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An integral representation for the product of two parabolic cylinder functions having unrelated arguments. 5 1 0 2 n a M.L. Glasser J Department of Physics, Clarkson University, Potsdam,New York 13699-5820,USA 1 Donostia International Physics Center, P. Manuel de Lardizabal 4,E-20018San Sebasti´an, Spain 3 ] A C Abstract . h t An integral representation is provided for the parabolic cylinder a functionproductD (x)D ( y)whereReµ<0andx>y areunre- m µ µ − lated. Afewsimpleconsequencesaregivenintheformofhyperbolic [ integrals and a sum rule. 1 v 2 Keywords: Parabolic Cylinder Function, Integral Representation, Hermite 0 Polynomial, Hyperbolic Integral, Sum Rule. 1 0 0 . 2 Class 0 33C15,C3345, C3324 5 1 : v i X r a 1 1. Introduction A search of the literature and tables has shown that the number of known integral representations for a product of two parabolic cylinder functions is limited. Only two are available in the standard reference[1] 1 ∞ t 1 x2sinht+πν Dν(x)D−ν−1(x)= cothν+1/2 sin dt −√π Z 2√sinht 2 0 1 ∞ z2 dt D (zeiπ/4)D (ze−iπ/4)= cothνtexp sinh2t . ν ν Γ( ν)Z (cid:20)− 2 (cid:21)sinht − 0 and three more are given in the Wolfram web-site[2] ∞ πν Dν(x)D−ν−1(x)=2Z0 e−xtcos(cid:16)xt− 2 (cid:17)Jν+1/2(t2)dt √π ∞ t2 Dν(zeiπ/4)Dν(ze−iπ/4)= Γ( ν)Z e−ztJ−ν−1/2(2)dt − 0 2√2 ∞ νπ D (zeiπ/4)D (ze−iπ/4)= e−ztcos zt K (t2)dt, ν ν √πΓ(−ν)Z0 (cid:16) − 2 (cid:17) ν+1/2 where, in terms of the Whittaker function, Dν(z)=2(2ν+1)/4z−1/2W2ν+1)/4,−1/4(z2/2). Eventhesefiveareinter-relatedbycontourmanipulation. Afairlyrecentreport byC.Malyshev[3]containsnumerousreferencestotheoriginsoftheserepresen- tations, to which we refer the interested reader. Conspicuously missing among these entries are representationswhere the twoarguments onthe left handside are not linearly related. The aim of the present note is to fill this gap, at least partially since representations where the indices are unrelated is still open. 2. Derivation We begin by examining the Laplace transform ∞ I = tν−1(1+t)−ν−1/2e−ateb√t(t+1)dt, ν >0, Re[a b]>0. (1) Z − 0 By introducing the substitution t=u2/(1 u2) one finds − 1 bu au2 I =2 u2ν−1(1 u2)ν−3/2exp − du. (2) Z − (cid:26) 1 u2 (cid:27) 0 − 2 Next,weintroducethequantitiesX = a+√a2 b2/√2,Y = a √a2 b2/√2 − − − and recall Mehler’s formula [4] p p ∞ 2XYu (X2+Y2)u2 H (X)H (Y) exp − = 1 u2 n n un (3) (cid:20) 1 u2 (cid:21) − 2nn! − p nX=0 to find, after performing the elementary u-integration, ∞ H (X)H (Y) n n I =2 . (4) 2nn!(2ν+n) nX=0 Now let us consider the Sturm-Liouville problem on the real line y′′+(λ x2)y(x)=0, y( )=0 (5) − ±∞ for which the normalized eigenfunctions are yn(x)= 1 e−12x2Hn(x), λn =2n+1, n=0,1,2, . (6) 2nn!√π ··· p Then the solution to the Green function equation Y′′(x,x′,λ)+(λ x2)Y(x,x′,λ)=δ(x x′), Y( )=0 (7) − − ±∞ is ∞ ′ Y(x,x′,λ)= 1 e−12(x2+x′2) Hn(x)Hn(x). (8) √π 2nn!(λ λ) nX=0 n− However, the problem (5) has been treated by Titchmarsh[4] who has shown ′ that, for x>x, 1 1 λ Y(x,x′,λ)= Γ − Dλ−1(x√2)Dλ−1( x′√2). (9) 2√π (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) 2 2 − Finally, from (4), (8) and (9) we conclude that for x>y >0 and ν >0, D−ν(x)D−ν( y) − = e−14(x2+y2) ∞tν/2−1(t+1)−(ν+1)/2e−21(x2+y2)t+xy√t(t+1)dt. (10) 2Γ(ν) Z 0 3.Discussion Equation (10) is our principal result and can be written ∞ tν/2−1(1+t)−(ν+1)/2e−ateb√t(t+1)dt Z 0 3 =2ea/2Γ(ν)D−ν a+ a2 b2 D−ν a a2 b2 , (11) (cid:18)q − (cid:19) (cid:18)−q − − (cid:19) p p for Re(a)>Re(b)>0. Similarly, it can be proven that ∞ tν/2−1(1+t)−(ν+1)/2e−ate−b√t(t+1)dt Z 0 =2ea/2Γ(ν)D−ν a+ a2 b2 D−ν a a2 b2 , (12) (cid:18)q − (cid:19) (cid:18)q − − (cid:19) p p for Re(a+b)>0.. Firstofall,(10)cannotberelatedtotheidentitieslistedintheintroduction, for the right hand side diverges when x = y. In the forms (11) and (12), since both sides can be differentiated any number of times with respect to the parametersa, b orν, itis the gatewaytoapreviouslyunknownclassofLaplace Transforms. Furthermore,through(4) we havesummed exactly a new Hermite seriesfromwhichfurtheronescanbeobtained. Toconclude,weappendashort list of special cases. For ν =1 , D−1(z)= π/2exp(z2/4)Erfc(z/√2) and (12) gives rise to the interesting hyperbolic intepgrations ∞ sechθe−α2sinhθsinh(θ+φ)dθ Z 0 = πeα2coshφErfc(αsinh(φ/2))Erfc(αcosh(φ/2)). (13a) 2 ∞ sinhθe−α2sinhθsinh(θ+φ)dθ Z 0 = √π eα2cosh2(φ/2)cosh(φ/2)Erfc(αcosh(φ/2)) eα2sinh2(φ/2) sinh(φ/2)Erfc(αsinh(φ/2)) 2α h − i (13b) In the case ν = 1/2, where D−1/2(z) = z/2πK1/4(z2/4), (12) can be manipulated to give p ∞ dθ asinhφ Z √sinhθe−acosh(θ+φ) =r π K41(acosh2(φ/2))K14(asinh2(φ/2)). 0 (14) Finally, From (3) we obtain the new sum rule ∞ D (x)D (y) n n =Γ(ν)D−ν(x)D−ν( y), where x>y, (15) n!(n+ν) − nX=0 from which others may be derived. 4 Acknowledgement The author is grateful for hospitality of the DIPC where this work was carried out. References [1] I.S. Gradshteyn and I. Ryzhik, Tables of Integrals, Series and Products, Ed. A. Jeffrey and D. Zwillinger, Academic Press, N.Y. (2007). [2]WolframWebsite: http://functions.wolfram.com/hypergeometricfunctions/paraboliccylinderD/07/01/ [3] C. Malyshev, arXiv:math/01/06142v2[math.CA]4Dec2001 [4]Weisstein,EricW.”Mehler’sHermitePolynomialFormula.”FromMathWorld– AWolframWebResource. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MehlersHermitePolynomialFormula.html [4] E.C. Titchmarch, Eigenfunction Expansions, Vol.1, Oxford, London (1961) p.74. 5

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