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A COMPLETE SOLUTION TO AN OPEN PROBLEM RELATING TO AN INEQUALITY FOR RATIOS OF GAMMA FUNCTIONS 9 FENGQIANDBAI-NIGUO 0 0 2 Abstract. In this paper, we prove that for x+y > 0 and y+1 > 0 the l inequality u [Γ(x+y+1)/Γ(y+1)]1/x x+y J < [Γ(x+y+2)/Γ(y+1)]1/(x+1) sx+y+1 9 isvalidifx>1andreversedifx<1,whereΓ(x)istheEulergammafunction. 2 Thiscompletelyextendstheresultin[Y.Yu,Aninequalityforratiosofgamma functions,J.Math. Anal. Appl. 352(2009), no.2,967–970.] andthoroughly ] A resolves an open problem posed in [B.-N. Guo and F. Qi, Inequalities and monotonicity fortheratioofgammafunctions,TaiwaneseJ.Math. 7(2003), C no.2,239–247.]. . h t a m 1. Introduction [ It is common knowledge that the classical Euler gamma function Γ(x) may be 2 defined for x>0 by v ∞ 3 Γ(x)= tx−1e−tdt. (1) 1 Z0 5 The logarithmic derivative of Γ(x), denoted by ψ(x) = Γ′(x), is called the psi or 2 Γ(x) . digammafunction, andψ(k)(x)for k ∈N arecalledthe polygammafunctions. Itis 2 generalknowledgethatthesefunctionsarebasicandthattheyhavemuchextensive 0 9 applications in mathematical sciences. 0 In [6, Theorem 2] and its preprint [29], the function : v [Γ(x+y+1)/Γ(y+1)]1/x i (2) X x+y+1 r was proved to be decreasing with respect to x ≥ 1 for fixed y ≥ 0. Consequently, a the inequality x+y+1 [Γ(x+y+1)/Γ(y+1)]1/x ≤ (3) x+y+2 [Γ(x+y+2)/Γ(y+1)]1/(x+1) holds for positive real numbers x≥1 and y ≥0. Meanwhile, influenced by an inequality in [17] and its preprint [16], an open problem was posed in [6] and its preprint [29] to ask for an upper bound x+y x+y+1 for the function in the right-hand side of the inequality (3). Hereafter,qsuch an open problem was repeated and modified in several papers such as [4, 5, 7, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27]. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary33B15;Secondary 26D07. Key words and phrases. solution,openproblem,inequality,ratio,gammafunction. ThefirstauthorwaspartiallysupportedbytheChinaScholarshipCouncil. ThispaperwastypesetusingAMS-LATEX. 1 2 F.QIANDB.-N.GUO In [36], the above-mentioned open problem was affirmatively but partially re- solved: If y >0 and x>1, then [Γ(x+y+1)/Γ(y+1)]1/x x+y < ; (4) [Γ(x+y+2)/Γ(y+1)]1/(x+1) x+y+1 r if y >0 and 0<x<1, then the inequality (4) is reversed. The main aim of this paper is to completely extend the one-side inequality (4) and to thoroughly resolves the open problem mentioned above. Our main results may be recited as follows. Theorem 1. For x+y > 0 and y+1 > 0, the inequality (4) holds if x > 1 and reverses if x<1. The cases x=0,−1 are understood to be the limits as x→0,−1 on both sides of the inequality (4), that is, lny+ln(y+1) ψ(y+1)> , y >0 (5) 2 and 3lny−ln(y−1) ψ(y+1)< , y >1. (6) 2 Asaby-productoftheproofofTheorem1,weconcludethefollowinginequality. Corollary 1. For x+y >0 and y+1>0, if |x|<1, then Γ(x+y+1) 1/x (x+y)(x+1)/2 > ; (7) Γ(y+1) (x+y+1)(x−1)/2 (cid:20) (cid:21) if |x|>1, then the inequality (7) is reversed. Remark 1. It is noted that necessary and sufficient conditions for the function (2) anditsgeneralizationtobelogarithmicallycompletelymonotonichavebeengained in [28] and related references therein. Remark 2. Taking y =0 and x= n in Theorem 1 leads to 2 [Γ(n/2+1)]1/n Ω1/(n+2) n = n+2 < 4 (8) [Γ((n+2)/2+1)]1/(n+2) Ω1/n n+2 n r for n>2, where πn/2 Ω = (9) n Γ(1+n/2) stands for the n-dimensional volume of the unit ball Bn in Rn. Similarly, if letting y =1 and x= n+1 >1 in Theorem 1, then 2 Ω1/(n+3) 1 n+3 n+5 < 4 , n≥2. (10) Ωn1/+(3n+1) π2/(n+1)(n+3)rn+5 For more information on inequalities for the volume of the unit ball in Rn, please see [1, 2, 26] and related references therein. AN INEQUALITY FOR RATIOS OF GAMMA FUNCTIONS 3 2. Lemmas In order to prove Theorem 1, we need the following lemmas. Lemma 1. For t>s>0 and k ∈N, we have 1/(s−t) s+t−1 Γ(s) s+t−1 min s, < <max s, (11) 2 Γ(t) 2 (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:26) (cid:27) and (k−1)! (−1)k−1 ψ(k−1)(t)−ψ(k−1)(s) (k−1)! < < , (12) max s,s+t−1 k (cid:2) t−s (cid:3) min s,s+t−1 k 2 2 wh(cid:0)ere ψ(cid:8)(0)(x) st(cid:9)a(cid:1)nds for ψ(x). Moreover, the lower and(cid:0) upp(cid:8)er bound(cid:9)s(cid:1)in (11) and (12) are the best possible. Proof. For real numbers a, b and c, denote ρ=min{a,b,c}, and let Γ(x+a) H (x)=(x+c)b−a (13) a,b;c Γ(x+b) with respect to x∈(−min{a,b,c},∞). In [30, 31], it was obtained that (1) the function H (x) is logarithmically completely monotonic, that is, a,b;c 0≤(−1)i[lnH (x)](i) <∞ a,b;c for i≥1, on (−ρ,∞) if and only if (a,b;c)∈D (a,b;c),{(a,b;c):(b−a)(1−a−b+2c)≥0} 1 ∩{(a,b;c):(b−a)(|a−b|−a−b+2c)≥0} (14) \{(a,b;c):a=c+1=b+1} \{(a,b;c):b=c+1=a+1}; (2) so is the function H (x) on (−ρ,∞) if and only if b,a;c (a,b;c)∈D (a,b;c),{(a,b;c):(b−a)(1−a−b+2c)≤0} 2 ∩{(a,b;c):(b−a)(|a−b|−a−b+2c)≤0} (15) \{(a,b;c):b=c+1=a+1} \{(a,b;c):a=c+1=b+1}. In [35], the classical asymptotic relation Γ(x+s) lim =1 (16) x→∞ xsΓ(x) for real s and x was confirmed. This relation implies that lim H (x)=1. (17) x→∞ a,b;c From the logarithmically complete monotonicity of H (x), it is deduced that a,b;c thefunctionH (x)isdecreasingif(a,b;c)∈D (a,b;c)andincreasingif(a,b;c)∈ a,b;c 1 D (a,b;c) on (−ρ,∞). As a result of the limit (17) and the monotonicity of the 2 function H (x), it follows that the inequality H (x) > 1 holds if (a,b;c) ∈ a,b;c a,b;c D (a,b;c) and reverses if (a,b;c)∈D (a,b;c), that is, the inequality 1 2 1/(a−b) Γ(x+a) x+λ< <x+µ Γ(x+b) (cid:20) (cid:21) 4 F.QIANDB.-N.GUO for b > a holds if λ ≤ min a,a+b−1 and µ ≥ max a,a+b−1 , which may be 2 2 reducedto the inequality (11)by replacing x+a and x+b by s and t respectively. (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:8) (cid:9) Further, by virtue of the logarithmically complete monotonicity of H (x) on a,b;c (−ρ,∞) againand the fact [32, p. 82] that a completely monotonic function which is non-identically zero cannot vanish at any point on (0,∞), it is readily deduced that (−1)k[lnH (x)](k) =(−1)k[(b−a)ln(x+c)+lnΓ(x+a)−lnΓ(x+b)](k) a,b;c (−1)k−1(k−1)!(b−a) =(−1)k +ψ(k−1)(x+a)−ψ(k−1)(x+b) (x+c)k (cid:20) (cid:21) >0 for k ∈ N is valid if (a,b;c) ∈ D (a,b;c) and reversed if (a,b;c) ∈ D (a,b;c). 1 2 Consequently, the double inequality (k−1)!(b−a) (k−1)!(b−a) − <(−1)k[ψ(k−1)(x+b)−ψ(k−1)(x+a)]<− (x+c )k (x+c )k 2 1 holdswithrespecttox∈(−ρ,∞)if(a,b;c )∈D (a,b;c)and(a,b;c )∈D (a,b;c), 1 1 2 2 which may be rearrangedas (k−1)! (−1)k−1 ψ(k−1)(x+b)−ψ(k−1)(x+a) (k−1)! < < (18) (x+α)k b−a (x+β)k (cid:2) (cid:3) for x ∈ (−ρ,∞) if α ≥ max a,a+b−1 and β ≤ min a,a+b−1 , where b > a and 2 2 k ∈ N. In the end, replacing x+a and x+b by s and t respectively in (18) leads (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:8) (cid:9) to (12). The proof of Lemma 1 is thus complete. (cid:3) Remark 3. The double inequalities (11), (12) and (18) slightly extend the double inequalitiesin[8,Theorem4.2]and[30,Theorem3]whichwerenotprovedindetail therein. Remark 4. For more information on the logarithmically complete monotonicity of the function (13), please refer to [8, 12, 13, 30, 31], especially the expository and survey papers [14, 15], and related references therein. Lemma 2. For x∈(0,∞) and k ∈N, we have 1 1 lnx− <ψ(x)<lnx− (19) x 2x and (k−1)! k! (k−1)! k! + <(−1)k+1ψ(k)(x)< + . (20) xk 2xk+1 xk xk+1 Proof. In [10, Theorem 2.1], [21, Lemma 1.3] and [22, Lemma 3], the function ψ(x)−lnx+ α was proved to be completely monotonic on (0,∞), i.e., x α (i) (−1)i ψ(x)−lnx+ ≥0 (21) x h i fori≥0, ifandonly if α≥1,sois its negative,i.e., the inequality (21)is reversed, ifandonlyifα≤ 1. In[3,Theorem2],[9,Theorem2.1]and[11,Theorem2.1],the 2 function exΓ(x) was proved to be logarithmically completely monotonic on (0,∞), xx−α i.e., exΓ(x) (k) (−1)k ln ≥0 (22) xx−α (cid:20) (cid:21) AN INEQUALITY FOR RATIOS OF GAMMA FUNCTIONS 5 for k ∈ N, if and only if α ≥ 1, so is its reciprocal, i.e., the inequality (22) is reversed, if and only if α ≤ 1. Considering the fact [32, p. 82] that a completely 2 monotonic function which is non-identically zero cannot vanish at any point on (0,∞) and rearranging either (21) or (22) leads to the double inequalities (19) and (20). Lemma 2 is proved. (cid:3) Lemma 3 ([23, 33, 34]). If t>0, then 2t t(2+t) <ln(1+t)< ; (23) 2+t 2(1+t) If −1<t<0, the inequality (23) is reversed. 3. Proofs of Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 Now we are in a position to prove Theorem 1 and Corollary 1. Proof of Theorem 1. When 0≥y >−1 and x>−y, let lnΓ(x+y+1)−lnΓ(y+1) 1 f (x)= − ln(x+y); (24) y x 2 When y >0 and x>−y, define 1 f (0)=ψ(y+1)− lny y 2 and f (x) for x 6= 0 to be the same one as in (24). Making use of the well-known y recursion formula Γ(x+1)=xΓ(x) and computing straightforwardlyyields 1 1 Γ(x+y+1) f (x+1)−f (x)= − ln y y x+1 x Γ(y+1) (cid:18) (cid:19) ln(x+y+1) 1 x+y + + ln x+1 2 x+y+1 1 (x+y)(x+1)/2 Γ(x+y+1) 1/x = ln −ln . (25) x+1 (x+y+1)(x−1)/2 Γ(y+1) (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:27) Substituting s=y+1>0 and t=x+y+1>1 into (11) in Lemma 1 leads to 1/x x+2y+1 Γ(x+y+1) x+2y+1 min y+1, < <max y+1, 2 Γ(y+1) 2 (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:26) (cid:27) which is equivalent to x+2y+1 1/x Γ(x+y+1) , x>1 < 2 Γ(y+1)  (cid:20) (cid:21) y+1, x<1 and  Γ(x+y+1) 1/x y+1, x>1 > x+2y+1 Γ(y+1)  , x<1 (cid:20) (cid:21)  2 for y+1 > 0 and x+y > 0. Consequently, it follows readily from (25) that, for  y >−1 and x+y >0, 6 F.QIANDB.-N.GUO (1) if x>1 and (x+y)(x+1)/2 x+2y+1 > , (26) (x+y+1)(x−1)/2 2 then f (x+1)−f (x)>0; y y (2) if −1<x<1 and the inequality (26) reverses,then f (x+1)−f (x)<0. y y For x+y >0 and y >−1, let (x+y)x+1 g(x,y)= . (x+2y+1)2(x+y+1)x−1 The partial differentiation of g(x,y) with respect to y is ∂g(x,y) 1−x2 x+y x = . ∂y (x+2y+1)3 x+y+1 (cid:18) (cid:19) This shows that (1) when |x| > 1, the function g(x,y) is strictly decreasing with respect to y >−1; (2) when |x| < 1, the function g(x,y) is strictly increasing with respect to y >−1. In addition, it is clear that limy→∞g(x,y) = 14. As a result, it is easy to see that g(x,y) ≷ 1 when |x| ≷ 1 for x+y > 0 and y > −1. In other words, the 4 inequality (26) is valid when |x| > 1 and reversed when |x| < 1 for all x+y > 0 and y >−1. Consequently, the inequality f (x+1)−f (x)>0 holds if x>1 and y y reverses if |x|<1, where x+y >0 and y >−1. Forx<−1,denotethefunctionenclosedinthebracesin(25)byQ(x,y). Direct computation yields x+1 x−1 1 x+y+1 Q(x,y)= ln(x+y)− ln(x+y+1)− ψ(u)du 2 2 x Zy+1 x+1 x−1 1 = ln(x+y)− ln(x+y+1)− ψ((y+1)(1−u)+(x+y+1)u)du 2 2 Z0 and ∂Q(x,y) 3x+2y+1 1 x+y = + ln ∂x 2(x+y)(x+y+1) 2 x+y+1 1 ′ − uψ ((y+1)(1−u)+(x+y+1)u)du. Z0 Making use of the left-hand side inequality for k =1 in (20) results in ∂Q(x,y) 3x+2y+1 1 x+y < + ln ∂x 2(x+y)(x+y+1) 2 x+y+1 1 1 1 − u + du (y+1)(1−u)+(x+y+1)u 2[(y+1)(1−u)+(x+y+1)u]2 Z0 (cid:26) (cid:27) 1 x2−2yx−y(2y+1) x+y 1+2y y+1 = +ln − ln . 2 x(x+y)(x+y+1) x+y+1 x2 x+y+1 (cid:20) (cid:21) Further employing the left-hand side inequality of (23) in Lemma 3 leads to ∂Q(x,y) 1 x2−2yx−y(2y+1) 2 1+2y 2x < − + · ∂x 2 x(x+y)(x+y+1) 1+2x+2y x2 2+x+2y (cid:20) (cid:21) AN INEQUALITY FOR RATIOS OF GAMMA FUNCTIONS 7 (2y+3)x2+2 y2+2y+2 x+3y+2 = 2(x+y)(x+y+1)(x+2y+2)(2x+2y+1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (2y+3)F (x,y)F (x,y) 1 2 , , 2(x+y)(x+y+1)(x+2y+2)(2x+2y+1) where 2+y2+2y− y4+4y3+2y2−5y−2 F (x,y)= x+ 1 2y+3 p ! and 2+y2+2y+ y4+4y3+2y2−5y−2 F (x,y)= x+ . 2 2y+3 p ! For x<−1, x+y >0 and y+1>0, standard argument reveals that 2+y2+2y− y4+4y3+2y2−5y−2 F (x,y)< −1<0 1 2y+3 p and 2+y2+2y+ y4+4y3+2y2−5y−2 F (x,y)> −y >0, 2 2y+3 p so ∂Q(x,y) <0andthefunctionQ(x,y)isdecreasingwithrespecttox<−1. 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(F.Qi)DepartmentofMathematics,CollegeofScience,TianjinPolytechnicUniver- sity,Tianjin City, 300160,China E-mail address: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] URL:http://qifeng618.spaces.live.com (B.-N.Guo) School of Mathematicsand Informatics,Henan Polytechnic University, JiaozuoCity, HenanProvince,454010,China E-mail address: [email protected], [email protected] URL:http://guobaini.spaces.live.com

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