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An illustrated guide to the Orthocomotis Dognin (Tortricidae) of Costa Rica, with summaries of their spatial and temporal distribution PDF

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Preview An illustrated guide to the Orthocomotis Dognin (Tortricidae) of Costa Rica, with summaries of their spatial and temporal distribution

Journal of The Lepidopterists' Society Volume 57 2003 Number4 JournaloftheLepidopterists'Society 57(4),2003,253-269 AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO THE ORTHOCOMOTIS DOGNIN (TORTRICIDAE) OF COSTA RICA, WITH SUMMARIES OFTHEIR SPATIALAND TEMPORAL DISTRIRUTION JohnW. Brown SystematicEntomologyLaboratory,PlantSciencesInstitute,Agricultural ResearchService, U.S. DepartmentofAgriculture,c/oNationalMuseumofNaturalHistory, Washington,DC20560-0168,USA. E-mail:[email protected] ABSTRACT. TenspeciesofOrthocomotis DogninarereportedfromCostaRica: O. ochraceaClarke;O. herbaceaClarke(=0. subolivata Clarke,newsynonymy); O. longicilia Brown,newspecies;O. magicana (Zeller); O. chaldera (Druce);O. herbaria (Busck) (=0. cristata Clarke,newsynonymy; = O. uragia Razowski&Becker,newsynonymy); O.phenaxRazowski& Becker;O. similis Brown,newspecies; O. nitida Clarke;andO. altivolans Brown,newspecies.Orthocomotisherbaceahasbeenrearedfromavocado(Perseaamericana) andO. herbariafromNectandrahihua,bothintheLauraceae,suggestingthatthisplantfamilymayactasdielarvalhostforotherspeciesofOrthoco- motis.AportionofapreservedpupalexuviumassociatedwithdieholotypeofO. herbaceasuggeststhatthepupaeofOrthocomotisaretypical forTortricidae,withtheabdominaldorsalpitsconspicuousinthisstage. Adultsandgenitaliaofall speciesareillustrated,andelevationaloc- currenceisgraphed.OrthocomotisherbariaandO. nitidaarespeciesofthelowlands(ca.0-800m);O.altivolansisrestrictedtothehighestel- evations(ca. 2000-3000m);theremainderofthespeciesoccupythe middleelevations (ca. 800-1800m). Fiveofdie 10speciesdocumented fromCostaRicaappeartoberestrictedtothisCentralAmericancountry. Additionalkeywords: Neotropical,systematics,identification,elevation,morphology,biodiversity,avocado,Lauraceae. The genus Orthocomotis Dognin includes 34 de- presenceofadorsalscleriteinthedistal, membranous scribed species restricted to the New World tropics, portion ofthe aedeagus. Powell (1986) assigned Or- ranging from central Mexico and the Caribbean thocomotis and Paracomotis to Euliini (Tortricinae). (Clarke 1956, Razowski 1999) southto Argentina (Ra- Brown (1989) thentransferredthem to Schoenotenini zowski & Becker 1990, Powell et al. 1995); numerous on the basis ofan unusual modification ofthe chaeto- undescribedspecies are present inthe majorentomo- semata, and Razowski and Becker(1990) again argued logical collections worldwide. The monophyly ofthe fortheirplacementin Polyorthini. Powell etal. (1995) group (i.e., Orthocomotis plus the monotypic Paraco- followed Brown (1989) in the checklist of the Neo- motis Razowski) is well supported by the presence of tropical Lepidoptera, placing die group in Schoeno- paired subdorsal pits on abdominal segments 2 and 3 tenini. Horak (1999) questionedthis placement, stating in both sexes (Brown 1989), agreatly expandedpatch diat the absence of the band of chaetosemata in die ofchaetosematathat extends in a narrowband across moreprimitiveSchoenoteniniarguedagainstdiehomol- the entire vertex of the head in both sexes (Brown ogyofdiestructurebetweenOrthocomotisplusParaco- 1989), afinelyanddenselyspinedanellusthatis firmly motis andthemoreadvancedschoenoteninesthatpos- attached to the dorsum ofthe aedeagus in the male sess it. Currently there is no consensus, and Horak genitalia (Razowski 1982), and dense, long scales on (1999) provisionallyhas returnedthe group to Euliini. the dorsum ofthe abdomen. In contrast, the tribal as- Adults ofOrthocomotis are relativelylarge and col- signment has remained enigmatic. Clarke (1956) orful; nearlyall species have patches ofmetallic green treatedOrthocomotis asamemberofTortricinaewith- or blue-green scales on the upper surface of the outspecifictribalplacement. Razowskiinitiallyconsid- forewing. In facies and size they are similar to many eredthe group as Archipini but later (Razowski 1982) large NeotropicalChlidanotini(Chlidanotinae),partic- transferred it to Polyorthini on the basis of the ularlylarger species ofAuratonota Razowski; the two minutely spined dorsal portion ofthe anellus and the generafrequentlyare mixedin collections ofNeotropi- 254 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society Table 1. Diagnosticmorphologicalcharactersandsummaryofelevationaldistribution. Uniquefeaturesinbold. HW HW FW FW pecten Haripencil Cornuti color Frons length<S length9 Cilia Elevation ochracea absent absent large darkbrown tan 9.6-11.0 12.3-13.3 short 1000-1750 herbacea absent absent large brown tan 9.2-12.5 12.0-12.8 short 1000-1750 longicilia absent absent medium brown tan 10.5-11.5 11.7 long 1000-2000 magicana absent absent small brown white 10.1-11.0 11.0-13.0 short 500-1500 ehaldera absent present minute gray tan 13.1-15.5 16.5-19.5 short 1000-2750 herbaria present present small darkbrown tan 10.0-11.1 11.6-12.8 short 0-750 phenax absent present small brown tan 10.5-11.2 12.4-12.8 short 500-1750 similis absent present small darkbrown tan 10.5-12.5 12.5-16.0 short 1000-1750 nitida absent present absent darkbrown tan 9.7-10.1 11.6-12.5 short 0-750 altivolans absent present absent white tan 12.0-13.5 13.3-15.0 short 2250-3000 calTortricidae. However, adultsofOrthocomotis always identifications. Preparation of genitalia follows the can be separated from similar appearing taxa by the methodology summarized in Brown and Powell conspicuousbandofchaetosematamentionedabove. (1991). Because of the large size of Orthocomotis Althoughthegenusiswidelydistributedthroughout adults, an attemptwas made to evert thevesicaofthe the NewWorldtropics, littleisknownofthebiologyor aedeagus by extracting it from the distal end with a the temporal and geographic distributions of the pair offine forceps. Adult specimens were examined species. One species has been recorded from avocado using a Wild M3Z™ dissecting microscope; genitalia (Perseaamericana Mill.; Lauraceae) onatleasttwooc- were examined using the dissecting microscope and a casionsin CostaRicaandasecondfromNectandra hi- Zeiss™ compound microscope. Illustrations ofgeni- hua (Ruiz & Pav) Rohwer (Lauraceae) once, suggest- taliawere drawnwith the aid ofa Ken-A-Vision™ mi- ing that other species of Orthocomotis may use croprojector(modelX1000-1). Unlessindicatedother- Lauraceae as well. No other hosts are known for the wise, genitalia illustrations are ofasingle preparation. genus. The relatively thorough sampling ofthe genus Textdescriptionsofalltaxaarecomposite, basedonall inCostaRicaprovidestheopportunitytoexamine spa- available specimens. Measurements offorewingwere tial andtemporal distributions ofspecies in this coun- madewiththeaidofanocularmicrometermountedin try. The purposes ofthis paperare to present a survey a dissecting microscope under low power (xlO-16). of the genus in Costa Rica, provide illustrations of Forewing length was measured in a straight line from adults andgenitaliato facilitate identifications, resolve thebase ofthewingtodie apex, includingthe fringe. a number of taxonomic difficulties, identify prelimi- Terminology for wing venation and genitalia struc- nary temporal and geographic distributions of the tures follows Horak(1984). Abbreviations andsymbols species in Costa Rica, and describe three new species are as follows: HT = holotype; PT = paratype; ca. = that appeartobe restrictedto Costa Rica. circa (approximately); n = number of individuals ex- W amined; x = arithmetic mean; N, E, S, = compass Materials and Methods points; P.N. = Parque Nacional; Est. Biol. = Estacion Specimens ofOrthocomotis from Costa Rica were Biologica; Fca. = Finca; ALAS = Arthropods of La borrowed from or examined at the following institu- Selva (parataxonomists). In the "specimens examined" tions: BMNH, The Natural HistoryMuseum, London, sections, months oftheyearare abbreviated usingthe England; INBio, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, firstthree letters. Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica; UCB, Essig A histogram illustrating elevational occurrence was Museum of Entomology, University of California, developedforeachspeciesbasedonthe availablelabel Berkeley, California, U.S.A.; USNM, National Mu- data. The number ofspecimens collected at intervals seum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.; of 250 m, starting at sea level (i.e., 0-250, 250-500, andVBC,Vitor Beckerpersonalcollection, Planaltina, 500-750, etc.), was tallied. Where ranges in elevation Distrito Federal, Brazil. are given on the specimen labels (e.g., 1400-1700 m), Specimenswere sortedbyforewingpatternandsex. 0.5 specimen was used for each ofthe two elevation The resulting groups then were examined for differ- categories (i.e., 0.5specimenforthe 1400-1650 mcat- m ences in male and female genitalia, which have been egory, and 0.5 specimen for the 1650-1900 cate- shown toprovide the most reliable morphological fea- gory). Acomparable methodwas used forspecies that tures for distinguishing among related species ofTor- were collected at the category"break-point" (i.e., 250 tricidae. Types ofall species were examined to verify m, 500 m, etc.). Volume 57, Number4 255 Table2. Speciesdistributionbyprovince.ALA=Alajuela;CAR cana iswhite andthat ofO. nitida is bicolored (yellow = Cartago; GUA = Guanacaste; HER = Heredia; LIM = Limon; and red-brown). Forewinglength ("FWlength 6" and PUN = Puntarenas;SAN = SanJose. "FW length 9") provides a general range to help dis- Species Provinces #ofprovinces tinguish relatively large from relatively small species. ochracea ALA,CAR, HER,PUN 4 "Cilia" referstothe relativelengthoftheciliafromthe herbacea CAR,GUA,HER, PUN,SAN 5 male antenna. It is moderately uniform and short (ca. longicilia ALA,CAR,GUA, HER,PUN,SAN 6 0.4-0.6 times the diameter ofthe flagellomere) in all magicana ALA,CAR,GUA, HER,PUN 5 species except O. longicilia, which has conspicuously chaldera CAR,GUA,HER, PUN,SAN 5 herbaria ALA,GUA,HER,LIM,PUN,SAN 6 longer cilia (ca. 1.0-1.2 times the diameter ofthe fla- phenax GUA, HER,PUN,SAN 4 gellomere). "Elevation" refers to the general range in sniimtiildias ACLAAR,,GGUUAA,,HSEARN,LIM,PUN 53 elevation (excludingoutliers) occupiedbyeach species altivolans ALA,CAR, HER, LIM,SAN 5 based on collection records. While most species oc- cupya relativelybroad elevational range, O. herbaria andO. nitida areclearlyspeciesofthelowland, andO. Abrieflistofmorphologicalcharactersusefulindis- altivolans is restrictedtothe highest elevations. tinguishingthe species is presented in Table 1; details Table 2 presents data on the spatial distribution of are presented below. For most species, comparison Costa Rican Orthocomotis species by Province. No with the photographs ofadults (Figs. 1-12) will pro- single species has been recorded from all seven vide accurate identifications, which can be confirmed provinces, and no province supports more than 8 of usingTable 1. Forworn or damaged specimens, geni- the 10 known species ofOrthocomotis. Eight species talia dissections usuallyare required, and comparison areknown from Guanacaste, Heredia, and Puntarenas with the illustrations ofgenitalia shouldprovide accu- provinces, 7 species from Cartago and San Jose rate determinations. provinces, 6species fromAlajuelaProvince, andthree Table 1 includes nine ofthe most conspicuous fea- species from Limon Province. Ofthe 10species ofOr- tures for distinguishing the species of Orthocomotis thocomotis documented from Costa Rica, five appear treated herein. Hindwing pecten ("HW pecten") tobe restrictedto Costa Rica. refers to adense rowofsomewhat stiff, erect scales at the base ofthe hindwingalongvein CuP. This charac- Species Accounts terseparates O. herbaria from allotherspecies. "Hair- Orthocomotis ochracea Clarke pencil" refers to the presence of a dense fascicle of (Figs. 8, 13, 23, 33) elongatescalesthatextends from die metadioraxtoan Orthocomotis ochracea Clarke, 1956:144; Razowski & Becker unusual lateral pouch bearing scent scales in the sec- 1990:350. ond abdominal segment in males only. This character Holotype 9, Costa Rica, Cartago Province, Juan Vinas, Wm. may define a species group within Orthocomotis; it is Schaus,USNM. presentin6ofthe 10 species treated. "Cornuti" refers Diagnosis. The absence of the male abdominal to the size ofcornuti in the vesica ofthe aedeagus in hairpencil andthepresenceofapatchoflarge cornuti the malegenitalia. Althoughthecategories arequalita- in the vesicaofthe aedeagus (Fig. 13) suggest that O. tive (large, medium, small), thecornutiofO. ochracea ochracea may be most closely related to O. herbacea and O. herbacea are comparatively long, needle-like (Fig. 14). The male genitalia are characterized byex- spines,while those ofmostotherspecies are shortand tremelybroad, pendant socii and a short, wide, hook- thorn-like, less than half as long as those of O. shaped distal portion of the gnathos. Orthocomoits ochracea and O. herbacea; the cornuti are absent ochracea is distinguished superficially from all other nearlyaltogetherin O. nitida and O. altivolans. Hind- congenersbythe red-brown forewingreticulation, the wing color ("HW color") refers to the color of the darker brown hindwing, and the comparatively small scalesonthedorsalsurfaceofthehindwing.Whilethe forewingsize ofmales (Table 1). categories (gray, brown, darkbrown, white) are some- Specimensexamined.AlajuelaProvince:RioSarapiqui.6air what subjective, the hindwing of O. herbaria, O. ni- km S San Miguel, 800 m, 7Jun 1988 (1 6), J. Brown &J. Powell toitdhae,rO.spseicmiielsi,s,aannddtOh.eochhirnadcweiangis odfarOk.eratlhtaivnoltahnast oifs c(M5)Uo,CnJB.u)mM.ecRnCiatorotSNayraac&piioJqn.uaiPl,oGw2ueklalyma(bSUoEC,BC1)a1.s0a0Cblamar,ntcJaaug,lo7190P90r4omv(,i1n2o*c8)e,M:SaeTrpur11r99ia99l24ba((,11 nearlywhite. "Frons" refers to the colorofthe scaling 6),G.Fonseca(INBio).RioAquiares,nrSantaCruz,9kmNWTur- toann,thcereuapmp,erorpobrrtoiwonnisohf.thHeowfreovnesr,,whtiwcohsipsevcaireisabalre:e Trmia,aplJabaan,nti21-05M00a00cim(z2,o63)d,1eRMl.aaDMyeule1gr9at8de5,o(3(10I6N0)B,imoJ.)N.PoP&waeral1il0s0o(,mUCP.BWN)..MTiParaparaadniotsrio,,,S1Pe3.c5Nt0.. relativelydistinct in this feature: the frons ofO. magi- LaRepresa,300m SEPuentedelRioPorras, 1660m, Sep 1999(1 256 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society 8 9 10 Figs. 1-12. Adults ofOrthocomotis. 1, O. similis (9); 2, O. herbacea (9); 3, O. magicana (d); 4, O. nitida (d); 5, O. herbaria (9); 6, O. herbaria(d);7,O. altivolans(d);8,O. ochracea (9);9,O. longicilia(d); 10,O. chaldera(d); 11,O. chaldera(9);and12,O.phenax(d). d). R. Delgado (INBio).Tapanti, RioGrandedeOrosi, 1300-1400 been collected in January (n = 7), February (n = 2), m(I,NB9i°o4)6.'NJ,ua8n3V°i5f0ia'sW,,[2n3odJaatne]19(8H5T(d1),9)W,mD.. SJcahnazuesn(&UWS.NMH)a.llHwearceh-s March (n = 16), April (n = 5), May (n = 1), June (n = dia Province: El Angel Waterfall, 8.2 km downhill Vara Blanca, 1),July(n = 1),August (n = 1), andSeptember(n = 2). 1350m,5Aug1981(19),D.Janzen&W.Hallwachs(INBio). 16km Remarks. This specieswas described from asingle SSE La Virgen, 10°16'N, 84°05W, INBio-OET-ALAS transect, female erroneously identified as a male. Associated 1050-1150m, 12Feb2001 (2o*), M. Epstein (INBio), 15-21 Mar 2001 (1cJ), 18Mar2001 (1cJ),D.Wagner&J.Rota(INBio), 10Apr with the holotype female is aslidewhich has the male 2001 (1d),blacklighttrap, 11Apr2001 (1cJ), 12Apr2001 (1d), 13 genitaliaofO. chaldera. Basedontheincorrectlyasso- ABipor).20P0u1nt(a1rde),naDs. PDarvoivsin(cIeN:BiEos)t,.1B7ioAl.prLa2s00A1lt(u2ra6s),,J1.2Bariorwknm(NINE- ciated slides, Clarke (1956) concludedthat "The male SanVito,1550m,22-24Jan1993(3d), Powell(UCB).CotoBrus, genitaliaofochracea andchaldera are almost indistin- J. Est.Biol.LasAlturas,1550, 15-24Mar1999(5d,19),G.Rodriguez guishable . . ." Actually the male genitalia are most (INBio). Coto Brus, Zona Prot. LasTablas, Est. Biol. Las Alturas, similartothose ofO. longicilia. 1550m, 16-23Mar1999(3d),E.Phillips(INBio).A.C.L.A.PCoto Brus,ZonaProt. LasTablas, Est. Biol. LasAlturas, 1550 m, 15-24 Orthocomotis herbacea Clarke Mar 1999 (3 d), R. Delgado (INBio). Fca. Cafrosa, Est. Las Mel- lizas,P.N.Amistad,1300m,Jan1991(16),M.Chavarria&G.WMora (Figs. 2, 15, 24, 34) (INBio). LasCruces,nrSanVito,24Apr 1965 (1d), S. S. & D. OrthocomotisherbaceaClarke, 1956:151. Duckworth(USNM).UnknownProvince:PaloVerde,5200',".20" [1920] (1d), [nocollector] (BMNH). droHdoeloMtoynpteesdd{eheOrcbaa,ceeax)-,laCrovsa,ta22RiDcae,cS1a9n32J,oseem:Pro1v5iJnacen,1S93a3n,Pre.f-. avocado[Perseaamericana],C. H. Ballon,USNM. Geographic and temporal distribution. Ortho- Orthocomotis subolivata Clarke, 1956:148; Razowski & Becker comotis ochracea is known only from Costa Rica 1990:350,newsynonymy m where it ranges from about 700 to 1500 (Fig. 33) in Holotyped(subolivata),CostaRica,Tuis,5800'[elevationprob- the central andwestern portions ofthe country. It has ablyinerror;Tuisisca.2400'],28Aug1908,Wm. Schaus,USNM. Volume57, Number4 257 Diagnosis. The forewing pattern (Fig. 2), with a A.C.Amistad, 1300m,2-20Apr1995(1d),L.Angulo(INBio).Las large dark brown or black patch in the distal third of CS.ru&ceWs,.nDr..SDauncVkiwtoo,rt1h9-(20USMNaMr).196Fc5a(.1Co"a)f,r2o4saA,prEm1b9a6l5se(,16N, 1Ti9)g,raS,. thewingandadistinct, small, darkbrownsemicircular 800 m, 13-21 May 1996 (1 d), E. Navarro (INBio). Est. Biol. Las patch near the middle of the costa, distinguishes O. Cruces,6km SE SanVito, RioJaba, 1150m,20-21Jan 1993(1d), herbacea from otherspecies, exceptpossiblyO. magi- J. Powell (UCB). BuenosAires, LaAmistad, SectorAltamira, Nov 1993(1d,19),R.Delgado(INBio).Est.Altamira,BuenosAires,15 cana, which has considerably more greenish metallic Sep-14Oct 1993 (19), R. Delgado(INBio). A.C.L.A.P Coto Brus, scaling. Thetriangularprocess representingthetermi- ZonaProt.LasTablas,Est.LasAlturas, 1550m, 16-23Mar1999(3 nation of the sacculus in the male genitalia of O. d), M. Moraga(INBio), 16-23 Mar1999(1d),E. Phillips (INBio). Coto Brus, Est. LasAlturas, 1550 m, Aug 1991 (1 d), M. Ramirez herbacea is extremely variable, ranging from a (INBio),Oct1997(1d),B.Gamboa(INBio), 1.5-24Mar1999(1d), rounded nub to an elongate spine. The illustration in G. Rodriguez(INBio). Est. Biol. LasAlturas, 1500m,Aug1991 (2 Fig. 15 represents the extreme in spine development; d()I,NBMi.o)R.amEistr.ezBi(oIlN.BiLoa)s,A1l5t4u0rams,,2128-a3i0rOkcmtS19E97Sa(n1 6V)i,toB,. G15a5m0boma, anadditionalillustrationcanbefoundinClarke (1956) 22-24Jan 1993(9d)J.Powell(UCB). Monteverde, 1500m,29-30 forO. subolivata. TheaedeagusofO. herbacea is char- Jul1978(19),10-11DecW1979(1d),D.Janzen(INBio), 15-16May acterized by an extensive patch oflarge spinelike cor- 1980(1cJ),D.Janzen& Hallwachs(INBio), 1-4 Sep 1999(3d) V. Becker (VBC), 1-4 Sep 1999 (1 d), V. Becker (USNM). Las nuti, similartothat ofO. ochracea. Nubes, 11 kmNWMonteverde, 10-11 Dec. 1979(1d), D.Janzen Specimens examined. Cartago Province: R. Grande de (INBio),31Jul 1981 (19), D.Janzen&W. Hallwachs(INBio). Fila OmGr,uoasyMia,abrdoe,s1d91e9160P0u(me1n,dt"Oe),cRtRi.1o9DD9eo4lsg(1aAdmd)oi,goG(s.IN,FBihooan)ss.teacMlaao(nrIeuNpBmrieeosn)at,,oJ1u4lN0a10t9-i91o48n0a(0l1 SE1sa9qn8u3iGn(e1arsa9,)r,d3Do5.dkJemanDSzoetPnaa,&l7mW2a0r0-NHo7ar5lt0le0w,'a,c8h°2s405('FINeN,Bbi8o13)9°.9260S'a(W1n,dJ)1o,5sD0e.mP&,ro7Jv.-i8PnocJwea-:n ddm)),,SGR..WFDPoeunlesgneatcdeaod((eIIlNNBBRiiiooo)).P.oPrParararaasfi,ssoo1,,6P6P.0.NN.m.,TTaaMppaaanytnit1,i9-S9Me9actc(.i1zL6oa),dReNeoplraveMs1ua9e,9r93t0e(,02 eS1la0ln°(t0a4U'CENBl,)e.n8a4E,°s0tV1.i'eZWjo,u,rNqSuoaivnt(a1el9E8Tl5uenn(ea1l,)d,)L,aPsI..NN.&ubBAre.asu,Clih1oa2c1Coa0rnrmi,(lIloN2,B1i-1o2)54.00NEsomtv,. 300m SE RioPorras, 1660m,Jan2000(6d), Feb2000(2d), May 1995 (1 d), E. Alfaro (INBio). San Pedro de Montes de Oca, ex- 2ga0d0o0((4INdB)i,oJ)u.nP2a0ra0i0so(,2P6.),N.NoTavpa2n0t0i0, (S1ecdt).,LAaugRe2p0r0e1sa(,13d)0,0R.mDSelW- l[aPrevras,e2a2amDeercic1a9n3a2],,eCm.:H1.5BJaalnlo1u93(3U(SHNMT)d.ofherbacea),r.f.avocado PuentedelRioPorras, 1660m,Feb2000(19),May1999(1d),Nov Geographic and temporal distribution. This P1a9r9a9iso(1,P6.),N.ATuagpa2n0t0i1-M(a1cidz),oNdeovla2M0u0e1rt(e3,c3J)0,0R.mDNel&ga1d0o0(mINWBiod)e.l species ranges from Guatemala (VBC) south through Mirador, 1350m,Jan2000(1d),R.Delgado(INBio). P.N.Tapanti- Costa Rica to Ecuador (VBC). In Costa Rica it is MacizodelaMuerte,Est.QuebradaSegunda,alcostadoOfic, 1200 known from RN. Guanacaste to Juan Vifias, from ca. m,Dec1999(1d),R.Delgado(INBio).P.N.Tapanti,Est.Quebrada m TSaeyguutnicd,a,P.1N.20B0aribni,llOa,ctSe2c0t0o0rC(e1r9r)o,TRi.grDee,l1g6a1d7om(,INJBaino2)0.0T2ur(r1ida)l,baL,. s8p0e0citomecnas. f2r8o4m0 120e0l-ev1a7t0i0on,mwi(tFihg.th3e4).majCoarpittuyreosf Chavarria(INBio).Tapanti,1200-1700m,20Aug-15Sep1999(4d, range throughout the year: January (n = 22), Febru- 11999),9V(.5Bd)e,cVk.erBe(cVkBeCr).(UPS.NN.M)Ta.paTnatpia,nt1i,20105-01070m,03m0,-2301AAuugg-210500Se(p3 ary (n = 5), March (n = 7), April (n = 3), May (n = 8), d),V.Becker(VBC).SantaCruz,Turrialba, 1500m,Aug1981(19), June (n = 6), July (n = 6), August (n = 5), September V(B.VeBcBCke)ec.rkeT(urViBs(C,V)B5.C80)V0i.l'lVa[oeMllicelavlanst,iT2ounr8r4pi0raolmbb,aa,b2l61y-8i20n80erOmrc,otr;123T0uA0i0usg(is11c&9a).7,22V4(01B0'ed]c),,k2eV8r. c(nem=b6e)r, O(nct=ob1)e.r (n = 5), November (n = 7), and De- Aug 1908 (HTdofsubolivata),W. Schaus (USNM). Guanacaste Orthocomotis herbacea has been reared twice in Province: Est. Cacao, S side Volcan Cacao, P.N. Guanacaste, Costa Rica from avocado {Persea americana; Lau- 11100000-m1,40107-m1,88F-e2b91J9ul9519(191d),(1E.d),AlCf.arCoh(aIvNeBsio()I.NBSieoc)t.orEsLta.sCPaacilaaos,, raceae). The anterior portion (head, thorax, and ab- 4.5kmSWVolcanRincondelaVieja,800m,24Jun-10Jul1995(1 dominal segments 1-3) ofapupal exuvium is pinned d),23Jul-6Aug 1995 (1 6), K. Taylor (INBio). Sector Las Pailas, beneath the reared holotype. From the exuvium it is P.N.RincondelaVieja,1400m,6-26Jun1994(1d),K.Taylor(IN- Bio).Faldas,SWVolcanCacao,1150-1250m,Jun 199W6(1d),I.Vil- clear that the abdominal dorsal pits are conspicuous legas&C. Moraga(INBio). Derrumbe,Est. Mengo, sideVolcWan on the pupa, as in other genera that possess dorsal Cacao, 1400m,5Jun 1988(1d), 11Jul 1988(19),D.Janzen& pits in the adult stage (e.g., Amorbia Clemens, dHoawlnlhwialclhsVa(rIaNBiBol)a.ncHa,er1e3d5i0amP,ro3viJnacne:19E8l1A(n2ge9)l,WDa.terJfaanlzle,n8.&2kWm Archips Hiibner), and the rows of dorsal spines on Hallwachs W(INBio). Mount Poas [2350 m], [no date] (PT d of the abdomen are typical for Tortricidae, at least on herbacea), Schaus (USNM). 16 km SSE La Virgen, 10°16'N, segment 3. d8)4,°0M5.'WE,psItNeBiino(-IONEBiTo-)A.L6ASktmraEnsNecEt,V1a0r5a0-B1l1an5c0a,m,Br1a2uFlieobC2a0r0r1ill(1o Remarks. Orthocomotissubolivata was described Nat. Park, 10°11'N,84°07'W INBio-OET-ALAStransect,2000m, from a single male that is almost certainly conspe- 22100400F20e(bm1,2d)07,0OJ2.ct(B1r29o0)w,0n216&(1FJ.ed)bP,o2Kw0.e0lN2lis((h2IiNddB)ai,,o)1.M9V6Feklbmig2hEt0N0(2EUS(V1NaMdr))a,.B2l0CaenFrcerabo, cdiifdicnwoitthreOc.oghneirzbeactheias.bIetciasulsiekeolyftthhaetpCaluacriktey o(f19m5a6-) Chompipe,Res.Biol.Chompipe,R.F.Cord.Vol.Cent.,2100m, 11 terial and mislabeled slides (see remarks under O. Jul 1991 (1 d),J. F. Corrales (INBio). Puntarenas Province: Est. herbaria below). The male genitalia figured in Pittier, 1670 m, 22 Sep-9 Oct 1995 (1 d), M. Moraga (INBio), 23 Aug-13Sep 1995 (2d),23-27Oct 1995(1d),26Sep-10Oct 1995 Clarke (1956) as O. herbacea belong to a different (1 d), E. Navarro (INBio). SectorAltamira, 1 km S Cerro Biolley, species. 258 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society m& Figs. 13-16. MalegenitaliaofOrthocomotiswithvalvaespread,aedeagusremovedandshowninlateralaspect,andvesicaeverted. 13,O. ochracea; 14,O. lonpicilia; 15,O. herbacea; 16,O. magicana. Orthocomotis longicilia Brown, new species antennal cilia (1.0-1.2 times the width ofthe flagel- (Figs. 9, 14, 25, 35) lomere). The stout, strong, thorn-like cornuti of the aedegus are somewhat intermediate betweenthe long Diagnosis. Superficially, O. longiciliacanbedistin- spine-like cornuti ofO. herbacea and O. ochracea and guished from other species of Orthocomotis by its the smallerthorns ofO. chaldera and O. magicana. forewing pattern and color, with considerably less metallic pale green overscaling. Males are distin- Description. Male. Head: Upper frons light beige with red guished from congeners by the conspicuously longer brown,lowerfronsdingywhitish. Labialpalpuslightbeigeoninner 1 1 Volume 57, Number4 259 surface, pale brown on outersurface. Antennawith elongate cilia, Powell(UCB).SenderoaCerroPittier,600mNEstac, 1750m, 15 1.0-1.2timeswidth offlagellomere. Thorax: Lightbeigewith red Jul 1996(2d), M. Moraga(INBio). Est.Altamira, 1kmSCerroBi- brown, with small patch ofwhite scales atposterior end ofdorsal olley, 1300-1450 m, 12-30Aug 1996 (1 d), R. Villalobos (INBio). tuft.Metathoraxwithouthairpencil.Forewinglength10.5-11.5(x= Fca. Cafrosa, Embalse,800m NTigra, 1280m,8-10Feb 1997 ( 11.2; n = 8) (Fig. 9); groundcolorwhitish, in fresh specimens en- d),A. Picado(INBio). SanJoseProvince: Est.Zurqui,50mantes tirelyoverscaledwithirregularpatchesofgoldandsteelgraywhich detunel, 1600m,26Sep-Oct 1990(1d),G. Maass(INBio). are lost when worn; pattern elements dark reddish brown, over- scaled with metallic green; a pair offaint, parallel, oblique fascia Geographic and temporal distribution. Ortho- fromcostanearbase,theouterofwhichbends90°atdiscalcell,ex- comotis longicilia occupies the middle elevations of tendingtoward apex; a small semicircularpatch near mid-costa; a die central cordillerafrom about 800 to about 1800 m narrow, sinuate band in apical portion ofsubtermen; a dash from near mid-dorsum extending toward middle ofcosta, reaching ca. (Fig. 35). It has been recorded only from Costa Rica. halfway across wing. Hindwing dark brown. Abdomen: Densely Captures range diroughout theyear. clothedwithlong, fine,palebrownscales;secondsegmentwithout Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the elon- lateralpouches;dorsumofsegments2and3widipairedsubdorsal pits.GenitaliaasinFig. 14(drawnfromJWBslide1269;n=5).Un- gate ciliaofthe male antenna. cusslightlyexpandedandweaklyflattenedindistaltwo-fifths,with dense patch offine hairs from venterin apical one-fourth. Socius Orthocomotis magicana (Zeller) large, pendant, with limited lobe dorsad ofattachment. Gnathos (Figs. 3, 16, 26, 36) simple,narrow,withrelativelyshortpointedprocessatdistaljunc- tionofarms.Transtillaasimpleslenderarch.Valvarelativelybroad, Penthina (Sericoris)magicanaZeller, 1866:150. nearlyparallel-sided,gentlyarcheddorsadthroughout,denselycov- Enliamagicana: Me\Tick 1926:249. eredwithshortscalesindistalone-halfofinnerside;costadifferen- Orthocomotis magicana: Clarke 1956:151; Razowski & Becker tiated;sacculusnotdeveloped.Aedeagusshort,stout,curvedimme- 1990:351. diately distad ofductus ejaculatoris; vesica densely covered with Holotype9,Colombia,Bogota, [nodate], BMNH. large,thomlikecomuti. Female. Head andthorax: Essentiallyas describedformale. Diagnosis. Orthocomotis magicana has a bold Forewinglength 11.7 mm (n = 1); pattern as described for male. blackpatch inthe apical regionofthe forewingsimilar Abdomen: Denselyclothedwithlong,fine,palebrownscales;sec- to O. herbacea but has considerably more metallic ondsegmentwithoutlateralpouches; dorsumofsegments2and3 withpairedsubdorsalpits. GenitaliaasinFig.25(drawnfromJWB green overscaling in the white regions between the prep. 1287; n = 1). Sterigmaunsclerotized;ostiumlarge,rounded. darker patches (Fig. 3); die maculation is somewhat Ductus bursae extremely short. Corpus bursae ovoid, with broad variable. Orthocomotis magicana is recognized most wrinkles;slenderaccessorybursaearisingnearjunctionwithductus bursae;spiculesabsent. easilybydieimmaculatewhite scalingofthefrons (in- Holotype6,CostaRica, CartagoProvince,Tapanti, 1200-1700 frequentlywidi a few scattered pale brown scales) in m,20Aug-15Sep1999,V.O. Becker(USNM). bodi sexes, contrastingwith apatch ofdark somewhat Paratypes.COSTARICA:AlajuelaProvince: Rio Saripiqui,6 airkmS SanMiguel,800m,7Jun1988(1d),J. Brown&J.Powell metallic scales on the vertex, and the extensive white (UCB). CartagoProvince: RioGrandedeOrosi,PuenteRioDos scaling ofthe tegulae. The male lacks both the hind- ADmeilggoasd,oh(aIsNtBaior)e.prPeasraa,is1o4,0P0.-N1.8T0a0pamn,ti2,2SAecutgo-r1L5aSReeppr1e9s9a5,(3100d),mRS. wingpecten andthe dioracichairpencil (seeTable 1). delPuentedelRioPorras,1660m,Jun2000(1d),Jul2002(1d),R. Specimens examined. Alajuela Province: Upala, Bijagua,Al- Delgado(INBio),Jul 1999(1d), Feb2000(2d),L. Chavarrfa(IN- bergueHeliconias,700m,Apr2000(1d),G.Rodriguez(INBio).Fca. Bio).Paraiso,P.N.Tapanti-MacizodelaMuerte,300mSERioPor- SanGabriel, 16kmENEdeQueb.Grande,11-15Jun 1986(19),I. ras, 1660 m, Sep 1999 (3d), Nov 1999 (1 d), May2000 (1 d), Jan Gauld&J.Thompson(INBio).CartagoProvince:MonumentoNa- 2000 (4d), Oct2002 (1 d, 1 9), R. Delgado (INBio). Paraiso, PN. tionalGuayabo,Turrialba,1100m,Jul1994(2d),Sep1994(4d),Oct Tapanti-Macizo de la Muerte, Costado de Casa Admin., 1200 m, 1994(2d),Nov1994(1d),G.Fonseca(INBio).Paraiso,P.N.Tapanti- Nov1999(1d),Jun2000(1d),L.Chavarrfa(INBio).P.N.Tapanti- MacizodelaMuerte,alCastadodeCasaAdmin., 1200m,Jun2000 Macizo de la Muerte, 300 m N & 100 m S Mirador. 1350 m, Oct (1 9), R. Delgado (INBio). Turrialba, 600 m, 25 Oct 1971 (1 d),V. 1999(1 d), R. Delgado(INBio). Paraiso,P.N.Tapanti-Macizodela Becker(VBC).JuanVifias, [nodate] (19),W. Schaus (USNM), [no Muerte,300mN Mirador, 1830m,Jul2000(1d),R. Delgado(IN- date] (19),W. Schaus(BMNH).GuanacasteProvince:Est. Piulla, Bio). Paraiso, P.N. Tapanti, Est. Quebrada Segunda, Sendero 9kmSSta.Cecilia,P.N.Guanacaste,700m,Jun1991(19),Apr1991 Catarata,1450m,May1999(1d),R.Delgado(INBio).LaRepresa, (1d),Aug1991 (1d),2-15May1992(19),C. Moraga(INBio). Hda. Tapanti, 1800 m, Apr 1995 (1 d), R. Delgado (INBio). Tapanti, SantaMaria,750m,Sep1996(1d),D. Briceiio,A.Solis,E.Araya,F. 1200-1700m,20Aug-16Sep 1999(3d),V.Becker(USNM).Gua- Quesada&C.Moraga(INBio).4kmECasetilla,P.N.Rincon,750m, nacasteProvince:RioSanLorenzo,TierrasMorenas, 1050m,Sep 6Jun1981(1d),25Jan1982(1d),22May1982(19),27Dec1981(3 1993 (1 d), G. Rodriguez (INBio). Rio San Lorenzo, R.F. Cord., d), D. Janzen &W. Hallwachs (INBio). Heredia Province: Sara- 1050m,Jun1991(1d),C.Alvarado(INBio).Tapanti,1200-1700m, piqui,ZonaProt.LaSelva,Est.Biol.LaSelva,50-100m,6Feb1987 20Aug-15Sep 1999(8d),V. Becker(VBC, USNM).Tapanti, 1500 (2 d), I. Chacon (INBio). Braulio Carrillo Natl. Park, 6km E Vara m,30-31Aug2000(4d),V. Becker(VBC).Z.PTenorio,SectoAlso Blanca, 10°11'N,84°07'W, INBio-OET-ALAS transect, 2000 m, 16 Los Masis, 1100 m, 10-14 Jan 2002 (1 d), L. Chavarria (INBio). Feb2002(1d),ALAS(INBio).PuntarenasProvince:Est.Altamira, Heredia Province: El Angel Waterfall, 8.2 km downhill Vara BuenosAires, 15Sep-14Oct1993(1d),R.Delgado(INBio).Sector Blanca, 1350m,3Jan 1981 (2d),5Aug1981 (19),D.Janzen&W. Altamira,BuenosAires,PILA, 1400m,Jun1994(29),Jul1994(1d), Hallwachs(INBio).8kmNVaraBlanca,25Jul 1990(1d),J.Powell R. Delgado(INBio). Est.Altamira, 1kmSCerroBiolley, 1300-1450 (INBio). 16 km SSE La Virgen, 10°16'N, 84°05'W, INBio-OET- m,20-30Oct 1996(1d), R.Villalobos(INBio).Buenos'Aires,PIL-V ALAStransect, 1050-1150m,8Feb2001 (1d), 12Feb2001 (1d), SectorAltamira,A.C.Amistad,1150-1400m.May1994(1d),R.Del- 13 Feb2001 (1 9), M. Epstein (INBio). 10Apr2001 (1 d), 15Apr gado(INBio). BuenosAires, LaAmistad, SectorAltamira, Nov 1993 2001 (1 d), 20 Apr 2001 (1 d), J. Brown (INBio). Puntarenas (19),R.Delgado(INBio). BuenosAires,ParqueInternationalAmis- Province: LaAmistad, Sect.Altamira, BuenosAires, Dec 1993 ( tad,SenderoGigantes, 1450m,Sep2001 (19),R. Delgado(INBio). d),R.Delgado(INBio).CotoBrus,ZonaProt.LasTablas,Est. Biol. Fca.Cafrosa,Est. Las Mellizas,P. N.Amistad, 1300m,Oct 1989(1 LasAlturas, 1550m, 16-23Mar1999(1d),E.Phillips(INBio).Est. d),M.Ramirez(INBio).Fca.Cafrosa,Embalse,800mNTigra,1280 Biol. Las Alturas, 12airkm NE SanVito,22-24Jan 1993 (4d), m,13-21May1996(2d),E.Navarro(INBio).BuenAmigo,SanLuis J. 260 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society ,^> ^:^ "•' \".1 Figs. 17-20. MalegenitaliaofOrthocomotiswithvalvaespread,aedeagusremovedandshowninlateralaspect,andvesicaeverted. 17,O. chaldera; 18,O. herbaria; 19,O.phenax;20,O. similis. Monteverde, 1000-1350m,Sep 1994(16),Z.Fuentes(INBio).Est. Geographicandtemporaldistribution.Theholo- Biol.LasAlturas,CotoBrus,1500m,Aug1991(16,19),M.Ramirez type (BMNH) is from Colombia; however, all subse- M(IaNrBoitoo),.MH.umMeodraagla,SaLn.JAonagquuilno,&10E0.0Nma,va1r0r-o12(ISNeBpio)1.99C6ot(1o6B)r,uAs., &quentlyreportedspecimens (i.e.,Clarke 1965, Razowski ZonaProt.LasTablas,Est.Biol.LasAlturas,1550m,16-23Mar1999 Becker 1990) are from Costa Rica. In CostaRicathis (19).E.Phillips(INBio). species occurs from the Central Cordillera west, from Volume 57, Number4 261 about700to 1500melevation (Fig. 36). Ithasbeencol- Mirador,1480m,Feb2000(19), R.Delgado(INBio).Tapanti, 1500 lMeacrtcedhi(nnal=l1m)o,nAtphrsi:l J(nan=ua2r),yM(nay= (1n),=Fe5)b,rJuuanrey ((nn == 36)),, Am13,ugA30u1-g9381119A7(u21g(922),060)V,0.V(B.1eB6c"e)k,ceVkr.erB(eV(cBVkCBe)Cr.).(JVuSBaaCnn)t.aViVfCoirlauscz,a,n[TnTuourrrrdiiaaatllebb]aa,,(11158600),00Wmm.,, July(n = 3),August (n = 3), September(n = 8), October WSchaus (USNM). Guanacaste Province: Derrumbe, Est. Mengo, (n = 6), November(n = 2), andDecember (n = 3). 26-s2i7deMVaoylc1a9n92Ca(c1ao6).,1D4.0J0anmz,e5n&JunW.19H8a8ll(w1ac6)h,s1(1INJBuilo)1.98E8st.(4Cda)-, Remarks. Clarke (1956) referred to specimens of cao, S side Volcan Cacao, 1000-1400 m, Jul-Aug 1991 (1 6), A. 0. magicana collected by William Schaus from Juan Guadamuz(INBio). Estac.Pitilla,9kmSSantaCecilia,700m,Feb Vmiefinas,frMoomunJtuaPnoasV,ifiaansd(Caabcohvie.);I ethxeamsipneecditmheenspfercoim- VB1oi9ol8)c9.anS(1eCcdat)co,aroGL,Na1sP1P0aB0iilomads,i,vFe4e.r5sbikt1ym98SS9urW(v2eV6yo),l(cGIaNNnBiPRoi)Bn.icoEodsnitv.dereMseilatnyVgioSeu,jra,vSe8Wy00(sIimNd,-e Mount Poas may be the one I refer to O. herbacea 23Jul-6Aug1995(16, 19),K.Taylor(INBio).HerediaProvince: (above); and the location ofthe specimen from Cachi Est. Barva,P.N. BraulioCarrillo,2500m,Jan 1990(19), G. Rivera (INBio),Mar1990(1d),May1990(2d,19),A.Fernandez(INBio). is unknown to me. Jun 1990(19),B.Apu&G.Varela(INBio). ElAngelWaterfall,8.2 Orthocomotis chaldera (Druce) kmdownhillWVaraBlanca, 1350m.3Jan1981(16),5Aug1981(16), D.Janzen& Hallwachs(INBio). MountPoas[2350m],[nodate] (Figs. 10,11,17,27,37) (1 6, 1 9), W. Schaus (USNM). 16 km SSE La Virgen, 10°16'N, Grammophorachaldera Druce, 1889:259. 84°05'W, INBio-OET-ALAS transect, 1050-1150 m, 11-12 Feb Tortrixchaldera:Walsingham 1914:278. 2001(1d),M.Epstein(INBio), 15Apr2001(16),16Apr2001(1d), Euliachaldera: Meyrick1912:38, 1913:38, 1926:249. J. Brown (INBio). Cerro Chompipe, Res. Biol. Chompipe, R. F. Orthocomotis chaldera: Clarke 1956:145; Razowski & Becker Cord.Vol. Cent,2100m, 11Jul 1991 (1d), Oct 1991 (1d),J. Cor- 1990:351. rales (INBio). Puntarenas Province: LaAmistad, SectorAltamira, CerroBiolley,A.C.Amistad,1800m,Dec1993(1d),Jan1994(2d), Holotype 6*, Costa Rica, San Jose Province, Volcan de Irazu, R. Delgado (INBio), 13-26 May 1996 (1 d), R. Villalobos (INBio). 6-7000', [nodate],Godman-SalvinCollection,H. Rogers,BMNH. Est. Altamira, BuenosAires, 1400m, 15 Sep-14Oct 1993(2d),R. Diagnosis. Orthocomotis chaldera is the largest PDIeLlAg,adSoec(tIoNrBiAol)t,amJiurla,19A9.4C.(1Amd)isRt.adD,el1g1a5d0o-1(4I0N0Bimo),.JuBnue1n9o9s4A(i1reds),, and most commonly collected Orthocomotis in Costa R. Delgado(INBio). LaAmistad,Sect.Altamira, BuenosAires,Dec Rica. It can be distinguished from all other Costa Ri- 1993(1d), R. Delgado(INBio). Est.Altamira, 1km SECerroBiol- cancmonmgenersbyits largesmizem(i.e., meanFWlength = lBeiyo,).PIEsLtA.-AAlCtaLmAi,ra1,4150kmm,S2C6erFreob-B1io0llMeya,r11390905-1(415d0),mM,.2S8eJguulr-a7(AIuNg- 14.3 in the male, 18.0 inthe female) and dis- 1995(19), R.Villalobos(INBio). Est. Pittier,PILA-ACLA, 1670m, tinct forewingpattern, with alargewhiteblotch inthe 5-18Jan 1995(1d),M. Moraga(INBio),23Aug-9Sep 1995(1d), apical region. A few male specimens from Estacion M. Moraga(INBio),23Aug-13Sep1995(1d),E.Navarro(INBio), Sep 1995 (1 d), E. Navarro (INBio), 13-26 May 1996 (1 d), R. Mengo, EstacionCacao, andTurrialbaaresmallerand Villallobos(INBio).Est.Pittier,1670m,22Sep-9Oct1995(1d),M. darker, with less white scaling, approaching O. eu- Moraga (INBio). Est. Pittier, Alrededor de la Estacion, 1670 m, chaldera Clarke (from Venezuela) in general aspect. 18-20 Jan 1996 (1 9), M. Moraga (INBio). Est. Biol. Las Alturas, Coto Bras, 1500 m, Aug 1991 (3 d, 2 9), M. Ramirez (INBio). However,thegenitaliaofthesespecimens areindistin- ACLAP, Coto Brus, Zona Prot. Las Tablas, Est. Biol. Las Alturas, guishable from those ofother O. chaldera. Hence, I 1550 m, 16-24 Mar 1999 (1 9), B. Espinoza (INBio). Sendero a am provisionally including them under this name. CMe.rrMoorPiatgtiaer,(I1NkBimo)N. ESsetnadceirono,a18C0er0r-o20P0i0ttime,r,1610-025mMaNyE1E9s9t7ac(1iodn),, Male genitalia are characterized by a relatively short, 1750m,5-11Mar1997(1d),M.Moraga(INBio).Fca.Cafrosa,Est. stout uncus, and socii that have a limited dorsal arch Las Mellizas,P.N. LaAmistad, 1800m,Oct 1989(1d), M. Ramirez beyondtheirpointofattachmenttothe tegumen. The C&afGr.osMa,orEamb(aIlNsBei,o)8,0M0amyN19T9i1gr(a1,d1,21809),m,M.15RJaumlir1e9z96(I(1NBdi)o,)L..FAcna-. female genitalia, with an extremelybroad ductus bur- gulo(INBio),10-29Jul1996(19),E.Navarro(INBio).Monteverde, salaseSopiaemrcmeiemfdeainiarsltyeeldxiyasmtpiionnsecttde..riCoarrttoagtohePrroevgiinocne:ofRiboifGurracnadteiond,e PM1Mo4caw0Cre0al1rml9t,9(y22U2&C(-B12)d4.),PJ2oJu.lwkeM1mlc9lC9Ea0(rU(Mt1CoyBnd))t&,.eSvJ..BePruModeewerne,eldAl1im5di(0igU0oC&,Bm),J.S,a3P3n1o0wLMeMulaialrsr(1MU19oC99nB92t)2e,((v212e9drd))-d,,3eJJ1,.. J. Orosi, desdePuerte Rio DosAmigos, hastala Represa, 1400-1800 1000-1350m,Apr1995(1d),Z.Fuentes(INBio).Monteverdearea, m, 22 Aug-15 Sep 1995 (1 9), R. Delgado (INBio). Tapanti, Rio 1400-1700m,6-14Jun 1973 (16"),T. Erwin &G. Hevel (USNM). GrandedeOrosi, 1300-1400m,23Jan 1985(2d"), D.Janzen&W. Monteverde, 1500m, 1-1Sep1999(3d),V. Becker(USNM). Mon- Hallwachs (INBio). Orosi, 4000', ".15" [1915] (1 9), [no collector] teverde, 1400m, 12-15Jun 1974(2d),A.Watson (BMNH),25-26 (BMNH). Paraiso,P.N.Tapanti-MacizodelaMuerte,300mSEdel Jun 1979(1 d), D.Janzen(INBio), 15-16May1980(36"),30-31Jul Refugio Porras, 1660 m, May 2000 (1 6), R. Delgado (INBio). 1981(19),3Jan1984(19),D.Janzen&W.Hallwachs(INBio).2km PPaorrariasso,,1P6.6N0.mT,apNaontvi,19S9e9ct.(1Ld"a),RRe.pDreeslag,ad3o00(ImNBiSo)d,elFPeube2n0t0e0de(1lcRJ)., BEioM)o,n3t1evMearrde1,919246(01md,),1J.3MJcunCa1r9t8y8&(1Jd.),PoJ.weBlrlow(UnC&B)J..PEostw.elLla(CIaN-- 1. Chavarrfa(INBio). Paraiso, P.N.Tapanti-MacizodelaMuerte,al sona, Res. Biol. Monteverde, 1520m, Mar 1991 (1d),Aug1991 (1 c2o0s0t0ad(o1 dd")e, RO.fiDceinlaga[doorc(aIsNaB]ioA)d.miPnar.a,is1o2,0P0.Nm.,TNapoavnt1i9-9M9ac(i1zo9),deJalna dB)i,o)N..LOabsaWnNudbole(sI,NBi1o1),km30NJaWn-1M8onFteebve1r9d9e5,(311d)J,uKl.1M9a8r1ti(n2ezd),(IDN.- Muerte,Est.QuebradaSegunda, 1300m,Jul2000(19),R.Delgado Janzen& Hallwachs(INBio).Monteverde,1500m,1-4Sep1999 (INBio). Paraiso,P.N.Tapanti-MacizodelaMuerte, Est. Quebrada (6d),V.Becker(VBC).AlturasdeCoton, 1500m, 15Sep1999(1d), Segunda,alcostadoOfic, 1200m,Dec1999(16),R.Delgado(IN- V. Becker (VBC). SanJose Province: Est. Zurqui (el tunel), P.N. Bio).P.N.Tapanti-MacizodelaMuerte,300mN&100mSdelMi- Braulio Carrillo, 1500 m, Aug 1985 (3 d), Oct 1985 (2 d), I. & A. rador, 1350m,Oct1999(26),Dec1991 (16), B. Delgado(INBio), Chacon (INBio). Est. Santa ElenaViejo, Santa Elena, Las Nubes, Nov2000(16,19),R.Delgado(INBio).P.N.delaMuerte,300mN 1210m,29Sep1995(1d),A.M.Mardo(INBio).Irazu,6-7000',[no 262 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society Figs.21-22. MalegenitaliaofOrthocomotiswithvalvaespread,aedeagusremoved,andvesicaeverted.21,O. nitida;22,O. altivolans. date] (HTd),Godman-SalvinCollection, H. Rogers (BMNH). Un- Diagnosis. Orthocomotis herbaria is superficially knownProvince: SixolaRiver, [nodate] (1d),W. Schaus(USNM). most similar to O. nitida because oftheir small size, Cascajal,ex.Janson,Jan 1924(19),[nocollector] (BMNH). similar forewing pattern, and dark brown hindwing Geographicandtemporaldistribution. Orthoco- (Figs. 4-6). However, bothsexesofO. herbaria canbe motischaldera ranges from Tamaulipas, Mexico (VBC) distinguishedfrom allotherspeciesbythepresenceof south to Ecuador (VBC) and Peru (BMNH). In Costa thehindwingpecten (seeTable 1); malegenitalia(Fig. Ricait has been collected throughout thewestern half 18) can be distinguished by the rounded-triangular ofthecountry, from 800to 2500 m, butprimarilyfrom process that represents the termination ofthe saccu- 1100-1800 m. It has been recorded throughout the lus. The male possesses a thoracic hairpencil and has year:January(n = 11), February(n = 7), March (n = 9), smallcornutiin thevesica. April (n = 3), May (n = 13), June (n = 8), July(n = 14), Specimens examined. Alajuela Province: Cerro Campafia, E August (n = 18), September (n = 16), October (n = 7), slopeVolcanCacao,650m, 15Jun 1988 (1 9),J. Brown&J. Powell November(n = 4), and December (n = 4). (UCB).AreadeConservationGuanacaste,SectorSanCristobal, Rio Remarks. Druce (1889) describedthis species from 2B0l0an1co(1Abd)a,jo",0e1x--SlRaNrvPa-1o7n7N6e,c"taDn.drJaanhziehnua&,2W3.MHaayll2w0a0c1h,sem(:US1N4MJ)u.n Volcan Irazii, Costa Rica (ca. 2000 m). According to Guanacaste Province: Est. Pitilla, 9 km S Sta. Cecilia, P.N. Gua- Clarke (1956), the type should be in BMNH, but he nacaste,700m, 19-23Jun 1993(1d),Jun1991 (1d),C. Moraga(IN- was unabletofindit. However, I believethatthe spec- pBiiqoi)r.i,H4e0rme,diSaepPr1o9v8i7n(c1e9:),LMa.SCehlavvaarBiroila.(SItNaB.,ioP)u.eErstto.VBiioelj.oLdaeSSealrvaa-, imen cited above and labeled "Irazu, 6-7000", H. 50-150 m, 10°26'N, 84°01'W, 17 Mar 1993 (1 J), 3 Jul 1994 (1 9), Rogers, Godman-Salvin Coll.," which I discovered in ALAS (INBio),Jan1996(1d),J.Powell(UCB),6Feb 1996(1d), 10 theundeterminedcollectionatthe BMNH, isthetype. JFaenb11999986((1199)),,2161JFaenb19199896(1(19)d,),1513AFperb19199896(1(19)9,),1616MJaarn11999998((11dd)),, Orthocomotis herbaria (Busck) ALAS(INBio). UnionProvince:Res.Biol.HitoyCerere,Est.Hitoy Cerere, Cerro Bobocara, 770m,Jun 1999 (1 9), R. Barton (INBio). (Figs. 5, 6, 18, 28, 38) Manzanillo,RNFS,GandocayManzanillo,0-100m,22Oct-12Nov Sociphoraherbaria Busck, 1920:85. 1992(1d),F.Quesada(INBio).SectorCerroCocori,Fca.deE.Rojas, Orthocomotisherbaria:Clarke 1956:144. Jan 1991 (1 d), Apr 1991 (1 9), E. Rojas (INBio). Puntarenas Province: P.N. ManuelAntonio, Quepos, 80m, May 1991 (1d), R. Holotyped(herbaria),Guatemala,Cayuga,Wm.Schaus,USNM. Zufiiga(INBio),Aug1991 (1d),Oct1992(1d),Nov1992(3d),Oct Ort3h4o6co(mmoatpisonclryi)s,tanteawClsayrnkeon1y95m6y:155; Razowski & Becker 1990: SS1ii9rr9ee3nnaa(,,2PCd.)oN,r.GcC.oovVraacrdoeovlaaNdao(t,I.N0BP-ia1or)0k,0,FmOe,sbaM1aP9re9n11i9n(9s11udl)(a,1,Rd).1,ZGMu.anyFiogna1s9(e8IWc4NaB(i(1oI)Nd.)B,iEosD)t... Holotype d (cristata), Costa Rica [unknown province], Caclri, Janzen&W. Hallwachs(INBio). Est. RioBonito,2.3km Cerrola [nodate],W. Schaus,USNM. Gamba, 110m,7-10Nov1996(1d),E.Fletes(INBio). RanchoQue- OrthocomotisuragiaRazowski&Becker, 1990:352,newsynonymy mado,PeninsulaOsa,Nov1990(1d,19),F.Quesada(INBio).A.C.O. Golfito,ReservaFtal. GolfoDulce,ProyectoZamia,PlayaCacao, 130 Holotype6 (uragia), Costa Rica, Puntarenas Province, Buenos m, 8-12 Oct 1999 (1 9), 6-11 Nov 1999 (1 d), M. Moraga (INBio). Aires,200m,25Nov 1975,V. Becker,VBC. Golfito,2.5-28Apr1965(1d),S.S.&W.D.Duckworth(USNM).Fila

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