0.3 0 m which is the same as Eq. (19). Therefore, we observe that in the interacting case the density parameter has the same properties as in the non-interacting case. The expressions for deceleration parameter and jerk parameter are also the same as in the case of non-interacting case. Studying the interaction between the dark energy and ordinary matter will open a possibility of detecting the dark energy. It should be pointed out that evidence was recently provided by the Abell Cluster A586 in support of the in- teractionbetweendarkenergyanddarkmatter[30,31]. We observethatinthe non-interacting case only open and flat universes can cross the phantom region whereasin interacting case all open, flat and close universes cancrossphantom region. 5 Concluding Remarks In summary, we have studied the system of two-fluid within the scope of a spa- tiallyflatandisotropicFRWmodel. The roleoftwo-fluidminimally ordirectly coupledinthe evolutionofthedarkenergyparameterhasbeeninvestigated. In doing so the scale factor is taken to be an exponential law function of time. It is concluded that in the non-interacting case only open and flat universes cross the phantomregionwhereasinthe interactingcaseallthreeuniversescancross the phantom region. 9 Acknowledgments One of the authors (A. Pradhan) would like to thank the Laboratory of Infor- mation Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia for providing facility and support, where a part of this work was carried out. The authors thank the anonymous referees for valuable comments. References [1] S. Perlmutter et al., Astrophys. J. 483, (1997) 565. S. Perlmutter et al., Nature 391, (1998) 51. S. Perlmutter et al., Astrophys. J. 517, (1999) 5. [2] A. G. Riess et al., Astron. J. 116, (1998) 1009. A. G. Riess et al., Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 112, (2000) 1284. [3] P. M. Garnavich et al., Astrophys. J. 493, 1998 L53. P. M. Garnavich et al., Astrophys. J. 509, (1998) 74. [4] B. P. Schmidt et al., Astrophys. 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