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"An BftrlMoUl Study in tb« Twehing of Solmtlflo Thinking in Biological Sdanoo at tho Oollogo Loral." John N. Mason of iImi far w Motion Ph. P* »-■ *■» 13. 190. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY IN THE TEACHING OF SCIENTIFIC THINKING IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL BY John Muroyn Mason * ♦ * * A DISSERTATION i Sutalttad to ths School of Graduate Studies of Miohigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Seienee in partial fulfillment of the requiraeentn for the degree of DOCTCB OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Education 1 9 5 1 AGKHOKLHXaOBITS The writer wishes to express his appreciation to Professor Tiotor H* Noll, chairman of his Guidance OenittM, for interest, adrloe, sad enooureg^ent in ths planning, execution, and oosiplstion of tha study* Ha also dasiras to axpraos his gratitude to Protaaaar Chastar A* Lawson, Haad of tha Da par ts^nt of Biologleal Soianea, for suggastlons with raspaot to tha laetura materials and for administrative support and aaalatanoa in various aspaots of tha study* Appraoiatlon is dua Dr* John Sotomid for valuable suggestions and oounaal In regard to tha statistical treatment of tha data* Tha writer is indebted to Mr* Robert S* Linton, Registrar, and his staff for their work in proriding tha registration details necessary for tha carrying through of tha study and to all Departments in tha Collage for their cooperation in the registration plana* Recognition is also due to the All College Research Ccsmiittee for financial aid without which tha study could not hare been o am pieted* To the young nan and woman who ware tha subjects in tha study, tha writer wishes to express his pleasure la haring been privileged to work with them and hi a appreciation for their full cooperation in the study* John Uunqm Mason candidate for tha dagraa of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Final examination: June 13, 1991, 10:00 A. M«, 202 Morrill Hail Dissertation: An Experimental Study in tha Teaching of Soiantifio Thinking in Biologioal Solanoa at tha Collage Laral Outline of Stndiaa: Major aubjaot: Educational Psychology and Tests and Measurement Biographical Itoas: i Born, July 24, 1908, Ash Oro ra, Missouri Undergraduate Studies: Drury Collage, Springfield, Missouri, 1926-30 Qraduate Studies: Unlrerslty of Missouri, Sauer sessions, 1934, *35, *37, and '38; 1942-46. Mlohlgan State College, 1946-51 Experience: Science instructor, Sulllran Public High School, Sulliran, Missouri, 1930-40 Superintendent, Rockwoods Reserratlon, Oleneoe, Missouri, 1940-41 Science instructor, Sulllran Public High School, Sulliran, Missouri, 1941-42 Science instructor, Uhlrerslty of Missouri Laboratory School, 1942-44 Instructor Clinical Pathology, Parasitology, and Medical Baoteriology, School of Medicine, Unlrerslty of Missouri, 1944-46 Instructor Biologioal Science, Michigan State College, 1946-48 Assistant Professor Biological Science, Michigan State College, 1948- Member of Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Delta Kappa, The National Association for Research in Science Teaching, American Association for the Adranoement of Science, American Association Unlrerslty Professors, Society of Signs XI (associate) tabu or commTs CHAPTER PAGE X. INTRODUCTION ..................................... 1 N««d for the study ............................... 17 Stitunt of the problem .... 19 Basle uinptlonf .......................... 19 Definition of t«rmi ........... 20 Limitations of tha study ....... 23 Organisation of tha thaala .......... 24 II. REVIEW OF LTORATURX ................................ 26 Review of the literature with respeot to the teras defined in Chapter I .... 26 Review of elanentary and secondary school studies •• 31 Review of studies at college and unlversltr levels • 92 III. DESCRIPTION Of THE COURSE IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE ...... 61 Organization of the course ......... 61 Course content ........... • ••• 63 Objectives for the course ........................ 96 Testing and final grade in the course ............ 70 IV. ORGANIZATIONAL FEATURES OF THE INVESTIGATION ........ 79 Design of the investigation •••••••• ••...••••• 79 Procedures used in keeping the organisational plan intact throughout the year .................. 03 Students in the study .................... 8® ▼ CHAPTER PAGS Snplti in tho atudy ........ 98 7. THK TEACHING MATERIALS AMD THE METHODS USED Of THE INVESTIGATION .................................... 95 LMturti dtalgud to toooh Mlantlflo thinking ... 96 Loeturos doalgnod to toooh only faotnal information • 15S Solontlflo thinking mothod aa Implanontod In looturo altoatlona •••••••.... 168 Doaerlptlro moth od aa Implamantod in looturo altoatlona .................................... 147 Laboratory matorlala and proeodoroo doolgnod to toaeh oelontlfio thinking ........ 151 Matorlala and proeoduroa uaod In tho laboratorloa taught by tho dosorlptlro mothod of Inatruotlon .. 155 71. SOURCES AND TREATMENT OF DATA ...................... 160 Toata uaod In tho study .......... 160 Samploa oomparod in thla atudy • •.................. 175 Statlatleal mothoda uaod In thla atudy ..... 179 711. STUDWT ACHIEVEMENT ON THE FACTUAL INFORMATION ...... IBS Roaulta at tho ond of tho fir at torn ......... IB® Roaulta at tho ond of tho aooond torn............... 198 Roaulta at tho ond of tho third toxm ••••••••••...... 197 Studont progroaa with roapoot to a knoalodgo of faotnal information .......... 197 Till. OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT AT THE END OF EACH TERM IN THE COURSE ........................................... 805 Tl CHAPTER PAOZ Btsults at tha and of tha first tan ............... £04 Rasults at tha and of tha saeond tan ............ £04 Rasults at tha and of tha third tan ....... ••••••• £09 IX. STUDENT ABILITY TO THINK SCIENTIFICALLY ............ £13 Rasults and intarpratations ...••••••.......... • ••• £15 X. STUDENT ACQUISITION OF SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES ......... ££4 What Do You Think? tast, Fom 1 - Rasults at tha and of tha first tan .......... ................ ££7 What Do You Think? tast, Fon 1 - Rasults at tha and of tha saoond tan .............................. • ££7 V/hat Do You Think? tast, Fon 1 - Rasults at tha and of tha third tan ............... ............. . ££9 What Do You Think? tast, Fon £ - Rasults ........... £3£ Gains in selantlflo attltudss as asasursd by tha What Do You Think? tast ..................... £33 Rasults - What Do You Think Relative to Osrtaln Baliafs and Situations PortaIn lug to Biologioal Soianea? tast ........................... 836 XX* SUMfcCARY AND CONCLUSIONS .............................. 848 Rasults • •••................................ 838 Conclusions ............................ 835 Educational implications ................. 857 Suggestions for further research .................. 859 LITERATURE CITED ............................................ 868 APPENDIX .................................................... 871 LIST OF TABUS TABIX FAGS I. Organization of tha Two Taaohlng Aaalgnaanta of Thla ^Experimental Study .... g£ II. Structural and Taaohlng Daalgn of tha Two Taaohlng Assignments of Thi« Experimental Studjr ........ 76 III. Tina So had ula and Instructional Plan far Taaohlng Aaalgnaont ”A", School Tear, 1949*00 ............... 79 IV. Tina So had ula and Instructional Plan for Teaching Aaalgnmaat "B", School Tear, 1949*00 80 V. Students Enrolled and Bald in tha Two Taaohlng As alga* mants Bach Tam In tha Coursa .... 86 VI. Student Attendance In tha Two Taaohlng Aaalgnaanta Bach Tam In tha Course ............................... 88 VII. Students as to Sax and Status in School that Rsawlned la tha Two Teaching Assignments Throughout tha School Tear ............................................. 91 VIII. Iflohlgan State Collage Teacher-Rating Scale •••••••.•• 106 IX. Taaohar Evaluation Sheet * Michigan State Collage .... 109 X. Testa Used in tha Study ............................ 1*1 XI. Correlations Bataaan Scores on tha American Council Psychological Examination and on tha Cooparatire Collage Biology Tast ........... 1** Till TABLE PASS XII* Itaai Plaoamant aa to Objaotlraa and Contant for tha Coaiprehanaira Examination in Biologioal Seianoa, Sparinc Tana, 1950 168 XIII* Correlations Batnaan Scoraa on tha American Council Psyohologioal Examination and on tha Shat Do Ton Think? Taat ..................................... 171 XIV* Maana on tha Cooparatira Collaga Biology Taat .... 184 A XV. RalatlT' Sffaotlranaaa of tha Two Dlffarant Mathoda of Taaohlng aa Infarrad from tha Analyaaa of Seoraa on tha Cooparatira Collaga Biology Tast at tha Kid of tha Flrat Tarn .................................. 106 XVI* Maana on tha Cooparatira Collaga Biology Taat at tha End of tha Flrat Tam and Adjuatad Maana if F naa Significant .............. 188 XVII. Ralatlra Sffaotlranaaa of tha Too Dlffarant Mathodao f Taaohlng aa Infarred from tha Analyaaa of Sooraa on tha Cooparatira CollagaB iology Taat at tha End of tha Sac ond Tam...••••••..... *......... 195 XVIII* Maana on tha Cooparatira Collaga Biology Taat at tha End of tha Sacond Tam and Adjuatad Maana if F naa Significant •••••......... *................... 195 XIX. Ralatlra Sffaotlranaaa of tha Too Dlffarant Mathoda of Taaohlng aa Infarrad from tha Analyaaa of Seoraa on tha Cooparatira Collaga Biology Taat at tha End of tha Third Tam .......... 198 ix TABLE PAGE XX. Itodlaai - Cooperative Coll*®* Biology T**t - Third Till ................................................ £00 XXI* Means on th* Departmental Tem-End Iran 1 nation* . £00 XXII. R*l*tiT* Eff*etlr*n*ss of th* Too Different M*thod* of Teaching ** Inf*rr*d from th* Analyses of Soor** on th* Departmental T*r*-End Examination Administered at th* Sad of th* Tlrst Term .................. £06 XXIII. Relative Eff*otlr*n*ss of th* Two Dlff*r*nt Mothod* of Teaching n* Inf*rr*d from th* Analyses of Soor** on th* Departmental Texw-End Examination Administered at th* Bnd of th* S*eond T*rm ........ ......... £06 XXIV. ll*an* on th* Comprehensive Examination In Biologioal Solano* ......................................... £10 XXV. Relative Eff*otIrenes* of th* Two Different Method* of Teaching a* Inferred from th* Analyse* of Soor** on th* Compr*h*nslr* Examination In Biologioal Soieno* £11 XXVI. Moans on th* Compr*h*nsir* Examination la Biologioal Soieno* - Seisntlflo Thinking Tost and Adjusted Means If F was Slgnlfleant ..... Bid XXVII. Relatir* Eff*otlr*n*s* of th* Two Different Method* of Taaohlng as Inferred from th* Analy*** of Soor** on th* Compr*h*nslr* Examination In Biologioal Solenoe- • Scientific Thinking T**t ...................... BIB XXVIII. Means on th* What Do You Think? T**t, Form 1 .... 8B8

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