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Preview An Improved Semi-Analytical Spherical Collapse Model for Non-linear Density Evolution

Draftversion February1,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.10/10/03 AN IMPROVED SEMI-ANALYTICAL SPHERICAL COLLAPSE MODEL FOR NON-LINEAR DENSITY EVOLUTION Douglas J. Shaw1 and David F. Mota2 1 DAMTP,CentreforMathematical Sciences,UniversityofCambridge,WilberforceRoad,CambridgeCB30WA,UKand 2 InstituteforTheoretical Physics,UniversityofHeidelberg,69120Heidelberg,Germany Draft versionFebruary 1, 2008 ABSTRACT Wederiveasemi-analyticalextensionofthesphericalcollapsemodelofstructureformationthattakes accountoftheeffectsofdeviationsfromsphericalsymmetryandshellcrossingwhichareimportantin 8 0 thenon-linearregime. Ourmodelisdesignedsothatitpredictsarelationbetweenthepeculiarvelocity 0 and density contrast that agrees with the results of N-body simulations in the region where such a 2 comparisoncansensiblybemade. Priortoturnaround,whentheunmodifiedsphericalcollapsemodel is expect to be a goodapproximation,the predictions ofthe two models coincide almostexactly. The n effects of a late time dominating dark energy component are also taken into account. The improved a spherical collapse model is a useful tool when one requires a good approximation not just to the J evolution of the density contrast but also its trajectory. Moreover, the analytical fitting formulae 7 presented is simple enough to be used anywhere where the standardspherical collapse might be used but with the advantage that it includes a realistic model of the effects of virialisation. ] h Subject headings: Cosmology: Theory, miscellaneous. Relativity. Galaxies: general. p - o 1. INTRODUCTION a Taylorseries in 1/δ¯to the standardequation: the idea r t The Spherical Collapse Model (hereafter SCM) devel- being that these additional terms would encode all the s effects due to shell-crossing and deviations from spheri- a oped by Gunn & Gott (1972) is perhaps the simplest [ model for the evolution of non-linear structure, and yet cal symmetry that occur for large δ¯. The coefficients of the terms in Taylor series were chosen so as to provide ithas beenshownto be remarkablysuccessfulwhencor- 2 a good approximation to the statistical density-contrast rectly interpreted. However, despite the SCM’s many v found from N-body simulations. Whilst their improved 8 success, it is ultimately flawed since it predicts that any SCM was found to agree fairly well with data from N- 6 overdensityofmattercollapsestoasingularityinafinite body simulations for δ¯ & 15, their solution for δ¯ is in- 8 time. Additionally, making the assumption of spheri- accurate in the linear regime, where spherical symmetry 0 cal symmetry, whilst simplifying, means abandoning the and hence also the unmodified SCM are expected to be . manyinterestingandimportantaspects ofstructurefor- 8 good approximations. mation that result from deviations from spherical sym- 0 In this article we take a similar approach to metry. Indeed, these deviations play a crucial role in ul- 7 Engineer et al. (2000) and add terms to the standard 0 timately halting the collapse of the overdensity and the SCM evolution equation so that for large δ¯ the evolu- : formation of virialized structures. v The usual approach to virialisation in the SCM is to tion of the density contrast and the peculiar velocity Xi put it in by hand; the collapse is simply halted once the agrees with the data from N-body simulations. Impor- virial radius has been reached. This procedure, within tantly though, the analytical solutions, which we find, r remainvalidas δ¯→0 and agreealmostexactlywith the a an Einstein-de Sitter Universe, leads to the result that bound structures are formed when the non-linear over- unmodified SCM prior to turnaround. density is about 178 or, equivalently, the linear overden- 2. MODELLINGNON-LINEARSTRUCTURES sity is approximately 1.68 1. Despite the fact that these figures are not too far away from what is actually ob- We consider a spherical overdensity embedded in served in N-body simulations, the ad hoc nature of this a background universe described by a Friedman- approachmeans the SCM cannot be used to predict the Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric. In a spherically- precise manner in which the overdensity evolves; more- symmetric system and in the absence of shell-crossing, over, the SCM’s prediction for the peculiar velocity be- the mass, M, inside each comoving spherical shell, with comes virtually useless shortly after turnaround. physical radius R(t), remains constant. The mean den- Engineer et al. (2000) proposed a different and better sity contrast inside shell therefore scales as: motivated way in which the SCM could be extended to a3(t) includevirialisation. Theirideawastoalterthestandard 1+δ¯=λ , (1) R(t)3 SCM evolution equation for the mean density contrast, δ¯,insuchawaythatstablestructureswouldform. Their wherea(t)isthescalefactorofthebackgroundFRWuni- modified evolution equation was constructed by adding verse, and λ is constant on each shell. Eq. (1) can also be used to define R(t) for shells of constantM when de- 1 Indark energy scenarios these values change slightlydepend- viations from spherical symmetry occur. In these cases, ingonthemodel(Percival2005;Debnath etal.2006;Baglaet al. 2005;Weinberg&Kamionkowski2003) however, the physical meaning of R(t) is less clear. Fol- lowing Engineer et al. (2000) we continue to think of 2 R(t), as defined by Eq. (1), as the effective “radius” When deviations from spherical symmetry and the of each shell of constant M. leading order effects of a gradient in the velocity dis- The peculiar velocity, h , is defined by: persion are taken into account, Engineer et al. (2000) SC showed that one should have: 1dln(1+δ¯) R˙ h ≡ = 1− , (2) d2R GM H2R SC 3 dlna HR =− − S (8) ! dt2 R2 3 where H = a˙/a is the Hubble parameter. In a matter GM 2 =− 1+ S , dominatedUniversetheunmodifiedSCMpredictshSC = R2 3(1+δ¯) h (δ¯). Our key assumption in what follows is that this (cid:18) (cid:19) SC remains the case even when deviations from spherical where S(a,x) = a2(σ2 −2Ω2)+f(a,x); σ2 and Ω2 re- symmetry are taken into account. This assumption is spectively quantify the shear and rotation of the fluid; supported by numerical studies of structure formation f(a,x)containsthelowestordercontributionfromveloc- such as that conducted by Hamilton et al. (1991) which ity dispersion terms. Importantly, no matter what form we discuss below. S(a,x)takes,if,aswehaveassumedhSC =hSC(δ¯),then For the moment we take the background universe to we must have S = S(δ¯) and by comparing Eqs. (7) and bematterdominated,howeverinSection5wegeneralize (8) we can clearly see that: our results to non-linear overdensities in more realistic 3(1+δ¯) T′′ universes which have recently transitioned to an epoch S(δ¯)= T′−2−1+sinη(1−cosη) . of dark energy domination. We define a new coordinate 2 T′3 (cid:18) (cid:19) η(δ¯) by: In principle, the form of both S(δ¯) and hence T(η) can 9 T(η)2 1+δ¯= , (3) befoundusingtheresultsofN-bodysimulations. Unfor- 2(1−cosη)3 tunately, however,making the requiredcomparisonwith simulationsisnotasstraightforwardasonemightexpect for some function T(η). Now M is constant on each it to be. This is because the results of such simulations shell and so, taking t = t , R = R and δ¯= δ at some i i i aregivenintermsofthestatisticalpropertiesofthemat- instance, we have terdistributionratherthanintermsofthe meandensity 2R3(1+δ ) 2R3(1+δ¯) contrast, δ¯, and peculiar velocity, h . The statistical M = i i = . SC 9t2 9t2 properties in question are the averaged two point corre- i lationfunction,ξ¯,andtheaveragedpairvelocity,h(a,x), ByconsideringthisrelationtogetherwithEq. (3)wesee which are given as defined by: that: 3 r hv(a,x)i R (1+δ ) ξ¯= ξ(x,a)x2dx; h(a,x)=− , (9) R= i i (1−cos(η)) r3 a˙x 2δ j(η,R ) Z0 i i where ξ is the two-point correlation function and is de- 3t (1+δ ) t= i i T(η). finedtobe theFouriertransformofthe powerspectrum, 4δ3/2j3/2(η,R ) P(k). The assumption that h(a,x) depends on a and x i i onlythroughξ¯i.e. h(a,x)=h(ξ¯(a,x))is commoninthe where j(η,δ ) is some function of η and δ . If h = h (δ¯) thenij(η,R ) = j(η), and without lioss of gSeCner- literature (see Engineer et al. (2000), Moe et al. (1995)) SC i anditappearstohavebeenconfirmedbynumericalsim- ality we can set j(η)=1. This gives: ulations (see Hamilton et al. (1991), Peacock & Dodds 1+δ¯ sinη dτ (1996)). h =1− , (4) The results of, for example, Hamilton et al. (1991) SC r 2 (1−cosη)1/2dT can be used to construct the fitting formula for h(ξ¯) where τ(η)=η−sinη, and: (Engineer et al.2000). However,beforewecanmakeuse of such a formula, we must relate the statistical quanti- R=R(η)= Ri(1+δi)(1−cosη), (5) ties ξ¯and h(ξ¯) to δ¯ and hSC(δ¯). It is well known that 2δi (Padmanabhan (1996),Padmanabhan (2002),Peebles 3t (1+δ ) (1980),Padmanabhan & Engineer (1996),Popolo et al. i i t=t(η)= T(η),. (6) 4δ3/2 (2001),Padmanabhan & Ray (2006)), on scales smaller i than the size of the collapsing objects and around high We reduce to the standard SCM in the limit where T = density peaks: τ(η)=η−sinη(Padmanabhan2002),anditisclearthat ρ≃ρ (1+ξ). (10) b h = h (δ¯) in the unmodified SCM. It is important SC SC It follows that, in the non-linear regime, we have δ¯≈ ξ¯. to stress that if hSC =hSC(δ¯) then Eqs. (5) and (6) are This relationship between δ¯ and ξ¯ was also used by the most general solutions for R and t. Engineer et al. (2000), although it was, as it is here, the The radial acceleration of each shell is found to be: weakestpartofthe whole analysis. We onlyrequirethat dd2tR2 =−GRM2 T′−2+sinη(1−cosη)TT′′3′ , (7) δm¯a≈tioξ¯nhio.eld. wδ¯h&er1e5i.t Aisseδ¯xp→ect∞edwtoe absesuamgeoothdaatpδ¯pr∼oxξ¯i-. (cid:18) (cid:19) Peebles (1980) showed that h(ξ¯) satisfies: where T′ = dT/dτ, and T′′ = d2T/dτ2. As should be expected, when T′ = 1 we reduce to the standard SCM 1 1 dξ¯ h= , (11) equation for R,tt. 31+ξ¯dlna 3 thus if ξ¯≈ δ¯, then by comparing Eqs. (2) and (11), we with τ ≈ τ = η − sinη ; η is defined by sim sim sim sim see that h ≈ h . It must be stressed that this second Eq.(13). SC relationbetweenh andhisonlyvalidifξ¯≈δ¯,however We fit for the parameter A (or equivalently R /R ) SC ta vir whenever it does hold it implies that h , is given by a by considering some important physical constraints on SC function of δ¯alone, i.e. h =h (δ¯). thebehaviourofT(η). Sincetheeffectofdeviationsfrom SC SC The assumption that ξ¯≈ δ¯ breaks down for small δ¯. spherical symmetry is to slow down the collapse of the Fortunately, when δ¯ is small, the unmodified SCM pro- overdensity,it follows from Eq.(7) that: vides an accurate model. For times t ≫ti, the unmodi- T′′ fied SCM predicts that h =h (δ¯). Our key assump- T′2−sinη(1−cosη) ≥1. (17) tionthat h =h (δ¯) iSsCtherefSoCre expected to hold for T′ SC SC almostallδ¯. Theassumptiondoesbreakdownfort∼t , Furthermore, the unaltered SCM should be a good ap- i however this is entirely due to the decaying mode in δ¯ proximationupto aroundturnaround(when η =π)and so we must have that T′ ≈ 1, T′′ ≪ T′ for η . π. As which is negligible for t≫t . i ′ τ → η∞−sinη∞, we must have T → ∞ and so T > 0 3. CONSTRUCTINGANIMPROVEDSCM as η → η∞. Eq. (17) implies that, for η > π, we can- ′ ′′ Ifh =h (δ¯)thenallpropertiesofamodifiedSCM not have 0 < T < 1 and T < 0, and so it follows SC SC ′ that T ≥ 1 for η > π. It follows that T ≥ τ every- areencodedinasinglefunctionT(η). Ouraimistocom- where. This condition implies that we should choose bine the unmodified SCM and data from N-body simu- R /R , and hence A, so that T is always greater lations to find a fitting formula for T(η) that results in vir ta sim accurate predictions for h (δ¯) in all regimes. than τsim ≡ ηsim −sinηsim for ξ¯& 15, which roughly SC corresponds to η & 3.8, τ & 4.4. Moreover, since Prior to turnaround we expect the standard SCM to sim sim we want T → τ as η → 0, we choose R /R so that, beaccurateandhenceT(η)≈η−sinη. Furthermore,for vir ta at the minimum of T , T =τ . This requirement the unmodified SCM to be accurate,at leading order,in sim sim sim the linear regime we must have T(η)∼η−sinη+o(η5) gives: for small η. When δ¯ & 15, we expect hSC(δ¯) ≈ h(ξ¯) Rvir =0.5896. and ξ¯≈ δ¯, and we may use h(ξ) to extract the large δ¯ Rta form of T(η). We describe how this is done below. In We now use T to find a fitting formula for T(η) that sim a matter dominated universe, the linearly extrapolated agreeswiththeunmodifiedSCMatearlytimes(i.e. T ∼ meantwo-pointcorrelationfunction,ξ¯lin,scalesasξ¯lin ∝ η−sinη for small η). a2 ∝T4/3, therefore as δ¯→∞: 4. RESULTS 9 T(η)2 (1+ξ¯)≈(1+δ¯)= , (12) We find that the fitting formula: 2(1−cos(η))3 3.468(τ −τ)−1/2exp −15(τf−τ) and so f τ T(η(τ))=τ + , Aξ¯1/2 (1+0.8(τf −τ)1/2−(cid:16)0.4(τf −τ))(cid:17) (1−cosη)≈(1−cosη )≡ lin , (13) (18) sim (1+ξ¯)1/3 whereτ =5.516,providesanexcellentfittotheformof f where A is a constant and we treat it as a parameter T(η(τ)) derived from the simulations of Hamilton et al. to be fitted. Hamilton et al. (1991) found the following (1991), i.e. T ≈ Tsim, in the range δ & 15. It also fitting formula for ξ¯ (ξ¯): provides an evolution of δ¯that matches up smoothly to lin the one predicted by the standard SCM in the region 1+0.0158ξ¯2+0.000115ξ¯3 1/3 whereweexpectittoprovideanaccurateapproximation, ξ¯ =ξ¯ . (14) lin 1+0.926ξ¯2−0.0743ξ¯3+0.0156ξ¯4 i.e. prior to turnaround δ .5. (cid:18) (cid:19) In FIG 1 we plot T against τ , and our fitting We define η∞ = limδ¯→∞η. By taking ξ¯→ ∞ we find formula for T(η(τ)) agsaiimnstτ. We sesiemthat, in the range that: δ¯&15,τ &4.4whereweexpectξ¯≈δ¯andhenceT ≈ sim 2R T, the fit is indeed very good. The parameters in the vir A=2.2668(1−cosη∞)=2.2668(cid:18) Rta (cid:19), (15) ftohremleualadifnogr Tor(dηe(rτ)t)erhmavseinbetehnecahsoysmenptsootitcheaxtpaasnτsio→nsτfof, wherewehaveusedcosη∞ =1−2Rvir/Rtawhichfollows both T(η(τ)) and Tsim(ηsim(τ)) match. fromEq.(5);Rvir istheradiusoftheshellatvirialisation, In FIG 2 we use Eqs. (3) and (4) to plot h (δ¯), SC and R is its radius at turnaround. If spherical symme- ta and the fitting formula found by Hamilton et al. (1991) try is assumed then the virial theorem in an Einstein to plot h(ξ¯). We also plot the unmodified SCM pre- de Sitter Universe gives R = R /2. This relation vir ta diction for h (δ¯). It is clear from this plot that our is generally used when virialisation is placed by hand SC fitting formula forT givesanh (δ¯)that is anexcellent into the SCM. For comparsion, Hamilton et al. (1991) SC approximation to h(ξ¯) (provided ξ¯ ≈ δ¯) in the region found that R /R ≈ 1.8 from their simulations. We treat Rvir/Rttaaas avirfitting parameter. Eq. (13) provides δ¯& 20. As δ¯,ξ¯→ ∞, the curves hSC(δ¯) and h(ξ¯) have η = η(ξ¯ ≈ δ¯), and T(η) may now be found using Eq. the same leading order asymptotic behaviour. In the re- gion δ¯ & 15, our model gives an h (δ¯) that is always (12): SC within 3% of the fitting formula for h(ξ¯) derived from 1/2 2 simulations(Hamilton et al.1991). Additionally,ourfit- T(η(ξ¯))≈Tsim ≡ 9 A3/2ξ¯l3i/n4(ξ¯), (16) ting formula for hSC(δ¯) agrees almost exactly with the (cid:18) (cid:19) 4 10 104 Simulation Data 9 Improved SCM 8 103 7 6 τT/ 5 δ1+ 102 4 3 Improved SCM 101 Standard SCM with virialisation 2 Standard SCM w/o virialisation 1 R = 1.8 R ta vir 0 100 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 τ δ lin Fig. 1.— Plot of T/τ versus τ. The solid red line is T/τ = Fig. 3.— Plot of how the non-linear mean density contrast, δ¯, Tsim/τsim againstτ =τsim,whereasthedashedblacklineshows dependsonthelinearone,δ¯lin. Thesolidredlineistheimproved T(τ)/τ inourimprovedSCMandusesthefittingformulaforT(τ), SCM developed here, the thick dashed green line is the standard Eq. (18), to evaluate T/τ. As required, we see that inthe region SCM withvirialisationput inby hand and the thindashed black τ &4.4⇒δ¯&15,ourimprovedSCMisaverygoodapproximation lineisthestandardSCMwithoutvirialisation. Thedottedblueline tothesimulationdata. Forsmallvaluesofτ,weseethatT/τ →1, shows the asymptotic behaviour of δ¯(δ¯lin) that we would expect asisrequired,inourimprovedSCM. if Rta/Rvir = 1.8 as seen in the simulations of Hamiltonetal. (1991). h (δ) − Improved SCM ally used in the spherical collapse model, despite the SC 2 h(ξ) − Simulations fact that we did not constrained it to be so. For com- h (δ) − Standard SCM parison, the improved spherical collapse developed by SC Engineer et al.(2000)gaveR /R ≈0.65,andN-body vir ta simulationshavebeen foundtosupportR /R ≈0.56 vir ta 1.5 (Hamilton et al. 1991). Our value of R /R is there- vir ta foreabetterapproximationtothevaluefoundfromsim- h ulationsthanthatgenerallyusedintheunmodifiedSCM 1 andthatfoundinthemodeldevelopedbyEngineer et al. (2000). In our improved SCM the linear density contrast is given by: 0.5 2/3 2/3 3 t 3 3 δ = δ = T(η)2/3. lin i 5 t 5 4 0 (cid:18) i(cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 100 101 102 103 104 When δ =1.6865,which correspondsto the instant of 1+δ, 1+ξ lin collapseintheunmodifiedSCM,wefindδ¯=54.65rather Fig. 2.— Relationship between h and δ¯ in different models. than the SCM’s value of 178. We find that δ¯=200 cor- The solid red line shows hSC(δ¯) in our improved spherical col- respondstoδ =2.286. Wecomparetheformofδ¯(δ¯ ) lapse model. The dotted black line is hSC(δ¯) in the standard found in ourlminodel to that predicted by the unmodifiliend SCM, and the dashed blue line shows h(ξ¯) as seen in simulations SCM model, with virialisation put in by hand, in FIG. (Hamiltonetal. 1991). As required, our improved SCM gives an hSC thatagreeswithh(ξ¯)verywellintheregionwhereweexpect 3. We also show the divergent behaviour of δ¯(δ¯lin) in δ¯≈ξ¯i.e. δ¯&15. WealsonotethathSC(δ¯),intheimprovedSCM, the standardSCMwithout virialisation,andthe asymp- has the same asymptotic behaviour, to leading order, as h(ξ¯≈δ¯) totic behaviour of δ¯(δ¯lin) if Rta = 1.8Rvir as suggested in the limit δ¯→ ∞. Importantly, our improved SCM model also by simulations (Hamilton et al. 1991). The two major agrees with the standard SCM in the region where it is expected advantages of our improved SCM over the unmodified to provide a very good approximation i.e. prior to the epoch of turnaround,δ¯.5.6. version are clearly visible in this plot: • At late times the improved SCM provides a bet- terapproximationtothebehaviourseeninN-body simulations than the unmodified SCM does. predictions of the unmodified SCM prior to turnaround • δ¯(δ¯ )issmoothintheimprovedSCM.Thisisnot lin δ¯<5.6. We found a best fit value of R /R =0.5896, the case inthe unmodified SCM when virialisation vir ta which is fairly close to the value of 0.5 that is gener- is put in by hand. The improved SCM therefore 5 providesnotonlyagoodapproximationtotheevo- lution of overdensities of matter in a realistic universe lution of density contrast, δ¯, but also to that of provided that δ¯ & 100 today. For smaller values of δ¯ dδ¯/dt and hence to that of the peculiar velocity. our results are only accurate for Ω ≈ 1. However for m δ¯.15theeffectsofdeviationsfromsphericalsymmetry, 5. INCLUDINGDARKENERGY which have been our primary concern in this article, are We have constructed an improved, semi-analytical smallenoughto be ignoredandthe resultsderivedusing SCM whose prediction for the dependence of peculiar the unmodified SCM can be used with confidence. No- velocity on the mean density contrast concurs with that tice also that such fitting formulae and assumptions are extrapolated from simulations in the non-linear regime. strictly speaking only applicable to dark energy models However, as mentioned above, we have done this for a that are not coupled to matter. If such a matter cou- matter dominated universe. It is well known, however, pling is allowed then the whole process of structure for- that the universe today is not matter dominated and a mation, both in the linear and non-linear regimes, may significant fraction of its total content is believed to be change (see e.g. Brookfield et al. (2006); Lahav et al. in the form of dark energy. Fortunately though, the ef- (1991); Mota & van de Bruck (2004); Maor & Lahav fects of this dark energy on the backgrounduniverse are (2005); Nunes & Mota (2006); Mota & Shaw (2006, generallybelievedtoonlyhavebecomenon-negligiblerel- 2007); Koivisto & Mota (2007a,b)). This said, in many atively recently z . 1.8. This means the local evolution dark energy models, the matter coupling is constrained of overdensities with δ¯ & 100 today has been matter- byexperimentstobeverysmall(relativetothecoupling dominated,to a verygoodapproximation,rightup until between matter and gravity), and as a result any alter- the epoch of matter-radiation equality. Therefore the ationsto the processofstructureformationaresimilarly evolution of the density, ρ, and radial velocity, v, of a small. shellofmatter thatis wellinto the non-linearregime to- day is, to a good approximation, the same in a matter 6. CONCLUSIONS dominated background as it is in a background where InthisarticlewehaveextendedtheSphericalCollapse today Ω ≈0.27 and Ω ≈0.73 for which the equation m de Model so that it takes account of the effects of devia- of state parameter for the dark energy, w, satisfies the tions from spherical symmetry and shell crossing which current astronomical bound of w = −1±0.1 for z < 1 areimportantinthenon-linearregime. Thekeyassump- (Riess et al. 2006). It is therefore a fairly straightfor- ward task to generalize our formulae for δ¯ and h to tionsthatweusedwhenconstructingourmodelwasthat SC h =h (δ¯) and that for δ¯&15, δ¯≈ξ¯. The latter as- included background universes where Ω ≈ 0.27 pro- SC SC m sumptionisprobablytheweakestlink inthe wholeanal- vided that these are only applied to overdensities that ysis, although both assumptions are found commonly are large today. We then find that: in the literature (see Engineer et al. (2000); Moe et al. 9f(a)T(η)2 (1995); Peebles (1980)). Our improved SCM predicts a 1+δ¯(Ωm,t)= 2(1−cosη)3, (19) form for hSC(δ¯) that is consistent with the results of N- body simulations in the regime where a comparison can 1+δ¯ dτ sensiblybemade(δ¯&15)andwiththeunmodifiedSCM hSC(Ωm,t)=1−Ω0m.5s2(1−cosη)sinηdT (20) prior to turnaround. Analytical formulae for δ¯and hSC intheimprovedmodelhavebeenpresented,andtheyes- where τ = η−sinη as before, T(η) is still given by Eq. sentially differ from the comparable formulae in the un- (18) and modified SCM only by the replacement of τ = η−sinη 4 with T(η), which is given by Eq. (18). The improved f(a)= . 9t2Ω H2 SCM is therefore simple enough to be used anywhere m where the unmodified SCM might be used but with the The equations for R(η) and t(η) remain unchanged. advantagethatitincludes a realisticmodelofthe effects If dark energy has behavedsimilarly to a cosmological of virialisation. constant in the recent past (z <1.8) then: 1−Ω f(a)≈ m ≈Ω−0.4. Ω (sinh−1( (1−Ω )/Ω ))2 m DJS acknowledges support from PPARC. DFM ac- m m m knowledges support from the A. Humboldt Foundation Eqs. (19) and (20) compbined with the fitting formula and the Research Council of Norway through project Eq. (18) provide a very good approximation to the evo- number 159637/V30. 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