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An Important Collection of Old and New Books, Standard Works and Periodical Sets PDF

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MARTINUS NIJHOFFtS STANDARD CATALOGUE 1957 -1958 AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF OLD AND NEW BOOKS, STANDARD WORKS AND PERIODICAL SETS Temporary address in U.S.A.: Mr H. B. CORSTIUS and Mr K. KOOI]MANS c/o TICE & LYNCH INC. 21 Pearl Street, New York 4, N.Y. ISBN 978-94-015-2193-2 ISBN 978-94-015-3412-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-015-3412-3 All inquiries, orders and correspondence concernin~ this catalo~ue please send to Mr. H. B. CORSTIUS c/o Tice and Lynch Inc. 21 Pearl Street, New York 4, N. Y. CONTENTS ENCYCLOPAEDIAS - BIOGRAPHIES - BIBLIOGRAPHY - TYPOGRAPHY. . pp. 1- 23 PHILOSOPHY - PSYCHOLOGY - THEOLOGY - ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY .••..••...•.. 23- 47 " EXACT SCIENCES - TECHNOLOGY . 47- 54 " NA TURAL SCIENCES - AGRICUL TU- RE ...•..••.•.•.•••. 55- 69 " ECONOMICS - SOCIAL SCIENCES - ECONOMIC HISTORY • • . • • 69- 96 " POLITICAL SCIENCE - LAW - INTERNATIONAL LAW • • . • 96-118 " LITERATURE - LINGUISTICS FOLKLORE " 118-147 MUSIC - THEATER " 147-156 HISTORY General •.••. " 156-165 France •.... " 165-192 Netherlands - Belgium " 192-205 Central and Eastern Europe " 206-215 Scandinavia • • • • . • • " 215-218 AMERICA ••.•..... " 219-227 ASIA - AFRICA - AUSTRALIA " 227-239 FINE ARTS - ARCHITECTURE - ARCHEOLOGY. " 239-265 INDEX ••........•.• " 267-290 Your attention is also drawn to pages 266, 291 and 292 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS - BIOGRAPHIES - BIBLIOGRAPHY - TYPOGRAPHY 1. Aa, A. J. van der, Biographisch woordenboek der Ne derlanden. Haarlem, 1851-78. 12 vols. With portr. royal 4to. hfcalf. $ 200. The best and most complete biographical dictionary of the Netherlands. 2. Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Leipzig, 1875- 1912.55 vols. With index. 56 vols. hfcloth. $ 400. Copy on good paper. Titlepages with (punched) library stamps. See Winchell. 3. Anais das bibliotecas e arquivos de Portugal. Coimbra, 1914-17. Vol. I-III (nr. 1-11). bound in 1 vol. hfcalf. - The same. 2nd series. Lisboa, 1920-46. Vol. 1-17 (nr. 1-70). In parts. $125. Complete set from the beginning until 1946. The first series is excessively rare in complete state. 4. Andrieu, J., Bibliographie generale de l'A genais et des parties du Condomois et du Bazadais incorporees dans Ie dept. de Lot-et-Garonne. Repertoire alphabetique de a tous les livres, brochures, journaux, etc. dus des auteurs de la region, imprimes dans ce pays ou I'inte ressant directement, avec des notes litteraires et bio I!~a'phiq~es. A~en, }886:-91. 3 vols. royal 8vo.$ 29. .1~:J COpIes pnntea only. Aaaea an autograph letter signed by the author. 5. Annals of the social sciences. A bibliographical survey 1401-1918. Ed. by Z. Takashima and H. Yama da. Tokyo, 1956. Vol. 1. 4to. (602 pp.). $ 15. To be complete in 4 volumes. Some 100.000 items and 15.000 persons are listed in chronological order, and 1 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS - BIOGRAPHIES - BIBLIOGRAPHY - TYPOGRAPHY arranged in 6 columns by groups of countries, the 6th column being devoted to a table of the relevant social and cultural events. This publication comprises books, series, newspapers, periodicals and important articles in the fields of economics, politics, jurisprudence, sociology, historiography, pedagogy, social movements, and other sciences in so far as they are important to the development of the social sciences. It contains also author- and title-indexes. 6. Annual bibliography of Indian archaeology for 1926-47. Publ. (by the) Kern Institute. Leyden, 1928 -50. Vol. 1-15. 15 vols. With pl. and ill. royal4to. $100. Thisfublication contains the titles, systematically arranged, of al books and articles dealing with Indian archaeology in its widest sense. The bibliographical part is preceded by an important introduction. Partly out of print. 7. Archives, bibliotheques et musees de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1923-53. Vol. 1-24. 24 vols. In parts. $125. The leading belgian library journal with contributions by well-known librarians as M. de Meulemeester, V. de Tourneur, M. de Gobeaux-Thonet, J. Lefevre, Ch. Pergameni, F. Closson, a.o. Titlepages of vol. 13, 17,21-24 not done. 8. Audin, M., Histoire de l'imprimerie par l'image. Paris, 1929.4 vols. With numerous facs. 4to. $ 33.- 1. L'histoire et la technique. - 2. La lettre d'imprimerie. - 3. Estetique du livre. - 4. Bibelots ou bibloquets. Out of print. 9. Bauchal, Ch., Nouveau dictionnaire biographique et critique des architectes fran~ais. Paris, 1887. royal 4to. hfcalf. (858 pp.). $ 11.- Bibliographia Genetica. See: nr. 312. 2 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS - BIOGRAPHIES - BIBLIOGRAPHY - TYPOGRAPHY 10. Bibliographia Philosophica. 1934-1945. Ed. G. A. de Brie. Utrecht, 1950-54. Vol. 1-2. 2 vols. cloth. $33. I. Bibliographia historiae philosophiae. - II. Biblio graphia philosophiae. These two volumes contain 50.000 bibliographical notes, systematically arranged. The work will be continued by quinquennial volumes. See Winchell. 11. Bibliographie balkanique. 1920-1938. Redigee par L. Savad;ian. Paris, 1931-39. 8 vols. $ 66.- All published. . 12. BibJiographie der badischen Geschichte. Bearb. im Auft rag der Badischen Historischen Kommission von Fr. Lautenschlager. Karlsruhe, 1929--42. 4 vols. fu~ $~­ Vol. 3 and 4 arefascicules 01 the "Beilage zu Neue Polge der Zeitschrilt lar die Geschichte des Oberrheins." 13. Bibliographie linguistique. 1939-1954. Utrecht, 1949-56. 8 vols. in 9. royal 8vo. $ 30.50 See Winchell. 14. Bibliotheca Catholica Neerlandica impressa 1500- 1727. 's-Gravenhage, 1954. cloth (680 pp.). $ 10.50 Short titlelist 01 abo 18750 books published in the Nether lands to promote the study 01 the Netherlands spirituality in the time 01 the Vicars Apostolic (1592-1727). It contains an index 01 91pp. 15. Bibliotheca Heinsiana sive catalogus librorum quos ... collegit Nic. Heinsius. Lugdunum Batavorum, J. de Vivre, 1683.2 parts in 1. With portr. sm. 8vo. vellum. (374, 286 pp.). $ 26.50 16. Bibliotheekleven. Orgaan der Centrale Vereeniging voor openbare leeszalen en bibliotheken. Red. J. D. C. ENCYCLOP AEDIAS - BIOGRAPHIES - BIBLIOGRAPHY - TYPOGRAPHY van Dokkum, G. A. Evers e.a. Amsterdam, 1916-49. Year 1-33,34 pt. 1. 28 vols. boards, rest in parts. $80. Official journal of the Dutch Library Association. 17. Biograpbie nationale. Publ. par l'A cademie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1866-1944. 28 vols. hfcloth. $ 475.- - Supplement. Bruxelles, 1957- • Tome 1, fasc.! (Abeele-Claessens). $ 8.80 This supplement, published as vol. 29 of the main work, contains a number of names not listed there, and also revisions of and additions to articles already listed. 18. Biograpbie nouvelle des contemporains ou dic tionnaire historique et raisonne de tous les hommes, qui, depuis la Revolution fran~aise, ont acquis de la celebrite par leurs action, leurs ecrits, leurs erreurs ou leurs crimes soit en France, soit dans les pays etrangers. Par A. V. Arnault, A. Jay, E. Jouy, J. Norvins, e.a. Paris, 1820- 25. 20 vols. With 300 portr. boards. $ 60. Fine set. Important for the history of the French revolu tion. 19. Biograpbie universelle, ancienne et moderne. Nouv. ed. publ. par Michaud. Paris. 1843-58. 45 vols. in 23. hfcalf. $ 330.- 20. Biographisch woordenboek van Protestantsche godgeleerden in Nederland. Red. J. P. de Bie en J. Loosjes. 's-Gravenhage, 1903-49. Vol. I-V, VI part 1. (A-L). 5 vols. $ 42. All published. See Winchell. 21. Boek, Het. Tweede reeks van het tijdschrift voor boek en bibliotheekwezen, onder red. van M. E. Kronenberg, F. K. H. Kossmann en L. Brummel. 's-Gravenhage, 1924-56. Vol. 13-32.20 vols. royal8vo. bound. $162.- 4 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS - BIOGRAPHIES - BIBLIOGRAPHY - TYPOGRAPHY The leading Dutch journal on bibliography and library science. 22. Briquet, Ch. M., 0puscula. The complete works of Briquet, without Les Filigranes. Hilversum, 1955. With numerous fig. and 85 pl. cloth. 4to. $ 37. Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae Historiam Illustrantia, vol. IV. 23. Brockhaus, Der grosse. 16. neubearb. Aufl. Wiesba- den, 1952-57. 12 vols. cloth. $ 115.- See Winchell. 24. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van den Neder landschen boekhandel. Uitgeg. door de Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des boekhandels. Amsterdam, 's-Gravenhage, 1884-1951. Vol. 1-14. 14 vols. in 15, of which 12 vols. hfcloth. $ 80. Important publications of the Association of Dutch booksellers and publishers on the history of the booktrade in the Netherlands. Contains: Knuttel, Verboden boeken. - Kleerkooper, De boekhandel te Amsterdam. 2 vols. - v. d. Meulen, A. W. Sijthoff. - Enschede, A. C. Kruseman. 2 vols. - Kossmann, Boekverkoopers, notarissen en cramers op het Binnenhof. - Kossmann, Boekhandel te 's-Gravenhage. - Laceulle-van de Kerk, Haarlemse drukkers en boek verkopers, a.o. All published till to-day. Partly out of print. 25. Caillet, A. L., Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques ou occultes. Paris, 1912. 3 vols. royal 8vo. $60.- Scarce. 26. C(amusat), Histoire critiquedesjournaux. Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, 1734.2 vols. sm. 8vo. calf. $ 29. The first bibliographical work on the french press. Scarce. 27. Castan, A., Catalogue des incunables de la bibliotheque publique de Besan~on, 1893. With portr. and numerous printersmarks. hfcloth. $ 17.- 5 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS - BIOGRAPHIES - BIBLIOGRAPHY - TYPOGRAPHY 28. Catalogue d'one bibliotheque de droit internatio nal et sciences auxiliaires. Brouillon de la table syste matique des fiches. Paris, Leipzig, 1899. (430 pp.). $17.50 Very scarce bibliography, printed in Barcelona in 200 copies only. This copy was offered by the author to the wellknown marquis de Olivart. a 29. Catalogue des manuscrits armeniens se trouvant a Alep l'Eglise des Quarante Martyrs, ainsi qu' aupres des particuliers. Compilee par Artavard Susmeyan. Jerusalem, 1935. royal 4to. (435 pp.). $ 19. Armenian text. 30. Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque royale de la Belgique par J. van den Gheyn S.J. e.a. Bruxelles, 1901-51.13 vols. $ 65.- 31. Catalogue general de la librairie fran\!aise depuis 1840-1925. Avec tables de matieres. Redige par O. Lorenz. Paris, 1867-1945. Vol. 1-34. 34 vols. of which 1-17 hfmor., rest sewed. $ 660. Complete collection. All volumes in the original and best imprint. See Winchell. 32. Catalogus der bibliotheek van de Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des boekhandels te Am sterdam door Emma Dronckers. 's-Gravenhage, 1920- 49.6 vols. Tog. CCLXXXVIII and 2659 pp. royal8vo. $17. A detailed catalogue of the important and extensive library of the Netherlands Booksellers Association at Amsterdam, now after the destruction of the Library of the "Borsen Verein" at Leipzig the most important library in this field on the European continent. A. Taylor, Book catalogues (Chicago, 1957), p. 202: " •••• the richest printed record of all institutional collections of catalogues of private libraries." See Winchell. 6

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