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Preview An Information-Theoretic Alternative to the Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of Item Reliability

arXiv:arXiv:0000.0000 An Information-Theoretic Alternative to the Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient of Item Reliability Ernest Fokou´e∗,†, Necla Gu¨ndu¨z‡ †School of Mathematical Sciences Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA 5 e-mail: [email protected] 1 ‡Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science 0 Gazi University,Ankara, Turkey 2 e-mail: [email protected] n Abstract: Weproposeaninformation-theoreticalternativetothepopularCronbachalphacoefficient a ofreliability.Particularlysuitableforcontextsinwhichinstrumentsarescoredonastrictlynonnumeric J scale, our proposed index is based on functions of the entropy of the distributions of defined on the 6 samplespaceofresponses.OurreliabilityindextrackstheCronbachalphacoefficientuniformlywhile 1 offeringseveralotheradvantages discussedingreatdetailsinthispaper. ] AMS 2000 subject classifications:Primary62H30;secondary62H25. T Keywords and phrases:Cronbach,Entropy,Uncertainty, Reliability,VariationofInformation. S . h 1. Introduction t a m Supposethatwearegivenadatasetrepresentedbyann pmatrixX whoseithrowx⊤ (x ,x , ,x ) [ denotesthep-tupleofcharacteristics,witheachx 1,2×,3,4,5 representingtheLikerit-t≡ypeil1eveil2(o·r·d·er)ipof 1 preferenceofrespondenti onitem j.This Likert-ijty∈pe{scoreis ob}tainedby translating/mappingthe response v levels StrongDisagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,StronglyAgree into pseudo-numbers 1,2,3,4,5 . { } { } 0 7 Strong Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 0 4 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 1 2 3 4 5 0 . 1 A usually crucial part in the analysis of questionnaire data is the calculation of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0 which measures the internal consistency or reliability/quality of the data. Let X = (X ,X , ,X )⊤ be 1 2 p 5 ··· a p-tuple representing the p items of a questionnaire. Initially proposed by Cronbach (1951) and later used 1 and re-explained extensively by thousands of researchers and practitioners like Bland and Altman (1997) : v Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is a function of the ratio of the sum of the idiosyncratic item variances over the i X variance of the sum of the items, and is given by r a p pj=1V(Xj) α= 1 . (cid:18)p−1(cid:19)" − VP( pℓ=1Xℓ)# P ThecoefficientofCronbachαwillbe1iftheitemsareallthesameand0ifnoneisrelatedtoanother.Because it is depend onthe varianceof the sum ofa groupofindependent variablesand the sum oftheir variances.If the variables are positively correlated, the variance of the sum will be increased. If the items making up the score are all identical and so perfectly correlated, all the V(X ) will be equal and V( p X ) = p2V(X ), j ℓ=1 ℓ j so that Ppj=1V(Xj) = 1 and α=1. V(Ppℓ=1Xℓ) p P ∗Correspondingauthor 1 imsart-generic ver. 2011/11/15 file: fg-entropy-cronbach-1.tex date: January 19, 2015 Fokou´e and Gu¨ndu¨z/Information-Theoretic Measure of Reliability 2 The empirical version of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of internal consistency is given by p n n 2 1 x x p  j=1i=1 ij − n i=1 ij!  α= 1 XX X . (cid:18)p−1(cid:19) − n p 1 n p 2  x x  b   ij − n ij   i=1 j=1 i=1j=1   X X XX      Definition 1. Let = x ,x , ,x be a dataset with x⊤ = (x ,x , ,x ). An observation vector D { 1 2 ··· n} i i1 i2 ··· ip x will be called a zero variation vector if x = constant, j = 1, ,p. Respondents with zero variation i ij ··· response vectors will be referred to as single minded respondents/evaluators. In fact, zero variation responses essentially reduce a p items survey to a single item survey. Theorem 1. Let X =(X ,X , ,X )⊤ be a p-tuple representing the p items of a questionnaire. If X is 1 2 p ··· zero variation, then the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient will be equal to 1. Proof. If X =(X ,X , ,X )⊤ is zero variation, then X =W for j =1, ,p, and p X =pW. As a 1 2 ··· p j ··· j=1 j result, pj=1V(Xj)=pV(W) and V pj=1Xj =V(pW)=p2V(W). Therefore, P (cid:16) (cid:17) P p P pV(W) p 1 α= 1 = 1 =1 p 1 − p2V(W) p 1 − p (cid:18) − (cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:18) − (cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:21) We use a straightforwardadaptation of the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to measure respondent reliability. Definition2. Let = x ,x , ,x beadatasetwithx⊤ =(x ,x , ,x ).Lettheestimatedvariance of the ith respondenDt be{S˜21=2 ·p·· (xn} x¯ )2/(p 1). Leti Z =i1 ni2 ·x·· reippresent the sum of the scores i j=1 ij − i − j i=1 ij given by all the n respondents to item j. Our respondent reliability is estimated by P P 2 n p p 1 x x   ij − p ij  n i=1j=1 j=1 α˜ = 1 XX X (cid:18)n−1(cid:19) − p n  1 p n  2  x x  b   ij − p ij   j=1 i=1 j=1i=1   X X XX      Given a data matrix X, respondent reliability can be computed in practice by simply taking the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of X⊤, the transpose of the data matrix X. Let m be the number of nonzero variation. If m p and m/n is very small, then respondent reliability will be very poor. ≪ Despite its widespread use of Likert-type data since it creation, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is rigorously speaking not suitable for categorical data for the simple reason that averages on ordinal measurements are often difficult to interpret at best and misleading at worst. For many years researchers working on the clus- teringofLikert-typeinappropriatelyresortedto average-drivenmethodslike kMeansclustering.Fortunately, there has been a surge of contributions to the clustering of categorical data whereby appropriate methods have been used. At the heart of the clustering of categorical data is the need to define appropriate measure of similarity. Recognizing the possibility to preprocess Likert-type questionnaire data into a collection of es- timate probability distributions overthe sample spaces of responses,many authors havedeveloped powerful, scalable and highly techniques for clustering categorical data, most of them based on information-theoretic Cover and Thomas (1991) concepts like entropy Huang (1998), Guha et al. (2000), Barbar´a et al. (2002), San et al. (2004), Li et al. (2004), Chen and Liu (2005), Li (2006), Meila (2007), Cai et al. (2007), mutual information, variation of information Meila (2003), along with many other distances and measures on prob- ability distributions like the Bhattacharya distance Bhattacharya (1943), Mak (1996), Choi and Lee (2003), Goudail et al. (2004), You(2009), Reyes-Aldasoro and Bhalerao(2006),the Kullback-Leiblerdivergenceand the Hellinger distance just to name a few. In this paper, we use information-theoretic tools and concepts to create several measures of internal consistency of questionnaire data. imsart-generic ver. 2011/11/15 file: fg-entropy-cronbach-1.tex date: January 19, 2015 Fokou´e and Gu¨ndu¨z/Information-Theoretic Measure of Reliability 3 2. Information-Theoretic Measures of Internal Data Consistency LetX representoneofthequestionsonthequestionnaire,andconsiderthenresponses, x , ,x , ,x j 1j ij nj { ··· ··· } provided by the n evaluators. Let v = (v , ,v , ,v )⊤ denote the vector containing the relative j j1 jk jK ··· ··· frequencies of each Likert level for question j. With a total of n questionnaires collected, we have n 1 v = I(x =k), k=1,2, ,K and j =1,2, ,p. (2.1) jk ij n ··· ··· i=1 X b Using (2.1), one can then form probabilistic vectors v⊤ = (v , ,v , ,v ), for j = 1,2, ,p. Each j j1 ··· jk ··· jK ··· vector v essentially represents an approximate probability distribution on the sample space made up of the j K response levels. Using this probabilistic representabtion ofbeach quebstion j, wbe can compare the variability of eachbitem of the questionnaire using the entropy, specifically K H(v )= v log (v ) (2.2) j − jk 2 jk k=1 X b b b We can imagine a transformation of the n p data matrix X into a probabilistic p K counterpart V × × whereeachrowrepresenttheapproximateprobabilitydistributionofthe correspondingquestion(item).The entropy of each question indicates the variability of the answers given by students on that question. For a givencourseandagiveninstructor,asmallvalueofthisentropywouldindicateagreaterdegreeofagreement ofhis/her studentonthat item,and thereforesuggesta morecarefulexaminationof the scoresonthat item. As farasthe relationshipbetweenitems isconcerned,informationtheoryalsoprovidesawealthofmeasures. The symmetrized Kullback-Leibler divergence given by K 1 1 v v KL (v ,v )= KL(v ,v )+KL(v ,v ) = v log ik +v log jk , 2 i j i j j i ik jk 2 2 v v n o Xk=1(cid:26) (cid:18) jk(cid:19) (cid:18) ik(cid:19)(cid:27) where K K v v KL(v ,v )= v log ik and KL(v ,v )= v log jk , i j ik j i jk v v k=1 (cid:18) jk(cid:19) k=1 (cid:18) ik(cid:19) X X is usually the default measure used by most authors. The Kullback-Leibler divergence is closely related the mutual information K K v I(v ,v )= v log ik,jl , i j ik,jl 2 v v k=1(l=1(cid:26) (cid:18) ik jl(cid:19)(cid:27)) X X which has been used extensively in machine learning to define a distance known as the Variation of Infor- mation, and defined by VI(v ,v )=H(v )+H(v ) 2I(v ,v ). i j i j i j − Manyothernon-information-theoreticsimilarityandvariationmeasuresoperatingonprobabilisticvectorscan be usedtofurther investigateseveralaspects ofthe categoricaldataathand.Onethathavebeenextensively used in the machine learning anddata mining community is the Bhattacharyadistance Bhattacharya(1943) is given by BC(v ,v )= logF(v ,v ), i j i j − where K F(vi,vj)= √vikvjk, k=1 X isknownastheBhattacharyacoefficientorFidelitycoefficient.TheBhattacharyadistanceBC(v ,v )measures i j the overlapbetween v and v . The Bhattacharyadistance has been immensely used in various data mining i j imsart-generic ver. 2011/11/15 file: fg-entropy-cronbach-1.tex date: January 19, 2015 Fokou´e and Gu¨ndu¨z/Information-Theoretic Measure of Reliability 4 and machine learning applications Mak (1996), Choi and Lee (2003), Goudail et al. (2004), You (2009). It is interesting to note that the Bhattachrya distance is related to total variation measure defined by K 1 1 ∆(v ,v )= v v = v v i j ik jk i j 1 2 | − | 2k − k k=1 X where is the ℓ norm. Another very commonly used distance is the Hellinger distance between v and 1 1 i k·k v is given by j K 1 1 Hellinger(vi,vj)= √2v (√vik−√vjk)2 = √2k√vi−√vjk2, uk=1 uX t where 2 is the Euclidean norm or ℓ2 norm, √vi =(√vi1, ,√viK) and √vj =(√vj1, ,√vjK). k·k ··· ··· Definition3. LetQdenoteaninstrument(questionnaire)forwhichtherealizedmatrixofobtainedresponses is given by X with entries x 1,2, ,K . We propose an information-theoretic measureof the reliability ij ∈{ ··· } of Q, referred to as the information consistency ratio of Q and given by min H(z ) min H(z ) min H(z ) i i i i=1,···,n i=1,···,n i=1,···,n ϕ=1 =1 =1 , (2.3) − mazx nH(z)b o − H K1,n··· ,bK1 o − logn2(K)b o n o (cid:0) (cid:1) where each z = z , k =1,2, ,K defines an approximate probability distribution on the sample space of i ik { ··· } possible responses, and H() is the entropy function, with · b b p K 1 z = I(x =k) and H(z )= z log (z ). (2.4) ik p ij i − ik 2 ik j=1 k=1 X X b b b b Lemma 1. Let z denote any probability measure defined on some K-dimensional sample space, with each z = Pr E , k = 1.2, ,K. Let H() denote the entropy function, such that for every z, we have H(z) = k k { } ··· · K z log (z ). Then − k=1 k 2 k max H(z) =log (K). P z 2 n o Proof. Since entropy essentially measures uncertainty (disturbance), the probability measure for which the uncertainty is the largest is the probability measure z∗ in which all the events are equally likely, i.e., z∗ = k Pr E = 1, k =1.2, ,K. { k} K ··· K 1 1 1 1 max H(z) =H(z∗)=H , , = log =log (K). z K ··· K − K 2 K 2 n o (cid:18) (cid:19) Xk=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) Proposition1. LetQ denoteaspecialquestionnairewhoseitemsareallmutuallyindependent(unrelated). 0 Then the corresponding information consistency ratio ϕ of Q , is such that 0 0 lim ϕ =0. 0 p→∞ Proof. WithQ denotingaquestionnairewhoseitemsthatareallmutuallyindependent(unrelated),thema- 0 trixofrealizedresponseshasentriesx thatarealizationofthediscreteuniformdistributionon 1,2, ,K , ij { ··· } or specifically, x uniform(1,2, ,K). It follows that for each i=1,2, ,n, we must have ij ∼ ··· ··· p 1 1 lim z = lim I(x =k) = , k =1,2, ,K. ik ij p→∞ p→∞p  K ···  Xj=1  b   imsart-generic ver. 2011/11/15 file: fg-entropy-cronbach-1.tex date: January 19, 2015 Fokou´e and Gu¨ndu¨z/Information-Theoretic Measure of Reliability 5 In other words, given enough questions (items), the empirical proportion of answers will converge to its theoreticalcounterpartbythe lawoflargenumber.We thereforehavethe uniformgenerationofanswers,the limiting distribution 1 1 lim z =z∗ = , , . i p→∞ K ··· K (cid:18) (cid:19) D Finally,sincealltheresponsedistributionswbilltendtoconvergetothesamemaximalmeasurez∗,i.e.z z∗, i → for i=1,2, ,n, we must have ··· b min H(z ) P H(z∗)=max H(z) , i i=1,···,n → z n o n o and therefore b min H(z ) i=1,···,n i H(z∗) lim ϕ =1 =1 =1 1=0. p→∞ 0 − max nH(z) o − H(z∗) − z b n o Proposition2. LetQ denoteaspecialquestionnairewhoseitemsareallidentical.Then thecorresponding + information consistency ratio ϕ of Q , is such that limϕ =1. + + + Proof. With Q denoting a questionnaire whoseitems that are allidentical,the matrix of realizedresponses + has entries x = c, for some constant c 1,2, ,K . Then for each i = 1,2, ,n, there exists k ij + ∈ { ··· } ··· ∈ 1,2, ,K such that { ··· } 1 k =k z = + ik 0 k =k + (cid:26) 6 In other words, with Q , the approximatedistributions z of the answers of each respondent are of the form + b i (1,0, ,0),or (0,1, ,0)or (0,0, ,1).Therefore,for Q , we must haveH(z )=0, i=1, ,n, with + i ··· ··· ··· ··· the result being min H(z ) =0, and therefore b i i=1,···,n b n o b min H(z ) i=1,···,n i 0 ϕ =1 =1 =1 0=1. + − max nH(z) o − H(z∗) − z b n o Definition 4. Let Y represent the most frequently occurring answer in respondent i’s vector of p answers. i It is easy to see that Y has the same sample space as each question/item, namely the same Likert scale in i our case. Using the random variables Y , we can then define w =(w , ,w , ,w )⊤ in the same manner i 1 k K ··· ··· that we define v earlier. More specifically, we have j b b b b p n 1 1 Y = argmax I(X =k) and w = I(Y =k). (2.5) i ij k i p  n k=1,···,K Xj=1  Xi=1 b The entropy of w is given by   K b H(w)= w log (w ). (2.6) − k 2 k k=1 X The random variable Y is maximal in abset-theoretibc sense,band and can be thought of as the categorical i analogue of the sum of numeric X ’s. Using w, an alternative definition of the information consistency ratio j ϕ is b min H(z ) i i=1,···,n ϕ=1 . (2.7) n o − H(w) b imsart-generic ver. 2011/11/15 fbile: fg-entropy-cronbach-1.tex date: January 19, 2015 Fokou´e and Gu¨ndu¨z/Information-Theoretic Measure of Reliability 6 0 1. * * * *** ***** * * ** 8 * 0. ** e * ** ur eas 0.6 ** m y ** ** Reliabilit 0.4 * ** ** ** Phi−1 ** 2 ** ** Phi−2 0. Phi−3 ** Phi−4 ** Cronbach 0.0 ** ** ** 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage of perfectly identical items Fig 1. Comparative curves of ϕ and Cronbach alpha as measures of internal consistency. An even more stringent measure of the information consistency ratio is given by max H(z ) i i=1,···,n ϕ=1 . (2.8) − Hn(w) o b 3. Demonstration of Properties of ϕ b We use a simple simulation setup to empirically compare the different measures presented in this paper. We set p =50 and n =1000 and we vary the ratio of perfectly reliable components from 10% to 100% by 10%. For i=1, ,n and j =1, ,n, draw the x ’s uniformly with replacement from 1,2, ,K , that is, ij ··· ··· { ··· } Draw x uniform(1,2, ,K). ij ∼ ··· Randomlyreplace100c%ofthecolumnsofXwiththesamecolumnofconstantvalues,wherec 0.1,0.2, ,0.9,1 . ∈{ ··· } Table(1)showsthesimulatedvaluesoftheinformationconsistencyratioandCronbach’salphacoefficientfor different fractions of of reliable components in the instrument. Figure (1) is a direct pictorial representation of the numbers from Table (1), and we can see that the Cronbach alpha coefficient is less strick than the information consistency ratio. Fraction 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ϕ1 0.230 0.270 0.330 0.440 0.520 0.630 0.740 0.900 1.000 1.000 ϕ2 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.080 0.140 0.240 0.360 0.520 0.720 1.000 ϕ3 0.230 0.270 0.330 0.440 0.520 0.630 0.740 0.900 1.000 1.000 ϕ4 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.080 0.140 0.240 0.360 0.520 0.720 1.000 Cronbach 0.380 0.700 0.820 0.910 0.940 0.960 0.980 0.990 1.000 1.000 Table 1 Simulated values of the information consistency ratio and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for different fractions of reliable components in the instrument. imsart-generic ver. 2011/11/15 file: fg-entropy-cronbach-1.tex date: January 19, 2015 Fokou´e and Gu¨ndu¨z/Information-Theoretic Measure of Reliability 7 4. Conclusion and Discussion We have proposed and developed an information-theoretic measure of internal data consistency et demon- strated via straightforward simulation that it does indeed capture the amount of information potentially containedin the data for,the purposes of performing all kinds of pattern for the data. We havealso provided several many other measures of similarity over probabilistic vectors that we intend to use for further refined ourproposedinformationconsistencyratioϕ.Weintendtoconductalargersimulationstudytoestablishour proposedmeasure onastrongerfooting.We alsoplanto compare the predictive powerofICR to Cronbach’s alpha coefficient on various real and simulated data. Acknowledgements ErnestFokou´ewishestoexpresshisheartfeltgratitudeandinfinite thankstoOurLadyofPerpetualHelpfor Her ever-present support and guidance, especially for the uninterrupted flow of inspiration received through Her most powerful intercession. References Barbar´a, D., Y. Li, and J. Couto (2002). Coolcat: An Entropy-based Algorithm for Categorical Cluster- ing. In CIKM 02: Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on Information and Knowledge Management, New York, NY, USA, pp. 582–589. Bhattacharya, A. (1943). 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