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An Explanation of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s Kitab al-Tawhid PDF

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t I- 'a A ^ kj\j \ An Explanation of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s Kitab al-Tawhld by Allamah Abd al-Rahman al-Sa di Translated by Abu Khaliyl ISBN 1 898649 61 8 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. A catalogue record tor this book is available from the British Library. © Copyright 2003 by Al-Hidayah Publishing & Distribution All rights reserved. Xo part of this publication may be reproduced in anv language, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express permission of the copyright owner. Published: Al-Hidayah Publishing and Distribution Distributed by: Al-Hidayah Publishing and Distribution P.O. Box 3332 Birmingham United Kingdom B10 0UH Tel: 0121733 1889 Fax: 0121 733 2422 Website: w ww.a 1 - h i d a a y a h. co. u k Email: mail(o al-hidaavah.co.uk Printed in Turkey by Mega Printing An Explanation of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s Kitab al-Tawhid Contents Contents................................................................................................................................5 Transliteration Table......................................................................................................13 Introduction to the Translation of al-Qawl al-Sadid............................................15 Allamah Sa di’s Introduction......................................................................................16 Chapter 1 Allah (Si) said; “I have not created jinn and man except to worship Me”.................................................................................21 Chapter 2 The virtues of tawhid and the sins it removes........................................................29 Chapter 3 The one who fulfds tawhid enters Paradise without a reckoning.......................................................................................37 Chapter 4 The fear of shu\................................................................................................................43 Chapter 5 The invitation to testify to la ilaha ilia allah............................................................47 Chapter 6 Explaining tawhid and the testimony la ilaha ilia allah......................................54 Chapter 7 Wearing bracelets and cords etc., To remove Afflictions or to seek protection is a form ofshirh..................................................59 Chapter 8 What is Said about Rnqya and Charms...................................................................65 Chapter 9 On Seeking the Blessings ot Trees, Stones and other things............................70 Chapter 10 What is said about Slaughtering for Other than Allah.......................................75 Chapter 11 No Sacrificing in a Place where Sacrifices are Offered to other than Allah................................................................79 Chapter 12 Vows to Other than Allah are acts of Shirt{.............................................................83 Chapter 13 Seeking Refuge in other than Allah is Shir/(...........................................................85 Chapter 14 Seeking Refuge in other than Allah, or Calling other than Him is a type of Shirf(................................................................87 Chapter 15 The Saying of Allah (4g); “Do they make partners with that which has not created anything”.............................................................92 Chapter 16 Allah (4s) said; “Until when terror leaves their hearts”......................................98 Chapter 17 Intercession......................................................................................................................103 Chapter 18 Allah’s (Ug) saying, “It is not you who guides whom you love...”............................................................................................107 Chapter 19 That the cause of Kufr for the Children of Adam, and their Leaving their Religion, is Exaggerating over the Righteous..........................................................................111 Chapter 20 What is said about the Detriment of the one who worships Allah at Someone’s Grave, So How about when he worships its Inhabitant?............................................................................................. 117 Chapter 21 What is said that exaggeration at the graves of the righteous turns them into idols for worship other than Allah............................................122 Chapter 22 What Has been Reported about al-Mustafa’s (M) Protection of Tatvhid and His Closing every Way that Leads to Shir!{..................................127 Chapter 23 What is said about Some of this Ummah worshipping Idols..........................................................................................131 Chapter 24 What is said about Magic............................................................................................137 Chapter 25 Clarifying some points about the different types of magic.................................................................................................141 Chapter 26 What is said about Fortunetellers and their Like................................................145 Chapter 27 What is said about Nushrah.........................................................................................149 Chapter 28 What is said about Omens..........................................................................................152 Chapter 29 What is said about Astronomy/Astrology...............................................................157 Chapter 30 Seeking Rain by Anwa.................................................................................................160 Chapter 31 Allah (0®) said; “And among people are those who have taken other than Allah as equals”.........................................................164 Chapter 32 The saying of Allah (3£); “It is only shaytan who suggests fearing of his friends”.........................................................................169 Chapter 33 Allah’s (Si) saying; “Depend upon Allah, if you are indeed believers.”...........................................................................173 Chapter 34 Allah’s (31) saying; “Are they secure from Allah’s plan?”................................176 Chapter 35 Among Faith in Allah is Patience in what Allah hasD ecreed......................180 Chapter 36 What is said about Riya..............................................................................................184 Chapter 37 Intending Deeds in the World for the Sake of Humans is a type of Shir/(..........................................................................186 Chapter 38 Whoever Obeys the Scholars and Leaders in Prohibiting what Allah Allowed or Allowing what Allah Prohibits, then He has taken them as Lords besides Allah...........................................................190 Chapter 39 Allah (31) said; “Have you not seen those who claim”....................................193 Chapter 40 Whoever Denies any of the Names or Attributes..............................................198 Chapter 41 Allah (31) said; “They recognise Allah’s favours, then they reject them.”...............................................................................201 Chapter 42 Allah’s (3&) saying; “So do not knowingly make equals for Allah.” 204 Chapter 43 What is said about one who is not Satisfied with another Swearing by Allah 208 Chapter 44 Saying “What Allah willed and what you willed.”.............................................210 Chapter 45 Whoever Curses Time, He has Offended Allah.................................................213 Chapter 46 The Name Judge of Judges, and the like...............................................................215 Chapter 47 The Sacredness of Allah’s ($g) Names, Changing ones name because of that......................................................................217 Chapter 48 Whoever Jokes about anything that Allah has mentioned, the Qur’an, or the Messenger.....................................................219 Chapter 49 Allah’s ($g) saying; “And if We give him a taste of Our mercy after touching him with adversity”....................................................222 Chapter 50 Allah’s (3g) saying, “And when good came to them”........................................226 Chapter 51 Allah (31) said, “Allah’s are the most beautiful names, so call Him by them”....................................................................................229 Chapter 52 Not to Say “Al-Salam ala Allah”.............................................................................233 Chapter 53 Saying: “O Allah! Forgive me if You Will”..........................................................235 Chapter 54 Not to say, “My slave or my slave girl”...................................................................237 Chapter 55 Do not Turn away the one who asks for the sake of Allah”............................239 Chapter 56 Not to ask for the sake of Allah’s Face except for Paradise.............................241

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