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An Illuminated Trilogy The Insanity of the 21st Century and Some Ways of Dealing With It by Skip Rorshach Freedman Consisting of three booklets: Gypsies of the New Millennium A Manual for Practical Independent Nomadic Living Enema of the State Practical Resistance Against a Corrupt and Criminal System Reconstructing Atlantis Suggestions for the Practical Rebuilding of Society Plus a sizable bibliography An Illuminated Trilogy The Insanity of the 21st Century and Some Ways of Dealing With It by Skip Rorshach Freedman Thanks to all the unnamed persons who contributed information to this book. Keep resisting. Disclaimer: Some techniques described in this book may be considered “illegal” by certain so-called “authorities”. Since this is simply a realistic study of the world’s present and potentially future socio-geopolitical situation, with some appropriate commentary, the reader is not encouraged to break any alleged “laws” (just don't get caught). The author assumes no liability whatsoever for anything resulting from the use or misuse of the information and revealed facts presented here. Your actions are independent and completely your own responsibility. All illustrations in this book are believed and assumed to be in the public domain. Forward “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus This is the first time these three pamphlet/booklets have been assembled in digital form and placed freely on the Internet. A lot has happened in the world since they were written several years ago, and very little of it has been acceptable. Rioting, hate, violence, property destruction, media censorship, expanded surveillance with increased privacy invasion, more obvious police oppression, and the totally unnecessary worldwide lockdown that never really goes away - our society is falling apart at the seams even faster than it was before. Look at the Big Picture; does it seem like there's a method and a goal to all this? TPTB have taken advantage of every possible disaster available, whether naturally occurring or artificially created. They also try to use fear and confusion to make the population stay distracted, so they don't have time to think for themselves and see just how bad the situation around them really is. That way they won't try to do anything about it. It's all about one thing: Control. Pure and simple. Make a digital currency (while eliminating cash) and you control people economically. Own the media and you can control them socially. Subvert the electronic voting process and you control them politically. Then control food and water and you control them completely. Take a good look at all the oppression going on in China (like their pretentious “Social Credit” scores), and you're looking at America in 5 to 10 years. It's all just a warm-up practice for us....but only if you let it happen. This circus of insanity has all been patiently observed from the sidelines, until now. But after the covid fraud, all the propaganda of the so-called “New Normal”, the Millennials' “Cancel Culture” horseshit, rampant nationwide homelessness, and the Federal Reserve's desperate last-chance policy of unlimited money printing, the time is more than right to get this information out to the streets. See things for exactly what they are. Get the facts, then decide the best course of action to save this country. Otherwise we're simply history. Read and decide for yourself. You can handle the truth. Skip Rorshach Freedman Somewhere West of the Rockies, July 2021 Book I Gypsies of the New Millennium A Manual for Practical Independent Nomadic Living Introduction “Ithinkit’stimewestop,children,what’sthatsound?Everybodylookwhat’sgoingdown.” -BuffaloSpringfield,ForWhatIt’sWorth It doesn’t take a whole lot of observation to notice that things aren’t going particularly well in the world today. Constantly occurring disasters (both natural and man-made), global monetary manipulation and outright theft, police oppression, corporate greed, government surveillance, and numerous wars around the globe combine nicely to make a planet that’s always just on the leading edge of complete chaos. Society seems to be slowly unraveling almost on a daily basis. Sowhatcanapersondoabout it?Probablynot awholelot,inthebigscheme ofthings.What youcando istogive yourselfafightingchanceforsurvivalregardlessofthe conditionsaroundyou,andhave alittlefunwhileyou’reridingout thestorm.Youcanevengo sofaras tousethesystem against itself.That’sthepurposeofGypsiesof theNewMillennium, self-empoweringoftheindividualtofacilitateresistanceagainstorganizedoppression. The problem withthe system isthat it’s just simply broken. It’sbeencommandeeredby various high-level people who have manipulated situations to create a climate of constant fear, where people will react emotionally and voluntarily surrender their personal freedoms for the illusion of safety - that’s the global picture. It’s becoming what governments have aspired to since their creation: absolute control. But fortunately it never lasts, because people will eventually resent tyranny. It’s unnatural to the human condition to be enslaved and exploited by anal-retentive psychopaths always trying to completely control your every action. All oppressive empires eventually crumble: the Romans, Spaniards, Nazis, Russians and the British Empire were all either destroyed, absorbed by other peoples, or diluted to the point of being harmless.Sodon’tworry,theirdownfallisasociologicalinevitability.Themainthingisforyoutosurvivethelonghaul. You might ask,how could things manage to get this way?The mainpoint to realize here is that their controlover you hasonlyworkedthroughyourconsent– yougivethemthepower.And, asthesayinggoes, powercorrupts. Butthe whole thing is really just an artificial construct. Simply put: authority is only a concept. It sounds pretty arbitrary, but once youseethis andrealizetheimplicationsofit,theneverythingstarts becomingclear.Nobodyhasthe rightto tell youwhat to do, unless you allowthem to. Period. Once you’ve established your mental autonomy, then it’s natural to start looking at bothglobal andlocal events forwhatthey really are, andnot what they’re made to appearto be. The world cantake on a whole new look; there are possibilities you hadn’t imagined before, and things aren’t quite as hopeless as they used to be. Bottom line is that you don’t always have to be a victim of the system - you can fight back. And that’s always a lot easier(andsafer)bydroppingoutandbecomingnomadic.Freedomalwaysbeatsself-imposedslavery. So why exactly would a person choose the nomadic way of life instead of the safe conventional one? Just take a good look around you, read a newspaper or watch the evening news on TV. Home foreclosures are increasing monthly. Jobs are scarce because work is outsourced offshore and there’s no industry left in this country. You might find the people around you repugnant or dislike the area you live in. Maybe you just want to get a long overdue sense of adventure back into your life. You might even be pursued by some persistent hoodlums (with or without uniforms). Another good reason mightbesimplywakingupsomemorningandfindingyouhavenojoboraplacetolive.Let’sfaceit,sometimelifesucks– butlivingdoesn’thaveto.Allyouneedisthenecessaryinformationandthewilltouseit. The biggest obstacle to living the nomadic lifestyle is simply a person’s own mindset. It takes great courage to walk away from what appears to be a secure situation and venture out into the unknown. And not everyone has what it takes todothis.Toseeifyouqualify,askyourselfthesequestionsandgiveyourselfsomegood,hardhonestanswers: AmIabletosurvivewithoutaconventionalplacetolive? CanIsustainmyselfwithouttheapparentsecurityofaregularjob? WillIsurviveemotionallywithoutasocial-supportnetworkoffriendsand/orrelatives? Isitpossibletolivewithoutthingslikemybigcomfychair,900-channelcableTVandotherhouseholdniceties? ShouldIgoagainstthewishesofsocietyandnotbejustanothermindlessconsumer? If you honestly answered ‘no’ to all or most of these questions, stop now. Save yourself some problems and give this booktosomeonewhocouldreallyuseit.Simplygobacktotheherdandrelaxuntilitalljusthitsthefan.Youwon’tfeela thing.Butifyouthinkyouhavetherightstuffandarereadytospitinthefaceofthesystem,thenreadon…. Chapter1–ShelterandSurvival “Ahomeisnotameretransientshelter:itsessenceliesinthepersonalitiesofthepeoplewholiveinit.” -HenryLouisMencken Shelter protects the individual from the elements of nature and also from both human and animal predators, any of whichcanliterallymakethedifference betweenlifeanddeath.Livingcanbe harshatthemostbasiclevel,butwithalittle planningandingenuityyoucantiptheoddsnicelyinyourfavor.Thischapterisincaseyouendupwithoutaplacetolive sometime,orgetstrandedsomewhere.Italsopresentsvariousandcreativewaystoarrangeaplacetolive. First thing is to evaluate your situation and circumstances. Where you are at geographically will determine just how you go about finding appropriate shelter for yourself. If you’re by the ocean or a large body of water, move inland or away from the water. Find some dry ground as high as possible. If you’re in the mountains, head for a valley that’s protected from windandrain. Inthe desert, you will have to findshade as soonas possible if you want to stayalive.Anurban area presents its own unique set of problems, as well as opportunities. Try to arrange it so you’re as invisible as you can be to others.Ifpossible,fortheshort-term,avoidindustrialareas andthelessdesirable sectionsoftown. In its most basic classification, a shelter can be either fixed (meaning something that can be constructed, or an existingbuilding),ormobile(avehicleoranythingmovable). The most primitive form of fixed shelter is the lean-to. It is made simply by leaning sticks or boards against anything solid and vertical, then covering that with something to enclose an area below. The materials at hand will depend on where you are. If you’re in a forest, lean some branches against a tree or large rock. Cover this witha tarp or some small branches with the leaves still on. With this and a sleeping bag you can survive nicely, even in winter. In an urban or suburban area, materials can be more varied and available. Discarded items like boards, pieces of Styrofoam, signs and furniture canbeleanedupagainstanout-of-the-wayside ofabuildingtomakeaplace tolive.Hereitwillbeimportant to incorporate a bit of camouflage; people won’t bother what they don’t notice. Just make the shelter look like an innocent pileofuselessjunknexttosomebuilding.Useimaginationwellandnobodywillevenknowthatyou’rethere. It’salsopossibletoconstruct atreehouseoutinaforest oraruraltosemi-rural area.Thiscanbe anydesiredlevel of complexity; from a small enclosed space up to a large multi-room complex. There are excellent books available on construction methods. This has to be the ultimate back-to-nature step up from a cave. Plus, the entire structure will gentlyswaywithabreeze. And speaking of a cave, you could always try out one of these with a 17,000 year update over your paleolithic ancestors.Moderntechnologycannow make acave as comfortableas anythingconventional.Andsinceit’s underground, the energy efficiency is amazing. If you’re not in an area of natural caverns, you could construct a semi-underground place like Dan Price describes in his book Radical Simplicity (see Further Reading). This or the tree house could be constructedmostlyfromsalvagedmaterials,andcanserveasaninterimhomebasewhileyouwanderasyouplease. Squatting is when you inhabit an unused house or structure. Depending on the location, there might be various degrees of legal problems involved in doing this. Property “owners” can be notoriously anal-retentive about things they thinktheyown(inreality,thegovernmentactuallyownseverythingandthoseallegedownersarereallyjustusingit).Your social engineeringskillsandtechnical inventivenesswill helpyouavoidhassles.Trynot tobeseengoinginandout ofthe place,andvarythetimesyoudothis.Don’tturnonlightsinsideatnight,orusethefireplace.Don’tdoanythingtoattract attentiontoyourselftolet someone know you’reeventhere.Oneconstructivethingyoucandoistrytocleanuptheplace a bit. This makes living there nicer for you, and if you are discovered the owner could take this into account and maybe evenofferyouajob(it’shappened).Ontheotherhandiftheowner’sanassholeaboutthings,justgrabyourstuffandrun likehell.Andifyouthinkit’sappropriateornecessaryyoucouldalwayscomebackandtrashtheplaceanyway. Another type of fixed shelter is housesitting. Here a certain amount of social engineering is needed before someone will let you stay in their home when they’re not there. You might happen to meet just the right people and fall into a situationlikethis.Also,yourskillsat fixingthings,paintingorlandscapingwillhelpyoufindandkeepgigs like this.Doa goodjobonceandyou’llbementionedtofriendswhomightneedyourserviceslater. Similarto thisis havingwealthy friends that ownacabinup inthe mountains. Most people like thiswill onlyuse it a few days a year, and the rest of the time it just sits empty. Here, again, your mechanical and social skills will come in most handy. Your friends couldbe persuadedthat it’sintheirbest interest foryou to hangaroundthe cabin for extended periods of time. While you’re there you could do needed repairs,painting or some foliage clearance. Everycabinwill have something that needs to be done to it, in one form or another. Usually, just the fact that somebody will be present in the cabin is enough to get you into the place. Security is always a problem with a cabin, and your friends will feel real good aboutyourbeingthere.Plus,anythingyoudorepair-wisewillguaranteeyoucontinuedaccessinthefuture. A warehouse can provide a group of people or a commune with a sizeable place to inhabit. And it can be subdivided internally to even give people a reasonable amount of privacy. Other unusual structures that could be converted to living spaces are old manufacturing buildings, barns and silos on a farm, old subway tunnels, metal cargo containers, abandonedconcretestructures,andevendecommissionednuclearmissilesilos.Youronlyreallimitationsareimagination andfinancialresources.Socialnetworkingcanalertyoutopotentialstructurestofixup. Mobile shelter has certain advantages over fixed shelter. Mobility is the core of the nomadic experience, and with a vehicle you can carry a lot more stuff with you to make your life easier and more convenient. The other side of the coinis youneedtoputgasinitandkeepitworking.Buthavingwheelsgivesyougeographicmobility,soitallbalancesout. A caristhe most basic vehicleto use. Someare quite inexpensive andrelativelycheapto run. Just like anythingelse, you get what you pay for. Just try to get something within your price range that doesn’t look like a wreck; the worse it looksthemorenoticeableitis.Goforsomethingthat’saveragelooking,maintainedeasilyandnicelyforgettable. As far as sleeping in the car, this works only if you’re less than average height (around 5’ 6” or less). Otherwise you won’t fit comfortably ina back seat, unless you naturally sleep in a fetal position. One way around this is to make use of the trunk.Some cars have rear seats that folddowntoaccess the trunk. Then all you needis some wayto coverthe back seatsonobodycanseeyouthere.Hereyouhavetoget alittlecreative.SomeSUVshavewhatlookslikeashadethatfolds out sideways to protect things. Just get one of these from a junkyard and install it in the car. You’ll have to figure out some waytolatchit tothefront seat so it stays. Then hopinthe backand pull the shade overto get some privacyforthe night.Anotherwaytocoverthe backistohaveacoupleofpiecesofplywoodorverythickcardboardthat stretchfromthe back to the front seat just below window level. Paint these black or a suitable color to match your interior, and install brackets for them to rest on. Making the cover in two pieces makes it easier to break down and store, or you could have onethatfoldsup.Justuseyourimagination. SUV’s can easily be converted into mobile living units. Just get the back and side windows tinted dark or put up curtains so you have some privacy. A large curtain behind the driver’s seat and you’re in business. These vehicles are quitecommoninthesuburbs,sotheywon’tattracttoomuchattentionforonenight. Thevanisthesimplestvehicletoconvertfornomadicuse.Thisisextensivelycoveredinchapter8. Just about anythinglarge andmobile can be upgradedto living onthe road. Where you decide to park it occasionally will determine just how practical a particular vehicle will be. For instance, an RV or bus can’t be parked in a residential area very long without some police meddling. But they will work on the open road camping at rest stops and a while in industrialareas(notalwaysthebestpartoftown).Andas always,thelessnoticeablethevehiclethebetter.Trytofindout asmuchasyoucanaboutthe townsyouintendtostayinforanylengthoftime.Oneadvantage ofanRVisithasitsown functioning bathroom. That might not sound like an earthshaking advantage, but after a few years on the road you will developanappreciationforsuchluxuries.Justtakethatintoconsiderationwhenyou’rechoosingahomeonwheels. Nomadic homes don’t need not be limited only to terrestrial vehicles. A houseboat can give you access to a good deal oftheMidwestandEasternpartsofthecountrybywayofmajorrivers.Evenasmallonewillgiveyoufreedomtotravelon rivers transversing several states. Sailboats are commonly used as homes; with these you can travel all over the planet - thinkofthefilmWaterworld.Or,ifyouhaveanextramillionsittingaround,getanairplaneorjetandfixituptolivein. Whateverkindofplaceyoufixup,dotrytoincorporaterenewableenergysourceslikesolar,windorphotovoltaics. So,regardless ofyoureconomicsituation,thereisalwayssome placeyoucanarrangetocrashout in.Andyoumight beamazedathow muchmoremoneyyouhaveinyour pocket by not payingsomebodyhundreds(orthousands) ofdollars inrenteverymonth.You’llfindyoudidn’treallyneedthatbigplaceafterall.Homeismostlyastateofmind. Chapter2-Food “Bearinmindthatyoushouldconduceyourselfinlifeasatafeast.” -Epictetus Food and water are an obviously major factor in a person’s survival. Without them you’re history - period. The main concerninrespecttotheseisprocurementandstorage,plusgeneralnutrition. When you’re nomadic for any length of time your diet will adjust accordingly, toward food that is less perishable and more transportable. Nuts, trail mixes, peanut butter and dried fruits need no refrigeration and will last for weeks or months.Canned goods can last formonths andevenyears. Freshfruit shouldalso supplement yourdiet,but will have to be consumed within a few days of obtaining it. Bottled juices will last for weeks, provided they aren’t opened. Even milk can stay good for three to four days without refrigeration, depending on its temperature. You should also drink several glassesofthepurestwateryoucanfindeachday. Since the nomadic life can occasionally be stressful, it will be in your best interest to follow some basic nutritional guidelines. Keep your body in the absolute best condition you can under the circumstances, you’ll need it later. Rememberthefood-groups pyramidfrom school?It stillworks.At the base is6-11servingsof bread,rice,cereal orpasta. Secondlevel is 3-5 servings of vegetables with3-4 servings of fruits.Thirdlevel is 2-3servings of milk, yogurt and cheese with 2-3 servings of meat, fish, poultry, beans, eggs, soy and nuts. At the top is occasional sweets, fats and oils - used sparingly.Trytosticktothisregimendaily,ifyoupossiblycan.Also,youcando halftheseamountsandstillsurvivewell. Atsometime oranotheryoumaybe facedwiththeprospectofhavinglittle ornofoodandno means tobuy any.Time for some creative survival techniques. Most supermarkets throw out all kinds of bread and produce, mostly late at night or on certain days of the week. The large coffee houses do the same with rolls and bread. Better-quality restaurants also toss out quite a bit of customer leftovers. When you’re faced with the reality of possible malnutrition or starvation, you can overcome your pride and master the art of dumpster-diving. You’ll be surprised what you can do with the right motivation (nomadism will definitely build character). When you check these establishments’ dumpsters, it’s best to vary your schedule. Don’t be predictable. And one important thing, take only what you really need. Others may need some as well.Youmightevenbeabletoswaptipswiththemonwheretofindotherfood,ifyouchoosetodoso. Soup kitchens in major cities can provide a person with at least an edible (and usually hot) meal. Ok, so your dining clientelle might not exactly be the most interesting or fragrant people you’ve known, but it will keep you alive and save you money. If this is part of a Rescue Mission or religious charity, it might also have a bag of food you can take with you, showers,aplacetosleeporevenhealthservices–allatnocost.Checkontheinternetorinthe phonebook(yes,theystill exist) under Social Services for the city or county. Keep a list of these as you travel, and use them whenever you’re in the area again. Always be friendly to the servers, smile and thank them; most are volunteers and are genuinely nice people. You could even offer to help occasionally with serving the meals or moving boxes of food. They can also give you leads on oddjobsandothermoney-makingopportunities. There may be times when the dumpsters will yield very little to eat. Maybe they’ve been mined already that night or nothing got thrown away. Sterner measures may be called for to insure survival: extralegal food procurement. If any of you have strong moral convictions or abeliefinkarma, you might want to skipahead afew paragraphs. Oknow, stealing is not something to be taken lightly (no pun intended). It is considered a crime and will cause problems if you’re caught. Please use it only as a last resort and exercise a little judgment and discretion. For you brave (or desperate) souls left, hereareafewtriedandtruemethodsfromsomeseasonedexperts. First, dress for success. The easiest place to stash stuff is right inside the front of your pants. They should be a little baggy,nottoo tight.Evenshortswillwork.Underwareis importanthere. Boxershortsdon’tworkbecausethings willslip down your pant leg. Get some briefs with the short legs or some that are nice and snug. Your shirt or top should be one size larger than you usually wear - if you wear a medium, get a large. It can be a little baggy, but too much will attract attention.Don’t wearbrightcolors orhaveanylargedesignorwritingonit.Leavetheshirtoutofyourpants,don’ttuckit in.Wearcomfortableshoesincaseyouhavetohaulassoutofthere.Looklow-keyandveryforgettable. Second, scope the place out when you first walk in. Notice first if the store uses magnetic pickup coils. These are the large strange-looking structures that you walk through when you first enter the store. If they do, then the high-dollar vitamins and pharmacy items (over $15-20) will probably have magnetic stickers, either onthem orin the box. These will be either flat silver labels about 1” square having a coil design on them or plastic UPC stick-ons 1” x 3/8” and about 1/16” thick. Next, notice where the security video cameras are. They will usually be at the end of an aisle about 8-12 feet high on the wall, or they can also be at various places on the ceiling. Find an area that’s not within camera range and simplypeelthestickersoffanddiscreetlydiscardthem behindsomethingorvisittheirbathroomandflushdownatoilet. Pick up your basket or cart and stroll down the aisles, again checking the positions of the security cameras. Go around and gather what you need, plus one or two inexpensive items to actually pay for at the counter. Don’t linger too longat this,it will attractattention.Findaspot whereyoucan’tsee anycameras -remember,ifyoucan’tsee acamera,it can’t see you. A prime place to do this is the dog and cat food aisle. This almost never has a camera on it (who the hell’s going to shoplift dog food?). Another good spot is the frozen food freezers with doors – just act like you’re in reaching for something. Then, making sure that nobody else is in the aisle to see you (or better yet, stoop down to appear like you’re lookingforsomething), lift yourshirt enoughto slip anitem downyour pants.Do this quickly and inone smoothmotion. Repeat as necessary. Suck in your gut and discretely adjust the load so there are no obvious bulges showing. Be content withgettingonly2or3items.Don’tgetgreedy.Youcanalwaysgotoanotherstoretofinishoutyourshoppinglist. Obviously not everything in the store can be obtained this way. The most practical items will be cheese, hot dogs, some vegetables, flat bread or tortillas and small pharmacy items. Eventually, with a little practice, one can move up to steaks, frozen dinners, flat containers of deli items, and small boxes of cereal. Other items that could conceivably be obtainedaswellarebatteries,hygeineitems,condoms,vitamins,DVD’sandbooks.Justlookforthosemagneticstrips. One more thing on this subject, don’t use this technique on the small ‘Mom and Pop’ stores. Employ it only on the large multinational chainsupermarkets;theycanaffordthe loss,andtheyprobablydeserveit anyway.Don’tfeelsorryfor them at all, they’re part of the general problem (how much has your food bill gone up in the last few years?). And just to addinsult to injury, when you’re in these big chainsupermarkets, make sure you get one of theirsavings cards that they offer.This wayyousavemoneyonwhatyoudopurchase.Here’swhatyou do:Nexttimeyou’reatthe checkout standand they ask you for a card, say “I don’t have one, but canyou give me a card now so I can save money today?”. They always sayyes,andgiveyouacardandaformtofillout.Tellthemyoujustmovedhereandyou’rerealbusyanddon’thavetime tofillitoutrightnow,but wouldbegladtobringitbacklater.Thisneverseemstobeaproblemforthem;afterall,they’re getting a new customer. Then just leave with your new card and drop the application in the trash on the way out. Get a newcardevery3or4monthstodiscourage anykindofpapertrail,andjusttomesswiththesystemorbogitdown. Food preparation can be a little challenging on the road, depending on your resources. The easiest way to warm up leftovers is simply to heat them on your vehicle’s engine, it produces plenty of heat anyway. Wrap food up in aluminum foilorput inasuitablysturdymetal orceramic container(notglass orazip-lock baggie)andplacesomewhere convenient in the engine compartment for about 45 minutes to an hour and a half. Do this only when you’ve stopped; trying to heat things up while you’re moving doesn’t work because too much air is flowing through the engine compartment - plus it couldfall out while you’re driving. A high-techwayto heat foodis asolarcooker. While you’re stopped, set yourfood(ina baggieorona plate)onyourvehicle’sroofinthe sunandplace agood-sizedglass bowloverit.Afteranhour ortwoitwill be piping hot, and it didn’t cost a cent of energy to use. That’s also just that much money the utility company didn’t get from you – something always in your best interest. Another great method is to just simply walk into a convenience store, heatyourfoodintheirmicrowave,andleave.Buysomethingonlyifyouneedit. The particularmethodforstoringfoodwill dependmostlyonwhatisbeingstored. Asmall boxorplastic tubwill keep things organized and in one place. A sealable tub will discourage insects from making a home there; however, fruits stay freshest ifthey’reallowedtobreathe.Start collectingvariouscontainerslikejarsandboxesandexperimentwithwhat you need to carry with you. Find what works best for your situation, but always try to keep a little extra food with you for emergenciesorleantimes. As far as water goes, the ultimate type to get is directly out of a coldmountain stream. It’s energized, and has a taste like nothing else – besides having all kinds of natural minerals. Next time you drive over a mountain pass, fill up several gallon containers from a stream by the road for later use. Short of this, you’ll probably have to settle for bottled water. Findaplacethatsellswaterinbulkandfillupthelargestcontainerthatyoucancarryaroundwithyoupractically.Glass or ceramic are best; but weigh more than plastic, which could have things leach out of it into your water. Make sure the water is distilled or has been run through reverse osmosis. Water out of a tap is the last thing you want to drink if you want to stay healthy. It could (depending on how bankrupt the particular city is) contain microorganisms, heavy metals, and flouride, which is erroneously claimed to prevent tooth decay and known to calcify your pineal gland. Just one more oftheongoingprocessesthat’sattemptingtodumb-downthepopulationtomake themmoreservileandeasiertocontrol. The Level 7 event at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan following the [either natural or artificial] earthquake andtsunami ofMarch11, 2011has beenspewingradioactivematerial into thePacificOceanfor severalyears now. Since all the oceans on this planet are connected, you might try to limit your ocean fish intake to what you feel comfortable with. To head off any potential contamination problems, take some supplemental iodine to keep the iodine- 131outofyourthyroidglandanduseapplepectintoleachthecesium-134andcesium-137outofyourbones. The planet’s air, food and water are packed with poisons that have been placed there by industry, agribusiness conglomerates,andotherdestructivegroups.Keepyourselfsafefromthesepredatorswithsomeforethoughtandaction.

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