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An exploration of integrated ground weapons concepts for armor/anti-armor missions PDF

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An Exploration of Integrated Ground Weapons Concepts for Armor/Anti-Armor Missions Randall Steeb, Keith Brendiey, Dan Norton, John Bondanella, Richard Salter, Tarrell G. Covington erates oe ger SSRN: 9 woIoOL-L R-3837-DARPA An Exploration of Integrated Ground Weapons Concepts for Armor/Anti-Armor Missions Randall Steeb, Kelth Brondtey, Dan Norton, John Bondanella, Richard Salter, Terrell G, Covington Prepared for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency RAND PREFACE ‘Tia report, conducted for the Tactical Teshnology Office, Hofanse Advanced Heseurch Projects Agency (DARPA), surnmarizea the resulta of ar analytic exploration of ature ae moved vehicle designa. Tho work waa carried out in the Applied Science and Teehnoloiar TTrogram of the National Dafenee Research Institalo, RAND's federally funded reeeeech and sorod ly the OMe of thu Seevelary of Defense und Une Joint Chiat "The work focuses on the devia of Fight und hosey antiarraor vehicles. Surveys and analyses are mace of protoelion systome, weapon systems, rability systems, sansar pack anes, erewepaes designs and sloctronice orchitectures, Many of the reeornmended configy- ‘rationa were teat sing in-howsa carpater aimulations, Tho report shuld be of interest Lo researchers in ground vehicle design, technology assessment, and tactical simulation. SUMMARY Aronared warfare huss Lucome u spiruing ulation af weapons and protestion systems Both sides eancinually work to Field sysioms with more firepower, mare eTeclive armor, hel= ‘ur sensors, smaller signatures, and betéer eommand and control. Bye in the budgel-can- scious post-OH (conventional armed forces in Europe) environment, those trends should tontine, In this report, we explore come evolutionary urd revolutionary approaches to ar- rmoniantiurmor design, concentrating en reduced Itwo- and throv mon) eeews. We aseess the utility of many ofthe designe using simulations euch ar JANUS, RAVUS, and KISH, Tn the process of develuping syslem designs, wa surviyed many constiquenc technol. ies, We stadied protection systems using a vulnerability model. We exuruiued s0vid Dropellens, quid prapatient, snd electromagnetic gun svstems, and we reviewed ansiarmar Iisgile avatars having’ diferent meas of eontrol and kil mechunisins, We considered rurbine, diosel, ond ralary engine propulsion systems, with both conventional antl oles rransmicsions. Finally, we analyzed electronics systems auch as sensor suites, displayeon trol configurations, communication systema, egal processors, and ersieonmental conzral pbuckugas. For mosc ofthese tachnologier, we made recominendatins forthe near tern, five (o 10 yeurs, and the far term, 10 co 20 years. We inlagraled many of the nearlena recommendations into our preliminary deeigna for light and hoavy vehicles, For future muin’battle cank (MB1} designe, we found thut «noring the crew compart. wonL against eoneervatively projected Soviet threat is extremely dificult, Even aur sal feat, twenman design with an exteenal gun is eximated ta weigh 86 tans, Three man designa, ceapecially chase with ane ar more crew: members having all-around top viewing, are substan tially heavier In all eaces, we found that placement of the erow al the Crunl, gum and au taloader in the center, and engine at. tho rear Wa the mast eficient cunfigurauion, optimizing the Frontal, Fank, ond lop allack protorlion for the orew, eletzonics, and arnmonition. Tr alko reduces prablome with ring lorquee, engine theemsl signature, and hatch placement compared with ether conligueations, ‘Our investigation ofeleclamnaynetic (EMD xuns showed chat the teebpolegy i not suf ciently mature forthe time Frame eeosidored ive to 10 years), ‘There ure major problems in anergy generation, lavage, and canversion processes. We estimuted Ihat even with opti- tmistic cechnelogy projections, placing a 60-Nd KOA gun in a fire ewo-rion vehicle with auf. ficient armor to mont the proected threat resulta in an MBT weighing over 90 tons. “The frontal silhouette would have an area almost ree thut ofthe everent MUL-AL tack. Por our MBY system stadies, we concentrated om use of « conventional sald propellent ‘gun with something over beige the Kinecie energy of the currenl 120-mm gun. A carousel au toloader wae posited with espacity for 35 two-piece rounds. In the for term, we recommend ‘exploration of liquid propellene and eombustion-augroented electro-theroal guns, which have advantages in growth potential, ayeten inlogration, and vehicle survivability over solid ropellent (SP) guns. Tn comparing two- and three-man MDM designs, we noted that aome buttleicld fone Lions are test carried wul hy thros-man erews, sush ae fring an the mace with tlh the main un and secondary armaments, and targel engagement while ovmmunicating tactical data Other places where theen erow members would be beneficial sre in emergency respenses, ‘maintenance functions, and round the-clok operations without crew eplnvsrment. The mit advantage fa two-man crew is a emaller, lighter, and loea valnerabls vohile ‘Our sensor designa assume the ceew operatea primarily in a buttoned-vp made On the ‘battlefield. Twa independent armored sensor pods rant on telescoping stalks rising from the Iurret. Bach ped has a forward-looking infrared OFLIR) sensor, day TV, and. laser fangufinder. A turvel-mounted millimeter-wave radar ia optional, rimarily fr we {0 bi ‘perteal smoke conditions, Chaseis-mounted lowlightleval TV spasnes pravide redhmdancy. Al sensors feed video signals through a fiber optie watwork \o cathode ray tube (CHT) dis playa in the crewspnce, Fur the far bern, we expect that al Teastane helmet-mounced display ‘ill he employed, providing panoramic viewing and integrated target designation Use of reduced crews on velislos will require substantial siding through automation and ortfcal intelligence, We eneely eight aiding modules in our designs: (1) target ueauis lon and engagement, (2) eommand and contra, (3) situation report aud assessinoa, av gation, @) yatem control (roan-roachine interface), (6) recarityslalus, (7) maintenance: and supply stulue, and (8) power distribution and conditioning. Those modales relieve the opera. lors of many timeconaumingy Gimetinng, yet are alwaye subject to uperutor override ‘Autowatie target recognition should also be present, although only in a arget cueing mode in Une near term, ‘The entire sletronica prskage—procassors, miss srage, graphics drivers, sammunieation systems, power bus, und data avwork- should ft in the sponeon areas next ta the erew. ‘We developed four designs for @ near-term MB. All have large (-140-mamy ecia propsl- Tent guns, carousel autolaaders, und tolowopie sensor mosta. All une Ath pereentile craw ‘membara, and to the degree possible, all achieve the saine aemor protection levels and havo Uke same propulsion, suapension, and elecieanict, ‘The first ofthe four confizarations 8 8 remove yun design wich two men jn the hull. ‘This fs soothing of a baseline, since ic the smallest and Tighlest (55 tons) of the designa, For comparison, the current M(L-AL weighs some 63 8 (ons, is 41 an longer, and has turret cross-section area oughly twice as large from Une front and 80 percent larger fom the aide. ‘The aacond NBT design expands thie te ‘include Uhree mer: in the hull, with the erew ataggered (throo abreast dev nat ow sul cient side nrior for the exew compartment). This wchitle adds 90 in, in length and 5.5 tone ta the Gorman system, bul Tas advantages in eruw lashing and habitability. ‘The thivd design places bw anen ia ia ball and ena behind lhe tareot, sill wita a remote gun, This design gives the sammander good overall viewing tnd orientatinn with vhe gun, nt resuta ia special vulnerabitilee and major weight penalciaa (74.5 ton estimate), The fourth design ia a ‘mere conventional manned Wueret design, with u deivur in the hull and Lia eresraen ia. Doe Irret. It is romewhal comparable bo the now French TaCere, but with a larger gun and ‘moro armor. ‘The peablens are winsive burro and inereaced crew vulnerability. The ost sngged wet is 74 tans ‘We ulze explored options for ight. vehicle antiarmar designe (15-0 tons). The designs were all hypervelacty missile ‘HVOR carrying variants of the Bradley armoved fighting ve- hile und the wheeled LAV cMarine Carpe light armored vebicl). The designe did net alter ‘the armor, propulsion, or aurpansion rystemna of the carrent vehielos, but they substituted 0 HIVM launcher und ammunition compartment for the gun turret, They alee replaced Lhe er rent displays sod controls with advanced craw stations equivalent co thane in the MT de gna. We examined the potential ofthese light. armer designs claely, but dd not compare them with che MBM designs ‘The main problem in development of w HVM Bradley ix Guding ruom for u sutTicient ‘wamber of the large (10 fe Jong) inert enorgy missiles (REMs). We arrived at a apace-eff- cent design for elevation and rotation of our missles al Lime, from a 28 miasle hay in the two.tmun FVM Bradley. & similar theoo-man design reduc this to 20 missiles. No major dvaniage ua suen for changing to the largor (25 0, longer etretched Bradley chassis nos ‘used in the multiplolaunch rocket systam (SIERS), Only one telescopic sensar mast wil be present, bcause the KEM missile medule has its own seach and targeting sensor susta. The length and width of the HVM Bradley is identical te that of the currant rudley, tha height drops some 14 in, The weight inereasea from 26 tana ta 20.8 tons. A major problem with the LVM Bradley will be vulnerability of the highly explosive missiles in the lightly provets] wohitle Tneorparating tho HM msisile puckagein the smaaller LAY is vomewhat more dilfcat ‘We again produced designs for two- und three-man versions, bat find that a three-man crow is extremely ergmiped. The tema version was able to carry 24 rleiles. As with the Bradley designs, the rlssiles aze vulnerable in the lightly yretecled vebiel, The weight of the Gro-mun version ig estimated 1a inereane 4 tons From the currant version, from 12.6 to 17 tons, JANUS simulation runs were posforsied sing tho iwe-man MT and HV Bradley concepts. JANUS ia an interactive, balali-level, Lwo-sided wargame with eaolution dawn to individual vehicles. ‘The units move ang fight over & computer generated Dicfonse Meoping Ageney (DMA) terrain rogp, with calrulation of line-af-sight andl sensor contacts ive tactical vigneLies ware run all taken froma the sam fran concept af operation in evra Europa, Tho vignettes were (1) Blue defense short range (1:1 ed to Blue force eati, dct tion ranges generally 800-1200 motors, (2) Blue defence long range (aame fove rato, dotu®- tion ranges generally beyond 200 matars), (2) Dlue counterattack short range, (4) Blue ven teratcac long range, and 5) movting engagement (matchec farses, short rang The JANUS ruus pilled current and advanced (two-man) Blue MBTs against current and advanced Red MBTs, All simalation resules were unclaseified. We wl augmented the farcea inerementally in Uho short-range defence and eounterattack wecnurios with armored personne] carriers (APCs, arlillry, mines, helsoptars, and bispectral smoke, [Reduved eras vehiele (RCV) supcrionity in armor and weupon perfirimanee wos evident in both the defensive and olfensive wonarias, with lose exchange ritios three {a 15 Canes that of the current Bluv MBT. Only in scenarios with haaty ase of bispectral smoke did Use RCV performance redvee (9 Una of the MI-A1 or the Hed MiTe, ailimmeter wave sadae, which ‘may have slevialsd some ofthis wec, was nat modeled in the anmulation. Aadilion of FVM Bradleya ta the foree in the Pine defense short-range eesuntie did not affol (he outcomes significantly, We alco examined the difialty of implementing many af the aiding modules, throug use of the RISE GRAND Tucugrated Simulation Environment) system. RISE is an chive bated Lisp-based system with DMA terrain representation, Wo codod audimentary programs for the situation aszesement, command. wnd contro, and largol engagement modules. We run thom in aeveral exemplary seenarios and arrived al data points for exiroating memory and processing requirements, Torget aeavisition and engugemen! functione were heen ta be the eet complex, particalurly if projction-based planning is included (where each option is simulated inlo the foture for valuation). Fer the nur term, we estimale that €-8 MIPS of processing power and 10-15 Muyies of mextory shuold be aulicient. Our exploratory work ‘wus dane in Lisp, but similar load levels are expected i the system is coded in C or ADA Tat uu, Tn sama, we found that reduced crew antiarmoor vehicle eansypta should be achiewuble ws- ing available technology. ‘The designs are projected ta he amaller, more mansuverable, more lethal, and Tess vulnerable than their currently Gelded counterparts, ‘Tamb-tilling enpabilé tin should be feasible with vebicles as small snd light as the LAV. Sufficient urimor prove: tian to conduct offensive operations against next yenaration Soviel MBTs, however, requires ‘an MBT platform, A substantial amount of research reraina to he done before these concepts ean be vali dated and tuened ints detailed design speeiBeutions, Te-deplh analyses and simulations need to be ron on armor penetration, vehicle dynamics, and vebielaeloctronics. In yurticalur, Ihigh-fdeity simulatign using SLMNET and other aystems should ho used to chosk crew in Aaraclions und system eperational effectiveness. We will also need to determine xystom efTee ‘venus in the light of post CFR seenaris, in which nonlinear kettefields und fast dvploy ‘ment will be emphasized. LST ray he relaznted co a Iesser role than in current waeloee, ‘even inoffensive operations. In sum, simulation and field reste will bo necded to refine and ‘ear tho designe, wing a varisty ofraiesions, force mixes, and terrnin and weather conditions.

Incomplete input data. – 201 p.The research described in this report was sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The research was conducted in RAND’s National Defense Research Institute, a federally funded research and development center supported by the Office of the Secreta
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