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An extension of Milman’s reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality by Jesu´s Bastero *, Julio Bernu´es * and Ana Pen˜a * Departamento deMatema´ticas. FacultaddeCiencias UniversidaddeZaragoza 50009-Zaragoza (Spain) 5 9 9 1 0. Introduction n a The classical Brunn-Minkowski inequality states that for A1,A2 ⊂IRn compact, J 4 |A1+A2|1/n ≥|A1|1/n+|A2|1/n (1) ] where |·| denotes the Lebesgue measure on IRn. Brunn[Br] gavethe firstproofof this inequality for A A ,A compact convex sets, followed by an analytical proofby Minkowski[Min]. The inequality (1) 1 2 F for compact sets, not necessarily convex, was first proved by Lusternik [Lu]. A very simple proof of h. it can be found in [Pi 1], Ch. 1. t Itiseasytoseethatonecannotexpectthereverseinequalitytoholdatall,evenifitisperturbed a m by a fixed constant and we restrict ourselves to balls (i.e. convex symmetric compact sets with the origin as an interior point). Take for instance A = {(x ...x ) ∈ IRn | |x | ≤ ε,|x | ≤ 1,2 ≤ i ≤ n} [ 1 1 n 1 i and A ={(x ...x )∈IRn ||x |≤ε,|x |≤1,1≤i≤n−1}. 2 1 n n i 1 In1986V.Milman[Mil1]discoveredthatifB andB areballsthereisalwaysarelativeposition v 1 2 0 ofB1andB2 forwhichaperturbedinverseof(1)holds. Moreprecisely:“ThereexistsaconstantC >0 1 such that for all n∈IN and any balls B ,B ⊂IRn we can find a linear transformation u:IRn →IRn 1 2 2 with |det(u)|=1 and 1 0 5 |u(B1)+B2|1/n ≤C(|B1|1/n+|B2|1/n)” 9 / h The nature of this reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality is absolutely different from others (say t a reverse Blaschke-Santalo´inequality, etc.). Brunn-Minkowskiinequality is an isoperimetric inequality, m (inIRn itis its firstandmostimportantconsequencetillnow)andthereis noinversetoisoperimetric : inequalities. So, it was a new idea that in the class of affine images of convex bodies there is some v i kind of inverse. X The resultprovedby Milmanusedhardtechnicaltools(see[Mil 1]). Pisierin[Pi 2] gaveanew r a proof by using interpolation and entropy estimates. Milman in [Mil 2] gave another proof by using the “convex surgery” and achieving also some entropy estimates. The aimofthis paper is to extend this Milman’s resultto a largerclass ofsets. Note thatsimple examples show that some conditions on a class of sets are clearly necessary. For B ⊂IRn body (i.e. compact,with non empty interior),considerB =B−x , wherex is an 1 0 0 interiorpoint. IfwedenotebyN(B )=∩ aB thebalancedkernelofB ,itisclearthatN(B )is 1 |a|≥1 1 1 1 a balanced compact neighbourhood of the origin, so there exists c>0 such that B +B ⊂cN(B ). 1 1 1 TheAoki-Rolewicztheorem(see[Ro],[K-P-R])impliesthatthereis0<p≤1,namelyp=log−1(c), 2 such that B ⊂B¯ ⊂21/pB , where B¯ is the unit ball of some p-norm. This observation will allow us 1 1 to work in a p-convex enviroment. The above construction allows us to define the following parameter. For B a body let p(B), 0< p(B)≤1, be the supremum of the p for which there exist a measure preserving affine transformation * Partially supported by Grant DGICYT PS 90-0120 AMS Class.: 46B20, . Key words: p-convexity, entropy 1 of B, T(B), and a p-norm with unit ball B¯ verifying T(B) ⊂ B¯ and |B¯| ≤ |81/pB|, (by suitably adapting the results appearing in [Mil 2], it is clear that p(B)≥p for any p-convex body B). Our main theorem is, Theorem 1. Let0<p≤1. ThereexistsC =C(p)≥1suchthatforalln∈IN andallA ,A ⊂IRn 1 2 bodies such that p(A ),p(A ) ≥ p, there exists an affine transformation T(x) = u(x) + x with 1 2 0 x ∈IRn, u:IRn →IRn linear and |det(u)|=1 such that 0 |T(A )+A |1/n ≤C(|A |1/n+|A |1/n) 1 2 1 2 In particular, for the class of p-balls the constant C is universal (depending only on p). We provethis theoreminsection 2. The key is to estimate certainentropynumbers. We will use the convexity of quasi-normed spaces of Rademacher type r > 1, as well as interpolation results and iteration procedures. We want to thank Gilles Pisier for a useful conversationduring the preparationof this paper. 1. Notation and background Throughoutthe paperX,Y,Z will denote finite dimensionalrealvectorspaces. Aquasi-normon a real vector space X is a map k·k:X →IR+ such that i) kxk>0 ∀ x6=0. ii) ktxk=|t| kxk ∀ t∈IR,x∈X. iii) ∃C ≥1 such that kx+yk≤C(kxk+kyk) ∀ x,y ∈X If iii) is substituted by iii’) kx+ykp ≤kxkp+kykp for x,y ∈X and some 0<p≤1, k·k is called a p-norm on X. Denote by B the unit ball of a quasi-normed or a p-normed space. X The above observations concerning the p-convexification of our problem can be restated using p-norm and quasi-norm notation. Recall that any compact balanced set with 0 in its interior is the unit ball of a quasi-norm. By the concavityofthe function tp, anyp-normisa quasi-normwithC =21/p−1. Conversely,by theAoki-Rolewicztheorem,foranyquasi-normwithconstantC thereexistsp,namelyp=log−1(2C), 2 and a p-norm |·| such that |x|≤kxk≤41/p|x|, ∀ x∈X. A set K ⊂ X is called p-convex if λx+µy, whenever x,y ∈ K, λ,µ ≥ 0, λp +µp = 1. Given K ⊆ X, the p-convex hull (or p-convex envelope) of K is the intersection of all p-convex sets that containK. Itisdenotedbyp-conv (K). Theclosedunitballofap-normedspace(X,k·k)willsimply be called a p-ball. Any symmetric compact p-convex set in X with the origin as an interior point is the p-ball associated to some p-norm. We say that a quasi-normed space (X,k·k) is of (Rademacher) type q,0 < q ≤ 2 if for some constant T (X)>0 we have q n n 1 k ε x k≤T (X)( kx kq)1/q, ∀x ∈X,1≤i≤n, ∀n∈IN 2n i i q i i εiX=±1 Xi=1 Xi=1 Kalton, [Ka], proved that any quasi-normed space (X,k·k) of type q > 1 is convex. That is, the quasi-norm k·k is equivalent to a norm and moreover,the equivalence constant depends only on T (X), (for a more precise statement and proof of this fact see [K-S]). q Givenf,g:IN →IR+ wewritef ∼g ifthereexistsaconstantC >0suchthatC−1f(n)≤g(n)≤ Cf(n), ∀ n ∈ IN. Numerical constants will always be denoted by C (or C if it depends only on p) p although their value may change from line to line. 2 Letu:X →Y be a linearmapbetweentwoquasi-normedspacesandk ≥1. Recallthe definition of the following numbers: Kolmogorov numbers: d (u) = inf{kQ ◦ uk | S ⊂ Y subspace and dim(S) < k} where k S Q :Y →Y/S is the quotient map. S Covering numbers: For A ,A ⊂ X, N(A ,A ) = inf{N ∈ IN |∃ x ...x ∈ X such that A ⊂ 1 2 1 2 1 N 1 (x +A )}. 1≤i≤N i 2 ESntropy numbers: e (u)=inf{ε>0|N(u(B ),εB )≤2k−1} k X Y The sequences {d (u)},{e (u)}are non-increasingandsatisfyd (u)=e (u)=kuk. If dim(X)= k k 1 1 dim(Y)=nthend (u)=0forallk >n. Denotes eitherd ore . Foralllinearoperatorsu:X →Y, k k k k v:Y →Z we have s (v◦u)=kuks (v) and s (v◦u)=kvks (u), ∀k ∈IN (called the ideal property k k k k of s ) and k s (v◦u)≤s (v)s (u) ∀ k,n∈IN k+n−1 k n Thefollowingtwolemmascontainusefulinformationaboutthesenumbers. Thefirstoneextends to the p-convex case its convex analogue due to Carl ([Ca]). Its proof mimics the ones of Theorem 5.1 and 5.2 in [Pi 1] (see also [T]) with minor changes. In particular we identify X as a quotient of ℓ (I), for some I, and apply the metric lifting property of ℓ (I) in the class of p-normed spaces p p (see Proposition C.3.6 in [Pie]). The second one contains easy facts about N(A,B) and its proof is similar to the one of Lemma 7.5. in [Pi 1] . Lemma 1. For all α>0 and 0<p<1 there exists a constantC >0 such that for all linear map α,p u:X →Y, X,Y p-normed spaces and for all n∈IN we have supkαe (u)≤C supkαd (u) k α,p k k≤n k≤n Lemma 2. i) For all A ,A ,A ⊂X, N(A ,A )≤N(A ,A )N(A ,A ) 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 ii) For all t>0 and 0<p<1 there is C >0 such that for all X p-normed space of dimension n, p,t N(B ,tB )≤Cn . X X p,t iii) For any A ,A ,K ⊂IRn, |A +K|≤N(A ,A )|A +K|. 1 2 1 1 2 2 |B | iv) Let B ,B be p-balls in IRn for some p and B ⊂B ; then 1 ∼N(B ,B ). 1 2 2 1 1 2 |B | 2 For any B ⊆IRn p-ball the polar set of B is defined as B◦ :={x∈IRn |hx,yi≤1, ∀y ∈B} where h·,·i denotes the standard scalar product on IRn. Given B,D p-balls in IRn we define the following two numbers: s(B):=(|B|·|B◦|)1/n and |B+D| |B◦+D◦| 1/n M(B,D):= · |B∩D| |B◦∩D◦| (cid:18) (cid:19) Observe that for any linear isomorphism u:IRn →IRn we have s(u(B))=s(B) and M(u(B),u(D))=M(B,D). Recall that s(Bℓnp)∼n−1/p ∼s(Bℓn2)1/p,0<p≤1 ([Pi 1] pg. 11). The following estimates on these numbers are known: 3 a) [Sa]. For every symmetric convex body B ⊂ IRn, s(B) ≤ s(Bℓn2) with equality only if B is an ellipsoid. (Blaschke-Santalo´’sinequality). b) [B-M]. There exists a numerical constant C > 0 such that for any n ∈ IN and any symmetric convex body B ⊂IRn, s(B)≥Cs(Bℓn2). c) [Mil 1]. There exists a numerical constant C > 0 such that for any n ∈ IN and any symmet- ric convex body B ⊂ IRn, there is an ellipsoid (called Milman ellipsoid) D ⊂ IRn such that M(B,D)≤C,(Milman ellipsoid theorem). 2. Entropy estimates and reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality Wefirstintroducesomeusefulnotation: LetB ,B ⊂IRnbetwop-ballsandu:IRn →IRnalinear 1 2 map. We denote u:B → B the operator between p-normed spaces u:(IRn,k·k ) → (IRn,k·k ) 1 2 B1 B2 where k·k is the p-norm on IRn whose unit ball is B . Bi i Proof of Theorem 1: Let A ,A be two bodies in IRn such that p(A ), p(A ) ≥ p. It’s clear from the definition 1 2 1 2 that there exist two p¯-balls, B , B , (for instance, p¯ = p/2) and two measure preserving affine 1 2 transformations T , T , verifying 1 2 |T−1T (A )+A |≤|B +B | 2 1 1 2 1 2 and |B |1/n+|B |1/n ≤C |A |1/n+|A |1/n . 1 2 p 1 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) So, we only have to prove the theorem for p-balls. In the convex case a way to obtain the reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality is to prove that, for any symmetric convex body B, there exists an ellipsoid D verifying |B|=|D| and |B+∆|1/n ≤C|D+∆|1/n (2) for any, say compact, subset ∆⊆IRn (C is an universal constant independent of B and n). Indeed, let B ,B be two balls in IRn. Suppose w.l.o.g. that D , the ellipsoids associated to B 1 2 i i satisfy u2Di =αiBℓn2, where ui are linear mappings with |det ui|=1 and |Bi|1/n =αi|Bℓn2|1/n.Then |u B +u B |1/n ≤C2|u D +u D |1/n 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 =C2(α1+α2)|Bℓn2|1/n =C2(|B1|1/n+|B2|1/n) In view of the preceding comments and of straightforward computations deduced from Lemma 2, in order to obtain (2) for p-balls it is sufficent to associate an ellipsoid D to each p-ballB ⊂IRn in suchawaythatthecorrespondingcoveringnumbersverifyN(B,D),N(D,B)≤Cn forsomeconstant C depending only on p. It is important to remark now the fact that, what we deduce from covering numbers estimate is that the ellipsoid D associated to B actually verifies the stronger assertion C−1|B+∆|1/n ≤|D+∆|1/n ≤C|B+∆|1/n foranycompactset∆inIRn,withconstantdependingonlyonp. Furthermore,theroleoftheellipsoid can be played by any fixed p-ball in a “spetial position”. Denote by Bˆ the convex hull of B. Bydefinitionofe ,ife (id:B →D)≤λthenN(B,2λD)≤2n−1andbyLemma2-ii),N(B,D)≤ n n λn. (Of course, the same can be done with N(D,B)). Therefore our problem reduces to estimating entropy numbers. What we are going to prove is really a stronger result than we need, in the line of Theorem 7.13 of [Pi 2]. 4 Lemma 3. Given α>1/p−1/2,there exists a constantC =C(α,p) suchthat, for anyn∈IN and for any p-ball B ∈IRn we can find an ellipsoid D ∈IRn such that n α d (D →B)+e (B →D)≤C k k k (cid:16) (cid:17) for every 1≤k≤n. Proof of the Lemma. From Theorem 7.13 of [Pi 2] we can easily deduce the following fact: There exists a constant C(α) > 0 such that for any 1 ≤ k ≤ n, n ∈ IN and any ball Bˆ ⊂ IRn, there is ellipsoid D ⊂IRn such that the identity operator id:IRn →IRn verifies 0 n α n α d (id:D →Bˆ)≤C(α) and e (id:Bˆ →D )≤C(α) (3) k 0 k 0 k k (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) For simplicity, since we are always going to deal with the identity operator, we will denote id:B →B by B →B . 1 2 1 2 Let D be the ellipsoid associated to Bˆ in (3). It is well known [Pe], [G-K] that B ⊆ Bˆ ⊆ 0 n1/p−1B. This means kB →Bˆk≤ 1 and kBˆ →Bk ≤ n1/p−1. Now, (3) and the ideal property of d k and e imply k n α n α d (D →B)≤C(α)n1/p−1 and e (B →D )≤C(α) ∀ k ≤n k 0 k 0 k k (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) This let us to introduce the constant C as the infimum of the constants C > 0 for which the n conclusion of lemma 3 is true for all p-ball in IRn. Trivially C ≤ C(α) 1+n1/p−1 . Let D be an n 1 almost optimal ellipsoid such that (cid:0) (cid:1) n α d (D →B)≤2C k 1 n k (4) (cid:16)n(cid:17)α e (B →D )≤2C k 1 n k (cid:16) (cid:17) for every 1≤k≤n. Use the real interpolation method with parameters θ,2 to interpolate the couple id:B →B and id:D →B. It is straightforwardfrom its definition that for B :=(B,D ) , we have 1 θ 1 θ,2 d (B →B)≤kB →Bk1−θ(d (D →B))θ ∀ k≤n k θ k 1 and therefore, n α θ d (B →B)≤ 2C ∀ k ≤n k θ n k (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) n α Write λ = 4C . By definition of the entropy numbers, there exist x ∈ IRn such that n i k 2k−1 (cid:16) (cid:17) B ⊂ x +2λD . But by perturbing λ with an absolute constant we can suppose w.l.o.g. that i 1 i=1 [ x ∈ B. For all z ∈ B, there exists x ∈ B such that kz − x k ≤ 2λ. Also by p-convexity, i i i D0 kz−x k ≤21/p. i B A general result (see [B-L] Ch. 3.) assures the existence of a constant C >0 such that p kxk ≤C kxk1−θkxkθ . Bθ p B D1 Therefore, for all z ∈B, there exists x ∈B such that kz−x k ≤C λθ which means i i Bθ p n α θ e (B →B )≤C 2C . k θ p n k (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) 5 2(1−p) Since α > 1/p−1/2, then we can pick θ ∈ (0,1) such that < θ < min{1,1−1/2α}. 2−p Then B has Rademacher type strictly bigger than 1 because 1−θ + θ <1. θ p 2 By Kalton’sresultquotedbefore, we cansuppose thatB is a ballandtherefore we canapply to θ it (3) for γ =α(1−θ)>1/2 and assure the existence of another ellipsoid D such that 2 n γ n γ d (D →B )≤C(γ) and e (B →D )≤C(γ) and ∀ k ≤n k 2 θ k θ 2 k k (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Recall that d (D → B) ≤ d (D → B )d (B → B) and the same for the e ’s. Thanks to 2k−1 2 k 2 θ k θ k the monotonicity of the numbers s we can use the what is known about s for all s . Using the k 2k−1 k estimates obtained above we get ∀ k ≤n, n γ+αθ n γ+αθ d (D →B)≤C(p,α)2θCθ and e (B →D )≤C(p,α)2θCθ . k 2 n k k 2 n k (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Hence by the election of γ and by minimality we obtain C1−θ ≤C(p,α)2θ, and the conclusion of the n lemma holds. /// The theorem follows now from the estimate we achieved in Lemma 3 and by Lemma 1. Indeed, given any α>1/p−1/2, if D is the ellipsoid associated to B by Lemma 3, we have nα nαe (D →B)≤ supkαe (D →B)≤C(α,p)supkαd (D →B)≤C(α,p)supkα n k k kα k≤n k≤n k≤n =C(α,p)nα and so, e (D →B)≤C(α,p). On the other hand just take k =n in Lemma 3 and so, e (B →D)≤ n n C(α,p). Finally observe that since the constant C(α,p) depends only on p and α and we can take any α>1/p−1/2 the thesis of the theorem as stated inmediately follows. /// 6 3. Concluding remarks We conclude this note by stating the corresponding versions of a) Blaschke-Santalo´, b) reverse Blaschke-Santalo´ and c) Milman ellipsoid theorem, cited in section 1, in the context of p-normed spaces. Proposition 1. Let 0<p ≤1. There exists a numerical constant C >0 such that for every p-ball p B ⊆IRn, 1/p Cp s(Bℓn2) ≤s(B)≤s(Bℓn2) and in the second inequality, equality(cid:0)holds if(cid:1)only if B is an ellipsoid Proof: Denote by Bˆ the convex envelope of B. Since Bˆ◦ = B◦ we have s(B) ≤ s(Bˆ) ≤ s(Bℓn2). If s(B)=s(Bℓn2), then Bˆ is an ellipsoid. We will show that B =Bˆ. Every x in the boundary of Bˆ can be written as x = λ x ,x ∈ B, λ = 1; but since Bˆ is an ellipsoid, x is an extreme point of Bˆ i i i i and so x=x for some i that is x∈B. This shows B =Bˆ and we are done. i P P 1/n |Bˆ| For the first inequality, B ⊆Bˆ ⊆n1/p−1B easily implies ≤n1/p−1 and so, |B| ! 1/n |B| s(Bˆ) s(B)=(|B|·|B◦|)1/n =(|B|·|Bˆ◦|)1/n = (|Bˆ|·|B◦|)1/n ≥ |Bˆ|! n1/p−1 ≥ Cns1(/Bp−ℓn21) =Cn−1/p =Cp s(Bℓn2) 1/p (cid:0) (cid:1) /// 1/p The left inequality above is sharp since s(Bℓnp) = Cp s(Bℓn2) . The right inequality is also sharp since every ball is a p-ball for every 0 < p < 1. And it is sharp even if we restrict ourselves to (cid:0) (cid:1) the class of p-balls which are not q-convex for any q > p, as it is showed by the following example: Let ε > 0 and C be a relatively open cap in Sn−1 centered in x = (0,...,0,1) of radius ε. Write ε K =Sn−1\{C ∪−C }. The p-ball p-conv (K) is not q-convex for any q >p and we can pick ε such ε ε s(p-conv (K)) that ∼1. s(Bℓn2) Observe that the left inequality is actually equivalent to the existence of a constant C >0 such p 1/n |Bˆ| that for every p-ball B, ≤ C n1/p−1 and by Lemma 2 iv), this is also equivalent to the p |B| ! inequality N(Bˆ,B)≤C n1/p−1. p With respect to the Milman ellipsoid theorem we obtain Proposition 2. Let 0<p <1. There exists a numerical constant C >0 such that for every p-ball p B there is an ellipsoid D such that M(B,D)≤C n1/p−1. p Proof: Given a p-ball B let D be the Milman ellipsoid of Bˆ. Then, |B+D| |B◦+D| 1/n M(B,D)= · |B∩D| |B◦∩D| (cid:18) (cid:19) 1/n 1/n 1/n |Bˆ+D| |Bˆ◦+D| |B+D| |Bˆ∩D| = · |Bˆ∩D| |Bˆ◦∩D|! |Bˆ+D|! |B∩D|! 1/n |Bˆ∩D| ≤M(Bˆ,D) ≤C n1/p−1 p |B∩D| ! 7 /// The bound for M(B,D) is sharp. Indeed, if there was a function f(n) << n1/p−1 such that for every a p-ball B there was an ellipsoid D with M(B,D)≤f(n), then s(Bℓn2) = s(D) ≤(|B∩D|·|B◦∩D|)1/n ≤s(B) f(n) f(n) and we would have, s(B)≥ s(Bℓn2) >>n−1/p which is not possible. f(n) Acknowledgments. The authors are indebted to the referee for some fruitful comments which led them to improve the presentation of the paper. References [B-L] Bergh, J. Lo¨fstr¨om, J.: Interpolation Spaces. An Introduction. Springer-Verlag, 223. Berlin Heildelberg (1976). [B-M] Bourgain,J., Milman, V.D.: On Mahler’s conjecture on the volume of a convex symmetric body and its polar. Preprint I.H.E.S., March 1985. [Br] Brunn, H.: U¨ber Ovale und Eifla¨chen. Innaugural dissertation. Mu¨nchen 1887. [Ca] Carl B.: Entropy numbers, s-numbers, and eigenvalue problems. J. Funct. Anal. 41, 290-306 (1981). [G-K] Gordon, Y., Kalton, N.J.: Local structure for quasi-normed spaces. Preprint. [Ja] Jarchow,H.: Locally convex spaces. B.G. 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