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An Experimentally accessible geometric measure for entanglement in $N$-qudit pure states PDF

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Preview An Experimentally accessible geometric measure for entanglement in $N$-qudit pure states

An Experimentally accessible geometric measure for entanglement in N-qudit pure states Ali Saif M. Hassan1 and Pramod S. Joag2 Department of Physics, University of Pune, Pune-411007, India. We present a multipartite entanglement measure for N-qudit pure states, using the 9 0 norm of the correlation tensor which occurs in the Bloch representation of the state. We 0 compute this measure for important class of N-qutrit pure states, namely general GHZ 2 states. We prove that this measure possesses almost all the properties expected of a n good entanglement measure, including monotonicity. Finally, we extend this measure to a J N-qudit mixed states via convex roof construction and establish its various properties, 6 including its monotonicity. 1 ] h p - 1 Introduction t n a u q Entanglement has proved to be a vital physical resource for various kinds of quantum [ information processing, including quantum state teleportation [1,2], cryptographic key 1 distribution [3], classical communication over quantum channels [4,5,6], quantum error v 8 correction [7], quantum computational speedups [8] and distributed computation [9,10]. 9 Further, entanglement is expected to play a crucial role in the many particle phenomena 3 2 such as quantum phase transitions, transfer of information across a spin chain [11,12] etc. . Therefore, quantification of entanglement of multipartite quantum states is fundamental 1 0 tothewholefieldofquantuminformationandingeneral,tothephysicsofmulticomponent 9 quantum systems. Whereas the entanglement in pure bipartite states is well understood, 0 : classification of multipartite pure states and mixed states, according to the degree and v i character of their entanglement is still a matter of intense research [13,14.15]. Principal X achievements are in the setting of bipartite systems. Among these, one highlights Woot- r a ter’s formula for the entanglement of formation of two qubit mixed states [16], which still awaits a viable generalization to multiqubit case. Others include corresponding results for highly symmetric states [17,18,19]. Interest in multi-dimensional entangled states comes from the foundations of quantum mechanics as well as the development of new protocols in quantum communication. For example, it has been shown that maximally entangled states of two quantum systems in a high dimensional Hilbert space, qudits, violate local realism stronger than qubits, and entangled qudits are less affected by noise than entangled qubits [20,21]. In quantum cryptography [22], the use of entangled qutrits [22,23] or qudits [24,25] instead of qubits 1Electronic address: [email protected] 2Electronic address: [email protected] 1 is more secure against eavesdropping attacks. Furthermore, the protocols for quantum teleportation or for quantum cryptography work best with maximally entangled states. These facts motivate the development of techniques to generate entangled states among quantum systems in a higher dimensional Hilbert space with good entanglement charac- teristics. Technical developments in this direction have been made. For example, four polarized entangled photons have been used to formtwo entangled qutrits [26]. Entangled qutrits with two photons using an unbalanced 3-armfiber optic interferometer orphotonic orbital angular momentum have been demonstrated [27,28]. Time-bin entangled qudits of up to 11 dimensions from pump pulses generated by a mode-locked laser have also been reported [29]. In short, quantifying the entanglement measure of a qudit system is of physical interest. The issue of entanglement in multipartite and higher dimensional states is far more complex. Notable achievements in this area include applications of the relative entropy [30], negativity [31] Schimidt measure [32] and the global entanglement measure proposed by Meyer and Wallach [33]. Ameasureofentanglement isafunctiononthespaceofstatesofamultipartitesystem, whichisinvariantonindividualparts. Thusacompletecharacterizationofentanglementis thecharacterization ofallsuch functions. Underthemostgenerallocaloperationsassisted by classical communication (LOCC), entanglement is expected to decrease. A measure of entanglement which decreases under LOCC is called an entanglement monotone. On bipartite pure states the sums of the k smallest eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix are entanglement monotones. However, the number of independent invariants (i.e. the entanglement measures) increases exponentially as the number of particles N increases and complete characterization rapidly becomes impractical. A pragmatic approach would be to seek a measure which is defined for any number of particles (scalable), which is easily calculatedandwhichprovides physically relevant informationorequivalently, which passes the tests expected of a good entanglement measure [13,14]. In this paper, we present a global entanglement measure forN-qudit pure states which is scalable, which passes most of the tests expected of a good measure and whose value for a given system can be determined experimentally, without having a detailed prior knowledge of the state of the system. The measure is based on the Bloch representation of multipartite quantum states [34]. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we give the Bloch representation of a N-qudit quantum state and define our measure E . In section 3 we compute E for an T T important class of N-qudit states, namely, GHZ states. In section 4 we prove various properties of E , including its monotonicity, expected of a good entanglement measure. T In section 5 we extend E to N-qudit mixed states via convex roof and establish its T monotonicity. Finally, we summarize in section 6. 2 2 Bloch representation of a N-partite quantum state Bloch representation [35,36,37,38,39] of a density operator acting on the Hilbert space of a d-level quantum system Cd is given by [40] 1 ρ = (I + s λ ) (1) d i i d Xi Eq.(1) is the expansion of ρ in the Hilbert-Schmidt basis I ,λ ;i = 1,2,...,d2 1 d i { − } where λ are the traceless hermitian generators of SU(d) satisfying Tr(λ λ ) = 2δ and i i j ij are characterized by the structure constants of the corresponding Lie algebra, f ,g ijk ijk which are, respectively, completely antisymmetric and completely symmetric. 2 λ λ = δ I +if λ +g λ (2) i j ij d ijk k ijk k d s = (s ,s ,...,s ) in Eq.(1) are the vectors in Rd2 1, constrained by the positive 1 2 d2 1 − − semidefiniteness of ρ, called Bloch vectors [38]. The set of all Bloch vectors that consti- tute a density operator is known as the Bloch vector space B(Rd2 1). The problem of − determining B(Rd2 1) where d 3 is still open [36,37]. However, for pure states (ρ = ρ2) − ≥ the following relations hold. d(d 1) s = − ; s s g = (d 2)s (3) || ||2 r 2 i j ijk − k where . is the Euclidean norm in Rd2 1. 2 − || || It is Known [41,42] that B(Rd2 1) is a subset of the ball D (Rd2 1) of radius R = − R − d(d2−1) , which is the minimum ball containing it, and that the ball Dr(Rd2−1) of radius q r = d is included in B(Rd2 1). That is, 2(d 1) − q − D (Rd2 1) B(Rd2 1) D (Rd2 1) (4) r − − R − ⊆ ⊆ In order to give the Bloch representation of a density operator acting on the Hilbert space Cd Cd Cd of a N-qudit quantum system, we introduce following notation. ⊗ ⊗···⊗ We use k, k (i = 1,2, ) to denote a qudit chosen from N qudits, so that k, k (i = i i ··· 1,2, ) take values in the set = 1,2, ,N . The variables α or α for a given ··· N { ··· } k ki k or k span the set of generators of SU(d) group (Eqs.(1) and (2)) for the kth or k th i i qudit, namely the set λ ,λ , ,λ for the k th qudit. For two qudits k and k we 1 2 d2 1 i 1 2 { ··· − } define λ(k1) = (I I λ I I ) αk1 d ⊗ d ⊗···⊗ αk1 ⊗ d ⊗···⊗ d λ(k2) = (I I λ I I ) αk2 d ⊗ d ⊗···⊗ αk2 ⊗ d ⊗···⊗ d 3 λ(k1)λ(k2) = (I I λ I λ I I ) (5) αk1 αk2 d ⊗ d ⊗···⊗ αk1 ⊗ d ⊗···⊗ αk2 ⊗ d ⊗ d where λ and λ occur at the k th and k th places (corresponding to k th and αk1 αk2 1 2 1 k th qudits respectively) in the tensor product and are the α th and α th generators of 2 k1 k2 SU(d), α = 1,2,...,d2 1 and α = 1,2,...,d2 1 respectively. Then we can write k1 − k2 − 1 ρ = I N + s λ(k) + t λ(k1)λ(k2) + + dN{ d⊗ αk αk αk1αk2 αk1 αk2 ··· kX∈N Xαk {kX1,k2}αXk1αk2 t λ(k1)λ(k2) λ(kM)+ + t λ(1)λ(2) λ(N) . {k1,kX2,···,kM}αk1αXk2···αkM αk1αk2···αkM αk1 αk2 ··· αkM ··· α1αX2···αN α1α2···αN α1 α2 ··· αN } (6) where s(k) is a Bloch vector corresponding to kth qudit, s(k) = [s ]d2 1 which is a αk αk−=1 tensor of order one defined by d d s = Tr[ρλ(k)] = Tr[ρ λ ], (7a) αk 2 αk 2 k αk where ρ is the reduced density matrix for the kth qudit. Here k ,k , ,k , 2 k 1 2 M { ··· } ≤ M N, is a subset of and can be chosen in N ways, contributing N terms in the ≤ N M M sum in Eq.(6), each containing a (cid:0)ten(cid:1)sor of order M. The(cid:0)to(cid:1)tal number of termsPin{kt1h,ke2,·B··,lkoMc}h representation of ρ is 2N. We denote the tensors occurring in the sum {k1,k2,···,kM}, (2 ≤ M ≤ N) by T {k1,k2,···,kM} = [tαk1αk2···αkM] which are defined by P dM t = Tr[ρλ(k1)λ(k2) λ(kM)] αk1αk2...αkM 2M αk1 αk2 ··· αkM dM = Tr[ρ (λ λ λ )] (7b) 2M k1k2...kM αk1 ⊗ αk2 ⊗···⊗ αkM where ρ is the reduced density matrix for the subsystem k k ...k . Each k1k2...kM { 1 2 M} of the N tensors of order M, occurring in the Bloch representation of ρ, contains all M informa(cid:0)tio(cid:1)n about entanglement of the corresponding set of M subsystems. All informa- tion on the entanglement contained in ρ is coded in the tensors occurring in the Bloch representation of ρ. The tensor in last term in Eq. (6), we call it (N), contains all the T information of genuine N-partite entanglement. The following we give the generators of SU(3) in the 1 , 2 , 3 basis for later use. | i | i | i λ = 1 2 + 2 1 1 | ih | | ih | λ = i( 1 2 2 1 ) 2 − | ih |−| ih | λ = 1 1 2 2 3 | ih |−| ih | λ = 1 3 + 3 1 4 | ih | | ih | λ = i( 1 3 3 1 ) 5 − | ih |−| ih | λ = 2 3 + 3 2 6 | ih | | ih | 4 λ = i( 2 3 3 2 ) 7 − | ih |−| ih | λ = 1 ( 1 1 + 2 2 2 3 3 ) 8 √3 | ih | | ih |− | ih | The action of these generators on the basis states 1 , 2 , 3 is given by {| i | i | i} λ 1 = 2 , λ 2 = 1 , λ 3 = 0 1 1 1 | i | i | i | i | i λ 1 = i 2 , λ 2 = i 1 , λ 3 = 0 2 2 2 | i | i | i − | i | i λ 1 = 1 , λ 2 = 2 , λ 3 = 0 3 3 3 | i | i | i −| i | i λ 1 = 3 , λ 2 = 0, λ 3 = 1 4 4 4 | i | i | i | i | i λ 1 = i 3 , λ 2 = 0, λ 3 = i 1 5 1 1 | i | i | i | i − | i λ 1 = 0, λ 2 = 3 , λ 3 = 2 6 6 6 | i | i | i | i | i λ 1 = 0, λ 2 = i 3 , λ 3 = i 2 7 7 7 | i | i | i | i − | i λ 1 = 1 1 , λ 2 = 1 2 , λ 3 = 2 3 8| i √3| i 8| i √3| i 8| i −√3| i We will use these equations below (see the next section and proof of proposition 7). We propose the following measure for a N-qudit pure state entanglement d(d 1) E ( ψ ) = (N) ( − )(N/2) (8) T | i ||T ||− 2 where (N) is given by Eq.(7b) for (M = N) in Bloch representation of ρ = ψ ψ . T | ih | Thenormofthetensor (N) appearingindefinition(8)istheHilbert-Schmidt (Euclidean) T norm (N) 2 = ( (N), (N)) = t2 . Throughout this paper, by norm, we me|a|nT the||HilberTt-SchTmidt (EuPcliαd1eαa2n···)αNnorαm1α.2···αN 3 Testing out E ( ψ ) for qutrit pure states T | i Before proving various properties of E ( ψ ) we calculate it for 3- and 2-qutrit pure states T | i employed to study multipartite entanglement in the literature. The most important 3- qutrit state is ψ = α 111 +β 222 +γ 333 , α2 +β2 +γ2 = 1 (9) | i | i | i | i where 1 , 2 , 3 is the computational basis for each qutrit. This state and its 2-qutrit {| i | i | i} restriction ψ = α 11 +β 22 +γ 33 , α2 +β2 +γ2 = 1 (10) | i | i | i | i are used in various ways to understand qutrit entanglement. It is shown to break Clauser- Horn-Bell type of inequality for three qutrits [27]. It is used in protocols for quantum key distribution based on encoding in qutrit systems [23]. The 2-qutrit version is experimen- tally prepared [28,29]. Below we get a closed form expression for E for 3-qutrit state, T Eq.(9) and we relate E for the 2-qutrit state, Eq.(10), with 2-qutrit concurrence [43]. For the state in equTation (9), the general element of N is given by T 3N t = ψ λ λ λ ψ i = 1,2, ,8, k = 1,2,3. i1i2···iN 2Nh | i1 i2 ··· iN| i k ··· 5 From the action of λ operators on the basis states as shown in the previous section, there are only 20 nonzero elements of N. We have t = 1 [α2+β2+( 2)3γ2]. t = 2αβ, T 888 33/2 − 111 t = α2 β2, t = 2αγ, t = 2βγ. Other non-zero elements correspond to two λ s 333 444 666 2 − and λ ; two λ s and λ and two λ s and λ . Further, t = t = t = 1 [α2+β2] and 1 5 4 7 6 833 383 338 √3 t = t = t = 1[α2 β2]. Note that for α = β = γ = 1 we have only 16 non-zero 838 388 883 3 − √3 elements. Thus the expression for E becomes T √27 9 27 E ( ψ ) = (N) 33/2 = [27(α2β2 +α2γ2 +β2γ2)+ (α2 β2)2 + (α2 +β2)2 T | i ||T ||− 2 4 − 16 1 + (α2 +β2 8γ2)2]1/2 √27. (11) 16 − − The value of E for α = β = γ = 1 is 3.0196. T √3 X: 33 Y: 33 Z: 3.016 3.5 3 2.5 2 E 1.5 1 0.5 0 100 80 100 60 80 40 60 40 20 20 β2× 102 0 0 α2 × 102 FIG. 1. Variation of E ( GHZ ) with α2 and β2. T | i The N-qutrit state corresponding to Eq.(9) for N-qutrits is ψ = α 111 1 +β 222 2 +γ 333 3 α2 +β2 +γ2 = 1 (12) | i | ··· i | ··· i | ··· i Then any element of (N) namely T 3N t = ψ λ λ λ ψ , i = 1,2, ,8, k = 1, ,N (13) i1i2...iN 2Nh | i1 i2··· iN| i k ··· ··· which has 2k λ s and (N 2k) λ s k = 0,1, , N , where x is the greatest integer 2 − 1 ··· ⌊2⌋ ⌊ ⌋ less than or equal to x, is equal to ( 1)k2αβ. If the element has 2k λ s and (N 2k) λ s 5 4 − − 6 k = 0,1, , N then the value is ( 1)k2αγ. Similarly, if the element has 2k λ s and ··· ⌊2⌋ − 7 (N 2k) λ s then the value is ( 1)k2βγ. Further, if the element has 2kλ and (N 2k)λ 6 3 8 − − − with k = 1,2, , N then its value is ( 1 )N 2k(α2 +β2). If the element has (2k+1)λ ··· ⌊2⌋ √3 − 3 and (N 2k 1)λ with k = 0,1,2, , N 1 then the value is ( 1 )N 2k 1(α2 β2). − − 8 ··· ⌊2⌋− √3 − − − Now t = ( 1 )N(α2 +β2 +( 2)Nγ2). All other elements are zero. Therefore, 88···8 √3 − N N 3N ⌊2⌋ N ⌊2⌋ N 1 N 2 = ( )2 (4α2β2 +4α2γ2 +4β2γ2)+ ( )N 2k(α2 +β2)2 − ||T || 2N (cid:18)2k(cid:19) (cid:18)2k(cid:19) 3 hX X k=0 k=1 N 1 ⌊2⌋− N 1 1 + ( )N 2k 1(α2 β2)2 +( )N(α2 +β2 +( 2)Nγ2)2 − − (cid:18)2k +1(cid:19) 3 − 3 − X i k=0 E ( ψ ) = N 3N/2. (14) T | i ||T ||− We can check that E for ψ in Eq.(14) for three qutrits is the same as E for ψ T | i T | i in Eq.(11) for N qutrits with N = 3. When N = 2, i.e. two qutrits with ψ given by | i Eq.(10) we get 9 2 1 E ( ψ ) = ( )[8(α2β2+α2γ2+β2γ2)+(1 γ2)2+( )(α2 β2)2+( )(1+3γ2)2]1/2 3. T | i 4 − 3 − 9 − The concurrence for the state ψ for two qutrits in Eq.(10)is [43] | i C( ψ ) = 4(α2β2 +α2γ2 +β2γ2). | i p Therefore, for this two qutrit state, 9 2 1 E = ( )[2C2( ψ )+(1 γ2)2 +( )(α2 β2)2 +( )(1+3γ2)2]1/2 3. (15) T 4 | i − 3 − 9 − We can check that whenever the concurrence C = 0, E = 0. T 4 Properties of E ( ψ ) T | i To be a valid entanglement measure, E ( ψ ) must have the following properties [44,45]. T | i (a) (i) Positivity : E ( ψ ) 0 for all N-qudit pure state ψ . (ii) Discriminance: T | i ≥ | i E ( ψ ) = 0 if and only if ψ is separable (product) state. T | i | i (b) LU invariance : E ( ψ ) is invariant under local unitary operations. T | i (c) Monotonicity : local operators and classical communication (LOCC) do not in- crease the expectation value of E ( ψ ). T | i We prove the above properties for E ( ψ ). We also prove the following additional T | i properties for E ( ψ ). T | i 7 (d) continuity ( ψ ψ φ φ ) 0 E( ψ ) E( φ ) 0. || | ih |−| ih | || → ⇒ (cid:12) | i − | i (cid:12) → (e) superadditivity E ( ψ φ ) E ( ψ(cid:12))+E ( φ ). (cid:12) T | i⊗| i ≥ T | i(cid:12) T | i (cid:12) We need the following result which we have proved in [34]. Proposition 0 : A pure N-partite quantum state is fully separable (product state) if and only if (N) = s(1) s(2) s(N) = N s(k), (16) T ◦ ◦···◦ (cid:13)k=1 where s(k) is the Bloch vector of kth subsystem reduced density matrix. The symbol stands for the outer product of vectors defined as follows. ◦ Let u(1),u(2),...,u(M) be vectors in Rd21−1,Rd22−1, ,Rd2M−1. The outer product u(1) ··· ◦ u(2) u(M) is a tensor of order M, (M-way array), defined by ◦···◦ t = u(1)u(2)...u(M); 1 i d2 1, k = 1,2, ,M. i1i2···iM i1 i2 iM ≤ k ≤ k − ··· Proposition 1 : Let ψ be a N-qudit pure state. Then, (N) = (d(d 1)/2)(N/2) | i ||Tψ || − if and only if ψ is a separable (product) state. | i Proof. By proposition 0, ψ is separable (product) if and only if | i (N) = s(1) s(2) s(N), T ◦ ◦···◦ As shown in [46,47 ], ( N s(k), N s(k)) = ΠN (s(k),s(k)), (17) (cid:13)k=1 (cid:13)k=1 k=1 where (,) denotes the scaler product. This immediately gives, for qudits, d(d 1) (N) 2 = ( (N), (N)) = ΠN (s(k),s(k)) = Π s(k) 2 = ( − )N ||T || T T k=1 k|| || 2 Proposition 1 immediately gives Proposition 2 Let ψ be a N-qudit pure state. Then E ( ψ ) = 0 if and only if ψ | i T | i | i is a product state. Proposition 3 : Let ψ be a N-qudit pure state. Then (N) (d(d 1)/2)(N/2). | i ||T || ≥ − If ψ is not a product of N single qudit states (i.e. ψ is not N-separable) then it is | i | i N k separable k = 2,3, ,N 1. Viewing the N-qudit system as a system comprising − ··· − N k qudits, each with Hilbert space of of dimension d and k entangled qudits with the − Hilbert space of dimension dk, we can apply proposition 0 to this separable system of N k +1 parts in the state ψ . We get (N) = (s(1)) (s(2)) (s(N k)) (s(N k+1)) − | i Tψ ◦ ◦··· − ◦ − | i This implies, as in proposition 1, via Eq. (17) and Eq. (3) that d (d 1) d(d 1) d(d 1) (N) 2 = ΠN k+1 (s(i)) 2 = k k − ( − )N k > ( − )N (d = dk). (18) ||Tψ || i −1 || || 2 2 − 2 k | i − If k = N we attach an ancilla qudit in an arbitrary state φ and apply proposition 0 to | i N +1 qudit system in the state ψ φ where ψ is the N-qudit entangled state. This | i⊗| i | i result, combined with proposition 1, completes the proof. 8 Proposition 3 immediately gives Proposition 4 : E ( ψ ) 0. T | i ≥ We now prove that E ( ψ ) is nonincreasing under local operations and classical com- T | i munication. Any such local action can be decomposed into four basic kinds of operations [48] (i) appending an ancillary system not entangled with the state of original system, (ii) performing a local unitary transformation, (iii) performing measurements and (iv) throw- ing away, i.e. tracing out, part of the system. It is clear that appending ancilla cannot change (N) . We prove that E ( ψ ) does not increase under the remaining three local kT k T | i operations. Proposition 5 : Let U (i = 1,2, ,N) be a local unitary operator acting on the i ··· Hilbert space of ith qudit (i). H Let ρ = (⊗Ni=1Ui)ρ′(⊗Ni=1Ui†) (19) for density operators ρ and ρ acting on = N (i) and let (N) and (N) denote the ′ H ⊗i=1H T T ′ N partite correlation tensors for ρ and ρ respectively. Then, ′ (N) = (N) , so that E (ρ) = E (ρ) ′ ′ ||T || ||T || T T Proof. Let U denote a one qudit unitary operator, then, there exists an orthogonal matrix [O ] acting on Rd2 1 such that Uλ U = O λ αβ − α † β αβ β where [O ] is a real matrix satisfying OOT P= I = OTO. It is an element of the αβ rotation group O(d2 1). Now consider − t = Tr(ρλ λ λ ) ′i1i2···iN ′ i1 ⊗ i2 ⊗···⊗ iN = Tr ρ(⊗Ni=1Ui)λi1 ⊗λi2 ⊗···⊗λiN(⊗Ni=1Ui†) (cid:0) (cid:1) = Tr(ρU1λi1U1† ⊗U2λi2U2† ⊗···⊗UNλiNUN† ) (1) (2) (N) = Tr(ρλ λ λ )O O O α1 ⊗ α2 ⊗···⊗ αN i1α1 i2α2 ··· iNαN α1X···αN (1) (2) (N) = t O O O α1···αN i1α1 i2α2 ··· iNαN α1X···αN = ( (N) O(1) O(2) O(N)) T ×1 ×2 ···×N i1i2···iN where is the k-mode product of a tensor (N) R(d2 1) (d2 1) (d2 1) by the k − × − ×··· − × T ∈ orthogonal matrix O(k) R(d2 1) (d2 1) [46,47,49]. Therefore, − × − ∈ (N) = (N) O(1) O(2) O(N) ′ 1 2 N T T × × ···× 9 By proposition 3.12 in [46] we get (N) = (N) O(1) O(2) O(N) = (N) ′ 1 2 N ||T || ||T × × ···× || ||T || (cid:4) Proposition 6 : If a multipartite pure state ψ is subjected to a local measurement | i on the kth qudit giving outcomes i with probabilities p and leaving residual N-qudit k ik pure state φ then the expected entanglement p E ( φ ) of residual state is not | iki ik ik T | iki greater then E ( ψ ). P T | i p E ( φ ) E ( ψ ). (20) ik T | iki ≤ T | i Xik Proof. Local measurements can be expressed as the tensor product matrix D¯ = D¯(1) D¯(2) D¯(N) on theexpanded coherence vector [50]. The expanded coherence ⊗ ⊗···⊗ T vector is the extended correlation tensor (defined below) viewed as a vector in the T T real space of appropriate dimension. The extended correlation tensor is defined by the T equation d2 1 1 − ρ = λ λ λ (21) 2N Ti1i2···iN i1 ⊗ i2 ⊗···⊗ iN i1i2X···iN=0 where λ I,λ ,λ , ,λ are the i th local SU(d) generators acting on the ik ∈ { 1 2 ··· d2−1} k kth qudit (λ = I) and the real coefficients are the components of the ex- 0 Ti1i2···iN tended correlation tensor . Eq. (6) and Eq.(21) are equivalent with = 1 , 000 0 (1) T 1,2, M (N) T ··· TD¯i1(k00);···0k==si11,,2·,··, TNi1i2a·r··eiMd002···0 =d2Tim1{ia2·t··r·i·Mi·ce}s,.··W· aitnhdoTuit1i2l·o··siNing=gTei1nie2·r··aiNli,tyi,1,wi2e,·c·a·n,iaNssu6=m0e. the local measu·r·e·ments to b×e POVMs, in which case D¯(k) = diag(1,D(k)) and the (d2 1) (d2 1) matrix D(k) is contractive D(k)TD(k) I [50]. The local POVMs − × − ≤ acting on a N-qudit state ρ corresponds to the map ρ (ρ) given by 7−→ M (1) (2) (N) (1) (2) (N) (ρ) = L L L ρL † L † L † M i1 ⊗ i2 ⊗···⊗ iN i1 ⊗ i2 ⊗···⊗ iN i1Xi2···iN (k) (k) (k) where L are the linear, positive, trace preserving operators satisfying L †L = I ik ik ik ik and [L(k),L(k)†] = 0. The resulting correlation tensor of (ρ) can be wrPitten as ik ik M (N) = (N) D(1) D(2) D(N) ′ 1 2 N T T × × ···× where D(k) is (d2 1) (d2 1) matrix and D(k)TD(k) I. − × − ≤ Action of POVM on kth qudit corresponds to the map Mk(|ψihψ|) = ik MikρMi†k where Mik = I⊗···L(ikk)⊗···I , ik Li(kk)†L(ikk) = I and [L(ikk),Li(kk)†] = 0 withPthe resulting P 10

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