. PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(3), 2007, pp. 737-738 Notes An Extreme Range Extension and Disjunction for the Ephemeroptera Family Potamanthidae in North America As part of our inventory of mayflies genus Potamanthus Pictet is widespread offar western North American, we have across Eurasia, it was hypothesized that studied materials held in several impor- Anthopotamus also may have been wide- tant collections. In a small California spread in North America at one time collection borrowed from the Illinois (Bae and McCafferty 1991). The discov- Natural History Survey, we identified ery of A. verticis in California now larvae of Anthopotanius verticis (Say) supports that hyposthesis, with the high- (Potamanthidae) [2 larvae. El Dorado ly disjunct occurrence in California County, Upper Truckee River, Route possibly an isolated relict ofa historically 299, 2-X-1976, Furnish]. This is an more widespread continental pattern. important and unexpected discovery, Although widespread transcontinental because the family previously has been distribution patterns in today's mayfly known in North America only from one fauna are becoming known for a growing genus and four species restricted to far number of species as central areas are eastern and east-Central North America investigated, extreme east-west disjunct (Bae and McCafferty 1991). Anthopota- patterns are evidently rare in mayflies at nius verticis along with A. myops the species level. Cinygmula subeaqualis (Walsh) are the most widespread of the (Banks) (Heptageniidae), Attenella at- species, with A. verticis having been tenuata (McDunnough) (Ephemerelli- known from 20 U.S. states and Canadi- dae), and A. verticis are representative an provinces, only as far west as of the latter. Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and far Literature Cited eastern Oklahoma. Life history, riverine habitat prefer- Bae, Y. J. and W. P. McCafferty. 1991. Phyloge- netic systematics ofthe Potamanthidae (Ephe- ences, filter feeding, and interstitial meroptera). Transactions of the American burrowing behavior for A. verticis have Entomological Society 117: 1-143. been investigated by McCafferty and Bae 1994. Microhabitat of Anthopotamus . (1992, 1994); Bae and McCafferty verticis (Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae). Hy- (1994), and Yanoviak and McCafferty drobiologia 288: 65-78. (1995). The Upper Truckee River in east- McCaffefeedritnyg,hWab.itsP.ofantdheYl.arJv.aeBaoef.A1n9t9h2o.poFtialtmeurs- central California would predictably pro- (Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae). Annales de vide an adequate environment for the Limnologie 28: 27-34. larval development of this species. . 1994. Life historyaspects oiAnthopotamus Bae and McCafferty (1991) hypothe- verticis (Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae). The Great Lakes Entomologist 27: 51-61 sized that the origin of the North Yanoviak, S. P. and W. P. McCafferty. 1995. American genus Anthopotamus McCaff- Stream size and the distribution of selected erty and Bae within the Laurasian family Ephemeroptera, pp. 225-236. In Corkum, L. Potamanthidae coincided with vicariance and J. Ciborowski, eds. Current directions in of North America and Eurasia in the research on Ephemeroptera. Canadian Scho- lars' Press, Toronto. Northern Hemisphere (probably the Eocene event). Whereas the resultant W. p. McCafferty and M. D. Meyer, Eastern Hemisphere clade involving the (WPM) Department of Entomology, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 738 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Science, Christopher Newport University, 47907, U.S.A. (e-mail: mccaffer@ 1 University Place, Newport, VA purdue.edu); (MDM) Department of 23606 U.S.A. (e-mail: michael.meyer@ Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental cnu.edu) PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(3), 2007, pp. 738 Kivuiops: A New Name for a Generic Homonym of Afrotropical Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty (1996) Miincheberg, Germany) for kindly in- proposed the generic name Kivua for forming us about the sawfly genus Kivua. two distinct Afrotropical species pre- Literature Cited viously assigned to Cloeon Leach and Rhithrocloeon Gillies (Ephemeroptera: Forsius, R. 1934. On some Tenthredinoidea from Baetidae). Forsius (1934), however, pre- the Belgian Congo Museum at Tervueren. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines viously used the same generic name for 25: 389-406. certain sawfly species (Hymenoptera: Lugo-Ortiz, C. R. and McCafferty, W. P. 1996. Tenthredinidae) from Africa. Because The BiigiUiesia complex of African Baetidae our generic name was therefore pre- (Ephemeroptera). Transactions of the Ameri- occupied, we propose the replacement can Entomological Society 122: 175-198. name Kivuiops (new name) [= Kivua C. R. Lugo-Ortiz and W. P. Mc- Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty 1996 (new Cafferty, (CRL) Department ofBiology, homonym), nee Kivua Forsius 1934]. The Chemistry, and Environmental Sciences, K two species included in Kivuiops are Interamerican University, San German, eloucn-di (Gillies) (new combination) and PR 00683, U.S.A. (e-mail: crlol22@ K. in—suetum (Kopelke) (new combina- hotmail.com); (WPM) Department of tion).. Entomology, Purdue University, West We sincerely thank Andreas Taeger Lafayette, IN 47907, U.S.A. (e-mail: (Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, [email protected])