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AN INCLUSIVE WORKPLACE ACCOMMODATION EVALUATION FOR EMPLOYEES WITH DISABILITIES A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ÖZDAL KUTLU IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE IN ARCHITECTURE JANUARY 2007 Approval of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Canan Özgen Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Architecture Assoc. Prof Dr. Selahattin Önür Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Architecture Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mualla Erkılıç Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali İhsan Ünay (METU, BS) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mualla Erkılıç (METU, ARCH) Ins. Dr. Nergis Öğüt (METU, ARCH) Zuhal Yılmaz (M.S) (Özürlüler İdaresi) Eser Atak (M.S) (Özürlüler İdaresi) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Özdal Kutlu Signature : iii ABSTRACT AN INCLUSIVE WORKPLACE ACCOMMODATION EVALUATION FOR EMPLOYEES WITH DISABILITIES Kutlu, Özdal M. Arch, Department of Architecture Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mualla Erkılıç January 2007, 201 pages The status of the people with disabilities can be summarized as marginalisation and exclusion from the mainstream of the society. It is accepted that the process of exclusion of people with disabilities is grounded in time and history. Demographic, economic, legislative data, humanistic reasons and historical evaluation of disability indicate that employment is the most vital item for the participation of people with disabilities in social life. The status of people with disabilities related with employment can be summarized with the terms; unemployment or underemployment, discrimination, lack of satisfaction and advancement in work, loss of job and time pressure at work etc. Intensified competition and flexibility in labour market, lack of physical access, lack of information in an accessible format about job, inadequate training, incompetent personal qualifications and work experience, insufficient benefit and support of welfare systems, employers’ unwillingness to hire people with disabilities and to make adaptations, type and severity of disability, relatively low educational level of people with disabilities etc can be indicated as reasons for unemployment or iv underemployment of people with disabilities. Beside these, problems of employment have a close connection to the problems of workplace accommodations. Varieties of barriers in built and workplace environment increase the exclusion of persons with disabilities in the social employment environment. Space as an instrument for reproducing and sustaining social practices must not be perceived only with technical specifications. Space becomes the means of social mechanisms while keeping people with disabilities either ‘in’ or ‘out’ of the society. In other words, workplaces play an important role while maintaining either spatial isolation / marginalisation or inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market. Although many people with disabilities share a common experience in relation to the labour market people with disabilities are very heterogeneous. Their experiences of employment are variable and exhibit a wide range of different skills, aptitudes and aspirations as with the remainder of the population. An inclusive society deserves an inclusive workplace accommodation which has been vital not only for people with disabilities but also for “all people’’. An investigation on Universal Design Principles will provide a background in the evaluation of the thesis. “Universal design” that is also known as “inclusive design” and “design for all”, has become a widely accepted design approach which considers to make the built environment, products, and communications equally accessible, usable and understandable for everyone. The study aims to emphasize the significance of the consciousness that is acquired by exposing different aspects of workplace accommodation for the built environment and design process, and evaluate workplace accommodation in frame of the universal design. Keywords: disability, employees with disabilities, workplace accommodation, universal/inclusive design. v ÖZ ENGELLİ ÇALIŞANLAR İÇİN KAPSAYICI BİR İŞYERİ DÜZENLEMESİ DEĞERLENDİRMESİ Kutlu, Özdal Yüksek Lisans, Mimarlık Bölümü Supervisor: Doç. Dr. Mualla Erkılıç Ocak 2007, 201 sayfa Engelli bireylerin toplumsal konumları marjinalleşme ve toplumun ana kesiminden dışlanma olarak özetlenebilir. Kabul edilmektedir ki engelli bireylerin dışlanma sürecinin kökleri zamana ve tarihe dayanmaktadır. Demografik, ekonomik, yasal veriler, insani sebepler ve engelliliğin tarihsel gelişimi göstermektedir ki istihdam engelli bireylerin toplumsal hayata katılmasında en hayati öğedir. Engelli bireylerin istihdamla ilgili konumu; işsizlik veya eksik (yetersiz) istihdam, ayrımcılık, işte tatmin ve ilerleme yokluğu, iş kaybı ve işte zaman baskısı vb. terimlerle özetlenebilir. İşgücü piyasasının yarışmacı ve değişken iş şartları, fiziksel engeller, iş hakkında ulaşılabilir formatta bilgi eksikliği, yetersiz mesleki eğitim, kifayetsiz kişisel nitelikler ve iş deneyimi, sosyal güvenlik sistemlerinin yetersiz parasal yardım ve desteği, işverenlerin engellileri işe almak ve düzenlemeleri yapmak konusunda isteksizlikleri, engelin türü ve derecesi, nispeten düşük eğitim seviyesi vb. engelli bireylerin işsizlik veya eksik istihdamını sebepleri olarak gösterilebilir. Bu sebeplerin vi yanında, engelli bireylerin istihdamı ile işyeri düzenlenmesinde karşılaşılan problemler bağlantılıdır. Yapılı çevredeki ve işyerindeki engel çeşitliliği ve çokluğu engelli bireylerin istihdamdan dışlanmasını artırmaktadır. Sosyal pratikleri yeniden üretme ve sürdürmede aygıt olarak mekan sadece teknik ayrıntılara indirgenemez. Engelli bireyleri toplumun gerek “içinde” gerekse “dışında” tutarak, mekan sosyal mekanizmaların aracı olmaktadır. Diğre bir deyişle, işyerleri engelli bireylerin mekansal olarak gerek tecritinde/marjinalleşmesinde gerekse emek piyasasına katılımında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Her ne kadar bir çok engelli istihdam konusunda benzer deneyimleri paylaşsada, engelli kişiler heterojen bir yapıya sahiptir. Toplumun kalanı gibi, işle ilgili deneyimleri değişken ve çok geniş bir alanda farklı beceri, yetenek ve özlemleri sergilemektedir. Katılımcı bir toplum sadece engelli bireyler için değil herkes için hayati olan katılımcı bir işyeri düzenlemesini de gerektirmektedir. Evrensel Tasarım Prensipleri üzerine bir inceleme tezin evrilmesinin arka planını oluşturacaktır. “Evrensel tasarım” aynı zamanda “kapsayıcı tasarım” ve “herkes için tasarım” olarak da bilinmekte ve yaygın oarak kabul gören bir tasarım anlayışı olup yapılı çevreyi, ürünleri ve iletişimi herkes için eşit şekilde ulaşılabilir, kullanılabilir ve anlaşılabilir kılmayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma, işyeri düzenlemesinin farklı boyutlarının ortaya konarak elde edilen bilincin yapıl çevreler ve tasarım süreci için önemini vurgulayarak, işyeri düzenlemesinin evrensel tasarım çerçevesinde değerlendirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: özürlü, engelli çalışanlar, işyeri düzenlemesi, evrensel tasarım, kapsayıcı tasarım. vii To My Patient Wife and Daughter viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mualla Erkılıç and for her friendly guidance, advice, criticism, encouragements and insight throughout the research. I would also like to thank her for her concern to my experience as architect with disability and encouragement to finish my graduate study that I could not finalized for many years. I would also thank her for introducing me the area research. Also I would like to thank her for her close support for surmounting the difficulties that emerged during this study. I would like to thank to the jury members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali İhsan Ünay, Ins. Dr. Nergis Öğüt, Zuhal Yılmaz and Eser Atak for their evaluations and inspiring comments about the possible further developments of the study and their friendly contribution to the study by their experience. I would like to thank to my managers and co workers for their tolerance, support and encouragement during this study. I am grateful to my lovely wife and daughter, Hülya Kutlu, Ceren Kutlu for their presence, patience and support from the beginning to the end of this study. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my mother and my father also my sisters and brother for their physical, moral support and encouragement in all aspect of my life. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT..........................................................................................................iv ÖZ..........................................................................................................................vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................................................................................ix TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................x LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................xiv CHAPTERS 1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................1 1.1. Definition of the Problem.............................................................................1 1.1.1. Employment of persons with disabilities................................................4 1.1.2. Problems related with workplace accommodation................................10 1.1.3. Universal Design.................................................................................15 1.2. Aim and Structure of the study...................................................................16 1.3. Validity of the study...................................................................................17 2. HISTORICAL AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND...............................19 2.1 Disability in general...................................................................................19 2.2 Diversity of Disabilities.................................................................................22 2.3 Terms and Definitions....................................................................................27 2.3.1 Meaning of disability...............................................................................27 2.3.2 Meaning of disability in Turkey...............................................................28 2.4 Disability in the history..................................................................................30 2.4.1 Historical background of disability in Turkey..........................................33 Disability before the Republic............................................................33 Disability after the Republic in Turkey..............................................34 x

cover girl, or the leading mean in the latest action thriller. Report of .. 23 Türk Hukukunda özürlüyü karşılamak açısından sakat, engelli ve malul gibi kullanımlara yer üzere özür grupları ve ulaşılabilirlikleri göz önüne alınarak yapılır. http://www.byegm.gov.tr/mevzuat/a
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